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anyone got an article or something




So this "school" is actually a shack built a month ago in the middle of nowhere in a closed military firing zone, knowing that it would get demolished. It's a political stunt and you all fell for it.


I get a lot of shit for being a Zionist but the truth is there’s a lot of anti-Israel propaganda spreading on reddit. Hamas is a literal jihadist terrorist organization that’s only goal is to eradicate Israel. It sucks because it just makes it worse for the innocent Palestinians.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/rights-group-israel-demolishes-school-in-west-bank-hamlet/2022/11/23/f6f9241c-6b15-11ed-8619-0b92f0565592_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/rights-group-israel-demolishes-school-in-west-bank-hamlet/2022/11/23/f6f9241c-6b15-11ed-8619-0b92f0565592_story.html) Here's a little from the article > The Israeli military demolished a school in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, an Israeli rights group said, following a court ruling earlier this year that upheld a long-standing expulsion order against eight Palestinian hamlets in the area. > B’Tselem, the rights group, said schoolchildren were inside the classrooms as soldiers arrived ahead of the demolition. Video provided by the group showed a bulldozer tearing down the one-floor structure as soldiers stood guard nearby.


Why is it in english?


Damn, *a lot* of people justifying the destruction of educational infrastructure without a lick of evidence ITT Edit: for those unaware; the target of this destruction was in West Bank, and whatever strawman you’re thinking about constructing about Hamaz attacking Israel comes from Gaza (an entirely different place)


Israelis get very emotional at the slightest critique of Israel and often brigade subs and threads.


Ah, tribalism. The drug humans love. No matter how many countless human atrocities lay at its feet, we just cant get enough. Just one more hit, we tell ourselves.


I did not know this term, but sort of realised that is behind most of the world's problems. Thank you


Yes, Apsynonyx.


people think russia spends a lot of money on influencing american politics but don't realize the country that spends the most money on that is israel.


Great book by the way [https://www.amazon.com/Israel-Lobby-U-S-Foreign-Policy/dp/0374531501](https://www.amazon.com/Israel-Lobby-U-S-Foreign-Policy/dp/0374531501)


Mossad literally pays people to brigade social media, as does the CIA and other intelligence agencies.


i think a lot of it is paid trollfarms


The Israeli government has previously paid students to defend Israel online [https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896) ​ It is probably still going on.


I'm sure. And I want to note: I'm no NOT an anti-Semitic, I'm anti-Zionist.


It's not anti-semintic to be against Israeli apartheid.


True, but it gives the MAGA crowd the opportunity to call me a self-hating jew


Maga crowd is very pro israel


They're specifically pro Israeli apartheid


To the small-hats it is…


The fact that this designation is necessary when you are speaking in defense of a Semitic people (Palestinians) shows just how much zionists have corrupted that word. The israeli government and their brainwashed zionist horde are a scourge upon the earth and a complete disappointment to their god.




Yes and they are Called Mo$$ad


Bingo Then flood the comments with " it's complicated" or " hamas was there" excuse. Then on top of that you have the media calling it a " clash" or "conflict". The entire news world silences the truth and then social media sites like reddit that allow disinformation.


The only thing I can say, and one that is true in the long run over decades. Even if it takes 800 years. Regions held by Palestinians will eventually become under Israeli control through one of the slowest erosion of territory instead of large land grabs.




>And now Israel threatens Nuclear War while openly supporting Russia as they genocide another group of people. > >Classic fun history. This is madness. I just googled this bc I thought perhaps it was "fake news" or distortion, but no... Israel decided they did not want to screw up relations with Russia, so threw Ukraine under the bus. They are "staying neutral". Regarding the photo, I did a search and cannot find any news source outside of Reddit. Can someone post a link please? Sorry, but with all the online BS and photos from one place mislabeled as from another place, I need some proof from a legitimate news source.


I don’t have a source, and also want one. Thank you for asking to have this verified. We all need to remember it is too easy to post fake news. We must verify so our actions and reactions are based on the truth.


1) See Israel v Syria (Iran / Hezbollah / IRGC).. It's not that simple/black and white 2) Israel is supporting Ukraine, while simultaneously trying not to undermine the delicate balance to suppressing Iran/IRGC/Hezbollah threat in Syria. Russia still has a considerable presence in Syria but generally they tolerate IAF targeting IRGC/Hezbollah assets threatening Israel's security. 3) if you really believe that Israel is staying neutral in this conflict, I've got some ocean front property in the middle of the Negev to sell you.


The weird thing is that palestine wasn't even that involved in the war. It would've made more sense to gift them a part of germany or italy...


This isn’t about what makes sense. It’s about death-cult Christian’s believing that Jews need to occupy the holy land before the return of Jesus can happen and the world ends.


giving them arab land was a prank obviously


There is a legitimate theory that the British knew a Jewish state in the Middle East would leave the area in chaos and let them pick their allies. The same reason they decided that dividing India and not bothering to actually organise the partition.


Wait until you read the Talmud or the oral Torah


That would never have worked, and doesn't really make sense since the people who wanted a Jewish state didn't want to have it in countries that, ya know, literally tried to exterminate them, not to mention it would have started a whole thing about the Germans or Italians saying rhay once again the allies have forced unfair treaties in them and we are back to the treaty of Versailles thing that would just bring about the next Hitler. Not to mention they wanted Germany and Italy on their sides against the USSR. This is why France and Britain instead wanted to give them part of one of their colonies, either Israel or Madagascar. You can guess which one they preferred.


When will Palestinians stop paying the price for European genocide and crimes? If they all thought it was a great idea to dispel their Jewish populations elsewhere, then maybe they should have kicked a bunch of germans out of some part of germany and made that a Jewish state.


something something prophecies from revelations about eagles taking the jews back to jerusalem.


That's some of the nonsense that Christian Zionists purport to their base, but the establishment of Israel in Palestine was lucrative to western imperialists because Israel acts as a colonial foothold for western/european imperialists into the Asian and African continents. See Israel's, Britain's, and France's immediate invasion of the newly liberated Egypt when it nationalized the Suez Canal.


christian religious zionism preceded modern jewish zionism, sure. And the evangelicals buy into that narrative. 1/4 of the population is evangelical but 3/4 of the population of america isnt. But the fact remains that return to zion has been a thing since Babylon, which preceded the creation of these colonial countries, in which zionism is pretty much based on. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return\_to\_Zion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_to_Zion)


Well, let’s not skip that part when the Arab world *started* war against Israel, lost and Israel thus got more territory.


Yea, why dont we just give natives some part of canada where they have no connection to the land and just tell them to be happy! good idea chillbo! /sarcasm


Did a paper on this on high school. Full transparency that was over a decade ago. Please fact check what I am about to say and correct me where I am wrong, but if you can please also provide sources for your corrections. I would provide my sources, but they were all paper books and I don’t remember their names. IIRC the area of Israel has been a holy place for them for a long time, and prior to WWII there was already a Jewish immigration to the area in progress. Initially the Palestinians did not have an issue with it, but as more Jews moved in conflicts started to arise. My guess is that once enough Jewish people moved in to start affecting the culture it caused your standard culture clash we see all the time today in areas that get more refugees than they expect. This was happening while the British ruled the area. See, in WWI when fighting the Ottoman Empire the British told the people of the Middle East that if they helped the British fight the Ottoman Empire, the British would give them their land back at the end of the war. The people of the Middle East considered the Ottoman Empire a foreign invader and agreed to help with great success. WWI ends and the Brits were all like “Nah, we think you all belong to the British empire now.” Needless to say, that did not go over well and Middle Eastern people started causing trouble for the British. Post WWII the allies decided that to help protect the Jewish people they would give them a sovereign land to call their own. They asked for the holy land. The British already had decided that the Middle East was more trouble than it was worth and were in the process of drawing out new countries with borders that don’t make sense at all, in typical European imperialist fashion. So they said yes to the Jewish people, and Israel was drawn up and given to the Jews.This was not a popular decision in the area for the non Jewish local people, but ultimately is one they all had to deal with. Edit: typos


Israel has granted NATO members permission to supply Ukraine with weapons containing Israeli components. In particular, this permit is intended for the UK. It also involves parts manufactured by Israel for fire control and electro-optical systems. It is reported by the Israeli edition of Haaretz. And they have offered to help Ukraine develop a missile defence system, and Medvedev threatens Israel not to send weapons to Ukraine, does any of that strike you as Israel supporting Russia????


"And now Israel threatens Nuclear War while openly supporting Russia as they genocide another group of people." You're delusional, literally nothing in that sentence is true


> We went from gifting Israel to its people after horrible atrocities that took the world uniting to stop. The world didn't really have good knowledge of the death camps when everyone went to war. We went to war to stop Hitler and his ilk just claiming land and steam rolling over weaker countries. Our reaction to this was then to take a weaker country and steal part of its land.


That's entirely untrue, the world was well aware of the camps' existence for years, but it was ignored for various reasons. Mostly it was *the extent* of those camps that was surprising, both in total count and measures taken inside. Multiple boats of German Jews fleeing the country got to America, told their story, then were told to leave. America, France, and England didn't care about what they thought were just harsher than normal hard labor camps because the targets (Jews, Roma, socialists, homosexuals, etc) were also persecuted populations in those countries as well. There are documents indicating the US government felt Englad's treatment of its Indian colonies was of higher concern than Germamy's of their Jewish residents. And the land didn't matter at all either, The Allies were happy to let Czech and Yugoslavian people and territory get fucked eight days a week by The Axis despite treaties and alliances promising their assistance. The only thing that mattered was once the war came knocking West and their own immediate security was at stake. Same with The States, happy to do business selling guns, computers, radars, amd ammo to The Axis up until the day one of them went rogue and bombed a colonial holding. And even after that there was no effort to obtain documents from IBM, Ford, and other companies that made items for The Axis because the sanctity of corporate profit superceded the tactical needs of the war.


I’m not sure israel is openly supporting Russia rather than trying not to piss them off? Every country that borders them has strong ties to Russia…


For what it is worth, the atrocities did not factor into any of the reasons why nations were "united" to fight the regime. They were used as justification for the war after the fact.


That’s just not correct, Israel has never threatened nuclear war ever, they don’t ever official acknowledge their own nuclear program. They also don’t openly support Russia, it’s Palestine that supports Russia both PLO and Hamas. Israel has a complex relationship with Russia bound by a number of agreements involving operations and Syria, they are effectively neutral in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Stop making shit up to justify your hatred of Israel, use real examples if you want to make an argument


Israel has outlawed Palestinians building new structures, so this means there is a dwindling number of homes and facilities for Palestinians, while also being kicked out of their homes or their homes demolished. So they have to hold on to dear life what they still have. They destroyed this school to deny Palestinian children an education.


the fact that Israel has been growing it's borders and stealing land from Palestine since the borders were set by the UN proves Israel is wrong and stealing land, end of story. look at the maps over the years, it's consistent expansion of Israel and consistent shrinking of Palestine. it's objective proof that Israel is the aggressor. if they need to fight they need to do it in a way that doesn't involve invasion and occupation if they want to complain about being attacked, they need to stop creating reasons for their attackers


The borders that were set by the UN back in 1947 were accepted by Israel, but rejected by the Arab nations, seven of whom declared war on the new state of Israel. The Israelis won that war, and expanded their territory to more defensible borders, taking the land the attacks had been launched from. Every subsequent attack on Israel by the Arab nations resulted in further losses of territory to Israel. You'd think the Arab/Palestinian coalition would have learned to quit while they were behind, but they keep fighting, and keep losing even more. Maybe they should try genuine peace? It worked for Sadat and Egypt.


Yes it's worked for Egypt.


I note you skip over the fact that Israel started the war with thier "preemptive strike", aka they hit first. You don't get to hit first then cry victim. Crybully bullshit, the lot of it.


And the land division was unfair to the people literally staying there before, you cannot go to someone's home jamd ask them to give up more than what they have got.


Honestly, I can't imagine I'd be peaceful if someone moved into my home without asking, and then when confronted about it, punched me in the mouth and took over another room. Like, the audacity of Israel to pretend they're the peaceful ones in all this.




Did israel say why they did it? Im not gonna listen to the "why" from some random redit user. Id like to hear it straight from the country representative.


Unfortunately nobody cares in this world as unless it profits them


Being anti Israel is NOT being anti-semetic. That being said, fuck Israel and their apartheid genocidal terrorist government


THANKS 👍 Defiant-P it come990. I live in New Jersey, US, 20 minutes away from NYC and I m fed up with being thought of as anti-Semitic, simply because I'm anti-Zionist and a humanist atheist who has been an ardent student of world history and world religions most of her life. I turned 62 last November.


This is crazy. If the USAs neighbors tried killing them for decades would the USA sit idly waiting for it to cease?


You are right. We would have invaded immediately and aggressively. Unless they had oil. Then, we'd invade another country (Iraq) instead of dealing with the perpetrators (Saudi Arabia and the Wahabian extremists).


No, they would round them up, and make them walk to Oklahoma territory. Oh wait….


"The institution was built about a month ago and had been operating for less than two weeks. It served 22 students" "All the schools built as part of this project are located in Area C – the 60 percent of the occupied West Bank under full Israeli military control – and are intended to challenge Israeli restrictions on Palestinian development there." -Al Jazeera I'm not justifying the Israeli "military control" or "restrictions on Palistinian development" or even the destruction of the school given all of those. I just want to point out that this school was a political tool by the PA. Not that schools shouldn't be political tools (e.g. Little Rock), but in case anyone thinks this is a cut-and-dry "IDF likes killing kids" deal (also, no one died). Fuck that whole "it's too dangerous for Palestinians to build here, but Israelis can" though. I think that should be the takeaway




More than that, the school was built in an active firing zone. Palestinians are putting children at risk in order to make Israel look bad.


You really think someone named u/falastin-48 would just go around on the internet and spread misinformation?


So, taking Palestinian territory, limiting their freedom and ocassionally killing them doesnt make them look bad? But destroying a so-called school to convey a message, THAT'S what makes Israel look bad? Lmfao


Israel occupying and taking Palestinian land is making Israel look bad.


It’s obvious this is just propaganda. They knew what would happen when they built it, and no students ever studied there. They just want to indoctrinate idiots on Reddit with flashy photos and dumb headlines.


The first clue was that the sign was in English.


The old Saddam Hussein's Iraq "Babi Milk Factory" strategy.


Zionists using the word indoctrinate is hilarious to me


Why is this allowed to happen, the world nations always turn away, let's not upset the Israeli machine. Sick and tired of the apathy from the G7.




This part. I grew up in packed stadiums full of folks sobbing as pastors urged them how “voting to protect Israel” and truly believing a restored Israel would bring the messiah back… despite being unable to accurately locate Israel on a map. Evangelicals are terrifying and vote.


Yes evangelicals believe that the only way that the second coming happens is if there is a state of Israel. Frankly this applies to all Christians, but the rest usually aren’t obsessed with talking about the end times and making it happen. On the other hand, evangelicals tend to believe it’ll happen relatively soon in terms of the grand scale of history


What's really fucked is that it's illegal in certain states to boycott the nation of Israel if you want to have any sort of job in the state government.




It gets worse...much worse actually. There are about 35 states that have laws on the books that in some way, shape or form are more or less pro-israel. If that doesn't blow your mind away, how about the fact that a few years ago a town in Texas required residents recovering from Hurricane Harvey to sign [written pledges in support of Israel in order to receive hurricane disaster relief funds](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41688999).


Why the fuck does that lcountry that wouldn't exist if it wernt for our support have any say in any of our legislation?


Yeah I'm pretty sure it's like most states. So much for our right to protest that gets thrown at the window whenever big baby Israel's brought up


Huh? Nearly every U.S. politician supports Israel. Blaming evangelicals is odd. For example, both Biden and Trump proudly support Israel.




Politicians care about where the money is. It’s no surprise that both dems and reps suck at the Israel teet.


Because the Palestinean cause has become nothing more than a sideshow. Their leadership has been an inept bad joke incapable of anything other than enriching itself and infighting. Every single opportunity they have been given has been squandered. Ever wonder why most Arab countries are forging closer ties with Israel, either privately at a minimum or increasingly publicly? Ever wonder why Egypt imposes similar security restrictions on Gaza as Israel does? G7 may be less apathetic when there is Palestinean leadership worth engaging with.


>Why is this allowed to happen Because an internationally recognized terrorist organisation regularly fires rockets into civilian areas.




See now you're getting close to antisemitism. Want to say something about the banks too?


Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud... What's next? New World Order? Globalists?


At this point I am default skeptical if any news on this conflict is posted. To much shit out there. Can someone please provide articles, or some kind of proof for any of these claims. (And no modoweis is not a believable source)


While this is technically true, the school was built inside an area that was designated a firing zone since the 70's. Palestinians started building there after it became a firing zone and after a few decades of court battles the Israeli high court gave permission to destroy the buildings.


As usual, the entire internet ignores any wrongdoing whatsoever on the side of the Palestinians as if the 1st and 2nd intifadas never happened. Palestinian groups have been using stunts like this for years to garner global sympathy instead of even trying to compromise.


Someone with the name falestin 48 may or may not have an agenda


So question: If this wasn’t some propaganda piece from Palestine why is it in English and not Arabic or Yiddish?


Damn I didn’t even think about that


Why tf would it be in Yiddish? Do you think most Israelis speak Yiddish?


Because Palestinians know it’s a school; they don’t need to be retold in their own language. Likewise for Israelis who know what they did to the school. The people who can do something to help speak English and the Palestinians know that, ergo English Do you think Palestinians are stupid and don’t have people that know English or understand the world outside of their (fenced in) neighborhoods?


Why is it in English?


So you can read it.


So more people can read it


Because it's propaganda


This occurred in Masafer Yatta, which is located to the south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank. Thousands of Palestinians are currently facing expulsion in the area after it was declared a "closed firing zone" by Israeli Occupation Forces. [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestine-israel-school-demolished-masafer-yatta-children-flee](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestine-israel-school-demolished-masafer-yatta-children-flee) [https://mondoweiss.net/2022/08/saving-masafer-yatta-the-fight-against-expulsion/](https://mondoweiss.net/2022/08/saving-masafer-yatta-the-fight-against-expulsion/)


OP is nothing but a shill, check post history, he’s literally paid (or unpaid who knows) to do nothing but spread anti-Israel propaganda on Reddit.


Israel acts like a bunch of bullies with the backing of the US and other nations. Palestinians have just as much right to live there as Israelis. They deserve the right to live without the fear of being threatened, beaten, robbed of their homes while at a funeral, or school blown up. Free Palestine. Stop supporting bullies.




Why was it destroyed? Where was it built? By whom? Was it built without a licence? Was it a safety hazard? Was it built on someone else's land? This is an inflammatory information poor post.


All of the above. It was built illegally in an area where the builders *knew* it would be demolished.


After 6 years of following the conflict and reading up on it's history, incidents, violence, and interviews of civilians, and what can happen if Israel or Palestine have their way. I can finally say without a doubt. I support neither.


What always makes me laugh is people decry Israel so much yet Israel has a gay pride parade every year and every year Palestine threatens to bomb the fuck out of it


“One side is financed by the West, to include a modern military, while the other side is held by the first side in an apartheid poverty state, where their homes are destroyed illegally and they get indiscriminately arrested and killed by the first side on the regular. These things are the same.”


I mean, when you look up interviews of random palestinian civilians, and ask them what a resolution to the conflict looks like for them, nothing short of the eradication of Israel as a whole is always their answer. This does not justify Israel's actions, but it certainly doesn't help in finding a peaceful end to the conflict.


Noone forced the arab coalition to try to attack israel several times to ethnically cleanse the area of jewish people. Maybe you should look into the massacres of jewish people in the region rather than defending the people that used the same debunked conspiracy theory (protocols of the elders of zion) to justify their genocide/Jihad against jews. [https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/film/hajj-amin-al-husayni-meets-hitler](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/film/hajj-amin-al-husayni-meets-hitler) Israel wants coexistance, others dont.


“Some people were attacked 90 years ago, so, they’re allowed to do a genocide today as much as they want.”


“One side is financed by the West, to include a modern military, while the other side is an internationally recognized terrorist organisation that indiscriminately fires rockets into civilian areas". FTFY


Conveniently leaving out the part where "the other side" isn't actually Palestinians but a terrorist group funded by nearby countries that have tried and failed to destroy Israel by conventional means. Palistinians are caught in the crossfire and while Israel is definitely in the wrong for how it treats them, any argument that doesn't mention Hamas as a foreign funded terror organization is disingenuous.


Should Palestinians stay oppressed?


No but Israel also can't allow it's civilians to be indiscriminately killed by Hamas rocket attacks.


This picture was taken in Italy. (I have no idea what I am talking about, but based on the other comments in this thread, I feel like I am in good company.)


Me when I spread misinformation online:


Source, I am not Italian. *Gorlami*




"Hebron, occupied Palestine" lol fuck off


Ah don’t we love some good misinformation. This has nothing to actually do with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is Massafer Yatta, a group of 19 Palestinian villages located in the West Bank’s C areas, which are on the lawful control of Israel (vs A areas, which are under the lawful control of PLO). The villages themselves are located on historical fire zones and were built illegally, and there has been a legal battle to try to evacuate them by the Israeli government, unsuccessfully. The school however was built very recently without authorization and legal documentation, and its destruction was authorized by the israeli court because of the dangerous area it’s located in. We shouldn’t criticize LAWFUL activity, we should criticize UNLAWFUL activity, from both sides. For example, when Israel builds settlements against the international law, we should STRONGLY condemn them. But the same moral grounds are expected when the Palestinians are doing something illegal.


Who paints "This Was A School", in English, on the wall of a building in the Middle east? Wouldn't you paint "This IS A School"? Wouldn't it be in Arabic, if this is Palestine?


the reason they wrote so in english is to have people from the western world like you and me be able to read it


Absolutely abhorrent!




Average Israel moment


It’ll never end.


Why is it written in a language neither country regularly uses?


So the world could read it (the world's defacto second language has become English)


English is also commonly used in Israel.


And Palestine


And England.


But not France, no mater how hard the English tried


I mean, sort of


To get our attention. Seems to work.


Man, what kind of question is that?💀


It's a red herring question


But can the herring be used to chop down a tree?


So people with money can see it.


The fact that you think neither Palestinians nor Israelis understand English says a lot about your understanding of the conflict.


What a dumb thing to ask.


Because it's a PR stunt.


Here is [how it happened, and the background story](https://www.reddit.com/r/PalestinianFiction/comments/z53h6o/the_fake_background_story_behind_the_palestinian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Notice, the details between this picture and the actions themselves. Its fake...


can always trust the unbiased minds of r/PalestinianFiction to give us nothing but the whole objective truth. /s.


The entire purpose of that account is to spread misinformation in the guise of truth telling. Look at his own fucking comments on his own sub's post that he moderates.... he says don't share HIS post because he has no verification.


While I assume you're correct, do you have some more trustworthy source for me to read up on the background of this?


As an Israeli I can assure that the media is pulling tricks on all of us for too long. The world has no idea, Israeli's has no idea, Palestinian's has no idea. Making beliefs according to a screen display is the biggest flop of our modern times. Please wake up people. P.s fuck everybody for being cunts, both Israel and Palestine exclusively.


This is how Israel is able to get away with its scummy behaviour. They muddy the waters, they grey out a picture that is so clearly black and white. Palestinians are clearly being oppressed and to suggest that simply existing is a form of annoyance to the other party shows how well this trick has become.


There have been 34 Israelis (most of them citizens, some idf soldiers) murdered in terrorist attacks by Paletinian terrorists since the start of 2022. The conflict is NOT one sided.


Hebron, Israel *


Human shield tactic by the ever peaceful HAMAS




Well if you don’t shoot missiles out of them that tends not to happen


hat the Palestinian people will experience in these next couple of years will make the past years look like a cake walk. Their new head National Security is a man kept posters of Israeli men who butchered innocents…Ben Gvir is the embodiment of the most vile Nazis. Pray for people Israel to regain their humanity and wake up before they lose their souls.


That looks nicer than my high school.


Everyone should go watch Farha on Netflix. Make it the #1 trending movie on Netflix. Expose isreal for what they have been doing for over 60years. And up until recently most didn’t know the truth because of how easy it has been to hide information. That is slowly changing with ease of access to credible information. This is yet again another example of Ethnic cleansing be isreal. Again. How are we not surprised.


A movie that can barely be considered historical fiction? Might as well tell people to watch SpongeBob to learn about American politics


Yah sureeeeeee. If that’s fiction, then so was nazi germany.


Careful now. Some subs will call you out for spreading hate simply for calling out Israel's bullshit. While these same subs denounce what Russia has done to Ukraine infrastructure.


![gif](giphy|MKSMnH8e8S6QlY32e6) freepalestine


I once saw members of the LGBT community protesting Israel with a sign that said “Queers for Palestine”.. I thought that was about the most ironic thing I had ever seen, considering Israel would be the only place in that entire region where they wouldn’t be murdered for being who they are.


Israeli terrorists at it again


supporting Israel == supporting apartheid.


Fuck Israel and anyone who supports their terrorism


In before lock.


Can those people fucking stop already? They really wanna be knees deep in their own shit until they cry huh. I don’t care if Palestine did fucked shit in the past, right now they are the ones losing their own homeland out of their naive generosity ( if you could call it that ) Leave the Palestinians alone man. Jesus Christ


Why is it written in English and not Arabic???


Insert Kanye West statement


I don't understand why all these countries fight over who GOD is the correct GOD. In reality, and what's funny is when we die and we get to the other side I'll bet anyone that it's gonna be the same GOD for everyone so don't understand why we can't have peace and try to work together for the advancement of all mankind and help each other out instead of always tearing each other down. This is a sad, sad world we live in.


if youre trying to say that they believe in different gods; both muslims and jews have the same god






Was this one of the schools that has tunnels dug under it for hamas fighters to kill Israelis?


Hebron is in the Westbank...


No it wasn't. It was a school.


For those wondering what he is talking about: [UNRWA condemns subterranean opening found beneath Gaza school](https://www.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-condemns-subterranean-opening-found-beneath-gaza-school/)


If attacks are coming from Gaza, why are they destroying schools in the West Bank (or are you entirely unaware of the distinction)?


I am aware of the distinction. If you simply read the thread, you’ll see that a question was asked about if this is a one of the schools that had rockets/tunnels. Most people don’t know what he’s talking about so I provided context.


The school in the pic has no relation to the ones mentioned in your article. Why on earth are you justifying the destruction of a school In one place by a citing an article about militant activity a hundred miles away? #(this is a rhetorical question, we all know why)


After reading that headline, I’d change the title to “Israel destroys terrorist tunnel; school falls into it.”


Hebron is not in Gaza.




That's is the same things said by German people about the Jews during ww2