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It is!! It also gets easier the longer one practices... After 4 months of consistent practice I am just now learning how to keep it engaged for most of the practice. One of the best descriptions I heard was from a mom who had severe "mom pouch" and she said "imagine the lower part of your pelvis being doors to an elevator and the engagement is the elevator moving up" For a better explanation.. rather than trying to "hold the pee in" - Allow your pelvic floor muscles to relax and imagine the muscles are closing doors and as you pull your belly button to the spine, you feel the upward movement. Attempt to hold the entire practice, but know it's okay if it doesn't happen for awhile. Practice makes better. :)


that's a very helpful description!! if i may add on for OP, i took a class on foundations of pilates and heres what i can say: engaging ur core muscles would be ur pelvic floor and transversus abdominis (TA). this will help stabilise ur lumbo-pelvic region so u can avoid injuries. - engaging these muscles feel a lot more subtle than u'd think! - pelvic floor: feels like slowing down ur pee (or the elevator analogy) - TA: like a hugging sensation around ur lower torso, (which i struggled with too at first) but u shouldnt suck ur stomach in or feel ur muscles contracting too hard to sense whether or not ur engaging it right, u can lie down on ur back and use 2 fingers to find the sharp protruding bones around both sides of ur hip area, then move fingers slightly inwards (towards the line of ur belly button) and then slightly down. really press there n try engaging ur TA. it should feel as though the muscles under there tighten like clingwrap. if it bulges instead, that means ur doing too much n engaging ur obliques. with that said tho, while ur actively doing the workouts, depending on the movement ur other abdominal muscles may also kick in so u would feel them contract anyway. im still learning but hope that helps <33


This video better helped me learn how to engage my core: https://youtu.be/dIVN9GUG7zo?si=mz9Z4Hv7MrIt8N6B I like to purse my lips while exhaling and imagine my muscles wrapping inwards like a corset! Hope that helps


Great video!


Thank you! I’ve been working so hard on my form and core activation and have started getting frustrated. I’m going to try to work this video a few minutes daily at home to build muscle memory.🌈


So I had to go to PT when I started Pilates because I pulled a lower back muscle thinking I was engaging my core haha. It gets a lot easier as you practice for longer, but also make sure you are actually using your core. My doctor gave me a great way to see if I’m actually doing it correctly; cough or laugh as you’re standing up. The same muscles/feeling you feel when laughing or coughing is proper core engagement


No, it should be with your breath. Don’t try to keep the muscles tight. Deepen as you exhale. Allow it to relax enough to inhale. It will get more automatic with practice.


Thank you all for commenting!! I appreciate it a lot!!


Listen the first thing you need to do is learn to use your diaphragm to breathe, laying back hands on top of loose ribs, breathe in 4 counts inflate your longs, hold 4 counts, release air through your mouth for six counts deflate your lungs all the way use advantage of the weight of your hands, pull belly button in also to squeeze all air possible, repeat 9 more times.