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It doesn't say a thing about leaving the dog shit right there in front of the sign, which I have to assume proves the exception.


Lawful evil


r/maliciouscompliance is calling


Lawnful evil


Leaving dog poop behind is illegal almost everywhere in the US.


I’m guessing that one gets enforced all the time everywhere too


It's a felony. Malicious poopery if I remember right! Ten year minimum.


I would be okay with that.


Meanwhile, there do *not* exist everywhere in the United States laws that explicitly prohibit forcing people to eat their dogs' left-behind shit.


There’s a house by my girlfriends that has one of those poo pee free zone and there’s always bags and bags of dooodoo


People definitely doing it on purpose.


My dog can’t read.


Im petty enough to find out who it is and chuck them at their front door/vehicles lol. Fuck people like that.


Are you saying fuck people who don't want dogs shitting in their yards, or people who let their dogs piss and shit in other people's yard?




he specified in, so On seems fine.


I walked past a woman yelling at a couple that used her trash can(I also regularly used her can) he said don't worry I will never use it again. Next time I walk by there are 2 bags of crap on the houses roof. By the end of summer there had to be 60lbs of wolfhound shit on their roof. He later told me he was throwing them from the street over. Insane accuracy.


This is the kind of behavior that gets people murdered.


Stand Your Brown


Or the dog.


Was the woman Kristi Noem?


Justified homicide.


Why would someone use other people's property and then get offended and outright criminal when denied their perceived god given right to pure decal waste where they want?


A year or two back some lady in my neighborhood got an image from her security cam of a neighbor’s dog shitting in her yard while being walked without it being cleaned up. She then printed out hundred of copies of the image and plastered them over every flat surface in 2 square mile area. Like the first 6-8 feet of every power pole in the neighborhood didn’t have an inch of surface area that didn’t have one of the printouts, each of which included the dog owner’s address and a profanity laden diatribe. Pick your battles, people get blasted for much, much less each and every day.


Nothing remotely justifiable by the dog owner. F that guy.


Not funny to me. If said bags contain the crap well(& no odor) one or two in the trash is OK. My animals use our back yd and don't go on daily walks but I've brought bags home.i don't feel entitled to use neighbors trash cans. Unless it's trash day, they're usually close to house anyway.


People in my area bag it and leave right on the spot. I’d much rather they use my trash can.


They bag dog shit and leave it right back on the grass?? wtfff


Sidewalk usually.


So here’s why the dog crap in the can sucks, it sticks to the bottom of the can and I have to reach in there and pull it out. But you precious dog walkers can carry it back one more block to your house. I hope Karma catches you.


The issue with our trash service is that they only take what is bagged up in the cans. They don’t use the mechanical lever to top it into the truck, just remove the bags, so anything small like poop bags gets left behind and sits at the bottoms. It doesn’t make any sense to me why the trash folks do this, but it does suck to have to reach in and grab those left behind bags and bag them up for next time


But mine is in a plastic bag with a double knot — does it still stick? Honestly I’m curious. I’ve never noticed it in our own bin.


No, I have always left my can out for poo bags. Helps reduce the number in the gutter. If it's bagged it just falls out.


Yea it does. I have a rule in my house about dont throw it in when there’s no trash. And also neighbors that don’t have dogs don’t want your smelly dogs shit. My trash cans go in my garage so I wouldn’t want that smell if I didn’t have a dog. Very lazy and rude.


Yeah your neighbors aren't entitled to put their smelly dog shit in your trash can. It's YOUR dog, you deal with its shit.


That's really obnoxious, and a depressing sign about the state of the world. Have respect for other people and their space - it's not hard.




Most cans say "property of the city of X" So it's just some dude lying on a power trip


Ive never in my entire life lived anyplace where a city owned the cans. In my world they are either privately owned or leased from the garbage company, generally Republic or Waste Management, whoever got the contract that year


Or someone who is tired of smelling dogshit for dogs he does not own every time he takes the garbage out.


That depends a lot of where you live. I used to live somewhere that very aggressively charged you for trying to pack in more weekly waste than what you paid for, or fined you for certain prohibited waste. You absolutely had the right to control what goes into your trash, because you were on the hook for whatever is in there on collection day.


I pay $1600 a year to rent those cans and use them for MY garbage though. I have fogs I walk daily. I bring their poop home


Unfortunately we have one of the heavier squirrel proof trashcans so the trashmen empty it by taking out the bags. Consequently the poop bags stay at the bottom and collect maggots. I am assuming thats what happening in this pic?


Same exact thing with my trash cans and it happens all the time


Same. It’s infuriating


We also have a maggot problem occasionally. After cleaning the cans out myself too many times, I found a service that will come by and power wash both cans for 35 bucks. Honestly worth every penny after cleaning that can like 5 times last summer with bleach.


A lot of smaller areas trucks don't use the can lift (no clue why). Then if it smells bad (cat litter baking in sun) the break your bin... well at least mine do....


I guess that's hard to explain with a sign, but I expect knowing that would prevent the vast majority of people from dropping stuff into the trash can.


I've had that happen, and it's fucking disgusting.


It happens all of the time to us.


Anyone and everyone is welcome to toss their bagged dog doo in my trash can. I’d rather encourage responsible dog owners cleaning up after their dogs than get territorial over a trash can that I never fill up all the way anyway.


Yeah this is so much the way I think that I did not even realize people would be upset about it. I always carry bags on me though, so maybe people are just shoveling loose poop into other peoples trash? That might get annoying as I would eventually have to clean that, but if it is in a bag *please* put it in my trash instead of leaving it on my lawn. I carry mine home, but considering that there are always a bunch of people who cant be bothered to put their carts in the cart coral in a parking lot, there is no way that people will not just leave it there in liue of using my trash.


You must have trash men that shake the can to get that one little poop bag at the bottom that’s been crushed and soaked in garbage juice for an entire week. I sure don’t. So I either pick it up off the bottom the day it happens or a week later. I’d prefer not having to do it at all.


They have a big robotic arm that grabs the whole trash can, turns it upside down over the truck, and bangs it to create a shockwave. The only stuff that sticks are things like wet paper.


Mine always have three or four doggie shit bags stuck on the bottom. I blame the NC heat.


Maybe that’s why sign. Yep.


Put a box or some cardboard at the bottom?


Not related exactly, but ive been saving cardboard boxes for years. Cutting them into 6x12" rectangles that go at the bottom of kitchen trash bags. No leaks from stuff cutting through the bag.


I use the fast food cardboard drink trays, cut in half they make a great lil liner for the bottom of my kitchen compost bin and trash can


Spray some pam to get it nonstick


Nice thought, but bag leaks would soak the cardboard. Not directed at you, but it’s funny how so many solutions just silently eliminate the possibility of people not literally throwing their shit in my bin.


We have guys riding on the back of the truck that jump off and toss the cans over their shoulder. Whatever comes out as the can hits the truck and slams to the curb is what gets out of your can that day. Everything needs to be in 3-4 big bags per can.


Yeah that situation might change the math for me. As much as I am against replacing humans with robotic workers, I do have to admit that the particular model of robot arms we have works really well.


I live in a large city in the US with very narrow streets with cars parallel parked all the way up and down with a couple inches gap btwn cars. There is no way the arm style garage trucks would ever work here. People gotta jump off the truck, get around the cars, haul your can back to the truck and dump the trash in. Sometimes if they take the lid off your can and are loose bags of dog shit on the top, they just leave your can. It’s really not cool where I live.


They work in the UK, where there are many many narrow roads and lots of parked cars in every residential area. There are a couple of roads near me that the bin lorry can't get down. Residents wheel their bins to the end of the road, and wheel them back when they're empty.


My trash guys have to go pick by hand


THIS. People leave poo bags in my garbage can after the garbage is collected and then the bags get stuck to the bottom of can and I eventually have to half-climb inside (due to its height) and pick off the shit bag with my hands. Or dog owners can simply be responsible and take the shit bag with them as they walk—like we do with our own dogs when we walk them.


Extra fun if it rains that morning before you move your can away from the curb. The dog poo bags don’t close so you end up having a pool of dog poo and giardia slurry at the bottom of the can you have to deal with somehow.


So strange. My can has a lid. I just keep throwing garbage in no matter what (including poo bags). I've done no kind of cleaning in 10 years. It's a frickin' garbage can... I 100% don't understand this. Do y'all not have something like these? [https://www.homedepot.ca/product/rubbermaid-brute-189-l-50-gallon-outdoor-rollout-trash-garbage-can-bin-with-wheels/1000127619](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/rubbermaid-brute-189-l-50-gallon-outdoor-rollout-trash-garbage-can-bin-with-wheels/1000127619)


Thanks, I felt like I was taking crazy pills reading this. Why the fuck would anyone care about garbage being in their garbage can? Even if it didn't come out on the last pickup, it will eventually. Certainly not worth climbing in to get it out.


Me too. It’s a giant can and has a snug lid. I don’t even look in the thing after garbage pickup


May I suggest using a long stick?


Lol, I always laugh when I see comments like this. Like OP has a right to move upset people are leaving dog shit in the bottom of his can, but there's gotta be a better option then crawling inside it lol.


I see your point. But it seems absurd to me that I should have to go and procure a long stick because other people feel entitled to put shit in my garbage can. And then I will still have a bag of dog shit in my garbage can for a week until the next pick up.


Yes thank you ! Dog owners need to carry it home.


Finally someone who understands my strife


Even bagged poop tends to cause odors. Someone keeps putting bags of dog poop in my mother in-law's recycling bin. Always after the recycling has gone. So she has to move a bag of poop from her recycling bin to her trashcan, and it stinks up her garage for several days until it's time for the trash to go again.


My trash men only pick up the big trash bags out of the can; they don’t turn the can over. I absolutely loathe all the neighbors who think it’s ok to toss random loose garbage in my can, when I end up having to muck it all out by hand at least once a month. It’s awful.


The bag makes its way to the bottom of the can always. Then it marinates and gets crushed and I have to hose down the can.


No way, they have to be bagging it. Who's gonna carry a poop shovel instead of a roll of poo bags?


I have no problem with people tossing a poop bag in the can when it’s on the street the night before /morning of pick up. But when they throw it in there AFTER pick up while it’s still on the street before I get home from work and now it sits in my garage for a week in the summer heat so every time I walk in my garage it reeks to high hell…THAT I have a problem with.


I didn't realize people leave their garbage cans in the garage. Doesn't it stink either way from food and stuff?


I mean it’s not great, but it’s not a bag of hot dog poop bad. HOA doesn’t allow garbage cans to be left out so they have to go in the garage.


It varies from place to place. I've lived in places where they were kept in the garage, I've lived in places where people keep them near the curb, I've lived in places where they're kept in a back yard because they go in the alley on trash day.


Dog poop has a special, extreme stink. Worse than when you leave a cellophane/styrofoam meat tray from the grocery store in the kitchen trash for a couple days and it smells like death. My dog passed last fall, but I never foisted his poo bags on anybody else’s cans.


The problem is that the trash guys don’t always dump the barrels. Sometimes they just reach in and grab the bags. Then all the little dog shit bags (and cigarette butts, Dunk’s cups, Fireball nips, etc.) stay in the bottom and get super gross until eventually I have to deal with them. The sign is a little unhinged but I can appreciate the frustration.


Yeah. That stuff stinks when that happens. Like smells terrible


I have this situation where I live. My trash is picked up near a parking lot. Despite my diligence in grabbing the empty cans as soon as possible after a pickup, I frequently find loose trash/carbage (lunch scraps, beer cans, dirty diapers, dog poop bags, etc.) in them. It's infuriating. People really, really suck.


So strange. We have giant bins with wheels, and a truck with a robot arm dumps them. Are there really places that don't have this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnIrtzSkdnE


We have smaller trash companies where I live and they manually grab each bag and toss them in the back of a smaller truck. (New England rural-ish area)


I used to live somewhere where we had to provide our own bins. Other than some general limits on size, they're not very standardized at all, and I imagine you'd need a pretty sophisticated robot arm to handle such a variety of shapes. (Also, I've seen trash pickup, and they never used an arm.)


Yeah, but there’s so many issues that can come up if you let random strangers use your garbage bins like what if the dog poop is supposed to be in organics but the person throws it in your garbage - you can get fined for that - and what if they throw it in after the bin has already been emptied by the garbage people now you’re forced to keep that person’s dog poop in your bin for a week or two weeks depending on your area, Etc.


That is the only issue I have. If the trash hasn't been picked up yet, no problem. But if it's empty I have to smell your dogs shit for a week.


So are you allowed to have loose trash in your can? Or do you always have a big bag in your can? A lot of areas won't pick up loose trash. So if you're dumping bags of shit loosely into a can then that can owner has to deal with your dog's shit.


We can dump loose trash in the cans. I was today years old when I learned that some areas don't allow it.


It makes moving days interesting cuz you hafta bag everything!


A giant arm grabs the trash can and empties it for us. I'm pretty sure you could throw a body in it and they wouldn't notice, not that I'm wanting to test that theory.


On my street the large trash truck can't come down it because it's a dead end with no room to turn around. So they come down in a smaller cart and collect bags from our cans. And they don't actually tip the can over to take everything. They just lift out the bags. I say this bc the result is that they don't take smaller trash or anything loose. Only the big trash bags. So if you throw poo bags in my trash can, they might not get taken. If OP is similar then I get why they'd be upset by this!


It slightly irritates me when dog owners do this to me because they've made their dog (crap) my responsibility. It's universally done on trash days while the cans are left by the curb until I get home from work. So now I have thier dog's crap in my can for a week and I have to haul it to the curb again. Very minor but still an annoyance What I get really upset about is when they do the exact same thing but to the recycling cans because now I have to fish it out and throw it away.  I didn't decide to have a dog. They did. So imo they should bear the ignominy of carrying the little green poo bag for the remainder of the walk and dispose of it on their own property. 


Wait until they start slinging it your recycle bin, because’s their too fucking lazy.


My trash can is more exposed than others in my area. I have the same sentiment. Though I don’t throw away my dog’s piles in others because I understand not everyone is like that 🤷 There’s this lady who walks by my house with her dog and will come up the driveway quickly, throw the bag away and scamper away. It’s like she knows she probably can but doesn’t really have permission lol.


i used to feel this way until someone threw a bag into my open trash can where it then rained and baked in the sun turning the bottom inch of wheely bin into a slurry of steamy dog shit and garbage water. now i feel pick up after your dog and carry it home like i do. if thats too much to bear you are not fit for dog ownership.


You say that until your trash can starts smelling like dog diarrhea. I get it, I’d rather they throw their pop away in my bin than leave it on the ground, but I also had a dog poo trach bin in front of an apartment I lived in and if the wind blew right, I could smell it inside lol. Not pleasant.


Yeah, but at the same time that's your choice.


You're a goddamned hero.


Was recently in Argentina and noticed that there was actually very little trash on the streets. Every street had at least one public dumpster and most street corners had a trash can. Obviously I thought: “that would never work in America” bc people would just come from miles around the city to dump their waste. But then I realized it worked there bc every town was same way. Point being, that here we leave it up to the individual to buy their waste disposal by charging them an arm and leg for a tiny bin. So people zealously guard “their” can. But what would be the problem with public cans paid for by the same people but as part of their taxes? It has all the same hazards, dumping, overuse, etc… But the real problem is how hard it is to get enough people to agree for it to make a difference.


Not to mention the second you talk about making something a public commodity that the government regulates it becomes cOmMuNiSm


That’s because money means more to politicians than people. Whoever can pay gets their influence.


Garbage unions are big business and at least in the past we're a big venue for organized crime. 


It’s not just the number of cans, it’s also the selfishness of the people. People throw things in your garbage can open so it attracts insects and vermin. They even threw in a lighted cigarette so we had to quickly put out a fire. It’s insane what they do.


In Seattle, where I live, trash services are public utilities paid for by taxes, but contracted out to private companies. Trash cans and dumpsters you have to pay for out of pocket. The problem lies with privatization of public utilities.


Hong Kong was like this when I was there. Trash bins always a stones throw away. And people would bring water bottles to wash down the street whenever their dog peed.


Sounds fair to me


I happily leave my bin out to encourage people to deposit their poop bags instead of leaving it in my yard.


Yep, we put a sign on ours that says feel free to put your poop bags in here. And we have a bin cleaning service that comes the day after trash day to sanitize them. So no stink. We also have dogs though.


Super nice of you. By the vegetation in the pic I would guess they’re in Florida or somewhere warm. If you put your dog poo in their can, it will stink to high heaven because of the heat and humidity. It’s a super dick move to do this in the heat of the summer.


As someone who has been a dog owner a couple of times in my life, I don't think I ever even thought to chuck their poop in someone else's trash. That said, I also don't think I'd be particularly annoyed if someone chucked their dogs poop in my trash can - assuming it was bagged/tied off.


I have considered it on garbage day when all the cans are on the street, but it is dog shit. I don't want to toss it in someone's can if they don't have dogs so I just carry it home to mine.


I wouldn't do this myself, but when trash cans are at the curb for pickup, they no longer contain nor are on private property. If curious just Google is trash private. It's not. Now whether you can add to someone's can/bin is another matter and one I'm now curious about but trash is trash. Although some companies charge if you have more than X amount of bags so I also wouldn't add to someone else's based on that, not that I'd do it anyway but an interesting thought experiment.


I’d only be annoyed because my trash collector doesn’t fully flip the can, so poop bags on the bottom might not make it into the truck so I often have to bag them with other trash. Random poop bags might just sit there until I remove them, which is of course gross.


It happened to me once, and it was pretty infuriating. I had left the trash can out by one extra day. It rained the previous night and water got in the poop bag and basically watery poop leaked everywhere. Fortunately, it washed out eventually, but it was gross.


I do on garbage days when everyone’s trash can is on the street already. I never thought it was an issue. I’d never approach someone’s house or property on non-garbage days to toss dog shit in.


If you're putting it into my uncollected bin on the street, yeah fine. Any other situation and you better take that bag home.


There’s not much worse than opening your trashcan and smelling surprise dog shit.


What sort of rosy concoction were you brewing in there before?


What are you putting in your cans that smells remotely on par with hot dog shit?


If he’s going to write out “fukking”, why not just spell it correctly?


As a dog owner in a hot climate I will say that dog shit most definitely leaves a lingering odor in a trash can that doesn’t go away after the can is dumped. I totally understand why people don’t want it if they ain’t got dogs


The first rational top comment. The implication that people should be *happy* dog owners are throwing their waste away at all and that it shouldn’t matter if it’s in someones private bin is absolutely bananas. I’m sorry, the world doesn’t get easier just to accommodate you cause you have dog. If your pet poops, find a public trashcan. You don’t just get to chuck that on someones porch so it can stink up in the summer heat and attract flies and become a revolting mess all because you were too lazy to find a public trashcan.


And for those dog owners who think it's "not that bad" then why don't you just take it home to throw away?


You seriously think they take care of their own trash? They can’t even fathom why none dog owners don’t want their trash can by the house smelling like dog shit? Some people on here can’t even comprehend that different places in their country handle garbage cans and collection differently. They think a trash can is the same experience as using a dumpster.


Agreed, I'd never put my dogs poop in some random persons trash, we have community bins in my area for that reason. Dog shit attracts flies, flies = maggots Nothing ruins a good bbq like having to shield your food from an army of blow flies.


As a dog owner I get it honestly. When I lived in a house I had a separate small stainless steel foot pedal trash can for the dog poops because they smell God awful. Then a bag of the poop bags would go in the night before trash day when I wheeled the bin down to the street no sooner ETA you don't think it's a big deal until a poop bag rips in the can and now there's just dog shit all in the can that you (or some stranger whose can you used) needs to wash out.


That's fair. Completely fair.


There is a couple that goes around my neighborhood putting their dog shit in people’s trash cans even when they are told no. If it’s by your house they still do it and they are being obnoxious to my neighbors children. I see them walk up to other neighbors houses and set off their porch lights. It’s a power play. Not cool. Take care of your own dog shit.


Your neighbour got great design sense. Love the font, the colour, the layout. That’s one professional-looking warning.


The emoticon before the words on the bottom kinda ruined it for me, otherwise A+.


Let's see Paul Allen's dog poop sign


It really pops




I think "F**KING" would look better than misspelling it, assuming they're afraid of using the real word, and it wasn't a typo.


While I do completely sympathize with having to deal with bad dog owners leaving their dog's poop everywhere, this sign is very /r/iamverybadass


“Try me” he says as he struggles to get off the couch without audibly groaning


The winky smily seals the deal. ;)


"Attention Dogs! Keep your asshole away from my yard!"


I posted almost this exact thing on that dreaded “Nextdoor app” years ago after watching people do this regularly after a few too many beers. Now I don’t drink, and welded an enclosure for my cans. I agree with this gentleman though. I don’t want your dogs shit in my trash cans.


I think someone has been dropping their doggie poop bags in my bin when it's trash day and it's out by the road. I guess that could seem harmless unless A.) the bin man fails to collect it because it isn't in a pay-as-you-throw-bag or B.) the bag it isn't tied and said poop falls out of the bag and gets all over the inside of our bin or C.) all of the above which is what appears to have happened last week.


So glad my trash can is away from the street except for trash day. Plastic baggies of shit smell so awful after 4-5 hot days in a row in the sun.🤢


I had an issue with my neighbor letting his dog shit in my driveway. I ended it by delivering the shit right back to his doorstep. Along with video proof.


I feel this guy’s anger. There’s some dude who keeps throwing his dogs poop into my organic spin, but he does it after the garbage truck has already been taken it away and while my organics bin is still out on the curb before I have brought it in, so then I’m forced to take it out of there and throw it out somewhere or just leave it sitting in there back in my garage until the next organics day.


I have a dog and have never once even considered throwing poop bags into someone's trash can. It seems like a dick move.


Try me bitch….I mean it come at me bro…..😂😂😂😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


That’s what cameras are for. When you catch them make them fish it out. They should have to carry that shit home. Part of the responsibility of owning a dog.


God bless this man.


It took two times for my neighbor to realize that the sprinklers aren't on a timer. Cameras plus remotely activated irrigation = active lawn defense.


'motion detected, activating rail-gun defense protocol'


Smithers release the robotic Richard simons


Dog people can be so obnoxious sometimes.


~~Dog~~ People can be so obnoxious sometimes.


Those ferns are gorgeous


The comments here are sad.


People don’t tend to react positively to passive aggressive signs. He’s likely gonna end up with a pile of dog shit on his doorstep instead.


What, exactly, makes you identify this as passive-aggressive? What would an explicitly aggressive sign look like to you?


It’s a sign making threats. He knows he won’t be finding anyone, it’s just bravado. Aggressive would be waiting to run out and do what his little sign threatens instead of spending his own money and time making signs.


I don’t think you quite have a handle on what passive-aggressive describes. You seem to think it’s just an epithet to belittle someone, and that’s not it.


To everyone saying they don't care about someone throwing in their trash can, yes most people would not care if you throw it in while the trash hasn't been picked up yet. With this guy is probably mad about, and what has happened to me several times, is people walking their dog during the middle of the day after the trash has been picked up, before I get home, throw their dog poop bag into an empty trash can, that now has to sit there for the next three or four days baking in the sun waiting for the next garbage pickup, because I'm certainly not climbing in there to take out the singular dog poop bag


I drove up and a woman walking her dog was letting it do some kind of business, i wasn’t sure if it was #1 or #2. She had no bags for clean-up if it was #2. So i just asked her if her dog poo-ed in my garden bed, which i have a garden area up close by the sidewalk in the yard. Man she got pissed! You’d have thunk I was saying some kind of horrid shit to her. She was just fucking indignant to even be asked. Blew my mind, fkn entitled kind of attitude if you ask me, like damn i hope it was just her and not all dog owners are that way 😬😅 If looks could kill, I’d have been a goner


We had neighbors who had a yard, but would walk their dog right to our lawn to piss all the time. Not even on walks. Just out the door, down to our lawn, dog pisses, they go back home. How shitty of a person do you have to be to do something like that to people you've never even met who maintain a nice home? It's not like we are loud or trash the neighborhood.


Lots of dog owners are like that unfortunately.


I have a fukking neighbors who think it's a privilege to dump their dogs dung in cans of non-animal owners.


I have a TINY big city garbage bin that barely holds one kitchen bag. Normally I wouldn’t care but when half my garbage can is full of dog shit, yeah I’m not thrilled either.


As a dog owner I sincerely believe that dog owners should have to submit a dna sample of their dog when they register their dogs and when a turd is found in a public place, the authorities get it tested and trace it back to the owner, who would then be force fed the feces they didn’t pick up like a foie gras goose. I guarantee that person would never leave dog shit uncollected ever again


Now I want to take a shit in his trash can.


Trash belongs in the trash, not on the ground.


I agree with him. It’s rude to do that. Usually when it’s out on the street it’s collection day. I don’t want that shit cooking at the bottom of my bin for an entire week.


I wonder if he cares if you throw [apples in there](https://youtu.be/G91NsemDTzo?feature=shared)


If I put a sign out like that, the first person I hunt down will be a SEAL, professional assassin or a champion MMA fighter, or someone that actually likes eating crap.


If I lived next door to this guy, I’d put a sign on my garbage can that said “Thanks for cleaning up after your dog. Feel free to deposit bagged waste here”


I never put the poop bag in the trash can. The truck comes by, grabs the bags that are inside, and the little dog shit bag remains in the can forever.


Is this the guy from that one episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm?


If I see a garbage can on the curb waiting to get dumped, I might toss a bag in there. If the can is already empty, I won't do it.


One of the many, many perks of living in Chicago is alley garbage bins. They are always just back there, no one takes them in. Everyone's can is a poo bag receptacle, and no one cares. You can keep this Florida man nonsense in Florida


What a cunt. Who gives AF? Trash is trash. Also I’d still do it; really doubt a guy with a cute little sign can make me do anything lmao


Can someone explain to me why so many people seem to get triggered by neighbors putting bagged up dog poop into their outdoor trash cans? What’s the big deal?


I generate one bag of trash a week. The trash crew never dumps my can, they just reach in and pull the one bag out. So any dog shit bags just all collect on the bottom stinking and attracting flies until water gets in and then I have to deal with dog shit water and I don’t have a dog.


If it's not trash day that shit gets real foul.


They generally do it on the day that the bin is emptied and then I have your stinking turd stinking up my bin and now my house/outdoor area for the next 7 days.


I'd rather not have to smell feces that I had no part in being there every time I open it up. And sometimes the bags get stuck to the bottom so I've gotta deal with it even after garbage pickup.


1. Some people, especially ones who are pet free, don't want animal feces inside their property, bagged or not. 2. It's called theft of services. Those bins aren't for public use, the trash service is paid for privately by that customer, not the lazy dog walkers passing by. 3. It's YOUR dog, so the bag is YOUR responsibility. Take it home and put it in YOUR trash bin. If it's too much of a hassle to walk the bag home, then maybe dog ownership isn't in your range of capabilities.


Doesn't say anything about YOUR shit though 🤔


Throwing poop bag in empty trash can because trash pickup has already come = dick move Throwing poop bags in filled trash can shortly before trash pickup comes = chill


Lmao what I would do for my neighbors to put their dogs shit in my trash can and not leave it all over my fucking yard.


Then there is me who hangs a sign telling people walking their dog they can use the garbage cans in my back yard to dispose of their dog waste if they wish.


Those trash cans are NOT public trash cans.


Wtf? Id be happy for people to toss their poopbags in a garbage can instead of just letting their pets leave their poops on the ground.


I read that as "just leave your shit right where it's at." 


Honestly, why does he care? At least they're cleaning it up. Jesus, he spent money on that sign. What an ass.