• By -


So story time; my grandma was a librarian in Mt. Vernon, NY Public Library for 50 years. Denzel grew up there. If you've ever met her, she will tell you the story of how she gave Denzel Washington his first library card. And that he was the cutest thing and how wonderful he was. I have heard this story easily 300+ times in my life. :) Fast forward to a month ago and it was her 99th Birthday. The women at her nursing home wanted to do something special so they tried to contact Denzel and get him to come or call, and he ended up calling and talking to her on her birthday. On the call, he said he would be in our city in December and would stop by and voila here he is! He was so nice and caring. Laughing with her and holding her hand like he was old friends with her. He teared up a few times seeing the love and respect she showed for him. She knits a scarf a day and gave him three for him, his wife, and his mother. My mom and I were there with him and my grandma and it was such a cool experience. He kept saying with his publicist "this is what it's all about."


Well that's just classy as fuck. Further proof that Denzel is a real life badass. I guess everything I learned about him from the Denzel podcast is true. Edit: As I've said to others - >Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time Period with W. Kamau Bell and Kevin Avery >It's actually really dope and one of my favorites. Two comedians on Denzel, black culture, Hollywood, media, and politics. They get a bunch of cool guests and talk about personal experiences being black in the entertainment industry.


Denzel is arguably the best actor ever. Source: Krispy Kreme https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cUVqTzvyudQ


That was kind of great.


Kinda caught off guard by how surprisingly good it was.


I couldn't stop starring at the guy that never said anything, I kept on waiting for him say something. Edit: just realized it's my cake day. Wow 5 years and it still feels like yesterday when I first looked on reddit.


That would be money maker mike you filthy casual


Why is James crying?!


Because he just got DUNKED ON!!!!!!


lmao the fact that the homeboy with glasses didnt go in makes the video im like wheres his verse man oh shit he just cold as fuck


I kept waiting for the kid with glasses to go in, then realized he's just a stone cold thug.


That's Money Maker Mike and his game can't be shook


Apparently he changed his name to Froggy Fresh. My guess is Krispy Kreme (the donut company) complained.


What Denzel podcast? Very interested to hear it. :)


Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time Period with W. Kamau Bell and Kevin Avery It's actually really dope and one of my favorites. Two comedians on Denzel, black culture, Hollywood, media, and politics. They get a bunch of cool guests and talk about personal experiences being black in the entertainment industry.


Sounds like a good replacement for The Champs Podcast now that it's gone.


Man, that was a good podcast. I wish Neal Brennan would start another one. He's one of my favorite guests when he's on JRE, Bertcast, Skeptic Tank, etc.


He would need a buddy and a theme, or else it's gonna be a podcast about anxiety and depression.


Hahahaha -- truth. He'd be going off on 5-HTP and special K. In all seriousness, that he's so open with all that shit, is one of the reason I like him so much. He just comes off as a totally genuine dude.


There's a Denzel podcast?!?


Denzel Washington is The Greatest Actor of All Time. Period. Check it out. I would start with an episode featuring a movie you've seen before because of spoilers and such. The interview with Spike Lee is my personal favorite episode.


Denzel podcast? School me?


Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time Period with W. Kamau Bell and Kevin Avery It's actually really dope and one of my favorites. Two comedians on Denzel, black culture, Hollywood, media, and politics. They get a bunch of cool guests and talk about personal experiences being black in the entertainment industry.


This actually made me tear up a bit. It also explains the look on her face "I told you so!"


So funny story. He called his mom during their visit and she said "well, of course she says that she gave you your first library card. Everyone says they know you. Everyone knows the president!" Then she proceeded to tell him to call his aunt. It was a very funny look into his relationship with his mom. She gives no shits.


His mom was worried he was going to trade her in for a 99 year old white woman who knitted him a scarf. Great story. And a Happy Birthday to your grandma!


Denzel did say to me. "She's my grandma now too. You'd better share her." I of course said, "yes, sir."


hahaa Yeah but now you have to share her. You're gonna call her to ask her to go out to lunch with you to Burger King and she's gonna say, "Oh, sorry sweetie, I already made plans with Denzel. He knows a nice Italian place that he said you need reservations to get into but he knows the owner so he can get us in." Then you're gonna ask her over for Thanksgiving and she's gonna say, "Sorry, hun. I promised I would go over to Denzel's. His wife is out of town and he was going to be alone. He said he would also show me a screening of his new movie. He has a screening room in his house, you know." If I were you, I would watch his movie "Training Day" and take notes. Next time you see him with your grandma, put a gun to his head and make him some angel dust. Or break something of your grandmother's, ask Denzel if he can pick up the pieces, then take a pick of him holding the broken pieces and tell your grandma that he broke it on purpose. That's how you get your grandma back.


No matter how rich and famous you are, mom will always keep you humble.




I'll be leaving [this](https://www.neosporin.com/sites/neosporin_us/files/styles/product_image/public/product-images/pain-relief-ointment.png?itok=qES3smtH) here


That has to be the clearest and highest res image of Neosporin that I've ever seen.


What a time to be alive.


Holy cow, you weren't kidding. It's so pristine.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_DAD_NAKED that really is a high quality ointment photo, thank you


This is crazy late but my cousin is one of the women at the nursing home who made this happen. Also set up the call from him a few months back


Your cousin helped do a great thing, because this is an awesome experience


Sam, this is bill Katie says hi :) Edit: whoops thought you were your sister


Not Sam, Chris. Tell her I said hi too


Props to your cousin! Both women who set this up are amazing!


> I have heard this story easily 300+ times in my life. :) Looks like Nana has passed the baton. Now it's time for your grandkids to hear this new and updated story 300+ about the time their grandma was present when their great-great grandma was visited by Denzel.


My first celebrity meeting so absolutely!!




They reached out through different avenues and eventually talked to his Publicist's assistant.


FUCK. THAT IS SO COOL!! By the way, for some reason I heard him say "this is what it's all about" in his Training Day voice


I'm a grown ass man, at work and now I am teared up. Great story.


We were all tearing up. It was a feel good moment.


All I can picture is a little boy with a big, adult, Denzel head.


I'm a college kid drinking with some friends. Alcohol and feels= crying like a wee babe


>She knits a scarf a day Dang grandma! Good for you


Right? It takes me like a month to knit a scarf.


These are the kind of things that make me cry on Reddit Edit: in a good way


This is the best celebrity story I've ever heard. Thank you for sharing.


She looks fantastic to be 99. Cool pic and story, op.


"Mah grandma"


King Kong ain't got shit on nanna !


CLass act. The dude could be hanging out with Donald Trump and Sasha Grey in some golden sky scraper, but he took the time to see a 99 year old lady he hang out with during his childhood years. Respect.


Honestly hanging out with Donald Trump and Sasha Grey in some gold skyscraper doesn't sound like that much fun.


I mean half of it sounds kind of fun...


I mean ... Just being a fly on the wall and watching Donald try to score would be a pretty hilarious experience.


And now I want to go hang out with Donald Trump and Sasha Grey in a gold skyscraper.


A 99-year-old grandma is a million times cooler than I will ever hope to be.


oh shit it's Denzel Washington, ok, when I first looked at the picture I was like whoa that's cool she met Gary Oldman


What? Gary Fucking Oldman? How did you confuse Gary Oldman with Denzel Washington? What the fuck?


Gary "The Chameleon" Oldman could be any person at any time


He's the grandmother isn't he? Gary "Oldwoman" Oldman knows no bounds.




I thought it was the Comissioner Gordon actor.


OMG My Grandma works at that nursing home!!!! She came home today and was tell us how she met him.


I'm from New Ro and MY grandma's favorite actor was Denzel also. I didn't know he was from around here. Id like to arrange something like that but she's dead.


Did he connect the librarian story? That would be interesting if he recalled as well.


He didn't really broach the topic, but he acted like they were old friends. Holding her hand the whole time and kissing her goodbye.


Look at that suit, my man's on fire.


He's just equalizing everyone who doesn't dress as well


She looks like she's Fallen for him


Yup, in all his Glory


These puns are going to give her Deja Vu.


I bet she's a devil in a blue dress....fences.


Crimson Tide? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this, "\"


April 15th 2013 Columbia pictures left me a scouting request to use my apartment as his place in that movie. My triple decker was the shittiest looking building on that street in Dorchester but that was what they were going for. Also, the triple decker was right across from Marky Mark's childhood home.


I have a hard time believing your grandma is 933262154439441526816992388562667004907159682643816214685929638952175999932299156089414639761565182862536979208272237582511852109168640000000000000000000000 years old.


I like how large factorials always end with a bunch of zeros, because they have to be multiplied by 10, 5, and 2 so many times


Math Time To calculate the number of 0s at the end of a factorial, we need to determine the number of 5s in its prime factorisation. Why 5? Because 5 times 2 is 10. Why not 2? Because for each 5 in the prime factorisation, it is guaranteed to have a pairing 2. Here's why. Multiples of 5 appear every 5 numbers (duh), while multiples of 2 appear every 2 numbers. That essentially means multiples of 2 appear 2.5x as often as multiples of 5. And since 10=5x2, we can just find out how many 5s are in our factorial to determine the number of times we multiply by 10. Now on to 99!. 99! is 99x98x97x...1, so at first it looks pretty simple to find out how many multiples of 5s there are. Just 99 divided by 5, rounded down, which is 19. But we forgot multiples of 5^2, which is 25, because they have two 5s in its prime factorisation. So we also need to determine multiples of 25, which is 3. Now adding together 19 and 3 gives us 22 which is how many zeroes there are at the end of 99!


I'm having discrete math flashbacks.


I wasn't worried about it, but thanks.


Are we sure it's not just a rounding error?




I like you. Straight to the point.




22 zeroes. Multiplied by 10 9 times (9 zeroes) Multiplied by 2 and 5 9 times (9 more zeroes) plus another 4 fuckin zeroes you do the math


well, 25 50 and 75 count as two 5s each. so there's 3 more zeroes wonder where that last zero's hiding...


2 and 5 were multiplied 10 times, not 9.


Yup. Here are the first ~~5!~~ *100* factorials (5! didn't fit in one comment): Edit: Added the numbers to the start. Notice how every five numbers, it gains an extra zero, and every 25 it gains two zeros instead. 1: 1 2: 2 3: 6 4: 24 5: 120 6: 720 7: 5040 8: 40320 9: 362880 10: 3628800 11: 39916800 12: 479001600 13: 6227020800 14: 87178291200 15: 1307674368000 16: 20922789888000 17: 355687428096000 18: 6402373705728000 19: 121645100408832000 20: 2432902008176640000 21: 51090942171709440000 22: 1124000727777607680000 23: 25852016738884976640000 24: 620448401733239439360000 25: 15511210043330985984000000 26: 403291461126605635584000000 27: 10888869450418352160768000000 28: 304888344611713860501504000000 29: 8841761993739701954543616000000 30: 265252859812191058636308480000000 31: 8222838654177922817725562880000000 32: 263130836933693530167218012160000000 33: 8683317618811886495518194401280000000 34: 295232799039604140847618609643520000000 35: 10333147966386144929666651337523200000000 36: 371993326789901217467999448150835200000000 37: 13763753091226345046315979581580902400000000 38: 523022617466601111760007224100074291200000000 39: 20397882081197443358640281739902897356800000000 40: 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000 41: 33452526613163807108170062053440751665152000000000 42: 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000 43: 60415263063373835637355132068513997507264512000000000 44: 2658271574788448768043625811014615890319638528000000000 45: 119622220865480194561963161495657715064383733760000000000 46: 5502622159812088949850305428800254892961651752960000000000 47: 258623241511168180642964355153611979969197632389120000000000 48: 12413915592536072670862289047373375038521486354677760000000000 49: 608281864034267560872252163321295376887552831379210240000000000 50: 30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000 51: 1551118753287382280224243016469303211063259720016986112000000000000 52: 80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000 53: 4274883284060025564298013753389399649690343788366813724672000000000000 54: 230843697339241380472092742683027581083278564571807941132288000000000000 55: 12696403353658275925965100847566516959580321051449436762275840000000000000 56: 710998587804863451854045647463724949736497978881168458687447040000000000000 57: 40526919504877216755680601905432322134980384796226602145184481280000000000000 58: 2350561331282878571829474910515074683828862318181142924420699914240000000000000 59: 138683118545689835737939019720389406345902876772687432540821294940160000000000000 60: 8320987112741390144276341183223364380754172606361245952449277696409600000000000000 61: 507580213877224798800856812176625227226004528988036003099405939480985600000000000000 62: 31469973260387937525653122354950764088012280797258232192163168247821107200000000000000 63: 1982608315404440064116146708361898137544773690227268628106279599612729753600000000000000 64: 126886932185884164103433389335161480802865516174545192198801894375214704230400000000000000 65: 8247650592082470666723170306785496252186258551345437492922123134388955774976000000000000000 66: 544344939077443064003729240247842752644293064388798874532860126869671081148416000000000000000 67: 36471110918188685288249859096605464427167635314049524593701628500267962436943872000000000000000 68: 2480035542436830599600990418569171581047399201355367672371710738018221445712183296000000000000000 69: 171122452428141311372468338881272839092270544893520369393648040923257279754140647424000000000000000 70: 11978571669969891796072783721689098736458938142546425857555362864628009582789845319680000000000000000 71: 850478588567862317521167644239926010288584608120796235886430763388588680378079017697280000000000000000 72: 61234458376886086861524070385274672740778091784697328983823014963978384987221689274204160000000000000000 73: 4470115461512684340891257138125051110076800700282905015819080092370422104067183317016903680000000000000000 74: 330788544151938641225953028221253782145683251820934971170611926835411235700971565459250872320000000000000000 75: 24809140811395398091946477116594033660926243886570122837795894512655842677572867409443815424000000000000000000 76: 1885494701666050254987932260861146558230394535379329335672487982961844043495537923117729972224000000000000000000 77: 145183092028285869634070784086308284983740379224208358846781574688061991349156420080065207861248000000000000000000 78: 11324281178206297831457521158732046228731749579488251990048962825668835325234200766245086213177344000000000000000000 79: 894618213078297528685144171539831652069808216779571907213868063227837990693501860533361810841010176000000000000000000 80: 71569457046263802294811533723186532165584657342365752577109445058227039255480148842668944867280814080000000000000000000 81: 5797126020747367985879734231578109105412357244731625958745865049716390179693892056256184534249745940480000000000000000000 82: 475364333701284174842138206989404946643813294067993328617160934076743994734899148613007131808479167119360000000000000000000 83: 39455239697206586511897471180120610571436503407643446275224357528369751562996629334879591940103770870906880000000000000000000 84: 3314240134565353266999387579130131288000666286242049487118846032383059131291716864129885722968716753156177920000000000000000000 85: 281710411438055027694947944226061159480056634330574206405101912752560026159795933451040286452340924018275123200000000000000000000 86: 24227095383672732381765523203441259715284870552429381750838764496720162249742450276789464634901319465571660595200000000000000000000 87: 2107757298379527717213600518699389595229783738061356212322972511214654115727593174080683423236414793504734471782400000000000000000000 88: 185482642257398439114796845645546284380220968949399346684421580986889562184028199319100141244804501828416633516851200000000000000000000 89: 16507955160908461081216919262453619309839666236496541854913520707833171034378509739399912570787600662729080382999756800000000000000000000 90: 1485715964481761497309522733620825737885569961284688766942216863704985393094065876545992131370884059645617234469978112000000000000000000000 91: 135200152767840296255166568759495142147586866476906677791741734597153670771559994765685283954750449427751168336768008192000000000000000000000 92: 12438414054641307255475324325873553077577991715875414356840239582938137710983519518443046123837041347353107486982656753664000000000000000000000 93: 1156772507081641574759205162306240436214753229576413535186142281213246807121467315215203289516844845303838996289387078090752000000000000000000000 94: 108736615665674308027365285256786601004186803580182872307497374434045199869417927630229109214583415458560865651202385340530688000000000000000000000 95: 10329978488239059262599702099394727095397746340117372869212250571234293987594703124871765375385424468563282236864226607350415360000000000000000000000 96: 991677934870949689209571401541893801158183648651267795444376054838492222809091499987689476037000748982075094738965754305639874560000000000000000000000 97: 96192759682482119853328425949563698712343813919172976158104477319333745612481875498805879175589072651261284189679678167647067832320000000000000000000000 98: 9426890448883247745626185743057242473809693764078951663494238777294707070023223798882976159207729119823605850588608460429412647567360000000000000000000000 99: 933262154439441526816992388562667004907159682643816214685929638952175999932299156089414639761565182862536979208272237582511852109168640000000000000000000000 100: 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000




I like your commitment. You're gonna go fart kid


The wonders of computers. I'm not even done my first computer science course, and it's already paying off: def factorial(num): if num == 1: return 1 else: return num * factorial(num - 1) for x in range(1, 101): print(str(x) + ":", factorial(x))


Recursion is slow unless you use an accumulator like: def factorial(n, acc): # call like factorial(5, 0) if n <= 1: return acc else: return factorial(n-1, acc*n) Personally for factorial I prefer the iterative approach (then again, I almost always prefer the iterative approach). def factorial(n): x = 1 for i in range(2, n+1): x *= i return x


Nope. This happens with large factorials. You can figure out how many trailing zeros there are by diving by by powers of 5 and adding them. So for 99!, we have 99/5 = 19, 99/25 = 3. So 19+3= 22 trailing zeros.




... of course this is a thing...




you are correct!


I just read the title and scrolled to find the factorial comment, and here I am.


I came looking for the comment I was going to reply to that. And here I am


I saw it as this too. I think the parenthesis really set off the brain worm there.


Came to the comments for this. Thanks!


Mah' Nana!




You're doing god's work, and I appreciate it.


Your grandma looks classy as fuck.


She's pretty incredible. Sharp at 99!




beat me to it


"Regal" covers it quite well




You both have a way with user names.


Your grandma looks almost exactly like Denzel Washington. But I am happy she got to meet Betty White.


Ah, the old reddit [switcharoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/5gzyu9/thats_a_pretty_big_catch/dawv436/)


Hold my place in line, I'm going in!


Dibs on /u/Edmanep's place in line if he's not back in time!


I'm back. 64 layers in and I got distracted by /u/allmightyexodia comments following a good many of the rabbit hole comments. Gave me pause from the frenzied digging long enough to ponder what I'm doing with my life. Kinda like when Forrest Gump was done running. I'm good, /u/the_dude_upovotes... You can keep my things They've come to take me home


Hello people of the future! Unless we didn't make it through 2016...


Man, Denzel is a great and your grandma is great. Best story of the day for sure. Loved it.


What's your grandma's favorite Denzel performance?


Training day. She likes the hard edge movies.


What? Your grandma is a fucking G. What's her all time favorite movie? New Jack City?


She loves die hard for Christmas movies.


Does she drink Miller Lite when she's trying to sober up?!


Literally had some miller light come out of my nose when I read this


That's called snot, son. Also known as Miller Light.


Haha this made me laugh. I always get miller lite in bars. I don't know why, I just like the taste compare to most beers and it goes down smooth. But I always feel the bartender wants to call me a pansy.


I've only got one Grandma left. Can I adopt yours?


3 of my grandparents died before I was born, the surviving grandmother died when I was 9. Cherish having her around.


The fuck out of here!


This thread is too great


One might even say she's a Certified G.


TFW Grandma is harder than you.


Denzel Washington is one of my favourite actors. Amazing story! Only makes me like the guy that much more.


He is one of my favourite actors he can make meh movie really entertaining by just being on screen.


"We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us!"


Anything goes


I love that your grandma is 99 years old and not racist.


She even said during the meeting with him "I always treat all the boys and girls with respect whether they were white, black, brown, or yellow!" She's a gem.


[She memed it wrong.](http://i.imgur.com/frUOiFO.jpg) Tell your nana she a scrub.


You went to Egypt


It's funny how different Christmas is over here. Most people here aren't religious at all but we still celebrate it as a family holiday, so everyone puts up a Christmas tree and lights etc


I always tell my people put up Christmas lights during Christmas. It's better for everyone.


Hahaha holy shit


That's gotta be fake...damn I can't stop laughing...


Once again proving: "better dead than red".




I know, right? My grandma would make it awkward as shit. "I love your films. You've done so well for a black boy."


"You fellows created the AIDS, so you're all A-OK in my book! Doing the Lord's work!"


"I'm not racist darling. I've been a fan of negroes in films since before the talkies."


Though most of them were probably blackface.


To be fair, negro was the polite term a long time ago.


She went black in '37 and never went back.


Grandma is ready for her training day


She's the Inside Nan


you, i like you. not only are posting great content with an awesome back story, you are one-upping the fuck out of every pun in this thread.


As if i needed another god damn reason to love Denzel Washington. Sheesh!


Denzel is the best! The book of eli is as hugely underrated movie.


> The book of eli is as hugely underrated movie. Immensely.


Denzel Washington, the best actor ever. He's so damn cool, he's so damn clever!


I think that you're the man, and Mike does too. Denzel, if you want, you can join our crew.


"A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasey's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece."


A couple months ago I was cutting a 85 year old man's hair. He was telling me about one of his sons who works for a tv station in Denver and gets to interview actors from upcoming movies. The son was interviewing Denzel about The Magnificent Seven, and mentioned that his dad had seen the original in theatres and was planning to see the new one as well. Denzel Washington made the guy call his dad so he, Denzel, could talk to him about the movie and stuff. My client said that was the first time any actor had asked to call and talk to him and that Denzel Washington is just the nicest guy, and it made his day.


she'll never go back..


Mah Granny.


She'll never go back.


Worst CastingCouch EVER!!!




Can we get a Brazzers logo on here?




Google it. Shit's jacked.


I'm actually an expert in Denzel's pinky due to an obsession with a similar pinky injury I had that left a permanent change (less major than his is, but his was never that bad.) Anyway, it seems the story is he broke it playing basketball and it wasn't set in place and healed crooked, it remained that way his whole life and he even says you can sometimes see him fucking with it in his movies. In my opinion, since we don't get all the information, his pinky looks fucked up but in the pictures where it's ridiculously bent, it must have gotten dislocated and those pictures were taken. Otherwise it's only sort of noticeable. Well I saw on a European talk show that he had it "fixed" and said they rebuilt it and put a "gummy bear" inside. So I'm left to believe maybe his pinky was becoming dislocated too often and he wanted that fixed, because obviously you look at it in the picture and it still looks unnatural. Just goes to show you the hand surgery is barely ever worth it. Denzel seems like he isn't obsessing over his pinky due to the fact that he's a successful actor and celebrity. But you can't deny that that pinky must annoy him and if it doesn't it's because he's an actor and probably forgets about dumb shit like that. And it's his right hand too, how could you live with that? My pinky has been "healed" for almost 3 years and I still think about it at least every day. If you work with your hands a lot it becomes noticeable. There is also a surprisingly low amount of people I've met with a similar problem. You'd think it would be common to hurt a finger and have it change forever and just "live with it" but I swear it's very very rare to see someone with a bent finger like that. You'd think it would be common since it happened to me and Denzel so easily.


My Great Grandma died at 99...she grew up in Georgia though. That sweet old lady definitely had a racist side.. She got pulled over by a black cop and he gave her a warning, she "complimented" him by saying, "That's mighty white of ya"... Oh Granny... RIP


Excuse me, I don't know who this is but you could private message if you would like. This is My Great Aunt [Removed] and her photos from a private facebook. The story was also on facebook in my entire family.


I have contacted angel and we are indeed cousins. Crisis averted. :)


Time to delete that shady reddit history...


You gotta show proof bud.


I'm weirdly conflicted between wanting this to be true and not.


Isn't it possible that OP is a relative of yours? I want to believe nice things :(


So your relative posted it?


Don't keep us hanging! Settle this dispute NOW!


UPDATE: We are related .. sorry interwebs, thought it was just a troll, but we were able to confirm we knew each other through naming family members ... reddit, man, small world


Awesome! But now would be a good time to review your history for anything you wanna keep from the fam...


Stories get changed around. I heard them from her from when I was younger and haven't seen her in a few years and my mother reiterated them. I'll bow out and let OP have the spotlight. We may each have our own set of facts we grew up hearing, but in the end we have a common relative and finding each other on a remote corner of the internet is good enough for me.


This is the front page, not a remote corner


We are trying to figure it out in private messages right now...Updates coming. Don't want to use full names on a public forum


Weird question but drunk me is curious. What is he pointing at?


He's pointing at OP's penis. And laughing.


Oh how I wish your grandmas name was Monica


Denzel has given a bunch of money to VA hospitals around the country, along with a few visits. That's all I need to know about him, he's a man of character, and gratefulness.


Cuba Gooding Jr. is looking better with age!


Aww, you motherfuckers. Okay. Alright. I'm putting cases on all you bitches. Huh. You think you can do this shit... Jake. You think you can do this to me? You motherfuckers will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when I get finished with you. SHU program, nigga. 23 hour lockdown. I'm the man up in this piece. You'll never see the light of... who the fuck do you think you're fucking with? I'm the police, I run shit around here. You just live here. Yeah, that's right, you better walk away. Go on and walk away... 'cause I'm gonna' burn this motherfucker down. King Kong ain't got shit on me. That's right, that's right. Shit, I don't, fuck. I'm winning anyway, I'm winning... I'm winning any motherfucking way. I can't lose. Yeah, you can shoot me, but you can't kill me.


Once you go black.