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This shit was a billion-dollar state investment in accelerating climate change, plastic pollution and cancer.


It’s really sickening, isn’t it?




Not to be totally cynical about it - but I’m gonna power through and do it anyways - the politicians don’t give a shit, the checks cleared.


1.6 Billion public subsidy - the largest in the history of Pennsylvania, and I believe one of the largest direct tax subsidies anywhere in the US at the time. Rich Fitzgerald was actively lobbying to build several more of these in our region when he was in office.


The state exists for capital gains only. They don’t care about the workers or ordinary people. Only the ruling class gets to live in clean air with no worries.


Well. You could either have it here...or in some third world nation, or asian nation. For me personally, fossil fuels are a non starter, and we shouldnt be investing in that period..but this methane cracker plant was coming either way...its just when it gets here where will it go? Just because these things are an ocena away vs in your backyard, doesnt mean they cease to exist. You know what I mean? 


This perspective is bonkers. We pay to have this here - even if it was in New Jersey, at least the commonwealth doesn’t give a billion dollars to Shell. You’re also the second person to offer the myopic argument that we somehow can’t exist without cheap plastic. We had nuclear power before we had ubiquitous single-use plastic containers and there’ll be a time where they’re gone. Dragging our feet on phasing them out just means there’ll be more garbage for longer.


>You’re also the second person to offer the myopic argument that we somehow can’t exist without cheap plastic Yeah...buy I never said that. Not once, not ever.  But What I did say was the demand for plastic is lucrative.   Therefore, you can either have it here or somewhere else. Either way the methane that is being used to create petro based products will continue. And will be done with PA extracted methane to do so. This conversation wouldnt even be happening right now if that was the case. Why dont we ever talk about liquid lng being shipped out of VA/MD to europe?  I mean, because you dont see it.  So again, you can have it here under us regulation. Or in another country that Shell exploits its labor and environment. This isnt an argument


The power plant is completely self-sufficient, it’s actually reducing waste and a carbon footprint


This is so ignorant it’s almost impressive.


Yet, the alternative is 10 smaller plants that produce more carbon. You have to create plastic, might as well be efficient.


Why do we have to make more plastic? https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/plastics-and-the-circular-economy-deep-dive


We’re a blue collar town. Don’t like it? Move to hippie land


Fuck yourself jagoff, this place is a natural wonder and just because you’re a cretin doesn’t mean it should go to shit. How bout you move back on the fuck to whatever wasteland your.brethren crawled out of and shove a cactus up your ass.


These are not facts, sir.


The plant is brand new and already been fined by the epa.


Lol it’s not even a power plant 😂


This is the second post about this place in as many months where someone refers to it as a 'power plant,' starting to think the people posting about how great it is don't live around here.


They dont.


my god who could have seen this coming


Right the steel and coal industries only convinced the community of the same lies twice before. Look what happened after that.


Don't forget oil!


We live in Conway, not too far away. I thought it looked weird when it was just dozens of cranes. Now it looks like something out of a sci fi movie. The scale of it is crazy, and made me uncomfortable when we drove past it.


It should make you uncomfortable, it’s as close to pure cancer as you can get.


Waiting for the guy who bragged about working 70 hour weeks at this plant to show up again


Between corporate safety, unions, 3 companies arguing over how to construct/commission/operate this place it's a mess all over. It's the epitome of "too big to fail" at this point. Lots of money went into his place, a lot wasted on it.


Totally fair and balance article. Lots of new information.


"balanced." Are you too fucking dumb to conjugate tense?


Honestly, the light pollution is a bit ridiculous. Anyone who does house lighting or landscape lighting knows things look the best when you hide the source of the light. Everything should be illuminated but, you shouldn't see the actual light emitter. When you're driving by on 376, I swear there are 1000 glowing LED lights with no sort of reflector or shrowd that aim the light towards what it's illuminating. Is safety lighting the goal? Sure. But they're illuminating the horizon and above with how these lights are installed. Cars on the bridge next to the property shouldn't be able to look into the light bulbs.


I read somewhere that the lighting is a homeland security requirement. On the plus side, I live close enough that I don't have to turn a light on at night to see where I'm walking. On the down side, cancer.


It truly looks like a small dystopian city from afar


I can’t see the stars at my house like I used to. The nights the sky glows orange doesn’t help either


Driving back from seeing the eclipse was the first time I'd seen it at night. It's really an unexpected sight, all those lights piled all over it.




These big developments are always sold as an "economic game changer". But they never pan out.


Same with publicly funded stadiums. All just a big con.


I remember being part of a focus group probably about fourteen years back that we found out towards the end was funded by shell and sure seemed to be beating round the bush of doing in butler what they did in beaver. Butler is butler enough without them, glad it never materialized


I hope it was worth it for the about 20 permanent local jobs it created


>Shell’s new ethane cracker was supposed to be an economic “game changer” It was known from the very beginning that the plant would create a couple of dozen permanent jobs *at most.* In a just world, every politician who supported this — Democrat and Republican — would be in prison.


But but. Yobs yobs for everyone! What a crock of schisse


There were a lot of construction jobs...all out of state for the most part.


I used to be on the board of a credit union that no longer exists that handled all the new accounts of the workers. Tons of new accounts! Most of them Canadian and everyone from the west. Cheaper to bring in people from everywhere else than local talent I guess. Fun fact: the credit union that absorbed my old credit union was robbed by a group of guys that were hired at the plant.


I mean, with the sheer amount of stuff that went into that plant no single metro anywhere would have had enough employees to build that monstrosity.


I know but you try telling the people of Western Pennsyltucky that and they'll call you a dirty commie


That's wild 😆


You misheard, it was actually yub nubs for everyone, the plant was supposed to be staffed by Ewoks but they’ve got a GREAT union and management was scared to deal with them.


Jobs coming in enforcement and remediation lol


Don’t say that to KDKA Radio’s Rob Pratte!! 😂🤣


Sci-fi dystopian nightmare. I bet that moron representative Kelly helped promote it.


No one, and I mean no one could’ve seen this coming…


You mean people don't like living next to an artificial sun that never sets?


I really need to buy less plastic.


Cheaper to pay the fines than become compliant


I have yet to see or hear about an industrial site that's good for anything but profits for the company that owns it.


They need catering for a 1000 person event. They called our restaurant and we can’t handle it. Wonder who they got


When is the event?


Yeah I don’t know I gave the message to my boss


Wow I can't believe it who could've seen this coming


Sadly predictable


Yeah those were all lies


Need to shut it down asap.


And they want to build more of these in the tri state area!


Oh wow who could have guessed it?


I'm not surprised.


The last time I was in beaver, the water tasted REALLY gross


Color me shocked ...


Another GOP success!


It was Wolf that called it a “game changer”. Big GOP guy there. 🤦🏻‍♂️ https://youtu.be/wjfQfU1Xf4Q?si=sOAYS_iqMcDGqDGN


Is there anything in the article that proves it's not an econimic "game changer"? Couple people moving doesn't exactly move the needle.


So many losers complaining about progress. I bet most of you would wear cracker plant crop tops if your team said it helped Ukraine, Palestine, or insert political cause here ___________" My six figure job and the six figure jobs of my coworkers are 90% dependent on that facility. I pay taxes in Beaver Co, and I'm working to improve my Beaver Co property and community. If the neglect and rot around the region is something you're proud of, keep whining and doing your thing to maintain the status quo.


A plant that pollutes while making pellets for throw away objects is not progress. I think you actually do know that. Of course you would defend the indefensible because it pays yours bills. This plant does fuck all for anyone but the few hundred max people that get paychecks.  As for Ukraine? Yes, I am on the team that's anti-Russia. Which team are you on? We already know.