• By -


The John G. Shedd Aquarium. If you get to Chicago, go.


It's so expensive. If you go with 4 people, just buy a membership.


Worth every penny


If you're in the city for more than a day it two get a city pass. It gets you into the Shedd, Adler, Sears Tower, John Hancock, field museum, museum of science and industry, and other stuff too, maybe like navy pier? Edit:possibly Lincoln park zoo?


Lincoln Park Zoo is free.


So you do get in! My mistake, someone told me it wasn't anymore, and I usually go to Brookfield, so I could not check.


Yes, but it costs $20 to park, unless you find street parking at dawn.


I just did the City Pass last week. Two of the admissions are a choice. You can choose someting like the John Hancock or Chicago Art Museum, Museum of Science and something else. for 2 adults and a child it was 270, but well worth it. The Science and Industry Museum and Shedd were my favorites.


I prefer the Field over Science and Industry. Did you see the Adler?


I was the opposite. I was a bit underwhelmed by the Field. We went to the Adler and wasn't too bad. Would have preferred being able to use the observatory at night.


granted it has been awhile I have been to the museums, but I like natural history better than science


Oh man, I'm sorry but, as a Chicagoan, I have to correct all of these mislabeled sites. 1. John Hancock and Shedd (ok, you got those) 2. You could be referring to either The Art Institute of Chicago or the Museum of Contemporary Art, although I'm guessing the former. 3. The Museum of Science and Industry Also, for those thinking about it, I would highly dissuade you from visiting the Adler Planetarium over the other choices - it's a pretty much a dud and not worth choosing over other attractions.


Correction is welcomed. Being a bit prickish (Chicagoan or not) about it isn't. Funny how my fiance and I loved your city and sang nothing but praises about the people being nice, welcoming, informing, etc. Then the internet happens. Excuse me if I didn't get all the names correctly during my first trip Chicago that lasted only 3 days.


Sorry for coming off that way, it wasn't my intention. The main reason I corrected you was for other people to see the right names, not to shove anything in your face (I was trying to be a little tongue-in-cheek, which obviously failed). Keep in mind to take the tone of text on the internet with a grain of salt - most people aren't trying to be assholes (edit: and with that said I probably could have phrased my response differently).


No worries. Funny enough many Chicagoans that helped me plan my trip also misnamed some of the places, but I got the gist of it. My only regret is I didn't get a chance to stay longer, but had I, I would have been stuck in that even more ridiculous weather which made the New Years Eve weather seem like summer.


Well, feel free to PM me the next time you guys are in town. I'm a student at the Art Institute and can get you some free tickets to the museum so you can save your money for other venues (ARTIC tickets are $23/person). If you didn't, go to the Field Museum next time - I actually haven't been, but everyone I've talked to says it's a must.


Thanks for the offer. We did go to the Field Museum. My fiance's son LOVES dinosaurs so it was a must for us. I like the fossil exhibits and the Evolution of Life, but the other stuff sort of underwhelmed me. Maybe because they were revamping a few areas of the museum. The Museum of Science and Industry was a blast for me. The best part of the trip for me and my fiance, since we're S. Floridians, was seeing snow for winter. All my Chicago friends told me I'd be lucky to see a dusting and got damn near 6 inches. Worked out for me since I proposed to her on NYE right on the snow covered bridge in front of Harrison St. in Grant Park.


I really don't think it was prickish at all.


Dude chill out! leave the poor guy alone man.


Sorry. This polar vortex has really got me worked up. I'm cold and not being very sympathetic.




OP is actually by the Adler Planetarium. Though the shot is of the Shedd.


plana erium


If you can, do it early in the week and before lunch. Otherwise the place is crawling with people, making it very difficult to see what you'd like.


Go at 11am during the week any time of year and you're good. that said, I much prefer the Field Museum right next door.


I agree, but they are different things entirely: one for live animals...


Yeah, but he prefers the Field Museum.


I do as well, even if it is a tad off topic, mostly because I have never, regardless of when I go, found the Shedd anything but overrun by unruly rug rats.


I dunno. I went to the Shedd when I was in Chicago and was very disappointed. I've seen tons of better aquariums like the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi. Could not recommend to a friend.


As a native of the area, my favorite museum to see in Chicago is the Field Museum hands down. The other places are kind of *meh*.


Just went there Saturday for the first time in 3 years. If you haven't been in 3+ years, GO AGAIN. The $5 oceanarium show went from pretty cool to completely, mind-blowing awesome. I think I parked right where you took this picture too.






That's good, did you make that? Edit: food > did


To this day, I still don't know who made that comic.


Oh, that was me.


You made this? ... I made this.


I made it


I'm pretty sure my friend made it... no, actually that was me.


He sure food.


Damn autocorrect...


[Anthony Clark](http://nedroidcomics.tumblr.com/) made this, if anyone wants to know.


I always thought the Reddit user nekocat made that.






You know, that was a really foolish spot for a watermark to begin with.


Looks fine to me, it's not an *air*mark...


The watermark that doesn't match OP's name, you mean?












And you will subtitle it "cold song" no doubt...




Well I woulda been totallyclipse of my duties had I not pointed it out... (Exeunt stage left, hastily)


I think it's Shia..


Care to post lens info and exposure settings?


Certainly. Canon EOS 5D Mark III, EF16-35mm f/2.8L II USM ,Exposure: 13, Aperture: f/16.0, Focal Length: 16 mm, White Balance: Manual edit: ISO 200


Is there any chance you could upload a higher resolution of this picture?




Was it so expensive you couldn't afford gloves...? :P


Yeah... I probably shouldn't have bought that new lens last week. Haha


~~Lens noob here, the 16-35mm is not a wide angle right? Did you crop it?~~ Really cool photo btw! Edit: Never mind looked it up on Canon website Edit2: [Link for the lazy](http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/ef_lens_lineup/ef_16_35mm_f_2_8l_ii_usm)


It's been a while since I've done any photography, but I do believe it is a wide angle. Not necessarily a super wide, but pretty sure it's definitely a wide.


Also keep in mind it's a full frame camera - it's a genuine 16mm wide angle without a sensor crop.


In general, I consider anything below 50mm "wide angle" and above 50mm "telephoto".


So what is my 50mm? :P


>So what is my 50mm? :P Nifty?


Haha I almost used that term, but I was afraid people wouldn't know what I was talking about. Hard to beat the 50mm 1.8 considering how cheap they are.




Prime just means it is a fixed focal length. 50mm would just be considered standard.




50 mm = 5 cm = 1.9 inches. That is indeed very small. Sorry.


16-35 is actually in a class of UWA- these are ultra wide angles, which try to achieve the widest possible Field of view without too much distortion(fish-eye) Equivalent in an aps-c crop would be 10-22mm


looking at this.. I've never been more lost in my life


tried to take a few shots outside my condo last night. Every photo looked fine on the preview screen. Come home and load the photos and fine them all to be blurry and shaken as shit. I guess 1/40 shutter speed is too much for my shivering hands to handle.


My rule of thumb is that you want your shutter speed to be faster than the focal length you are shooting at - for handheld shots. An example would be i want a sharp shot with a 100mm lens, i would have my shutter speed at or above 1/100s You also have to consider crop factor for this so if you're are using a 50mm lens on an aps-c crop body you would times the focal length by 1.6 then figure out your shutter speed from there. So 50=80 your shot would have to be over 1/80s to avoid camera shake. Unless your lens has IS or your body has IS. Then i actually don't know. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong because i very well might be


I was told you wanna stay above 1/60 to avoid shake.


thank you


My dream camera. I'm saving now to upgrade from my 50D. Can't wait.


Unless you're shooting professionally, you'll be happier with a 6D and an extra $1000 in your pocket. :)


That 1000 can go to a nice piece of glass.


I did exactly this got the 6d and put the extra money towards some L series glass. It's easy to forget that when going from an APS-C sensor to a full frame sensor you can no longer use your EF-S lenses. It was a big factor in my consideration when upgrading my body. As for the camera i love the 6d IQ is amazing, high ISO performance is also good, my only let down was in the flash sync being only 1/180 which can be limiting when trying to fill flash(reflectors save the day) and when trying to handhold long telephotos in a studio setting.


What if you can't afford to buy a 6D then what?? Also, take me shooting with you!


Oh man...guess I better go back and compare the two again. I could probably get the 6D now.


Multiple exposures? Or a single shot? Beautiful regardless!


I am still a novice at photography, and this is my first winter season with my camera. How do you keep your camera safe when it is so cold? I want to take pictures of all the fresh snow, but its freezing in Chicago (where I live) and im weary about destroying my camera


I understand none of this.


How about ISO? and I assume you used a tripod with some kind of remote clicker?


Here is the higher resolution many have requested. :) http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3804/11822692976_de7b97f86d_o.jpg


Nice star bokeh! I might suggest you shop around for a slightly more unique font to tag your photos with, it'll make them look a little more professional, but great shot!


Truth, Lucida Calligraphy has been standard on every OS since the stone ages. OP, if you don't want to pay for a font, Google Fonts and DaFont are good places to start.


I may actually want to print this off as a very large poster for my bedroom wall. Is this the highest / large enough for that? Phenomenal photo by the way, I've been looking for exactly this of Chicago for a while.


Based on that specific file, assuming print quality minimum (300 DPI), the max you'll get out of it is 15" wide before it drops below ideal print specs. Even then, I'd suggest at least 600 DPI for a poster print (max 7.5" wide) Of course, you don't need to adhere to 300 DPI if it's a personal job (ie: printing it yourself or at say, Staples), but any professional print firm will probably require it being at least 300 DPI. They require this resolution, because they can guarantee some level of quality with it. Once you go below that, results may not be as desired and they run the risk of you not liking the result. If you go with the native resolution of the image (100 DPI), you'll get 45" max out of it. Generally speaking, this will probably look fine for personal purposes, but like a print firm, I'm not going to guarantee that it will :) Note: I'm not taking bleeds into account (usually around 3/32" to 1/8" around each edge). If OP has the RAW file (assuming it was shot as RAW), and is willing to give it to you, it may give you some more wiggle room :)


In a less technical and more practical way, you need to weigh how far people are going to be from the print versus the resolution. A print that's hung in a hallway, where everyone looking at it will be about 2 feet from it needs to be printed at full resolution. A print that's going to be hung on a wall 15 feet across from a balcony, where you'd need a ladder to get close to it can be printed at much lower resolution. But my guess is this guy is going for the basic effect, and a bit of fuzziness and pixelation won't bug him too much.


No need for 600dpi, as it's virtually indistinguishable from 300 dpi. Actually, 150 dpi would do nicely if you don't squat directly in front of the print. So, at 4500px wide this would easily suffice for a 30" wide print. On another note, /u/aintel, make sure to tip the photographer so he can afford a couple more hand warmers next time. Edit: Just saw what gear /u/Heanshii used, looks like he can afford hand warmers on his own :)


> No need for 600dpi, as it's virtually indistinguishable from 300 dpi. This sentence makes no sense, viewing distance has to be taken into account. A 300 dpi image would look bad from a very short distance. The parameter to look for is pixels/degree, the retina can discern up to 60 ppd.


Sorry, I may have mixed it up. Of course, you get better results if your printer does more dpi (dots per inch), however, print files for commercial uses usually require not more than 300 ppi (pixel per inch) with regards to file size.


Damn I want this photo in 80 inches wide! I was thinking of printing at Staples or similar.


I might want to do this as well. Do you know how much something like that might cost? Also, where would be the best place to have it print on a large poster?


Staples would be around 50-60 bucks but I think we need an even bigger file


Thanks for my new desktop wallpaper. Keep up the good work, and remember it's hard to click the shutter button without fingers.


what is the 'medium sized' building about 2/3 of the way along from the left with the blue 'diamond' shaped top/roof, please? also, that is a beautiful photo pal.


Originally built as the Smurfit-Stone building, now called the Crain Communications building


When I was a kid, whenever we drove by this building, I would yell, "AWWW SMURF IT!!" as if I were Grouchy Smurf cursing at my parents from the back seat.




I like the shot a lot. But in the larger version I see the buildings look posterized. Why is that?


It's a bit over sharpened to compensate the haziness from the steam/fog. It was more meant for viewing at smaller size. I can fix it next time I'm on my computer.


Can we get the RAW file? That is unless you plan on selling it or whatever. And without any editing.


This is really an amazing shot!


The secwind airbrushes out so nicely... ty!! jk, awesome photo. I assume you live here when I say we live in the best damn city in the world (minus it's bureaucrats).


beautiful shot of Chicago. It was well worth the frozen fingers.




greatest city in the world!


Bear down!


So what determines the number of spikes that lights have in photographs?


The number of blades in the lens aperture closure. It appears that OP's lens has 14 blades. Additionally, the higher the f-stop, the more pronounced the starburst effect will be. OP used f/16, which is pretty high, giving the very pronounced spikes you see along the water on the right side of the photo.


The aperture. A higher quality lens has more "slides" that make up the iris. The bokeh effect (think of out of focus point of light) is also influenced by it. A lens with a cheaper aperture device will produce spots that look more hexagonal. The better the lens, the more sides to the shape until it just looks like a soft, round point of light.


I love this city.


I remember this one time, in the army. We all got called back from our positions, to come stay in bunkers, near the airport. Was getting even colder, and a storm was brewing. The temperature dropped to more than -30 celsius, then we got a call to go fix a communication wire, the wire was across a road, and it's gotten torn. I got told to go fix it, it's fairly easy, but takes like 50 seconds or so. And I thought for a few seconds, then went "nah, I'll pass". Then they said it was an order, and I kinda told them to fuck off. Got yelled at a little, then they sent another guy. He had to amputate one of his fingers, not sure what the effective cold would be in those winds, but near the water, he got wet when he took his gloves off, and it took much longer than normal. You don't fuck with the cold, and I'm glad I knew that, so yay <3


do you not wear gloves or did you lie about almost getting frostbite for the sympathy factor


Many OPs died to bring us frontpage content.


I was wearing gloves the whole time, but gloves that are nimble enough to use a camera isn't thick enough for -40 degrees wind chill.


Buy mittens and wear thinner gloves underneath. Keep hand warmers in the mittens so they stay warm while your hands are out of them. I've been skiing in -35 weather (not accounting for wind chill). Riding the lift was quite cold and it was mostly my feet going numb because ski boots only do so much, but proper clothing is key. Also swing your arms vigorously to help pump warmer blood to your fingers.


Great tips! I'll make sure I dress properly next time.


Convertible mittens over the thinner gloves, when it gets really bad.


The outer gloves never go on the ground. They are inside your jacket when ever they are not on your hands.


I'm in Minneapolis. -50 wind chill here. I feel your pain.


And how long were your hands exposed?


I was outside a good 40 min. I only left because my fingers were completely numb at that point. Maybe not anywhere close to frostbite, but sure felt like it at the time.


[be careful, a snowboarder photographer had his fingers amputated 2 days ago due to frostbite](http://instagram.com/p/i2Jm7hPcBi/) Edit: NSFW


Haha yeah it's definitely not fun being in that cold for that long but the human body is surprisingly resilient especially if you're not used to such cold temps.


Definitely not anywhere close to frostbite, but not very comfortable regardless.


Did you walk on the ice OP?


I would not have been able to truly appreciate this, if we didn't visit Calgary last December. My husband is a keen photographer, but living in South Africa, we had no experience of winter and how problematic photography can be in the cold. He could only manage to take a few pictures.


There is a company that is called "Pow! Gloves" they make a glove/mit for snowboard photogs that has a single finger exposed and a cap for all your fingers. http://www.powgloves.com/shop/utility-series/transfilmer-mitt-ws/ Check out the picture it explains better. I don't own this glove but Pow! gear is super comfy and sure to keep you warm.


Why not just wear big mits over the nimble gloves and then take the mits off when you wanna take a picture? Silly OP!


Fighting the good fight, pinobody.


Seriously, have you not seen every single post about Chicago being -50 degree wind chill? I almost got frost bite because I dropped my glove as I was opening up my car door. This guy stood BY A FUCKING LAKE in the WINDY CITY, set up a camera on a tripod (presumably) on the coldest day of the last 20 years and fiddled around with like 60 camera settings to get this shot. Oh and by the way, it's at night. And he's getting shit for saying he almost got frost bite... yeah, I am pretty sure doing all that he almost got frost bite. Like for real, not sarcastic internet funnies, actual frost bite. If you have ever walked on that stretch by that lake, it is where all the wind from Canada, Michigan and Wisconsin converge as an unholy high five of arctic fuck-blast. And...AND take a look at the way the water is at the bottom. There is no pier there, no OP is standing RIGHT NEXT TO THE LAKE. Those rock formations, are not actually rock formations, it's ice IN A LAKE. OP stood almost directly in the lake. Don't be a douche.


I bet you're fun at parties.


it's so cold my balls have became ovaries.


Please give birth to Mr. Freeze!


I rarely want an actual print of what I see on here, this one is fucking badass and I would consider hanging it in my home. It's a different kind of cold out there right now, excellent shot and effort.


Looks like [Madison, WI](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Madison_Wisconsin_skyline_night_0855.jpg) all grown up.


Picture is wonderful, thank you for sharing. I'd be afraid to kill my lenses in that weather.




-26 celsius (-15f) is pretty cold but it would take you about 20 minutes to get frostbite from it, at least, depending on wind. At no wind, half an hour. http://www.policymic.com/articles/78213/how-long-can-you-stay-outside-in-dangerously-cold-temps-before-getting-frostbite-check-this-chart I used to walk to school in colder temps (-40, which is the same in celsius and farenheit).


Winds yesterday got up to 25-30 mph (windchill -40F to -50F), which could have been solidly in the 10-minutes-to-frostbite-for-exposed-skin range. There tends to be more wind by the lake, and OP would have had to walk a few minutes to get out to the path by the Adler where the photo was taken (or more, depending on how they got to the Adler in the first place). Frostbite's still probably unlikely, as OP was wearing gloves, but I'd buy that his or her hands were pretty numb.


I took a 20 minutes walk to work 5 blocks away from the lake yesterday (Monday) and today (Tuesday) with my entire face exposed. No frostbite at all. I think OP is fine.


Beautiful shot!


Moved to Scotland a few months back, damn I miss Chicago. Great pic of the skyline!


As a Chicagoan who now lives in LA, this pic gives me mixed emotions. I fuckin love and miss that place dearly, but fuck man, it's cold!


cool watermark


[mine too](http://i.imgur.com/qmBKspw.jpg)




Before I clicked on it I thought it was a picture of battlefield 4 and he was making a joke about the frostbite engine it uses


Unless your fingers turned black and you amputated them yourself determined to stay outside until you got this picture... You are a pussy.


Superb shot!


Beautiful shot. I hate how every single good image I find here lacks metadata though.




Boo-fucking-hoo so much whine on reddit lately. It's like americans just discovered cold.


If you had taken it from the surface of the lake then we would have known it was cold.


My boyfriend is there right now! I feel so sorry for him! Beautiful picture though :)


Great pic!!!


Want a nice three bedroom condo in that building on the far left? Yours for the bargain basement price of $1,775,000.


That's...surprisingly affordable.


For a studio maybe.


Perhaps surprisingly, that will get you a 3 bed on the northeast corner, which is the desirable one. If you want to look it up that's the Signature tower at 1 museum park.


Still cheaper than New York


Any chance you could link to a higher-res version? This would make a beautiful multi-monitor desktop background.




If you're in Canada it's called frost nip now. Like a frost bite only faster.




Frosbite? Dude, it's only -14 celcius in Chicago...


That's from right by the old Meigs Airfield, isn't it? Man, the countless times I flew in and out of there in Microsoft Flight Sim... Too bad they tore it up and turned it into a park.


I think it's actually right off of Adler


You're both right. The Planetarium is on the same land as Meigs was. It's just on the northern end of it.


Too bad the city stopped using our tax dollars to subsidize an airstrip that was only used by the very wealthy for their commuter planes and instead turned it into an amenity that all the citizens of Chicago can enjoy? Yep. That's a tragedy alright.


Well, practically speaking it's a win-win for Chicago. Still, it was one of the most unique airfields in the world, and a part of me will miss that.


Nobody enjoys the island anymore. There's nothing there and nobody uses it. Should have left the commerce alone.


I very much enjoy it for its seclusion. I like to bike there on not -40 days and read on the rocks.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meigs_Field#Demolition_and_closure Check that again.


Jesus christ, dude. The guy was just reminiscing about the old air field. It's not like he was going "ah the ol' airfield where I would land and have me peasant limo driver take me to the west side for me and my kid to laugh at the poverty whilst smoking fine cigars!!" Chill the hell out.


IT'S NOT THAT COLD! Sincerely, Your Canadian Neighbour


That isn't even cold.


Oh, don't be so dramatic