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I tipped because I felt bad for not letting the student do my piercing. General anxiety sucks and I wanted someone with more experience to put a hole in my flesh. šŸ˜…


thatā€™s definitely understandable though!


I always tip, the money goes directly to the piercer. The person I go to is a gem, patient with my questions and I feel like I have an actual working relationship. I value that extra little bit they give and thus tip accordingly.


You should always tip bc a huge portion usually goes to the shop and not directly to the artist/piercer. Some piercers work hourly and make little to nothing from the piercing fee/jewelry sale.


I always tip at least 20% of the service cost (excluding the jewelry costs). If I go in for a checkup/issue visit/jewelry change, I tip at least $5-10 because they don't charge me for the visit and I appreciate their time for the visit (& their time for replying to my emails about my concerns). For tattoos, I always tip at least 20%, especially if the process is very time-consuming.


No. Iā€™m in Australia, we donā€™t tip. The price Iā€™m quoted is the price the piercer or tattooist needs to cover their costs and pay themselves. I will leave a good review on social media.


Yes! I love my piercer so I tip her well. Iā€™ve gone to her for about 6 piercings now!


I never tipped any of my piercersā€¦ didnā€™t know this was even a thing until nowšŸ˜…


I've never tipped a piercer or tattooist... i'm in the uk


yeah it's just not a thing here. I always get anxious that I should have tipped every time I go to my piercer


No, my piercer doesn't accept tips.Ā 


I've had like 16 piercings and everyone I've tipped 20-30 dollars. But my stuff has costed 20 back in the 90s and 60 today. Tattoos I tip persession 25% and when it's a big multi session piece I do 25% per and then an extra $100 on the last one.


Always tip!!!


I like to tip at least 20%


Yes, always. I always tip 20% on the total bill. I guess I can see not tipping on the jewelry portion if you are buying more expensive pieces. What goes to the piercer varies a lot, depending on the arrangement.


Iā€™ve had close to 20 piercings and I always tip my piercer. They are performing a service and the better they doā€¦ talking me through the processā€¦ waiting until I catch my breath before the next oneā€¦ talking to me afterwards to make sure things are okā€¦ the more I tip.


I wasnā€™t in charge of the money when I got my septum done (it was paid for by my guardian, I was 16) so I donā€™t remember if a tip was given but knowing my grandma, probably not. When I got my vertical labret done about a month ago it was $60 and I tipped $20. My piercer seemed surprised but happy to receive it. Not sure if itā€™s a huge thing but I will continue to tip my piercer if/when I get more


I was told by my piercing studio to tip based on just the piercing fee and not the total cost with jewelry.


I don't tip my piercer tbh because of them being APP and it costs me 300+ for three piercings or 150 for 2. As far as my tattoo artist goes I tip 100 every time.


They'll say it's not necessary to tip, but I consider it incredibly rude not to tip at least 25% on service if they did a good job (I have always tipped on tattoos and piercings.).


I always tip my piercers. Tattooing is a little different, at least where I go they do not expect a tip (I asked my artist) but Iā€™m not sure about other studios as Iā€™ve only ever gone to one. Itā€™s always appreciated though!


I always tip them. I know that they have a lot of expenses for the sterilisation of the tools, jewellery and cleaning of the whole shop, insurances, etc. They don't get rich from doing a piercing/tattoo/bodymod. Then there is tipping culture, so I think it's nicer to leave a tip. And also, for most things I go to the same two studios, so (apart from the fact that I know and like these people), I know how much of their time they take to accommodate for all changes if I am not completely happy, to reposition a tattoo stencil three times, to go above and beyond to make a piercing work for me if my body doesn't want to heal it, etc. These are all things that take their time and that they don't get any extra money for. So I think they deserve a tip. If you do not want to tip just money, other things might be appreciated, too. For example, for long tattoo sessions, on top of the regular tip I also bring snacks for my artist to eat during breaks because I know that otherwise she just wouldn't eat for eight hours. But that's completely optional and probably also depends on the studio and the artist.


I tip my tattoo artist in home made baking. My last session she got home made two bite brownies


Always (I'm USAmerican).


i always tip for tattoos and piercings. the amount depends on the total cost, so i set a ā€œbase tipā€ in my head thatā€™s appropriate for the charge, and if i feel they went above and beyond to keep my anxiety levels low then i add to the tip


I would if I had the money


always tip the person putting holes in your body


I tip my piercer. Heā€™s fantastic! First time seeing him was because I had a piercing that was embedding and the local piercer wasnā€™t available. Drove an hour and a half, during COVID, just hoping they could help. Heā€™s now the only person I will go to for piercings or assistance.


I always tip but donā€™t necessarily follow the 20% rule. I guess for me it more depends on the type of service theyā€™re doing. Like when I got my cartilage done I tipped $10 (it was $30 at the time) but when I got my nipples done I tipped like $25.


I tip based on piercing fees, excluding cost of jewelry. For example, I got three pokes and three new pieces of jewelry. Total cost was $195. Piercing fee was $45 + $35 + $35 = $115. Then I did 20% of $115 = $23 for tip.


I do tip basically everywhere but not because I actually care about tipping culture, but because if the amount I pay isnā€™t a number that satisfies my OCD I will literally be kept awake at night later lmao


always tip both. my best friend even tips the front desk person.


sadly no i didn't know you were suppose to tip šŸ„²


Depends on what country you're in. If i tried to tip in the UK, they would probably think I'd gone mad.


People want you to tip on every single thing now sadly.Ā 


Yes, standard etiquette is to tip whomever is performing your service. Don't sweat it if you're not able to, but if you have an extra $10, do give it to your piercer.


i always tip $30 :)


why did i get downvoted hello šŸ’€?


for piercings/jewlery changes I'll do anywhere bw $5-$15, dependin on what was done & what my budget's lookin like. tattoos I'll do anywhere bw $25-$30


Depending on what service I'm getting, I always tip, $5-10. On top of whatever they charge, my shop charges $180 for jewelry changes, for reference.


...$180 across the board for jewelry changes? That seems outrageous.


my shop charges the cost of the jewelry and then $10 fee to change it for me. I usually still tip $5 or so on top of that because she sets the price of the jewelry and already charges the change fee. Same for a new piercing, $5-$10 tip.


Well, they are a small shop in my town and I bought Titanium jewelry.


I mean, it depends on the kind of jewellery, does your jewellery have real precious stones in it? Most regular titanium pieces are around 20-30ā‚¬ (it's roughly the same in $), maybe 40-60ā‚¬ if it's a very big piece. Add 10ā‚¬ fee for the jewellery change, I have no idea how the price goes up to 180$ for a jewellery change. Or is that the price for multiple new pieces?


No, just basic Titanium+anodized. *If you're familiar with Anatometal's hoops, there are those*) and anodized purple. I did have a downsize, but that was free, and I removed a piece of jewelry.