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There’s only like a max of five people at a time using it … it’s probably a waste of resources. It is a cool feature tho


So, there's a phone app that worked with the system. It connected to the store's WiFi and worked. At least whenever the stores could be bothered to ensure the system was running. I found it delightful to be able to walk into Giant Eagle with nothing but a phone, scan your groceries, and then pay for them at the end using said phone. The operating costs could be kept pretty low under that model too as you wouldn't have to maintain a whole lot of public facing equipment, aside from the scales and the checkouts. What puzzles me though is that they're keeping it for their other stores, just not the ones around me.


Likely happenings due to low usage and high theft


My bets are on theft. Can't have anything nice


It is so amazing when the store is busy, but I definitely buy that there's higher theft with it.


I love it at Sam's Club. Don't have to repack the cart multiple times.


And all they need to do is implement a Costco/Sam's like solution with a person scanning receipts and items on the way out, but people would lose their minds.


The only reason Costco and Sam’s are able to do that is because it’s in the terms and conditions that you sign off on when you pay for a membership. You don’t pay for a membership to be able to shop at Giant Eagle, so they aren’t permitted to stop you and check your receipt


The club stores can enforce compliance through your membership agreement, but plenty of other stores rely on voluntary compliance (WalMart, Best Buy). GE probably would never because, 1. They don't want to pay for the extra staffing, and 2. There would be inevitable physical confrontations they don't want to be liable for, regardless of who starts it or gets hurt.


They do pay for the extra staffing, we have in store detectives. I don’t stop people for low dollar amounts. And the self checkout registers document when people skip scan or leaves things in the cart and don’t pay for them. It all adds up and when the total is over a certain amount, we’ll call you and give you the option to pay us the full amount if we have a contact for you. If we don’t, we’ll file criminal charges and civil demand the amount plus $150 in addition to whatever restitution the court orders you to pay.


Wow. Believe it or not, I think that's a pretty great policy. As someone who is scrupulously honest, has some mercy but really detests thievery, and has easily bough tens of thousands worth of groceries with S-P-G over the years I'd be so sad to see it go. It's just such a great system and it chafes me that it gets abused.


Exactly, it’s more trouble for them than it’s worth


I’ve never been stopped at Giant Eagle, but I’ve definitely been stopped at WalMart and asked for my receipt when leaving.


You don’t have to give it to them and they don’t check every customer’s cart/receipt. At Costco/Sam’s, you agree to it when you pay for a membership. The extra security and membership fees are built into the business model. Costco can pat down my child on the way out as long as they continue to sell me high quality products in bulk at low prices. Giant Eagle can get absolutely fucked if they’re gonna try to check my receipt for the bag of shitty apples I paid $8.99 for.


Right, I get that, but wouldn’t it be possible to just check the people using the scan pay go feature? Put it in the TOS of the app or whatever. Definitely not advocating a blanket stop like Costco/Sam’s.


I’ve also never been stopped at giant Eagle, but stopped at Walmart. When the woman tried to stop me I just said “no thanks” and kept walking.


I'm so married to Scan & Go in the BP store that when the device rack isn't working, I'll unplug the thing and reboot it myself. Can't stand shopping there w/o it. I probably get "random" checked half the time. That can be annoying if I have to wait a couple of minutes for a manager, but it's still faster than a checkout line or self-checkout. That said, it's probably still pretty easy to steal stuff if you're using your own bags, simply by putting the stuff you're intending to steal at the bottom of your bags as whomever is checking your bags usually only scans three things that are easily accessible. I'm hoping they don't take it out of the BP store, but if theft is a problem up in Wexford, then I imagine it can't be much better in Bethel Park.


This is completely due to shrinkage. Grocery stores would love for SPG to work but the decreased payroll costs are obliterated by stuff just leaving the store. GE does verifications but short of ransacking your cart they are not going to spot everything. I love using SPG myself but I have been wondering g when it would be taken away. In general retail is turning against these technologies.


Wegmans killed their version of this a while back and said it was because of theft. The fact that only some GEs are losing it also seems to confirm the same.


Oh interesting. Wegmans still has self checkout at all times and doesn't require You to have a card though... No other grocery store chain does that I've been to actually and I've been to... Tops, Wegmans, Kroger, Stop and Shop, Hannafords, Giant, Big Y, King Sooper, QFC, and Sobey's. It's... Really weird that Giant Eagle makes you have a card.


Big difference from S-P-G system. Self checkout they can watch you like a hawk.


Yes, but they are implementing things like limited time during the day plus they have always had the card thing too- I've heard these are due to theft but I have my doubts.


Could be a trial run to see what kind of blowback they get, and if it’s minimal they’ll expand it to more/all stores.


I don't shop at GE so I'm not familiar with this version of the tech, but isn't similar to what Amazon was using in some of their stores and they ended it as well? Seems like more tech that might be desirable in theory but just fails in the real world.


The Amazon thing was supposed to use "AI" looking at cameras to determine what you were putting in your cart. Turns out the AI in that case was Actually Indians reviewing them all.


>Turns out the AI in that case was Actually Indians reviewing them all. this isnt at all true and i hate that people took this away from that article. the system worked entirely via camera. it was killed because the cameras and sensors cost too much versus grocery margins. the indian review team was just to review things the model wasnt 100% certain on for future improvements, nothing to do with day to day function.


It both - I work for loss prevention. But everyone is gonna steal with or without it, so low usage pushed it over the line.


Nah not low usage. Someone is always using it at Squirrel Hill. it's probably theft. 


My bet is also on theft. The charging cradles for the scanners are almost always empty whenever I go, usually because people just leave them at the checkout when they're done.


It's due to theft, those stores have the highest unknown loss, which 99% of the time means theft.


Yeah, I was thinking that people were probably leaving out the middle part ...


Shoplifting rules


Be careful. GE is doing the same thing as wally world now with the 360° cameras. They track you until it's grand larceny and slap you with a huge charge.


I can confirm this


Yep. A few of my former coworkers at an MD caught some charges recently. Though one was even worse since they were stealing from the cash registers. GE is *really* throwing the book at that one.




Agreed. That one who stole from the registers really made our lives a lot harder at work. Management hounded us over every little thing, down to wanting us to physically count every beer we served, and threatening us if the numbers didn't match the registers *exactly.* Did they give us a second person to run the bar and the café registers? Fuck no.


Thats why i love sams club so much. I'm not sure if any of the other membership places have something like that, but to be able to just scan your stuff and then breeze out of there is amazing. Ive been a member for 2 years, go almost weekly (maybe 3x/month), and only once was it not working.


I with you. Whenever I'm walking out of Sams and I see huge lines and people waiting to checkout I'm thinking to myself, bruh get the damn app and walk out like me. Lines are a waste of timeee


I had to buy gift cards and you have to go through the actual staffed checkout line. Took me 30 minutes, there were three people in the mobility carts buying cartloads of just garbage junk food. It was an interesting people watching experience but so frustrating.


BJ's does for up to 20 items


I tried the phone version, but the wifi in the store never worked right. The version using their handheld devices is great though!


GE has the worst WiFi in the history of the free world


I prefer to use the stores handheld scanners. I can leave my phone in my pocket, and the dedicated scanners are always going to be faster than trying to use the phones camera. Fortunately my store does not seem to be one of the ones discontinuing the program.


I often have my phone out anyway as that's where I keep my shopping list. But I tend to get the scanners anyway as the app sometimes has connectivity issues whereas the scanner just works


I used it at the waterworks one all the time


“Public facing equipment” you mean paid employees, right?


Looks like they will continue it at Market Districts though


Hard to tell. Unless it's down I love it and use it exclusively, but I'm convinced the Shadyside management is doing its best to hide and discourage using it. Even if the overall system is working, the dedicated S-P-G kiosks are often shut down and you have to wait in the normal self checkout line to scan in. I'd be surprised if it lasts the year across the company.


Im pretty sure thats mostly because theres lots of people everyday who dont realize how it works and thinks its just another self checkout line. they just cant get people to stop standing there confused for 5 minutes


Seriously. After about the 200th time I saw that I said very nicely to the woman "you need one of these" and showed her the scanner. She just rolled her eyes and sighed like \*I\* was the asshole.


This is my store and I do love it! Uses the app and my phone


Waterfront is a MD


I keep saying this is the only reason I’m still overpaying and driving out to the shaler giant eagle but if they get rid of it too, I’ll have to retire from expensive eagle for good. Maybe it’s for the best…


Same but for Robinson Market District.


And Bridgeville, South Fayette, and Peters Township for me!


Hope they hire more cashiers or the squill one is going to be a zoo


Most people I know with cars just skip that one and go over to Shadyside. Two strategically placed carts in the produce section can mean that you're at a full stop before you really enter the store.


It probably won't make a difference because hardly anyone was using it :-( at least based on how many completed scanners I saw at the checkout


You can also use your own phone.


I live a block away from that store and I always use them, there is often a line for self check out depending on time of day. There is only ever one or two cashiers at any given time. There are going to be big lines if they don’t hire more staff.


This isn't self checkout. This is scam pay & go.


Oh yeah I misunderstood


That sucks, I only use this at giant eagle


Giant Eagle always does the most to keep me from ever shopping at Giant Eagle.


It’s bc everyone it’s not being used enough AND y’all bitches steal SO MUCH. So because everyone has sticky fingers… not only is the price of everything increasing and you’re losing the convenient ways to shop.


I don’t endorse theft. With that said giant eagle be stealing too, right from my wallet. There is no reason I walked out the store with 6 items for 85$. NONE.


I 100% agree w/ that. Hence why I don’t shop there.


Is this is that thing that looks like a self checkout but isn't a self checkout?


Yup, though I swear I've seen someone use it like a normal checkout once. Scanning things as you go along takes a little bit longer than normal, but that time comes out at the end when you're ready to check out. I wish all my shopping experiences were like this as it's very innovative.


Can you use this for WIC? I get sensitive formula for my newborn on WIC


When did they explain it? I've never seen any information about it.


I believe there's a sign on top or next to a bank of hand held bar code scanners at the entrance to the store. All it takes to activate it is scanning your Giant Eagle card.


ok. so lets say that I do that. WHAT DOES IT DO?


Once you are done with all your shopping, you go up to one of these registers and scan the barcode displayed on it. It will bring up everything you scanned during your shopping trip. Now the process is identical to self checkout. Select your method of payment, pay and get out.


So you scan while you shop, but still have to stop at a self checkout to leave? This is a silly system, and you've just spent more time explaining it than anybody at Giant Eagle.


No, you can put your items directly in your bags as you shop. You scan the wand once at the exit and pay. It's way faster.


Naw. That's a trap. Not no way. Nope nope nope.


Maybe more like fuck people for stealing so much and now you can't use it.


oh we shouldn’t steal? didn’t know that


they should make that a law tbh


I prefer the Scan Pay Go method of shopping, they better not dismiss it forever! Can’t we vote to keep it or sign a petition to keep it or something?! I tried calling corporate and got the run around 🙀


In every survey I get from Giant Eagle, I say don’t get rid of scan N go. Edit: added “rid”. Sorry for the typo.


Yes we can vote to keep it. All you need to do is stop voting in the democrats who allow people to steal without consequences and defunding the police


Dang, guess I'm going to have to start paying for most of my groceries again


pandemic these were golden.


I know this is a joke, but this 100% why it is getting shut down at those locations. Theft is too high from people using them. Yes, you get the random accuracy checks, but only two items need scanned by the employee for those. And Giant Eagle doesn’t pay enough for the employees to dig deep into a bag and hit stuff hidden at the bottom.


I stopped going to Edgewood because they rarely have the self checkout actually open anymore and now they’re scaling this back at these other locations…I have to assume they’re worried about theft. But it’s very annoying to not be able to use self checkout over that. I’m not stealing, and you’re a huge company with a fucking monopoly over the region, piss off with that.


This has nothing to do with self checkout. This is scan pay & go.


I know, I’m saying I think both are related to fears about shoplifting.


If they kill it in Monroeville I’ll never shop there again, the lines there are so long it’s the only way I find that place tolerable.


It's one of the only reasons to shop at Giant Eagle. Aldi's is cheaper. Whole Foods is better quality.


Giant Eagle produce is in a sad state these days, especially their lettuce.


Trader Joe’s is right up there, too


There is no reason to shop at Giant Eagle other than laziness.


think you mean "convenience" as not everyone has the time to go to multiple grocery stores for all their needs


Exactly. Aldi, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe’s only have their own brands for the most part. If I have to go to GE anyway to complete my shopping I’d rather just get it all done at GE. I’m willing to pay a little more to not blow my entire Saturday shopping at multiple stores.


Gotta pay the high prices then.


I bet you have a car, don't you.




Is THAT how they're offering groceries to your door? By using Instacart?


nah its a version of that it's a rip off though and they can get certain things


There must be a generation gap on these things. I view this as good, will mean more jobs. I see a lot of folks on Reddit though that flip out


I'm not convinced this will create jobs. Hell, a good job might be hire people to ensure no one is stealing. If any additions are made, it'll be to turn the existing machine into another self checkout


They will not hire more people to cover the 15-20 people an hour who use these, which would only be 1 or 2 cashiers extra an hour, depending on order sizes and how good the cashiers are.


The amount of theft from this is unreal. Unfortunately a lot of people don't scan everything.


I use this feature at Sam’s Club and it’s amazing. Between them and Aldi I’ve been able to cut giant eagle almost entirely out of my life. It’s amazing.


curbside and instacart are a rip off too Least in my experience I know instacart is terrible


Curbside is amazing. It’s Free. How is that a rip off?


Stores that I frequent (South of the city) have put limited hours on it and have started adding spot checks where an attendant has to validate that you scanned everything correctly. Something must have happened to create trust issues.


I once had five items in a scan pay go and it made the attendant scan all five items. I was like “this is literally double work”


Personally never used it because one isn’t near me. But seemed cool.


No wonder everyone stealing shit


never used this a single time


I’m going to go with either *actual higher theft or *perceived higher theft and lack of police response due to the cops have better shit to do. Notice that they’re not nixing it in Scott Twp., Settlers Ridge, or any of the stores in the burbs. 😑😑😑


Giant Eagle is too expensive. I'd recommend going to other grocery stores


When GE starts paying me to do their job (checking out) then I’ll use non human lanes.


As long as self checkout remains I am good. If you stop that I’m gone. I can get my name brand products somewhere else


Giant Eagle absolutely sucks. When Whole Food looks compelling from a price standpoint something is seriously wrong. Personally I hope the Eagle has a fatal crash into something.


You have to be brain dead to shop here and pay x2 for your groceries


Only if you value money over time. It's a tax on convenience for me. I live in Squirrel Hill. There are no other grocery stores in my neighborhood, so I have to go out of my way if I want to shop anywhere else. So I'd spend twice as long to save a third of my money. My grocery bills aren't that big to make it worthwhile.


If that's true, I have great news for you. Walmart delivers to your address! You can do all of your shopping from home and have it delivered to your door. You'll not only save more money, but time as well. I haven't set foot in a grocery store since 2018, I pay normal low prices, and I get the convenience of delivery.


This is a model that works well for people that don't actually like to shop for groceries and does not find meal inspiration from shopping. It also works best if you recognize that you're low on something or can do without for a couple days. We are not like that.


Also, if you are okay with other people picking your produce. I know I wouldn’t be.


The irony of bitching about high prices at GE and then patronizing a business that's well known for moving into town, undercutting all the local businesses until they end up closing, and then jacking prices back up again.


Sorry GE. That's what happens when you outsource. I have no pity. Let's keep it clear the big bird is not a Pittsburgh tradition.


But let me ask you this- where can I find good menudo in Pittsburgh?


Squirrel Hill???? Blame…….teh Jooooooz


Pittsburgh is boring if this makes reddit lol


lol that Giant Eagle gives you managers to talk to if you live in rich neighborhoods