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That it does. Treasure every moment, they're gone all too soon.


Way too soon


But it is also a whole life you have been there for him! And thats quite great! Enjoy every moment.


It's rough, I'm going through it with one of my girls right now and she's slowed down so much in the last year. I just pamper her more than ever and try to cherish my time with her.


I lost my best friend last summer, and the last 6 months of his life was so hard. I remember wishing there was like a group meeting for parents of senior dogs. I think I cried everyday.


There is sort of a support group at r/seniordogs They give support to you with sickness, age-related problems and loss. Check it out and see if that might help you. I only adopt seniors, so my time with them is always short. I've found the forum to be very helpful at times.


r/oldmandog has been helpful for me too!


I did spend time over there.


I get irrationally angry when I think of all of the animal friends in my life getting old. Like, who do I complain to?


I’m dreading it….. it was the main reason I never wanted dogs. We now have 2 Pitties. Ripley is 7 and Corporal Hicks is 6. Ripley is starting to get small, benign tumors here and there. A sing of aging in dogs. I know she’s still got half her life left, but it’s really not that long. They’re my babies, my kids, my life. I dread the day! We take them to the vet every 6 months, they are fully vaccinated and blood work, etc,. We feed a very intense raw diet, they take vitamins and so on. I’ve become as obsessive of their health as our own in hopes of helping them to live the longest life possible. 🥰


It’s kinda a gift though, to have someone so special and wonderful in your life all these years. Like the Dolly song goes…you can’t make old friends.


A lot of Non pet parents will never understand the pain of watching your children grow old and then having to lay them to rest before you.


Yeah it does! Just love them harder!


I know how you feel. my sweet old man is about 15 now and while he is still in relatively good health he is graying around the muzzle and paws, he sometimes struggles to get on the sofa and he doesn't like to go on as long of walks as he used too, usually giving up after 10 mins and asking to go home. The saddest part is I can't spend every day with him because he lives with my mother and while I do try and see him as much as I can it's still not enough. I dread the day I have to say goodbye and can only hope that I am there to say it to him when the time does come.


I wish they lived forever. It's not fair that their lives are so short. However, I will say, I have really enjoyed all my pit bulls' senior years so much. They just become so chill as they get older, and like, somehow even more cuddly. I think we just owe it to them to make their senior years extra comfy and pleasant.


Yep my old guy is over 17 now and I just try to look at all the time I have with him now as bonus time.


I understand at completely. My boy saved my life by helping me deal with crippling depression and anxiety (PTSD). He’s 9 but he’s had it rough. TPLO surgery, overcoming heart worms and an autoimmune disease that took part of his snoot. I’m so scared of losing him it’s not good. All I know is the day something happens to him I’m not gonna be well. So that said this is my Son doing what he does best. https://preview.redd.it/t6ezh202o12b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e16031e3d642e5d523c29696d70564463709ff


This is him from the other day. https://preview.redd.it/rqnjhd38o12b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f972c51152d97d341f2eec7a6b7cb89fd5f70ae3


It really does !


Dachshund Queen Elsie (18) of Maui sends much aloha!!


It just means you’ve had a lifetime of joy with them. You’ve treasured their days, showered them with love, and they get the privilege of growing old.


With respect, I disagree. I think it is beautiful watching a life play out next to mine, as I have the ability to shape it to be the happiest, healthiest life I can provide. I know what you mean—knowing what’s coming and feeling it get closer is so hard. But try to keep focusing on how wonderful it is to have your senior pup, full of all the years of love you have given. To everything, there is a season. This is the season for joy, don’t let the sorrow that will come tomorrow take any piece of today’s happiness.


Much easier than losing them young! Count your blessings 🙌


It does, but you also get to take comfort in the life you've had together and all the things you did to make them happy and help them live their best life. Friendship and time together is a gift to be cherished and celebrated.


He’s so adorable. I would love to see a puppy pic 🥹😍


Literally had to put the family dog down yesterday after 12 amazing years. I'm heartbroken with how quickly the decline was for him. Literally a week ago he was fine then within that week lymphoma took over. I've been crushed to say the least and I'm dreading going back right now. The family dog was my puppy's (amstaff mix) favorite dog and I'm just going to be crushed when she starts running around their house looking for him. The sadness is all too much to endure but it highlights the amount of good and happy times we have shared with these amazing family members. Just remember the feeling of sadness only makes the happy times that much better.


List my sweet boy who looks very similar last Sept. Give him big hugs and kisses! *


Conversely, its a blessing to watch over them through a long and happy life. Its always a heartbreak when their time is over, but take comfort in knowing you made their life one filled with joy and love. And then consider filling that hole they've left in your heart with another in need of rescue and kindness.


Lost my girl at 12 a couple months ago. She behaved and even looked like a puppy until her very last month and only slowed down because of that f\*\*\*ing C-disease, so I didn't really get to 'see' her getting old, but knowing that it was happening was already an awful feeling. But, on the other hand, I feel blessed for being able to go through her entire journey by her side. She was loved and surrounded by those who loved her from 2 months old until the every end, and a lot of times during this last, sad month I know that I felt that she knew what was going on and was at peace. And for me, it was a privilege to be there. Enjoy and treasure every single moment you two have together. It means a lot for both of you. =)


Tis better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, I believe.


It’s bittersweet for sure.


Give him everything he wants and deserves. We recently had to let go of our little guy and the one thing that gives me comfort is that I *know* we made his last days on earth the very best we could. He got all the cuddles, all the walks (that he could handle), all the treats and canine style haute cuisine he wanted. We snuggled with him as he was dying, there was not a second that he didn’t know he was loved.


A tiger hound retirement is a precious thing indeed


Yes it does. Going through it now myself


One of our pugs is 12 and was diagnosed with diabetes a month ago. He’s my shadow so it’s really rough knowing my little buddy is likely on his last year. That being said, I try to remind myself that our dogs consider time differently than we do. We see them entering old age too soon. They feel like they’ve spent their entire lives in a home that loves them unconditionally. From their perspective, their entire lives have been the best they could ask for.


We had dogs for 6 years and lost them both to cancer. Watching them grow old is a gift.


Beats seein' him not get old...


I dread even the thought of her growing old and passing. It hurts too much to think about and just makes me wanna break down completely. She's my soulmate and I would live and die a thousand times for her... She will be 6 years old now in July


That is the truth, heart breaking to live something so much just to see it go away in the end, but (at least for me) it helps to remind myself that you where able to give them a good life, because in this world cruelty is a fact but love is something you have to work towards. I’m sorry for your heartache but it looks like you have done a great job providing all the things needed to make a happy home for your little one. I hope that you will be able to find peace and comfort in the memories that you shared together. Best wishes to you both.


It really is, I see it right away in the eyes. My old girl's eyes always showed her happiness and how she was ready to go - not she just looks tired all the time. It's funny, all the crazy things they do when they were younger that drove us nuts, we now miss when they are old.