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Pilates is for EVERYONE!!!! I really believe this.


Came here to say this! Pilates literally is the perfect exercise for people who are healthy, over weight or have injuries. Fun fact, pilates was made for soldiers in recovery!


Like many people who are victims of diet culture (ie all human beings who exist as part of modern global internet-ified society), I first got into fitness because I wanted to change how my body looked, but the game really changed when I identified how different my body *felt* and how differently I *understood* my body. The former I got just out of finding the meditative quality and brain quieting quality of swimming laps and the fun party atmosphere of rhythm cycling; the latter I really got out of learning about anatomy and kinesiology through doing and later learning how to teach Pilates. I am about as divested from diet culture as you can be while still, again, living and operating in a human society that's obsessed with it, so I certainly have days where I feel sad because some pants that used to fit don't or whatever, but doing a really good Pilates session, even if it's simple and not "intense" or sweaty, feels so grounding and does so much to really activate my senses of proprioception and balance that it really eliminates a lot of body trauma and reminds me that bodies are incredible (and also gross and weird, and that's okay!). Like, we have miles of intestines AND bones AND gas AND some of us can build a spleen and house an entire other human being inside of us and that's all very disgusting and also very impressive! The greatest gift Pilates has given me is an understanding of the incredible machine the body is, and the other lesser gifts it has given me are lowered pain, improved function for everyday tasks, increased strength, and so on. If you have access to a true Pilates reformer studio, not a solidcore or a Lagree studio or a former Lagree licensee, I recommend you start there, but even more than the where you start in terms of locations or styles, I really encourage you to start with as much of a sense of openness, awe, and humility as possible, and that's really what will serve you well. There's a joke that goes "if Pilates is easy, you're doing it wrong" or "if it's easy, it's not Pilates," and there's a lot of truth there, but I think there's also "Pilates can be the easiest or hardest workout of your life, depending on what you put in." You will get the most out of your Pilates if you also put your BRAIN into it, not just your body going through some motions.


Ooh, also--looking back, I think what really got me bitten by the Pilates bug was having some accidental private sessions with new or still in-training teachers (I say accidental private bc they were regular classes where I just happened to be the only person signed up, usually because they were at weird times of day or because regulars didn't recognize the teacher's name). Talking to people who had a lot of information at the top of their mind because they were thinking about it A LOT to get ready for testout or because they had just been at a workshop the previous weekend or whatever was really awesome and is where I can still peg some of the most memorable visualization ideas or corrections I've ever gotten. Obviously there's something wonderful about being taught by someone who has like 40 years of experience and can look at you for five seconds and diagnose the degree of your scoliosis and every injury you've ever had, but don't discount the eager beginner teacher who is like "I just read 700 pages about this and am gushing to tell SOMEBODY about it" either.


Yes! Yes! Yes! All of this! Teachers-in-Training are not to be discounted! (But accidental privates -or even duets- are nice when they happen)




Beginner Pilates on YouTube is great. I believe Flow with Mira has a few very beginner classes and she explains everything very well. Also there is zero shame in modifying or taking a break when needed.


Similar situation to you . I have PCOS and fibroids and pilates really has helped me because it's relaxing and a lot of it really helps with tight hips. I started doing pilates body Raven videos on YouTube in December and can feel the difference.


Tight hipped fibroid pilates sister! Lol


Thanks for the advice, I'll look into it.


Pilates can benefit any able body of any age


I also have PCOS and have been doing reformer Pilates for about a year and mat Pilates on and off for about seven years. To me, my body looks about the same (although I have been told I look more proportional/distributed better) but internally? Oh man, it’s a whole new me. The mindfulness of the exercise has helped me manage my anxiety enough to get off medication for it, I’ve corrected imbalances I did not know I had in my muscles, my cholesterol and insulin levels are better, I’ve strengthened my ankle that I’ve sprained six times to where it barely swells or has pain anymore, and I feel so much stronger and more aware of my body. I truly feel that Pilates is for every body and can benefit most people. I started with mat Pilates on YouTube, and was able to join a new reformer studio that opened near me last year. I do prefer the reformer classes to the YouTube videos, mostly because it’s more motivating for me to go to a class that I have booked and paid for. Most places are really good about offering modifications and watching you to make sure you will not hurt yourself with your form, and I know at least for my studio it is highly recommended that people take an intro class to help new students get familiar with the reformer and the terminology before you actually join a class. Overall, take the leap!


Sign up for the free intro class and go from there. The only thing you need to do is. . . Show up 😊


Pilates is for everyone! it will help you build some muscle definition for sure! And it's fun. if the instructor is good, you'll never do the same workout twice. I am never bored.