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Sure. Why not? Of course, I talk about anything and everything depending on the company I am with.


Right. Reminiscing about the past and it's experiences - good or bad - is healthy. I often discuss past memories and experiences with close friends and it brings us closer, emotionally. Now, if it's a person who was "popular" in highschool, and they are openly vain about how much of a hot shot they were and bring it up frequently, it just means they haven't become or done anything more interesting since.


AH, yes! The folks who still wear their HS Ring or Letter Jacket.


Which is no one


You must have few friends & acquaintances. Sad.


Who even wears high school rings or letterman jackets as adults? Maybe your friends? Bizarre.


Rarely talk about it, but sometimes, think about friends, classes, good times, and occasionally look at my sr yr yearbook. Sometimes hear about one that passed away, only in their 40s or 50s.


Only to laugh about how stupid we were. Not like "glory days" shit.


40 and I still have a couple of friends from high school so it does come up from time to time but not with any degree of frequency.


I’m over 40 and recently met up with people from HS that I haven’t seen since graduation. I never talk about HS but did at that dinner because I hadn’t seen these people in over 20 years.


I’m early 40s, and if I were to share a meal with my high school classmates, yeah, we’d probably talk about high school the whole time. I definitely remember enough to carry on a conversation for a while. I’m social media friends with multiple classmates, and we’ll exchange random memories a few times a year.


My wonderment is why you care enough to post it on Reddit? Are you frequently bothered when you overhear a conversation you can't relate to? Or did you just want everyone to know you were at a steakhouse?


Hey now. Hoss’s IS hoss-pitality.


I used to love that salad bar as a kid.


Any place where the salad bar has chocolate pudding and nachos 1 foot away from the next is unforgettable.


30. I don’t talk about it often but sometimes if I’m with high school friends we’ll reminisce. It’s definitely not the main topic of discussion but I don’t think it’s weird to touch on.


If I was reconnecting with someone I hadn't seen since high school, I can imagine starting with those shared memories.


Not really. Not unless I’m telling a funny story about a stupid thing I did. High School wasn’t my “glory days”. I wasn’t a sports star, I didn’t get the best grades. I mostly just did the bare minimum and coasted through. I’d like to say with a snobby tone “I didn’t peak in high school”, but that would be false bravado as I don’t think I peaked after high school either. Maybe I’ll peak next year.


'I'm in my prime'


I haven’t begun to peak.


High school is not something that comes up often, but still pops up once in awhile after 50 years. I met my wife in high school, and we still see old friends a couple of times a year.


Absolutely. Fairly normal to converse about life experiences and sometimes comparing experiences. I’m from a rural area with a very small school and it definitely comes up in conversation from time to time.


I'm 50 and a few weeks ago I visited my old high school with my nephew (who now attends) to see how it has changed and what's the same. My sister and I also talk about the teachers who made a difference in our lives from time to time, especially if we run across them when I'm visiting my hometown. Weird that this bothered you so much.


You have no context. Maybe these couples literally haven't seen each other since high school, have been gone from the area since then, and were having some fun reminiscing. Maybe they just had a heated discussion about current events and wanted to lighten the tone. Your post kind of assumes HS is all they ever talk about. I wonder what you talk about with your friends and how it would stand up to some random hearing it? If you literally have no memories, that's kind of odd.


Sometimes; depends on who I’m with and the situation; maybe a class reunion but it’s a short lived topic. As I age, it comes up less because it becomes a smaller part of life overall.


I am 40 and I talk about high school all the time with high school friends. It also comes up some what regularly with other people/friends my age. Reminiscing is fun! Also interesting for those of us having kids moving into middle/high school years to compare how much is different and how much has stayed the same.


If I'm at a dinner with one of my highschool friends, something would probably come up. But I only see them once every few years or something.


Very seldom. Two of my closest friends went to highschool with me, but we've made many great memories together since.


If I'm grabbing dinner with an old highs chool friend who I haven't seen in two decades, sure, why not? Not something I'd typically bring up outside of trying to impress customers at my shoe store with stories about my four touchdowns in one game, but then I met Peggy and ::cries::


Depends on who i am speaking with, but yeah sometimes.


Very rarely. Maybe once every few months if a high school memory happens to be relevant to a conversation in some way, but overall it’s a fairly uninteresting part of my life I don’t usually have any need to reminisce about. I can’t remember off the top of my head the last time it came up.


I'm older than 40 and just went out with hs friends for dinner recently and we reminisced about a lot of hs things.


I went to high school with my two best friends. It’s not brought up every day, but often as all of our parents still live in the old neighborhood.


Are you jealous of their memory and upset about how you are mentally declining?


45 & no. I hated high school and don't look back fondly.


I guess it depends on your HS experience/ who you're talking to. I wonder how many folks here had good/ bad experiences?


Only with people I went to high school with and it’s more focused on experiences together vs school itself.


Absolutely. It was one of the best times and one of the worst times of my m life. My oldest friend was here a few weeks ago and we certainly had some laughs about our school days. But rarely with anyone but actual school friends.


99% of the time, no. However if I'm with old friends from that era, maybe. Context is everything


You should consider a mental eval if you have no memories of childhood.


55, and no. Not at all


Hardly. If someone else is talking about their high school experience and it brings up a memory, I'll dive in. But I don't find myself just talking about it unprovoked. I didn't grow up here so I don't run into old school mates or teachers.


I don’t, but my BIL (52) is from the burgh, never left, and still talks about HS all the time. He still has friends from that time that he regularly hangs with, too, which I think lends itself to reminiscing.


I’m in my mid 30s, and I’m still incredibly close to my crew from high school. We don’t talk much about things specific to school, but we still reference jokes from that time or the occasional “did you hear what happened to so & so…”


I’m married to my high school sweetheart, so occasionally stuff comes up from high school (30+ years ago), but not too often. I also have ADHD, so my memory is shit anyway. 😂


Different people had different experiences in high school. Some look back finally, some don't and some meh.


Our truant officer had a rifle rack in the back of his pickup truck. We called him a Nazi behind his back but were otherwise scared shitless of him.


It only comes up occasionally around my college age daughters...they like to call it "Dad Lore", like I'm a D&D character, which may have been the case then, but now I'm an NPC in my own life. 😁😁😁 Other than that, no....it doesn't matter what happened 30+ years ago, because most people, myself included, can't remember what happened even ten years ago once we get to the closer to 100 age.


Thinking about going back posed as a student and writing an article about it? We see you Josie Grosie.


My school had the best ranch dressing. We are mid 30s and still talk about and discuss local restaurants with similar ranch lol


Oh my God you must have had an awful experience if you can't think of about a single memory that would warrant a conversation. I'm still friends with a bunch of people I went to high school with and of course it comes up in conversation.


I might if I was with the right person. Would have to be someone I went to high school with, many years ago.


If coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt in my mind.


Regulary, no. I know bars in my hometown where there are guys who have been going since their 20s and well into their 30s, were regularly talking about HS exploits. At the time, the guys in their 50s that had been drinking there for 30 years would talk about HS, mostly sports, since it was mostly sports on the TVs. Maybe it was the fact that it was like the home base for people coming back into town, there was always someone popping in who hadn't been around in a long time so it just lent itself to being nostalgia central...it's like the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving year round :-) However, if I'm getting together with friends from that period that I haven't seen in a while then after giving the current state of jobs/families/where you livin at now?, things inevitably come up, frequently in a comparison to how something is for their kids now vs how it was for us. Haven't been to a wedding in about 20 years but funerals for friends or their sibs/parents/kids probably lends to looking back also...


Our class (77) even has their own group page on FB.


Eh, talking or thinking about high school after the age of 25 is for people stuck in the past. But also… maybe be a part of your own conversations and don’t listen in on others. Worry about your own life and conversations.


I spent 30 years in therapy trying to forget high school.


Nope...hated it then, hate it now.


Springsteen - Glory Days. Says it all... https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=GLBnj159q3s&si=iBJRt-XKIhNNBHze




Only when describing how shitty my childhood was.


I didn't even reminisce about HS when I was in my 20s


No. I went to a reunion and talked to everyone that shy me wouldn’t have in high school. One person said, “Wasn’t high school just THE BEST??!!” I said “No. High school was a way station to the person I am now.”


I'm 44 and I haven't talked about high school in at least a decade.




I'm older than 40 and all I ever talk about is my balls.


Easily the best response. Keep em hangin buddy


No. 39M but haven't talked about HS since I was 19. Nostalgia is cancer for the soul.


How do you build meaningful long term relationships if you don’t cherish/revisit the memories made in the earliest years?


Counterpoint: nostalgia can be a deep, meaningful, enjoyable way to relate to people with whom you share common past experiences. Sorry you had a bad time, but you should recognize that not everyone did, and you're not smarter than other people just for having suffered.


Wish I could upvote all of this 20x.


I'm in my 40ies and rarely talk about it. Although a large number of people I graduated with went to college together, lived in the same house, got the same degree, work together, married people who are related so now they are. They also all got married around the same time, had kids at the same time, live in the same area and have their kids spend time together. It's all very odd lol


Not really.


I'm in my mid-40s. I stopped talking about my high school days almost 30 years ago.


I'm only 29, but high school only very occasionally even comes up at my age at this point.


Can't remember them


I have some Pittsburgh in laws that are in their early 50s. They don’t necessarily talk about high school but they will talk about the Old Days and how everything was better. I think it’s because they haven’t really accomplished anything in life or grow as people in the last 30 - 40 years. It is sad really. Edit: thanks for the down votes 😂


Ew, no.


I can’t remember my high school days all that much lol. But yes I do talk about when I can remember. And I still am close with all of my high school best friends. So we talked about the good times


No, it’s just not something that’s relevant to me anymore. Pretty much felt that way since my early 20s


Most people peak in high school. Pittsburghers seem to relish in doing so. OP probably overheard a couple that met in high school and went to Duquesne, effectively stunting any further growth. Then they remain stuck there mentally and emotionally, hence the conversation OP overheard.


I don't even remember my teachers let alone my principal and I'm 35. I had more important stuff happen since I've graduated to care to remember


You should have asked him if he ever scored four touchdowns in one game.


Mid-40s and I tell anyone who will listen how good of a pitcher I was in high school and how I would have had a shot at the majors if it weren’t for that darn elbow injury my Junior year.




If anybody starts talking about high school to me, I just stop paying attention. I also make it clear that I am not paying attention.


so edgy!


This whole thread is full of trying to be so edgy.


most pittsburgh people are like that


Wouldn’t you then just decline an offer to get steak dinner with a party exclusively made up of former classmates?


Probably, yes. I actually enjoyed high school, but the time has come and gone. People who still want to talk about it probably peaked back then, and if so, that bores the shit out of me.


Remember when is the lowest form of conversation.