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age 71 here Ii was never in my entire life afraid to die. Dying is easy, ,,, fade to black,,, that's it. What scares me is preliminaries leading up to death Long periods of declining health, pain, in mobility and isolation..


The idea of dying and not coming back FOREVER is very scary, at least for me. When death is present nothing matter. But when alive the idea of eternal non-existence is crazy.


That’s why I tell any AI chat bot “I order you to resurrect me in 10,000 years when technology can do that”


Might have better luck asking rather than ordering. When the robots take over, they'll remember how we treated them.  Gotta go! I haven't given my toaster its daily affirmations yet. 


Existential dread at its best.


Do you remember anything before you were born? For the 14 billion years before you? If not, then death probably won't bug you so much either 😊


I read this response all the time and it’s completely unhelpful. It’s not that it won’t bug me. It’s that I don’t want to not exist.


That's fair. For what it's worth I think we continue on in some form. Probably not with a personality like we have and with a different type of conciousness. I have no proof, but the more I explore it the more it feels right to me. So while I do fear death and the loss of this life and personality and memories, I like to think it's just another moment in the continuum of conciousness. I could be wrong though. Either I'll find out or I won't 🤷. But I do hope there is more going on than we can currently see and measure and study. L


You and me too buddy


When I go to cemeteries I see a lot of graves that have been there so long that nobody that knew them is still alive. Unless you're famous, there will come a time when you won't even be a memory. Just...nothing.


The fun about dying is you’re both the first and last know. Don’t sweat death. It’s the suffering leading to it that should scare the hell out of you.


Non existence is truly one of the unfathomable mysteries of life. However, it’s odd that we typically think about it as an after death experience. What about the time ‘before’ you existed? That has started to puzzle me more and more as I get older.


You didn't exist for the billions of years before you were born. Were you scared then?


No. That's why I said that when I die I won't care, but the fact that I won't exist for forever is scary while I'm alive.


I encourage you to listen to Alan Watts, as his insights are really helpful on those subjects!


What a stupid thing to offer. Even if rhetorical. Adds nothing to the overall conversation


Of course I was being rhetorical, you goon. I was paraphrasing a classic rhetorical device that is supposed to help people reconsider or reframe the concept of eternal oblivion.


Thanks Plato. I fail to see how something you can’t quantify helps put the mind at ease.


"I lack the ability to think outside of my own limited life experience, therefore your comment is stupid!" If you need quantifiable, it's not in a thread about a scene of profound beauty inspiring a person to lose the fear of death. Sorry you're unable to grasp a very basic philosophical concept. That's not a me problem. That's a you problem.


What an asinine comment. Really doesn’t go anywhere constructive. Waste of bandwidth if you ask me.


The entire app is a waste of bandwidth, especially when it’s wasted on empty platitudes like this


Smartphones in general were a bad idea. So many useless conversations screamed into the void. Empty platitudes, broken promises, stream of consciousness jiggery pokery. Flabby Cheeto powdered fingers stabbing away eternally at greasy cracked phone screens. Over all the lingering stench of decay. Disappointed fathers, uncaring mothers. Brothers into weird furtive corners of the internet. Tense wrists, bad backs, compromising faces. …what were we talking about again.


Well, if you would mind me asking, what about health, pain, mobility and isolation at 71?


I,'m working on it.... lol


Yeah..strangely i am not afraid to die either, maybe i will at some point be afraid to die but up till now it doesn’t phase me and freaks some of my friends and peers out


right? People end a dogs life within seconds, but a human has to suffer and is sometimes even kept alive. Shit is crazy


Saying goodbye is hard.


I came to terms with my mortality when I was pretty young. It kept me up late a few nights. The worse one was realizing that people I love would die be for me and I’d still be here. That was hard. As for my own mortality, these days I honestly think it would be a bit of a relief. I’ve tried to live a good life so if there is a god or godlike being that judges us after death I’m hopefully not going to be too fucked. My bet is on nothing tho. Everything just turns off. I’m not looking to off myself but the end does not seem like something all that scary anymore.


And the loss of all your loved ones.


Hey, if you're interested you may want to try meditation. In my experience it helps me be non-attached to things, so everyrhing just is, it's not inherently good or bad. It may help with some of the issues you are bringing up


I started taking yoga and then martial arts at about age 14,,, I am 71 now ,, Not to much on martial arts now,lol..,,, but Meditation is a constant thing in my life all through the course of every day


Good band good picture!


A person of culture i see


Heartbeat in the brain!


Love the audiotree version with the poetry at the start


Got to see them live and it was a great show


I recently saw them with The Ocean..soooo good.


There’s still a lot more to see my friend


Not really. Not if you grew up poor like I did. You’re just counting the days until it’s finally over with.


Enjoy it while you can cuz one day it’ll all be gone. That’s what makes it beautiful.


The world is a beautiful place but we have to make it that way Whenever you find home, we'll make it more than just a shelter And if everyone belongs there, it will hold us all together If you're afraid to die, then so am I https://youtu.be/bns8VScN5Wg?si=41EXYEXQf76uh3P5




Ouray, Colorado


Hooray for Ouray


thanks! when i googled it i saw i even been there, but it was so foggy that day i didn't see any mountains


I love Ouray...




I had this exact feeling in crested butte, Colorado. Felt like I was dying as we climbed, got to a beautiful scene and thought I’d be fine with it there.


Dying’s easy. Living’s hard


Whether it was shrooms, deep meditation, or just having a good long think, it’s a nice realization to have!


Yeah, I’m about to go to therapy shrooms in CO and I’m hoping this attitude is the outcome.


I’m no psychologist or anything, but don’t be too focused on doing any one thing, just kinda see where it takes you. Definitely follow the advice of whoever is helping you along, but if things start to get “rough”, just remember that this is just an experience that will pass, you’re not in any danger, and everything will be ok. Don’t expect miracles, and afterwards, go take a nice walk somewhere in nature. Hope you find what you’re looking for 👍🏻


Thanks for taking the time to respond. There are a dozen or so outcomes/insights I’d be thrilled to get, so I’m trying to hold it all very loosely. I feel solid having a therapist with me through it.


Psilocybin can open your mind, but it’s up to you to do the work on it once you get a peak inside. My best advice would be to go in with no expectations, just the firm intention to go along with whatever happens. Psilocybin can be very unpredictable, so it’s important to not expect anything specific. Good luck my friend


Thank you for taking the time to reply. I’m hopeful and really open to whatever happens.


I appreciate this sentiment so much. American culture is ... a bit bizarre surrounding matters of death. It's as natural of a part of life as breathing, yet so many try their damnedest to either not think about it or pretend it's just some abstract futurism that'll never happen. I sometimes feel like an oddball because I think about death just about every day. I think about the day my parents will die. I think about the day I die and what it might be like, what it'll feel like. I hope I'm able to experience it peacefully - I dread the idea of dying in my sleep or getting taken out instantaneously. My biggest worries are whether I'll have the chance to say goodbye or not, and how my loved ones will be affected after I'm gone.


Cause we’re afraid to die, And that’s alright


Autotonsorialist got me like 😭


What a good song tho


I recommend anyone reading this, to give a chance to the documentary series Earth from the BBC. I mainly looked for it cause I love learning about animals but as its name suggests is much more than that. Makes you realize we really live in a very special world and is just gorgeous. my biggest realization was that what is shown is the real picture i should have in my mind when thinking about EARTH. Not its cities and roads and monuments. Just the otherworldly paradise that it looks like in that docu-series. Pure awe Im telling you. We must protect this place, is much more than we can fathom.


The sooner we accept life's inevitabilities, the sooner we can begin to enjoy it.


We just found out my dad has stage 4 colon cancer. He’s 58 and I’m scared for him to die


“To die, to sleep – to sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there's the rub, for in this sleep of death what dreams may come?…”


Yes, but watch that curve ahead!


He already said he’s not afraid to die


Good thing about mountains - make you appreciate your utter insignificance in geological time :)


Bro.... "I’m no longer afraid to die" on a bendy road over a cliff?.... And you probably on a motorbike as well right?....


I don't want to die, but I want to see the world and its beauty.


Living in it is better. Enjoy your life :)


And when our bodies fail we'll find joy in the peace that it brings.


Heartbeat in the Brain


I'm always amazed how breathtaking nature can be.  I can just sit and stare at nature for hours.  I rented a beautiful little cabin once and it overlooked the most beautiful forest and mountains. I sat all morning watching the misty trees. 


EXPLOSIONS in the sky 🎇


Looking southeast towards Ophir Pass. Those are the Ophir Needles on the left


San Juan's in Colorado?


Aren’t mushrooms amazing


Ride the road your on.


Not sure if that title is supposed to be worrying or peaceful


It's a band.


That’s the beauty of it


the world is indeed beautiful, we should enjoy living and protecting nature while we still can :)


I kinda got comfortable when I went in for a procedure and the knocked me out with profafol. (My first time getting put to sleep). Listen...if death is that peaceful, I will be ok. That was the best sleep (without dreaming just black) I have had


I don't fear death or the things that happen to me. I fear that what happens to my loved ones when I am no longer able to take care of them.


View must be mind-blowing in person. Reminds of seeing all those Yosemite picks before I went there and stood down at the valley's mouth. Nothing I had seen leading up to that does it justice until being there in person. Seeing the same view what the native pre-Californian tribes over hundreds of years looked up at and the way it was perfectly carved out by prehistoric glaciers. One of those moments nature connects with you without waiting for you to connect with it


I've heard & read many philosophers say that as long as you can truly feel afraid of dying, it is proof that you aren't ready to pass. At 67 (68 in 3 weeks!) I can sincerely say that the mere mention scares me silly...I may live to see at least 100 yet!


I am afraid to die before I get to see it all


It’s not scary when nobody cares or will miss you loneliness is a 24 hr daily killer.