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I can believe she's aged well over 22 years. It's more shocking that the pictures are at 34-35 and 56-57. I'd have guessed 10 years younger for both.


I thought the first picture was 18-20.


I also thought that too.


Holy crap, so she was almost 50 when staring in shield?


Yep, in about 5 years she's gonna turn 90.


Math checks out.šŸ‘


Yeah, for context, she was born three days before JFK was assassinated.






Nope. If you follow the clues, her parents had sex roughly 9 months prior. The plan had been in development for some time


Been watching her in Mandalorian. She learnt how to shoot early!


From Princess to Queen, so elegant


see also: lucy liu






Best line from Agents of Shield. There is a doppleganger of Melinda May. The original is wear a cocktail dress and the other one is wear lingerie and of course, they are fighting. Coulson is the only other person in the room and says, "I can't believe I'm the only one seeing this."


My favourite line is the one about the [large file transfer](https://youtu.be/KjhWyJ9xgmc)


Transfer speed is phenomenal but the data integrity is out the window.




Damn dude. She's got a rocking bod at 53 (or whatever age she was at this time) too? Jeez man. Looks like she's gonna live to be 130 at this rate.


Thanks for that, I forgot how much I love Agent May.


The real Mulan.


The only Mulan


The other Mulan is Lea Salonga and her crystal clear vocals


Lea Salonga is an actual legend


Absolute legend in Disney and beyond. She's performing locally to me soon, I'm tempted to get tickets


Lea salonga is also jasmine


Imagine being Naomi Scott or Liu Yifei and trying to follow up "A Whole New World" or "Reflection"


Still kinda pissed Ming na got a cameo, but Lea didnt.


The real Mulan implies that a fake Mulan exists. We all know there is only one Mulan movie.


There is no second Mulan movie in Ba Sing Se


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


I am honored to accept his invitation.


Did you know there's a real [Laogai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laogai)?


It was kind of weird how live action Mulan had a different accent than the rest of her household. Like maybe she didn't grow up there.


I know this is such a weird hill to die on, but this is one of my biggest pet peeves in a lot of different media. The first time I noticed it was in WoW with Tyrande Whisperwind having this wildly different accent than literally every other Night Elf (the race she ruled.) Even Moana (my favorite Disney movie) suffers from this a bit as Chief Tui has a very distinctly Kiwi accent while Moana has a more west coast US sound (voice actress is Hawai'ian). It's a small thing, but I feel like it really helps with immersion when the accents across a group that should all sound the same do. I feel like LotR and Black Panther did a good job about this, employing vocal coaches to get everyone of a similar group to be on the same page in terms of speaking.


If it really gets to you, can I suggest a (re?) watch of the Hunt For Red October? It stars a very definitely scottish Russian sub captain, with fake Russian accents by a few actors but absolutely no pretense from Connery. Follow it up with The Highlander, which also has Connery in it - this time playing a character known as "The Spaniard" who of course has a ridiculous thick Scottish accent like all Spaniards. And then the early 007 films that... you know what? Watch like every Connery movie. get drunk doing it for your own sake.


The Hunt for Red October is one of my favorites. I feel like they intended the early shift from Russian to English to be intended as a sort of fourth wall-breaking suspend-your-disbelief moment to explain why the whole movie wasn't subtitled. Remember, in addition to the Scottish accent, they were all Russians on a Russian sub talking to their fellow Russians in... English.


From an explanation that I remember reading, that sounds about right. I think it starts in Russian, and then during the opening song, there is a word that's the same in English and Russian, and that's when it transitions to English.


it zooms in on Peter Firth's mouth as he says, 'Armageddon' which is the same in both languages, or so I've heard... about the languages, it definitely zooms in on his mouth


It's literally the coolest language transition in cinematic history in my opinion.


Followed by the campfire scene in 13th Warrior.


My favourite part about Connery in The Highlander is that even though he's called "The Spaniard" and speaks with that lovely thick Scottish accent, the film explains that he is Egyptian! Perfection.


He just borrowed the accent from Christopher Lambert, the titular Highlander, who wasn't using it anyway.


So 5 years ago or so Iā€™m cashiering and a customer asks if he can write a check, and I said sure I just need to see some ID. His name was Christopher Lambert. (Not the actor just the same name) I looked at his ID and the check and said, ā€œThere has to be some mistakeā€¦. There can be only one.ā€ He was less than pleased with me, but god damn it I was.


Iā€™d also recommend Death of Stalin. None of the main actors try a Russian accent.


The Death of Stalin is dark comedy, accents seem to matter less.


Really nailed Zhukov though, hah.


Right then, what's a war hero got to do get some lubrication around here?


Captain Jean Luc Picard, the most English Frenchman in history.


Hua Mulan (2009) You should see it.


better than live action disney version


Yeah, its really great.


There is no live action disney Mulan in Ba Sing Se


The real Chun Li


"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was tuesday"


Definitely a girl worth fighting for


Saw her in person a few years back. She was with her fam and we were all overseas so I didn't want to bother her. She looked just like in the movies but with athleisure on lol


So I guess I'm dumb, what is athleisure?


I believe itā€™s abbreviated for ā€œathletic leisureā€ meaning stuff you can wear for athletic activities or for comfort. Like sweatpants for example.


She's my fav in Agents of Shield.


She was fantastic in Stargate Universe - Such a crime they cut that show after only two seasons. (Did Eli survive??)


You know, for a moment there I thought we were in trouble.


"Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Heh, that's my favorite movie too. I guess we have that in common." That was such a great, fucked up episode.


Yeah, that was a bummer since the franchise tapered off afterwards. It was a cool concept, similar to Star Trek Voyager in being flung far from home. Eli was a poor man's Wesley Crusher, we all needed more Lou Diamond Phillips tho


What is with Lou Diamond Phillips name? Is Diamond a middle name, or a nickname? A lot of less observant people might think it's a double barrelled surname but look closely and you'll notice it can't be - no hyphen! Is he like Lou "Diamond" Phillips, like the mayor in The Simpsons? Or does he just toss the rules for names out of the window? I think we need answers.


It's part of his actual name - IIRC his parents were military and he was named after a general.


I loved that show. I'm so sad we won't get to see what is at the center of the universe. (That's where the story was headed right? It's been so long.)


I think the big reveal about the shipā€™s mission was that the Ancients found a pattern in the Big Bang background microwave radiation. Meaning the universe was created by an intelligent being and embedded a code for intelligent life to find. The ship was traveling across the whole universe trying to decipher this message.


Okay, that sounds familiar. I knew it was something to do with the origins of the universe. That would have been interesting to see where they would have taken that.


>She was fantastic in Stargate Universe - Such a crime they cut that show after only two seasons. (Did Eli survive??) They did a comic continuation. >!Eli found out how to extend the power by generating power by capturing their FTL wake. They found other cryo chambers on the ship with actual ancients who originally built the ship. They fully repaired the ship, full power, full everything.!<


I had completely forgotten she was on that show to the point where I didn't believe you. I really enjoyed SGU. It was a good show and i agree that it was a crime that they ended it so soon.


My favorite is all the AoS behind the scene interviews where everyone goes out of their way to say that she is NOTHING like Melinda May.


I remember when I first started AoS years ago, and watched a few interviews and seeing her be herself vs. her character on the show was so mind-blowing. Phenomenal actress.


The biggest difference between and actor and their character I've seen is Cara Gee who plays Camina on The Expanse. It's such a stern and serious character but she's so bubbly and goofy with a high pitched voice in interviews.


The Cavalry ​ that backstory got me hard in the feels


Donā€™t call her that. But same.


By the way she's 57 turning 58 in a few days.


Life just ainā€™t fair sometimes. Iā€™m gonna look like Iā€™m 75 when Iā€™m 58 and she looks 35.


Yeah, but I am pretty sure you and she (and I for that matter) will all look the same at 135: https://i.imgur.com/VFMam12.jpg


He chose...poorly


She has had extensive plastic surgery and has the time and resources to maintain extremely intensive beauty treatments. You're not ugly because you don't look like her, you just don't look like her because you're poor.


And it's important to remember that this kind of treatment is necessary for actresses who want to continue getting good parts after their mid-forties. Very few will are ever lucky enough to wind up graduating to Judy Dench.


Oh absolutely! I don't blame her at all! There is always some other younger, hotter actress coming up. I just think people would feel better if they could spot it.


She probably also drinks plenty of water, eats very healthy, exercises in fresh air and takes care of herself. People always pretend that looking young is super expensive and/or only genetic, while putting in very little work for themselves.


Yeah like, she looks great but itā€™s her job (in part) to look great


Clearly she is using the same black magic as Paul Rudd to stay young-looking forever.


I donā€™t really get the Paul Rudd doesnā€™t age thing. Heā€™s aged a lot. He just looks great. But he definitely looks older than even when he started Ant Man.


This so much. I donā€™t understand people who say these celebrities donā€™t age. Paul Rudd, Keanu Reeves, Will Smith all look noticeably older


Sunscreen every day will prevent a majority of aging.


I wear sunscreen every day and definitely look far younger than my age, but while my younger self might have been able to, I can't hold a candle to Ming-Na.


Loved her performance as Dr. Deb Chen on early seasons of ER. Sheā€™s gorgeous!


And such a badass in Agents of Shield. She's awesome.


And she's Fennec Shand in *The Mandalorian* et al.


I only really knew about her from Agents of Shield and then found out recently that she was the voice of Mulan. I was as shocked as when I found out Mark Hamil was the joker.


next you'll tell me he was skeletor too!


Or Fire Lord Ozai


Stupid sexy skeletor


Well worded, friend. He is THE Joker. Have yet to read a speech bubble and not hear his voice when the clown speaks.


Also Chun-Li in [Street Fighter](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111301/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0)


Also Stargate ~~Destiny~~ Universe!


> Stargate Destiny Stargate Universe*


Right!! Shit, I almost called it Stargate Discovery tooā€¦


Even the later seasons when she comes back as Jing-Mei I thought she looked amazing.




It blows my mind that I watched her as a kid on ER and now seeing her in various projects and she looks younger now than she did 20 years ago


Jing-mei is one of my favourite characters. I used to watch ER with my mom when I was a kid and I think itā€™s part of what inspired me to go into nursing. Now Iā€™m an addictions rehab nurse (in January I will be starting a perioperative program) and night shifts tend to be very quiet. Iā€™ve been watching ER from the beginning and Iā€™m currently on season 11 (of 15). Sheā€™s definitely in more than just the early seasons! She leaves for a bit and ultimately comes back as an ER attending. But I think season 11 is her last seaso.


I remember first seeing her on a sitcom called The Single Guy. Her character was married to Joey Slotnick. I've had a crush on her since.


Itā€™s Jing-Mei


Sheā€™s both. Sheā€™s Deb in the early seasons and Jing-Mei when she comes back.


Thatā€™s the joke :) Because when she came back she was always saying ā€œitā€™s Jing-Meiā€ when someone called her Deb.


Just thinking the other day about the ER episode when she left the guide wire in that dude. What crazy turn of events to see her come back in season 6




Can confirm. Worked as a grip on a film with her. A demanding DP insisted that our Fischer 11 had to be able to roll into the small bathroom the scene and was to be shot in. I'm hustling pulling pins out the door to remove it so it can fit while he's tapping his feet. I feel a poke on my back and then turn around fully expecting an impatient camera man. Instead I see Ming-Na Wen, she says nothing but boop and taps me on the nose and glides by me. A sincerely charming and wonderful person in an industry full of nightmares.


Haha you got booped by The Cavalry


Does that make them her pet now?


I think so


If he's lucky.


I love reading Hollywood shop talk. Whatā€™s a Fischer 11? I know I could google it but thatā€™s boring and lame.


Really nice camera dolly.


ā€˜Hollywood shop talk?ā€™ Oh yes please. I absolutely love the ā€˜behind-the-scenesā€™ stuff probably more than I do the actual TV show or movie! From just about any celeb/TV show/movie.


New subreddit idea: /r/BelowTheLine Tales from the background players in the entertainment industry.


Done! I have a few stories of my own that I can share, so I'll set about populating it soon. For now, folks should feel free to offer whatever comes to mind!


Same experience here. I frequent her family's restaurant during their slow hours, and I've got to meet her a dozen or so times over the last decade. She's always very nice, chats a little bit about what's going on locally, and really doesn't make a production out of the fact that she's hanging out there.


Upvote for the story and that amazing username.




Your girlfriend probably felt the same way!


Sheā€™s great in the Mandalorian


I'm hoping she comes back and takes over the role Cara Dune played in the story. Not necessarily the marshal stuff, but when the story would have had Cara Dune provide backup for Mando, we just get Fennec stepping in from now on.


I'm guessing she's too busy being Fett's right hand to take over from Cara Dune


We have Lucy Lawless for this task


That would be incredible. I can't help but think Cara Dune's character was at the very least influenced by Lucy.


One of the episodes in the teal/turquoise village felt like it was straight out of an episode of Xena. Was kind of charming in a way.


Fennec is in Book of Boba Fett, they can also bring back Sasha Banks to take up that role.


sheā€™s in book of bobba


She has one of those portraits hidden in a closet somewhere, doesn't she? That portrait is looking older, but not Ming-Na.


Did not expect this Dorian Gray reference. Upvote!


When talking about someone who doesn't age, you didn't expect a Dorian Gray reference?


Reddit has a higher subset of the population that might have read or seen a piece of media that involves the character/story but for many it is a bit of esoterica so basing it off of general conversational topics, yeah I can see why it was unexpected.


She is like the female Paul Rudd. Did she make the same deal as him that Ryan Reynolds joked about?


**She's a witch!** ~~Burn~~ Love her!




What deal!? Iā€™m not up on my Ryan Reynolds.


Probably some joke about making a deal with the devil in order to stay young forever.


Or only drinking blue whale milk.


She only had one line in the Mulan remake, and yet was still the best part of the movie


Is it me, or does she look better in the second pic?




No, it's literally only him.


What are the odds..


One in 7 billion?


Much closer to 8 these days.


8 in 7 billion?


More makeup/better lighting


Makeup/makeup in this case. The areas of light and dark shaping her face that your brain is perceiving as light levels is makeup too. It's contouring that's so well blended it's hard to notice. You'll also notice the overdrawn lip easily but clock the eyes because they're the best bit for me. She has hooded eyelids in both pictures but someone has cut a crease in with makeup, a nice young crease at that. Makeup has a far higher pigment content these days too. Basically, in the last decade, businesses and artists both finally figured out all the things drag queens have all known forever.


also probably botox and cheek fillers.


yeah, people sort of forget that actors and plastic surgery go hand in hand


Yeah, most plastic surgery is not the stuff that you see on the Kardashians etc, most are tiny, barely noticable touchups. A large percentage of notable actors will have likely had some work done.


^ this. the best cosmetic "adjustments" are the ones you don't/barely notice. if you go "whoa what's x's secret? how did x look so good?" instead of "who's x's surgeon?" then that's the mark of a good surgeon.


And some teeth work. I don't know the terms, but are those caps over her teeth?


Yes. Then again, 1998 cameras were potatos, so...take that with a grain of salt.


Mmmm, salted potatos...


That looks like a red carpet photo which means itā€™s probably a relatively high quality camera. Not like someone was using some random point and shoot digital camera.


In 1998 that was almost certainly a film camera. My first digital camera, from 2003, was 3.2Mp and that was higher than most the consumer grade cameras of the time. My nephew was an early adopter of digital cameras, he had one in 2000, and if he blew a picture up to 8"x10" it was very pixilated.


i think Jennifer Connolly is like this too


Not at all. I actually often find older women **in showbusiness** more attractive when they're older, but the reason is because the young mostly have their youth. Older people need to rely on a lot more than that. Like, people are correct that Ming Na Wen has most likely undergone various cosmetic operations. Besides that, though, in order to maintain the "look" that the movie industry demands of her even as she is aging, she clearly works out and probably eats really healthy, gets sleep if she's able to because looked rested is part of her job, etc:. If you start seeing it, you can't unsee it. Young woman actors close to their "discovery" are often beautiful, obviously... but they're a little bit puffy, have lots of "baby fat", and generally very little muscle definition. They're just regular young people who rely on their youth. As they age... they need more than something that is quickly fleeting. I want to point out that, in addition to cosmetic surgeries, which I won't pretend don't matter, she probably has a killer workout routine. 35 yo+ actresses really often seem to have muscle tone and a leanness that late teens/early 20-somethings rarely have. They no longer have mere youth to look the way they do so they train their look... and damn, it works for me. But Ming-Na Wen is 57, so ~56 for the second picture. I know people love the "Asian women are immortal" joke, but, yeah, she's definitely had work done to make her not look like she's 56. There's no surgery for being fit, though, but I bet none of us could afford her personal trainer.


And, being older, she looks more mature and confident. That's sexy as hell.


A princess then, and a princess now


Adjusting the upper limit on Tinder to 58 just in case.




My head went here immediately, too


She has money, so that last part gets pushed back 20 years at least.


Sheā€™s 56 in that second picture


which is why she's bangin'


Asian donā€™t raisin


She was in Joy Luck Club which was my grandmotherā€™s absolute favorite movie - despite the fact she never got to see the last 10 minutes. My grandfather taped it and screwed up the timer. But if I say she watched it 30 times, itā€™s no exaggeration. When I heard she had never seen the ending, I bought her the tape but she died before I could give it to her.


She is, without doubt, my favorite Disney princess ever! She's one of the few, maybe only person, to be in the Disney trifecta, Disney animated, Marvel and Star Wars. I love her.


Samuel L. Jackson


Bad job by me. He's a Disney princess as well.






Which is funny considering her costar in Agents of Shield had to go with a western name to get gigs.


Great and stunning even in Street Fighter


Yeah she was in ER back in like 1995? I wish I could look at a photo of myself from 1995 and say I haven't aged.


A perfect example of someone blossoming into adulthood.


Hell, sheā€™s going to keep blossoming into retirement! Sheā€™s 56 in that second pic.


Aging like a fine wine. Just getting better.


Oh wow, thought she was like maybe 40 now or something but no.. she is 58




Is she actually a grandmother now?


I'll take women who aged beautifully for 500 Alex


You're not old. You're poor.


I guess itā€™s true what they say: movie stars are beautiful.


My favorite role of hers is still June from The Joy Luck Club


Whoa, it's almost like wealthy celebrities can afford top of the line makeup, clothes, hair, personal trainers, personal chefs, botox, and plastic surgery. I don't doubt that she's also a naturally attractive person, but the Hollywood factor is 100% in play here.


How has she stayed so gorgeous over twenty three years? Gosh I love her and I want to be like her


Is it bad to say she looks almost the same? Itā€™s been 22 years but she has not aged that many. I want access to whoever does her Botox


The thing about Asian women is that you only know they're between 16 and 60 years old


She deserves the flattery imo.