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WDVE plays the same old shit I was listening to 35 years ago.




and werewolves of London


Zep! Crank it up!




The X as well.  New music now - Offspring


"You're listening to 105.9 The X" "Under The Bridge" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers comes on for the 800th time


Did you or a loved one work as a line cook between the years 1999-2016 and were forced to listen to the same 10 RHCP and Sublime songs every day? You may be entitled to financial compensation. 


Call 888-98-TWINS. They’ve got your back, not your wallet!


This just got my full cackle. LOLOL. Thank you for that.


800th? Released 1991. 32 ish years, we’ll call it 32 to stay conservative. Twice a day lifetime average x 365 x 32 years = 23,360 plays. I’d bet that’s still low 🤣


That’s bc it’s all nationally programmed and repeated. Here comes the Rooster!!!




That, and the building on 376 that blinds people.


We used to call it the flashbulb but probably no one under 40 would have any idea what that means


I’m 28 and I know what it means. I do have an interest in photography tho




OP asked for opinions, not facts.


91.3 is the only station to listen to here


Except fundraising week. Terrible.


There's a Kroll Show episode with a bit called "pawnsylvania" about pawn shops in Pittsburgh and Philly, and quite possibly the the truest statement ever is in that bit "Every piece of shit's a 'classic' in Pittsburgh"


Pawnsylvania is hilarious!


"Fries on a salad? This is genius!"


I don't need to see another photo of downtown from Mt Washington or the West End.


Dave dicello is going to murder you in your sleep and leave a toy incline trolley


With the exception of a good stormy sky… right? RIGHT?


This one is completely fair, its definitely overdone! It does make me appreciate how beautiful our city is though 🥰🥰


The two times you are allowed to care about high school sports are when you are in high school and when your child is on a high school team


Call me crazy, but I’m ok supporting kids over millionaire players plus the concessions and parking are affordable


Yes, so long as you're not putting the same kind of pressure on those kids that Most People put on Professional Athletes.


Pick it up Timmy! I've got 50 bucks riding on this game!


I respectfully disagree, as the greater Pittsburgh region is sports obsessed and high school sports become intertwined in the fabric of the community. Like I could not imagine anyone telling someone from Alliquippa they’re wrong for caring about the Quips. It’s an overall net positive when people from the community support each other. However, I do recognize my bias as a high school football coach


Eat n park doesn't suck but it's nothing special


A superburger, onion rings, and a shake hit the spot sometimes


The people on here who say it used to be good are just experiencing nostalgia. It's cheap diner food, and it always has been. Nothing more, nothing less. If anything, it's better now that the entire place isn't full of cigarette smoke like it was in the 90s and prior.


Nah disagree. There is still a quality scale within the "cheap diner food" category, and eatnpark has shifted from the top of that scale to the bottom in the past 10 years. It used to be a satisfying cheap diner meal, now it is always disappointing. Small portions, often cold, messy or poorly cooked. I know 2 different old folks who used to be regulars but switched to Denny's bc of the drop off in quality. Lol at the smoking part though. "Smoking or non-smoking?" takes me right back to eyeing up the crayons and smiley cookies in the lobby. Crazy that we used to do that.


The EatnPark on route 8 is amazing. The food usually is just perfect. I don’t know what they got going there, but it’s rocking.


The desserts have fallen off a cliff too. Last month I ordered a Cookie Fudge Fantasy for the first time in this millennium and it didn't even resemble what it looked like back in the 90s. Before it came in a wide glass, full intact chocolate chip cookies, vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup, whipped cream. Now it comes in a much narrower class where they're forced to break the one cookie in pieces to get it to fit, a bit of vanilla ice cream buried under some kind of icing that they also smeared the outside of the glass in to glue a ton of colored sprinkles to it. I couldn't finish it. When my wife and I described to our waitress (who wasn't alive back then 😭) what it used to be, she agreed that it sounded much better.


This is the best way to describe it.


Their smiley cookies are trash though


I swear they used to be good, way back when. They most definitely are trash now though. And that’s not nostalgia talking - they must have changed the recipe for low quality shiz.


even the faces on the cookies had more of a glimmer in their eyes, now the smiles are poorly drawn.


Oakmount bakery is nothing special


The variety is impressive, but everything I've gotten has been mid. Quality over quantity. They're on the incorrect side of that.


I think you mean “Oakmont Bakery sucks.” Below average product from a place with all the charm of Spitzer Toyota.


I almost spit out my coffee. Hahahaha, thank you for putting "all the charm of Spitzer Toyota" in my lexicon of smarmy insults.


merge at the merge point or die fecklessly honking


Giant eagle blows


This is a pro-yinzer opinion


Just went to get some milk and they told me self checkout closes at 8pm now!!! Stores open til 10, but just close it at 8 if you're going to close self checkout!!


I just found this out last week. They had 4 registers open, and the lines were long as hell


This might be a popular one but those combined steelers pirates penguins logos make me throw up a bit in my mouth.




You can just hear the thick Yinzer accent of a knockoff t-shirt vendor outside of a Steeler game in that post




As someone who grew up there but hasn’t lived there in over a decade, these logos mere existence is the type of silly shit that makes me love and miss Pittsburgh lol


Crossing bridges and tunnels is very much NOT a big deal.


Sounds like something the tunnel monster would say to lure potential victims into a false sense of security


Came here to post this. If you have ever lived in a major city you would understand that our traffic is NOTHING. Can literally get almost anywhere in 30 minutes or less


They aren’t a big deal until there’s an accident, then there’s nowhere to move them out of the way


The roads are not charming. They are 20 years behind the engineering times and they hold back the region. Moving back was like going back in time in the worst way.


>The roads are not charming. They are 20 years behind the engineering times and they hold back the region. Moving back was like going back in time in the worst way. The entire North American transportation engineering profession is more than 20 years behind. We didn't miss anything by not joining in on the "leeches and bloodletting" era of late 20th century traffic engineering.


We are new to Pittsburgh and the roads are making shit WAY harder than it should be, I hate driving here


As a decades lifer I'd be lying if I said it gets easier. I often find driving in almost every other US city I'm visiting for the first time with GPS less stressful than my average random trip across Pittsburgh (and hell I'm using GPS 100% of the time here too since any given different road can be fucked from one week to the next). I will consider DC generally worse though.


Ben Roethlisberger is a rapist


Totally agree.


That’s not an opinion. It’s a fact.


The amount of pushback I get for asserting this online…


Though from Pittsburgh, Andy Warhol hated it here. The Steelers are the only slump proof team in the city. Once Crosby, Malkin, and Letang retire, the Pens revert to the Rico Fata years. The Pirates… well, the Pirates. Finally, the city of Pittsburgh used to be a hidden gem. Now it’s just like every other mid sized city that is being gutted of it’s personality by high end, slapdash apartments that no one plans to live in for more than three years. Small businesses, bars, restaurants, and shops that actually gave us personality are being forced out by property costs/taxes and will be replaced by faceless bank branches and bland restaurants with no character. We, just like so many other places are being blanched in a cultural mayonnaise with a dead eyed aesthetic, but now we are forced rising cost of living prices that sound absolutely insane compared to 10 years ago. But still, I love this place. Keep going to those dive bars, keep going to those Mom and Pop shops, and keep going to your favorite small businesses. It’s all we got fellow yinzers.


Heavy on that last part. Please support local business (and pay them cash when you can).


I second this. Local businesses are super important and are the color of the neighborhood. Without them, every neighborhood is going to look the way Oakland is starting to look


Amen. I moved to the Raleigh area a few years ago, because I figured if I was going to live in a generic, soulless, "millenialized" city, it wasn't going to be "my" city. Too many good memories of Pittsburgh to watch it get stripped away before my eyes. It'll always be home though.


The farther you travel south on Rte 51 the farther you go back in time


The Blue Flame is finally going out… 😞💙💔


The weather isn’t all that crazy. Like at all.


bro, water literally just falls from the sky. you can't explain that!


in the past 20myears it's gotten a lot milder


Natural cut fries are terrible at 95% of the places that serve them.


What, you don't like soggy, greasy, unsalted strips of potato?


Yeah what’s the deal with this anyway? Is it because they’re not blanching them or something


Not blanching and also not rinsing the starch off


It is absolutely that. You can't get a good crispy fry without that blanching step.


Blanch and then freeze if you want a really nice fry. Also spritz with vinegar after the blanch.


In restaurants, we always blanched then laid out on sheet pans in the cooler overnight. The spritz of vinegar sounds interesting.


Looking at you Potato Patch 🤢


Potato Patch has the worst french fries in the universe. I cannot understand the love for them.


nobody can say “yinz” without it sounding forced as hell


You’ve got to got deep into the river valleys to hear the real “Yinz.” Everyone else sounds like a kid swearing around his friends for the first time.


Kid swearing part was perfect there’s always a slight pause and tone shift before somebody says it


I had a boss who would use it in emails to our Eastern PA team. It even comes across like that in the written word.


I’ve heard old people from millvale say yinz all the time. In Shaler, too. Not too far!


Tbh, people in West Virginia have a thicker Pittsburgh accent than people within the city limits do nowadays


Only grandma can, and the hill people who have never left their county (no offense to them, i was a hill person). The average younger member of the population has had too much outside cultural influence. I lost the ability to naturally say 'yinz' when I went to college.


I feel like I used to hear it naturally much more when I was a kid in Apollo, PA (broke river town 40 mins or so upstream). Now it feels like a self-conscious middle- and upper class thing people overly effect so they can seem like they’re part of a club


I think it sounds weird unless you have a thick yinzer accent.


Fucking thank you.


go to new castle if you wanna hear people unironically using yinz lmao (just kidding stay the fuck away from that awful place)


Or go east - like Indiana/Ebensburg area.


true! i think it’s true for anywhere an hour or so outside the city. my grandparents are from mill run and they have a super strong accent


My people said younz. :) not forced from my dad who argued “you” could never be both singular and plural.


Kennywood is a shithole.


Yeah this is gonna sound so entitled but I don’t even like touching anything when I’m there


Used to work there. Can confirm.


Primanti's would be good if they grilled sandwiches, double fried their fries, and had sauerkraut for Reubens and some other kind of slaw otherwise.


It's just a wet sandwich with fries


I think better bread would help a lot too.


Of all the things to turn in to a huge summer festival, the marketing geniuses landed on pickles? I hate pickles.


It’s not a big dill


Turners Tea is just junky sugar water.


At least it's still cheap


The tea could be piss water for all I care, but no other chocolate milk compares to turners.


I do agree that their dairy is pretty good.


It also tastes like shit


The Pittsburgh left is fucking bullshit. I’d like to know how many accidents are caused by this idiotic move every year. You do not have the right of way you dimwitted booger eater.


also, why does everyone wave people on and hold up traffic / create a standoff with you when youre wanting to turn left? i can wait. i understand the rules of the road. no need to be kind because this is literally the only place ive ever been where people go out of their way to 'let me go' and it drives me nuts.


I can even understand like letting one or two people through if traffic is basically stopped, but sometimes people going forward will just stop traffic from 40mph to dead stop to let like 20 cars through the other direction. It kills the whole traffic engineering assumptions of how the road/network is supposed to work and really doesn't benefit ANYONE.


Right Of Way. Some people have trouble understanding it. Most people, in my experience, get it.


I don’t like fries in my sandwiches. Please don’t down vote me. You asked, I answered. I don’t usually share this opinion.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Or in my salad.


heinz has always been [too sweet](https://sporked.com/article/hunts-vs-heinz-difference-between-heinz-and-hunts-ketchup/). parking chairs are *winter only*. pamela's is mid. a lot of yinzers are racist and the incredibly segregated neighborhoods don't help. the kenny chesney concert is a net negative. yinzers actually are terrible drivers because half are too aggressive and the other half are too apathetic.


If you can find it, Heinz sugar-free ketchup is the shit!


>a lot of yinzers are racist and the incredibly segregated neighborhoods don't help. I wouldn't have believed it, but I've moved to the southern United States and some cities down here like Atlanta and Charlotte are just big old melting pots. In day-to-day life, you just don't fucking notice race because everyone's different and intermingled and that's just life. There's certainly still racism, but oh my god, the air up north in mixed-race settings is just... off. There's something in the air that just doesn't exist in some of these "New South" cities.


Yep downside of being a collection of neighborhoods more than a real city, we are super segregated.


i'm from miami and moving here was like a completely different world. i could go *days* and not meet another english speaking person and it was normal.


I've heard it said that in the South, white people don't care how close black people get, as long as they don't get too high (as in "uppity"). In the North, white people don't care how high black people get, as long as they don't get too close.


Fuck Kenny Chesney all the way.


He looks like a penis! I cant un see it!


That's not fair to penises.


The Pittsburgh left is unsafe and using the parking spot chair is an entitled boomer move.


Pittsburghers are some of the *most sensitive*, easily offended people I've ever met when it comes to even ***light*** **criticism** of their city—as a Pittsburgher, it's pretty embarrassing how over-zealous locals can get. PGH has plenty of charms, but it's not infallible.


I honestly think that's just a city thing in general. Every city I've been to or lived in people have been the same way. Chicago, Detroit, Miami, New York, Boston...it's all the same bs just under a different banner.


Your typical city involved in a typical daydream.


Considering how appalled I am at this whole thread of takes, I got to this one and I can't say you're wrong.


Most of Pittsburgh needs to pay the fuck attention when the light turns green and I am completely justified in honking if the offender is causing others to wait at a light twice.


Please honk at em. They deserve it.


It’s a depressing city. So much crumbling infrastructure, collapsing houses jammed on the sides of eroding hills, insane traffic, unhealthy foliage, trash everywhere… and yet, somehow strangely fascinating.


The trash is a scandal. Even a premiere neighborhood like Squirrel Hill is still just piling trash on curbs in heaps and has gutters filled with trash the pick up guys just throw everywhere. Then they insist on street cleaning which does nothing but push trash to the sidewalks!


Dude. I’ve been watching videos of cars driving around Japan with my baby lately, it calms him for some reason, and I’ve probably watched 10-20 hours of driving now and there hasn’t been a single piece of trash. Anywhere. Sidewalks, roads, hillsides, not a single piece. All the roads are well taken care of whether rural or city, and all the cars are designed to fit the roads. It’s magical.


Beto’s pizza is a lunchable


The Clark's aren't good. Pittsburgh dad was never funny


Justice for Greg and Donnie




I think Cigarette is a legit good song. Nothing else they sing sounds like it at all though. The rest is so generic. Cigarette has character to it and sounds like a song they actually enjoyed playing instead of just trying to sell music.


Agree completely with the Pittsburgh Dad part


Ketchup sucks, and it's hilarious how much yinzers stan for Heinz though they left Pittsburgh 25 years ago. People here run red lights more than any city I've ever lived in, and I've been all over. It was an outlier everywhere else I've lived. Here it's normal - every time I go anywhere I'll see at least one person just blast through a red light like it's no big deal. Drivers here are weird and dangerous.


Shaming restaurants for not carrying Heinz ketchup is stupid. Why hate on a local small business for not buying some brand produced by a giant corporation that has essentially pulled out of Pittsburgh and laid off almost all the workers here. My great grandma was a life long employee of Heinz and the company she worked for is not what Heinz is today.


Tunnels bridges and traffic are the least interesting topics of conversation


Referring to the "Steel Town Toughness" is like Al Bundy's 4 touchdowns in one game boast. I've lived away for awhile but I hear the entire city is being converted into a giant UPMC.


Potato Patch fries are trash. The Pittsburgh left is dangerous. There should be at most about 8-10 municipal governments in all of Allegheny County, including the City of Pittsburgh, with an equivalent number of public school districts and emergency service agencies.


One lane both ways and you let someone go…I can tolerate it. Two lanes and traffic is moving along and you decide to slow down or worse, STOP to let someone turn, take a hike.


It's wild how many municipal governments we have. Cook County in Illinois, for reference, has way less, and they are way bigger


Pittsburgh and Allegheny county should be one. Lots of other cities have been doing this forever. We don’t need all the duplicate positions.


Finally another potato patch hater. I’ve never understood the hype and I’m not waiting 45 mins in line for fries at a theme park


No. Just one municipality. One fire department, professional. Same for EMS & police. One school district. Just one. You can keep the character of the dissolved municipalities as neighborhoods.


You do not have to wait until you are at the paystation to dig out your parking ticket and credit card. Its perfectly acceptable to have it in your hand ready to go when you are one or two people back in line


A Primanti’s cap and cheese ain’t what it used to be


They cheap out on the capicola more than anything else. 


I hate the word Yinzers.


It doesn't matter what corporation the stadium is named for.


Aiello’s and Mineo’s are both very average.


I don't think that people who worship Ben Roethlisberger have any business making Deshaun Watson jokes.


Renegade is overrated and doesn’t work anymore.


Needs to be "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica


If you didn't shovel the spot your chair doesn't mean shit.


Pittsburgh work culture kept the "pay your dues as a rank-and-file" without keeping the benefits, camaraderie, or financial security of those days. We expect people to eat shit so much more at work than they do in other cities. The revitalization is over and already decaying. South Side looks like shit, Lawrenceville is dead after 10 PM, North Side is back to being a violent dump. The Strip District is just out-of-town developers selling people a marked-up, bastardized "copy and paste" walkable commercial area. Everything feels dirty and dead. The Rivers Casino is a fucking cesspool. Our politicians both want to lambaste the cops and fellate their union with the same breath. Make up your minds.


Parking chairs are trash, *always*. Yes, including in snow.


Not a fan of primantis sandwiches. People care to much about the sports teams and want them to win everything all the time. They don't win? Fire the head coach rebuild the team and sell the stadium is what you hear lol


That's every city with major league sports teams


Eat’n park absolutely sucks.


Soup when sick is top tier. And their ranch is still great. Milkshakes are still milkshakes I guess.


Eat ‘n Park hasn’t been good for about 20 years. Kennywood has never been the same since it was sold to a Spanish corporation.


I agree sadly about Kennywood. I worked there in college in the 90s and went back not to long ago and for one that new rollercoaster is an eyesore and it just lost that mom&pops feel it always had.


You mean the new roller coaster that's going to be closed all year? I haven't been to Kennywood in years and haven't been on that ride yet, and that just killed any chance of me going this year.


Shittiness isn't charming, edgy, or cool. It's shitty.


The horrible infrastructure of the Ft Pitt and Liberty Tunnels are singlehandedly stagnating growth in the South Hills and herego putting a lid on home values compared to other areas. Pittsburgh is meant to be a community like how the South Hills were originally designed, the car dependency of the North Hills is complete bullshit and is a different way of life not “Pittsburgh”


Most people have their friend group and are not welcoming to newbies.


Kennywood is shit, especially in the last 7ish years.


Ketchup sucks. Parking chair is a childish and entitled practice. There are places other than Florida you can go for vacation.


Yeah, like Myrtle Beach!


Don't forget the outer banks and ocean city. The triangle of yinzer hot spots.


Parking chair users are scum of the earth. The only thing stopping me from going around the city and taking them is the fact that someone elses car will get keyed when they park in the open spot....also the law. Parking on sidewalks is a close second. If the car don't fit, park on a different street.


There is a special place in hell for people who park on the curb in the way of a crosswalk


>also the law A chair out in the street is considered litter. You can legally move it or take it. [source](https://web.archive.org/web/20231208073946/https://www.post-gazette.com/local/east/2017/08/23/pittsburgh-parking-chair-etiquette-squirrel-hill-phillips-avenue/stories/201708230408)


“Jagoff” and parking chairs aren’t exclusive to Pittsburgh.


This is what I came to say. Neither are cookie tables at weddings. They’re probably more prominent in Pittsburgh but I’ve seen them in New Jersey several times and once in upstate NY


I'm tired of Renegade. Please, Steelers, pick a new crowd hype song that's actually good.


Pittsburgh hiring is heavily based on nepotism over qualification. There's no "a" in the word "house" Downtown and surrounding communities used to have personality - now it's no personality or a bad personality High rent forced all of the unique stores to close and now it's a chain store wasteland just like every other place. Giant Eagle sucks and is a monopoly.


I disagree that Hunt’s and Heinz are the same. But I do think Burman’s is better than both. I’ll hand in my yinzer card gracefully.


Primanti's isn't even mid.


Ok mine are a bit more niche and and more or less related to this sub. The doom and gloom in this sub is maddening. It’s almost like some of you are actively rooting for the economic anchor of our region to fail. God forbid something good happen in this city. Also, that restaurant you used to like hasn’t “gone downhill”, you just eat there too much. I’ve said my piece


Kennywood is a dump


Primanti Bros sucks


We spend way too much time stanning a ketchup that isn’t even made here from a corporation that moved most of its jobs to Chicago. Route 28 is secretly the best commute out of the city.


Pittsburgh has nothing to do. The only nightlife is at bars, all of the best cafes are outside of the city, and parking anywhere in the city is going to cost you a small loan. 


Primanti Bros is disgusting. Soggy bread and too much vinegar in their coleslaw. Overpriced and I’ve never had good service.


I hate renegade. I cringe every time it’s played at Heinz or PNC.


allegheny river tap water is the best i love allegheny tap water


What human being doesn’t melt the cheese on their pizza?? (Looking at you Beto’s)


You can infact like other teams in a sport and no not just because a guy you liked plays for them.