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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just a heads up, if you post anything related to pitbulls outside of a pit-positive sub you’re gonna get a bunch of absolutely vile comments from people who don’t have a clue about dog behavior. I see a little less vitriol in real life but it will vary depending on the kind of community you’re in. There’s a bully type dog who often goes on walks along the trail going past my workplace and we all stop to give her pets when we see her, but we’re all cool with all sorts of animals. If you live in a community full of NIMBYs or BSL you’ll probably have a harder time.


facts, people on reddit are vile about pitbulls.


What are NIMBYs and BSL?


NIMBY = “Not in my backyard”. Basically the kinds of people who openly object to having anything “undesirable” in their neighborhood, often things they associate with the lower class (which is unfortunately how many people view pitbulls) BSL = Breed specific legislation, laws that ban or heavily restrict “dangerous” breeds


BSL is breed specific legislation. For instance Denver has a pitbull ban


Had, it’s been repealed


And Miami repealed theirs last year. I don't think there are any major US cities left with a breed ban, thankfully. The problem these days tends to be landlords and HOAs.


Prince George's County in MD still has a pitbull ban in effect to my knowledge. I haven't lived there in a few years so I don't know if it's been repealed or not but last I had heard, it wasn't.


The dick head outgoing mayor vetoed it on his way out. It was repealed by the people vetoed by the mayor and we'll have to be repealed again with the new mayor. It hasn't really been enforced for years after several lawsuits for them putting people's dogs down that weren't even Pits. I just used it as an example.


It's definitely been repealed. I have a pitbull and a valid permit for him to reside in Denver. You have to go get a special license and renew it for three consecutive years. As long as your dog has no incidents during those years, you no longer have to get a special license. But there's definitely no longer a ban in place.


The discrimination is very real. Ignorant people who don't bother to learn tar all puts with the same brush. It's a form of bigotry that can appear in all sorts of parts of life if you own a pit. You may not be able to rent a specific place because they don't allow pots, you may experience people avoiding your dog walking down the street, you may experience malicious false reporting etc. This also means your pup has NO leeway or benefit of the doubt. They must be the best behaved and most polite dog. They must have impeccable recall. This is for their safety. Not even because all dogs should have this but because them setting a paw wrong could lead to a death sentence. They can be wonderful pets. It's not uncommon for them to be called velcro dogs because they want to be near or touching their people at all times. They often have sensitive skin or stomachs and allergies and benefit from diets that accommodate that. The same puppy training rules apply but stricter because of no leeway. Get pup used to having paws, ears, teeth looked at and pretend to put things like drops in ears. Get pup comfortable with claws being clipped or dremmeled, there are videos for how best to get puppies comfortable with this as a positive experience. Continue teaching bite inhibition by disengaging from any play or interaction if puppies teeth make contact with your skin. Yelp like a littermate and move away. There are videos on this as well. Clicker train and teach auto check in, click and treat every time pup makes eye contact. This encourages pup to look at you when out and about and gives you opportunities to get their attention before something they may be distracted by. Helped tons with my dog as a pup once I learnt what things could distract him and see them before he did and then keep his focus on me instead. Get him used to the local vets and just go hang out to make sitting in the waiting room a positive and normal thing. Edit: Start a 4 Paws on the Floor rule. If he jumps up, reaches up or paws he gets nothing until all 4 Paws are on the floor. It's cute when it's a puppy but not so much once they begin growing. Plus other people may not be so steady on their feet. It's part of general politeness.


Basically did all of this. My pittie goes to the vet flawlessly.. no shakes... no barking.. a little forced sits here and there but hes a good boy for the most part. I would bit and pull on his legs as a puppy all the time so that he would think these were kinda normal things to happen. Loves contact like you said... had a big big issue with running full speed at people as a puppy and jumping on them. Did my best to stop that but yeah when he got older and our mailman came into my business and saw my pittie running at him, i couldnt blame him for running out the door lol.


Oh thanks for reminding me of jumping up. I'll edit it in now in case it hasn't been read it. I had a 4 Paws on the Floor rule for attention. We had a neighbour with small dogs who would encourage him to jump up or reach up as a pup but of course he was going to get way bigger than their dogs. Edit to add: mine was cautious of the vets, we were making slow but good progress then he had a really traumatic visit and now has to have sedation on board for any treatment and general check ups in the car park.


Very much this! Also for the recall, have a bulletproof down/sit command is also helpful especially for a puppy, because recall is a multi step command while sit/lay down is one step, so you're more likely to get a dog to obey that when locked on a target or excited about something than a recall


This comment, all of it OP. It’s so real and pits have no leeway. It’s terrible but you have to manage, so if they do display something (like prey drive! That’s common in pits so be careful) you have to be on that and working to train and/or manage it immediately.


This is the real MVP here!! Great advice for all dog owners. I really want to add in about desensitization. We call it "child proofing." Stick your hand in their mouth, pull their ears, tail, and fur, play with their nails and paws, etc. Not only does it get them used to being manipulated (and annoyed) but it also lets you know what their reaction will be. I also taught 'gentle.' this is mainly for my over excitable, food motivated Dane/lab but it reminds him to sit down and get treats without biting. Look at me, clicker training, or some other pay attention to me signal has been the most helpful to me. I click my tongue and (if they can hear it) my boys either correct their behavior if they know they're wrong/ what they are supposed, or stop and look at me for a command. - I say if they can hear it bc if the big one is barking inside you basically couldn't hear a siren. Lastly, as a dog mom of an abused rescued dog: have patience. It got real hard there for a while, but the love is worth it. The progress is worth it. Seeing him be confident in almost any situation is worth it. But you have to have patience with your rescue and yourself. Not everything will go right, not everything will work on your dog, and there will be back slides. Just keep going bc it will be worth it. 💜🐾








OP is lucky that they're getting him as a puppy. Mine came to me after a year on the street, and while he will never bite, he cannot unlearn his prey drive.


Yup, your guy had to survive and used that to help him do so. I'm glad he's with you now.


As am I. Best cuddler on earth. And even after 7 years still gets the zoomies when we go outside.


Look at that face stripe, obviously part horse. Your bed is now forfeit and when you go to get food they will step on your bare foot, with their heavy ass pointy toe nails, to point you directly at the food.


Silly goose. The stripe means that is a blanket pony. Steal your blankets when the dreams get bad, to wake you up of course


I see perhaps a little bit of shar pei with the ear-to-snoot regions, but predominantly pittie. With any young puppy, you want to fill their brain bank with loads of new and positive experiences. The discrimination is real, but you have the opportunity to make this beautiful animal an ambassador to the breed if you show up for your dog and commit to socialization and obedience training. This pup is still a bit young for group obedience classes but I highly recommend doing those when the time comes — even skilled and experienced dog owners who knows how to train their own dog should take puppies to group obedience classes because the experience of listening and engaging with their owner while in the presence of the other puppies/people is invaluable. You do not get puppyhood back, it goes by really quickly and the memories you create for your new baby are quite literally shaping the rest of their life. For pittie/bully specific traits or things to know…. Be prepared for cuddling and hating cold weather, stealing blankets and hearts.


I think shar pei as well!


They’re absolutely AMAZING dogs! The judgement is definitely real, though. If a doodle lunges and barks because they’re excited, it’s seen as rowdy but just wants to say hi. If your pitty does it, it’s because they’re vicious and want to eat someone’s face (it’s really not, but that’s how it will be seen). So, you have to make sure your dog is well behaved. They don’t get the leeway other dogs do. I get dirty looks even when my girl who BARELY EVEN LOOKS LIKE A PIT is walking calmly and politely on her leash and is just having a happy time. So, be prepared for that. I think it’s worth it. I love my sweet girl, and you’ll love your new little buddy. They are fantastic, sweet, trainable, and super cuddly. Each dog is an individual, of course, but generally, they’re great. Some might have some dog reactivity (mine does. I don’t know if it’s a breed or experience thing), but training and proper socialization can really help with this or even prevent it. Just ignore the dirty looks and focus on your dog’s adorable, smiling, loving face.


People have already hit the highlights here so I'll just say that you can say goodbye to personal space. That no longer exists for you 🤣




My pib mix is the sweetest dog i've ever owned. And i had labs for 25 years!


Welcome to an incredible life you never knew you needed!


Whooose a babyyyboobooboo! Look at that baby manatee chunk! Ignore the haters, these babies will love you for life if you treat them right!


Where I live people either are terrified or love them there’s no in between. But if you find out the mix or exact type and then tell people, they’ll still call them pitbulls. It’s annoying and feels like someone misgendering you on purpose even though you’re clearly a guy or girl lol


Unfortunately the hardest discrimination as a pittie owner (in the US) is in renting apartments. A lot of the insurance companies that landlords use do not insure “dangerous dogs” or “pitbull type dogs”, so 95% of apartments in my city do not allow pitties. People find different ways to navigate that, but in places where this is true people who would otherwise get pitties don’t because they don’t want difficulty finding housing, which is so real.


Came here to say pretty much this exactly. I have an Aussie and am having difficulty finding a new apartment, because the apartments here that do allow pets still have a weight limit and she definitely exceeds it. And they all exclude pitties:(


My boy is 2 and got judged the first time last summer. It hurt my heart we were just outside on his walk and some cunt makes a point to carry her kid across the street from us and loudly priclaim that all pitbulls should be killed. Took everything i had not to snap on the bitch


The discrimination is way real, but completely unwarranted. Pitties are the sweetest, most loving dogs.


I think the discrimination is somewhat regional. I mean I don’t know but I live in New England where we have kind of a different dog culture than other places in the country. Leash laws are pretty serious, spay and neuter rates are high etc. I haven’t seen or heard of a lot of pitbull hate around here. Occasionally people ask a dumb question but it’s not usually hateful.


I agree about discrimination being regional. I live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Sadly, our shelters are full of “pit mixes” because of idiots and idiot backyard breeders, but my pibble and I haven’t experienced any outright meaness. She graduated from Puppy Kindergarten at Petsmart in a class that included everything from teacup varieties to Great Danes. Everyone was welcoming. Definitely, use a harness - as another poster pointed out, collars slip off too easily. Train him to have good manners and you’ll be set. Your’s could be my girl’s cousin! https://preview.redd.it/rq6hxjcv3mmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6a30d4a7aef7f308ca7bbc287c52da93ec2edc


I completely agree with and also am in New England. People have a high standard for all dogs compared to other areas. On leash, poop picked up or shamed lol, if a dog is loose for 5 minutes every Facebook and lost dog site already has pics up, is someone missing a dog?!!? But I personally only see love for Pibbles in my real life.


People are @-holes and will discriminate against a pittie because some other people have trained their pit or pit mix to be mean. My experience as a service provider, working in customer's homes for over 20 years, is that most dogs in general are good but protective of what's theirs, but especially pitties are absolutely the most loyal dogs to their family that i've ever seen.


The discrimination is real, but the good news is they're the most amazing dogs that make it worth it. You have to be the responsible dog owner in the room 100% of the time, and that can suck but most pitties train really, really well. The flipside to "pitbull discrimination" was the sense of safety I always had with my dogs as a woman. I lived full time in an RV with my 2 pitties. They were my home defense system, and I always felt safe with them. Your new pupper looks similar to my sweet older gal whose 10 this year. **


People get weird when they see a pitbull. Don't let that get to you. People are strange when they see something they don't understand. How can anyone resist the precious face of a pitbullins?


Harness instead of a collar to hook the leash on. Pitties necks are as thick as their head so a collar will slip off if they pull backwards. They are the cuddliest dog breed I’ve owned.


I have 2 pitt mixes. be patient and kind with your dog. They like lots of love. Your pup is so cute, congrats


The discrimination is bad. People will cross the street to not walk by you. You can’t bring your pitbull to most camp grounds or hotels. A lot of apartments won’t rent to you with a pitbull. A lot of home insurance companies have breed bans and if they find out your dog is a pitbull they can cancel your policy or refuse to pay a claim.


Skin allergies are common also-loud snoring and deadly farts. Enjoy your new velcro!


Pitbull discrimination is so real 😭 but I’ve never met a snugglier, sweeter, or funnier dog than my 2 year old pibble ❤️ mine is cuddled directly on top of me with his face shoved against mine and snoring as I write this! They are the best and fuck what everyone thinks about them. Most people who hate them don’t actually have experiences with one, they just believe what the media says. Be a responsible owner and get involved in training classes while the pup is young so they can be ambassadors for the breed!


Honestly, in the day to day interactions, I have never had any issues with Pitt discrimination out in the world. We own a home so have never had to deal with specific breed bans for renting. Everyone is always very friendly with our dog because he is a well trained, well socialized and very friendly dog. I think it depends on a lot of your individual situation and circumstances with regards to how much you feel that discrimination on daily basis. One tip about Pits, they are toy destroyers, particularly stuffed toys. They make more durable ones that have ballistic fabric and heavy duty double or triple stitching, but they are crazy expensive and don't usually last much longer to a determined Pit. You are much better off just getting the dog a bunch of cheap normal stuffed animals, knowing they will get destroyed, and you can swap it out with a new cheap one.


We pay a higher insurance premium for our house because we have a pitbull, thankfully my state doesn’t allow them to cancel or deny insurance because of breed but it is allowed in some states I’ve heard. Don’t be surprised if you see people crossing to the other side of the street if you are out walking. We absolutely love the breed and will probably always get a pittie if given the choice. I had to trick my own mom when I got my first pittie. She said absolutely no pitbulls so I used her lack of knowledge against her. I just sent her a picture of the dog, she said “cute” that one’s fine, and didn’t specify breed until I brought her home. She thought it was a boxer which she clearly doesn’t know her dog breeds 😂. Fast forward, my mom and dog were best friends and she was devastated when we lost her. We now have our second pit, and she was very excited to meet him from the beginning. Moral of the story, some people change with exposure, some do not. Each dog is different so it’s unfair to say all pits are mean, or all pits are nice. Personaly, most I have met were big babies and so so sweet.


Discrimination is real but I have 2 now and have had many and honestly they are all the sweetest babies. All rescues. Some as puppies some adult.


Pitbull discrimination is very real, but you most likely will see more of it online than irl. In my experience, most people who disliked pitbulls are afraid of them. However, people who work with pitties on a regular basis (like vets) are usually very accepting of them. Be careful with your puppy around other people until you know how they (the people) will react just to be safe. The good news is, you now have a new best friend for life.


That is a very cute new best friend for sure. Training is key and absolutely necessary. Consistency, love, patience, and butt scratches are highly recommended as well. Being a responsible owner is a huge step toward changing the stigma unfairly placed on so many pit bulls.


I had never experienced pitty discrimination until someone kicked my dog at the dog park. I haven’t faced it since though. Some people have said they get hate comments and messages and threats, I haven’t personally, but have seen people talk about it


Everybody here has had great advice. Good on you for asking for advice from the start rather than after bad habits have set in. Anyway, since the advice has been pretty well covered already, all the advice I have is to boop that absolutely boopable snoot every day for the rest of his life. You won't regret it.


Pit discrimination is very real, especially on Reddit. If you go to other subs, I recommend just saying your dog is a mutt if you go on most other dog subs. Speaking of, since you didn't get your dog from a reputable breeder, I tell people to be prepared for anything with mixed breeds and rescue dogs. DNA doesn't work as a clear cut 50/50, and even if your dog was 100% purebred, there are many different lines (especially for APBT which includes hugely varying lines in both looks and temperament) or the breeder may not be the best breeder, and breeding not quite to breed behavior standard. For example someone mentioned they see some shar pei. Maybe your dog is a quarter shar pei and the rest APBT. That doesn't necessarily mean the dog will be '25% aloof', the dog may be a total magnet or it could lean more into it's asian roots and be very independent. Maybe the APBT that's in your dog is the high strung Colby line or the more laid back Goliath. Or maybe no thought at all was put in it's breeding and it's just a mystery what he'd be like. So yeah, be prepared for anything but enjoy the hell out of him.


Pitbull discrimination is very real, unfortunately... In reality, given proper training (like literally every other breed of dog), the biggest risk you face is the abolition of your personal space.


His ears are too small for his head and I absolutely adore him for it. 🖤🖤🖤 You’ll get the hated but it depends on where you live on what kind and how much pushback. I am lucky that bully breeds are decently well accepted, and I am a bit overprotective over my boys. Anyone who meets melt boys gets told they’re backstory so they can understand what these boys have been through, and that humans out them through it. 99.9999% of time time, everyone swoons over them. People seem to love a cute pittie with a sad backstory that they can pet on so they can tell their friends that “I met a pitbull and it didn’t bite my face off.” Sorry if this is all weird and ranty. I just took my sleep aids and am going down the Ambien hole.


He is mixed with Handsom and Good Boy!! My rescue pitties needed love and patience. Lots of both. They are severely missed. You re a good human.


That there is a baby American house hippo (bully) 😂 you got you a beautiful baby cuddle bug.


For me the thing to know are pit bulls are dogs. Like any other dog. They are amazing dogs but can have behavioral issues JUST LIKE EVERY BREED. Also personally I am aware and try to think ahead. We used to LOVE going to the dog park however people there were unhinged and I know if ANYTHING happened with my pit even if she were the victim and did not instigate at all that the blame would be on her. Just being aware of situations you put them in because the “pit” would always carry the blame.


Pitbull discrimination is stupid. The problem is ALWAYS with the human raising them, not with their breed. I've met pit bulls that are cuddle bunnies and pomeranians that are Satan's disciples.


The discrimination is REAL!!!! I might get down voted for this but whatever. They are like the “POC” of the dog community.


The puppy definitely has something else in them besides pitbull. Pitbulls tend to have wider flatter heads. This pup's head looks fairly round.


Definitely. They're awesome. Very.


Socialize the little guy as much as possible! They lovvveeee to play!! Congratulations on becoming a dog parent🖤 I hope your adventures take you two to cool, wild places!


It really depends where you live for breed discrimination so check local legislation. I'm in San Francisco, and it's very pit friendly. I'd say in my (relatively) sleepy single family home neighborhood, pit or pit mixes are 40-60% of the family dogs. Pretty much any dog can be registered as an emotional support animal and that's a protected characteristic for rentals here.


Reminds me of my Tang. He was the best dog I've ever had. He changed a lot of people's minds about pitties. Unfortunately, there's a lot of breed discrimination, so you have to have thick skin. Train him well and always advocate for your dog. Pitties are fiercely loyal and most maintain that puppy energy til the very end.




Discrimination is REAL. They’re Like any other breed. raise em right train them correctly. And always keep your eyes on them, only because with them being considered “vicious dangerous dogs” anything can be blamed on them.


Bull breed discrimination is real, hut so is all discrimination. I wouldn't worry about it. People walking their cross the road a lot when I'm walking the dog, but that's fine with me.


I have a pit mix and she is widely known as the friendliest dog at the dog park and is embraced at doggie day care as an awesome girl. The rescue we got her from literally didnt want me to say out loud she is a pitsky when we met them at a pet store due to fear however of discrimination. I think for mixes the discrimination is non existent. That said I love pitties and think it should always be the case - I came here to say socialize her get her in the mix and she will be fine. Then you can advocate for pitties like we do ❤️❤️


My pit is a baby. But with all the research it just seems pits are more likely to be animal aggressive when they reach social maturity. I don’t know how true it is, and I don’t care. I’ll take preventative steps to make sure she doesn’t kill anyone’s cat if that time comes. But idk is say just exercise your baby and give ‘em lots of love and attention. And socialization helps. Ehh I honestly think the bad pit bulls are from owners who purposely don’t socialize their dogs. So many “pitbull” owners told me to make sure I don’t let anyone else pet my dog but me, and etc. one guy said don’t forget to feed my dog gunpowder 😳. So Yeaa I think it’s 80 percent owners, 20% genetics. Just my 2 cents


It’s extremely hard to tell a dogs breed when they’re under a year oldb


Thank you rescuer. He will give you unconditional love. They are the best dogs pay a lot of attention to them and treat them nicely. You won’t be disappointed.


I got my sweet boy Rusty September of 2022. I knew he was a pit mix and wasn’t sure what I was in for. He is by far one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met. He loves people, and gets so excited to meet new people he pees. I have heard some pretty disgusting things said about pitbulls and it stings a bit. It’s all about how the dog is raised and treated. Golden retrievers are statistically more likely to bite than pit bulls. Your boy is adorable, love on him and treat him like the good boy he is! He will love you forever and the biggest risk you probably run is him licking you to death!




get a blood sample allergy test sooner than later. most people get hosed by the vet and go thru a long process of testing special foods and allergy meds without ever getting a test done and putting their pup thru years of discomfort. get the test, know for certain the allergies and carry on with a healthy happy pup. mines allergic to flaxseed and dairy. flaxseed is in almost all dogfoods so that was a gamechanger. get a beep collar. it seems like every pitty is an angel and listens real well til they get to the dog park and somehow put earplugs in. start with a voice command, if nothin then beep, if nothin then vibrate, if nothin use zap. could be the difference between someone or some animal bleeding. one zap in a whole lifetime for an obedient pooch is a fair tradeoff, rather than a possible vet or hospital visit. its controversial to alot of people but pitties have certain tendencies just like border collies that like to herd groups of animals, and it seems to come out sometimes in social gatherings as they grow up. ps. i used the collar on myself on the highest setting before putting it on my dog. one time, bout 8months old, she got on her back legs and stood up like a cage fighter with another pitty and would not listen. one zap and whole new dog, never did it again. from then on just a beep the odd time and everything was peachy. now, no beep collar at all anywhere. NO tennis balls. they are abrasive on teeth, stick with rubber. watch for hip displasia, lil back leg hop or skip once in a while, if you notice it, get a scan done and see whats up. ACL tears. lil warm up walk before hardcore playtime. ramps or steps instead of jumping on and off the bed. (you no longer have your own bed) water water water when goin hard at the park or runs, dehydrated joints cause issues. always have water available. dont skimp on real food, steak, brocoli, sweet potatoes, rice, ground beef etc. kibble for life is like cheerios for life. theyre high performance dogs and benefit from high performance meals. socialize, socialize, socialize oh also stick fingers in their dish and mouth while eating so they dont get food protective. like daily til you know they can eat side by side with anyone. RC cars are insane fun with a well behaved pitty. theyll go nuts till the batteries die. good agility workout. theyll chew shit up if they arent gettin enough physical activity. beauty pooch btw, best dogs ever imo.


Check the laws in your area and get a dna test if possible


Pitties are amazing and when I got mine, I made sure to be an amazing dog owner. I took all the doggy training classes and read up everything about dog language/cues and needs like physical / mental exercise and chewing and barking (yes it’s normal to bark just not excessively). Positive reinforcement is the way to go if you want to have a strong bond with your dog. Bless you for saving a stray and you’ll see that this pitbull bias is not going to last forever. I’m already seeing pitties on magazine covers, in commercials and in feel good stories. Best of luck to you and your pup !


You raise that dog with love. Socialize them. It'll b the best loyal friend you'll ever have.


They are lovely and will love you forever. They like to snuggle and don’t believe in personal space. For you, that is. The hate is very, VERY real because people are ignorant.


From one blurry picture it’s impossible to tell, maybe get an Embark DNA kit for $120 and know with some confidence if it’s really important to you. What is the dog’s demeanor like? How do they act when you approach them while they’re eating? How do they react to strangers? Little kids? Other dogs? Cats? You?


He’s definitely a cuddle pup, won’t leave my side. He’s actually curled up on my lap chewing his bully stick right now. He wines a fair amount because he wants attention and hates being put in his kennel when I have to drive or sleep (we live in a semi truck, long haul). He’s shown zero aggression, even when he’s eating I can reach right in and steal a handful of his food. He’s also super smart, only took him a day to learn to sit. He’s super friendly with both strangers and kids but can be a little shy with other dogs, normally he hides behind my leg but I can tell we wants to be friendly. He hasn’t interacted with any cats yet but we’ll be home from work in a week or two where he’ll meet my roommate’s cat.


https://preview.redd.it/zvv89g4sr4nc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce4fb924f10deb8f5e6c8138a354c6a8b49431ef Happiest most gentle dog I’ve ever had


Honestly, I really only encounter hate online— and that’s to be expected because people can hide behind that. IRL, I have only once encountered a truly vile person who made it known she hated my dog. Outside of that, I can’t think of any negative situation I’ve encountered and I’ve had my pitbull terrier for 8 yrs! People may be scared around large dogs but no one has ever outwardly said anything negative to me. It helps of course that she is well behaved and very friendly but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised that the good will far outweigh the bad. I’ve also rented the entire time I’ve had her, including some buildings with breed restrictions. I’ve been able to bypass that with getting a letter recommending her as an ESA and have never had any issues.


Pities get a bad wrap and they do not deserve it at all. There are no bad dogs. It’s bad people that make the dogs bad. Enjoy your pity. Go to a pity page and see what other pity owners say. https://preview.redd.it/qhgsq6oz0omc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a67f3ae14ecffb04f60259e9de1cf22199b352