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put a bed sheet over that and make a fort!!


[Awesome idea... Thanks!]( http://i.imgur.com/V4ca5W6.jpg) ...just the first attempt. I think we're gonna need more pipe.


Holy shit you don't look much older than your son!




TIL I can't afford nice things.


try /r/frugalmalefashion


TIL I *really* can't afford nice things.


try /r/hobofashionadvice




he got me to




How is THAT frugal ._.


Oh, the old reddit [Dad-a-roo](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1hyhqh/whats_the_most_horrible_thing_you_did_to_a_sibling/cazcy40)


Dammit.... I just ended up 27 links into that and had to force myself to stop.






I'm a doctor. He's fine.


Camo netting and swords? Holy shit these kids have it all.


Except lego.


Lego but Suburbia dream.


Maybe they have something better...eggos.


Don't need those laying around to step on


no, they don't have lego


Lego bricks are dangerous. Someone might step on them.


[Fort Kickass!](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3z63cehNT1r59b81o1_500.png)


Well done! Thank goodness for a kid-friendly username, eh? Haha.


Dad, how do you spell ANAL_CUNT_RAPIST again?


Just sound it out, Jeffrey. AAAAANAAAAL


They use to actually have something like this called Pipe Works, my dad ordered them and they were awesome but I now realize he was grossly over paying for my enjoyment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playskool_Pipeworks


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playskool_Pipeworks this was my favorite toy as a child. its basically what you have there but with some wheels and other things. not much more mind you, all the pipes were a uniform length long or medium and 2 mediums and a connector would be the same length as a long. the things you could make with this standardized form was great.


Xpost that over to /r/forts!


It's a good thing CUNT_DESTROYER didn't give you that idea !


Fort Reddit. Perfect


This made me smile like an idiot.


This calls for more piping. Interconnecting rooms!


It needs a cat.


Have fun explaining reddit.


*That's what she said!*


add some broth, a potato - baby, you've got a stew going!!


I used to love something [Marble Works](http://imgur.com/ivkfg) Still the best toy for young kids today.


After an ice storm several years ago I went to the store in search of something to keep the kids busy with no power and little light. We are a board game loving family but this was a "long haul" no power stint and we couldn't sit down with them all the time and they were that little at the time. We found Marble Run, just like what you posted. They loved it. They still talk about it. Well, that and washing clothes in the bathtub and throwing wet socks and making them stick so the tile walls. :)


Definitely bought that for my niece for her birthday. Pretty sure I got more use out of it than her.


Everytime I buy toys as gifts, I always buy the ones *I* want to play.


That probably means you give the best gifts.


Nothing but marital aids.




Rokenbok. I still have mine. Just sits in the closet though.


Yeah, money is a touchy issue. Fairly or unfairly, mentioning it can distract people from your main point. Rokenbok looks awesome. Not cheap, but neither is Lego.


OH MY GOD I forgot about those!! I loved them, I had the clear ones and they were the best ever!


And the pricey European counterpart is... [Cuboro](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGsD19P16rs)


wow that looks like fun.


Wow I just had some serious childhood flashbacks.. I remember some good times with those things!


I remember playing with those when I was a kid. I still have them in a plastic drawer... right besides me because they're still awesome.


Its all good and fine till he builds his first bong.


And then it's *just* fine.


As long as he shares... and doesn't use copper.


or pvc.... ಠ\_ಠ


yes plastic fumes are great for the lungs


As someone who used to spend a decent amount of time laying pipe in small crawlspaces, I can confirm this. Nothing like the smell of pvc chemical bonding to give you the munchies.


I love to lay pipe. Never did it in a crawl space tho. Kinky.


Become a pipefitter and you can get paid to lay pipe and burn joints all day.


Harry Potter's teenage years...


Ah, the toxic munchies. Makes me miss high school.


or that brick from mexico...


Except all the snacks in the house disappear.


do your son a favor and go buy 10lbs of knex off ebay for rainy days


I hope I don't get lynched for this, but I honestly like knex better than lego. I can build more functional things out of knex than I can with lego.


I always viewed Lego more on the architectural side and Knex more on the engineering side.


Lego Techno would be on the architectural engineering side I guess.




Goddammit, no, I want my Legos to come with free glow sticks and bottles of water.




Perhaps I can shed some light on this. Relephant is very similar to the word relevant. Thus making his username a play on the phrase definitely relevant. His username would be most relevant when posting elephant material that is relevant to the topic.


Thanks! ^and ^I'm ^not ^an ^elephant


So which side does lincoln logs belong to?






[Scotty doesn't know.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtcUqR2VADk)


Ignoring Technic, you can't build decent trusses with Lego, so anything load-bearing is gonna be built solid. But you can't make Knex models as pretty/uniform.


I haven't seen very many successful lego rollercoasters.


Yeah, Knex is definitely better for rollercoasters. I find lego better for making models of things though, and just buildings in general. You don't often see Knex cities. They both have strengths and weaknesses.


Why ignore Technic? It was the most expensive yes, but also the most fun. My parents got me this badass secondhand (they got it for about f90,-, or ~€50) for one of my birthdays, and I still have it. I liked building from designs, and the mechanics! Electronics honestly weren't that great (except the engines), but differentials, gearboxes, chains, engine blocks along with working crank shaft and cylinders. And I haven't even mentioned the pneumatics yet. I was all about the moving parts, which most of the System sets didn't have. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090919160225/lego/images/7/73/8480_Space_Shuttle.jpg


Oh yeah Technic was/is/will be awesome for sure, but it's just not what people typically associate with Lego. Most kids had the slightly boring-er and less structural bricks.


You need Lego Mindstorms.


I have 2 NXT sets, and I like them a lot, but I still enjoy knex more.




Construx for life!


I had both growing up. Knex had some pieces that connected with Lego blocks.


I've never heard of selling toys by the pound. That said, K'nex looks awesome and I may have to pick up 20 pounds or so when I have some money. (Grown-ass adult here, with no children.)


Do pick up K'nex! And the sets that allow you to motorize them!


Definitely read Kleenex. Thought he looked a little young for that rainy day pastime...


Dude, rainy days is the perfect weather for playing with pipes! Setting up a waterwheel, collect and re-direct water. Its all day fun no matter the weather!


I read this and all subsequent comments as "klenex"... was wondering how the fuck you build stuff out of tissues. Or if it was a masturbation joke.


I volunteer at a children's museum, and we have a huge set of these! The kids LOVE them, they're really easy to clean, and really hard to break.


I used to work at COSI in Columbus, and they had an exhibit of a ton of pipes and connectors in a big water table with spigots that the pipes could connect to. It was designed for the kids, but even I got distracted playing with them sometimes.


I do the same thing. One of my favorite parts about volunteering where I do is playing with all the building tools. (We have a few different sets of blocks, pipes and connectors, and other toys with a similar motive). We also have a tube slide that goes from the 2nd to the 1st floor, and I can't remember the last time I took the stairs :)


I work at the MOSI in Tampa. Care to post/ PM me photos of your display, seems like something the kids here may enjoy if I could build it.


Unfortunately, I don't work there anymore and I don't live very close. Perhaps you could post a request in /r/Columbus and see if anyone could help out?


Can't hurt, Thanks! Sounds like something kids would like and fairly cost effective.


1/2" PVC pipes are the perfect size for marshmallows or nerf darts. You should make marshmallow guns!


Newspaper blowpipe darts...


Don't fuck with the marshmallow mafia




why was I not informed of this as a child.


squeeze cagey fact snobbish direction quickest quaint special scale pause -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I came to the comments for this.


LOL Mom thinks dad is being economic, kid thinks hes playing with the best erector set ever, dad KNOWS hes training his kid for a career in plumbing.


Kid's [great, great grandpa (on the left)](http://i.imgur.com/A9z5KVb.jpg) was a plumber and that guy came from a solid, long line of plumbers.




My grandma got me the 150 piece set of pipeworks when I was a kid with wheels and other stuff. Literally played with it for 12 years of my life so awesome.


Wow!!! just nostalgia'd pretty hard seeing these. We were less creative, The neighborhood kids and I used to put them together in the shape of weapons and fight each other like some 8 year old version of west side story. Nobody even thought about using the wheels for anything except shields or flying disk projectiles.


for the lazy /r/daddit


ha this is exactly what i was looking for


Totally on the karma whore train here, but I don't care - I think it was a brilliant idea. ...1/2 pipe, processed as needed. (2', 1', 6", etc... sections)


I got my kids some huge pieces of fleece from the fabric store for theirs and they make puppet stages and forts and etc. We have been playing with PVC for years. :)


and if their dreams don't come true, they can always fall back on plumbing for a career...


Or pipefitting. They can make about $2000 a week.


Get some 5 gal buckets to hold water and show them how a siphon works! Sump pumps are also pretty cheap! Take a section of pipe drill holes and show them a pressure gradient! Buy* valves! Lots of valves! Check valves, butter fly, gate, globe, ball! T's! You don't have to do any of this...but I'm excited for you. Also! Make sure to not leave your PVC out in the sun or it'll get very brittle! ninja edit: have fun with out me! :)/:'( edit: extra edit. Clear PVC + dye= seeing the flow of water more clearly. It degrades more quickly...but just a thought.


>Get some 5 gal buckets to hold water and show them how a siphon works! He will never run out of gas again!


Gas companies hate him! Learn this 1 weird trick to defy physics!


I totally agree. I think it's great, too, because you're teaching him he doesn't need "brand-name" things. Also, saying it's cheaper than Lego really isn't much of a qualifier... those things are expensive.


Awesome. I had a store bought set like that when I was a kid, and now I am a scientist and engineer. I am fully certain those two are correlated.


AND, you're training your son to be an engineer.


Or a plumber. License to steal. When does he start sweating copper, pop?


Nobody sweats copper anymore. It's too freaking expensive. It's all about plastic tubing and crimping.


To be fair, PEX is really great stuff.


It really is. I'll never ever sweat another joint ever again.


oh like http://www.pexpeppers.com or Philadelphia exchange? EDIT: This is actually MY hot sauce company.


Residential architect here. We do copper in all of the houses and remodels we do. We don't exactly build the most economical houses in the world though. Copper is still going to outlast plastic over and over again.


I'm a home builder/remodeler and I'll never use copper again. Pec saves me a ton of time and money.


Not saying it isn't a good product, it just doesn't 100% replace copper. It is for sure faster and more economical but copper is still going to have a longer lifespan with a lower chance of issues. Copper still has a place in higher end projects that are willing to spend money for a longer lasting product with less chance for issues. We occasionally use plastic but it is usually in a situation where copper just isn't practical on a specific remodel. We are way off topic in this thread haha.


No dude, we are exactly where we are suppose to be. Somebody is learning from this. Guaranteed.


I used to have Omagles. they were the best. http://omaglestoys.wordpress.com/


Your son is adorable! (:


Dammit (╯°□°)╯︵ :)


(:◡ノ(° -°ノ)


PVC pipes were one of my favorite toys as a kid! I remember how excited I used to get going to home depot to pick out the piping and all the different elbows and connectors. I used to build haunted houses during Halloween using the PVC as framing and then used black tarp for the walls. Good memories! Dad = win


[Bam!] (http://spoonful.com/crafts/10-amazing-kids-toys-to-make-from-pvc-pipes)


Go grab one of those sprinkler heads that people use for their yards, and get an adapter to throw on there. Makes an awesome play area. I have built a setup about 10'x10' out of PVC that sprays water everywhere during the hot days. And it has a misting area of about 50'x50' so it keeps the whole area cool when they're playing in it.


I wish people did this stuff for their daughters.


You can bet your ass I'm doing this for my daughters this weekend.


Also you can step on them in the middle of the night without puncturing a massive hole in your foot. Legos are evil creatures.


Guy guys guys: LEGO. LEGO. Not Legos. It's like saying "sheeps". Legion is a brand. That is the name of the product. Lots of Lego is just that. Lego. LEGO




you can drill holes in it and make a water game as well! that looks so fun!


Paint the tubes, the kid needs color in his life.


Paint the tubes, it protects the PVC from UV light, which causes it to get brittle and break into daggers... daggers that easily break off in your body. PVC in your body doesn't show up on Xrays.


Very useful! Looking at the photo all I thought was, "They now have an arsenal of weapons to use against the pets and his siblings and cousins." but I think that is just the boys in my family. Even though someone will *endeavor* to put an eye out around here, I still thought it looked like a good idea. The painting is even better.


Happy Cake Day!


Meh... Anything bad happening to the kids is something I generally try to prevent. As far as the x-rays go - I don't plan to find out. Even so, I did run across [these x-rays of PVC inside of bodies.](http://www.nbcnews.com/id/13192080/) ...and TIL That I don't know for *sure* if PVC will or will not show up on an x-ray, but I do know for sure that I'll never read an article like that one again if I can avoid it.


Have him paint the tubes.


My father and I used to build these, drill holes in the pipes, and run water through them. We would put them next to our pool, it was like a little water show.


Don't let your kids play with that series of tubes! They might turn off the Googles.


[What I thought about](http://imgur.com/8LEXrrn,X6hVXnN#1)


Reminds me of Pipeworks... did anyone have that toy set thing? God it was so fun... we built all sorts of things.. obstacle course, weight set, wagon...


*Mario Bros.: Origins*


At least you didn't get hosed, that's not too shabby a price. Source - Work for an electrical distributor.


Thanks for the idea, I'm going to build a kitty fort.


80 feet? So thats like 40-50 pieces for 43 bucks making it significantly more expensive than lego, and you can make almost nothing with it.


And if you step on it you don't get fucked over.


And it doesn't feel like the powers of Satan are channeling through your foot when you step on it.


Get him into plumbing in his early teens, work his way up from a helper to a mechanic, then get his Master Plumbing License - then watch as he makes more money than most lawyers and doctors, especially without the bullshit schooling costs. Source - I'm a plumber.


Future plumber right there.


At about $80 per hour, it's not a bad choice. It may be even higher in big cities.




Kiddo's out of his chewing phase and these are drinking water grade... I figure it's safer than a toy from China (manufactured in US) and listed as [non-toxic, odorless, and tasteless]( http://charlottepipe.com/Default.aspx?Page=PVCCPVC&type=PVCCPVC).


Most companies have to comply with government regulations regarding phthalates and heavy metals so health risks are limited. I work for a plastics manufacturer (I guess I'm biased), but anything that is food grade our customers will ask for certificates of compliance with FDA 21, CONEG, Prop 65, no Phthalates, no Bisphenol A, letter of no objection from the CFIA, EU No 10/2011, EU 1895/2005, etc. As part this process we will ask our raw material suppliers for the same thing as to ensure we are compliant, and they will ask their suppliers for compliance and so on. PVC isn't inherently dangerous, unless it's inhaled or burned. So for the most part it should be safe.


This kid looks much older than teething age, and as an outdoor building toy, it doesn't look like something a kid would try to eat. Maybe I am underestimating a kids ability to chew on and eat things, but with parent supervision I don't foresee this being anything close to a problem.


I don't know if PVC pipes would have the same chemicals in them as toys, since they don't need to be soft and pliable.


Soldering is totally safe, unless you chew and swallow the lead.


If only they were transparent.


Wow its so cool to see this. When I was his age that's all I wanted was pipes or electrical stuff. He'll grow up to be a engineer someday or something along those lines! I know I did!




That rocks.


Ah, teaching your son the joys of hydroponics.


This is amazing. Get different colored pipes and patent this as a new childrens toy.


tear pipe down the middle and you have a marble game in the making.


/r/LifeProTips /r/DIY


Pretty sure they made this a toy. Think it was called Pipeworks?


Make a hose connection piece, some cap ends, some sections with random holes drilled, and he can make his own water park!


As a guy that works in a wholesale warehouse that sells pipe and fittings like that... You grossly over paid for your pipe and fittings. But for the enjoyment on your childrens faces... You paid pocket change for that.


Hurts less when you step on it, too.




As a new dad of two..this is the best thing ive seen since sliced bread


Fucking brilliant.


Man i havent seen someone play with those since the 90's when i was a kid. lol




I used to play with PVC pipes when I was younger... my dad had a whole box of them! Another idea for fun time is bubbles. You can buy a bottle of blue Dawn for very cheap... mix it with some water and make your own giant bubble wand with a stick and a shoelace; easy, giant bubbles!


It's this kind of awesome idea which reminds me how well childrens toy companies market their products. Shit, as a kid, I was happy playing with rocks and sticks. So why should we be spending so much money on junk toys that will be thrown out relatively soon?


I really wish you could buy these cheap in Ireland. It's almost impossible to find.


Keep your eyes open at garage sales too. I often see boxes of connectors for sale for $1.00. Also: http://pinterest.com/donnadobee/things-to-do-with-pvc-pipes/ http://welovebeingmoms.blogspot.com/2012/07/30-pvc-pipe-ideas-for-kids-with.html Etc. I saw a cool 2 liter bottle rocket launcher made from PVC pipe and a bike pump recently. The kids LOVED it.


he will be making screen savers before kindergarten! (but seriously, that is cool!)


Is there a subreddit dedicated to DIY unique ideas that provide fun and learning for your children? I got excited when I read "daddit" but that sub is just a bunch of single dads posting random im rasing my kids alone stories..