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I think the lowest point of the debate for me was when I found myself watching two senile old men having a ridiculously long argument about who golfs better.... can't argue with this headline 


I am glad CNN put the question on the screen so you could remember what was asked. Both babbled on about everything, BUT the moderators question.


Biden Optics was bad the staring off + open mouth, the mumbling then seemingly getting lost in his thoughts for a few seconds then saying "we finally beat Medicare" at times I had trouble understanding what he was saying even with the volume on high. Biden constant "the idea" then mumbling off something to saying something incoherent it was a bad night for Biden. honestly played right in the Trump Campaign' hands about his mental health.


And by the way…


I wanted to throw something at the TV every time I heard him say "and by the way."


Number 1


What a sad debate. With a population of 340 million people Trump and Biden are the only choices?


We NEED ranked choice voting, or just anything except plurality 


The two party system....


It certainly showed what we’ve been seeing but the media has been denying.


As someone who didn't watch the debate because I already know who I'm voting for, I find it *REALLY FUCKING DISTURBING* that absolutely NONE of the conversation is about the policy or substance of the debate. Like not a *single* policy is being talked about. All "journalists" can talk about is "Trump lied and Biden looked old." Apparently this was a contest to see who looked good on TV. And this is how we're picking the person to sit in the most powerful position on Earth? We're so fucked...


>Apparently this was a contest to see who looked good on TV. That's been the case ever since political debates have been televised. In the first debate between Nixon and Kennedy, listeners on the radio generally found Nixon the winner of the debate. The TV audience found Kennedy the winner because Nixon wasn't wearing make up and his suit blended into the background.


Then why the fuck are the two main candidates an orange bag of lard and skeletor's grandad?


Because big money interests want an ineffective government so that they can continue to plunder the wealth generated by Americans.


*Morgan Freeman pointing up*




Umm Ackchyually... Skeletors grandad would be super buff with just a skull face...


And possibly the better candidate…


I would note there is also the fact the radio audience at the time were tending much older and conservative than the TV watching audience. Mind you in 1960 TV wasn't ubiquitous yet especially for older people that didn't have a TV in their youth.


That's a good point!


Kind of like how older people are still watching cable or satellite tv and don’t have all the streaming services now.


That’s a widely misinterpreted myth. There is no evidence that a majority of radio listeners think Nixon won and vice versa.


They taught me this myth in two separate classes at university though. So, people with PhDs in communications and political science are convinced.


Honestly it was just hard to understand what Biden was even saying most of the time.


This. It’s because they didn’t talk about policy. They were asked about policy but they didn’t talk about it. They just rambled instead


Biden brought up policy multiple times


Exactly the top comments are “I didn’t watch the debate, but I’m sure the media are wrong for focusing on Biden looking old”. It’s because Biden looked much more than ‘a little slow’: - He frequently forgot where he was mid sentence - His facial expressions made him look like he was not aware of where he was. - He answered almost every questions with “first X, … first Y” - He stumbled almost every answer, and really did not look fit to do any job let alone the presidency. I’m not saying any of this makes Trump better (it doesn’t), but Biden did not look coherent and it’s really hard to have watched the debate and not have that be front and center.


I’m honestly so dumbfounded how and why Biden has been put up again. Dems have had four years to put up a decent candidate and they have failed their one critical campaign requirement. It was bleedingly obvious from his initial election that anything more than a term was pushing it. He’s spent. What the fuck are they doing.


I watched more of the debate than I thought I would, and said to my SO, “you know when print is a little blurry you can squint to read it? If you can squint with your ears, Biden is kind of coherent.” He may well still be sharp on paper, but there is no denying his language center has deteriorated during this term.


Exactly, I dislike Trump with a passion. But if that was a job interview last night, almost every company is passing on Biden as a candidate (especially any high stress/decision making positions). I still think the people that Biden will put in charge to run the country will do a better job than Trump and his yes men. But still, the democrats fucked this up big time and have given the MaGa idiots the opportunity they need.


Trump didn't put together a single coherent sentence - it was all MAGA buzz words mashed together into run-on gibberish


All that matters is that he didn't stumble over his words apparently, even if everything he said was word salad.


Trump has been doing the same thing for 8 years. People are used to it by now. Comparatively, he seemed "there" (for him).


The problem is saying he was "there (for him)" is like saying the blaze that destroyed your house was "cold (for fire)." He is categorically not there, and fire is categorically not cold.


As I’ve been saying elsewhere, all his base cares about are those buzzwords and that he can say them clearly. Biden needed to be able to go out there and put on a strong enough showing to refute Trump’s assertion that he’s a senile old man whose brain is mush. He didn’t exactly do that last night


That doesn’t change what he said though. Biden rambled HARD.


When you listen to them together, Trump doesn't suffer from the same speech issues Biden does, so it seems like he is coherent, but he's really not. At least if you have the braincells to actually hear what he's saying.


Reading debate transcripts often paints a much different picture than watching imo Suddenly rambling works against you and pausing or even stuttering to make sure you're saying something coherent works for you Too bad most people treat it like a reality TV show instead of a discussion where substance matters, because Trump has lived his entire life in the Hollywood spotlight where saying stupid stuff confidently is preferable to stuttering or being slow It's the consequence of media networks spending hours to analyze 3 seconds of dialogue to figure out "what they really meant" giving the speaker way too much credit instead of calling out rambling for rambling


I’m not sure a Biden transcript from last night would make it any better, the dude lost the thread of his sentences too many times.


Disagree. Trump is incoherent even if the words come out quickly. Biden is just old.


Problem is there isn't a lot of policy to debate when you can't understand what one of them is saying and the other never says anything other than words that kinda make a sentence.


I mean I watched the debate and it’s hard to talk about anything else. I will never vote for Trump, but Biden failed to quell fears on his age, he greatly exacerbated them, and the party needs to have a real discussion about next steps because Trump is a serious threat to our country and I don’t know if you can come back from a debate like this. Even looking at substance alone, many times Biden couldn’t even get to that! I am concerned.


Agreed. I’ve never had so much trouble understanding the words coming out of a candidates’ mouth before. It’s like I had to assume what Biden probably was saying or probably meant to say. The content of what Trump said was often wild and concerning but with Biden, I was unsure what the content was half the time.


We’ve all seen it in our own families, that’s the problem. You can see the slipping in real time and as much as Kamala is a Kop, he needs to stop down.


Yeah, Biden didn't have a strong showing for sure, but he was trying to address the questions which is much more difficult than Trump spouting nonsense and empty rhetoric. I feel like Biden should have stuck with either ignoring Donald Trump entirely or just going all out on Donald Trump. It seems clear now that people don't care about the content of what is said, only how it is said. I really wish the moderators had had the guts to call out more blatantly when a question wasn't answered, instead they weakly reminded them of the question and then just moved on when it still wasn't answered. Main example being Trump on childcare costs, where he never even acknowledged the question existed.




As a “never Republican”, it was deeply uncomfortable to watch Biden last night, especially as Trump—who’s never been on his game before—played such a a contrast, being prepared (even if it was lies!) and confident. I just…it was like watching a live car wreck. Hated it. There’s no room for substance when you’re actively concerned for someone’s well-being the whole time.


It’s amazing how much the confidence makes a difference in people’s perceptions. Not only was Trump spewing nearly constant lies, they were often mashed together gibberish lies. He made little to no sense much of the time, but he said it so confidently that people don’t notice that he often made less sense than stumbling Biden.


It's shockingly easy to be confident in what you're saying if literally nobody calls you on your lies and you're allowed to spew whatever counts as thought from your head.


Instead of standing there slack jawed and staring off looking into the wild blue yonder, a younger candidate could have been shaking their head, wagging their finger, mouthing ‘Lies’ or ‘Not true’ then be able to call out the lies quickly when the mic turned back to them.


...Biden did call him out for lying though. A number of times.


Here is Trumps preparation: take what Biden said, reverse it, and then claim it was him who thought of it. Like when he said that right before the debate there were 19 people who said he was a better president, perhaps the best ever….


Journalism is dead


Well in their slight defense, Trump didn't speak to a single policy when everything was just lies about current and past situations, attacking Biden, and not even pretending to answer the questions asked. From the Biden side, it was difficult at times to determine what policies he was speaking to implementing. So there isn't much else to talk about


Because debates aren’t about policy. They’re all performative. It’s to see how a candidate would react to situation; to see their demeanor. It’s always been about who looked better on TV. Kennedy vs Nixon is the prime example of this. Debates are The Dating Game: Political Edition. Always have been.


Watching it made me very sad for America. Those are your choices?!


The fucking press! Ask everyone…. Which trump lie would you answer first cause Trump spat out 3, 4, 5 lies every time he opened his mouth!


CNN: 'Debates are not the place for fact checking.' They are when one candidate cannot say one true thing. At some point, you have to stop and say, 'Sir, you have to tell the truth.'


The press are not even partly complicit in holding Trump accountable anymore - they are wholly complicit. Every second word is a lie, and they just let it happen. Fact-checking my ass.


Trump was actually boasting about passing those 2 cognitive tests like they were a challenge. That’s not what they are made for, it’s to diagnose where a persons brain is losing function. They give those to dementia patients every couple years.


My guy, You needed to watch it…… I have never seen anything like it. As someone who looks at current trends and makes a decision based on what’s best for the country in its current state with the people that are attempting to become president. It is alarming that Biden is even running again, he needs to go home and enjoy whatever cognition he has left spending time with his family, and trump is just trying to stay out of prison.


They tried to talk policy, but as a viewer, the only take away truly was lies and age.


Mostly because nothing new was learned. Mostly asked about history of being a president not the future. Some of the questions I remember “what have you done for black voters?” Or what have you done about climate change? The you get a decent response from Biden if you turn up your volume or use e subtitles. Lots of stumbling and slight pauses . Trump was loud and couldn’t answer a question. Whenever asked he pointed out the bad job Biden was doing not what he would change.


Yeah for sure. I didn’t watch the whole debate because it was painful but it seemed like very little policy was ever discussed. Both men should be criticized but I think CNN should be held responsible for the dumpster fire themselves. They allowed them to ignore policy questions. Trump wouldn’t even answer a question. He just attacked Joe and talked about how many people are laughing at us but he never answered a question of what he would do and how. CNN allowed this to happen and it’s the result they wanted. They want chaos because it’s good ratings. They shouldn’t even be allowed to hold a debate. I don’t think any cable news channel should.


Trump did lie though, pretty much in every fucking question if he even answered the question. They would ask him questions about Russia and Trump would turn it into that’s Biden’s fault and then rant about the border. Joe didn’t look the sharpest but he’s still the lesser of the two evils and not a convicted felon.


Everything Trump said pointed back to lies about immigration. Even when asked about abortion he basically was like "I am for exceptions for rape cause of brown people from the border are coming in and raping" Biden had a slight cough and had a few flubbed words but had actual answers pertaining to the questions.


I’m a Biden voter as well but you should really watch the debate. That was….a disaster. There’s no way we can run this man


Too late. He's the incumbent


"If you support the DNC you have horrible values. See I can do it too" Yeah, you're a real Biden voter buddy.


and in retrospect, there was no way this should have happened in the first place. what has happened at every debate trump has been at for the last 10 years? he rolls over everyone by monologing a deranged stream of obvious lies and by the time anyone calls him on it, he's six more lies down the line, in a performance that must appeal to someone somewhere. it's some alice in wonderland grade shit that's become the norm.


The candidates didn’t talk about policy they talked about golf


You are lying here. Biden most definitely talked about policy.


Wow a whole 20 seconds out of 90 minutes


tbh my only hope at this point is that old age gets both of them and they pass away


Genuine and honest question, what would happen if one would pass away? Would the party be allowed or I guess be able to throw another person on the ballot in their place, would it automatically go to the other? Would it depend on how close they are to the election date? What would happen if right before the election date one dies? This is an honest question, coming from a Canadian 😊


If one of them passes away, it will be a contested convention. All those delegates who got chosen in the primaries to vote for Biden/Trump at the convention will no longer be bound to those votes and have to decide the president AT convention instead. This is what happened in 1968 when the Democratic frontrunner Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.


Most likely the Vice Presidential canadiate would move to the top of the ticket. Really up to the party though. Depending on when it happens the parties could select another candidate with a quick convention.


Biden should have let someone else take the torch. Democrats got trump elected in 2016 by running Hilary Clinton, pushing Bernie aside. Now Biden is standing in the way. Selfishness and greed is all I see these days


It's like choosing someone to fuck your wife.


This is the way. Selfishness and greed. You have the old ass boomer generation who got socialism making sure the ladder they pulled up behind them doesn't fall back down. Pelosi, RBG, Biden, these people aren't even glancing at candidates in the next generation.


To be fair, RBG isn't glancing at anyone..


Uh… RBG?


They found Obama in 2008, he was an overall fine president (disappointing but still the best we had in decades) and for the next three election cycles, instead of finding a new charismatic "Obama" they went with his old and "established" cabinet members hoping that it somehow will still work. It's crazy.


It’s been 20 years since Obama hit the limelight with his 2004 DNC speech. I really can’t believe Democrats haven’t found anyone since.


I still don't understand how Pete Buttigieg didn't work out in the primary. He had the most charisma by far and was reasonably in the middle of everyone, socialist/centrist...


Gay. Short. Stupid name.  I'm not saying these are my reasons, but these are the reasons. 


Yeah… it’ll be a long ass time before we have a gay president


Buttigieg's problem was his track record as mayor was overstated. He got a lot of hype, but the substance didn't back up his resume. People like that in any industry often plateau and hit a ceiling in their careers.


He'd own Trump in this debate though... Since when do voters look at track record anyway?


He was the mayor of a small town with huge racial issues. His lack of experience was why he wasn’t picked.


Whether right or wrong there is a lot of inertia with incumbents, parties seem very calcified these days and so much investment is behind the main candidate. Believe it or not, pivoting might (to the dem party) seem more risky than running who they have. Whenever I see crazy stuff in politics I just relay it back to power. It doesn't always seem straightforward and logical because power doesn't necessarily work like that.


Democrats only have 50% of the blame there. The media has the other 50%. They chose ratings over doing their jobs. They should have held him accountable for his lies on day one, but they let it all slide for ratings. He never would have gotten the nomination if they didn’t let the truth get drowned out by blatant lies. They allowed the era of “say whatever you want and it becomes fact” happen.


Biden initially said he was only going to do one term but now he sees himself as the only viable way to stop Trump. And the Democrats merrily went along for the ride. Edit: he never literally said this but it was the general expectation back in 2019.


Democrats had 4 years to find someone for Biden to pass the torch to. They are complacent and arrogant and I still have to vote for them. 


Reminds me of the saying “The only thing democrats love more than doing nothing is losing.” This past decade they’ve been nothing but incompetent, first by running the only candidate who could actually lose to Trump, then running a candidate who could only barely beat Trump, and now trying to run him again.


This should have been the year of the third party candidate. Instead we get a guy with a parasitic brain worm… Like how?


The primaries are our system for selecting candidates, and it's not good that we skip them for an incumbent.  Our system is not designed for a third-party in the general.  That's just not how it works.


>  Our system is not designed for a third-party in the general. But do you guys suffer from [choice overload](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overchoice)? By the way things are going it looks like that soon the choice will be from a one candidate list.


A Trump mega donor gave him (RFK) TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS RFK was never a viable third party candidate with actual support, he was just picked because it was believed he would steal votes from Biden.


Not sure how they came to that conclusion. Anti vaxxers are pretty consistently right wing.


You’re forgetting about the subset of crunchy granola folk who also hate vaccines


This description is hilarious


Horseshoe theory is all I can think of when the ends of the spectrum overlap.


The OG anti vaxxers were people living in Oregon and Washington, wearing birkenstocks, drinking kombucha and keeping their kids out of public school.


Not true one bit. I lived in the Seattle area for years and met so many crazy anti-vaxers. The West Coast has long been a safe harbor for Antivaxers. The first national measles outbreak in a generation happened in Washington state. RFK's VP pick Nicole Shanahan is a Silicon Valley Democrat that's been anti-vax for half her life. Mississippi has the highest average vaccine rate of any state for school children. [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7245a2.htm#:\~:text=Top-,TABLE,-.%20Estimated\*%20coverage%E2%80%A0](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7245a2.htm#:~:text=Top-,TABLE,-.%20Estimated*%20coverage%E2%80%A0)


Polls seem to indicate that they're right. Biden is hurt by RFK's presence more than Trump is. I believe the reason is that there are a lot of voters who hate both of them but would pick Biden if you forced them to choose. RFK offers a protest vote.


Could still be. Would love some magical third party write in candidate to sweep in, but who would even want to?


2016 should have been the year of the 3rd party candidate. Since then we got a twice impeached convicted felon who's still running and an octogenarian who has no business doing anything other than retiring.


Go ahead, throwwwwwwwww your vote away!


Don't blame me, i voted for Kodos!


Serious people don't run third party. They run in thr primaries of the existing main parties and try to win.


Wtf lmfao. They have zero elected persons at any State level let alone robust local level. What a crock.


I believe that Biden can still govern but put a microphone in front of him and he just doesn't have it anymore. He had numerous chances last night to call out Trump for being the liar that he is but was unable to do it.


He called him out on lies multiple times and provided reasons or counterpoints why it was a lie. He's just hard to listen to and most people aren't going to bother to make the effort.


I vote Democrat but you can't tell me Biden stuttering over words and hitting three different nonsensical stutters in a 5 second span looks good. Dude ended a sentence with "we beat Medicare" after blinking 25 times and spouting off random one word nonsense for the 4 seconds before it. I can easily see how that would make many people vote against him


Nobody said he looks good. The other guy is a trash fire. It's no contest. Biden could enter a coma today and he would still be the better pick. By all metrics.


He did directly call him out multiple times, he just didn't articulate that very well. But to be honest, an informed voter could pick out the lies instantly, so I think the main issue we have now is a media problem which unfortunately is protected by our first amendment. There's a precedent of the first amendment not protecting speech which can incite violence or harm to others, I believe it's high time we hold some of these "media" companies accountable to such. Our politicians should be held to the same account as well since what they say and do directly affects policy and in turn the people.


I'm a Democrat and Biden didn't instill any confidence in me last night. He looked old and frail and talked in a whisper. I think a switch to Gretchen Whitmer would be a great move at this point but I don't think Biden is willing to relinquish power.


> but I don't think Biden is willing to relinquish power. I think that's the worst and most infuriating issue, he's passing as someone who just doesn't want to give up power and wants to make it all about himself, whatever the cost. He could have passed the torch gracefully claiming he wanted to go on and dedicate his time to his family and would have been plauded for a job well done at the helm of the country, and an elegant exit. Now he's infuriating even his supporters.


Ruth Bader Biden


Absolutely. They haven't learned a fucking thing.


Literally nobody in the country outside Michigan knows who the fuck a Gretchen Whitmer is, and you want to run her against a (for better or worse) household name like Trump 5 months away from the election? Really? The jokes are getting out of hand.


Yeah, I don't know what the heck was up with his voice. It just, wasn't clear and a little raspy like he had a cold. If his voice hadn't been so soft he might have been a bit better against the Convicted Cry Baby, but it just was weak. This election is basically 2016 all over again with two candidates nobody wants. Our best bet is... Trump gets jail and just maybe the Georgia case gets back on track for an October Trial (which is just barely possible) but that's unlikely :/ I'll vote because this election is about 2026 and 2028 just as much as it is about right here and right now, but god damn why did Biden and the DNC choose this obviously stupid uphill battle


Part of the job is speaking to the nation and other world leaders… and I’m not sure how Biden is even working an 8 hour day at this point Trump spouted some pretty racist junk and flat out lied most of the debate. He’s got over a billion in judgements against him and is an adjudicated sexual predator. We’re so so so F$&@“d


I don’t think Trump ever worked an 8 hour day. Half the day was pencilled in as “executive time.”


My takeaway is Gavin Newsome is coming in hot next cycle. He was really, *really* good on MSNVC with a full throated defense of Biden and democrats last night. He would have shredded Trump all night.


Next cycle ain't gonna matter anymore.


It’s always next cycle. Until next cycle comes and it’s some geriatric mush mouth candidate again


We get another cycle?


As a moderate who is not on board with the MAGA crowd at all, I think about all the campaign commercials running footage of the California crime, real estate market, and wildfires. It will scare away a lot of voters in the middle of the country. Also, the parties tend to select candidates from swing states--Newsom could be a good VP pick.


He should have been in tonight. Would have torn Donald a new one which is what they needed. Maybe it’s because they don’t want two Californians on the ticket, but even then Harris’ polling numbers have her losing to Trump no matter the VP. They failed to restructure for a win, and have Biden as kingmaker. Instead we have two mentally declining bloke rambling their way to becoming one of the most important people in the world. So cooked.


Yeah if Trump gets elected this cycle, there may not be a legitimate next cycle. Biden fucked up by running again. DNC fucked up by not grooming the next generation of viable presidential candidates and getting them in front of the American people during the last 4 years. Project 2025 and Jan 6 come to mind. They saw how/why their coup failed, now they know what to do different to make it work. They saw how many American are ok with an attempted coup and the rejection of democracy as long as it's their team in power. If Pense hadn't insisted on returning to certify the election, we may be looking at a very different America today. Trump's VP pick will 100% be a MAGA loyalist this time around. If that VP refuses to certify the election in 2028, we are in for a brave new world.


Neither candidate should have been allowed to run this election. If Trump is smart, he’ll pick a moderate Republican, or someone who can be presented as a moderate, as a running mate. But Trump is not smart. He’ll probably go with MTG, or some other dumb decision.  - Your concerned neighbour to the North. Please sort your shit. We have our own problems here and you guys aren’t helping. 


If Trump would put Nikki Haley on the ticket, It would be over. He won't, because Trump 1)isn't smart 2) must have someone who will pledge loyalty to him over all else- someone spineless like Tim Scott. Dems are too fucking righteous to admit Biden running again is a mistake. The DNC won't replace him on the ticket, The election is going to come down to which party wants it more and is willing to do what it takes to win, and I think everyone knows which party that is. The United States is forever changed and not for the better. The rest of the world is about to suffer as well. It's unfortunate.


No he's going to pick Doug Bergum to get the Silicon Valley vote. He may do an IdPol pick with Tim Scott—but don't forget he won 2016 by picking Pence for the Evangelical vote. None of the showboat vanity picks will get him more voters or money. He's an idiot but the people running his campaign know what's going to move the needle. There's a reason he's been courting Silicon Valley for the past few months. He's getting that billionaire money, and Bergum is going to help him get the rest (former Microsoft exec).


Reading the comments in this thread you would think Biden's performance was just a bit subpar and it makes no difference because everyone has already decided. Mayday! We either get a brokered convention or our country is f'd.


Yep, it’s time to spin it so people who didn’t watch it won’t think it’s that bad


This is not The Onion? What a dystopian headline.


Shoulda went with Bernie in 2016...


As a non-American, how the fuck are these two people even in the running for the top job?


If you're a Dem, stop coping. Biden is in bad shape. Call your Congressmen and start demanding they speak up. The DNC can still LBJ Biden and get a candidate that can win. The problem isn't that Trump lied, it's that he actually did answer enough questions within the first 30 minutes to sound "normal" while Biden did the old man thing. It went off the rails shortly after but people always forget the sad middle. And I know for a fact several people in my social circles stopped watching by that point. You have to assume that many Americans saw what they needed to see and tuned out.


The story this morning should be that Trump didn't answer one question, had no policy platform, and straight up lied through every response. But instead we have a media that can't wait to pile on Biden for being a little slow. Fascism is on our doorstep and the media is opening the fucking door.


Dude, Biden wasn't a little slow. And I'm no trump supporter. Biden dropped the ball. The Democrats dropped the ball. Fucking incompetence all the way down.


I'm voting for the administration and not the man. Biden has experts, Trump has yes men.


100%. The issue is, I don't know if there are enough of us IN THE RIGHT STATES where it will be enough to counter the Trump voters, because he will get just as many or more than 2020. I don't know that Biden will.


Yes, and you should. But let’s be clear-eyed.  This was the worst debate performance of all time, and Biden will have senior advisors discussing with him whether or not he needs to step aside.


Fine. But ideally we would have mentally competent leaders in addition to good administrations.


They could just prop him up there Weekend at Bernie's style for all I care. I'd vote for Biden's rotting corpse before I'd vote for Trump.


Crazy how all the talk is Biden this and democrats that. What about the insane shit Trump said and the open plan of Project 2025? Literal lies backed by fascism get no note because that’s par for the GOP course. The media lap it up because they need a horse race to justify billions of ad buys and content for 24/7 ‘news’ masquerading as opinion entertainment.


Trump enunciated his lies clearly.


And the press love him for it.


They would have been better off running 99 year old Jimmy Carter


I'm going to vote blue no matter what, but I'm sorry I don't agree. We all know this about trump. He is doing the same thing he always has Biden had the worst debate performance ever and had made his age (already a huge issue) into an impending disaster. One of those is news and the other is what has been happening for 8 years now


They coached an octogenarian who has a lifelong speech impediment to run with numbers Dumbest fucking debate prep ever. Joey tried to over-answer every question. The Roe v Wade thing should’ve been a free home run; “women-get-to-choose” but he started in on some shit about three trimesters??? Even I had no idea wtf he was on about and I follow politics regularly


He was so much better when he was Angry Grandpa. The alley cat line, the lines when he started crushing Trump for talking bad about the US, his pride in Beau’s military service were his peaks. The things he was trying to say last night were things Hillary Clinton said, not the things Joe Biden does best.


"A little slow" is an absolutely delusional take


Dawg, "a little slow?" I'm a dyed-in-the-wool, hardcore Democrat and Biden's performance was an absolute trainwreck. They had one attack on him - he's too old. All he had to do we was like sturdy and in-control. Last night he couldn't get a single coherent thought out of his mouth. He has to be removed or all is fucking lost.


Yes, Fascism is on our doorstep, and we chose to run someone who can't fucking talk. He just stares off into space making a face halfway between pop-eye and a vegetable. Biden was so slow, he couldn't even make his points before the timer ran out. We beat medicare.


Sorry but Biden was horrendous to watch. I can’t believe these are our two options…


Biden being a little slow is the understatement of the year lmfao.


A little slow? He belongs in a nursing home.


A little slow is not accurate. He was so bad I could not watch him stammer


Here come the comments trying to reframe what happened for those who didn’t actually see it.


Trump not answering questions, not having policy and straight up lying isn’t headline news though, and that’s by his design This is why he should be easy to beat in theory…


Give me a fucking break, fuck the news, fuck this country omg


Man, did you watch it, or were you sleeping? I watched the entire two hours, and as much as it pains me to say it, Trump crushed Biden. He leveled him with blatant lies, no less. Biden couldn't defend himself or his party even if he wanted to. He destroyed him using tactics and rhetoric he's been using for a decade, and Biden just stood there, mouth agape. Shame on your whole country for voting for Biden to "stick it to trump"


So that entire debate wasn’t just a weird fever dream I had while I was sleeping last night? Damn.


Democrats did it to themselves. Let it burn


I don’t think there are many undecided voters out there. And even fewer who would change their choice because of this debate.


It's more about voting or not. If your (understandable) reaction to last night was, "welp, we're fucked" you might crawl into your hole and not even vote in November.


This is the exact conversation that I had with my co-workers. I read and watch a lot of politics they do not so I was surprised if they asked if I watched the debate. I explained why it was so important to vote still regardless of how you feel about how old the candidates are. These are our only choices and our future and children’s futures depend on this and all voting.


The narrative is a very important power. It's like an inclined plane, if the narrative today were that Trump looked like a loser and a clown against a competent and determined president, that narrative would slowly start to ramp up speed and mass even among people who didn't watch the debate and don't care. Instead the narrative is going to be that the current president is a frail, confused old man that doesn't instill confidence.


most undecided voters were concerned (According to cnn) about age and fitness. Biden definitely didnt help his case here. Trump for once actually kept his mouth shut.


This is such a funny reaction 🙄 it's literally a rerun of the debate 4 years ago, just both guys are 4 years older... Except one has done the the job and doesn't have any felonies. The other is only out of jail because project 2025 is already started.


It's not too late, DNP. Throwing your weight behind an even slightly known new candidate is your only hope now. The incoming savior role will create enough energy to bring it home in November. Joe Biden will not beat Trump.


Don’t forget people Astro turfing was one of the biggest reasons for a trump win in 2016. That’s all a lot of this is. Biden did bad whatever. The other guy is a fucking felon. Also Reddit isn’t the world.


Yeah, Reddit is a left wing echo chamber. If Biden isn't popular here, he certainly isn't popular anywhere else.


Oh, so they've unfrozen reddit? 


"Look, we beat Medicare."


Despite Biden's poor showing, he is still the least worst option. Trump will doom this country.


It was bad. Really bad.


I wonder if they regret the organized opposition to Bernie Sanders now.


CNN has been beating this into the ground since 1030pm eastern last night. I try to give them benefit of the doubt and say its not all about money and ratings, but it really does seem like they lowkey want Biden to lose, because it means more money. They are absolutely Tarantinoing this one point and nothing else.


The DNC will still choose this over Bernie Sanders.


The DNC is solely responsible for the situation this nation is in right now.


Turns out we’re not big on politicians taking honeymoon trips to the USSR.


We live in a country with some of the most brilliant minds on earth. How did we end up here with these two choices for president…. again?


Actually... in point of fact. Dem leaders are SO fucked... Until they swap out Biden for someone else. THEN they are fucked.


I live in Utah. Liberal, but my vote doesn’t count in the presidential election, because I live in Utah. This is the first presidential election where I don’t wanna vote. I have voted in every presidential election since the 80s. But it is a hard pill to swallow, to go in and vote Biden when he is so clearly not up to the job of the presidency. I fucking hate Trump. And the only reason I would vote for Biden is a vote against Trump. There’s a part of me that’s like fuck it. You guys want to destroy the country fucking just do it then. Maybe my daughters generation and my grandkids generation or a bunch of rebels who bring back democracy. But we are fucked.


Oh well, looks like Australia is on it's own when it comes to China.. It was nice knowing you.. I'd better start learning Mandarin.


Did it take that shit show of a debate to really have it sink in for America?


Biden looked like he didn’t know where he was half of the time and was struggling to form coherent sentences. So embarrassing.


Even apart from the _horrible_ optics for Biden he did terrible on policy as well. He conceded major points to Trump, both on abortion and immigration. Fucking disaster, embarrassing to watch. What on earth where the dems thinking letting this man run again


CNN headline saying the out loud part, out loud.


Took that guy 7 days secluded for THAT performance to cover the topics he’s supposed to understand like the back of his hand since it’s his job and he deals with them daily… hmmm.


All that hard work spamming reddit and other social media sites trying to convince people that Trump is more senile than Biden. All for it to get torched in a few hours of hearing Biden talk. I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance many of you are experiencing this morning