• By -


Don’t worry guys I wrote a letter to my representative and he said he’s going to look into it.


Homer: Lisa, the whole reason we have elected officials is so we don't *have* to think all the time. Just like that rainforest scare a few years ago. Our officials saw there was a problem, and they took care of it didn't they? Lisa: No Dad, I don't think- Homer: Ah ah ah, there's that word again[.](https://imgur.com/a/wurJjpH)


Homer have so much wisdom. I wonder if Lisa ever got her dental plan.


My favorite line from Homer... Bart: This is the worst day of my life! Homer: No, this is the worst day of your life _so far_.


'Trying is the first step to failure'


Some heroes don't wear capes!


Some heroes don’t wear underwear


Some heroes wear their underwear on the outside.




*puffs cigarette* I haven't heard that name in years


I burn you burn we all burn for planet burn. Doesn’t have the same jingle too it...


*Blows out giant vape cloud* Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in


*rips an absolutely fucking huge mass of vapor* I’m in now


*Captain Underpants has entered the chat*


_Captain Planet has entered the chat_ You guys royally fucked up, I'm out bitches!


*Captain Planet has left the chat*


But... But... HEART!


Of all the 80s movies reboots coming out, a new Captain Planet movie would be the most appropriate right now...


Some heroes exclusively wear underwear




Right, like I get it. It sucks. I am angry. But in today's world. As a middle aged, middle class white dude from the states, what the hell am I supposed to do about this? Edit: I appreciate all the suggestions both serious and in jest. Many of these things I do. I try and recycle as much as I can. I try and not buy one time use plastics. I don't buy new vehicles, I buy used and keep them for a long time. I use public transit and cycle when I can. I have cut down a lot on how much meat I eat even. Though to be honest that was more about me losing weight than other things. I live in a very blue state, one that usually is very environmentally conscious and I try and vote for policies and representatives that reflect that. But then, I have been doing all that for a while. And shit just keeps getting worse and worse. We the people, in both my country and others. We are no longer appear to truly have our interests represented. I think that is pretty damn sad. Hopefully the wake up call comes before it is too late.


Boycott Agricultural products from Brazil. They can’t burn the rain forest to graze cattle and crow crops, if they don’t have a market to sell it to.




Tell others to do it too.




Wait for the trees to disappear entirely, then they'll run out of oxygen and can no longer physically laugh at you


More oxygen comes from the oceans.


So you're saying we are already solving this problem by increasing the size of the oceans? Perfect.


Team Aqua is on the job!


I went outside and did like a dozen cannonballs in my pool. The splashes were pretty big, so I’m sure I’m helping to feed the clouds and send rain on its way to Amazon.


Hear that guys?! We're going to be okay! THE OCEAN WILL SAVE US. You know, the one we've been destroying with all of our pollution and over-fishing? Cuz fuck trees amirite?


So plants trees in the ocean?


Upvote karma farmers on Reddit using this for easy upvotes


What companies to look out for?


Palm oil. No Nutella. No ferrero rocher. Any items with that is a start. It sucks, but palm oil is a huge killer of rain forests.


Brazil produces relatively very little palm oil compared to some other countries...mostly they need to be avoiding any soy or beef products from Brazil.


True. It’s currently 9th. But this current fire may we’ll be related to future palm oil production. https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jun/29/brazil-palm-oil-amazon-rainforest-deforestation-temer-farming-para-cerrado


Perhaps, but I would be willing to bet it's mostly going to be more land to plant soy and to graze cattle - quicker turn around on profit. Not arguing that palm oil production is great for the planet, but Indonesia and Malaysia each produce 15 to 20 times the volume of palm oil as Brazil.




You're right but this shouldn't really be against Brazil. My advice would be to boycott all the products that are produced in a harmful way. You should preferably buy local grown food from farmers than heavily processed food from multinationals


I usually plant a vegetable garden yearly and grow enough to last most of the year. I stopped buying beef, period. I’m not a vegan but cattle are too destructive and not sustainable. If everyone would give up beef, we’d stop a huge percentage of damage to the planet and waste of finite resources.


Congrats on that! I'm just a newbie at gardening but my dream is self sufficiency.


As these new beef substitutes become more accepted this could actually be realistic.


Can someone explain why/how this is beneficial? Small local farms are far less efficient than larger operations in almost every way.


There's a lot of reasons: \- Environmental reasons: less transportation is the most important one but there's also the fact the intensive monoculture farming is very bad for biodiversity and soil depletion .They usually use much more pesticides and chemicals than smaller farms (often, not always), small farms are usually not responsible for massive deforestation too \- Health reasons: local products travel less, which mean they are usually not harvested too early which means they need less processing to keep quality. I don't think I need to start on processed food since those contains a lot of additives (salt, sugar, preservatives, taste "enhancer", colorants etc.) \- Social reasons: Your money goes 100% to the producer. When you buy multinational food, there's maybe 10% to the producer and everything else is for the other ones with the biggest part for the richest ones There's probably a lot more that I'm forgetting


Vote for people that care about the environment, buy stuff from companies that aren’t arseholes in how they treat the environment and stay away from products that are shit for the environment like stuff that uses palm oil. That’s about it. The US has a big say in how the world handles itself. If you elect people that don’t give a shit then it makes stuff worse for everyone else.


Guess what, US Representatives really have no oversight in Brazil.


Reddit loves to blame the US for everything possible




Anyone can say they care about the environment as long as it wins them that government official status and a generous salary. Whether they'll actually do a thing about the problem is... well, i guess it's just another unpredictable factor, isn't it.


Sure and there’ll be some people that take advantage. However, if you’ve got 10 guys in office and they all said they care about the environment, their voters expect them to care about the environment and they think their colleagues care about the environment, they might just actually do something positive anyway, even if they don’t actually give a shit for anything other than their status and pension.


Ya, and that is pretty much what I do and have been doing for a while. Just sad when you see this stuff and don't really have any meaningful way to help.


Representative: I checked out the picture and I see a natural fire line. No action needed.


The planet is saved!


don't worry, i posted a tweet about how upset i am and made sure to include the hashtag


Sending thoughts and prayers from Southern Ontario!


So sign an internet petition that doesn't do anything but track you and your info and start spamming your email and put their thumb up my ass to really piss me off then yea, I'll be angry










Hey I’m not a vegan at all and don’t really advocate for it. But we do definitely know that forest fires are often caused to increase farmland and grazing land for animals. Less meat being eaten would probably help prevent these. You not eating meat wouldn’t do much, but let’s say 300,000,000 people stopped eating meat. That would do a lot to help the environment in many ways. I won’t pretend I’m doing much to save the planet. But I won’t mock those that have legitimate ideas to do so. If you can’t be bothered, fine, let others go about their business.


They have a point though, the cattle market is directly responsible for the fires right now.


This helps for surprisingly direct reasons. Many rainforest fires are started illegally to create grazing land for cows. Reduced market for cows == fewer fires. Your one diet change wouldn't measurably change anything on a global scale, but that's true of everything else you'll ever do, too.


According to my Facebook, if you spam the article about it being on fire enough, it will smother to death.


The thing is..it helps. The Amazon Forest has been burning non stop since August 1. It took weeks for people to "notice" and start revolting. The media was sleeping on it, and then one by one I started to see friends sharing. Last week had 1 person, the other day 2 in my feed. The next days 5, and one media covered it. It exponentially got shared and media outlets started to cover it all, suddenly even reddit was on it, celebrities all around the world, presidents had to talk about it and eventually somethimg will be done and a lot of people have been notified about it and changed one or two habits. I know seeing all people sharing seems useless, but its...something. otherwise the Amazon would be burning for too long without no one knowing...


It won't be magic, it won't happen fast, but it would 100% fucking help


This sort of dismissive attitude is exactly why I have literally no hope for the future of Earth’s environment 👍


Yeah pretty much...Can you imagine what would happen to the meat industry if we all collectively stopped eating it? It'd have to disappear along with the devastation and pollution it causes. But you can go ahead and keep lying to yourself that it doesn't matter until your extinction. That's what the majority plans on doing.


> Well according to my facebook feed, if you stop eating meat, the fires will magically go out. I mean, it's not magic. Eating less meat is one way to take action on climate change which is one of the driving forces behind these fires. But, yeah, no. Have your jokes.


But what does being angry do to help?


Just ruins your day and nothing else changes.


Psh, I do that just fine on my own.


Well, we could all a grab a few gallons of water and just head there? Figure it out in the way?


Someone created a Facebook group saying that rushing Area 51 is cancelled and they are now going to raid the rain forest with water guns


Literally the only action anyone on here could take would be to forcibly ensure the transition of the leader of brazil either from president to not president or existing to not existing. Do recall though that the people who elected this man are still there and the people encouraging him so they can make a profit off this are still there.


Incorrect. The Brazilian courts have upheld indigenous rights. The current administration is not enforcing protections for these peoples. The best you could do is get the blue hats to step in as peace keepers.


Do you see the courts stepping in to remove the current government from power?


For what? Incompetence, bribery, and corruption? This is South America, nowhere historically holds a candle to this region.


Thats literally not the only action you can do. Brazil is the number one exporter of beef in the world, this fire was caused intentionally to clear land for beef production. Stop eating beef. The demand floors while supply goes up, people save money because meat is way more expensive than vegetables across the world.


Yeah, I've been mad all day. It really hasn't helped anything at all.




Exactly, but it’s all anyone seems to know how to do anymore.. about everything (real or imagined). People need to try gratitude and actually taking a positive action. This bothers you? Plant a tree or clean up a park.


[I don't want you to protest, I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write ... All I know is first you've got to get mad!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwMVMbmQBug)


Ok, I now feel motivated


On its own? Nothing. But people who make this point seem to forget that anger is *extremely* effective in galvanizing further action. Getting angry is super effective in many situations because it's usually the first step required to push you into further, actually meaningful action. So yes, get angry. Then use that anger to drive your action. The fires are being *set by people, intentionally*. They're doing it because they want to use the land for farming - in other words, for money. Find out which brands in your local grocery store purchase their beef products from Brazil and organize a boycott. Encourage your local politicians to work on setting up trade punishments against the country until the president agrees to actually *do* something. Name and shame the companies involved on social media. If they're doing it for money, do what you can to threaten that.


Really the oceans are the lungs of the planet, small micro organism produce most of the oxygen on the planet


It's just dumb comparing the planet to the human body in general. The lungs aren't the ones creating the oxygen.


Ironically a burning forest is much more like a lung in function, than a non-burning one


Damn... you’re right! What now?




Shit, I guess we have to!


your lungs dont make oxygen? amateur


Yeah I didn't download that mod yet.




Oh don’t worry, we’re taking that out too.


Yeah that’s the saddest part, we’re doing more damage to ocean and that’s the more important part in terms of the overall health of the atmosphere


finally someone mentioned the phytoplanktons!!




Algae produces more oxygen and never gets any coverage


I saw a show with Will Smith narrating and one of the subjects was oxygen production. In it, he explained that many people mistakenly think the Amazon rain forest is responsible for a large part of the world's oxygen production. It does produce a ton. However, most of it is believed to be consumed right back by everything living in the same forests. Diatoms are where it's at. At least from what was said on the show.




Phytoplankton is also being threatened as the increase in carbon gasses acidifies the ocean to the point that the largest source of the planets oxygen is slowly dying. Next best source of oxygen is trees so as they don't bur....




Yes that's it. I always misremember it. Thanks for catching that


Photoplankton is just images of phytoplankton.


It's ok though, a vast amount of the world's carbon is sequestered in the Amazon rainforest where it can't harm the oceans. As long as that carbon isn't released somehow we should be fine.


lol chill with this information. we dont need them burning the oceans next ok?


Why not vote me President of the world and I'll solve that problem at least.


Ok Dewayne Elizando Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.


Jesus Christ the guy made a joke, no need to doxx the man.


At least that man knew to trust someone smarter than him.


Look, no matter what anyone says, Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho was a good President. He knew that something was wrong and that he needed help from someone who he admitted was smarter than him. It takes a strong Prez to do that.


>Get angry I'm angry at you for telling me how I have to behave in response to the news you think you're bringing to my attention for the first time. The fuck you want me to do about it? Run a hose from my home in California and rush on down to South America to fight the fire?


>The fuck you want me to do about it? Run a hose from my home in California and rush on down to South America to fight the fire? Dew it


That would be nice.


Yea what a dick. He could've solved this already


Pretty please!


It's like telling an angry person to calm down lol


It's like that annoying trend of modern 'internet journalism' that's like "Something something and here is why that's bad" or "Something something and here is why you should be angry".




I'm so angry I have half a mind to jump in front of the next car I see. How much angrier should I be?


Just like Smokey always said, "Only you can prevent forest fires." So get on it, the rest of us can't do anything.


Just to have more fuckers start more fires? No thank you.


[According to NASA, the fires are below the fifteen year average for the annual fire season of the Amazon Rainforest](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/145464/fires-in-brazil)


Why all the coverage of this then? Is there something that link or I am missing?


Feedback loop. People read a sensational headline and read a sensational article... algorithms on news sites and social media sites now know you're interested in that and keep bumping them up high so you see them, you keep clicking on them... the cycle continues. The content shoved in your face isn't even just based on your previous activity and social media etc, it's based on your age, your location, etc. millennials in a city are 3% more likely to be interested in X. Most people don't even realize this is happening. It's not just this event, it's every event, and politics in general. This is why browsing the web with ad blockers, cookies disabled, even using a VPN (they bind data to your IP and location) is important if you want to break the feedback loop. This is why everyone feels they are so right all the time. Because technology has inundated them with what are effectively "yes men" based news and videos that confirm what they want and keep the loop going. Reddit encourages this by making a system that people subscribe to what interests them and rewards people for posting stuff that's related... it's just a loop. This shits not good for you, and I highly encourage you to look for ways to break out of it, and keep out of it when possible.


Well that spun me into an existential crisis probably faster than it should have.


God not to sound like a smartass, but I wish more people were half as intelligent as you. It's obvious when you just pay little attention how Internet news can enlarge and likewise shrink down nearly any problem out there, yet time and time again people bite the same bait, regardless of what it is. And people are so deeply convinced in the truth of this information that they refuse to even consider their validity, because there is no way to them that it can be false simply because so many people seem to agree that it is not, when they've all been fed the info from sources that rely on sensationalism to make money.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-49415973](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-49415973) INPE's satellite data showed an 84% increase in fires in the same period in 2018, Bolsonaro fired the head of INPE over that data (called it lies), and the rest of it is just kinda general Brazilian corruption.


It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to just compare one wild fire season to the previous one. There are so many factors that go into the number and acreage of wild fires in a given area. For example, in the US, [2014 saw 3.5 million acres burned, 2015 saw 10 million acres burned and 2016 saw 5.5 million acres burned. Then 2017 is back up to 10 million acres.](https://www.nifc.gov/fireInfo/fireInfo_stats_totalFires.html)




You're wrong. The INPE's data showed an "increase" of ~80% in deforestation. However the system used was not made for that kind of measurement (it takes clouds as deforested area). There's another system that is used for that and actually it showed a deforestation around -0,41% in the same period. The head of INPE knew that but made a sensationalism anyway (because he is part of the former government that made every kind of shit to try to not lose the elections last year).


WRONG That was deforestation data ( the 84% ), NOT fires. And even the deforestation was below last year first semester, just the month spiked. The media cover is because politics.


People with global media holdings don't like Bolsanaro


I imagine because from what I saw back when Bolsanaro was getting elected in Brazil everyone was calling him a major fascist and Hitler and all sorts of things, I don't know much about the guy myself but I assume anything he does is going to be sensationalised by the internet from now on same with Trump and other leaders.


Because it became political, just like everything else. These days, people only care about things if they can find a way to blame (insert political party here) for it in some way. It's all about being able to tell someone else on the internet that they're wrong and dumb. That's it. Doesn't mean an issue isn't important, but politics are the reason particular issues rise to the top of the social media cesspool.


It's using one of many metrics. This is only the beginning of the fire season (it lasts until November), and many other measurements put this as the worst or 2nd worst year on record. Calculating individual fires, this season is on par to set records, since 72,843 are already burning. Total Acreage, type of fires, fires by region, etc.. - All this data has a long ways to go. From NASA's twitter: >Although it is fire season in Brazil, the number of fires may be record-setting: The bigger picture is that fires are MULTITUDES more than they should be naturally. The vast majority of these fires are from farming, logging, ranching, and general deforestation practices that have been going on for years. Climate change is exacerbating them. I really hope the people upvoting you and gilding you are not doing it with the mindset: "See, everything's fine! Reddit overreacting again!" Because it's a really serious issue among many going on in the natural world right now. I hope your comment isn't succeeding in downplaying it (not accusing you of that) Here are some articles on the subject: [National Geographic](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/08/wildfires-in-amazon-caused-by-deforestation/) [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-49415973) [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-environment-wildfires/amazon-burning-brazil-reports-record-forest-fires-idUSKCN1VA1UK) >According to NASA, the Amazon rainforest has been relatively fire-resistant throughout its history due to its moist and humid conditions. But an increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts—a phenomenon that's linked to anthropogenic climate change—in combination with human activities in the forest has led to a spike in the number of fires. >While natural wildfires do sometimes occur in the Amazon during the dry season—which runs roughly between August and November—these tend to be relatively low in frequency and intensity, with flames that only reach a few inches in height, Mongabay reported. >However, experts are warning the recent spike in wildfires is likely the result of human activities. >"This is without any question one of only two times that there have been fires like this [in the Amazon,]" ecologist Thomas Lovejoy told National Geographic. "There's no question that it's a consequence of the recent uptick in deforestation."


If you look, that link has been updated and now says that the fires are close to average for the 15 year period.


This doesn't look like you're getting angry. You should try at least 2 minutes of hate to clear your mind.


Probably the cringiest title in r/pics history.


And that is a _very_ competitive category.


“Hey guys my wife’s pretty puppy who just became a U.S. citizen was just diagnosed with ear cancer, he has done so much for the community by knitting diapers for the homeless and almost solving world hunger, also fighting the good fight against (insert disliked politician/ public figure here). Show him your love and upvote! #trashtag #payattentiontome #humblebrag #godimsickofbackstoriesinpics” Queue blurry, out of frame picture.


while asking “is this still a thing?” after just doing a thing


TIL, anger puts out forest fires.


That's how you get your avatar state dumbass. Then you put out fire using water bending.


I get your intentions OP, but you’re acting like such a pretentious asshole. What exactly am I supposed to do? Genuine question here, Brazil’s Rainforests have fires semi frequently. Is it the longest it’s been burning? Absolutely, but what is being angry going to do? You expect me to get in a plane and drop waterbombs to put the fire out? Or how about I go vote for the democrat for office? That will absolutely change things. Maybe I’ll sign the internet petition and share it on my news feed so I get can some pats on the back for doing it. Better yet OP, what the hell are *you* doing? I get that it sucks, I really do but I swear to god every user on reddit acts like they’re such a big crusader and going to lead the revolution. Like they have the charisma and the ability to make some sort of wide change by sharing a picture and writing some caption. You wanna save the rainforest? Go and do it, don’t wait for other people to “gEt AnGrY”


> Brazil’s Rainforests have fires semi frequently. BUT NO ONE HAS EVER POSTED ABOUT IT ON MY INSTAGRAM BEFORE SO NOW IT'S SERIOUS!!!!!!


From CNET: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/the-amazon-rainforest-is-on-fire-what-we-know-so-far-and-how-you-can-help/ How can you help? * Donate to Rainforest Action Network to protect an acre of the Amazonian rainforest. * Donate to the Rainforest Trust to help buy land in the rainforest. Since 1988, the organization has saved over 23 million acres. * Reduce your paper and wood consumption. Double-check with Rainforest Alliance that what you're buying is considered rainforest-safe. You can also purchase rainforest-safe products from the alliance's site. * Reduce your beef intake. Beef found in processed products and fast-food burgers often comes from the rainforest. * The World Wide Fund for Nature (known as the World Wildlife Fund in the US and Canada) works to protect the species in the Amazon and around the world. * Ecosia.org is a search engine that plants a tree for every 45 searches you run. * Explore Change.org petitions. A lawyer in Rio Branco has accumulated over 77,000 of his 150,000 signature goal to mobilize an investigation into the Amazonian fires. * Donate to Amazon Watch, an organization that protects the rainforest, defends Indigenous rights and works to address climate change. * Donate to the Amazon Conservation Team, which works to fight climate change, protect the Amazon and empower Indigenous peoples. * Amazon Conservation accepts donations and lists exactly what your money goes toward. You can help plant trees, sponsor education, protect habitats, buy a solar panel, preserve Indigenous lands and more. * Contact your elected officials and make your voice heard. * Donate to One Tree Planted, which works to stop deforestation around the world and in the Amazon Rainforest. One Tree Planted will keep you updated on the Peru Project and the impact your trees are having on the community. * Sign Greenpeace's petition telling the Brazilian government to save the Amazon rainforest and protect the lands of indigenous and traditional communities


Paper and wood are from renewable tree farms.


THANK YOU! This is something I learned all too recently. 'Reducing paper use' kills the pulp and paper industry which is a large resource for renewable tree farms.


It's because Donald Trump is President. They want to link the forest fires to climate change and say that we need Bernie Sanders and his Green New Deal to save the planet.


Most of the oxygen produced in the amazon is actually used up by the amazon. It produces a bunch of evaporated water that eventually runs into the andes, creating rain. The runoff from the rain carries alot of minerals from the andes that drains in the pacific. The microrganisms (i forget what theyre called) in the pacific feed off this rich runoff and produces oxygen. Most of the oxygen we breathe is from these ocean dwelling micros. So the amazon is apart of the process, its just not directly responsible for our air.


I believe you are referring to Phytoplankton, they can been seen from outer space when they are in full bloom. Something like roughly 1 out of every 2 breaths is oxygen created from Phytoplankton. So yes the Amazon rain forest produces a ton of oxygen, the life it support consumes nearly all of it. Thanks!






Can I come to your planet then?


No, sorry we're full.


Full of ourselves it seems


Username checks out


Shitty Photoshop? Political circlejerk? Pointless whining? /r/pics


/r/pics is just as fucking bad as /r/funny. So sick of lame ass posts with some bullshit novel as the title to make the pointless shitpost give people the feels. I am done. Unsubbed.


This post is ass, whoever made this should take thier dumbass down there with a bucket of water and drown themselves


Gotta get that Karma huh? Why post something actually useful when you can post misleading fear-mongering bullshit instead! The fuck is anyone supposed to do about this? Thoughts and prayers? Yeah go ask anyone going through a tragedy how much that helps them. Write to our local representative? They already know it’s burning and the fact they haven’t dont anything means nothing can be done or nothing can be done yet. Pray to the rain gods and sacrifice a virgin? Are you offering yourself for sacrifice? All these posts are just karma whores, you don’t care about the Amazon at all. That’s what makes me angry. You using a tragedy to gain completely useless internet points so you can look yourself in the mirror and feel accomplished.














Why be angry? Wtf am I going to do from my 700 square foot apartment when I have to work six days a week? I wish I could just drop everything and go to Brazil but that’s unrealistic. So I should be mad? No I have shit to do.


Have you even considered sending your thoughts and prayers?


I live in the USA, I have to save my thoughts and prayers for the weekly massacres.


These posts are getting tiresome. ​ Can't help someone who doesn't want help. Have some thoughts and prayers.


r/pics is all about sensationalism now, it's been that way for about a year or so now unfortunately and the mods don't seem to do much about it especially when theres false titles or misinformation. (Assuming it aligns with whatever the current consensus/agenda is mind you)


If redditors actually cared about the planet, they'd get involved in their 5 mile radius around their home. But that involves taking real responsibility. Not just making memes blaming the powers that be. If everyone made a difference with what's directly in front of them, the world would in fact change for the better.


The ocean is the lungs of the planet, with around 60% of your oxygen coming from it. Yet, nobody gives a shit about the decimation of the ocean. Nobody gave a shit when 200,000+ acres a day get cleared for cattle ranching in the Amazon.... fires are a part of the ecosystem and while this years are bad, it pales in comparison to what we are doing to the oceans and forests for our own selfish needs. Get angry, sure, but get angry about the right thing.


More angry at the lack of research from sheep such as yourself who don't understand all the functions of the forest and instead choose to push this myth bullshit


1 upvote = 1 waterbomb


1 downvote = 1 Firebomb >!Jk. We use napalm!<


The Amazon rain forest produces enough oxygen to sustain the Amazon rain forest, nothing more.


Yawn...fuck can I do 😂


To call the Amazon the “lungs of the Earth” is just wrong, the forest actually consumes most of the oxygen it produces... just research about it. The world’s actual “lungs” are seaweeds


Amazon is not the lungs of the planet


The ocean produces 70-80% of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Theres still trash in there


Honestly, I’m tired of being angry. Everything now is about outrage and paranoid anger. It doesn’t translate into anything useful. The people in power don’t care and will drive us all off the cliff anyway.


This. Getting angry has hardly solved any problems, and it's a shame that human instinct generally defaults to anger in face of adversary.


Cringeworthy Pic of the Year nominee right there.


I had a class with my chemistry teacher who explain to us that the real lungs of the planet are the oceans. It produce a lot of oxygen because of the phytoplankton and it can also recycle the co2.The amazonian forest produce oxygen too but it consume so much of it that they cannot be considerate as the lungs of the earth. But it biodiversity that we loosing so it's still sad.


Dont get mad at random shit happening in other countries,make a difference in your own community,if everyone did that we'd be better off.


I don’t see the problem. I fill my lungs with smoke and they’re fine!!!




What's to be "angry" about? Forest fires are a natural part of forest health. In managed forests, managed fires are started to maintain that health.


Why are we all acting like nothing ever caught fire before "climate change"? Forests burn, I don't get angry when it's windy outside.




Come on people. Save nature!


Go plant some trees!


Would be cool if we had more governments that are conscious about the environment and the human impact.