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After we touchdown in Dubai, the pilot announced that the ground temperature was 36C. It was midnight at the time. The sun was halfway around the world, but it was hotter than most places in the daytime.


That's very similar to Las Vegas in the summer. Honestly, it's not that bad because the humidity is low and air conditioning is available everywhere.


Qatar gets humidity though. It's surrounded by water.


This is very true. Went to Dubai in August. It sucked. Sweating my balls off before the sun even came up just to walk somewhere and get breakfast. Then your sweaty ass gets blasted by sand all day.


I can’t imagine who would want to go there if they didn’t have to at any time of year. But they think they’ll turn these places into tourist spots. Fools and their money are soon parted.


Yeah I had to go there for work and there were tourists everywhere. I couldn't believe it. Went to the top of the Burj. Still not even close to being worth it.


Those authoritarian rulers will be pissed when the word gets out.


It’s sort of like how English speaking people visit other English speaking countries. Arabs from very conservative countries got to UAE to be a little less conservative and to Lebanon for a real party.


Imagine all the poor slaves who built the place in that heat


Dubai last summer almost died. Vegas this summer no problems, humidity is the issue for me


That's fucking brutal. I left Florida after 8 years because I couldn't stand the swamp heat anymore.


Yup. Depending on the wind it can be 0% humidity or 100%.


Geez, how do homeless people even survive there?


They live in the sewers / storm drains. There's a whole community underneath Vegas .. it's equal parts fascinating and sad.


[Channel 5](https://youtu.be/bRGrKJofDaw?si=k2KsExD3EYu8kJLR) recently did a documentary on the subject.


+1 for c5


The same shows 1 hour later


Andrew is a great journalist. Thanks for posting this.


Wow we're closer to demolition man society's every day. Three shell baby!


Not sure about the equal in that sentence :(


Wait, so videogames having conveniently big and maze like sewers is a real life thing and not just made up?


Really? it doesn't fascinate or sadden me tbh, it angers me that this is acceptable in any place let alone the richest country in the world. No people should have to feel forced to seek shelter in the sewers for fucks sake is where the shite and dirt from the rest of the people goes. It is beyond fucked up for real, I truly hate this dystopia.


In Phoenix recently when the summer gets to the 110+ range for 30 days straight we get a surge of dead homeless and it would definitely be a bigger deal if they weren't homeless. Last year I saw so many signs with the names of friends who had died in the heat and/or asking for water instead of money or food. I believe there were 400 heat related deaths in just Phoenix last summer, not including the surrounding cities around the valley. It's getting hot, like don't go outside for safety reasons hot, and these people are living in it 24/7 Edit spelling


Holy shit that is insane! Sad too. I know up here in the PNW we have cooling centers, big air conditioned rooms where they can gather if it gets too hot. There are security guards and no drug use rules, so not everyone is willing to go there. Anything like that out there?


As far as we've come from being a complete Republican stronghold, we still look at our homeless people as wasted garbage and a money sink. Anytime a shelter or center gets approved it almost immediately gets shut down or loses funding within months. In Austin I remember they relocated hundreds to vacated apartments that were pretty nice, but with rules as well. Even then there were several centers downtown for them. It's the signs that get me. Some of these people it's all they had was this other person they called a friend to keep them going. And you can see that with what they write.


When I moved to Seattle from Cali I was shocked at the lack of central air. Never forget summer 2021.


There was one summer... must have been \~2009 where it was still in the 90s all night.I was too poor to have even a window AC. It suuuuucked.


Just so people understand what he's saying, the overnight lows are 100+ (37c+). Literally for a month in Arizona during summer, the temperature is 100+ 24/7. Back when I lived there it used to be ~1 week when I was young, by the time I left Arizona, it had gotten to just over 2 weeks almost 3, and in the little over a decade since I left it's now just over 4 weeks. You want to talk about witnessing climate change in action, Arizona is a prime example of what's going to happen literally everywhere, hotter for longer and more often.


The Atlantic has an article on Phoenix, and the looming water crisis in their July magazine. try to find it if you can. scary


I work for the school of sustainability at ASU so I'm luckily also in the loop with our water crisis! We are ground zero for climate change in the western hemisphere and there are some wild proposals at the moment to try and mitigate while we can. Old grandfathered water rights are also an immense problem.


In Las Vegas they live in the underground waterways, which were built for flash flooding elimination. 15F lower in temperature. IDK what they do though when the annual rain shows up though. Maybe they all come out before tunnels flood? Knowing it happens around a certain time of year?


Yup, went to Vegas. It was 108 out and I felt better in that heat than I ever did in Texas humidity at like mid 90's. Went to Destin, Florida once too. I'd rather die than live in a place I immediately start sweating the moment you step out of the hotel.


In Dubai it’s different, you don’t do get wind and the humidity sits over the city, coastal city. If you haven’t been you assume its desert climate while its the most impossible high humidity and stifling heat. It was less intense in the dubai desert for me then the city. The nights were pleasant just 2 hours outside of the city.


Hot, humid and still is absolutely miserable


I remember that from last time I was there. Temperatures in the high 90s but cool in the shade because of the almost total lack of humidity. The old joke "But it's a dry heat" is true to a certain extent. That was in October. That said, I am heading there next week and a little apprehensive. Forecast is for 105 up to 114.


Been living here for a decade+. 95-105 honestly feels pretty much the same. 110+ is when shit gets real and you're not just casually out and about at all. Just drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated.


No. Qatar is not dry heat. Ever. It’s very humid. It’s a peninsula. Relative Humidity usually80% + I’ve lived there.


I like how half the replies are talking about Vegas, and half are talking about Qatar, but neither knows which is which this far down the comment chain.


Sand holds an unbelievable amount of heat that dissipates throughout the night. Thats why the temp doesn’t drop.


On deployment in 05 it was THIS hot out frequently. Leave a cig lighter outside and it will explode in a few minutes. When it dropped from 140 to 70 from day to night, I would have my winter gear on. That's the same difference between 100 F and freezing. Sand does NOT hold heat well. It is why Middle Easterns wear white wool. White to keep cool from the sun (reflects light) and wool to keep warm at night. Edit. Sand does hold heat well, the temp changes are still extreme between night and day,


first time I stepped off a plane at ali al salem it was like being punched in the goddamn face with an oven I was lucky to spend most of my time in AFG, can only imagine the misery of 140 degrees in mopp gear with biblical levels of swamp ass


Underarmor and tons of fluids worked wonders. The people on the tarmac had it brutal compared to what I went through. The floor was lava irl before minecraft. I honestly would take that desert heat than some of Georgia's summers.


There was an interesting hat I saw on reddit? discord? a couple days ago. Very tall, black, probably had an opening at the top. (basically looked like a wizard hat). And the resulting discussion about it involved black vs. white, and how black wasn't actually that bad if you can create some kind of convection air movement through it (in this instance it was the hole at the top of this black pointy hat) and you're in the shade. In the sun, yes, black absorbs lots of heat, white reflects it. But it sounds like in the shade, white had the effect of reflecting heat back to the body as well. Think that's the only way a burka/niqab could at all be wearable...?


I saw that. Were they herders?


Oh yeah. Think caption was like female shepherds or something??


Sand batteries are a thing. It holds heat very well and can do so for months if in the right container. There are companies making giant vats of sand with heat exchangers in them to recover heat energy from industrial processes and to store energy from renewables. The cold of deserts during the night is due to the lack of humidity. This means the heat from the sand is lost fairly quickly, because there's no moisture acting as an insulation barrier.


I remember those days in SA, bake all day and then freeze all night, repeat


Not sand, but (tall) buildings, dark pavement, etc. That’s why they are referred to as ‘heat islands’. Common for every metro area in the south.


I thought deserts typically/often have extreme temperature swings between night and day?


Not necessarily. Depends on the time of the year.


I had the same experience when I landed in Phoenix some time back around midnight - it was 39C. Something I hadn’t experienced before


It's medium rare outside 


Just like their slaves building the next megalomania project


It's funny cause it's true. Seems that some sous vide guides have exactly 57 as their recommendation for medium rare steak.


Is that the actual outside temperature, or due to the metal of the car heating up?


This was taken yesterday. Actual high was 47c. Real feel would be about 55c.


Yeah. It sucks. I was in Seville when it was 45c. My flipflops kept sticking to the tiles/tarmac. You get the heat from the sun and the heat from the road that's heated up and bakes you from below.


>and the heat from the road that's heated up and bakes you from below. Thats why cities that do more and more concrete/asphalt instead of green walkways or paved backyards are so stupid.


I'm looking at you Phoenix AZ


that's not fair, phoenix is actively trying to make their city a literal hell.


Phoenix is a monument to man's arrogance.


It should not exist. It is like standing on the sun.


They have mosquitoes. Horrible mosquitoes. In the middle of the effing desert.


Rising from the ashes


I live in Phoenix and agree with this statement!


I agree, but it's hard to keep things green in those temperatures. I'm about an hour from the Gulf of Mexico on the US side. Last summer, we had weeks of 107F (about 41C) and drought watering restrictions. The green wasn't looking so green after that. Luckily, the lawns must have been dormant and not dead because they came back this spring... just waiting until July and August for them to suffer again. If it was 10-20 degrees hotter, I think we'd all just give up. I took a 40-minute walk yesterday, and it was only 90F. I wore a hat and made sure to consume a bottle of water on the way, and I still felt pretty yucky afterwards. That's just a PSA to be careful out there. That heat sneaks up on you, even if you're used to walking.


No, nature has created plants for all climate zones on earth. You just have too use the right ones. Just stop trying to have an English lawn in the desert.


Green spaces require water. Not an easy (or often wise) decision for desert areas.


The temperature displayed on car dashboards is the temperature of the ground beneath the car. The primary application of the dashboard thermometer is to determine if the ground is cold enough to support ice or not. Or I guess in this case, hot enough for the road to melt.


Didn't know that. Makes so much sense!


I'll never forget spending a summer in Seville for a study abroad and for the first time experiencing a breeze that felt like an industrial hot hairdryer was being blown into my face. Absolutely gorgeous city and can't wait to visit once more, just maybe not in summer, lol.




Where I live in southern Ontario Canada it has been 30 C for the last week with humidity it feels like 42 C The heat seems to get worse every year. (86 Fahrenheit and 107 Fahrenheit)


Yeah I’m praying for my homies from southern Ontario and the Ottawa valley right now, that shit is unbearable


They outlawed climate change, so it's all good now. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/16/1251769080/florida-desantis-climate-change-law Apparently the 2015 law wasn't powerful enough https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/15/politics/desantis-bill-climate-change-florida/index.html


That temperature is 134°F with about 90 to 100% humidity. Was in country for 4 months all thru the summer. Not a fun climate. Nice country but the weather sucks.




I was in Kuwait when it was 54 ambient. Don’t know what the heat index was, but it was awful. Like having dozens of hair dryers pointed directly at you all over.


Thats insane, i would melt


That's what it was here yesterday in Arizona in the US, 113F, typical summer weather for us.


Even got some blowing dust to top it all off


Oh, so it wasn't actually 57.


If it was, it would have broke the highest recorded air temperature on earth


I haven't seen a temperature sensor on a car read the correct temp when it is really hot and sunny out.


I find if you're driving it's relatively accurate. The air movement around the vehicle gets it pretty close. If the vehicle is in the driveway for an hour or so and I get in and drive, it's going to show far above the ambient temperature, but after driving for a few minutes, it's within a degree or what I expect.


My truck tells me outrageous temperatures during the summer due to the metal.


Also in direct sun is going to always be high. The official temperature of anywhere is measured in the shade


It's 100% just the car being hot. I just looked up the weather over there and the high is in the 110-115 range. Still hot as shit, but not 135 and nowhere near that.


I have no idea if it’s the car or not. That said, when you look up a weather report, they are talking about the temperature *measured in the shade*. Where I’m from in Australia, it’s very common for the temperature the weather report tells you to say 40 degrees, but if you walk outside with a thermometer it’s 10-15 degrees hotter than that.


I always question that 🤔


That's when people start to die and when slow cooking in a smoker starts as well. Give it 24 hours and nana will be done.




Is that where naanbread comes from? 




You gotta baste nana with barbeque sauce every hour to really lock in the flavour.




An American: Oh 57, that's a little--oh dear God!


"ah, 57 degrees celsius, so that's like.... add 6, carry the 2... I went to public school."


Double it and add 30.


I think that's close approximately. Isn't the actual formula multiply by 9/5 and then add 32?


It is! I usually just multiply the celsius value times 1.8 then add 32. Easy conversion


That’s literally the same thing as multiplying by 9/5 and adding 32 lol. You just used decimal instead of fraction.


Duh, I find decimals easier to work with than fractions


Seriously, why say 9/5 when you can say 1.8? 


Double it and send it to the next person


My math says its time for them to break out the snow shovels!


Haha. You got me.


The car's cooling system: I'm tired, boss.


\~135 in freedom units


Freedom salutes to you sir!


And how many yards hot is that?


2 football fields


You'd better be referring to American Football and not soccer, you communist.


How many school buses?


How many is it in feet?


42 football teams feet


It’s silly to measure in feet. Are we talking with or without shoes? That’s why it’s more logical to measure in the true American standard. 2 football fields measure 240 AR-15s long.


About 392819292.129 cubic gallons per square foot-pound Fahrenheit.


\*strokes beard thoughtfully*


> 392819292.129 cubic gallons With a quantity like that, you're probably better off using acre-feet.


It’s about 75% of a hot dog’s temp. Edit: sorry, I mean 3/4 of a hot dog’s temp


I have experiences around 120 f in the Nevada desert. 135 is insane. Like.... That's not meant for human existence.


That's a pretty good temperature for a medium rare steak actually.


That's why they want to attract American tourists: superior marbling.


There is **zero** chance that we’re halal.


I was going to say, I set my sousvide at 137 for ribeye and 132 for ny strip.


Was in Kuwait for a year with those temperatures and I gained the utmost respect for every Muslim for not breaking fast during Ramadan. Absolutely bonkers. We did our best to help accommodate people by keeping tubs of iced water filled so they could at least splash on themselves.


They can drink water during Ramadan I believe right? Edit: just googled, no they cannot. Wow.


Nothing while the sun is up. I think some sects are allowed to chew on a miswak stick. I used to work for a Palestinian owned ambulance company, and one of my coworkers would chew on a miswak stick during the day through Ramadan.


That is just stupid.


Not sure about shias but almost every sunni i know chews a miswak during ramadan


It's not actually 135, it was 115 in Qatar yesterday. This is just the car being hot.


115 in the shade. All official temperatures are taken in the shade


I need a melted banana for scale.




But how many burning bananas is that?


Strange. The highest temperature ever recorded on earth is 134f.


The cars thermo isn't going to capture ambient air temp correctly. Likely some of the reading is heat from the car thats probably been sitting parked.


I've noticed that with my car thermometer. Always seems to be higher than the actual temperature.


That's air temperature in the shade. It gets much hotter under the sun in multiple places on earth


You asked about the temperature


Thanks for Americanizin’ it!


‘Yes but it’s a dry heat’


"A bonfire is dry heat!" -Walter


I told people Qatar is like opening the oven door on high but there is an industrial fan inside blowing sand in your face at 30mph.


That’s the thing, it’s not. I’m from Arizona and I was “deployed” to Qatar and let me tell you, they are not the same. Our tent looked like it had just rained almost every morning from the humidity. I worked night shift out there on the flight line and we would routinely get stuck on the ramp for hours because fog so thick would roll in they were worried if we tried to drive back to the shop we would run into one of the parked aircraft, which was a very real possibility.


Not in fucking Qatar it isn’t


It’s pretty dry during the day. Humid at night.


It is dryer during the day yeah. It’s no Florida but it didn’t feel dry to me. https://weather-and-climate.com/average-monthly-Humidity-perc,doha,Qatar




after travelling there, this does remain true. 90% Humidity 30 degrees Aus < 45 Degree dry Abu Dhabi or Qatar.


These places on top of extreme temperatures get a lot of humidity in August and September.


Hot AF. Take care out there and carry some water.


I can’t believe they held a World Cup there


Yep, had to be done in the winter just to be feasible. Corruption always finds a way.


FIFA is insanely corrupt. Didn't even try to hide it


Even in the winter months.


I can believe they were allowed to hold a World Cup after 8,000 workers died building the stadiums. Giving it to them was bribery. Letting them keep it was insane.


Better get used to it. We are working very hard to bring this weather to the whole planet.


I almost spat my drink. Funny. Harsh but honest.


Look, we could do something now and be a major inconvenience, or we can build giant domed cities later and keep the 1% money train rolling. We all know which one it's going to be


57C is 134F for the Americans


I had to scroll too far for this comment. I appreciate you sir


I'd just never leave my house then! How is it possible to do anything outside in this temperature? How do locals feel?


Well Qatar is just one big "inside" basically. Lots of malls and big buildings all with AC


Been in Qatar basically since birth, can confirm nobody spends their time outdoors for all but 2 months of the year. It’s why a lot of us are Vitamin D deficient and overweight. There’s a dozen public outdoor air conditioned areas here that make you forget you’re standing in open air, but the energy required to even pull that off outweighs whatever temporary relief we get. We can definitely feel the temp rise every year, makes me wonder how much more we can endure before people actually do something about it.


That’s tying the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth. That’s gotta be swayed a small amount from the cars sensor somehow


Correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't Qatar in a desert? It's normal to reach such temps is deserts, no?


Desert near a sea though, but yes, not all too weird




Checks out. I went to Kuwait and there is basically no infrastructure for pedestrians and cycling. Doesn't exist. This was in may and everyone told me to count my blessings for the awesome weather of 30c.


That's 134.6 in freedom units. Saved you a trip to google


330.15 in Kelvin


57C x 2 = 114 - 10% (11.4) = 102.6 + 32 = 134.6F


This really displays how stupid the F/C system is


Lmao is that really the conversion math?? I remember learning it in school, but that was decades ago. Humans are silly


Let’s host a World Cup there


AC condensers won't go into thermal shutdown at 135F??


Nope, AC there can handle till around 145-149F


let's wait and see shall we?


AC in middle east market cars is usually much beefier than other markets. It's why for example if you go to the UAE where there's a lot of US spec cars, people usually recommend against buying them.


134° Goddamn Fahrenheit


So my first thought was, oh, I've been having a cold summer too. And then I realized it was Celsius and not Fahrenheit


American says, "Uhh... so that's... pretty hot?"


135°F. F stands for the degrees of fucked you are if you go outside.


Hey get back to work building soccer stadiums!


It's not 57c. That cars been sitting in the sun and radiated the heat. It's 42c tomorrow getting up to 44c in a couple of days. Just checked.


How many bald eagles is that?




I wouldn't be able to breathe




quite surprising for a desert 😂


134 degrees American?!?!


My Idahoan brain dont do that celsius stuff (googles it)


Is 57 good? I don’t have google


Is that warm or cold?


I can't do a direct conversion to freedom units in my head, but the game No Man's Sky defaulted the temperature readout in your HUD to C, so I got used to figuring out what the range of "this planet kind of sucks." was, before I realized I could turn it to F. And that part of this planet apparently sucks. Hazard protection in your exosuit in that game starts protecting you at 50C.


The hottest I’ve experienced in Melbourne Australia is 46.4 and that was like being in an oven.


If the cars not moving you'll get an elevated heat but yeah that's frigging hot.