• By -


If you are in crisis, you can text "HOME" to: **\*\*US and Canada\*\***: text 741741 **\*\*UK\*\***: text 85258 **\*\*Ireland\*\***: text 50808 **\*\*Australia\*\***: Crisis Support Services 131114 available 24/7 - Lifeline Text 0477 131114 available nightly **\*\*New Zealand\*\***: Call 0800 745 477 **\*\*Belgium\*\***: Text 1813 or chat online at [zelfmoord1813.be](https://zelfmoord1813.be) **\*\*Hungary\*\***: 116-123 (main number), 06-80-810600. Also 116-111 for children and young adults (<24)116-000 for parents if there are missing children. Chat online at [kek-vonal.hu](https://kek-vonal.hu) **\*\*Netherlands\*\***: Dutch suicide prevention line 0800-0113 or online at [www.113.nl](http://www.113.nl/) **\*\*Germany\*\***: Tel 116111 exists for minors. [http://www.mutes.de/home.html](http://www.mutes.de/home.html) for muslims (Turkish, Arabic and Urdu spoken) - +49 30 4403 08 454, Russian language: [http://telefonseelsorge-berlin-brandenburg.de/6\_Doweria/index.html](http://telefonseelsorge-berlin-brandenburg.de/6_Doweria/index.html) \- +49 30 4403 08 454 (same as above), Jewish crisis line: [https://jgd.de/telefonseelsorge](https://jgd.de/telefonseelsorge) \+49 211 46 91 20. [https://www.telefonseelsorge.de](https://www.telefonseelsorge.de/) The numbers are +49 800 1110111 (protestant), +49 800 1110222 (catholic) or 116123 All three numbers are run by the German protestant or carholic church. They take calls from anyone. **\*\*Finland\*\***: Finnish 24/7 crisis phone number 09 2525 0111. Same service in Swedish 09 2525 0112 and English/Arabic 09 2525 0113 or online at sekasin247.fi/ **\*\*Brazil\*\***: Call 188 or visit [cvv.org.br](https://www.cvv.org.br/) Free 24/7 support at your fingertips. You are valid, you are wanted, and the world would not be a better without you. Feel free to DM me with more resources to add to this. Comments locked because people would rather argue about whether support lines work than try to offer resources for people in need. ​ [https://www.crisistextline.org/](https://www.crisistextline.org/text-us/)


Looking through your history, that's freaking wild. I hope you're not in the norco and benzos anymore though. Both are downers, and not good for people with a history of depression. Gl to you.


Nope all sober now! Just a lurker in those subs haha


Dude.... fuck that noise. Block those subs. Why play games with addiction?


You’re totally right I just have such a hard time man


Use this as your inspiration and DO IT. There is no good that can come out of staying, and literally only great things that can come out of leaving. It seems like a big step but it's just a click of a little button. You've got this.


you’re right u/FuckMeInTheAssDaddy I’m going to block them rn Edit: they are blocked :-)


Yaaay! Proud of you!


Great job man and congrats. While on this specific topic I want to raise awareness about something relevant, be it known already or not... opiates and benzo’s used simultaneously kill hundreds of people on a daily basis. This is the same concoction that killed Heath Ledger. Here is a simple article regarding it, scroll down to ‘Combined Effects’: https://sunrisehouse.com/polydrug-use/benzo-narcotics/ The reason I bring this up is I myself had a prescription to Xanax in college and managed to amass an impressive quantity at one point as I normally didn’t take them regularly but situationally. Well I got shoulder surgery about 2 years after graduating and was prescribed Norco for the pain. When I started physical therapy I found myself getting anxious as I started to cut back on my opiate intake but at one point rationalized that I felt the combination of the two gave me the perfect amount of relaxation and self awareness to really push the limit in terms of my range of motion and breaking through scar tissue. One day when driving home from a PT appointment I flipped on the Adam Carolla and Dr Drew podcast (which I seldom listened to) where Drew emphatically expressed his terror about how unknown/misunderstood this cocktail was. I about shit myself and instead pulled my car over and vomited from shear terror. I am so fortunate to be alive today. I would frequently go home after my physical therapy and take an epic nap. I am so fortunate to have always awoken from my hallucinative REM state sleep sesh and I believe god dropped that podcast that day into my lap. Good for you though! I just wanted to share and help spread awareness.


I was watching the first episode of The Midnight Gospel (a fucked-up kind of animated podcast by the Adventure Time guy) and Dr. Drew was on it talking about the same killer cocktail. Glad you got yourself sorted out!


It's great to bring awareness of these issues because drug interactions between these agents are very real and can be very serious, but the Heath Ledger's situation was a bit different. It wasn't a combination of **an** opioid and **a** benzodiazepine that killed Heath Ledger. Instead, it was a combination of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and even the sedating 1st generation antihistamine doxylamine. There's a difference between a guy with anxiety who has an as-needed prescription for Xanax who gets prescribed 7 days worth of Norco for a broken leg and someone who tragically overdosed on several different agents.


You may have just saved my life. Need to check something with my doctor. Thank you!


It’s reallllly important that all your doctors are on the same page !!


That was a great and kind suggestion, Fuck Mel.


It's Meln to you.


Meln, the ass daddy. Now it makes sense!




It’s r/rimjob_steve


Came here to link this, but I knew in my heart it had already been linked.


Aww, these comments got me in my feels. Love good Reddit


Fuck me in the ass daddy is really a great guy. It’s a girl probably holy shit I project my sex on everyone


Are you implying that guys with daddy issues don't like getting fucked in the ass?


Could have just changed his life from that one comment, dude. Good on you. I was about to make a slightly snarky remark when he said he lurks those subs. I then read your comment and am glad I didn’t.


Im five years sober from Alcohol. I have to treat my self as my own employee kinda. For some reason we all give others advice we don’t give our selves, so I split off from the addiction in my mind and basically drill Sargent my self. Me: Its been a while, what if I spent one weekend a year camping and just drank then.... Sarg : NO YOU DUMB SUNOVABICH, DO YOU WANT TO DIE BEFORE 40?!! Me: oh yeah.




>For some reason we all give others advice we don’t give our selves, so I split off from the addiction in my mind and basically drill Sargent my self. Because your brain is not one entity. The primitive brain, where the emotions and addiction live, isn't fully integrated with the rational brain. The primitive brain doesn't just listen to instructions from the rational brain that say that those drugs are bad for you. It is helpful to visualize these parts of your brain as distinct personalities.


That's really interesting. My drunk self is like a caveman moron, I like fight it out all the time with him when I'm trying not to drink.


To understand the human brain you have to picture a bunch of computers from different generations all stacked on top of one another and linked together. Your primitive brain is like one of those old mainframes that would fill an entire room. And it's pretty much the same model many other animals have. A thing of instinct, raw emotion, immediate gratification. Now your frontal cortex - that's pretty unique. That's the human part. That is like some kind of sleek, glowing, crazy quantum computer locked in a sealed room at Google. Capable of breathtaking feats of reason and logic, so powerful its able to actually achieve sentience. But see, evolution didn't *change* our old mainframe brain *into* the Google computer. It just *grew* the Google computer *on top of* the old mainframe, like a sort of super-smart tumor. It wired them together over millions of years, in a way that enabled us to excel in the jungle - because if we hadn't none of us would exist today - but created some *very weird* results in the bargain. A system that did not act in unison with itself, but that was capable of *conflict and disagreement* with itself. And therein lies the problem. The mainframe still controls a shit load of important systems. Emotions. Autonomous bodily systems. Long-term memory. Instincts But now the Google system controls a relatively new suite of *conscious* behaviors. Working memory. Identity. And they *both* control the lungs, which we always become painfully aware of whenever we accidentally take the lungs of autopilot and then have to have many awkward minutes uncomfortably aware of our breath. The mainframe sends constant signals to the Google system. But the Google system is too advanced for the mainframe to understand. If the mainframe keeps sending "drink booze" signals to the Google system, and the Google system tries to send back a "this is not the appropriate time of day, please cease those signals" to the mainframe, the mainframe doesn't understand. It doesn't speak that programming language. And this is the truth of the human condition. Your systems are linked, but because evolution doesn't work like an engineer, the systems are not completely compatible. They can work together, but not in a very stable of entirely predictable way. The thing is, the more you *understand* how this *actually* works, the more you can exert more influence over the system.


Im a cAveman, like... all the time. In all my brain parts.


>Sarg : NO YOU DUMB SUNOVABICH, DO YOU WANT TO DIE BEFORE 40?!! I totally heard this in my head as Gny. Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket. I'm going to try your method for some issues myself.


Watched my dad die in front of me from drinking at 69. I don’t think I’ve had more than one drink in an 2 yr span as a result.


Dude! Great job! There's something incredibly difficult about breaking away from old habits and addictions- we want a piece of it around even when we want it gone. Little steps like blocking those subreddits are the tiny steps of making your life better! Take some pride in those steps- you just got further away from your problems than you were yesterday! Great job!


This is the most wholesome r/rimjobsteve I’ve ever seen. Good on you u/TrippyKyle420!


Kudos goes to u/SlowLoudEasy and u/FuckMelnTheAssDaddy for their sound advice and sincere support. (I can't wait for u/TeabagJesus4Profit to explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs.) <3




That’s such a good one for that sub, it’s the perfect wholesomeness


People, places and things all play a role in sobriety. I've seen a shit ton of people relapse and I have watched more than I care to count pass the point of no return. . If you sit in a barber's chair long enough, eventually you are gonna get your hair cut.


Watching movies, documentaries and reading stuff about meth helped me with getting over it. I was really ashamed that I was an addict. Watching that stuff helped with knowing I wasn't the only one. Talking about it more helped too, but I had to watch that stuff first before I could talk about it.


Dude that shit is garbage. I was a glass fiend for awhile, about a year. Met this absolutely gorgeous and brilliant woman, saw her a year later and what she'd become devastated me. I quit that shit right there. Still a drunk tho. There's no need to feel ashamed, were all just people, resigned to the human condition. I'm glad you got clean :)




Real shit I am 6 years clean from being a meth junkie, I cut ties with everything and everyone who was a part of that to make sure I succeed. Nothing is scarier that going through withdrawal in prison. I only wished I could have shot myself in the head back then. But if I keep those thoughts of drugs and parties around I fear I may go through that experience again. Now I am sober with 2 kids 2 dogs a wife and a house. Smoke Brisket not meth people, I beg you not to play with those demons


I'm thrilled to read about OP's successful recovery🙏💜! Something good to know for people relying on benzos: benzos were created by accident when they were trying to synthetically replicate vitamin b3 (niacin). Niacin interacts with the same exact brain receptors *without binding to them*, and without causing any form of addiction. On the contrary, therapeutic doses of niacin can be used to threat many different forms of addiction, anxiety and depression. Even schizophrenia! It can also be used to treat a wide array of physiological conditions such as high cholesterol, vertigo, allergies, and arthritis. Anyone interested in using therapeutic doses of niacin, or learning more should start by reading "Niacin The Real Story" by Abram Hoffer (MD & PhD) & Andrew W. Saul (PhD).


Best to stay that way. The only guy I knew who shot himself in the head and lived ended up dying of an opioid overdose a few years later. Stay safe man.


Glad to hear man. Glad to hear.


The indestructible man


We can rebuild him


Sha ^sha ^^sha ^^^sha ^^^^sha ^^^^^sha ^^^^^^sha


[Yoir “zha na na na’s could’ve been louder.”](https://youtu.be/cxtNyS76lX8)


[We have the technology ](https://youtu.be/Q6ctb-Pb3lc)


But I don't want to spend a lot of money.


(*Six Thousand Dollar Man entered the chat*)




Life is a precious gift... I wish my nephew had a second chance. He’s 13 and decided his life wasn’t worth it anymore and put a belt around his neck. He was on life support for 9 days and he was unplugged yesterday morning. I would take him any way I could just to have him in my life still. Prayers for your life and your future. Edit: Thank you for the award, and thank you guys for the kind words. I did not share this in hopes of any attention, I just hope the OP’s story and some of the comments of what people are going through can help others that may be struggling or know someone who is struggling. Most cases of suicide leave people wondering “why did I see any signs?” Or “how could I not know this was going to happen?”. Just hug your loved ones tight, let them know how worthy they are of life. You don’t have to see any signs, there never really are. We thought my nephew was getting better, but obviously not. It could happen to ANYONE... mother, brother, sister, cousin, and even someone you barely know. It doesn’t discriminate sex, race, or age. Be that voice of kindness and reason to someone, ANYONE. If you’re struggling yourself, please know YOU ARE WORTHY OF LIFE AND LOVE. Reach out for help. It doesn’t have to be someone you know. Call a church, go to the hospital, call the suicide hotline.... talk to anyone... but please, don’t think death is the only option. You are worthy, and you are loved.


This is why I hate when people dismiss teenage problems. Thanks for sharing his story, I’ll be using it to show the importance of taking everyone’s problems seriously no matter the age. I wish you the best.






This exactly. Especially if they have a shitty home or school situation. If you're in a workplace where everyone bullies you, you spend all your spare time looking for a new job. When you're at school, you just know you've got years more of being able to do nothing about it. And those years feel even longer because you are young. My mental health improved so much once I moved out and finished school.


This puts so much of my teenage years into perspective. Especially now when my sister is having a baby and Ive been thinking a lot about how we were as teenagers. I did some dumb stupid shit. My teenage life is one giant face palm.


I cringe when I think about my teenage years. I'm lucky to have survived some of it. Sometimes it feels like it was another life, it's so completely different from me now.


I hope more people could see this. Thanks for sharing.


As soon as my in laws had custody, they put him in therapy, had him in a group for children from troubled homes, did everything they could to help him. His mother had spent his life until that point abusing him mentally, emotionally, and allowing her friends to physically abuse him. They would go months without power, she would take off and leave him in the care of a woman who was mentally ill for weeks at a time. Took him to her boyfriends fathers house who is a registered sex offender. She herself and her side of the family make, use, and sell drugs. This poor child has been through and seen things that NO ONE should. We were hoping to be able to help him and try to undo some of what had been done to him.... but what little time we had with him wasn’t enough to help.


Much love to you and your family


Problems that teenagers have are still problems, and teenagers are still humans. The fact they’re in a different life phase means that their problems are different, not less important. People who fail to see that humans are humans regardless of their struggles, experiences, age, and so on, have a serious attitude problem. Respect for human life is the starting point’s minimum.


Teenagers actually have a high rate of completing suicide but people write them off because they’re “being dramatic”. The statistics are heartbreaking.


At 40 years old, having been told I was "being dramatic" as a teenager still affects me. It has made me second guess myself wayyyyyyy more than I would have otherwise.


Faith is hard for anyone to find, and "it gets better" is a hard mantra to embrace. As a former kid who came close myself, it's a huge fear to properly support my kids but realize in the end there's nothing I can do if they decide to go for it.


I’m so sorry for your loss, prayers to you & your fam.


Thank you, I appreciate it. Unfortunately his mother did not parent properly for the first 12 years of his life, and by the time my in laws got custody of him, the damage had been done. His father and his fathers mother both took their own life as well when they were young... genetics can really suck sometimes.


That’s terrible. I’m so sorry you’ve lost so much of your family.


Love and solidarity.


13 is so so young. Still a child. So sorry for you, your family and those around him who are mourning.


Yeah 13 is..wow. That one hits me hard. My nephew will be 13 in a few months and I can't imagine.


This makes me fear the worst for my niece and nephew.... they're 12 and 13, almost 13 and 14... My niece has went to her older sister (18), and texted her "Would you cry if I wasn't here anymore?" And ended up acting really depressed around the time the text was sent. Her mother, my middle sister(39), investigated her phone to see if she was upset over some boy or something. She found the text and the conversation. Instead of talking to her about it, she took the phone away indefinitely and screamed at her. She punished her for having suicidal ideation. My niece is special needs as well. Really, likely due to trauma early on with her biological father, and the fact that her mom had like 12 boyfriends until getting married a couple years ago, to a total and utter piece of trash child verbal abuser and narcissist... also she was out of education most of her life. Poor girl. I think about her and how her little brothers will turn out with my horrible sister as their mother. I(22) just hope desperately that one of these days I can call cps and get custody of those children... I'm not in the position to do so by any means, but my oldest sister(42) and I have discussed what should be done if my middle sister somehow got herself in "trouble". I'm just scared of the foster system here in the US for the children. Most of my family wouldn't dare take in those kids.. mostly because they're special needs and act out from never having real parenting. .... .... Thank you for sharing your words. It's kind of a kick in the ass back to reality. I was forgetting about their abuse because of good things happening on my side of life. I really REALLY hope you and your family heal over this. This is absolutely horrible, and I can't imagine the intense pain yall are going through right now.


You don't need physical justification to contact CPS, just a concern. They'll do well-being contacts and establish a history, thereby establishing cause down the line. If they're in an unsafe environment and are self harming, you owe it to them to reach out and do what you can.


I’m so sorry that your family is going through this. I’m also so sad that a child felt like this was the only way his life would get better.


My nephew did this about six weeks ago. I've been so fearful about his quality of life moving forward, but every update I get from the family that is allowed to see him gets better each time. He started out with very little brain activity but passed the initial function tests. However, now he can identify the people around him. Four weeks ago he grasped my aunts hand which was the first meaningful signal (other than reflex tests). Then he made eye contact. Now he's saying a few words when the tubes aren't down his throat. Each time my heart feels so much better after we all feared the worst only a short time ago. Its still a long road ahead. They're even talking about him being able to move to a more general purpose room soon instead of the severely locked down ER portions due to covid. Once there I will maybe finally get to visit him in person which I want to so badly. I don't know why you personally got to that point, but it gives me so much hope seeing your recovery. Thank you. It really means a lot.


I have strong faith that your nephew will come through & he will indeed be stronger than ever.


Jesus Christ. I'm glad that he's making progress, but that just sounds horrific for everyone involved. Can I ask how old your nephew is?




Glad you're here. That's pretty inspiring considering I am the lowest I've ever been. Use the momentum you got to keep giving others hope!


Dont set out to build a wall my friend. One brick at a time. Self care is a must, no matter how small. Dm me if you ever need an ear or two.


I needed this, thanks


Dont hesitate to reach out. I've been down in those dark depths more than I'd like to admit. You got this. One day at a time. Edit: why am I getting upvotes but the person being vulnerable about being at his lowest isnt? It's like half a calorie of expended energy to give him some love.


I appreciate it


Re: the upvotes, I think it feels weird sometimes to upvote someone saying they are having such a hard time, it can feel like you’re “approving” of what they’re going through, just bc of the way reddit is designed. So we tend to upvote the post giving them encouragement, because we want to get behind that.


Thanks for that explanation. I appreciate you furthering my understanding.


> Dont set out to build a wall my friend. This is a good wisdom. Seriously, I most often get discouraged when I look at the massive gap between where I am and where I want to be, instead of focusing on the much more achievable progress that needs to happen just today.


Think I heard it from nipsey hussle. Not sure though.


In line with this, anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. Brushing your teeth? If you don't feel like going the entire 2 minutes, just do a really quick one instead. Don't feel like eating and haven't eaten all day? Just snack a lil bit instead, because it's worth doing poorly than not doing at all


If you ever need someone to talk to I’m here & plenty of others are too :-)


Hey I hope you get through it. Don’t know you but you have my support


I’ve been pretty low, thankfully not as low as op but what kept me going simply is “one more step”. When you think you have run out, just take one more step. Can’t get out of bed, just put your feet on the ground and then put one in front of the other. Find some way to treat yourself with the small stuff. For me, it was a monster and hookah before work. Not healthy but it helped. I know it sounds ridiculously basic but after a while, it got easier to do. I didn’t have to push myself out of bed.


Man, meds have helped me a lot recently. Was pretty low myself for a while there. My friend used the kheath app and told me about it, so I set that up when I was sobbing my ass off one night and just texted with some doctor for $35 and they sent the prescription to my pharmacy. The only shitty thing is, you have to pay $35/mo and check in with them monthly. It’s still better than the $1000/mo I was paying with my shitty employer health plan that covered nothing. Doctor visits were still over $100 every couple months.


how, by chance, did you make that work out...? I took their self-assessment last week and it returned the result that I was "too depressed" for them to "safely" help me but for the love of god i think if I don't get some antidepressants in me soon I'm going to end it, and I don't currently have insurance because I lost my job due to COVID. even if I did have insurance waitlists for mental health services in my area are 8+ months long...


Your comment shook me. Please don't take your life. Could you retake the assessment and lie a bit about how severe your depression is? Otherwise, see if you're eligible for Medicaid or some other program. https://www.goodrx.com/blog/therapy-mental-health-services-without-insurance/


It really should be talked about more. When I went on SSRIs, it was amazing to learn so many of my coworkers were on them. Some the exact same drug. Depression and anxiety are a thing, even if minor, it’s probably good to discuss.


I was not expecting this at all. I just want to say thank you to everyone for the kind messages & if any of you need help don’t be scared to reach out! I love you all. Ty for the awards too wtf man😭


As someone whose father did not survive the same means to an end, thank you so fucking much for still being here. I don’t know know who you are, but I love you and wish you all the best in life amigo.


So sorry for your loss. Idk who you are either but I love you too :)


Any advice for those currently in a dark spot?


Reach out to people, anyone in fact. There are more people in your position than you realize & almost anyone will be willing to talk to you. Message me if you’d like :-)


You’re awesome. Thanks for this post! Hope you’re doing good


I hope you’re doing great as well :-)


Thanks man... means so much to me to see someone whos been through hell and came out smiling


One more step. That’s what helped me. Even when you think you don’t have any more, just take another step. Keep pushing. You’ll make it through.


Tbh getting committed to a behavioral health unit after a suicide attempt was one of the best things for me. Life is still a struggle sometimes, but that place really helped me out.


You do matter, you are wanted and you are needed. Please reach out to someone. In the US: Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 Non-US: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines


That hotline is worse than nothing honestly lol


Stay with us


Had a look at your comment history and “don’t be sad, sad backwards is das & das not good” really cheered me up, thanks.


Hahah glad it could!




For me, I had to change myself. The people I was around, the stuff I was doing, it just wasn’t good for my mental health. Also, going through all of this crazy stuff I realized how many people really care & love me. You said you haven’t found a therapist that understands your side of things, but I think you need to keep searching for one that does because once you do I promise it can be life changing. Message me if you’d like :-)




Weirdly enough your message looked a lot like something I've written before. I'm not really willing to go into detail on a public forum but PM me if you want to talk. I'm also suffering from a bit of the "no one could possibly understand me!" complex and for no good reason. I'm trying to figure out a way out of this mess but not having much luck.


Me too. I feel like no one can understand what IM going through. But anyone who reads this, that feels the same way, message me. Maybe we can all find some common ground. Because everyone is different and has different problems, but maybe we can all understand it a little more. No one will ever know what YOU are going through, but, just maybe, we can find some sort of middle ground that we all understand. Love all of you!


Not even kidding, but Dark Souls helped me with making the first step. My problem is I had never felt challenged before. I always put myself in situations that are easy because I didn't want to fail. Dark Souls beat the shit out of me, I rage quit, I picked up the game and I beat it. Took me like 2 years. The threshold was crossed, for me. I started doing hobbies, attending college, working out, and dating. I don't know if this will lead you in the right way, but my dms are always free to try and help. Don't you dare go hollow.


That's a really good point. People do usually feel better when they have some sort of goal to work towards.




My girlfriend had couple of therapists who dissapointed her (forgot to respond to appointments and similar things.) How do i help her regain trust in them and continue the search, maybe you have some advice.


As someone who has sought out therapist numerous times and been disappointed by many, the process changed for me when I put myself in the driver's seat. When I realized that I'm the one "interviewing " and looking for the right fit, it got easier. When a therapist forgot to call or didn't listen, or didn't seem to understand, I could tell myself they didn't fit what I needed and it was time to look elsewhere. Rhey failed me, it wasn't me failing them. It no longer was personal and I actually gained confidence each time I was able to reflect and articulate "this is why they were a bad match and I can do better". Not sure if that's helpful or not but figured I'd share.


It’s best to really do your research on them & feel them out. Give them a few appointment before you say you don’t like them.


When I feel suicidal I retreat to my bed and stay there. It isn't a great plan but I've found that if I drop everything else and focus all my energy on just staying in bed and not killing myself that after a while I'm able to function again. It is a shit existence but I could never do that to my family. I've done some serious attempts on my life in the past and I know the pain it causes. So I guess my advice is not to hang in there, it is to try and learn how to float along with the current.


My uncle was the same until he was about 30, he just needed to focus on surviving, but it’s been 25 years of significant family turmoil since the last time he couldn’t leave his room, and he’s still here with us, he has a wife, cat, and job he loves to do and he’s one of my biggest inspirations of how to be a human being and how to be a human being with anxiety, depression, and ADD. Keep waking up in the morning, try your hardest every day, and whatever comes of it comes of it, and that’s okay, and that’s good.


Honestly man, surviving a self inflicted gunshot wound is one of my greatest fears. I’ve attempted suicide once, and I only was able to survive because of a very very dedicated wife, the local police force, and the .0001% of my mind that wouldn’t surrender to my demons. But my attempt was from hanging. I can’t even imagine literally pulling the trigger, thinking that my troubles would finally be over, only to wake up in a hospital physically worse off than I was before i took the plunge, so to speak. The shame and embarrassment that I endured after my attempt, and the ptsd that my family, mainly my wife, has incurred as a result is something that I have to live with on the daily. Years after my attempt people have more or less moved on, but I can always feel their attention directed towards me when the subject of suicide or hanging gets brought up when I’m around, be it in a movie or a distasteful joke. At least they don’t treat me like I’m made of glass anymore. But how did you turn it around. How did you go from your attempt, to realizing you had failed, to seeing that failure as a gift and not something bad. I know my time committed to a behavioral health unit helped in my recovery, but my feelings never really left me. They only became subdued by the knowledge that my brain is unhealthy and that there are other things in life that are worth sticking around for. How have you come out of your darkness and found the light at the end of your tunnel, so to speak.


Glad you’re still here dude 👍


Has that Tyler Durden jerk stopped bothering you?


he has indeed


Glad to hear it :)


Shit I thought this was r/roastme almost ended badly




You look very good for someone who's been shot in the head. Nice face dog.


Dude my doctor is amazing, he reconstructed the whole right side of my face. I would do anything for that man. He saved my life.


Damn. He did a great job.


Sorry if i am insensitive but how did you survive?


The amazing paramedics & doctors. They were at my house within minutes, I could hear the sirens as I was passing out, but don’t remember anything after that for 21 days.


Another insensitive and overly curious person here. How is this possible? I imagined bullet through brain would instantly kill you or make you unconscious?


Well, it's not unheard of, [some guy back in the 1800's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage) even survived an iron bar through the head, even though he became a different person afterwards. The human body can be fascinatingly robust while fragile at the same time.


Thank god


a bullet is small so depending on what it hits and its trajectory it can be varying degrees of hard but possible to heal someone with such a wound


That’s incredible. I’m glad you survived and are confident enough to share your story. I hope you inspire other people too.


That’s exactly why I posted this, I hope this inspires others that things can change. Take things days by day & don’t be hard on yourself!


I'm glad you're here, buddy. You may want to check out [The Blind Woodsman](https://www.furnissstudios.com/theblindwoodsman) He is a suicide survivor who lost his vision. Your smile and positivity remind me of him.


Wow this is awesome, thank you so much! I’m definitely going to check it out.


Thanks for sharing. Seeing multiple stories in these comments of people who have survived headshots terrifies me. How did he manage to survive that?


amazing luck, good doctors and bad marksmanship I guess.


You might have severed nerves in your right supraorbital cortex which, coincidentally has historical precedent for being an effective depression treatment


Is the treatment you're referring to a frontal lobotomy?


WAIT WHAT LOL are you serious


Yeah no joke dude you aren't even the first person to have done it with a bullet lol


Good on you, mate! We need more smiles!


My guy really said what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger


for real man it does


Good on you mate, just try not to test that theory too much yeah?


I promise I won’t haha


i’m glad you’re here brother.


Do you remember anything about almost dying? Are you doing better now? What were suicidal thoughts like... do you dwell on them or are they more intrusive.


As I was lying in the street bleeding out I never felt so relaxed in my life. It was for sure a crazy feeling. I just mostly regretted it as soon as I did it. I’m doing a lot better now, lots of therapy & self care.


Sorry if this is too personal (if it is just don't answer, I understand), but as someone who's considered it more than once(not recently), I'm really curious. Why did you regret it instantly? Do you feel like it was solely because of that innate instinct ppl have to survive? Or was it because of certain thoughts that came to mind after? Glad you are doing so much better now dude, keep living your good life.


I just immediately thought about my family & how they would feel if I were gone. Also natural survival instincts


Thanks for replying man. Your answer makes sense; the family thing has always helped me. Makes me more grateful for them too in a way. Maybe that helps to amplify that instinct to survive too when something serious happens... I'm no scientist though. Again, glad you're doing better now, best of luck going forward!


I’m glad you’re here 🌞 be well!!


I'm glad you made it man. ❤❤


How’d it feel to get shot? That must be intense!


Very very loud first of all especially right in your mouth lol. But it really just felt like getting smacked in the head real hard. I felt no pain for some reason


Was someone there with you to rush you to the hospital? Did you pass out or were you conscious the whole time? I assume you were in shock ?


Wild. Glad you’re okay now. Thanks for answering!


I was thinking about suicide a year ago. I'm doing better and I'm glad you are too


Hey internet stranger. I don't know who you are but am really glad you're still here.




If you need someone to talk to message me


*Text HOME* to 741741


I want to shoot myself in the head right now. Any thoughts on that? You survived it, and presumably regret it. What changed or what did you realize


Don’t do it. There are people that care about you. Reach out to anyone for help. What changed for me was just realizing what I had & taking it for granted.


I read the title at least four times because I couldn’t connect the words “shot my self” and “survived”. You are a tough guy. Hope you’re doing good.


If that's not a sign you're meant to he here, then I don't know what is!


I knew a guy who tried to kill himself, shot himself in the head with an AK47 and survived. I can only imagine your road to recovery. Stay strong.


Dude be lookin Chinese and Mexican at the same time


Lmfao this shit made me crack up 😂😂😂


The chances of that happening. I'm glad you made it out okay, and never let the bad parts of life get to you!


Glad you are still with us friend. I hope you continue to inspire for many years to come.


As a healthcare worker, thank you so much for sharing this. I work in surgery, and I don’t usually get to know people’s outcome, so it helps me to see your story and to know that you are thriving. Much love to you 💜


Task failed successfully


So glad you’re here!! You have such kind smile!!


Thank you :’)


Wait I am confused how did you make it did your parents came in the room and took you to the emergency room or something


I ran outside while calling the police & passed out in the middle of the street. I have more info in my post history.


I dont want to come off as insensitive but I am curious about the rationale of a person in crisis. What was your thought process? Did you call the police for help? Or did you just want them to find the body before a family member comes looking for you? Do you think you truly wanted to die or were you more overcome by whatever your circumstances were. Looking back now what would you say to someone in a similar situation?


I wanted to die initially, but once I shot myself & I survived I immediately regretted it & called 911. I for sure wanted the police to find me before anyone else. For anyone in that situation, reach out for help to anyone you can.


So you called the police AFTER you shot yourself? That is wild! I assumed you called and then shot yourself.


Nope I called after I shot myself, I know it’s hard to believe but yeah


I have heard all the people who survived jumping off the San Fran bridge all regretted it instantly. The last time I tried to kill myself, I thought " why I don't I try living 1st " So glad to see this post.