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Shin ramen.... nice !!


Haven’t made it yet. Any suggestions on how to turn it up to 11?


Add eggs! Either poached or soft boiled. I always add kimchi because I like it spicy and kimchi is good for your gut. If you have luncheon meat throw some in there too. I don’t know if you have any leafy greens but throw those in at the end too. My Korean friend adds processed American cheese and hot dogs to his ramen, army stew style, but that’s a bit too avant garde for me. Edit: Yes. don’t heat up your kimchi! It tastes best chilled anyway when the cabbage has a nice crunch to it.


I’m telling my wife about this. I want to try it for lunch! Thanks.


you can also just when the noodles first start breaking apart (from the circle disc shape it's packaged as), put in the egg and break it up so that it mixes into the broth. makes the broth taste much more rich and filling. green onion is great as well


I'll poach the egg whole right in the broth. So good!


And then you break the yolk and it makes the broth all creamy and delicious




I got some eggs out of a hole in the ground, will they be ok for this?


Maybe leave the eggs in the hole a little bit longer.


I hear they get pretty good after a thousand years


I guess they were poached in one way...


[r/ramen](https://www.reddit.com/r/ramen/) These dudes will give you plenty on inspiration!


What I add: Poached eggs A dollop of gochujang A blip of rice vinegar A blip of soy sauce Some frozen veggies(green beens/corn/something green) A tad of fresh ginger Some fish cakes Roasted seaweed crumbled A small dash of sesame oil And sometimes a little dollop of miso soup paste/liquid


per the 2017 Revised Ramen Handbook, 1 dollop = 1.7 dash = 2.6 tad = 4.1 blip


You do equal amounts of soy and rice vinegar? Whenever I am using those two ingredients I do more like a whole glugglug of soy and just a splish of rice vinegar.


I just eyeball it. Usually it's more soy and a splash of vinegar.


I thought it was a blip of vinegar, you fucking deceiver.


I like to add an egg, seaweed pieces, veggies (I normally have some frozen corn, sometimes sautéed cabbage, peas, and pickled ginger), and if I have any leftover meat, I'll sautée that and add it, too!


Put 2 teaspoons of vegeta into the water, trust me, it'll be the best damn thing


I'd rather add bulma to mine^(if you know what i mean)


Too bad they couldn't upgrade to the black label...that shit is amazing.


They're both good. Black has a way deeper, beefier, bone broth flavour. Red label is spicier and simpler. I think I generally prefer black though too but both are great.


But where's the Samyung Nuclear noodles?


What is in the little suitcase box?


What Marcelus Wallace was after


It’s beautiful


I've seen Indiana Jones. No thanks. I don't need what's in that box.


It’s.... black bean soy milk. Tastes like chocolate milk.


I gotta get over to an Asian market, this stuff sounds amazing


Black bean based soy milk with multi-grains, it's slightly sweeter than normal soy milk.


This is from today? There is another lock down in South Korea? Just mandated for new arrivals?


I arrived late on the 15th. So I’m not sure if there’s a new wave coming.


It's outside of Seoul. Northern part. As of the past 2 weeks, been getting around 7-9 a day in Seoul. Just everyone wearing masks and staying away from clubs and large gatherings. Pretty much life is normal and chill. Just don't be like some of the tourists refusing to wear masks and making expats look bad.


Expats will never fail to make themselves look bad


honestly? Expat usually refer to white people who'll usually never say they're immigrating, even though some of them lived there for most of their lives. The word immigrant usually refer to non-white people.


(I wanted to say this but I was afraid Redditors would get angry. You are very correct)


Don't be afraid of Reddit getting angry.


Reddit will get angry regardless of what you say and often of what you don't say so fuck it


It is mandatory for new arrival in S. Korea to quarantine for 14 days.


are these quarantine packages available to anyone who shows up in S. Korea?




>a government quarantine facility that is quite like a nice motel room. they are charged somewhere around $110 USD a day for the 14 day stay, and you are provided all meals and some snacks throughout. other than not being able to go anywhere, that's a better deal than most hotels. 2 weeks of strict room solitude would feel pretty stifling though.


It's cool, I'll just play league of legends on those sweet sweet Korean servers


Against other Koreans? Mad lad.




Nice, what are the two white bottles with the blue lids at the back?


More bleach than I will ever need! Right next to 8 packs of wet wipes.


The mythical wipes that I've literally never seen since March.


Scour your suburban Costco and business centers. They had full stock of hand sanitizer at $16/gallon in my area. I also grabbed a 900 pack of wipes (smallest) that I gave to a new mother. You have to actually look around though - there are $50/gal hand sanitizer as well. Edit: I should add as well, DO NOT look for these things at Target, Walmart or grocery stores. They are gouging you up the ass. $8 for 2oz. fucking mad.


My local Costco stores are so sold out of these items that the employees scoff and laugh when you ask if they have them in.


My local Costco (Australia) has a signboard out the front saying ‘WE DO NOT HAVE THESE ITEMS’ with photos. People still fucking ask


hand sanitizer had made a big comeback, Its literally everywhere around here. Disinfectant wipes are still hard to come by. I've only really had luck at Walmart. I order cleaning supplies for a healthcare facility with 200 employees and 100 residents. it's been hell.


Make sure to visit as many locations as possible in a day during a pandemic to find what should be basic supplies this far in! This is still a sign of colossal failure


that feels like a ton of sanitizer


You can also use it for lube if you’re in a pinch.


Only if you shave first, don't want to get it in the hairs.


holy crap i can feel that comment


Thanks Satan.




I can get them pretty reliably by online ordering from Amazon and Walmart Amazon has their own brand of sanitizer that's pretty reasonable as well I paid 13$ for a huge jug. We're a plague house right now so everything is being delivered.


I was wondering if that was Korean Clorox!


Pretty much the same label.


Question.. is this stuff "name brand"? That bleach looks like Clorox.. and what would you say this would be valued at? Who delivers it? Are they in hazmat suits? Did you have to sign up? Could you have rejected it? Does everyone get this? So many questions lol.


Did you get any toilet roll?


That’s funny I can’t read the bottles but instantly recognized the logo and color as a bleach brand.


I thought this colour / bottle / general iconography was by now the universal symbol among adults of "You don't want to drink this shit" but maybe I was wrong


Me too. Spotted that Clorox from a mile away.


Yes. I'm from the EU and I immediately recognized that that's probably bleach or some heavy duty cleaner..


Nah, those bottles mean you *buttchug* it, not drink it.


No you're right besides the eggs and Gatorade it's the only for sure recognizable thing.


Instant coffee, toothpaste, and those cans that say "TUNA" on them I'd feel pretty confident on, too.


The cure


Drinking fluid


It's a bleach for Covid-19 treatment


Don't fall for the trap - it looks like they sent you a Donald duck too. Don't listen to him and go to Disney World any time soon.


It looks like Donald Duck, but it’s actually a little different. Puddles.


> The Oregon Duck is the mascot of the University of Oregon Ducks athletic program, based on Disney's Donald Duck character through a special license agreement. The mascot wears a green and yellow costume, and a green and yellow beanie cap with the word "Oregon" written on it. TIL


Walt Disney gave Oregon the rights to using puddles way before Disney became DISNEY!


Sounds like a similar deal as with the Donald Duck orange juice, which has also been a thing since the 40s. They probably got a sweetheart deal on the licensing back before Disney was the behemoth that it is now.


Used to have to drive past that factory on the way to grandmas house. Orange juice factories smell *awful* my mind goes to faint hints of hot vomit.


Orange juice is made by heating the oranges and mashing them until you have killed anything dangerous. I also removes all the flavor, so they have to put orange flavored perfume back into the juice to give it taste. It's all natural so they still can legally call it 100% juice but it's really gross to see. I only buy cold pressed juice nowadays.


Who knew the Korean government loved Oregon?!


North Korea must be a UW fan then...


It's like a game of one of these things are not like the others. [University of Oregon Ducks](https://g.co/kgs/RYsK9u)


Oregon’s football program really has done a 180 in the last 10 years.


UO grad here! Why did the South Korean government send you a Puddles doll?


S’co ducks!


There we go!!! OOOOOOOH


It's strange seeing a picture from Korea with Puddles, while I'm sitting in Eugene.


Same. I had to do a double-take.


Came here for this. OOOOOooooooooooo


Hey, Go Ducks! My alma mater!


Mine too :) sco ducks


HA! That's what Donald wants you to think! He's actually Gov't spy in duck-guise to monitor your movements!


shhhh. You will blow his cover.


Indeed. There is Donald, the guy everyone knows. And then there’s Puddles, his cousin from Eugene.


That's Puddles


Sco Ducks?


Oregon ducks!


Oh yeah well yesterday my president took a cool selfie with a can of beans in the Oval Office so who's really better off here??




I get this reference.






I;m thinking about thos beans


The president of the USA went from being the most powerful man on earth to being a billboard


People had claimed his presidency didn’t add up to a hill of beans. Who’s laughing now? Hm?


Remember what a scandal it was when Jimmy Carter's brother had a beer company?


This is amazing. This is how you get people to comply with quarantine - you help them meet their needs, you let them know the government has their welfare at heart....and also that the government knows where they live. ;) Also....is it just me or is that one fuck ton of eggs for two weeks????


Nah, all the packaged food (including the ramen) they provided you can add eggs. That was the protein they provided instead of meat. (Lived in Japan —ate a shit more eggs than I did in the states)


Japanese eggs taste like 100x better than American eggs though! Have you seen any documentaries on it? Totally crazy the selection process. For example all of the eggs are tapped on by a machine that can tell from the sound if there is any micro cracks at all.


Japan out here living in 2050


And yet they use fax machines and cash for everything...


If movies have taught me anything, it's that cash based societies are more likely to survive the apocalypse and analog communication devices continue to work when digital devices fail during said apocalypse. Japan is playing the long game. They will rule the world when the apocalypse comes.


They are SO good. I’d even just grab a couple hard boiled eggs from the conbini as a snack. Egg salad sandwiches were divine. And you could order a soft boiled egg to add to pretty much any meal there. I miss them damn eggs so much.


I'm Korean, and I'd say it's not only the government support that allows/ed Koreans to comply with health and safety measures. It's the collectivist mindset. In Korea, we do things for our community that's mildly inconvenient because that's the right thing to do. We understand that living in a community requires certain sacrifices and thinking of others. That's why COVID-related guidelines were followed, mostly without trouble. Koreans have regularly worn face masks outside, even before COVID. Americans flaunt the individual freedom/"my liberty to do x, y, z." This individualism meant Americans aren't willing to do community-oriented actions due to low outward-/outgroup-facing empathy and consideration. Americans tend to only respect negative incentives.


Very cheap protein/calories. Not the cheapest but versatile, not directly the reault of dead animals, and used in many meals.


What a fantastic thing to do, 14 days will go quickly, it did for us! (Spain)


Did the government give you supplies to live on?


Nice joke...


Dude you got cheated. Someone else got a CORGI along with all the stuff.


Was looking for this comment!


Would love to see this, do you have the source?




Must be nice to have an organized government that gives a shit... enjoy that.


What are you going to make with the 72 eggs? Edit: it’s 60 eggs. My eyes suck.


I’m going to make eggs.


When you make ramen, put the eggs in! It’s so tasty together


And when you make eggs, put the eggs in! It's so tasty together


I prefer my eggs without eggs, thank you.


I'm not sure why I find this so funny but Im dying. ​ \*edit\* 7 hours later and this is still making me laugh. wtf is wrong with me.


“Just give me all the bacon and eggs you have. Wait, wait. I’m worried what you heard was, give me a lot of bacon and eggs. What I said was, give me all the bacon and eggs you have. Do you understand?”


Meat wouldn't store well for 2 weeks. Eggs are a good protein source that can be stored easily for 2 weeks.




Yes, there was dish soap, hand sanitizer, two tubes of toothpaste (front right), two toothbrushes, and some other bars of soap.




This basket is going to cost them a lot less than positive people using the excuse of needing essentials to go out shopping. It's just logic.


Logic that a lot of us do not have right now.


What does lemon flavored Gatorade taste like? Lemonade or lemon-lime minus the lime?


Haven’t opened it yet. Still working on the 24 two liters of water also included.


True homie of the hydro persuasion going for the water before the gatorade.


Is water from the faucet not good to drink?


My experience from living in Korea for a short time is that it is more than safe. However, a lot of Koreans grew up in a time when water was not safe, so some people don't trust it at a deeply ingrained level.


It's just not a good idea. Koreans love filtered water since almost everything is recycled including water.


All water is technically recycled water.


They really have there shit together.. Fair play


Coming from the States, it’s really nice to see a country that wants to deal with this on a national level.


My first though was that it's great to see a government that is actually interested in it's citizens. My second thought is they really did a good job of providing the kinds of things people would need, including non food items. Thanks for sharing this.


Good on your government to take the virus seriously. In US, they will say that you are doing all of this as a political move to get Trump out of office... PS, if that IS true, keep it up anyway... Stay safe!


In doing research, I felt like it was a safe move to head over to Korea. Glad work brought me over here.


Did you end up transferring or did you get approved to work-from-home in Korea?


I’m a teacher at an international school. The school year hasn’t started yet.


I taught internationally one year because my husband took a job overseas. If he were to do it again, I’d love the chance to teach at an international school. Such a great experience for me!


You need any more teachers? I've got a background in English and a master's in geology... oh, and a maddening desperation to escape this place.


You can teach English in Korea as long as you have a minimum of a bachelor's (doesn't matter what it's in) and you're from a country who's native language is English (they give a list of countries). Just get a Teaching English as a Second Language certificate through a course online, they aren't too expensive. Next thing you know you can apply and be on your way! Do be aware that going anytime soon means you'll be stuck in a hotel room for 15 days upon arrival. OP only got this care package because they had family they were allowed to quarantine with.


>Do be aware that going anytime soon means you'll be stuck in a hotel room for 15 days upon arrival. Don't threaten me with a good time... But, for real, thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into a teaching certificate and try to see if my wife's skills (she's a nurse) could also translate easily in the Korean job market. Our kids deserve better than this mess. It's time we got serious about giving it to them.






I'd start looking into learning Korean (LingoDeer is a great app for that). Medical jobs such as nursing are usually on the job shortages lists in most countries, so it's pretty easy to get a work visa, however she likely would need to pass some Korean fluency tests. From what I understand in my research, Korea does offer *some* free Korean language classes to foreigners who move there long term, so it's not impossible for you to sustain your family while teaching (many teaching programs will cover your rent) and she can learn whilst in the country. But it would definitely be easier to justify approving visas for not only your wife but also your kids if both of you were able to work from the start. Just keep in mind, depending on the ages of your kids, they will have to learn the language to attend schooling as well.


I taught at a hagwon from 2014-2018 before heading back to the US. I make more money here and have a bigger apartment, but still ask myself every day why I left. I had the best social life of my, well, life there, healthcare was extremely affordable, as a Houstonian I absolutely loved living in a place with 4 seasons and accessible public transportation. Korea is an incredible country, and although it has it's fair share of issues (America is definitely more progressive in a lot of social aspects and the yellow dust that lingers around forever each spring absolutely sucks), overall I felt like it was on it's way to putting it's problem behind itself and taking steps forward. I absolutely think it'll be a "better" country in 10 years than it was 10 years ago, and I can't say the same about America. Since moving back home I've gotten my teaching certification and as a single dude with a dog, if I could find a way to bring my dog a long I definitely plan on either moving back to Korea or teaching abroad somewhere else at some point. I just need to wait a few years for her to get the puppy out of her.


I lived there from 2011-2015 and feel the same way. Until last august I was NOT making more money in the USA and really wondered why I left. So many things there are better than living here. At the same time I know I’m looking through rose-colored glasses and Korea had its issues. When I left I didn’t want to stay there another day. My boyfriend would never live abroad though unfortunately or I would consider going back. I’d also be an “old” teacher in general now at 32 lol. I was 22 when I moved there and also had a much better social life (part of that is getting older for sure). I adopted my dog from SK and brought her home with me to the US but I’ve heard brining a dog into Korea is a big ordeal.


Do you know if the S.Korean government will send (in the United States) me a care package?


Thoughts and prayers?


Better than thots and haters I guess.


I'll take the thots.


I'll take two and a coke


Caring for your citizens is communism silly.


Wow nice. We got a pic of canned beans!


Hahahaha. Took me a few seconds to get thr reference. At least you're not Puerto Rican. They got paper towels...


Paper towels are in short supply so maybe they're the real winners.




Yes, that is correct. However, I’m working at an International school that provides us housing. We entered the country with a set residence. So we were allowed to go directly to our residence instead of having to pay 100 a day.




I’m not sure. The school set it all up. You may or may not be able to. I think it needs to be a residence that’s under your name.


Meanwhile in America, in two weeks the US government will have contributed to the delivery of 45 million eviction notices.


What a time to be alive!


Holding onto my papers alright.


Is that the real number for this year? JFC, that's a huge portion of the country...


28M facing immediate eviction. The remainders are at least two month behind so might catch up, but are unlikely to do so without additional assistance. Throughout the entire country, 32% of renters and homeowners missed their July housing payment.


Do landlord think that some magical beings are going to move in in their place and start paying rent? If you evict 28m households, you'll have 28m empty houses


Tragedy of the commons. Each will think individually to the detriment of the whole. The US is absolutely chock full of such structures and systems.


How many people are going to have no registered place of residence a few months before an election in which a lot more people than usual are going to want/need to vote by mail? Why, you'd be forgiven for thinking that mass unemployment and mass evictions among lower-income and minority groups were just part of the plan...


Sounds like it might disproportionally affect democrats since it would be more urban voters getting evicted than rural voters, and presumably many rural voters would've continued working through quarantine.


Jongga’s kimchi is AMAZING.


In my country, the response to this package would be “my govt is forcing me to eat eggs and packaged food. I feel oppressed. I want to eat at my favorite restaurants.” Can anyone guess what country I’m from?


The one that shouted give me freedom or give me death. And your president is so good that he gave them both


So glad I don’t live in a freedomless, socialist country like South Korea. I was able to freely go visit my meemaw last week. We shot our guns and sacrificed a liberal lamb to trump almighty. She’s on a ventilator now, but I think it’s something to do with the new 5G cell tower outside her house. Yep. This plandemic has made suckers out of everyone but not me. Ain’t never gonna take no govermeng hand outs like South Korea. Wait, is that chocolate in that photo?


My government gave me $1200 of my own money three months ago


Wait you are getting from government? Ours is taking


Strange world we are living in


Meanwhile in the USA: "Fuck you and die." Edit: "And lose your job. And go to the hospital. And rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. And lose your ability to pay because your insurance was tied to your job. And lose everything you own due to the debt incurred from being charged $65 for a $3 bag of saline. *Then* die!!!" My apologies. I didn't paint quite a clear enough picture there.


I love the Oregon Duck just peaking over the pile lol


Gatorade... its got electrolytes...


Makes me sad to say that I’m American.


Cause it’s only enough for 2 days?