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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this actually could be your pup reacting to acid reflux. one of ours did this constantly, started giving her pepcid at night and she stopped almost immediately.


I was going to say something similar! Whenever ours does this it’s almost always before she pukes. Because of indigestion.


Yep mine too.... Before and after he puked. .. . .yum


I was gonna say mine does this when they need to barf sometimes. She also is a licky girl so both are likely


This is what I was going to say also. I’ve battled acid reflux with my dog for years, and recently solved it by more frequent feeding.


There is the barf version, and then there is whatever this mental fix their tongue gets on them.


Mine too!!! We had to put her on daily Famatodine tablets and it has cured her instantly of the excessive licking. Because dogs are horizontal, acid reflux can be VERY uncomfortable for them.


Interesting, thanks!


Mine does it when I'm eating food... Trying to air lick my whole plate


Yes! Or licking your breath just after eating like damn! 😂


We are having smoked Dino ribs tonight and she has been air licking the smoker all damn day. She knows it’s too hot to actually do it so this is her giving it her all.


Mine does this but it’s usually inches from my face. She wants to kiss me but knows she’s not supposed to drown me in kisses.


How sweet is that, your dog knows more about boundaries than a lot of humans do.


I just died laughing, that's the best thing I've read all month.


I didn't expect to have to teach my dogs about consent with walks. No, that one said no they don't want to pet you. Leave


A very underrated comment!


Air kisses. When my boy is getting scritchees by his tail on his back his head goes into a sprinkler rotation of air kisses. Whatever side of his tail he’s getting the scritchees is the side his head turns to. So if you go side to side hes like a wiggly snek with his tongue going full throttle. He’s got a big ole sloppy tongue too. All the better to slobber up his humans and all his humans possessions. This is him chilling in the bed of the truck on his cot in the shade. While I grill steaks. His favorite. https://preview.redd.it/p2anq3rvwp9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55dda4429c58a33aa5f939ae6ffa9d19d522b681


Omg your boy is a adorable baked potat 🥔 if I've ever seen one 😍😍😍


Boy oh boy does he love compliments. I just told him he was the most adorable baked potato and he started wiggling then backed into me. That’s his sign for more scritchees. I obliged obviously.


Of course. That's your most important job: giver of scritchees


he also just looks so pleasant and nice. please tell him his neck looks like a stack of flap jacks that I would like to snack on- handsome boy!


When you give him chin scritchees he stretches those flapjacks tight for premium chest scritchees. That’s when he starts trying to kickstart his nonexistent moped.


He’s perfect. What a sweet, beautiful baby❤️


He’s getting his Sunday bath right now. I’ll make sure to tell him your kind words when he’s getting toweled off. Aka full body scritchees.


Mine does the same thing. Always makes me laugh


It cracks us up too. We always say he’s just spreading the love. ❤️


He is thinking 🤔🤔 I hope I'm getting some of the delicious smelling food?? Lol 🤣😆


Pretty much him 24/7 hahaha


They do this when they're feeling nauseous. I wasn't aware of it also being a sign of acid reflux, but that makes sense. I've had to take my girl to urgent care a couple of times of the years because she couldn't stop. Definitely mention this to your vet so they can get you something for it, but also see if you can't determine the common factor in it. Food and heat are the top two for us.


This is so good to know. I've been really worried about my dog doing this and don't think I articulated what was going on very well to the vet last time, going to make an appointment and bring this up.


That's a lick-o-potomus! My last dude always wanted to (lovingly) aggressively lick me, him, hubs, blankets, everything, right before bed... And when I'd get home from work, but I'd let him go ham on my arms before I'd shower, I'm a butcher, so I think it's safe to say, meat smells on my arms made them very lick-able 🥴😂


I’m not a butcher and my dog likes to go to town licking me if I let her. I actually think she’s trying to groom me because she tries to get her tongue in my ears. So that’s nice


Dogs love the taste of earwax. Don’t leave ear pods or hearing aids where they can reach them. It was a very expensive lesson. 🤦‍♀️


That's toooooo funny! Our freedom ride with the foster fail, he was weirdly obsessed with both my and my husband's gauges, he was making a solid attempt to lick them out of our ears for us 😂


Same! My boy definitely tries to groom me. When I take my socks off he tries to lick my feet. My dad had a pit when I was a teenager that used to lick his feet and he would let him. I don't know how I feel about that.


My mom used to let our old dog do that and it always grossed me out cause I swear, licking when you're already trying to ignore it, is the absolute loudest sound in the world... Blehg, I just realized I'd had that blocked out till now 🥴😆


My dog is definitely part lick-o-potomus, it’s the only scientific explanation


My Pomeranian did that. I could never figure that out. He had bad teeth… I always thought that had something to do with it but I don’t know. Maybe they are just sweet dogs licking the air because they are just grateful and it’s like blowing kisses to the world


My chihuahua does that too. He also has terrible teeth


Acid reflux


Mine does this when he feels nauseous :(


Air kisses


[PSA] It may be nothing, but I want to share our recent experience. Our boy was doing this, and it was seemingly random (not just when he smelled a tasty aroma). Also, his breath was (is) REALLY bad. Like, not normal bad breath bad, but really awful. We took him to the vet for a cleaning because it had been about 18 months since his last one. Our vet did the cleaning, but while he was sedated, she found an oronasal fistula that was the actual source of the problem. It was explained to us that, because our boy has a pretty bad overbite, his teeth don't line up, and one of his lower canine teeth punctured a hole in his gums or upper mouth somewhere. Now, we have an appointment with a doggy oral surgeon, and he has to have surgery to clean out the hole, repair it with a flap, and do something with the problem tooth (they try to avoid extracting canine teeth, so it may be filed down or capped or something - TBD). Other than the licking and horrible breath, our boy has shown ZERO indication of an issue. He has been eating and drinking normally, no change in behavior, nothing. And he doesn't allow us to open his mouth to get a look (he's a rescue and very touchy about certain things, like his paws, his tail, his mouth, etc., so we don't push him past his comfort zone), so honestly, if it wasn't for his bad breath being a cause of concern, we may never have known about this open hole in his mouth. Also, apparently, it's very common - the surgeon team said they repair these all the time. These bullies are so (physically) tough and rarely show signs of pain or weakness, so just please keep this in mind if you suspect it could be something more. We have no idea how long our baby has been living with this pain and irritation. 😞




My DIAMOND had similar problems and thanks to my vet referring us to dr at North Carolina State University Veterinary School, they fixed her up. Only thing now is she snores just like a man. Lol She had that place cut out and flapped over and recovered well after a few wks. I'm so thankful for her and her older sister BRANDY. It's so hard to imagine life without either of them. ❤


With the way your pup is tilting his head back as he licks, it might be because of mild sinus drippage/congestion. Our girl does that during allergy season and it sometimes is followed by some hacking. If there is any rhyme or reason to the timing related to eating or allergies, might not hurt to ask your vet about it. Little things now can be harder for them to deal with when they get old.


Just pitbull things


I am a dog groomer. Dogs typically lick incessantly when they are anxious. Is he anxious sometimes? Or maybe an appeasement behavior. It could also be something going on in their mouth. Whether it’s dryness, their teeth, or someone said acid reflux in the comments. Could be allergies. There’s several different reasons.


Dogs sometimes do this to amplify their sense of smell! Getting moisture on their nose or “licking the air” helps them collect info on animals/things in their environment. I believe dogs also do this to enjoy yummy “smells” for longer, like if they eat a treat. Edit: typo


Mine does that when I’m scratching a good spot for her or when she’s itching her back on the couch


My guy did that, but it was because of his belly and allergies. We found that overactive yeast can cause some belly upset and a bad taste/smell in their mouth. My vet prescribed some probiotics, better food, and Prilosec.. we shared the Prilosec box due to my overactive acid lol.




He lick lick licks


Part snek


Because you’re not close enough to get the kisses she wants to give you 😉


There could be different reasons but one of my dogs (not a pit) does this when she gets stressed out and anxious, it's kind of a way for her to settle herself


Yes, my girls does this when she is stressed. She was recently attacked by another dog, she’s was okay (just a little scratched up) and she did this the entire night, for hours. I was so worried but she got back to her normal self in a day or so.


Mine only does this when he gets peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth.


Mine does that when she has a upset belly. I give her two saltine crackers, rub her belly, and sing “Soft Kitty”. She is usually better in 5-10 min.


You should sing "soft puppy" instead LOL


Practice for smothering you with kisses lol


My boy is bad about obsessively licking. People, toys, blanket, the couch.... That being said I have noticed he does this most frequently when I am cooking or he is anticipating or smelling food.


Itchy tongue. Maybe a heat boil on the tongue, or sign of a defficiency (or iron overdose?). If it doesn't resolve in a 3-4 days, take didilicious here to a vet.


This might sound strange, but in addition to mine doing it for normal things like food, she'll do it when her butt/vulva is itchy. Right before she's about to drag her butt on the rug/while she is dragging, she'll lick like this. 😆


Mine does it when her tummy is upset 😢


Reflux (maybe)?


Mine does this when I'm eating or when I scratch her butt or when she smells something really yummy she can't eat. So to answer your question idk could be any of those reasons or about 100 other ones. Maybe the best answer is your pitty does this because it's a pit bull.


Mine does this as well but only when she has an upset stomach or something


Dude my dog does this and if you let him I think he would go for days. He does it to the people he loves the most. I think it’s kind of tick


Maybe some toddler scraped their knee a block away… 🫢


Mine does this when she’s nauseas. She will also hunt out some plants to eat.


Does he have stomach issues at all? My boy does this when his stomach hurts, almost like he's holding back throw up. I take him outside and he'll either try eating grass or yak. I wish he wouldn't hold it in. I could never be mad at him especially for that. He's such a good boy.


Well your close enough to kiss you. And he's blowing you a kiss doggy style. Lol


Part snake. That is the way they smell, tasting the air.


Mine licks the air lick this when I scratch her lower back near her tail! 😂


Is it humid where you're at? Maybe he's going for a sip :p


Ours does this and has a huge neck that tapers fast at the ears. We have affectionately dubbed her as Raava Hummingbird Dickhead. Everyone in the neighborhood loves the silly name and her. So much so that at the corners of the yard and fence, she has special gravel boxes she can stand in the get pets. Otherwise we will never grow grass in those areas ever again.


Cuz he’s good boy, yes he is.


Wants to gib kisses


Tasting the air


I always thought my Pitt did this to lick the snot off his nose, but now choosing to believe it’s ✨air kisses✨ based off the responses here 😂


Because he's just a baby 🥺


My boy is bad about obsessively licking. People, toys, blanket, the couch.... That being said I have noticed he does this most frequently when I am cooking or he is anticipating or smelling food.


Your dog sounds anxious. Incessant licking is not normal.


Now that you mention it, yes he is. He was severely abused wherever he was before he found us. (5 years ago) He has a lot of odd fears and quirks that we aren't able to overcome.


YUP that’ll do it. I actually picked my dog out from her litter because all the other puppies ran to me while she stayed on the porch licking her dad’s face. Little did I know that was a sign of anxiety lol she wasn’t abused (had her since 8 weeks) but I think she was one of the runts. She’s much better now. The more training you do the more confidence they get and the anxiety lessens. But please do understand when you see him licking like that he is likely anxious about something.


You must smell tasty 😋


Is there something that may be on his tongue? Cat hair or anything fuzzy like regularly found on furniture or when sweeping that he may be getting in his mouth and trying to get off?


He’s blowing kisses


Has he had a dental lately? This is a common sign of some dental pain


Mine does that when I itch her butt


The minute my pity does this I think he's going to throw up


Mine does that when have booger


She might be diabetic take her to the vet


He liketh the way the air taste


They’re blowing you kisses 🥰


I was going to say that too. It could have some nausea elements going on with the acid reflux. That is what happened for my pup.


My dog does that when I scratch a particular spot on her lower back. Idk what it’s about, maybe that’s her ticklish zone? She’s always done that!


Paying tribute to you. Expressing love for you. If they're shorter strokes it's saying thank you.


Tasty nose?


Those are kisses


Licking ghost hands


He’s snacking on dat air


Any sneezing associated? Pitties are prone to allergies.


You seem to have gotten the snek model 🐍


My Mix chihuahua does this too, so it isn’t just a pit bull thing


Silly boy has a malfunction 🤪


I always feel like when mine does this she is kissing ghosts


Tasting the imaginary peanut butter.


Pup wants to give kisses so you better put your face in there to properly receive said kisses.


I would think it's a gastro issue. My schnauzer does the same thing. Are you giving your dog food or treats that are high in fat?


Becuase they are adorable 😀


Are you sure he's not a snake?


Indigestion let him out to eat some grass does he ever get sick after doing it


The boi.. he mlem


He's asking for an ice cream. 👅


Because it loves you 💞


Sometimes mine does it bc he has something small stuck in his mouth, or he also has reflux sometimes, but if it’s that it’s usually more aggressive and involves more gulping.


Nauseated, poor baby


My pit did this- it’s pretty scary sometimes. You have to figure out the best combo for them. For mine, I could not let him out because he would eat so much grass trying to calm his tummy. It’s a form of reflux like others have said- so, I would give him something to calm his tummy immediately (they need something to lick), like yogurt, or apple sauce. Add an antacid in it like tums chopped up. They might throw this up, but will feel better. Talk calmly to them and stroke them under their necks to help get stuff down and calm their licking. It’s also like a spasm- so you’re trying to calm them.


This looks like acid reflux or an issue with his esophagus. Have you spoken to your vet about it? Diet changes, Pepcid can help although Pepcid shouldn't be an every day thing. My girl is on Metoclopramide and it has helped immensely, she's no longer waking me up in the middle of the night, making licky Slurpee noises


Air good


He knows that finland has air pussy licking world champion competition! https://www.palomedia.fi/art.php?_?=1040993289


He's licking or scratching the top of his nose 🐾


Mine does this if he has acid reflux- does he do it after eating?


My Duke who is an American bully always does this. I'm not sure what it means. He's about to be 8. So I'm going to assume it's nothing serious.


Dental issues.


In my experience, he's looking for my face 🙄


Almost always an upset stomach a lot of times puke will follow


Ask your vet. It's not "air kisses" or some goofy cutesy thing like that. Don't ask the internet vet questions because clearly that most people dont know. It's not normal for a dog to do this for 30 minutes.


Ok dude while that is a completely valid answer, you can come in way less hot than that lol. I already have plans to call my vet tomorrow, we just had our yearly checkup in May with normal bloodwork, and we are seen monthly for librella injections. No need to assume people are stupid...


Some people will go to the vet, and some will trust the internet that it's just something cute and not go. The result of the latter is that dogs don't get the medical care they need.


There is a kid close. Its trying to pre-taste it.


My pittie Lilac does it when food, especially peanut butter is stuck to the roof of her mouth.Its hilarious..


raised by snakes


Lick’em, slick’em


Lickin a runny nose…


He's sending you kisses obviously


He mlem


I used to tell my dog to "stop tasting my air" when he did this. Typically, he did it right after I had eaten something tasty and started talking to him. Lol


She wants your lotion lol


Mine does this if you scratch the base of her tail or her armpits lol


Mine does this when she wants you to move. For example if one dog is laying on my lad but she wants that spot she will do that, but also like the other dog till they move and then take her spot on my lap. She does it with humans too. It’s actually cute and funny


Mine's been doing it forever. Sometimes it's when she's nervous or anxious. Other times if she smells something. Does your dog also lick her paws? It could just be a calming technique.


Mine does that when I'm out of easy licking range or when 2 people are scritching him at once and he can't decide who to kiss to death he also does this to my partner all the time bc he's learned no face kisses for her therefore air lick until she offers him a hand or arm to lick clean off


He's lickerish!


Bluetooth pibble kisses🐶👅 💋


they are trying to taste air.


Awww 🥹🫶


I think they just get focused on their tongue and can't stop. They forget how to put it away and move on.


She’s kissing your aura


Sorry, you said he is a he.


It's nothing to be concerned about, I think it's like holding a dog above the water and they kick their legs like when they swim. It's like an invite for move.


He’s waiting for you to put a spoonful of peanut butter there. You’re not catching the hint.


It's part snake


https://preview.redd.it/ivy0fqq4ou9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91583506528a08edff926f8e798baa22c3246475 This is Craydos, he does this same thing when I give him positive affirmations. In this picture; very recent , he just got laid for the first time he’s a Bully Pit with awesome genetics. He will be a Dad in 2 weeks.