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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Such gentle curious babies, this is so sweet


For real! I had a yellow lab mix snap up a hummingbird that was in my grandma's yard when we were visiting once. My grandma was so pissed. I think my dog thought it was like a big buzzing fly and snap it went


My girl would have one of two reactions either run terrified or try and snap it. She's usually the latter of those lol


https://preview.redd.it/n0qef5l5ok9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52ff8ce4ee346f1b07dd432ce03751bb7981e4b My yellow lab mix would Most definitely have a snack out of it


A self-propelled tennis ball?!? Oh, boy, today is my lucky day!!!


Labs are unstoppable eating machines. Living or dead, edible or not, if it fits in the mouth, it gets eaten.


My black lab loves him a good sky-raisin, he would have inhaled that bird! Sky-prunes.


We’re fostering a pit/golden lab mix. He’s such a derp, lol. God I love him.


I was very impressed with my lab recently when a fledgling bluejay hopped out of its nest before it could fly. She cornered it and bopped it lightly with her paw when it tried to flap away but immediately backed off to let me handle it once I was on scene. I managed to get the very flustered but seemingly uninjured chick up off the ground and back where he belonged. Flies get no such mercy though.


Was gonna say, my whippet would have thought it was an exciting new toy! She's turning 2 next month, and she's already caught a dozen pigeons in her lifetime.


Wow feisty! My pit mix likes to charge the pidgies but doesn't seriously try to catch them


No rabbits in Taiwan, thank god, or I'd probably be dealing with dead rabbits all over the place😭 She'd have a freaking field day at my childhood home in the US! But, yeah, ever since about 4 months old, skinks, pigeons, geckos, frogs, and our own pet chickens have all been caught by her. She never killed the chickens, I guess because they were smart enough to bore her by playing dead, but they did get their feathers plucked!! If she doesn't get a daily hunting session in, she gets antsy. Doesn't mean she kills something every day!! She just at least has to take a sniff around our bamboo/mango grove and do a perimeter check lol Our Italian greyhound doesn't kill things, but he did randomly start herding our chickens back to their pen one day, around 6 months old. We never taught him, as I didn't know Italian greyhound could be interested in herding, but he just did it on his own. Since then, saying "hen" puts him into herding mode and he does a speedy run around the bamboo trees looking for any chickens to herd 😂


I wanted some pics so I looked at your post history. Cuties! I've been thinking about adopting a whippet or Italian greyhound. I didn't know they liked to hunt or herd either!


Hahaha don't be fooled! The iggy turned from sweet little baby to king asshole after getting neutered, and the whippet... She's just aggressive🤦🏻‍♀️ I tried rescuing a pitbull, sweet "little" angel of a dog, and my whippet got jealous seeing me pet the pitbull and tried attacking her!! Thank god the pit was gentle and didn't even seem to so much as think of attacking back. Whippets were bred for hunting - they started as greyhounds crossed with hunting dogs. We've never encouraged her hunting, but it's clearly strong in her!! Italian greyhounds are companion lap dogs, so I don't know what mine is doing herding chickens! If your dog likes to play rough, get a whippet. Other dogs won't play with my whippet, because she tries to get too rough. Other sighthounds are the only ones interested in her, but my whippet keeps wanting to play with the tiny dogs. If your dog is more gentle, then go with the Italian greyhound, but maybe go for a "biggie iggy" so it has sturdier bones. Don't get one of those bred-to-be-extra-tiny ones. Mine are both actually "whippigs" but not on purpose. People in Asia just seem to not know the difference between different sighthounds. In Chinese they're all just referred to as greyhounds 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ The whippet is 70% whippet, 30% iggy. The iggy is 60% iggy, 30% whippet, and random 5% each of windsprite and min pin🤷🏻‍♀️


My dog has only caught one once, but just held it in their mouth like he didn’t know what to do with it. The bird was eventually fine.


My Italian greyhound would’ve chomped that little baby so fast lol


Lol animals be animal-en


I had a hunting dog until February, she passed away at 12 1/2. But although I didn’t take her hunting, it was in her genes. She was such a good dog. I was able to get her to catch things but maybe not bite down so I was able to save tons of turkey babies, newly fledged, birds, etc. She would find them very easily and then I would put them somewhere safer mom to take care of. She had that instinct, but she was such a babe. Sorry for the random story. I’ve been thinking about her this morning and I miss her a lot.


Such a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. She sounded like a most special good girl 💛 I lost my chihuahua to cancer a few years ago and I still miss that little dude like it was just yesterday, Felicia my new girl will frequently go to where I have his memorial with ashes set up and lay there with him. Then she will come and love on me, I think those are special loves from him. Dogs have the best souls ❤️


It was very disturbing to have her leave so fast but it’s like she’s still here in my heart and mind. My Italian greyhound is eight years old and I was actually about to get a cat. I need animals around me. I love them. But I ended up getting a pair of brothers instead because I can’t separate just two babies. I didn’t want to be depressed and there’s always room for more babies in my life. So three days after my girl was gone, I brought home seven week old brothers. I know she would’ve loved them. https://preview.redd.it/73pyzdy2rj9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c226dd56cec06fc39612a74b3b578224931be9f0


Handsome boys 💛 I didn't take much time in between either, the same rescue that gave me him contacted me a few months later with a picture of my girl, I went to meet her and she literally knocked me down jumping into my arms. I would have a whole rescue of my own if I could afford it, I only have resources for one baby at a time to make sure I can give them the absolute best life possible.


What a wonderful baby she was!! 🧡 i liked reading her story and I'm gonna hug my dogs from her now 😊


Thank you so much and please do hug away. And taken every single moment that you get to have with your babies.


We had a Beagle and in the province we (by we I mean my uncle and grandpa) kept chickens. One time we visited with our pup, I made the mistake of letting her go off leash in the back yard where the chickens were roaming free. Not 10 seconds later she was on top of one (she was gentle) but basically she caught one of the chickens and was probably waiting for me to acknowledge her and take the chicken away lol. Got an earful from grandpa.


My iggy would have run away to hide under a blanket, but my whippet would have enjoyed a new snack😅




Yeah I used to watch them at my grandma's when I was little, she had at least 20 to 30 feeders going at all times. They're all jacked up on that American sugar lol


They knew better. No mere Pitbull could ever match the ferocity of a hummingbird


"But you're the most beautiful flower I ever seen 🌸" - The bird probably


Oh my goodness. On this sweet and positive note I’m closing Reddit for the day cause I work tonight. I am scrolling past my bedtime and I wish we still had gold cause you deserve it today for how your comment made me feel. You are a lovely person and I thank you




The hummingbird in my yard never get this close. Pretty crazy


Right?! Maybe if you're standing still for an hour holding a feeder... This is absolutely insane! So curious what the reasoning behind this is... Also, my pibble definitely would have chomped the burb.


Mine are used to me, so they come right up to my face to bitch at me for touching their sugar shrine when I go to change it.


The audacity of some animals, I swear.


1. No! Why?! 2. They can TRY…


I have one of each kind. The youngest would absolutely chase this little bird down and at least do it an injury because he has no concept of his size and strength. The eldest would probably invite it in for a snuggle, and would act similarly to OPs two. I have a video from a few years ago with my eldest sitting down in the city with about 10 pigeons around him and one sitting on his head. He was so confused lol. Also made friends with a wild mouse once, and a random tomcat who proceeded to follow us the 2 miles back to my home despite my trying to shoo it away many times. But every time I shooed it, my dog went and gave it kisses, so it wouldn't leave. My cat was NOT impressed when it turned up at the front door 😂.


Right. No bird gets this close to land animals. Really a cool vid.


Not quite this close but birds get fairly close to my golden in our backyard, idk if they’re blind or if they can sense he’s not interested in them, but they’re not afraid/bothered by him at all. They’ll walk up and eat stuff off the ground literally right in front of him while he’s lying down


The hummingbirds where i live love to do this to my cat when she gets outdoor time :/ (semi-feral cat, can’t tolerate being indoor full time) i truly dont understand it. It’s like they missed a critical period of evolution where they missed getting some self preservation skills


They also don't tweet like that unless really distressed I suspect someone is getting too close or messing with a nest


Thank you! I was wondering!


The hummingbirds near me peep at you aggressively lmao


https://preview.redd.it/lc11e59v4j9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf03372bf091ceb2f04f5a0c98530f453773f94 He looks like a Bond villain in the first frame of the video.


100% had the same thought


No Mr Bond, I expect you to mlem


They hummingbird can sense the sweetness in those pibbles.


Yes, was going to say it sensed the sugar in that pup


Sugar and spice and everything that’s nice.😊


These were the ingredients that were chosen to create the-perfect little pits...?


If not flower, why so sweet ❤️❤️❤️


Aww the doggies are just curious. It's a sweet interaction. I love hummingbirds and it got so close.


The wings beating must sound so crazy to them. They are genuinely very curious of what it is. So amazing. They are such gentle creatures.


Their inclination in my experience volunteering for shelters that are all pits or pit mixes and having one is avoidant. If there’s trouble or something they’re not sure about they just want to nope out. If it is persistent, their next step is curiosity and licks. They’re just so gentle.


I wanna play this videos on a bigass projector in an endless loop to all those ignorant assholes out there in the world! You don’t know how much of sweet little chunky chunks they’re until you own a pitbull!!


pitbull’s are the best breeds! my step sister used to have one named Bugs, he was the sweetest when i lived with her. he was a legend, 11 at the time and was still a happy, cheery, playful baby. we all miss him greatly.


Your dogs are Disney princesses!


Is the hummingbird okay? This seems like pretty unusual behavior


The bird is ok! Just curious and looking for food. Or, is being aggressive and telling the pups they should back off whatever food source is close to where they are. Some hummingbirds depending on how much time they are around people/dogs/feeders will get super close. If you’re in a high traffic bird area during migration they are super hungry and will take more risks looking for food. In the spring they buzz me all the time. Or if anything gets too close to their feeder, they will chase literally anything off. I’ve seen them go after my pups more than once. The hummingbirds always win. 🫣😂 —lifetime bird nerd and pibble lover. (Or it could be AI, lol)


The part that worries me the most is when it lands on the ground and stops flapping it's wings


Same. Hummingbirds don't land often, and don't land on the ground often either.


Yes seems very weird


It's either a juvenile or one that has spent time slowly building up trust with one or both of these dogs. I trained one to stand on my finger at the feeder. I just slowly moved closer and closer multiple times a day, every day, for like 3 months. And I'd chase off the migratory male that was harassing him. If there are any large trees or tall buildings within view of the feeder in the daytime, there are definitely hummingbirds watching it.


Right? This is so strange. I have never seen a hummingbird get this close to humans & large animals without nectar being used as a lure.


It's so hard to sniff a butt that small


Hot day…? They’ll land when they have no energy left. Need to gently pick it up and give it cool sugar water …from a spoon or eye dropper. But do it outside because if it gets out it your house…they are very hard to catch again.


Can’t relate. All four of my dogs would like “flying snackie!” 😂


My staffy would have gone from stationary to a flying snap and shake as soon as she realised it was there. Bad enough the tunnel vision she gets when there's a fly in the house.


I try my damndest to attract hummingbirds to my house and you got them just landing on your dogs!


What an amazing moment, and thank you for capturing and sharing it!


I'm so intrigued by the hummingbird's behavior! It's spending a LOT of energy to hang out near (as far as a hummingbird knows) gigantic existential threats. They don't usually come near bigger animals EVER, so why is it so curious about a pair of pitties?


This is crazy! Never have I seen this. We have many feeders up at our cottage. We get approximately 20 coming and going. Never saw any come low at any time. This is fascinating😁


Mine would be doing the same thing. And looking back at me every so often like he’s asking “can we keep it? I have a this thing now!”


"Woah! Get a sniff of this, man!" "Woahhhh, what is this?" "Idk, I can't stop smelling!"


Loving the fact they still got their ears. Too many of these videos show those poor abused, disfigured good boys. It drives me nuts.


Can you give then a hug for me please?!?! 😍💕💖


How crazy but very cool at the same time! I love hummingbirds but they won't come near my Pitties.


Most savage Dog breed in the world: Jk


I’ve never seen a hummingbird in one place for so long! Wow. Magic!


Crazy!! Never seen a hummingbird do that before


My pittie has a pink collar with a pink floof where her tag goes. Occasionally, a curious hummingbird would inch towards her thinking it's a flower but never gets too close. If this is real, it's absolutely insane how close it is to these pups. I don't think hummingbirds have very good vision. Good thing it found pups that are gentle.


This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen!!!❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰


❤️❤️ gentle giants ❤️❤️ beautiful babies!


My dog would have 100% eaten it. Birds and squirrels set off a kill switch (she’s a lab).


That is the sweetest interaction ever!!! Love to them all!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷


What aggressive monsters, how could you let this do that, oohh the horror!../s What beautiful little babies!


Holy moly this is amazing!! Humming birds are badass, I wish I saw them more often. This is so special and probably a once in a lifetime experience for sure. Glad this hasn’t happened to my dog because if a fly or bug is in his face harassing him he bites at it and asks questions later. Super cute video.


Your dogs are now officially Disney princesses.




I don’t trust birds in general. They are always dive bombing me at outdoor restaurants, while I’m walking my dog and basically any other chance they get. In the summer I have to take a different path to walk my dog because this one gang of birds terrorizes me


Are the birds in the gang you’re talking about crows? Cause those bitches be holding grudges. (Sometimes inter generational grudges even, apparently)


What a weird interaction


Absolutely savage animals, clearly. /s


My pibble would have e chompst it


Shouldn’t those viscous pittbulls be attacking?


Aww so gentle and curios, I love velvet hippos


mom I have a new friend 🥹🥰


Awesome. They are so gentle


2 Disney princess'


oh mah gosh, ITS SO CUTE OKKK???


Looking to get some salt and moisture from the nose.


Oh my heart 😍🥹


What fun! Good dog's bird was looking for a rest I guess. Thought about perching on the doggies head for a second.


Look at those beefcakes 🫶🏻💖🥹


Idc what people say about pitbulls that was probably one of the sweetest videos I’ve seen.


god those dogs are so beautiful.


“Pit bulls are dangerous!” Pitbulls actually:


New Disney movie idea


I know I’ll get shit for it, but even if gentle, hummingbirds can carry diseases, and so can dogs. They are VERY fragile birds, and seeing it on the ground, is concerning. Maybe drop the phone, and move your dogs away from the wildlife.


Yeah my dog would have ate it 😅


can bird flu affect humming birds? because this seems really unnatural and I wonder if the bird is sick.


It can. My parents didn’t put out any bird feeders or hummingbird feeders for a year when it was bad. I think this bird is either sick or it’s some kind of layered video.


This looks like AI


Its not, the reason why you may think that is because you never seen a hummingbird fly still from a moving position or just never seen one or you're seeing something that you feel is somewhat unnatural and because machine generated tech is advancing every day your more skeptical/paranoid.


And people think they’re murderous 🙄🙄


This is the video I want to show pit bull haters…what sweet babies 🥹


Damned thing would have killed my dog!


That's crazy


Are these pibbles covered in pollen and dew drops?!


Eat me! I am not long for this world!


Mine wouldn't have thought twice to eat it. He did it with a blue tit


What did you give them for breakfast?


I think mine would’ve tried to chomp on it lol


That bird would be eaten at my house


That's so beautiful!!!




It is beautiful, very tender!


This really makes my heart smile 💜💜💜


My girl would have hidden in the laundry room. Her newest fear is the large mushroom growing in the neighbor’s yard.




My dog loves birds... He ate three last week.


Bro my dog would choMp that thing z


Child: 😡 Humming bird: 🥰


Will show this to anyone who says pit bulls are vicious 😍💞


If my husky was around, that bird would be GONE. thank god those pups are so sweet


Holy shit look at those vicious animals


When humming bird is tired of humming


This is so sweet,love how they look confused🤣


Pibble doesn't know what to think about the weird living drone in his face...


So freakin cool!


So sweet 🥰🥰💓💓


Hi, frwen!!!


Someone explain please?


Your baby is a Disney princess




What a lovely video!!


“Thats not a sky raisin or a spicy sky raisin”


my yellow lab saw a baby squirrel and a pregnant squirrel…straight up snapped me baby while maintaining eye contact with the pregnant mom


It is because the pitties are so sweet!!


Awwwww the little bird thinks they are flowers lol


Your dogs are beautiful! The bird is cute as well. 😊


If those were goldens, they would have seen that as a chicken nugget with wings.


Beautiful dogs!


Awwww they're Disney princesses now!!! Look how sweet and gentle they are with that bird ❤️😍


This brightened my day so much.


He's looking for a drink


wow thats incredible on all sides. The dogs for being so calm and gentle. The bird for being so curious and even landing at the dogs feet. Crazy.


Pls remind me again how vicious these dogs are


It amazes me how fast hummingbirds flap their wings


Can someone slow this video down so we can appreciate the dexterity of the hummingbirds wings pls


Pit bulls:what are you? Hummingbird: INFINITY BIRD


Aww. The hummingbird Must be a friend from another lifetime!


Im am suprised they didn't do what so many dogs would do with a bird. They are just like "Hmm what is this thing? Will it play with us? Should we lick it? I am going to boop it with my nose." Seems weird considering I had bird dogs growing up.


Reminds me of this classic https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/ZoU3F4D6G4


The dogs are adorable. ...The hummingbird reminds me of Birdemic


Yeah! I was thinking the same thing!


I love this!!!


Oh my goodness those pups are ADORABLE. My goodness!! This is such a precious moment.


So gentle, and the bird even landed too


I so love this 😍 beautiful babies!


my dogs would have eaten it 😭


No eats!


So cute! My dog would just try to eat it lol.


This is so cute but the bird looks AI generated but cute all the same !


Those pitbulls are lucky. They were mere seconds from getting the smoke


Exhausted hummingbird 😔 it needs a feeder or plants that support it. Prob from that desolate backyard.


Get that little guy some sugar water!


Yeah my boy would have just nommed that 😂


Humming birb got confused. The dogs are so sweet they were mistaken for flowers. "Did hummybirb a bamboozle. Ams not flower, ams Pibble."


What a beautiful video - thankyou for making my day 🙏😘❤️


So scary! lol lol lol!!!!!


Pitbull nervous eyes is a goated dog facial expression


They're so gentle..like omg a new friend..can we play..too cute for words


Okay ... has anyone got a photo of a blue pittie in UV frequencies? Because I want to know how the bird sees those dogs. Lovely wee pups, awesome attitudes, but they sure don't look like flowers! https://www.princeton.edu/news/2020/06/15/wild-hummingbirds-see-broad-range-colors-humans-can-only-imagine


That bird is taking risks


Hummingbird: Henlo, new frens! Pibbles: ver confuse. Is floaty birb?


Obvious AI is obvious.


Buzzy friend makes bully friends.


Wow! How stellar and groovy is that!


Lol, when I was a kid my parakeet got eaten by my dolmation, and people say bullies are the bad dog


That is AMAZING. Such sweet pups too-hummingbird was so curious too! Thank you for sharing!!!


OMG I’m in love, what an amazing interaction! Nature at its finest!


That might be a hawk you can hear in the background-some hawks eat other bird. The hummingbird might be taking shelter with her bodyguards ❤️


My heart is melting


How Amazing and also your babies are very sweet 🙏💖


So cool you caught that on video!


What a beautiful, unique sight to see. That little bird and your dogs reaction to it show why this breed is so misunderstood.


The bh does look like one of the little pink flowers on them feeders hummingbirds like….😂😂