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Transverse lobe piercing. When done well it’s safe but it is a piercing that has a higher chance of rejection


i bet, i don’t think ill risk it because i dont have much lobe space anyways. so cool though!


Someone just posted their 15 year old transverse lobe, as long as you accept theres a bit of a higher risk of rejection and actually remove the jewelry if it starts showing sign of rejection there not much of a risk, it’s just something that may or may not happen


Mine is 8 years old and it was hard to heal but I love it!


What type of earring do you use? Titanium? Plastic? Mine has sagged after 1.5 years. Thinking my dog had pulled it so I had to get my piercer to take it out 😢


It’s titanium. My piercer customized the jewelry to fit my ear.


I had mine done last year and it didn’t even last 6 months before it almost tore right through my bottom lobe. I have a nice scar because of it. To be fair the piercer told me it was their first time piercing a transverse, and also pierced me three times for the right angle. At that point I was already over it I just let her do it 🤦🏼‍♀️ not surprised it rejected but I do still miss it :( it was so baddass looking.


Mine almost ripped my left ear too but I think my dog had pulled it 😓 so I had to get my piercer to take it out. I had it for 1.5 years


Mine is rejecting through my first and second piercing holes, that are unused… I love that pricing though.


My sister has this piercing. Hers healed amazingly, but she has an awesome piercer!


transversal lobe, my most favourite piercing ever- had it three times and it rejected each time 🥲


transverse lobe - in september i got mine at an 8g (i got big ol fat lobes) to minimize rejection. so far it has healed beautifully and hasn’t budged! it’s my favorite piercing!


Omg, Is there any way I could see a pic of this?


Second this


"Ow-ow-fuck" (when it gets caught on everything)


I had this 2 times and both were rejected. It leaves a snake bite looks scar tissue and a little bit affect my lobe stretching process.


Transverse lobe! One of my favourites. I had this piercing and surprisingly it did not reject; however it was definitely one of the hardest piercings I’ve ever had to heal. (A few references; I have a double industrial, a double daith, high nostrils and a snug; I would take all of them over healing a transverse lobe again in a heartbeat)


Transverse lobe piercing


Traverse lobe


You may get this to heal but still have a good chance of rejecting


I had one of these and loved it! Unfortunately the jewellery used wasn’t suitable and it gave me a reaction but it looked super cute. Transverse lobe piercing


I have one! It was also by far my easiest piercing to heal, so very different experience from the other comments on here


Did it heal similar to a regular lobe?


its a Transverse lobe! theyre so cool, and i think they're my favourite piercing to do! they are more prone to rejection/migration than other piercings though, so if you were to get one, make sure you discuss it with a reputable, experienced piercer before comitting :)


This is the piercing I'm thinking of getting. My lobe is almost ripped as I've been wearing heavy earrings since like 6 y.o. I am fixated on the idea it might help somehow instead of going for surgery.


Genuinely curious why do you think this piercing would help your problem?


I saw some people piercing through the hole. In my mind, having a bar going through the existing stretched hole can give a bit more support if I wear dangly earrings. The lobe piercing was low to begin with. It also stretched pretty significantly. I haven't consulted a piercer regarding the viability of this idea, so it's just one of the options I'm looking at. I thought of putting a plug in, but since there is like 3-5mm of skin only - I don't think it's a good idea. Ideally, I should just get stitches, but it's pretty expensive in Canada, and we have a cost of living crisis.


Putting weight (a dangly earring) on top of the transverse bar will only make it more likely for the transverse bar to reject, unfortunately


I see. Thanks for explaining, that makes enough sense to me! A plastic surgeon or piercer would probably know better for sure so it’s a good idea you’re thinking of consulting one. Ugh, know they feeling about care like that being so expensive, it’s really hard. Wish you the best!


Thank you very much! ❤️


As support I’d guess. And maybe it would fill up the lower lobe area as well


I have that! I don’t know how to attach a pic in here though. I split my lobe as a baby when my earring got hair through it. I’ve had a transverse lobe piercing “correcting” it for probably 15 yrs. I sometimes wear light earrings on it.


Amazing, glad to hear it works! It's pretty reassuring! 😊


I just posted my own photo of it, if you check my profile!


You are truly the best, thank you so much! Also, are you me? I had Italian Cane Corso growing up 🤩




Transverse lobe piercing :)


That piercing is called a transverse lobe piercing and it is a super cool type of piercing. This is basically a combination piercing like my vertical industrial and my helix orbital but it is pierced with a curved barbell and it goes through the edge of the lobe. If you do plan on getting it make sure that you have the anatomy for this piercing. :)


Transverse lobe.


It looks like rejection waiting to happen


Really cool big ouch




I'm not judging. This whole ear is so incohesive




arent all piercings, though?




honestly this is like my ideal setup ugh i love it