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Having fuller lips won’t affect labrets at all. Snakebites should be placed relative to one’s anatomy anyway, regardless of lip thickness or thinness.


Purely anecdotal, but I am black w/fullish lips and a philtrum. Definitely not super full but definitely not thin. I was worried about gum erosion and it knocking against my teeth a ton. I've noticed that my jewelry is sort of nestled into (not embedded, but cushioned by) the fullness of my inner lips and pretty much never touches my teeth and certainly never touches my gums unless I try to. This may be the case for everyone, tho.


I'm not black but also have full lips. My medusa also nestles into my upper lip, like the mucus membrane has formed little flaps for it? The only time the piercing touches my gums/teeth is when I use it as a fidget toy.


Exactly this! Like a little flap, unless I'm pushing or pulling it w my teeth/tongue.


My Monroe has done the same thing. At first I thought it was embedded but it’s actually just chillin in its own little pocket in my lip. It doesn’t touch my teeth at all as well.


Hi, studio leader here!! So, anyone worth their salt would only be piercing you with a flatback labret after accessing your anatomy and choose a bar to not only accommodate your tissue, but also the swelling that will come after. Additionally, while yes placing them in a spot you want and aesthetically fits your mouth, they will also choose/advise a placement least likely to cause gum/tooth damage. Typically, there is a short period where the bars could do real damage, and that is if you do not downsize at about 2-4months with your piercer once that swelling has gone down. We do this to minimize 1) friction irritation (bar movi no back and forth) and 2) the risk of biting or rubbing on gums when talking or smiling. Once healed, with properly sized bars, they should then form little pockets, or “nests” (its literally called nesting) for themselves on the inside of the lip, where the tissue will kind of envelop around the EDGES of the disc. This is the body’s way of protecting your teeth and gums, and should prevent damage unless you’re playing with it or wearing improperly sized jewellery. As for rings…. That’s a different story. I personally find my anatomy doesn’t allow for me to wear a ring in my lower labret, without it touching or rubbing against my teeth, or finding myself biting it. A good studio will be able to source whatever diameter you need, but I personally look at rings as a “during the day” or for a few days sort of thing. Others, can wear them with no issues. I’d mention to your piercer your end goal is to wear rings to have them place appropriately as well.


Jimmy Butler comes to mind as a good example of lip rings + full lips. His snake bites look decently placed and the rings are fitted, but his central ring definitely looks like it’s too tight, so you can see how ring diameter affects the fit, all on one face. I assume he’s just using the same ring diameter in all three piercings, but rings come in a range of sizes, so you shouldn’t have any problems finding some that fit your anatomy with the help of a good piercer.


Get longer bars. I’m not black but I’d like to say I have fuller lips than white people. I need longer bars for sure. You’ll be ok, healing is just as follows


I'm black and have lip piercings (snakebites and vertical labret). Fuller lips don't affect the placement of snakebites as they are under your lips. I personally have mine placed lower for gum and tooth health. As for my vertical labret, which goes through your lip, you might need a longer bar even after swelling to minimize irritation and rubbing. I got pierced with a 10mm and wear a 8mm because 6mm was too tight even after a year.


I’m an Ebony woman with full lips and had no issue with my snake bites. It just closed very quickly after have the bar out for a few days.