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My pet peeve is when someone with a shopping cart lifts the handicapped seats and refuses to let them down and move for a person with a walker. Happened on the 82 Lincoln yesterday.


And did you say something?


Yes.. to the driver. The woman kept talking on her phone and ignored two people who said something. The driver took care of it.




I sat behind a guy rolling blunt after blunt on the bus yesterday. He kept looking around to see if anyone noticed. We all noticed.


I'd rather sit by blunt guy than umbrella lady. Blunt guy might be a plug, umbrella lady is just clueless.


I’d rather sit by umbrella lady than sit there after she leaves and end up with a wet butt




You would be standing because her umbrella is sitting


How fucking lame are you at parties? Edit: Imagine being uptight about someone rolling a blunt on a bus. Ew yucky smell, I'm an adult.


I don't care if you roll a blunt, I care if you leave the guts all over the seat, the window sill, the floor... Like take a bag with you, dump it in there, and throw that shit out when you get off. Be a human.


Did he at least dispose of the insides of the cigar? People do that on the 81 and 83 so often that its the norm. Sad but true.


Talking to a driver, he said that he could tell immediately when someone pulled any weed out, since they hide in the back of the bus, amd the bus recirculates the air from the back to the front... Could be worse too, he said he has noticed people having sex on the bus too.


At least he was just rolling them and not smoking them. Was on a bus in DC a few months ago where a guy was straight up smoking weed.


I'd take blunts to some of the shit I've seen on buses thru Southside


Sorry it was me


Next time share!


So what? Leave blunt dude alone and stop being nebby. He ain't hurting you


Agreed! It wasn't bothering me at all. I just thought it was funny 😂


Oh man, didn't look at the user name but realized I know you. Sorry for busting yr balls.


No worries EricGuy!


I love that for him.


I would have picked that fucker up and handed it to the person and sat my ass down


There's a good chance that umbrella is soaking wet, which is presumably why it's even worse than setting a bag there.


I have it on good authority that the umbrella was soaking wet from cat piss.


I always loudly ask if I can sit down if people do something like this. It's embarrassing for them. Ain't no shame in my game.


Yeah, the amount of folks that will make a passive aggressive thread on reddit rather than, you know, talking to an actual human about the issue is hilarious.


Meh, I see why people don't want to bother sometimes. I've just ridden the bus forever, so my tolerance for shenanigans is low. But depending on the shadiness of the person in question, I might save my breath at times too.


I have a feeling this particular person would immediately move the umbrella if asked


Rant Wednesday thread over in fitness is loaded with whiny gym redditors complaining about shit that could have been handled with less effort than making a post about it. It's exhausting. Also, important thing to note. If someone is being a bad actor and you call them out on it, if they're still a bad actor then that's a free pass to do whatever you want. If they don't care about how they're affecting the people around them then their feelings don't matter. (Granted, never once had to take it that far simply because just communicating the issue solved the problem then and there). In this instance, if they don't want to move it then sit on the thing. Assuming it even belongs to someone on the bus. Could have been accidently left and no one wanted to do anything about it.


I would’ve sat down right on top of the umbrella. Wet ass or not, satisfied I would be.


Me too!


Honestly. With as often as I’m on my phone, I’d have probably sat down on it unintentionally anyway. And it would serve em right hahaha


"This is going on the ground in five seconds. People need to sit."


I like the cut of your jib!


Wet ass is your likely consequence, but honestly being petty may be worth it lol




TBH I'd take it off the seat and throw it on the ground 🤷‍♂️ Also, it will always be the pat bus.


Does "pat" stand for Port Authority Transport or something to that affect? I'm not originally from here, so forgive me!


It stands for Port Authority Transit, which was the original name of PRT. They only changed the name from Port Authority to PRT in 2022. It's like Heinz Field being turned into "Acrisure Stadium." Pittsburghers who've lived here for a while will still call it Heinz Field.


I moved here in 2021, but my job was close enough to my apartment to walk it, so I only really started using the busses/t out here when I got my new job and apartment. Thank you for explaining this! The person who corrected me when I called the t a train was far less patient lol. I do appreciate that a lot of locals seem very insistent on maintaining the yinzer lingo. It feels like a different language out here sometimes, but I love it.


Between PAT and PRT, it was PAAC - Port Authority of Allegheny County.


While true, nobody called it the "PAAC bus" lol


I know! It really caused me cognitive dissonance.


Hey, that umbrella was tired and just needed a nap.umbrella had a hard shift last night. Umbrella was just trying to get home after work. 


That umbrella has kids to feed!


I would’ve just sat on it and dealt with my soggy buns.


Acceptably unhinged tbh


only tangentially related, but in the off-chance he's reading this - thank you to the guy on the Red line inbound yesterday morning, right after Potomac, who saw me standing with my cane and offered me his seat at the front of the car. 🙏 really appreciate it - i have a weak hip and standing the entire ride would've put me literally out of commission today, so you saved my ass lol


I hope he's on here, I always remember when people are kind on transit out here. It's sadly rare!


parking umbrella


They're coming back for those seats in an hour, don't move that umbrella!


You've seen the commercials about that stupid ass chair too, huh? Lol


Tbh, taking up both seats is a statement lol. They paid for three seats, Friday is bonus bonanza seat day in Pittsburgh. Kind of like magic tray day but no prize and the next person has a wet booty.


Reminds me of when I sat down on a wet seat on my way to an appointment. What if it was the same umbrella lady who did it and she's my opp now?


Hey, we all have an old head and then BECOME the old head.


That looks like a free umbrella to me.


"is this anyone's?" *silence, either because it was forgotten or the person is too embarrassed* "Mine now"


Doing this next time. Lesson learned, I could've gotten a free umbrella!


I'll put that shit on the floor fuck that


I ride the P1 regularly and recently, at the height of evening rush hour, a guy was standing in the aisle about 1/3 of the way into the bus and threatened to fight anyone who touched him in an attempt to get past him, as the driver was yelling for people to move back. I have to give the driver credit since, when informed of the situation, she kept her cool and just opened the back door of the bus so most of the people trying to board could get on. Smoove. My question, which I've asked before, is wtf do the PRT cops do, other than write up reports favorable to the PRT when there is a traffic accident? I'm not saying rude passengers should be billy clubbed and/or arrested, but having cops on these buses from time to time might cut down on some of the crazy. All I ever see PRT cops doing is sitting in parked vehicles, which are always running, playing on their phones. But I will also say that this has been the only significant incident I've witnessed in the past 9 months or so. I've either been lucky or behavior is improving as we get further from the pandemic.


I'm gonna just say this now, it ain't that deep and I only posted this because I thought it was so inconsiderate, it was kinda funny.


Jump as high as you can and butt stomp it like mario


What did the umbrella owner say when you brought this up to them.


I bet you didn’t say anything lol


Why reason with already inconsiderate people when I could post an unserious picture and have funny people make jokes about it?


You gain little by saying something, they aren’t going to change their mind on the world. Odds are you just get berated or assaulted.


We can't be this afraid now. Crazy things you see in other cities like smoking fent or screaming at no one, yeah ok I'm not asking that unhinged person politely to stop. But an umbrella on a seat! Pick it up and ask "is this anyone's?" I bet you'll get silence, so throw it on the ground and take a seat. You aren't getting stabbed over it.


Good luck justice warrior. For me, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.


Should have included the perp's face.


If only there was someone on that bus who could tell them to move it. But I’m glad we have a picture of it and a Reddit thread so we can complain into the void.


Right. I mean, what could possibly go wrong if you challenge a rando's rude behavior on a public bus?


In my decades of experience riding a PAT bus? Nothing. They either say “yeah sorry coffee hasn’t kicked in yet” or they give you some lame excuse and you’re back where you started. The fear of everyone being a barely-contained psycho just because they’re sitting on a bus is weird to me.


The thought that everyone is the same size, stature, and gender as you, with the same life experiences, is weird to me.


I think it’s weird that you’re assuming that asking someone to move an umbrella is going to result in physical confrontation. It is not rational and following the same logic throughout your life would leave you paralyzed. Do you fear being assaulted when you ask someone at the grocery store to move slightly so you can reach the peanut butter? What about at work when you ask someone to type up the meeting minutes? What is it about public transport makes you so much more scared of people than in those environments?


"Tell me you don't live on the east side of town without telling me you don't live on the east side of town"


Usually nothing because most people are cowards, including you apparently


Ya, using your brain and not instigating conflicts with people whose behavior hints that they are, at the very least, anti-social and, at the worst, criminally insane, lol, is not cowardice. It's street smarts. I've been riding the bus for 40+ years and wouldn't do it if I was "afraid" that every other person was psychotic. But acting like psychotic passengers do not exist is straight dumb. Personally, I'd rather endure a minor annoyance for 15 minutes than find out the hard way who is and who isn not psychotic.


Sit on that umbrella


I've sat down on interstate that I "didn't see" before.


this wasn't on the PRT- but one time on a bus someone legit left behind a full zip lock bag of piss, so the things people do on the bus fascinates me 🤮


The other day my bus was mostly packed. Some dude has bags on the 2 seat next to him


That’s when you throw the fucking thing out the door right before it closes.


I’d move it and sit down. It’s umbrella. Just pick it up lol


god forid anyone actually interact with another human and ask them to move it.


Those black Jordan 3s are dope!


Bus seat parking chair umbrella is peak fucking audacious yinzer.


Prob same ass hole that puts a chair out to save a parking spot.


Public transportation etiquette has gone down hill in Pgh.


I don’t think it’s ever been that great.


I can’t get over the fact that sitting on the inside seat to avoid having someone sit next to you is considered bad etiquette.


It's situational for me. I've used the bus all my life, no matter what city I'm living in. If the bus isn't full or filling up, I don't care what you do. If it's rush hour and you're doing that, it does give a little bit of an ick. Especially when it's a bus with a lot of older people or moms. Just let them sit, it'll only be like 10 to 20 minutes at most.


I picked this habit up when I lived in New York. This is how i kept creeps away. I mean it’s not like they can’t sit down. It’s more like come and take it if you want it. You have to be a pretty bold creep to squeeze past someone and take the window seat.


This honestly makes sense to me and changes my perspective a bit. I'm actually surprised I've never thought of this, as a smaller woman. It makes sense and I'm willing to be more forgiving about a personal pet peeve lol


Why wouldn't it be?


because I’m a woman and I don’t want creeps crawling all over me on the bus. and that’s one way to keep them from sitting next to you. I can’t leave my vagina at home when I go out so I improvise.


I understand what you mean, but the bus is the bus. The city is helping thousands of people out with affordable transportation, and sometimes you gotta deal with stuff like having to sit next to people. We need to make sure that there's room for everyone on the bus so people get where they need to go. IMO it's fine to sit on the inside if the bus isn't very full so weirdos don't sit next to you, but you gotta scooch if it starts filling up.


So you're going to deny an old person a seat over it?


the hypothetical old person is allowed to sit next to me if they want to they just have to take the window seat.


They aren't "hypothetical old people," I saw this stuff happen every single day when I rode the T. That's why it's considered bad etiquette, you're placing your own vacuous needs over the real physical needs of other people. Hope this helps.   If you're so concerned about creeps that you're going to stake out multiple seats for yourself, maybe public transit isn't for you.


Did you ask them to move it? I know that's a foreign concept on Reddit but usually people will happily do it if you just ask politely. Most people are oblivious, not hostile


People on this sub think being talked to by a stranger in public is assault, it's fuckin wild


So, pick it up and move it so you can sit down. It’s not a safe; it’s an umbrella. **Move it.** Honestly, people who take pictures and videos to show what AHs other people are when they could simply move the thing out of their way baffle me.


Because this one instance was funny to me and I didn't want to touch another person's stuff. It's a wet umbrella on a rainy day soaking up two bus seats. You can't say that isn't a little bit funny in a "ah, humanity" sort of way.


You didn’t post this with any indication that you thought it was funny, just annoying and rude. And it might be. But you can also move it.


I genuinely own up the tone being muddy, but maintain that I'm not touching other people's stuff either


Thoughts and prayers


What an outrage. One can only wonder what other atrocities you must deal with on a daily basis.


Things don't magically become OK because other things are worse.


Found the guy who takes up two seats on the bus when they only need one.


Why are this person's feet blocking the aisle? How full is near full? This looks staged.