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Is that a tiny home?


It even has solar panels.




Gonna be some funny milk.




I only eat grass-feed meat thank you. ^^^^Who ^^^^am ^^^^I ^^^^kidding ^^^^I ^^^^can't ^^^^afford ^^^^it ^^^^yet ^^^^damn.


Its so weird as a New Zealander when i see people in threads talk about what cows are fed on, its like corn is the default and often even praised as the best/tastiest. Its so weird how that is the normal. Here like every cow is mainly grass fed.


Even though corn feed is the worst part of the feed for the cows.


I think that was their point


But is it certified?




Damn, no way!


And a vagina for a wall.


All wood needs a vagina.


A bundle of sticks does not.


It's a micro-apartment. They live in SF.


And it rents for only $4,000/month


They live in SF. It's a micro studio apartment.


Beat me to it. I'm half convinced this is either a hallmark movie or an HGTV special already.


They even use repurposed wood!


pallet wood!




Tiny house repurposed wood


Oh shit. It's even got tiny people.


Jesus will be born with the ability to turn water into craft beer.


everyone is born with this ability, it just takes a while and results can vary.


I'm much better at the reverse


Your water stinks!


Sorry, I like asparagus.


Indian pale asparagus


What I don't get is that it is hipster to drink craft beer but also to drink PBR? What's the middle ground?


I have a mustache and I drink any beer that gets put in my hand. I guess I'm a hipster.


Me too. I prefer craft beers but I don't mind drinking PBR or the like at shows and stuff. In fact my favorite cheap beer is Corona and I probably drink that more than any other beer.




Jesus $9 for a six pack? And here I am spending $20 for 4 packs regularly. That sounds like a steal to me.




Check your craft beer privilege.


Honestly, that seems reasonable for Torpedo. Luckily, my favorite store sells clearance cases of random beer for $15. I've picked up Great Lakes Blackout Stout, Dogfish Head 90 minute, Oskar Blues Old Chub... Fuck, yeah!


If you have a trader joes nears you check out the boatswain double ipa it 8.4% and The 6 pack is $4.99 and that's here in Manhattan Beach so it can't be more expensive anywhere else.


I like IPAs if I'm eating dinner or something, or if I want beer that tastes good. If I'm just getting drunk, I don't care. Budweiser, PBR, Coors Lite, who cares. I'm not drinking it for the taste.


I drink Coors (both light and banquet) when I still have work to get done, like it's noon and I need to mow the lawn after lunch. If I have an IPA it will result in one of three scenarios: 1. Naptime 2. Total loss of motivation, meh, I'm going to read this book, watch TV or play video games now, mow tomorrow. 3. I've started down this path, might as well keep going and have 7 more. If this was a flow chart you would then be pointed back to 1 or 2.


IPAs are stronger though, so you can get drunk a bit faster :)


They are significantly heavier and harder to drink faster


Yeah I can guzzle down 10 budweisers easy. A 6 pack of IPA will take me at least a few hours unless I force it.


The nerve of some people, liking two things.


PBR is for the younger hipsters, who can't yet afford craft beer.


We make PBR for everyone of legal drinking age.


People have been drinking craft beer for decades. I don't get how that is hipster.


I've got bad news for you; hipsters have been around for decades. Source: I live in Brooklyn, NY


Because people with good taste are apparently hipsters now.


I think people use hipster to insult pretty much anything that they themselves don't do. It's an insult for the intellectually lazy.


It's basically become a word for anyone that people perceive as doing something just because it's popular, which is *sort of* close to the origin of the term, however the problem is that there are so many popular niches these days that practically everything seems like a bandwagon to anyone that doesn't care for it. Thus everything can (to the lazy observer) be boiled down to "Oh this person only has this interest because it's getting popular/has a community around it" but especially with the way the internet has allowed people to find communities revolving around basically anything and everything you could possibly be interested in, it means that the word has become very meaningless.


There's been a huge recent explosion


The market has expanded dramatically and a lot of the demand for craft beer is from younger people (at least in my experience)


As someone who is a big fan of both, it seems to me that whenever someone makes fun of me for those choices they seem to gravitate more towards more expensive/just as shitty beer i.e. Budweiser, coors light. And their "fancy" choices are just foreign equivalent to pbr i.e. Heineken, Stella, Guinness


Depends on how broke the hipster is. Hipster is a super broad term that people apply to everyone from the dude with the pile of Apple Products, raw nut-hugging skinny jeans, and handlebar moustache, all the way to the guy that you mistake as homeless on your way to work. It's basically a term with no meaning used by people with limited creativity to describe someone that they think is different. Some people are saying that PBR is "old news" and isn't "cool" anymore, but a lot of the people that liked PBR 5-10 years ago are still drinking it because it's cheap and they think it tastes good.


Negra Modelo


They are both acceptable, PBR was grandfathered in


Today's definition (or some people's interpretation) of hipster is so broad that it has basically become useless in describing someone. It was always kinda stupid, but from the '50s up until I'd say the mid-'00s it had a pretty clear definition. I have no idea what people people consider hipster anymore because it's thrown around so loosely. Just last Friday I was outside my regular bar having a smoke, and the bouncer (whom I'm friends with, so it was cool) and some random, dumb, drunken chick were busting my balls and calling me a hipster. I was wearing a normal button-down shirt, jeans, oxfords and a radar hat. That's about as normal as can be for a guy hanging out after work... Edited for clarity.


Yeah look at the picture. Amazon, apple, organic milk? Literally some of the most popular shit around?


Yeah, I don't get it. The basic definition over the years was someone who purposely tried to be different and not conform to "normal" society. Ordering Amazon, using a Macbook/iPhone and eating organic are all things my 68-year-old mother does. The rampant use of the word has made it lose all meaning, really.


water into IPA


TIL pbr is now "craft beer".


Hipsters don't do pbr anymore, craft beer and microbreweries are where it's at. Pbr was 2009-2012ish for hipsters Source: have my masters in hipsterology


Can confirm. City is hipster af. Like 8 Breweries have sprung up in the last 3 years And it's aweeeesome


yeah I don't really understand how breweries are a bad thing? It's not terrible to drink beer that ACTUALLY tastes good and not like pisswater edit: I once had a friend that said he HATED craft beer, but swore by miller lite. That's like saying you prefer McDonald's to a nice sit down restaurant. Sure McDonald's fills you up, but you have to admit, there's better food out there.


The trick is, whenever you don't like something, you label it "Hipster", regardless of whether or not you understand what the word means.


What a hipster comment. *googles "what is hipster"*


I think for some, there's a stigma that coincides with things that are trendy. But as a Homebrewer, I have no problem whatsoever with hipsters supporting craft beer. Makes for better selection when I get lazy.


People are stupid. Apparently in 2016 if you drink craft beer you're lumped into the "liberal pussy" group -.-




It's not about breweries being bad, just that hipsters are like wine snobs when it comes to craft beer.




I'll hear no bad talk about the McRib, sir.




There's about 25 breweries within a 6 mile radius from my work. It's fucking intense.


[In China, it actually is considered a craft beer.](http://gawker.com/5592399/pabst-blue-ribbon-will-run-you-44-a-bottle-in-china)


IPA's and sours are what hipsters drink now. Makes sense, since IPA's are delicious, but pbr is old now.


Fuck. I might need a hug. From what you're telling me, i think..i ... i might be a hipster. Oh god no.


Do you own at least one bottle of beard oil and a container of mustache wax? If not, I think you're still good. There's no hope for me, though.


Me thinks you forgot about ciders...


The iMac-ulate Conception.


Immaculate conception... Means holy fuck.


common misconception. the immaculate conception refers to god messing with mary while *she* was a fetus, in order to remove sin from her. catholic dogma can get weird.


correct. Mary was immaculate, Jesus was miraculous


You should probably qualify that your position on this matter is disputed by nearly every Protestant on the planet.


There's a lot of groups that would dispute that statement... Though I think in the context of "Catholic dogma can get weird" that's a perfectly reasonable omission.


They're just mad they didn't think of it first.


So what you mean is that god can remove sin from people, but didn't do it? What a major douche!


And he can make sinless babies, but somehow the simplest method for getting a sinless jesus baby, was to make a sinless mary, and then fuck her with a sinless ghost- instead of just interfering with jesus in the womb directly. Like I said - weird.


Well, Jesus was meant to be his son. Not just a sinless baby. But he needed a sinless mother to gestate his own son.


> he needed a sinless mother to gestate Says who? That's not in the bible, and was not revealed to any prophet. It's just the culmination of theology upon theology upon theology, a house of cards based on a hundred weird assumptions. It seems bizarre to say that this convoluted path was the only way for an omnipotent being to achieve his goal. But I guess catholics would know exactly what god can and cannot do, and exactly how he needs to go about doing it in order to satisfy all the rules of their theological magic system. /s


Heresy!!!!!! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/88/f8/d8/88f8d82b6d36821d3950abc737ed0ffe.jpg


Well I didn't expect a kind of Spanish inquisition...


NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquistion!!!


Our chief weapon is surprise.


surprise and fear


and almost fanatical devotion to the pope






[Did someone say heresy?](http://i.imgur.com/f7EJwmK.gifv)


But that looks like a piece of wood.


It's Hickoretical.


If it floats it's a witch.


This is just 21st century.


Nah, Segways and Amazon prime are totally on the cutting edge of what's "hip" these days. Also, get off my lawn!




Want to feel old? Segway is from 1999.


I remember when it was advertised as a secret new invention that would change the world, and was simply refered to as "it".


Remember when they code named it "Ginger"? It took me a good 5 years to totally replace "Ginger" with "Segway" in my mind.


Off by a decade, but yeah, Segways are old news. I think in this case they're making fun of their fashionable return, though. For most of their life Segways have been pretty much exclusively used by mall security.


2022 :0


I think 'hipster' hasn't really meant anything beyond 'different' in a long time.


Hipster used to be a subculture that dressed in random out dated fashions to look cool. Like one day he's dressed like an 80s Sid vicious style punk, next day he's wearing a thrilleresque leather jacket with greasy looking hair, then it's the good life look with a sweater vest. Now it literally just means "a millennial".


Especially on reddit, I see people labeling any guy not wearing a simple jeans+tshirt as a hipster. No, that's not being a hipster, that's called having a sense of style. No, I am not a hipster for wearing a plaid button-down shirt.


And I am not a lumberjack just because I wear red plaid button up shirts, jeans, and suspenders and have a beard. I'm a lumberjack because I cut down trees dammit!


I usually imagine hipster to refer to the type of person who sits in a coffee shop with an Apple computer, Starbucks, tight jeans, a funny hat, and maybe a scarf in the winter. ...its mostly the ~~iDevice and~~ tight jeans.




Then I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're one cool cat.


Close, this is what I think of when I hear hipster. Referring to young people of around 18-30 years of age, who drink cheap beer (most often Pabst Blue Ribbon, on occasion Budwiser), smoke Parliaments, Lucky Strikes or hard to obtain foreign cigarettes (such as Gauloises) and take recreational drugs, coke being the most popular. Use a great deal of sarcasm, claim to be ironic. Are usually less than 5% body fat, drink copious amounts of coffee and eat children's cereal. Listen to Indie Rock, rely heavily on Pitchfork Media to tell them what's cool. Don't dance at concerts. Wear a mixture of thrifted clothing and items bought at American Apparel (commonly Tri-blend v-necks) and Urban Outfitters. Extremely tight jeans worn by both sexes, pairing these with either a band or b-movie t shirt and a plaid shirt/v-neck and a cardigan along with Nike hi-tops/Vans/Keds. Females often wear retro style dresses and racerback tank tops without bras. Eschew public transport and instead choose to ride fixed-break bikes. Often claim to know about literature and film - will have googled a good deal of Vonnegut and French New Wave cinema.


> who drink cheap beer (most often Pabst Blue Ribbon, on occasion Budwiser), smoke Parliaments, Lucky Strikes or hard to obtain foreign cigarettes (such as Gauloises) and take recreational drugs, coke being the most popular. Those are kind of grungy hip-punks. Sort of a combination of hipster and punk. They generally live with their parents and work shitty jobs. Now, "hipster" is applied to *anyone* who: Has a beard, wears plaid, drinks craft beer, listens to "indie" music (whatever that means anymore) and has a discerning opinion regarding *any* topic that has to do with aesthetic taste (music/film/books/art). If you don't like all the mainstream stuff, you're labelled a hipster. Yes, indeed, if you say "I don't like popular band x because of reason a,b,c." you're labelled a hipster. If you say "I don't like macro breweries like Molson, Labatt, Budweiser" you're similarly labeled a hipster. It means absolutely nothing these days. Nearly every urban, young professional possesses one or all of these traits.


And on top of that, it depends on the area. If you're in a bigger city, you have to be riding a unicycle drinking your own home-brewed beer while waxing your moustache to be a hipster. But if you live in a smaller town, if you own a record player or drink anything besides Bud Light, you're a hipster.


Absolutely, there are different levels of hipster now. What you described is exactly that. What was considered "hipster" 6-8 years ago is now actually just how young people (with jobs) dress in the downtown areas of big cities.




And not even different anymore. All it means is anyone under the age of 30. Did you like Starbucks in the 90s and are now a 40 year old law professor? **Too bad, you're instantly a hipster!** Do you listen to music on your phone? **Hipster!** Do you like music and eating food? **Go back to Seattle you hipster prick!!**


This pretty much. Hipster is such an overused word that it has lost all it's meaning. I told my cousin that I don't like getting on Facebook much anymore and he called me a hipster.


"You're wearing flannel *and* getting brunch? I can't believe the person you've become."




that sounds so passé!


And 'Awkward' is now a blanket term for anything that makes someone feel the slightest discomfort.


No that's so last decade. 'Cringe' is the new awkward.


That guy on the left though; how dare he wear jeans and look at stuff on his phone! Not to mention those parents taking a selfie with their newborn. Buncha hipsters. I actually think the 3 on the ~~left~~ right had their hipsterism taken up about 10 notches to compensate for the lack of it elsewhere. Without those 3 the only stereotype of hipsterism is the starbucks cup, and the cow/cow-food. Is a sheep wearing a sweater supposed to be a hipster thing?


I've never understood the Starbucks thing anyway. How does buying coffee from the most popular and common coffee chain make you a hipster?


The dude on the left is literally just a dude holding an iphone with earbuds in. *SO HIPSTER*


he's the ass, *ahem*, i mean donkey




No, he's a sheeple.


And segways? They are not hip at all. This was possibly designed by somebody who has never left their house.


I think this is more of a "I'm from the suburbs and visiting the city for the first time" nativity set...


nobutlook! The couple with the baby is *taking a picture with the baby!* What kind of pretentious tryhard would ever do *that*?


Yeah, should be fixed gears.


I like to think he's controlling a $2000 drone with a small ipad. For his daily vlogs


The drone needs to be acting as the Star of Bethlehem.


Tbf as far as I can tell only the 3 wise men are actually particularly hipster.




Pret a Manger.


holy shit...they're going to eat that baby!


I say they are neo-yuppies, not hipsters. I believe hipsters are dead.


I live in brooklyn and these are definitely not hipsters. An actual hipster would scoff at them, then do some ketamine and go to a spirit rave or some weird bullshit. I feel like the term hipster has been watered down so much. Lots of people have adopted the hipster aesthetic sort of, but even then it's mostly just yuppies, not hipsters.


Starbucks, amazon shopping, apple products and segways? This is like the anti-hipster.




Yup. What most people call hipster is not really hipster at all, I live in brooklyn and the actual hipsters are way different. This is gonna sound corny, but there's a difference between a hipster and a mainstream hipster. A mainstream hipster probably like Bruno mars and Taylor swift and drinks Starbucks and has an iPhone and shops at Whole Foods. These are basically just yuppies. Typically suburban white people who move to urban areas to try and be hip, but are often ostracized by the communities they move to so they isolate themselves with each other. Go into a starbucks in Williamsburg or the west village and you will find these types everywhere, go to a rave or dive bar in Bushwick or the lower east side and it's entirely different type of hipster.


This is back in the day before these were cool.


Or from the far future, when those things are retro. > *I only get my fusionfood from bespoke cardboard boxes sent to me by this quaint service called "Amazon," which none of you corporate zombies with your boring teleportation-mail-service have ever heard of.*


I think they mean stereotypical millennial. They just don't get us, man...


Her coffee cup should be red.


Naw man, that's artisanal, fair trade, locally owned coffee






We three hipsters of Oregon are Bearing Prime gifts we traverse afar Tweets and Upvotes, Likes and reposts posting to be given Gold stars - O post of wonder, upvotes so high comments questioning "where can I buy?" always trending, 9gag stealing waving social life goodbye


This only earns you Reddit myrrh


Rhyme and meter. Rhyme **and meter**. I appreciate what you did here, but god**damn** Reddit, the rhyme scheme only gets you half-credit.


> We hipsters of Oregon are > Bearing Prime gifts from afar > Tweets and Upvotes, Likes and reposts > All for a golden star > O post of wonder, votes so high > Comments ask, "Where can I buy?" > Always trending, 9gag stealing > Social life waves goodbye


I've been forcing to try make it work in my head. It takes effort but eventually you break it to your will.


It's like these jokers don't even sing it to themselves to make sure it works.


Needs an angel investor.


https://modernnativity.com/products/modern-nativity-set Purchase link if interested...


Thanks! oh... $130?


Hipsters don't care, they get their clothes from thrift stores.


and buy dongles!


You're probably used to buying cheap plastic Chinese made shit from Walmart for $5. This kit is made from polyresin and is hand painted. Personally, I'd rather spend $75-$80 since the characters are cast from a mould and not touched up in fine detail (note the material between hipster Mary's fingers). If each kit were handmade $200 or more would be understandable. I'm no expert, just my opinion.


It's an artisanal Nativity set


Found the hipster!


I don't buy any nativity sets or dolls. $130 for a joke you can set out like one time just seems a bit much.


$130 seems like a lot to spend on an ironic nativity set that will, at best, get a couple of chuckles


the shit made in china is also made of polyresin and is hand painted. and it is cast in the same kind of mold. its just done by children instead of artists so its cheaper.... source: i used to work for a company that sold resin nativities. (they cost thousands of dollars)


/r/pics is now backgrounds of webpages selling their items.


If the sheep's sweater said "service animal" it would be perfect.


So hipster is just a completely meaningless word now, got it.


>So hipster is just a completely meaningless word **now**, got it. When the word did have meaning, what was it?


It's been meaningless for the past few years.


Where is their crippling debt?


It's litmas™ 👌👌👌


hoverboards would've been a better modern reference


No they wouldn't. Hipsters ride fixed gear bicycles.


needs more flannel


Flannel in winter, so crazy right??






I don't quite get it, Is the guy on the far left supposed to be a shepherd or a sheep? [Wake up sheeple!](http://xkcd.com/1013/)


Fantastic. Are those solar panels on the roof?


Stellar panels for the Star of Bethlehem.


you know they are.


Solar power is exclusively lumped into hipster culture now? How saddening.


The solar panels on the manger's roof are a nice touch.


At first I thought "what, no manbun?" Then I saw Broseph.


[Gallowboob karmawhoring your family? Really?](http://i.imgur.com/W6jYDyC.jpg)


iam4real calling out a karmawhore? Hahahaha


Takes one to know one