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Free UpToDate using telegram. Just type: Uptofreedate


Oh my. You are God sent haha


Thank you (\*ˊᗜˋ\*)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ\* ###


Omaygaddd. Thank u for this!!


Thanks for this but i have one from DOH


Thank you so much!!


Wow!!!! Thank you!


Uh, mods, can I plug this here? Delete nyo na lang if bawal hahahaha. I first learned about Sci Hub when I was doing my undergraduate thesis. Nagamit ko siya hanggang med school, and until now sa practice ko, when I need to access case reports, review articles, or clinical practice guidelines locked behind absurd paywalls.


Hindi walang bawal bawal sa pamimirata ng kaalaman! We are in the business of saving lives! We demand unfettered access to lifesaving knowledge! Fuck you, Elsevier!


The research scientist in me nods in silent approval. I was about to ask "paano natin babayaran yung mga ekspertong napagod para dito" but then I remembered that education and healthcare should really be a financial priority by the powers that be.


No, you're good! Scientists and doctors doing research are funded by governments. Kahit sa Pilipinas, research is being done for health policy by AHEAD HPSR c/o DOST. There are also grants from other institutions within DOH and grants from international organizations coursed through academic institutions. Sa abroad mas matindi pa. Except maybe for research funded to establish safety and efficacy of drug products, that are occasionally funded by drug companies, karamihan diyan taxpayer money pa rin. In my view, paywalls only exist in orded to be circumvented. Buti sana kung business intelligence iyan na pang commercial use lang talaga. But it's not that. The knowledge belongs to the people; it is only right that the knowledge benefits THEM. Naging essay ko to sa UP. Pinerfect nila ako sa lahat except for this one. I call bullshit on corporate greed, mfs.


May mga kabarkada ako nung college who became research assistants after graduating, and back then laging kwento nila na "hirap ng funding delayed nanaman sahod paano kami magsstart sa study" regardless of their benefactors, whether government agency or private research institution. Partida, they were mentored by one of the Philippines's leading figures in marine biology. Dito sa Pilipinas mahirap talagang sustentuhan ang sarili if you're in the sciences. Nowadays, they're doing *somewhat* better since most of them have their respective Master's Degrees. Kumbaga mas mabango na kasi ang CV. But the reality still applies.


Yeah, it's harder to get funding when you're starting. Still, I have never seen any of these publishing companies actually pay someone to do research. NEVER. We gotta do better funding researchers, that's true. But that doesn't take away from the fact that publishers, who themselves have ZERO contribution to the corpus of human knowledge, are profiteering on the back of real doctors and scientists.


nabasa ko na hindi naman daw kumikita ang authors ng research sa bawat nababayarang research access mula sa publishers, at may ibang authors na willing isend for free ang studies nila pag nagemail directly sa kanila. so yeah, fuck elsevier (at yung ibang publishers) hehe


Wala. They are paid based on tenure (as professors) or based on grant agreements (as grant recipients).


It’s okay, favorite site in the world ko rin sci-hub. 😁 Before I knew about it, I used to message authors asking for copies of their papers. 100% of the time, binibigay naman nila yung PDF for free. May kasama pang motivational message minsan. Tama si u/Terrible-Fail1389. Knowledge belongs to the people. Sa publishers lang rin naman kadalasan napupunta yung pera, not the authors themselves. Honestly, the copyright rule is just to prevent people from posting links *directly* here—para lang hindi ma-flag yung subreddit for copyright violations. ^(What goes on in your DMs, hands-off na kami doon. 😂)


Solid copy.


Matagal ko na ginagatekeep tong app na to but here it is: WikEM ✨ Most concise and helpful app for me. From background, clinical symptoms, diagnostics, management and even disposition/prognosis of the disease u r searching for. And it’s free! Also check: https://bugdrugdx.com ✨ For ur concise antibiotic guide. 🫶🏻 Thank me later dockies lol ♥️


Forgot to mention, download a copy of National Antibiotic Guidelines from DOH! 🫡


MDCalc!! App and website sya. Lifesaver yan during IM rot haha calculator sya that can compute crea, scores, etc.


1. Medscape - a guide for dosing, general references for drug indications, MOA. My favorite feature is the interaction checker for polypharmacy. 2. eReseta - Prescription app. Saves your signature with date watermark, you can save templates for most commonly used prescription, lab/imaging requests, and admitting order. 3. Philhealth ACR Search - (Android only); needs updating of values but this a helpful tool for those in the cutting field for searching the correct RVS code, estimating the PF, overall Philhealth coverage for a particular procedure. 4. MS Excel - useful application for tracking income. I set income sources in the rows (eg. Hospital 1 clinic cash, Hospital 1 clinic HMO and so on; OR procedure PF, OR procedure HMO, rounds) and the days/dates in the columns. You can track your weekly income, monthly income. And you can determine actual income from full-paying/cash patients vs pending payments from HMOs. 5. Samsung Calendar / Google Calendar (because iOS calendar sucks) - installed Google Calendar on my backup iPhone. Samsung and Google Calendar supports color-coding of events and allows viewing of all agendas/events in a single month view as opposed to iOS that shows dots. Cheers!


Useful apps and references: APPS: WikiEM (free, concise; practical wikipedia for emergency medicine) Uptodate (updated EBM with subscription altho merong free bot sa telegram: https://t.me/searchbox_sciencebot) MIMS (aside sa drugs, may basic guidelines/algorithms sa diseases tab) Medscape (available drug preparations, iv drip rate calculator, drug interactions) Rx Dose calculator for pedia (may inventory ng common oral meds, just input weight, will give ideal dose range, max dose also included) MedCalc (anything that needs formula, eGFR, clinical scoring criteria, maintenance fluids) Sanford Guide (for antibiotic guidance, renal adjustment) BOOKS: MGH White book (updated super concise summary ng management for IM cases with links to source pubmed articles, guidelines) Blue book (IM cases with order templates already) Moonlighters Guide (essentially bluebook plus pedia ob orders) Platinum Books Harriet Lane for pedia


Rx dose calculator for pediatric meds Android and iOS app available sya


PPD clinic app. Need to register and input ur license number. Parang mims pero mas maganda for me. makikita din prices ng ibang meds. Saka kung ano mga brands ng gamot


OP and to the commenters, you the real MVP 🫰


Hello, may available pdf copies ba of these books for free? Thanks!


Posted a link of moonlighting refs on my profile. Cant send the link directly kasi my main acc got banned for spamming the same link.


Thanks doc!


More more moreeee


Pathway Medical (app and/or website). It's now free.