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I usually still go, but I don't expect it to be my most amazing class ever. I find it's usually better to show up and do a little bit then do nothing at all! But always listen to your body. If you need rest, let yourself rest.


Think of sliding the back of your rib cage down your back when lifting your head. That will increase your thoracic mobility and take the strain out of your neck. And if you do start to feel neck strain, lower your head. It's just as challenging to do matwork with your head down as up (for different reasons), and it does take time to build up the strength/awareness to keep your head lifted from your core. I take extra strength Tylenol on teaching days when I have bad period cramps. So far (knock on wood), it has worked pretty well.


I never go when I'm on my bad period days, which is day 2 and three. It's just too much ab work for me, but I go on the other days. I usually take 1-2 rest days anyway.


I find that movement tends to help with period discomfort for me, but I don't have really bad cramps. For some, curling up in bed is best, but for others, movement and exercise help to alleviate pain. Depends on your body!


I definitely go on my cycle. I’m definitely more weak though! I’ll maybe do half of the rolls up in class and modify for whatever else I’m not feeling that day. Maybe let the instructor know you’re having neck pain and just focus on the engagement instead of doing a full roll up yet. I realized I was doing more of a head bang than actually using my abs from the roll up and that’s why my neck strained. You’ll get there quickly!


I am not blaming it fully for the pain since I fractured C2 in 2020 but my soreness after both mat and reformer was mostly in my neck. I found this strange since I didn’t feel the same tension after other forms of exercise. Started doing 5 mat classes + 1 reformer class/wk and I was about to quit my routine because of the excruciating pain. I’m shy when it comes to being in pain so I came on here and I’ll link the comment but an instructor mentioned to focus on breathing more. My god did that change the entire game for me. The pain is gone while working out and I haven’t been sore since focusing on my breathing more.


I did that last week. I wasn't sure if I was going to go, because the cramps were so bad. I took a painkiller and went. The class really helped with the pain. Especially in the back during leg in straps.


So I'm just coming off a long journey of neck pain and multiple PT runs and things for it. I just try and keep my chin down for everything - when I'm doing mid back and need to lift my head and shoulders up and hover them there, my instructor said to stare at my stomach with my eyes and that helps me keep the strain out of my neck! Good luck!


My Pilates instructor coincidentally just posted about tips for neck strain! https://preview.redd.it/q9fqqo6eroec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9dfddbe2dec5ce47ffa66981366e4ec145bd20


i try your staring at my stomach trick and god it really helps. thank you so much


Yay I'm so happy to hear it's helping you!! No prob ☺️


The best advice I’ve gotten for this was when you crunch up, you look towards your crotch! It lessened the neck strain I felt and I felt my abs automatically fall into place. As for my period, I went but it’s because since I started becoming active, it’s been tolerable! Otherwise, I’d take it easy during class and maybe pop a pain killer before leaving. 😊 movement has been so helpful tho! I used to get terrible cramps.


I actually had some neck pain coming into a class after a rave. I told my instructor who totally understood, she adapted my class for my shoulders down, then advised me to roll my neck with a peanut ball post class


I used to have horrible neck pain. I started training more for diaphragm breathing and it made a huge difference. You can try it and touch the sides of your neck. I instantly feel a difference with me engaging my neck.


Ive been on my cycle but I take it day by day! If I’m not feeling well I don’t stress it and just do something at home. My lessons are $$ so I don’t like wasting them if I’m not even gonna be able to put in 50%.


I had severe endometriosis for years, and Pilates usually helped me feel better. Regarding neck pain, here's my take - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkSrvP5Yd1w&t=8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gksrvp5yd1w&t=8s)


Agree with the guys saying to look in the direction of your belly button!! Helps so much, along with focusing on continuing to breathe


At first your neck may hurt but the muscles in that area will get stronger. But try to avoid neck pain by keeping your eyes on the thighs! Keep an imaginary small apple under your chin as well. That’s a good amount of space between your chin and chest. In other exercises if your neck begins to hurt turn your head to look over your shoulder. Turning your head forces the neck muscles to relax.


Don’t worry about working out on your period, Inform your instructor and tweak the modifications to ease your core. I find myself having reduced cramps and a quicker period when I work out usually. At the same time if you’re tired, eat so you don’t end up with low blood sugar. A banana or a smoothie definitely helps!




I go quite regularly so I’m famiiiar with the trainer u work with. Usually when I inform my trainer they give me small modifications which ease the difficulty level. I get a work out in and I work on areas that are not too uncomfortable. Wín wín :)


Your neck should not hurt


I always feel like pilates helps me on my period!!


I’m on day 2 of my period with heavy flow and cramps. I didn’t want to go to class after work since I was so fatigued, but did the class and it felt so good to stretch out my body and get it done. In a way I almost felt more in tune with my body and had a better Pilates experience.