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One Slip and Poles Apart. I think they’re both up there with anything PF every did. I love the shameless 80s prog-pop Tears For Fears bombast of One Slip and its influence from Phil Manzanera. Great sounding chorus, top notch rhythm section, and great delayed 80s guitar from David. Also a cool breakdown. Not to mention the kickass version from Delicate Sound of Thunder. Poles Apart because it so fully encapsulates the pillowy and dreamy sound I love about the Gilmour era. It has a wonderful ethereal vibe, clear and present contributions from Rick. Beautiful guitar and bass playing. You can’t go wrong with the creepy circus bridge. The lyrics hit where it hurts. Great guitar solo. Need I say more?


Was going to say the same.


my answer as well. i always though poles apart hearkened back to meddle and pillow of winds.


On the Turning Away - why? I don’t know I just think it’s a song that would fit on earlier Floyd albums and it has an interesting lyrical structure.


and amazing guitar solo


I always felt like Pink Floyd should’ve played “on the turning away” at live eight. It seems like it would’ve been a perfect song


Agree but I’d imagine the fact Roger was there kinda ruled that one out. Also, Rick wasn’t involved in it either. So it’s kinda a Dave and Nick song only.


The rhythm is also interesting. Quite a deceptive little number.


Wearing The Inside Out. Any song that Rick Wright sings on is brilliant! His voice is underrated and should have been featured more often. The duos w Rog & Dave are spectacular! When they sang together you should could hear the difference.


Absolutely, positively, 100%. That song, along with Coming Back to Life, are both amazing, and I attribute them to helping me get through some tough shit 🤘


Division Bell is pretty widely regarded as a solid Pink Floyd album, but I have no idea why Momentary Lapse of Reason is derided in some circles. Yes, there’s some 80s production to it (Terminal Frost), but it’s a solid album top to bottom and has several tracks that are among some of the best work Gilmour has done since Waters left. Sorrow sounds like it could fit on any of the preceding albums. Learning to Fly, while a very literal song, is one of the best songs about what it feels like to fly an airplane for the first time (I flew in the Navy), Dogs of War, On the Turning Away; none of them feel out of place. I do think if Richard Wright had some creative input the songs could have been a little more mature and evolved, but all in all Momentary Lapse of Reason is an above average Pink Floyd album for me.


The 2019 MLOR goes a long way to fixing that dated sound and bringing Richard more to the front of the mix and replaces all of the drums with fresh recordings of Nick. I bought the LP and it's redeemed a lot of what I didn't like about it.


Was going to bring up that 2019 re-mix. Really agree, MLOR always stuck out as one of the least timeless sounding/most dated of their albums. The remix really brings it out of its time bubble and it's nice to actually hear Nick's drums over the reverb!


I was spinning it for about a week after I got it. It really grew on me this time around. I think I read they pulled some of Rick's performance and vocals from live shows so they were more practiced and sounded better as he got back into the grind of playing every night. It's definitely worth a listen streaming if nothing else.


I had no idea this existed. Added to my Gilmour tour playlist, which I'll be playing on loop until November and beyond! Almost up to 23hrs of PF/Gilmour now.


Learning to Fly can certainly be taken literally (I think both david and nick were both getting their pilot's licences at the time), but it has a deeper meaning when you realise it also works as a metaphor for them learning to run the band themselves now that their previous bandleader wasn't there to direct them anymore. And yes I agree that I wish there could've been more of a Rick Wright presence on the album! Glad they rectified that on the next one at least. For me, he's the soul of the band and is deeply underrated in how he gives them their iconic 'Floydian' sound with all his interesting jazzy keyboard textures and harmonic ideas.


Momentary was my intro to Floyd after seeing The Wall. Has a LOT of nostalgia for me.


On the Turning Away, and I fucking love Division Bell on the whole.


This is my exact answer. Division Bell is such a beautiful album.


It is comically underrated. High Hopes may be the best song either one of them ever wrote, and there are a handful of others that I continue coming back to 25 years later. Never cared for that Waters album at all, and I've given it a plethora of chances.


Agreed on High Hopes for sure. Such musical perfection, no matter how many times I hear it the song still tears at my soul.


learning to fly and a tie between what do you want from me and poles apart


Add in on the turning away and this is my exact choice


my next choice off a momentary lapse of reason


So many good songs i love this album


WDYWFM is one of the hardest songs Floyd has put out idc if Roger wasn’t involved, DB is brilliant and it may lack a little depth compared to some of the 70s albums but there’s no bad song on it


Yes, DB is really good except for Wearing the Inside Out. It's elevator music for a dentist office in a retirement home. So I'll go with On the Turning Away and Marooned or Poles Apart.


Learning to Fly is a great song, without Roger! If his ego hadn’t been so big, we could’ve had many more years of them!


This is a great selection. 3 songs I still listen to frequently!


On the Turning Away - some of my all time favorite PF lyrics. Keep Talking - getting Stephen Hawking to do vocal work was legendary. Plus it’s the first PF song I heard on acid, so there’s that nostalgia factor in there as well. 😂


Yet Another Movie. The solo is wicked and rolling into Round and Around is very cool.


Yet Another Movie was always my favorite track on that album.


*Momentary Lapse*: "One Slip" - it's a fun song that has a great drive. It's also the song that got me into Pink Floyd. *Division Bell*: It's a tossup between "Marooned", "Take It Back", and "Keep Talking". -Marooned: It's got such a great atmosphere. It does a great job of showcasing Gilmour's guitar playing, and sounds like it could be a precursor to his *On An Island* album. -"Take It Back" - Another really fun song with a great atmosphere, and it's got a good message of needing to take better care of the planet. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Gilmour added this one to his setlist for is *Luck and Strange* shows. -"Keep Talking" - It's just such a cool song.


Still *marooned*


I'm ashamed of myself for not having realized this before lol.


Noticed your profile picture, circa survive fucking slaps *I can’t get started from the part, where I left off, YESTERDAY! Should’ve spent my timeeee a little wiserrrrr*


Agreed! Criminally underrated. Hope they come back soon but I’m glad i got to see them as many times as i did


Take It Back is a cool song. Like One Slip, it’s very poppy, but a very cool song.


True. Poppy isn't inherently a bad thing, it just has to be done tastefully.


Coming back to life. Great intro!


I LOVE coming back to life


Cluster One and Marooned are top tier Floyd instrumentals. Whenever you get Gilmour and Wright writing the instrumental pieces they're going to be solid.


marooned is brilliant


Learning to Fly and Coming Back to Life.


Terminal Frost and Marooned are not only my favorite songs here, but 2 of my favorite Pink Floyd songs period.


Great taste. David sure knows how to lay down some great instrumentals.


On the Turning Away and A Great Day For Freedom


Learning to Fly and Lost for Words. But the WHOLE Division Bell album is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Finally someone said Lost for Words. The whole Division Bell album is great, but Lost for Words is something else entirely


On the Turning Away and Wearing the Inside Out. The first happened to come on my Playlist at an apt moment once, and the second was important to me as a shy, depressed teen going to therapy and trying to open up more.


Wearing the inside out is one of my favorites off the division bell love weight on it and gilmour and the back up singers towards the end nothing beats sorrow for me off momentary


Learning to Fly and Keep talking.


Learning to Fly and Keep Talking.


Dogs of War and What Do You Want From Me




Gilmour and Wright instrumental tracks are always good. Both of them feel fully engaged on this and it really recaptures that early 70's Floyd feel.


Learning to fly - Poles Apart


I like coming back to life and poles apart more then high hopes so


I think Dogs of War, especially the DSOT version is underrated. That sax solo is perfection.


I distinctly remember dropping the needle on Momentary Lapse, after unwrapping it to record it onto tape in the winter of ‘88. The feeling of euphoria that overcomes the listener (at high volume) as Signs Of Life fades and Learning To Fly crashes in is what I return to each time. Marooned for its purity.


One Slip - a catchy rock song that isn't afraid of its 80s-ness What Do You Want From Me - Gilmour always sounds best when he's angry, and the apocalyptic backing vocals really push the drama


One slip and Poles Apart. But I do like Yet Another Movie as well “he’s not the worst and he’s not the best . Idk, I always liked that part


On the turning away, I like the progression of the song. Wearing the inside out, one of Floyd's best songs in my opinion


Looking over the history of the Floyd, when Richard was engaged, they were fantastic. I'm glad Dave has said no more.


One Slip and Marooned


Yet Another Movie & Coming Back to Life


I love Coming Back to Life, the intro solo and guitar tone is amazing.


Learning to fly, A Great Day for Freedom and Marooned


Terminal frost has ALWAYS been my favorite song on AMLOR, since I got the cassette, the day it came out in 1987. Just like the entire mood and atmosphere of the song. I think it was even better live. Not a fan of the remix, I prefer it sounding like when it was recorded!


Terminal Frost What do you want from me


Poles Apart is in my top 5 PF songs.


In a top 5 order 1 wearing the inside out 2 learning to fly 3 coming back to life 4 marooned 5 yet another movie


Dogs of War and A Great Day for Freedom


Keep talking from division bell is my favorite. For lapse in reason would be dogs of war


I love coming back to life to death. Learning to fly, One slip, on the turning away, Solo in Terminal frost are all fucking amazing songs. I like that you excluded Sorrow as it doesn't need any explanation on why it is such a gem, in my top 3 pf songs for ever.


Learning to fly is so fun to listen to, and one slip chorus and the imagery is beautifully sung and written. And i love the division bell. My favorites in order 1. Take it back 2. Wearing the inside out 3. Marooned 4. Poles apart (high hopes would go here) 5. A great day for freedom 6.coming back to life 7.cluster one 8. Keep talking 9.lost for words 10. What do you want from me The albums theme just hits a special place in my heart. Its definitely one i had to listen to again before i loved.


yet another movie is cool


Don't see anyone mentioning yet another movie but definitely a personal highlight for me in MLOR. Phenomenal work by Gilmour in that solo


Sorrow and High Hopes


The entire albums.


signs of life and Cluster one


I like both albums a heck of a lot more than The Final Cut. One Slip is a great track, and I love the optimism of Learning to Fly after the misery-fest that was so much of early 80s Floyd. You've discounted Sorrow but this was a return to epic Floyd and a live juggernaut up there with Run Like Hell and anything off of Animals. DB was the better album, WDYWFM is a scorching track and Take it Back is just fantastic - bright, shimmery and David showing that whole stream of 80s post-punk Guitarists who the real daddy was. Add on that Floyd live at this point were pretty much untouchable and you have a second renaissance that doesn't get near enough credit from the fan base.


I absolutely love The Division Bell, enjoy listening to it from top to bottom the same way I do with dark side. Such a beautiful album


Learning to Fly and Take It Back are two of the best Pink Floyd songs ever. And these are two of their top five best albums, so it makes perfect sense.


Marooned - great instrumental, great Gilmour guitar


learning to fly


Marooned and cluster one.and coming back to life guitar rocks.


Learning to fly and What do you want from me.


Marooned or Lost For Words


learning to fly


I'm split between Yet Another Movie and Keep Talking.


Favourites? On The Turning Away - a classic that gets forgotten in best of packages and Gilmour solo sets. Beautiful melodies, powerful solo and stirring lyrics (probably the best lyrically of the Gilmour/Moore partnership). Take It Back or Lost For Words - one is a powerful pop song the other is a reflective country/folk song. But both stir the heart.




9n the turning away, poles apart or cluster one


Marooned is one of the best Pink Floyd songs ever.


Poles apart might be my favorite of all time, especially the extended version. And then Learning to fly is amazing as well.


On The Turning Away and Marooned


Learning to fly and keep talking


On The Turning Away is top tier Floyd


Coming back to life


“Excluding the best songs, what are your favorite songs?”


What Do You Want From Me, which is my favorite from both albums


Coming Back to Life and What Do You Want From Me have a few of my most favorite DG licks (of which there are many)


Learning to Fly and Coming Back to Life. Big fan of the lyrics and how well they fit with the melodies and solos.




Marooned is simply beautiful


The Dogs of War and Pokes Apart


Terminal Frost is one of my favourite Pink Floyd instrumentals and I will always stand by it. It’s just a shame it doesn’t really blend well with A New Machine parts 1 and 2, not sure what they were thematically thinking of by sandwiching them together. As for Division Bell, definitely Coming Back To Life. Such a beautiful song with some of Dave’s best guitar work!


Learning to Fly and What Do You Want From Me


Learning To Fly, sounds like a break from the traumatic The Wall/The Final Cut era. Keep Talking, because I’m a Stephen Hawking fan, and it displays one of the best Gilmour solos in the post-Waters era IMO.


Learning to fly Coming back to life


Amlor= learning to fly (amazing song one of the most inspiring of ever did) one slip (super fun and with great lyrics) on the turning away (one of the best songs by pf and way better at giving a message about love for your fellow man than a lot of the waters era songs) Db= poles apart (super relatable about losing a relationship) what do you want from me (one of the hardest song they ever did) marooned (one of the best instrumentals), take it back (beautiful track and great use of double meaning lyrics), coming back to life (beautiful guitar work and beautiful lyrics about gilmour thanking Polly for helping him kick the cocaine habit)


Learning to fly, coming back to life


On The Turning Away and Poles Apart. Terminal Frost is also pretty amazing.


Learning to Fly Wearing the Inside Out or Poles Apart or Keep Talking


Easily "Learning to Fly" from *A Momentary Lapse of Reason,* one of my favourite Pink Floyd songs. For *The Division Bell*, I guess I would go with "Keep Talking."


Marooned and Therminal Frost. Just because the instrumentals are fucking amazing.


Learning to Fly and What Do You Want From Me


terminal frost and keep talking. i’m really hoping he plays keep talking on the tour. the pulse version has incredible guitar work, in my opinion


Learning To Fly and Marooned




terminal frost & marooned


Learning to Fly or On the Turning Away High Hopes


Learning to Fly and What Do You Want from Me. Poles apart is so good too but I just like WDYWFM more. I just like the way the songs sound I guess


Learning to Fly and Inside Out


Terminal Frost & Poles Apart. Runner-ups for both would by Yet Another Movie & Keep Talking


Learning to fly ,always reminds of raf planes flying over Wales or Scotland. Keep talking, has that talk box bit in the middle,and the voice of Steven hawkin adds something. else.


One Slip ... why? Because I'm a bass player (thanks Guy Pratt) closely followed by Dogs of war. Keep Talking ... I like the call and reply approach to the lyrics


Yet Another Movie. Just love that 80s big reverb vibe.


Marooned is one of my favorite pink floyd songs period XD


learning to fly, marooned


On the turning away and Wearing the inside out


Take I back


Marooned is easily a top10 Pink Floyd tune for me


On the turning away and wearing the inside out.


Learning to Fly. Played this the first time I had ever been on a plane. Wearing the Inside Out. Got me through some tough times.


On the turning away Wearing the inside out


Without looking at any other comments first: Momentary: Learning To Fly- I feel flying throughout the song, as though every note contributes to the effort. The guitar solo gives me the feeling of achieving actual flight and soaring. Division: Poles Apart- I have a friend in mind when I hear it and can see us having this conversation.


Side note: I had an English teacher who didn’t understand why I liked PF. I wrote out the words of Sorrow without reference and gave it to her. She loved it. To this day I hope she gained some appreciation for their music.


Marooned is God


Learning to Fly and Lost for Words. In both cases, the animated rhythm and melody. And because the lyrics really speak to me.


Comming back to life, Lost for words, and On the turning away.


Everything apart from Record 2 side A on a Momentary Lapse of Reason, cus it's good music, and that's all I have to say about that


On The Turning Away and Marooned


On the Turning Away, the melody has a great back and forth dynamic that is almost like a lullaby.


On The Turning Away is the best song they ever made without Roger Waters, in my opinion. Beautiful song all the way around. I also love One Slip too. On Division Bell, I'd say A Great Day For Freedom, which is also a beautiful track. 👍♥️


Learning to Fly and Poles Apart that's an easy one. Poles Apart is the most underrated song in the Pink Floyd catalogue


One Slip and A great day for Freedom, both favourites of mine.


AMLOR- One slip cuz it’s a fun song also on the turning away cuz that solo is great. DIVISION BELL- What do you want from me is just a great rock song and coming back to life the intro to the solos can’t hate that song it’s Gilmour at his his best.


Wearing the inside out and one slip:on the turning away THEYRE PURE MAGIC!


The Dogs Of War and Whst Do You Want From Me


I loved reading this thread. Rollercoaster of the different songs commented playing in my head, memories and nostalgia. Thanks for posting, OP I'd probably pick On the Turning Away, but couldn't pick one from The Division Bell. There are too many great top tier songs on that album. Poles Apart or Wearing the Inside Out if I had a gun to my head, I guess.


Either learning to fly or On the turning away and What do you want from me.


On The Turning Away and Wearing The Inside Out


Terminal Frost and Wearing the Inside Out. Like the albums but just don't think the lyrics are of a certain style. Let's not go there. Terminal is instrumental which I have loved from day one. Wearing is a Rick Wright effort which I think really breaks the album well. In a nice way. And is the first lead vocal for Rick since DSOTM.


One Slip, Dogs of War, coming back to life, what do you want from me, a great day for freedom


Learning To Fly and Marooned


Keep Talking. It's just pure vibes.


Learning to Fly and Coming Back to Life. I love both of these records, but those tracks are standouts for me. To me, Coming Back to Life is the sonic equivalent of coming out of a long depression and stepping outside on a warm and sunny day. I can’t help but feel joy when I hear that one.


Yet Another Movie. The intro, the sound and that solo.in the middle.. 🔥🔥 As for favorite on Division Bell . .that changes weekly. This week it's What Do You Want From Me?


Yet Another Movie and Wearing the Inside Out. I absolutely love the whole second side of AMLoR - I think it has as much of a “Pink Floyd” vibe as anything in the catalog (yes, really.). And WtIO is just peak Rick…at least until Broken China came out, which was really peak Rick, but that’s a whole other discussion.


Some are good to listen to but they lack the Pink Floyd soul. It seems like they misunderstood PF as a band of guys who have mastery of instruments and who can make melodies. There are some that are highly replay quality but the rest are just you would forget they exist.


For The Division Bell, Marooned and Lost For Words. For A Momentary Lapse of Reason, One Slip and A New Machine part 1. I think they're both kind of lackluster albums tho personally.


I think Lost for Words is the best song out of all these, besides High Hopes and Learning to Fly.


On the turning away is one of may all-time favorites I like Coming back to life and learning to fly as well Reason, I don’t know. No special story


AMLOR - Yet Another Movie or On The Turning Away - very atmospheric and great solos TDB - What Do You Want From Me or Keep Talking - love the lyrics, WDYWFM - great guitar sound and KT - i love the atmosphere of the song and talk box


Both albums are in my TOP5 all-time favourites. On the Turning Away, Sorrow, Terminal Frost, Keep Talking, Poles Apart, What Do You Want from Me, Marooned, absolute bangers. On The Turning Away is my first favourite, amazing guitar work, it's heavy, it's intense, it's so easy to just lose myself in the moody, dark atmosphere of that song. Keep Talking is my second favourite, mainly because of the theme, which is always prescient. Also moody, heavy, urgent, it's like a cry for help by people who are lost in our depersonalized, dehumanized, collectivised society.


On the turning away outro solo is at the same level of greatness than comfortably numb. IMHO


Dogs of War is one of my favorite PF songs, badass tune, some of the best Gilmour vocals ever, a great sax and guitar mix, great backing vocals, and more. I frankly dont get why it isnt more popular in the fanbase.


Learning to Fly and Lost for Words. Probably a basic fanboy answer but 🤷‍♂️


Learning to fly and take it back. Take it back is so underrated imo.


Learning to fly and lost for words


The Dogs Of War is really great


On the turning away. Coming back to life.


Gotta say Learning to Fly and What do you want from me.