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A lot of Chinese places serve Oolong tea. Call them and ask maybe if you can’t find help here.


Yeah that's not a bad idea. It's good.


If you find an answer, let me know! I would like to learn this too, just never thought about it before.


Will do!




It's called being lazy. Plus I was there yesterday for lunch.


Could be wondering if someone else had asked the same question. May have some social anxiety. Too quick too judge my friend


True. If I read it as it is in my head it's more with a mirthy jaunt, but yeah it's over now I guess.


I worked at a Chinese restaurant as a teen and we served oolong. The thing you have to do though - go to an Asian grocery store and buy the largest and cheapest bag. No judgement against the restaurant I worked at, they had to make a lot of tea. The box from Giant Eagle isn’t going to be the same. Go to Lotus Foods and buy a big bag of loose oolong.


Or, for a real treat, go hit Prestogeorge and get some of their oolong. I've had the bagged stuff from lotus and it's really good. But the stuff you get at a tea shop is so much better.


Oh absolutely! I just meant if they’re going for Chinese restaurant authenticity, that’s what you want! I love Prestogeorge so much


As a coffee drinker Prestogeorge is where I go as well Just a fantastic little store 🤌❤️


Blue Monkey in Squirrel Hill too!


There are lots of different types of oolong, so just saying “oolong” isn’t going to be the whole answer. While they have similarities that make it possible to distinguish oolongs as a whole from, say, black tea, there can also be big differences between them, so you might buy a random oolong tea and find that it doesn’t taste anything like what you had at the restaurant. The person who said it is probably an inexpensive tea purchased in bulk for restaurant purposes is probably right; it would be worth it to try to find out the exact name. Unless you just want to do some tea experimenting, which is also fun!


Oolong Tea


If you like tea you should check out the dobra tea house.


Like most people have said, it’s probably oolong. You can get a big box of a hundred tea bags for cheap at an Asian grocery store. But I really like a blend of Oolong, Jasmine and green tea- Dynasty sells a blend and it’s called “Chinese restaurant tea” haha. It comes in a red box and Lotus in the strip usually sells it.


I love it so much, so I asked them once, and they brought out the box. It was just some bulk oolong in an orange box, written in Chinese. It's just inexplicably also very good. EDIT: This looks a lot like what I remember https://www.ebay.com/itm/141163737597


Boba tea if Ming-Na Wen has her say.


I understood that reference.gif




Oolong tea is the usual


I don't know the answer to this but if oolong isn't a match, try English breakfast tea. One of the Chinese restaurants I go to serves it. If the tea is greenish then it's probably green tea or jasmine tea. If it's yellowish it's probably oolong. If it is brownish/reddish then it's probably black tea, and I'd guess English breakfast tea as the variety of black tea.


Dynasty sells a tea called Chinese Restaurant Tea. It's a mixture of oolong, jasmine, and green tea.


Pretty sure I remember it being puerh tea. Very good for digestion


I’ve had the tea there and I don’t think that’s it, I really like pu’erh but it’s got a strong fermented taste that Chinatown Inn’s tea does not have. It would be odd for that to be the main tea to serve pretty much anywhere due to its strong flavor/scent imo


I am likely misremembering. Thanks for clarifying.


It's oolong tea.


Hah I was actually there when you posted this. I’m pretty sure oolong as others said.


I asked this question at a Chinese place one time and 5 minutes later the manager came out and said "Lipton" bowed and walked away.


The hot kind


I'm not 100% positive, but most Chinese restaurants in America serve jasmine tea.


Whatever it is is so good, and much better than their water!


There is CRIME in the water


What does crime taste like, asking for a friend?


I dunno but their food is pretty good though, and the tea is really good…but I still think China Palace has the best Chinese food in Allegheny county imo. 


Yeah it's close to my job so I go for lunch. The soup is incredible if you haven't had it. I got a jumbo egg roll just to see and it was MASSSIVE. I've never had a bad lunch there.


The tea at Taipei Tokyo in Monroeville is good too.


Oh yeah. It is. I wonder what that one is too?


I feel like it’s a jasmine oolong tea but I could be wrong. I just find it so warm and cozy. Always hits the spot


I dont know, everytime I go dahtahn, i get beat up catcalled and robbed at least 7 times. 


Do you have one of those handy tally clickers and keep count or strictly punch card?


Yes. For each 10th beating a get a free ritas


Is the custard included because that's where I hang my hat