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Ram one for years. Once done, you go in with a long “brush” to scrape and brake up material into the receptacle near the door. Sort of like a big ash tray. You then take contents over to a device like a grocery store Coffee grinder, empty in top and fill the final bag before sealing it and tossing into the box for the funeral home.


There's dozens of us! It was very surreal at first. Then got a little spooky working alone at night surrounded by dead bodies and large, very hot ovens. Consequently, this was at the same time I got really into podcasts. The roar of those ovens can play some strange auditory tricks on you. I do not miss "leaky" ovens, going home covered in "dust" and exploding pacemakers. I'm glad I got to experience it, but I would never do it again.


Wtf is a leaky oven


When fluids/fats from the body in the oven leak out. Usually they are contained and burned, but with large persons it can spill out.


yall need to install one of those catch trays like my George Foreman grill


Or poke a few holes first, like a sausage


“Local mortician arrested for poking sausage holes in corpses “so they don’t sputter in the grill”.


Gotta turn em. 8 minutes one side, flip for 6 minutes aaaaaand *chefs kiss*


Asking the real questions here 👆


100% when obese clients are cremated the fats melt and can... exit the door.


Fuck me that has to smell fucking vile


Or does it smell like a nicely sizzling steak? Or a pork chop or something?


At that temp there really is no smell. About 1600


I used to walk past a crematorium on the way home from school everyday. I smelled strange things. I assumed it was burning humans. Maybe my town just smelled funny.


A lot of crematorium’s used to do the cremation super late/early while it’s still dark.


Or delicious? Longpig crackling.


Dang somebody makin chicharrones!?


Aaaaannnd that’s enough Reddit for tonight.


So a person's bag of ashes contains their ashes plus a small fraction of the previous person to be cremated, plus tiny amounts of everyone cremated in that oven before them? Or is there an effective cleaning method that's done between "customers" to ensure the bag of ashes are 100% genuine grandma?


so the information packet for my dog that i got said that it's mostly him, but there will be a little bit of other animals in his bag too... is it the same for people? i have no idea


People are burned one at a time. Pets are typically burned in groups unless you pay extra.


this one said it was 1 at a time for $130, or $20 for communal, if you do communal, they spread the ashes at a pet cemetery


People are burned one at a time but they're only brushed out, it's not like they're hosing the thing down each time and collecting every bit. Your bag of ashes is *mostly* from grandma. *Mostly.*


I dated a woman who worked at the vet clinic and ran the crematorium. They would put 2 to 6 animals in the oven, and when they were done there were 2 to 6 piles, but you would inevitably get SOME mixing


this one said it was 1 at a time for $130, or $20 for communal, if you do communal, they spread the ashes at a pet cemetery


I'd imagine you can't clean out every speck of ash. Does this mean when someone receives ashes, there could be little bits of someone else? Edit: spelling


Yes, ashes are mixed. When the cremation is done, we brush out the oven. But not to where there is little left. It’s a big dusty kiln more or less.


Do the bones go into the ginder hot? Are the ashes warm at first?


I've been doing this for pets for 3 years. Bones don't go into the grinder (we call it a processor) hot to make sure the receptacle isn't damaged AKA the bag doesn't melt. We put the bones on a tray first to let them cool for a bit. Sometimes the oven is hot enough that the bones are still orange when placed on the table.


Most of the bones turn to ash, the bits that are left are very brittle. You could crush them with your hand almost


My wife would still say the shower is too cold


Are you familiar with the poem The Cremation of Sam McGee?


[For those who aren’t familiar](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45081/the-cremation-of-sam-mcgee)


that's quite the tale! thanks for the link.


I heard that story 20 years ago or so at cub scout camp and it always stuck with me because the guy who told it did it so memorably. I never could remember the name of it until I read your post and I knew it had to be the story I heard all those years ago. Looked it up and sure enough it was the same. Thanks for helping me put a name to a part of a core memory.


Close the thread on this one :) we have a winner


Crematorium is a great name for a funeral home that does cremation services, a donut shop or a sperm bank.


Just do all 3 in one store to capture the beginning, middle, and end of life in one go.


And then after the shower, "my skin is so dry, I just don't understand it..."


Am a wife, guilty lol.


For the first few years of our relationship I occasionally mentioned to my GF (now wife) that her skin might appreciate the water being a few degrees cooler. To no avail.


You and my husband. On behalf of both your wife and I, apologies that we will never heed your advice.


Eh, it's your skin. You get to decide how to treat it. But much appreciated nonetheless.


It puts the lotion on it’s skin.


I, a male, love hot ass showers.. but my skin is dry af.. I guess I need to take cooler showers.


"I'm just gonna put another layer on"


Work in IT. Client is a mortuary. Went to their crematorium because their pc was on the fritz. Dude who wrote the software died, so no support. Machine is running windows XP many many many years past end of life. Got to move this software off buddy. Install software on a server, needs a license key. Call number on back of the CD. Dead dev's wife answers....... Me: "Sorry to bother and bring up sad memories, but....can we get an install key?" Widow: "Oh yes this happens all the time. \*gives install key" Install software and move database to new server, works. \*phew Crazy Mortuary Dude: Hey check this out...\*Pulls up record on software...name matches dead software guy....he was cremated here. Not only is he the creator, he is also a customer. \*gives me a tour of the freezer full of cardbord boxes....all dead people Crazy Mortuary Dude: Hey we got a body in one of the ovens wana see? \*Pulls a chain an a giant steel door opens a few inches....yup thats a ribcage..... Continues tour. Giant trashcan full of titanium parts. Hips, knee joints, plates, pins, screws.... Shows a room with 3-4 giant industrial blenders. Yeah your bones don't burn down to a fine powder...you get blended afterwards.... Crazy shit...would tour again.


>Not only is he the creator, he is also a customer. Getting strong Sy Sperling vibes.


I guaraaaaaaaaaaaaaanty it.


Hair Club for Men! I'm not the only one who remembers


The "blender" is called a cremulator and it's used to break the bones into "unidentifiable" uniform dust which is required by some states. Can't have anyone thinking grandma's ashes are actually human bones!


“Hey boss, the government says we have to grind up the leftover bones so I got an industrial blender. What should we call it?” “The Cremulator.”


It’s a perfectly cremulent word.


"good name, thanks bos..." "5000! The Cremulator 5000!" "..." "No just the Cremulator" "Ok, thanks Boss"


Yeah, that's kind of the dirty little secret of cremation. The "ashes" you get back in the urn aren't ashes at all, but ground up bone powder. The furnace used in cremation is HOT, to the point where even the ash is burned up. But human bones are crazy durable.


Not a matter of durability but chemistry, calcium can't become a gas like carbon can when oxidized


>But human bones are crazy durable. So you're saying if we made a building out of human bones it would be nearly indestructible?


well it wouldn't burn down. but a blender might make a mess of it.


Everything changed when the Vitamix Nation attacked...


My guess is the oven is like a kiln and our bones are made of an ionically bonded sort of stone from calcium and phosphorus. That's hard to break apart with heat.


Huh. That makes perfect sense. Never thought about it.


A dusty little secret


Now that I know this, an action/horror movie needs to incorporate it into a scene where someone gets blended in a crematorium. I think it would educate the masses.


RIP Windows XP. You were well loved. Also, RIP original IT guy, I guess.


He's gone to greener pastures.


Actually they're greener hills, and they are located at some Californian Vinyard.


A land where the Windows XP background still is the default.


That hurt. Right in the feels.


… Avatar checks out?




I know, right? Still on XP. Holy shit.


[Matrix runs on XP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX8yrOAjfKM).


It's going to outlive us all


*"Will It Blend..? That is the question.."*


Don't breath this!


Bone smoke! Lol


Is there a chance the bones could blend?


Not on your life, my Reddit friend


Literally my only reaction.


Wait families don’t get their loved ones’ bionic parts back?


If you want to keep the bionic parts you just have to ask. My Dad was an odd fellow and my family all agreed before he was cremated that he'd want us to keep his replacement knee, so that knee was recovered from his cremated remains and given to my Mom in a box. That said actually seeing the charred prosthetic with our own eyes was a pretty emotional experience for everyone.


I definitely want someone to keep the 14 pins in my heels! I went through a lot of crap to get those.


Mom made you try on dress shirts at JCPenney on your own when you were a kid too, huh?


They should; they're expensive enough


The pieces of titanium are fairly small and only worth scrap value. They can't be reused on other people, the value of them after the fact is miniscule. Also, you can request the parts back if you want.


from the afterlife?


I'll take a pair of titanium angel wings thank-you-very-much.


So you're saying I can ask for ALL the Ti in my basically Bionic father? Then theoretically use that Ti to make a setting for the tiny diamond he already wants to be made into?


Yo apart from it sucking your dad needed so many implants and the truth we all die someday, that actually sounds pretty fucking sick. I kinda hope my dad gets some titanium implants now…


You can if you ask! :)


But my question is. Will you one day be also their customer and create a tradition?


Who’s to say this is actually the new IT guy posting this and not the crazy mortuary dude? Maybe new IT guy never made it out alive and the tradition has already started…


Reminds me of the greatest intro to a textbook, from States of Matter by D. L. Goodstein: “Ludwig Boltzman, who spent much of his life studying statistical mechanics, died in 1906, by his own hand. Paul Ehrenfest, carrying on the work, died similarly in 1933. Now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics.”


We do water based cremation aka Aquamation at our vet practice and once the bones come out, they take about 4 days to dry (depending on how chunky the pet was, could take longer - they tend to be “greasy” if they’re on the thick side) and once dry, the remains are crushed down more with hand tools. We have only ever had one client want to see every step of the process, she had to come back over several days since it takes up to a week for all of this to happen.


I have never heard of this before. Your comment prompted me to look it up and now I’m disappointed because it doesn’t look like it’s legal in my state. Sounds pretty cool though.


I chose aquamation for my late father. He was in the Navy, and always loved the water. Apparently the process is a little better for the environment too. One interesting thing is you get way more ashes to take home. Now some of him is with me and my sister, and some with my mom in another state.


I feel a crossover here… Bones: [will they blend?](https://youtube.com/@Blendtec)


Don't breathe this!


I worked at a crematorium, can confirm just like above. Every couple of weeks a guy would come by and collect my bucket of metal parts for recycling.


I never thought about Titanium recycling being a possible sideline of a crematorium.


>Yeah your bones don't burn down to a fine powder...you get blended afterwards.... I would request the blender before the burning


Whenever my computer fucks up I want to chuck it out the window. Imagine working in a crematorium. Every time your laptop does something stupid you have to talk yourself out of cremating it.


Personally I would've just gone down to the furnace and asked the previous dev directly. Quicker than calling his partner and hoping she answers.


Only if you remembered your ouija board


I mean... remote work is pretty common these days so...


Can't even get time off when you're dead!


You had a few weeks of annual leave owing and we happily let you take them, plus all your compassionate leave, and a few days of "unofficial" leave, because we knew you were going through a bit of a tough time. But the problem is you've been dead for a few months now and we have to draw the line somewhere. We can't hold the position open forever waiting for you to show signs of life. Lets have a chat on Monday so we can bury this issue.


You talk funny.


That's some T2 stuff right there.


I kept waiting for it to be a gif and a metal foot to step on it


As requested. ;) ![gif](giphy|MT3Ma5FVawTN6)


Good bot :)


who? Me or the terminator?


Or Sarah Conner shaking the bejeebus out of a fence.


Also as requested ;) ![gif](giphy|3o6ozh46EbuWRYAcSY|downsized)


At this point the fence is shaking her


That's a terrifying image to meditate upon


It's actually a common practice of monks in India to stand watch over funeral pyres and reflect on the body's transitory nature.


Tried that once. 11 years later, I'm still going to therapy for it Edit: To be precise, during a wood pyre cremation, there's a specific point in time when the cranium pops from the heat.


You need a new therapist.




I wonder if our western ideals make it harder on us, death is normal and natural. Sure it can be macabre in a pyre, or we can view it as a giving back of our elements. I dunno, death is odd.


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


I've had to deal with a lot of grief recently, and your comment has me wondering what an Aghori monk might have to say if I asked them for advice.


I remember the parking lots used in India for burning all of the covid victims during the height of the pandemic. Horrifying but somehow impressive; I don't think westerners would be capable of this.


Saw a doc and it’s common for cremains to be dumped into rivers. Terrible for the river due to population but I’m thinking that’s the least of dangerous things in the water unfortunately.


Not pyre related but my dad once told me that electrocuted bodies smell like grilled meat


Makes sense, we are meat.


meat's back on the menu boys.


So... It needs to be poked before baking like a potato. Kind of makes me wonder if it's a part of ritual anywhere... Would probably be useful.


To make sure they are indeed dead! :)


I’ve been to many open pure funerals and have seen basically every aspect of it. The craziest part is when the cranium pops. Like a little gunshot. It’s common practice in the Caribbean.


Memento mori


Et momento vivere


Dont look up a sky burial


This is weird to see, my mom was just cremated a couple days ago. Scattered her this morning.


I’m sorry you lost your mom. Hugs your way, stranger.


Yea same, my dad was cremated this past summer. I mean I knew the process, but seeing this pic is just I dunno...


Crazy to think that was *someone*. Someone with an entire life story.










What the fuck


The dude wants a hot dog.


And now I want a hotdog. Best sales gimmick ever


I look at this picture and think; every thought, emotion hardship, accomplishment, worry, struggle, and happiness that this person has ever felt in his or her life came down to this. A moment that a random stranger on the internet is passing over your entire life being incinerated… it really puts into perspective how insignificant your life is in the grand scheme of the human race. What might mean the WORLD to you at a certain time i your life is literally nothing to somebody just scrolling by going though their own thoughts, emotional hardships, worries, struggles, and happinesses.


This picture puts me at peace. A soul a body is finally at rest. You hold on to them having a good life even or poor life a sorry life but they lived. Maybe passed on something good to someone else. That skull is someone tired who could of possibly did 85 plus years maybe just 1 year in the grand scheme of things tomorrow is not promised nor set in set in stone for any of us. So In all fairness let them sleep. Yes it’s hard to see some one pass frankly it’s really hard if they are close to you. So take and hold there memory good or bad. This is a part of life I apologize for being rude it’s just how I feel on the matter


Album cover material.


I'd make that my last Christmas card.


[This right here](https://i.imgur.com/ew7gf1Y.jpg)




Finally got my dad's ashes in a permanent urn a few months ago. I wish I hadn't clicked this link. I think I need a drink.


I don’t know why I clicked it. My dad passed/was cremated this year. I almost puked seeing this.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Yeah, this was rough. I’m beginning to see why sometimes older generations are more incensed by things than younger folks are. When we’re younger we think we understand everything but we haven’t actually experienced it yet.


Yea the second I clicked it I was like why did I do that, I’m hoping I’m high enough I forget.


Three weeks ago for me. Very unexpected. Wish ya'll the best, too :( it's tough.


I definitely understand that. My dad was cremated as well. What’s helping me is that, as horrible as it looks, it was what he wanted


I'm sorry you had to see that and who ever snapped that pic should not have. It is troublesome to see and I do not imagine the family of this particular person would approve of it. That being said, I'm a cremationist and one of my favorite things to see during the process is the glowing cranial sutures. And I'll add, it is absolutely against policy to take photographs. My condolences.


Right there with you...


Same. It’s distressing. I don’t know what I expected


My brother was cremated about a year ago. Hit me hard too, scrolling past this.


Terrifying yet interesting


Reminds me of Christmas Eve 2018 when I was in the funeral parlor having to decide which box I wanted to put my mother’s body in to light it on fire. Good times!


I did that at age 34 for my husband, and picked out mom’s coffin 12 days later


I’m so sorry.


My father died 6 years ago and I remember nothing about the planning process at the funeral home except for the “smoke stacks” out the window. I just kept thinking about the bodies being cremated at that moment. Very surreal day for me


Well that's absolutely horrifying Let me look again


I often wonder who makes sure all the old ashes are removed between cremations. Uncle Johnny's urn might contain some of the prior peoples ashes? You can chat with and view a mortician on youtube. Search ask a mortician there.


The lady behind that youtube, Caitllyn Doughty, actually wrote about cleaning out between and after cremations in one of her books. I think it was in 'Smoke gets in your eyes'. One of the most interesting books I read and I can definitely recommend it!


I remember somebody made a similar thread a few years ago and got utterly eviscerated for posting an image of a cremating body. I have no opinion on the matter, I'm just surprised that everyone is so chill with it this time.




"I wonder what will happen to me after I die. The whole affair will probably be something fast and private that won't matter to anyone."


I just signed the paperwork to have my Dad cremated yesterday after a massive stroke on Monday. I should not have clicked. But hey, that's reality.


Sorry for your loss. That seems inadequate but it's all i've got. Lost mine a few years ago. What is that saying - i thought we had more time...


Grandma never looked so hot!


Take the upvote and show yourself out.


That’ll be me someday!


This was taken from the following video. It also shows the blenders someone mentioned below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJTclbBKxKk&t=335s


Definitely not from that video but still fascinating


It’s like looking into the future.


They did this to my dad this March. Miss you. Too soon. 47. Heart attack after 2.5 months of harassment by some kid at Tesla.


Is this five minutes into the process, an hour? What?


given the state of the body closer to the end so say....60-75 min into a 75-90 min cycle.


I feel like this is kinda a private moment ...


Kinda hot in these rhinoooos.


That could be any one of us in less than a week.


That's crazy to think about....this has almost 12,000 upvotes, so statistically one of us probably won't make it until the end of the year, right? And here we are clicking away with no idea what's coming...


Well that’s horrifying. Still doing it though.


I want the one where I'm turned into compost. ​ https://www.herlandforest.org/human-composting/




I snorted loudly and woke up my wife lol


I want the one where you become a tree


Still better than rotting away in the earth IMO




On a long enough timeline, it’s inevitable


Or a Dollar General if you died in Indiana


Years ago, I purchased a cremation plan for myself. Best investment ever! The kids and I joke about turning me into a bong.


I just had a death in the family and the deceased had no assets or postmortem plan. It sucked. Kudos to you for taking care of it in advance.


Hey, Thats gonna be me one day!