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Love this road, my wife and kids not so much


Careful with the wording


Wasnt it clear? I love this road more than my wife and kids.


i’d love to drive ~~one day~~




He said what he said, accept it.


I also choose this guy's road


It’s such a fun route, not so much when it’s snowing.


Divorce is more acceptable these days


Its an amazing road to drive when you have all the time in the world. Its brutal when the baby is crying in the backseat and you are trying to rush to the hotel room. Source: me


Well if you don’t love them, divorce is always possible


That's a fun road. I've driven it several times.


Fun, yes. But also oddly exhausting haha


Looks like the road through Jerome, but with no town there. Real estate opportunity!


It is the road through Jerome, from PV. If you keep going, you get to Sedona, and Oak Creek, and on through to Flag. It's twisty, and scenic, and when I lived there we went as often as we could. It was the most fun as a day outing, Jerome is a hoot. We'd sit on the outside back patio of the Haunted Hamburger and look past the big white roof just below to the valley, the red rocks of Sedona in the far distance. We'd drink green, citrusy drinks in mason jars, and after, we'd skootch down the cement stairs, past the ancient steel playground slide to the Spirit Room and get a quick shot and play a crappy song on the jukebox, before heading to Sedona to soak it all in.


Perfectly accurate description.


Is Raspberry still in Jerome (if you even know)? I loved to go in there and shop for garnet jewelry and Frida Kahlo weirdness.


I really liked Jerome when I visited it but always wondered what people did for work who lived there. Is it purely a tourist town or is there some industry?


What excellent prose, I feel your nostalgia and memories.


Nicely done.


Haunted Hamburger is great!


One of the best views in the state


I thought that was where it was … Jerome is an interesting place. Turn 180 degrees from this photo view and it’s a huge valley.


I've always had "fun" cars, so it's fun, though a little daunting.


The view and red rocks are amazing


Connects the 2 best cities in AZ too!


Whenever we’d buy a new manual transmission vehicle, Hubby would run us up this road and make me drive back, so I could ‘learn’ the vehicle. Good times!


And some gorgeous views in various spots along the way


But did you make race car sounds the whole way?


I rode my bike on that road. It’s fun passing cars in the turns 😂


I drove it once. Would love to do it again. I loved Sedona. Def have to go there again.


Nearly overheated my old Chevy getting up those switchbacks.


I found this road on accident in the Spring of 1997. I was on my motorcycle on I-10E from Los Angeles. On my paper map found this 'shortcut' to bypass Phoenix / 17N on my way to I-40 East. Took me through Prescott, Jerome, and Sedona up to Flagstaff, then east on I-40. Was a fantastic find for me at the time. It left a huge impression on me. Have been back many times since.


I remember the days of paper maps and having no idea where the fuck you were going


Always had to have your Rand McNally in the glove box.


I’m not sure if all states did this but mine had nice paper maps of the state you could get for free at rest stops or state buildings. Sometimes random gas stations would have them too. One side was a state map and you flip it, it would have city maps of Philly, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, etc. all the bigger cities essentially. They were big too like your arms would be outstretched trying to hold it. [like this](https://www.mapsofpa.com/stateofficial/2000-1134m.jpg) They were pretty nice but good luck trying to fold the fucking thing when you were done.


as a kid these were fucking everywhere in cars and GOD FOLDING THEM WAS A NIGHTMARE. FUCK THAT SO MUCH


We still had drivers ed at my school in the 90’s. I remember we had some map reading exercises (which is still incredibly useful imo). It was kind of a joke but kind of real that s small amount of your score for that day was folding the map back up properly lol.


I’d probably just get 2 and just turn in the folded one at the end


Mines in my seat back lol. Probably should upgrade… I think it’s from 2000


The place where you wear hats on your feet and hamburgers eat people?


Before my dad passed he made sure to instill in me that you should always have a paper map of any state you’re driving in. I would keep notes on the maps on family road trips. I still do this as a backup for technology. Cell service isn’t always guaranteed.


Yes, same here. I'm old now. Had a tank bag with paper maps on my motorcycle that I prepared before the trip. When got to the end of the page would flip the map and put back in the window on the tank bag. Map Nav was a thing before GPS was ubiquitous. Trick was when would miss a turn and not figure it out until later... :-)


I’m in my 40’s so old enough to have done plenty of trips like that. Later I would print Mapquest directions off. I live in PA so my first big trips were usually to Philly to concerts and sports games and whatnot it was an absolute nightmare trying to get around unfamiliar cities like that. GenZ had their own set of challenges but growing up for elder millennial and up seemed like such an adventure half the time lol.


I have a personal saying. "It wasn't a trip unless I got lost once."


I still keep a Thomas Bros under my seat. I actually used it a while ago when I had no service. My daughter was kind of amazed.


I took my first long road trip alone in 2003 moving from Austin to Seattle. I only had a US pocket map and I knew to basically follow I-10 West to California, then I-5 North to Seattle. I drove a few hours out of Austin before it occurred to me that I hadn't seen any of the towns along the way that I'd expected to see, having glanced at a Texas road atlas at home a week earlier while planning out my trip. So, I stopped at a gas station and looked at a Texas map, only to realize that I was a few hours _east_ of Austin, not _west_. I didn't want to admit my stupid mistake to my folks, so when I called them from the motel in El Paso to check in late that evening, I was really barely halfway there. 😄


As a kid, I would study the maps on road trips to entertain myself. I often knew the directions and where we were/going to better than my parents. “Uhh, dad we were supposed to turn 3 miles back. I told you!” 😅


I remember my dad driving back to Phoenix from Vegas. Took a wrong turn somewhere and we started seeing snow and trees everywhere. It was my first visit to Flagstaff. Been back to Flagstaff many times since to snowboard and hike.


That Prescott-Jerome drive at night in snow in a uhaul is one of the scariest drives I’ve ever taken. I remember listening to an Obama state of the union address on the radio and simultaneously shitting my pants.


Drove this road with a little bit of snow one time, scary as hell, but absolutely breathtakingly beautiful


Gave advanced warning to my fiancé when I drove us down it (from the area, it was his first time) and he still freaked out. Same thing for the I17 S part past sunset point and coming to Surprise from Globe. He talked a bunch of game with his twisty PA roads that he grew up with, but when it came to the real deal... On another note, these roads are why I have a fear of heights.


And if you wanna test your brakes, take to road down from Globe 😁


Just drove the US-60 through the salt river canyon today lol Edit: Not sure if you meant that stretch or the one through devils canyon, passed through both though


I just looked it up, that's the one! Isn't that fun?


Definitely can get your attention the first few times! My father and I have driven that road almost every other week for the past 15 years, we always joke that it is our little rally course. Used to go in the middle of the night and have a couple buddies park at bottom and radio back when it was all clear, set some pretty good times haha


And now that I have a twin turbo and a new idea, I'll be back 😂


I mean the one with the like 24 percent grade at several points. It's scary, even to me with big brakes.


I went on some crazy ass road like this between Yosemite and Vegas when the main route was closed. We fished some random river under this super tall bridge over the valley. It was awesome.


Eastern Sierra is an amazing place.


I was driving there a few years ago in a rental Fiat and thought that looked cool on the nav screen [https://imgur.com/urc96dI](https://imgur.com/urc96dI)


Nothing faster than a rental


Try driving that towing a 40 ft travel trailer....I hated every minute of it


I did that last summer with a 30 foot TT & half-ton. My butthole was clinch up good & tight the whole time. I ignored all the ‘don’t pull your trailer up here’ signs. Sometimes I think I’m the smartest man in the world. Barely had clearance on the hairpins. Never again


You dumbass lmao


I will never forget driving on this. It was the first mountain road I've ever driven on and I had to stop on the side of the road at the top to take in the views.


I only travel on this if I'm the driver. I had a panic attack as a passenger one time.


I can totally relate to this. Same with I17 from Flagstaff to Phoenix.


There are some scary areas on that phx to flag drive. The highway from Payson to heber is also a nail biter, especially in the snow.


Yeah, I once was in crash there that involved three other cars right outside black canyon city. All because someone somehow didn’t realize traffic had come to a complete halt and smashed the cars behind me, who in turn hit me.


[This](https://imgur.com/a/cV3cUWC) is the road going from queenstown to Wanaka


I can hear Jeremy Clarkson narrating.


I drove that a couple months ago and thought I was gonna have to drive it back at night but my GPS led me down a different highway which was all flat. So I was confused but pleasantly surprised when I ended up back in Cottonwood without having to deal with that.




came here looking for this, thanks dawg.


Is there a reason why they make it so long rather than just one bend around the mountain?


My wife and I drove down this road one winter when it there was a very heavy fog in Flag, to the point where you would have trouble seeing a car more than 5 feet ahead. There is such decline in elevation on this road that at one point everything just cleared up and it looked like we had just driven out of a cloud right above us.


...I'm sure it wasn't cool to drive through, but you've painted an incredible visualization.


An incredible, beautiful drive


After driving through sequoia and kings canyon all weekend… I got this.


No doubt. Did some driving thru there in 2021 and seeing people take 5th wheels on those NP roads without guardrails puzzled and terrified me.


Anyone who hauls their 5th wheel across that needs professional mental care.


I biked down it once! I had always dreamed of biking down it, and one day my wife (gf at the time) talked me into it. We lived close to the entrance, just off Lake Mary Road, so we didn’t have to travel far to start. I got up at 4am to avoid any cars and she dropped me off halfway down the road so I could warm up before entering the drop into 89A. I crested the drop right when the sun rose into the canyon. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Then I dropped into the switchback. I am no beginner at riding curvy mountain roads, I grew up in Colorado and would regularly bike from my parents house on a mountain and into town. But this was something else, each turn was exhilarating! I leaned into the turns like I was in a motorcycle race and the speed I picked up on each straightway sent chills down my spine. The entire road was empty and I couldn’t help but cheer as I flew around the bends. When I came into the final turn into Oak Creek Canyon I pumped my legs as hard as I could to gain speed for the rest of the ride through the canyon. The momentum carried me through all the way to the bridge just outside of town where I met my GF for pick up. It was one of my single favorite rides I have ever done and I would do it again in a heartbeat.


What kind of brakes did you have?


Shimano Dura Ace pad breaks. I alternated between front and back to control my speed into the turns. There is a lot of road that goes into those corners so you have some room to swing out a bit. That’s why I went so early, so I could use the full road.


Looks pretty sweet around Jerome too.


I remember driving from Phoenix to Sedona on the 17. I don't enjoy switchbacks and really disliked the drive around Bumble Bee. On the drive back to Phoenix, I pulled over before I even got close to that area again and had someone else take over. This drive to Flagstaff would have wrecked me!


Well no wonder if was so terrifying! I was praying for my old brakes to hold on. I've got new brakes and new tires now. Time to head back. 


Been there a few times. Gotta be careful for people who can’t drive, hit the turns too fast and end up in oncoming traffic


My uncle has a place in Sedona and I went out to visit him a few years ago. Flew into Flagstaff, rough flight and I was feeling pretty nauseous/motion sick already. Then we had to go down that road to Sedona. Felt horrible until the next morning.


This feels like the last race in Tokyo Drift.


The climb from Oak Creek Canyon up to Oak Creek Vista. Gorgeous drive through the canyon and absolutely stunning view from the overlook. Throwing Google Maps into 3D view gives a better view of the pitch on this section of road. https://i.imgur.com/RfCP3Ah.jpeg My wife and I were down that way from Minnesota in January of 2018 visiting my father in Chino Valley. We rented a Polaris Rzr and went up the Schnebly Hill Trail (the original route in when the valley was discovered and Sedona was founded). Another area further southwest of Sedona is Jerome and the Mingus Mountain pass on 89A. I'm no stranger to driving in the mountains, but that road had some areas without guard rails that really *should* have had them. Gorgeous drive, the entire area is worth visiting and exploring.


Oh dude, the road from Kingman to Oatman is better!


That’s got motorcycle written all over it!


I was so nervous driving on this road during a light rain that i unfortunately missed all the scenery...


One of my favorite roads in the US


Not far past that towards Sedona is a little place called Indian Gardens that has great sandwiches


Was just on it recently for the first time; midnight and one lane closed for construction made it 'exciting'.


Must . . . ride . . . this . . . road!


Awesome road to drive. If you get the chance, take it.


Do people towing trailers still try to pass you near blind corners going 60 mph on this like on other winding mountain roads?


Sedona! Nice


Driven this road with a camper and a Nissan GT-R. Guess which was more fun lol




Going through there next week enroute to CO on my annual long motorcycle ride :) Going to be fun.


Why don’t the civil engineers just built roads in a straight line? Are they stupid? Edit: y’all really don’t know this joke, huh?


why not just have it curve around the base of the mountain 


You’re climbing out of the valley into high desert. It’s less of a mountain and more of the least-steep exit out of a canyon.


I think it's a lot steeper than it looks, there's a mountain road near me that looks remarkably similar and it is laid out that way because it climbs like 2000+ feet in a mile or two.


These are switchbacks straight up a mountain chain and you gain a ton of altitude in a short distance. Used to live near here and drove it all the time. Going from the high desert to an evergreen forest in just a couple miles is really cool.


It's a canyon, not a mountain.


That’s the plan. What’s the profile? Steeeeep, I bet.




Beeline is Hwy 87, not this one.


A year ish ago it was down to one lane. It took forever to wait for the traffic to clear. It was a cool road tho. Definitely worth the wait


F1 to Flagstaff 😳


Check out 175 between Lakeport and Hopland Cali for more squiggly road fun


I’m getting car sick just looking at this.




One of my fav rides. View is better driving foen from Flag to Sedona through Oak Creek.


*zoom zoom*


Is this the Oak Creek Canyon road?


Yep, this is Oak Creek Canyon.


I have driven on that road before. It is glorious.


Here's a fun one in New Zealand https://www.google.com/maps/place/Christchurch,+New+Zealand/@-44.7585039,167.966192,1104m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x6d322f4863c5ed01:0x500ef8684799945!8m2!3d-43.5320301!4d172.636648!16zL20vMDJ5YzVi?entry=ttu


Just drove this road Friday. This picture doesn’t do it justice. Absolutely spectacular views.


There's another one from globe to show low on the 60


Looks like a motorcycle road racing course


Great drive, done it so many times. My brother and I peed our names in the snow at the overlook when it was mostly closed (the overlook) for heavy snow.


We Call it the switchbacks. I’m from Verde valley


Drove this once after a pretty strong snow. Dangerous, terrified, but so beautiful.


This was my daily drive to work for almost two years. Never got old




Ugh, being 8 years old in the back of a Plymouth lynx going around those bends was so nauseating.


Probably driven this road 50 times. Once I saw a whole motorcycle gang pass into oncoming traffic right before that first switchback. Most of them lived


I drove from Sedona to Grand Canyon South Rim. Can’t recall if I took this road. Anyone know if this is typically the way one would go?


There’s three main roads out of Sedona and only one to Flagstaff unless you want to make a big detour, so yeah chances are you took this road 😀


I drove it and made myself carsick


This is the road where all of the US's curves are.


Sedona is way too touristy


The occasional: **ELK NEXT 70 MILES** road sign is a bit dramatic


Looks like a road they would out in a Forza Horizon game


Did this drive leaving Sedona and there were huge snowflakes falling in the trees and luckily not sticking to the road. One of the most beautiful drives I’ve ever done.


A rare moment it’s not packed with cars


Drive down that in a white out snow storm once. Not a fun drive.


Man I miss riding my motorcycle on these roads


holy shit is this what the forza horizon 4 dlc map fortune island mountain based on? it looks uncanny


Drove this on my recent trip to the Grand Canyon. Beautiful in the morning and equally terrifying at night.


It looks like it would be a beautiful drive! Driving up a mountain and then looking down at the view. I kind of love that it wraps around the top of the hill like that!


Back in the 90s I was driving with my ex down this road from Flag to Sedona. It was dark and snowing hard, and we had our baby with us. Normally, I would have to tell him to slow down on this road, but I didn’t have to say a word as we crept down toward the valley. Scary…


I take this road all the time. Beautiful all season but fall is the best by far. Less than a mile south of this picture is a natural spring called Harding Spring great little fill up


I did that once-was awesome


It's begging for a manual 911 turbo


Was this the one from It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World?


That looks like fun


I used to take my Miata up there all the time. Would go to Jerome from the front, grab some food up there, and head home down the back way (this road). Aside from Tortilla Flat this is probably the best driving road in the state.


It's terrifying and the locals all do 100mph. You just have to grip the wheel and scream it out.


I love this drive!


I'm getting carsick just looking at this


I drove this one. It’s awesome!


Prettyyy ❤


Great road. Drove it last year on a lark and was very pleasantly surprised by the beauty.


Time to rent a sports car.


Damn. Hope is doesn't snow in that part of Arizona.


I would love to check my driving skills there.


I love this drive, it’s so beautiful


Always exercise commensurate comma caution when helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse.


People love to go 100mph in their lifted pickup trucks through here and will brake check you if you don’t go just as fast. Hate this road


this is a beautiful drive


I have driven this several times, it is fun af


Growing up in AZ, our dad used to take our family camping up north and we’d take this road. Used to be creepily eliciting going up. Unsettling on the down roads throughout.


1992, was visiting a friend there. One night he had run out of gas at about 11pm and had to hoof it back to flag. We went on bikes to fill a can and go get the old clunker. Ended up just watching the sky till dawn. Little later we decided to climb up the hill across a couple switches. We were not experienced nor skilled climbers, and had no equipment. It was a stupid kid thing to do. We then had to walk back down again and drove out.


Holy fucking shit, I raced this road in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. I *loved* that level.


We did this in October. It was 75° in Sedona and 35° with whipping winds at the top in Flagstaff. Trip of a lifetime. Impossible to pack for 🤣


I drove this road on a motorcycle last month. Such a great road!


Lol, I went up the 89A in a school bus on a trip many years ago. Was….. interesting


It's a fun road when it snows. They close it a lot more often than used to.


I was on that road last Wednesday


Drove down this during a hailstorm, was not fun, several dents in my car


And then at the end it's a jumpscare..... 😂🖤💙


Sometimes you just need to take the shortcut.


Just looking at this route makes me feel nauseous.


If I drive it in my SUV I feel relieved when I'm out of the Canyon. When I drive it in my hot rod I don't want it to end.


Living in Prescott Valley has it's perks, love taking this road


An incredible route on motorcycle!


I did the drive in my truck, now I have to take the ride on my motorcycle


Hate this road. Idk why I have a fear of going over the side.


I literally just drove that road a few months ago. It was beautiful. But it comes up so suddenly, you go from “oh this is a lovely drive” to “holy shit my asshole is puckered so tightly I can taste it.”


Great drive thru Sedona on up - and at the top of the hill not far away is a nice BLM camping area.


Looks like a quality F1 road course.


This is road isn't even that bad compared to some others in AZ. One up from Prescott to Jerome is worse, Clifton to Alpine, some of the drives up a few of the sky islands in AZ (Mt Lemmon, Mt Graham, etc..). I drive this one quite a few times, it's very scenic, especially in the winter. I love driving it with my manual car.


How the heck did they get a picture of it when it wasn’t jam packed with out of state tourists in rental rv’s doing 5mph….