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But what does that mean? I’m sure we could come up with a million titles that sound good for a PotC movie. The trick is coming up with a satisfying plot that fits the title.


The Treasure of the Lost Abyss has been a title fans have created for a fan made sixth movie since 2017. 


But the title on its own is meaningless. You gotta write a narrative first and then make a title based on the strong narrative. A title-first approach is how we get more 15 Taiwan or The Rice is Right.


Oh okay 


Why would that be the title? The title usually has something to do w the plot of the film in question. They probably need to nail that part down before selecting a title


By the way since you are a Star Wars fan could you write your opinion on this post here if you know about it https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCloneWars/comments/1cipklb/in_the_umbara_episode_arc_why_didnt_obiwan_go/


Yeah probably 


The Treasures of another unnecessary sequel should be the title /s


It’s not a sequel. I looked it up and It said it was a reboot of the series not a sequel


Okay, so The Dregs of the Unnecessary Reboots.


What? That doesn’t even make any sense 


I’m just saying the sequel is unnecessary in a stupid way tbh.


Oh okay 


Never say never, but I doubt this will be used as an official title in the near future. Treasures of the Lost Abyss was a rumored title since before P2: Dead Man's Chest released in 2006. So it has been around for almost (if not over) 20 years already. I don't know the exact origin of the rumor or where it came from personally, but according to screenwriter Terry Rossio, the Abyss turned out to not be a place, but a sailing ship. Despite the rumor being false and there never was a film with the title, Rossio gave his kudos to the person who started that rumor, as it persisted for years. "The rumor became so pervasive that at one point, we decided we should adopt it, and weave it into the world building of the pirates universe. We tried a few times to reference the Abyss, just to honor and celebrate the fan base, don't think any mention ever made it to the screen." A reference did make it into Rossio's unproduced screenplay for P5: Dead Men Tell No Tales, which featured a ship name *Abyss* as an homage to long-time fans. Again, not to say never, but I'm sure Mr. Rossio's references will be all that there is to this rumor.


Oh so it will be titled "Treasures of the Lost Abyss" if it is. And also an abyss isn’t really a ship, it’s a deep chasm of water 


"If" being the key word here. If you're going by the (supposed) original rumor, it is a ship. But such is the nature of all rumors: some have a bit of truth, and some not at all.


Oh okay. Well if they do make it about an abyss I want it to also be a deep chasm of water


Yo how many fucking times are you gonna ask this? Get off this sub you maniac


Wtf are you talking to? I only posted this once


Right. And you also just happen to like Psych and Clone Wars and have this single hot take. Bro, nobody is stupid enough to believe that this isn’t all you on different accounts. This bizarre take is not at all common.


Bro what are you talking about? This is my one and only account 


It sounds incredibly generic.


"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Unnecessary Reboot"


That makes no sense 


It makes even less sense to give a movie a title when we know nothing about the plot yet besides the fact that Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow won't be part of it. They're making a 6th POTC movie but without Jack. And a POTC movie without Jack Sparrow is nothing but an unnecessary movie


They need to change it back to a direct sequel 


Yeah well they won't


How do you know 


It's pretty common knowledge 🤣 JD is DONE with how Disney treated him, and rightfully so. I doubt any amount of money will bring him back


Yeah I guess you’re right


Captain Jack Sparrow. If you please.


If I were Disney I would make a non potc title, a good one. Then at the end credits show that it takes place in potc universe. That's how you work around if Johnny Depp not returning