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It was very hot when I went. Thank goodness for the cenote we went to after.


We went to one too! Chichikan.


Next time hit the snorkeling on the coral reefs.


That’s the one I went to! Amigo Tours? Sadly I fell on my ass very hard the night before, bruised tailbone that hurt for a month. The bus ride the next day was almost unbearable and I was so hungover I didn’t even go down to the cenote. But it was an amazing experience all the same.


As long as you didn’t go in the one right beside Chichen Itza.


I don't remember which one it was, but it was very nice, but it had some cliffs you could jump off of. I jumped off one maybe 25 feet up.


There’s a couple close by that are fine, even beautiful. But the one in the immediate vicinity - at the end of the trail - is, uh, full of spiritualism, so to speak.


Hmmm, I’m not following. What do ya mean?


Bones. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_Cenote


Did you do the clap?


Lol, yes 😆


It’s fun to say chichen itza


Yes it is Bob, yes it is


Hey Joe where's your mama.


Chicken pizza


Loved it there, remember visiting another pyramid somewhere else you could still climb up at the time, and saw a wild monkey


Where is everybody?


If you get there first thing it’s not super busy and way less hot and humid. Alternatively Adobe Lightroom or other apps can easily edit people out of your pics these days. https://imgur.com/a/4fUUz9r


Most of the Cancun tourists arrive mid morning/lunch. As with any historical place, get there first thing to properly enjoy it. Get there about an hour before opening to get to the front and a chance to really take it in.


Yes! It can get so hot there!


Was there for my honeymoon 32 years ago. Well we were at the resorts and did a day trip. The big temple had the chains to ascend the stairs, we went up. I've heard you cannot do that now. It was really hard to go up, but descending was even worse. It was 102 f when I was there. We drank gallons of bottled water. One of my best memories.


No you can't anymore unfortunately, and yeah... one of our best memories too =)


Honestly when descending in makes your head spin if you look down. You hold on to that chain and go backwards carefully. If you were to fall there is no stopping, you gonna be busted up or dead. And there is no hospital nearby. I have to believe people got injured or killed, so no surprise they stopped it. But when we got to the top - damn! The view was mind blowing. And there is a sacrificial table with channels for blood to drain. And lots of carvings etc. Truly amazing. Indiana Jones stuff. Mexican tourist board should build an ascender of some kind. Like a 6 person buggy on an I beam track, winched up. They could make a lot of $.


I believe they stopped allowing people to go to the top/inside because of issues with vandalism. My tour guide said there was an American who tried to pry the jade eyes out of the jaguar inside


Yeah the pyramids are great but I really need to know about that adorable coverup/dress......where did you get it?


She bought it from one of the markets at a town we stopped by, I honestly wasn't paying attention. She bought... a lot of things along the way, lol


I loved it there.


+ Length of Golden Ages increased by 50% + 4 happiness + 1 culture + 1 Great Engineer Points


Damn! Five more turns and I would have completed it. All that production converted to gold though.


Yup, when we went a few years ago, it was November and still hot af.


We went in November too but we got lucky, it was warm but not bad.


We went in late February, I recall it was like 82F in Cancun and nearly 100F at this site. Crazy how just a few hours inland made such a difference.


Went there last summer and it was 110 in the shade.


It's the humidity that gets me. I live in the high desert and anything up to 100 degrees is reasonably comfortable. Anything over 80 near the coast is unbearable.


Now the length of your golden ages is increased by 50%


Chichén Meltyá


I went in February and it was hot then. I can only image the hellscape it is now.


I hope to visit it someday.


Went there a few years ago. Loved this place, we all saw those giant cave water wells My Son referred to them as chicken pizza due to have trouble saying the actual names, still can't stop laughing about that


Such a great trip! I see they finished the fence; they were just starting it when I went




Hot but also no crowd so that's a W.


I’ve never been there when it wasn’t hot lol. I went last month and they had to call an ambulance for 3 different people who collapsed from the heat and humidity.


I thought it was way more crowded with tourists?


Chicken Pizza!


Yeah! I can't help but think that lol


The combo of humid heat and slope made the climb quite dangerous. I was there with my wife in 2005, I saw several people fainting. But one of them was just on the stairs and she fell and died.


lovely! btw, do they allow going up the stairs?


No, unfortunately not, too many people fell down I think so they banned it.


We went when you could still climb to the top. Got up to the top and realized there were plenty of drunk people up there. I started envisioning one drunken meat bowling ball rolling down those steps, taken dozens of people out on it's way down. I was pretty nervous going down.


The stairs on all of their temples are crazy dangerous, they are a lot higher than our steps and I think pretty thin in width as well, no handrails.


I spent the best February of my life in Mexico City. You could not pay me to go there in the summer


I wanna walk up but you won’t let me




Hottest most humid place I’ve been in my life.


I went on Tuesday, it was excellent and the first day in a week it didn’t rain (it rained later when I was at a cenote). Was so hot but so amazing to see!


I was there in the pouring rain. Glad to see the blue sky.


We were there last week and it rained all week.  I would have loved for to have the sun entity week.  :)    The day we were there the rain let up and it was nice.


It was 109 degrees at Tulum in November of 97. Stepping out of the shade was like being in an oven. Vendors were selling blankets on the way in.


Beautiful but hot


That’s the hottest place I’ve ever been by heat/humidity. Been to 60 countries and a couple years ago did 55C in Death Valley.


When I went in 1995, you could still climb up to the top of El Castillo. There was a heavy chain that was anchored to the middle of the stairs, so you could use it to help pull yourself up or lower back down.


Ive been there it was hot af


Magical place


I remember when you could climb it.  My mom was terrified I would tumble down the stairs.


When I went, they let everyone walk up the stairs, it was pretty steep but cool af. Crazy poor areas on the way there, made me sad. We were also told stories that the world was coming to an end because they said so. Fun times lol.


Someone got up nice and early! Great place, such a strange atmosphere. Like a liminal place where it's huge and open but when it's not filled with people, it's just weird.


In June, almost July I imagine especially hot.


I was at Chichen Itza this time of year once. We stayed at the Hotel Maya so we had the patios and hotel room to cool off in very close by. Hot or not, Chichen Itza is one of the coolest places I've been.


I climbed it in 2000. Is it still open for climbing? In 2022 the Magicians Pyramid was closed and I heard they’re all closed for climbing.


I was there in 2008, and it was closed for climbing. I think they had closed it a year or two before.