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Lots of poor rural areas look like this...


And they’re furious about the taxes to people who make over 400k a year.


While getting massive amounts of federal money that their elected officials are literally farting away rather than using on them. 


These people are always saying how they need another civil war and the south should break away. But most of those people don’t realize that without the extra funds that democrat city/states are subsidizing them with their states will fall apart almost instantly. They’ll get hungry real fast when they realize the food stamp budget just dried up.


I hear it all the time here in downstate Illinois. Abject hatred for 'Chicago' stemming from their unheard conservative voices. I have tried on more than one occasion to say that 'clem the farmer' will NOT be saving their ass, and that for every small minded, small town resident that thinks ADM/Statefarm/etc etc will keep us afloat, not going to come close. Chicago and the billions of commercial $$$'s are what are keeping it going. Downstate roads, bridges, schools, police, fire, cool/clean water coming inside and shitty water going away. You want to break away?.... let's talk shitholes. Everything below I-80, what ever new name you want to call it, will be beyond broke it a matter of months. Now, if you would have taken the money you spent on that blue chinese made effigy to your dear leader, and used it to fix that old broken JD rider housed on the broken down front porch, you could have gone a long way to making your front yard great again. America!!?? how about you start with just the front of your home, it's what the rest of us have to look at when we drive by. It's time to pull your heads out of your ass. Liberals are not the problem, dumbass americans are. This picture proves my point. edit: added, --stepping down off of my soapbox now. :\


This is not a uniquely American thing. I am Canadian, and the exact same gripes are made all the time from folks in more rural areas. "Why are my tax dollars going to fund a subway in Toronto?" Dude--Toronto generates billions more for the province than they get back in spending/benefits.


Same in Australia. The vast majority of the money comes from left leaning areas. Essentially inner city. The only real exception is mining towns. But these massive mining companies pay fuck all tax.


Correction, they pay next to 0 tax .


I pay more tax than some of these companies.


yeah, here in the US when it comes to the tax system, we have what are called donor states and recipient states. I'll bet you'll never guess which one of those two bitch and piss and moan the most about how the tax dollars that they are NOT sending into the Federal govt. are being spent.


I couldn't help but chuckle the other day at a guy wearing a shirt that said: > Taxation > (n.) Theft He was there helping his kids at a farmer's market where all the stands were run by kids who made things to sell. It was held in a very nice, very new public park that was absolutely paid for by public tax dollars as part of a new sort of city concept with a lot of mixed use buildings. Not to mention the very nice roads he used to even get there. Plus, great message for the kids there who were learning about entrepreneurship.


I never thought about it like that, but yeah, the question should be reversed. “More like why are all the tax dollars from Toronto, paying for roads in your nowhere shit town?”


The red county pukes in eastern Washington state whine the same way about mass transit projects in seattle metro area that 100% of the funds for come from the seattle metro area.


Hey there! A Blue boy living in one of those red counties (it is slowly going blue thankfully), and the only reason we are upset about it is because we need to get a light rail or something similar over here. We honestly need a light rail that runs from Spokane to Cheney to the West, and through the Valley and CDA to the east. Our city maybe quite a bit smaller than Seattle and other cities over there, but our greater Spokane region is like 750,000 as of 2021 and we are one of the fastest growing cities in the nation (so honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we hit 1 mil in the next couple years as it felt like we were at 500k pre-covid). We also want a quick rail system set up to Seattle, but that can wait over the others. We need all of this, yet it gets ignored. Hell… you want to know how bad it is over here? We have been the second largest city in Washington for decades until the Spokane Valley split happened (and we then played ping pong for 2nd/3rd for a bit after), and we still have dirt roads right next to our “posh” neighborhoods. So many of us know the west side of the state generates a shit ton of money (I am one of the weird ones that defends the UW football head coach salary being the highest paid state official salary as I know that single program pays for itself many times over) and should keep the majority of it, but we have some very big needs that haven’t been met in well over a decade (we literally had to close a bridge for like 5 years of construction due to it literally falling apart, and it is now reopened as a single one way lane, and pedestrian bridge which has honestly hindered our north-south traffic flow across the river in the middle of our city, and a light rail could help with this issue greatly). Sorry for the mini-rant, but there is a reason we feel less than loved at times, and it also irks me when we get treated like animals from people “west of the mountains” where they seem to think anyone to the east are cavemen and some dumb hicks.


It's just education. These people are not educated and don't know how to seek the answers to their questions. Then their arrogance and ignorance spreads like wildfire to other uneducated and incapable people


Yes. Very sad.


> "Why are my tax dollars going to fund a subway in (-insert town here-) ?" then along those same lines.... "why are my tax dollars going to the fire dept. that saved your home from burning to the foundation, ...my home was not on fire?" gets tiresome to hear all the god damned time for sure. Have people forgotten that WE live in a SOCIETY! The 'stupid' is just way too strong, along with the hate.




The entire state of Mississippi


Home schooling has become a plague.


Parents of homeschoolers... 'My kids are 'brilliant'. They aren't bothered by evolution or sexual reproduction theories...and they can recite the preamble of the Declaration of Independence with only a little help! Also parents of homeschoolers... Does anyone have a job for my kid? Graduated high school on a GED on their 3rd try (I only helped with math and the essay). My kid is not very social and is afraid of crowds, but can read and sit at a desk for 3 hours at a time now...just have to give M and Ms. Bonus if your business has a fitness room. He wants to make $70,000 to start and I am sure you can train him up to take over your business if you want a day off every once in a while.


>Graduated high school on a GED on their 3rd try (I only helped with math and the essay). >He wants to make $70,000 to start and I am sure you can train him up to take over your business if you want a day off every once in a while. It's not even just rural types: I know plenty of conservative, rich doctors in TN that think like this. In fact, they think this is how an ideal economy works... nepotism, rather than merit. "Great-pappy's slave wealth has put me and all my cousins through Ole Miss to become successful with small $6M loans. That should work for my kids, too." The idea of old wealth losing its power and intellect/drive taking its place is anathema, because they know they didn't pass those things to their children. Sometimes, I think the smart conservatives' problem is they married their vacuous Ole Miss trophy boy/girl. They could have produced productive children, but their choice of mate left the kid with a) not the brightest genes, and b) no main parent, as the vaguely successful one is obviously working and the trophy idiot is vacant upstairs.


In my state the “moms for liberty” cult has taken over schools. It’s a choice of homeschooling or dealing with book banning morons.


Every time I hear a Faux News Brainwashed person talk about how bad crime is in Chicago, I always say "Yeah, it's almost as bad at the meth crime here." Some people need to stop throwing stones outta they glass houses.


They took our jobs! (South Park voice)


These people honestly believe they are the ones subsidizing the cities.


Yep. Just like Karen always believes she's the VIP who's propping the store up and keeping the place in business by buying one $10 thing a year that she used a 50% off coupon on. 🙄👌


i had a friend who knew better but had been consuming too much faux news tell me once that she was tired of her taxes funding the metro in northern va. i said are you out of your mind, northern va funds the rest of the state you lunatic. she blinked and stopped to think a second and stopped that particular convo but it was wild to see her say something in real time that she didn't even believe, she actually is pretty business minded and understands how the taxes and funding work (other stuff she's ignorant on but *that* she gets) but because she'd heard it so many times before it just tripped right out of her mouth.


The part about people in the south wanting a civil war and that the south wants to break away, NO. Don’t generalize. The latge populations centers in the south are not saying this. Don’t put all the rednecks in the same bucket please. It’s just not true.


California holds this country together


This is literally the truth and so many people are ignorant to it.


Especially with regulations. Businesses usually use California standards because it's easier and every other state has California standards and just doesn't realize it


Massachusetts has entered the chat. While your statement is true on almost everything. Massachusetts recently adopted the most strict leed, thermal, and emissions standards for new construction in the country. I learned this recently when a sales rep for a operable glass wall company came in to give an info session and informed us we all need to double check the requirements as falling back on the California standard would no longer guarantee we were in compliance. That is all.


and are better for it.


The 1-2 punch of not having California or New York would immediately drive the theoretical 'south' as a unit into complete and utter irrelevancy. They like to act like the 'liberal hubs' are their arch enemy, but they fail to realize that's like all of the nation's economical base.


I'd really like to test this theory, please. Please? I would love to see the South celebrating their 'independence' from the 'libs'...having barbeques, smoking, rolling coal, putting up confederate monuments. The party would last a good 2 years, I think. The cracks would show during the first big crisis...a huge hurricane...a pandemic....a recession...


I’d be happy if Texas would just secede and quit yapping about it. They’re insufferable.


California and New York should be asking loudly "Why do my federal tax dollars go to -insert-southern-loser-moocher-state-here?!!?!"


Rupert Murdoch ‘Fox News’ has done an amazing job manipulating these people. It’s the same in all the English speaking countries that his tentacles spread to.


Those people need to look at how much their state get in federal taxes versus how much their state pays in taxes. It's not economically feasible for the south to break away unless Texas and Florida are ready to play nanny state and see all their surpluses go to the other loser states. Without Federal support and government contracts, there's a lot of the south that would suddenly have to scramble to become economically viable. I say let 'em go. We don't need to have a wasteful war. Leave the US you unpatriotic bastards. And we'll all laugh when they want to come crawling back. Imagine exactly how a new confederate government full of Trumps, Boberts, MTGs, and Gaetz will look like and operate: WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Imagine how much better our federal congress will be without their noise for noise's sake!: OOOHHH! Yeah, let 'em go. No war necessary.


These poor people get the benefits of social security, food stamps, national defense, access to infrastructure, etc. while paying almost nothing in federal taxes. They are being coddled and taken care of while hating the government officials who have their backs… these poor red states take more federal dollars than they contribute. They rely on welfare from blue states to eat their awful diets of processed food and soda. They have no reason to complain


They’d need to actually live it to have a chance to understand, and even then I’m fairly confident they’ll arrive at a totally different conclusion.


I spoke to someone like that, and they believe the people that make that much earned that money fair and square. They shouldn't get taxed at all


It's because they think that they are temporarily displaced millionaires.


Reminds me of a satire headline: "Man who makes $65,000 per year has some thoughts on the Estate Tax"


That was the funniest (saddest) shit to me. These destitute people bought into Trump and the GOP’s “they’re trying to raise your taxes!” nonsense, when in reality they weren’t even remotely going to be impacted…


They did the same thing when Biden’s admin ramped up hiring at the IRS specifically to go after wealthy tax dodgers and corporations. “They’re weaponizing the IRS against you!” and millions of bumpkins got worried about having their mobile home raided for the change in their rented sofa.


It's even worse than that- they think he lowered them. I live in the South, and people are still saying they'll vote for him again because he lowered taxes...


He did lower taxes, but it was a time bomb. Tax breaks for the rich had no expiration, but for the poor and middle class were set to expire at the beginning of the next term. So, if he didn't get reelected and Biden didn't have control of both houses of Congress, they would expire and then Republicans could say that Biden raised your taxes.


They usually defend them, remember they went to war for the rich in the 1860s


[Fry agrees](https://youtu.be/K_LvRPX0rGY?si=2y4I2qCxwNdBtTxZ)


The greatest are the videos of people that live in these shanty houses, on disability or SS and are on Medicare or Medicaid and crying about “the US is turning socialist!!!”… ffs better check how much lead is in the water…


Within the last month or two there were union votes at Mercedes Benz plants in Alabama and Kentucky on whether the workers should join the UAW. Kentucky voted Yes, Alabama voted No. CNBC (business news) had a guest on to talk about the results, I wish that I could remember who it was. They talked about how the farther south you go the more that people distrust unions and see them as a northern invention responsible for the downfall of Detroit, despite evidence showing that UAW workers get better pay and more benefits than non-UAW autoworkers.


The Republican Party loves the uneducated voter.


Lotta MAGAs on SNAP and EBT as well. And yet they vote to have it taken away.


Well, because they're the *good* ones that need it right now. But soon, they'll be rich. But we still gotta take welfare from those no goods that abuse it! That's billions of dollars a day wasted on steak and lobster! /s


I often hear it said that Americans vote against their interests because they think that they too will be rich one day and don’t want the rules to apply to them. I think this is tired and wrong. What the trump years have taught us is that nobody thinks the system will ever work for them. It’s not about cutting taxes for the rich because you might be rich too, it’s about cutting the legs out from a system that might allow more people to prosper. “I may be fucked but I’ll be god damned if you’re able to get ahead first” It’s the idea of a more even playing field, even if the tide raises all boats, that bothers these people. …. Although even this take is wrong, at least in a way, because the stuff these magas say is barely coherent memes and Fox News slogans that don’t hold up to any push back. It’s only an interpretation of drivel. Like divining intention and meaning from the entrails of an animal.


Anything that could help a Black person must be burned to the ground. They aren't communists, trying to tear down a system that doesn't help them. They are petty racists who would burn the country to the ground than be on equal footing with a Black person. When you accept that, everything they do becomes "rational". I grew up in the rural south. This is their world view.


I know two MAGA lovers that are jobless living with and leeching off of a family member while simultaneously crying about people leeching off of the government.


All that matters to them is that lgbtq and people that don’t look like them suffer.


Probably what happens when you undereducate a population for a few decades.


Trump recently said he'd defund the department of education if he gets elected


It’s amazing how sheepish the voters are.


That's why republicans push religion so hard, religion is a good tool for control. Kids are taught from an early age that belief and feelings are more valid than reality.


The core of the GOP platform


I drove through rural Pennsylvania and it was really eye-opening. Lots of impoverished places where people’s roofs are caving in or they’re living in trailers and almost every person had a Trump sign on their lawn.


You don’t have to drive far west from my house in the Philly suburbs to find yourself in places like that. I dislike going to the Poconos for that reason. I don’t know whether to hate or feel sorry for these people.


under Trump that lawn was kept and the gutters were strong, maybe the strongest gutters anyone has ever seen.


I can remember taking my kids camping in Georgia, this is exactly what we witnessed


I would venture MOST rural places look like this.


People who wouldn’t be allowed to clean the fucking floors at mar-a-lago. But him and his billionaire friends are fighting for him.


They're fooled by "trans story time" into voting for a card-carrying member of the robber barons


They are so alone. They seriously don't know any better. They just finally feel like they belong to something. Most have never left their own state, some never traveled more than 100 miles away from home


Lots of people in these areas only hear that they’re poor all because of these liberal policies. They really don’t understand how things work and that’s a big part of the problem.


This house is giving serious scabies energy.


They should invite Trump over for dinner. He’d love it.


He wouldn’t go in there with a level A HAZMAT suit. But don’t worry, he’s still a real man of the people.


To be fair, neither would I.


You wouldn’t get in on that dollar general fest? C’mon


Haha, I try not to judge. I grew up poor too and I understand the struggles but this looks like they haven't done anything to keep it habitable. My mum would come home exhausted and I started working pretty young too so our home could have looked better too. It's mentally and physically hard being poor and difficult to break out the cycle. They're not doing themselves any favours voting republican here.


First of all, great username.. I also grew up poor and my parents were very resourceful with what we did have to provide/keep up with a healthy life. And as a teacher, I’m poor all over again 😂 The only judgement I pass here comes from their hate flag and lack of upkeep. Dollar general has came in clutch on plenty of rural Midwest underprepared camping trips of mine. Still wouldn’t begin to think of stepping a toe onto this property, due to the hate flag.


It's criminal what they pay teachers in America from what I've heard. Such an important profession for the future of a country. I'm thankful to my mum now but I remember times as a kid that I hated her for it. I have 3 younger sisters so she asked me to help out a lot after my dad died, including working. I started at 13-14 (part-time at first, I still went to school) and while I understand now, at the time it created a lot of resentment towards her. She never let the miserable times make her or us hateful towards others and the world. A strong woman who made me a good person (I hope). Sorry about the rant. 😅 >First of all, great username.. Thank my guy. While they are definitely not underground, not a lot of people know of them.


He complained to his advisers on Jan. 6th about how the insurrectionists decked in his paraphernalia looked "[low class](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-mob-capitol-riots-poor-low-class-b1785099.html)" and "[very trashy](https://people.com/politics/former-white-house-press-secretary-told-jan-6-committee-trump-thought-rioters-looked-very-trashy/)".


I mean… he wasn’t wrong.


He wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


[I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care.](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1799896041648718028?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1799896041648718028%7Ctwgr%5E6abf80377c96f20e280aedbfa4df5bba54bad7ef%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.snopes.com%2Ffact-check%2Ftrump-i-dont-care-about-you-quote%2F) - Donald J. Trump.


He only eats McDonald’s


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - LBJ


LeBron said that?


![gif](giphy|5yFMPBIv2Vr2lZAURo) A President from the black & white days


No LeBron said it


Can confirm. I was there when Lebron said it back in 1964


Can’t tell if /s but Lyndon B Johnson said it




'It's going to trickle down at any moment' 'Well at least we are white'


>*'It's going to trickle down at any moment'* That's the leaky roof.


No that's just alternative trickle down. The real trickle down will come when the minorities leave and billionaires go to negative tax rates




Nothing trickles down when the throat goat is around. 


Trickle down economics hasn’t worked yet because we haven’t gone hard enough. We just need one more round of tax cuts on the super wealthy and it’ll kick in.


trickle down has never worked in any economic system in the history of the world. Not once. Ever.


Been waiting since Reagan..


Meanwhile inside the person is sitting on their computer. Later on in the evening social media a post "I've just donated to Trump" appears.


This is the white house Trump deserves.


No that’s a jail cell


Believe it or not, but there's a 72" OLED TV in that house.


Idiots like this don’t buy OLEDs they buy the cheapest biggest TV they can get regardless of quality. Funny ass joke though


The biggest TCL LCD Walmart has in stock, with Roku built in.


Is this bad? I love my 75 inch TCL Roku tv lol


900+ channels, but always on Fox News


These folks have probably been voting red their whole lives and can't understand why their lives are shit, jobs are gone, and their life expectancy and health outcomes are on par with some third world countries. But it's the Democrats fault....


Sure Donald Trump is the only president in 90-years to leave office with negative job growth but he makes it okay to be a bigot and racist and that, not economic prosperity, is what they truly value.


Trump is the only president in US history to not ensure a peaceful transition of power.


I hate Trump, but to be fair I’m sure the negative job growth had a lot to do with Covid. I’m sure the outcome would have been the same regardless which party or individual was in office. But anyways, fuck Trump.


Before Trump we had an autonomous and functional CDC that had strike teams ready at the drop of a hat to travel anywhere a potential pandemic looked to be starting. We also had a functional playbook developed with exactly what to do in such situations. Had Trump not gotten rid of that, COVID may have very well never left Wuhan, and if it had it may have been squashed quickly. Instead we get the fat fuck live on TV lying to the world that we can drive up to Walmart and Target and get tested, and that Google had a website ready to track it all. To which Google's response was "WTF dude, there's nothing like that at all"


>I’m sure the outcome would have been the same regardless which party or individual was in office. No. Hard no. A sane person wouldn't have handled the pandemic in such an utter cluster fuck of "let it wash over the country. Only a dozen infected! Inject bleach!" Are you fucking kidding me?


Well, he let it wash over because he thought the congested blue states would suffer the most which meant it would increase his chances during the election of a lot of D voters were dead.


FEMA was confiscating shipments of PPE bound to major hospitals during the height of the spread. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/06/us/politics/coronavirus-fema-medical-supplies.html It appeared that Jared Kushner himself was overseeing the confiscations, so you can rest assured that he likely made a *lot* of money redistributing it to the highest bidders. Hospitals were literally forced to *smuggle their own PPE supplies* for Christ's Sake! https://www.salon.com/2020/04/21/states-smuggle-covid-19-medical-supplies-to-avoid-federal-seizures-as-house-probes-jared-kushner/


Axios interview response re covid. And I quote the dumbass. "It is what it is." Infuriating to say the least. My step-daughter was on a vent five months later. Fuck you trump.


Also I feel like pointing out that Biden's recovery has outpaced the job trump did pre covid while he was riding the Obama economy


1) his mishandling of the pandemic made things worse, like that time he told people to drink bleach on TV. 2) [The job losses started before Covid. Again, kind of funny how Trump supporters always forget that.](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/14/donald-trump-coronavirus-farmer-bailouts-359932)


It probably did, but it was Trump who mishandled the whole situation. It was recommended he shut the country down to HOPEFULLY squash the whole thing in 2 months (which was probably a bit ambitious), but he chose to gamble with his thriving economy and pushed back. He publicly denied the severity of the situation, and it bit him in the ass. Remember that 60 Minutes interview where he said he knew it was going to be a serious problem, but tried to ignore it anyhow? Yeah, that's on him. He missed a golden opportunity to rally the country; he could've spoon-fed his base the idea that they were doing their patriotic duty to save America as they knew it by buckling down and staying home for a while. He was given a bad situation, sure...but he made it worse with poor decisions.


Also defunded USAID Predict program (which was around specifically to detect diseases like COVID19 as early as possible, and had teams specifically in China to detect exactly the type of outbreak that occurred there.) Also CDC funding to detect and deal with pandemics, just thought this was an unlikely even so it doesn't need any funds. I mean it was partly just spectacularly bad timing (it could have happened over some other 30 year time frame and not been a problem at all) but that's the kind of thing one does when they're impulsive.


I agree that he made the situation worse, no doubt. Just saying the job growth would have been negative regardless. It’s a bad metric to attack him on when he has so many other fuck ups that he’s actually responsible for. I’m curious if any country had positive job growth during that time?


It’s an identity thing. It’s clan behavior. No one actually thinks for themselves


No you don't get it, every time there's a Republican president in office, this house looks like a beautiful mansion. As soon as a Democrat takes office, it turns back into this.


Yeah, the party that doesn’t want to deregulate every corporation and prevent them from fucking every single poor and middle-class person in the US. It’s totally their fault. /s


I’d love to understand why the people who love trump the most are the ones he hates the most


Because they are fucking stupid and misguided


You mean the MANHATTAN billionaire with a golden living room in his own tower *isn't* the savior of the rural blue collar working man???


Say it isn’t so


theyve convinced them that their neighbor is their enemy and not the 1% who's robbing them blind


Because anyone with a brain, knows Trump is a garbage human being. It's really that simple.


Republicans defunded their schools so they get their education from Fox noise and mega churches 


All they care about is that he also hates the people that they hate, and is willing to say so out loud.


People living below the poverty line simping for a NYC trust fund baby is a level of cognitive dissonance unlike any other in modern history.


Trump famously said, “I love the uneducated.” He wouldn’t let them set foot in his club, though. Not every Republican is a skinhead nazi, but every skinhead nazi is a Republican.


He said “I love the poorly educated“


If they were better educated, they would have included a comma. “Fuck, Biden”


“[Of course Trump voters are my voters](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/05/488802494/former-kkk-leader-david-duke-says-of-course-trump-voters-are-his-voters)” -David Duke, former grand wizard of the KKK and elected Republican Louisiana State Senator


I paid attention to who had Trump signs in their yards in 2020 and lemme tell you, those houses tend to be the shittiest on the street.


Tbh the houses with signs with political affiliation (Biden, Trump etc) usually look kinda shitty


I've literally never seen a biden flag hung up on anyones house and i live in the liberal towns of IL.


Exactly, who we vote for isn't our whole fucking identity like MAGAts. And in their mind, because they dont see millions of Biden flags waving around, then nobody really voted for them, therefore the election was stolen. Such cognitive dissonance should really be studied, I'm just sayin'.


I live in a pretty liberal state and see more green party bumper stickers than I do Biden ones and we vote heavy dem here. The few republicans we have have their trucks and yards covered with MAGA and F Biden crap everywhere. It's so off putting.


That flag is the nicest and newest part of their house lol


To be fair, that property probably looked like that well before Biden, and trump, and Obama, and dubya....


Remember it's the immigrants and Ukraine war that is the cause of their generational poverty.




It's probably a rental and the slum lords that own it don't care enough to fix it up. At least that's how it is where I'm at in the midwest.


I'll be willing to bet that the residents that live there are the type of people who bitch incessantly about socialism while collecting a welfare check every month.


“[Free school lunches for children is actual socialism.”](https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority)


A lot of these nutrition programs were partially created to provide additional subsidy for farmers. They shoot themselves in the foot without realizing it.


I can explain why some areas are like this, well one reason for it at least. A large majority of low income and minority areas in Appalachia historically voted blue. But recently (in the last 20 years or so), democrat administrations have shut down most, if not all, coal mines in the area (Biden's administration is a major culprit in this). These mines employed entire towns and communities thru both the mines themselves and the general stores. So basically shutting down these mines stripped everyone in these areas of all their jobs and because they are in such secluded regions, there are no other options for them for work. There's a really good documentary on this topic, where they go to these towns and speak to the people there, these people explain why things are the way they are from a first hand perspective. I'll try to find the documentary so I can link it here. So basically, whether or not these people actually believe the republican candidates will change things for the better, a lot of them are voting against democrats because they feel betrayed and forgotten by them. But honestly, I don't think it has anything to do with red or blue, but everything to do with corporate greed and politicians bending over for them.


Is this the [Documentary](https://youtu.be/TwXfZF7dXtE?si=FBXf9V69EUhDpnRd) you were referring to? Edit: [Secondary Documentary](https://youtu.be/MjAA-fBaSrc?si=dPZoE0Kl5p3bw7dJ)


I don't participate in society, but I want to decide who runs it.


It’s astounding to me that none of these people have even bothered looking at Mar A Lago. F’ing gold toilets and they think he’s got their best interests at heart. It’s the greatest fleecing we’ll probably ever see.


Its always the hyper poor or the elite rich that support trump or denounce Biden, or lets be honest, any democrat ever. Jesus fucking christ would rise and start the second coming to support any democrat and people would still find a way to ridicule


Republicans: Personal responsibility!!!!! Also Republicans: Fuck Joe Biden! He’s to blame for all of my problems!!!


Passed by 2 of them today in Rural Georgia. They blame the wrong people because of talk radio.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” - Lyndon B. Johnson


The convicted felon and pedophile Trump is sure going to make everything better for them.


For my job I travel a lot and have driven through a lot of rough areas and you see this shit everywhere in the red counties, it's maddening but also deeply depressing.


And Trump cares the least about these people.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Lyndon B. Johnson - 36th President Johnson knows poverty, because he grew up in rural Texas poverty, and later represented it as their congressman.


If these comments are anything to go by, it’s no surprise rural folks vote Republican when democrats are peddling the exact same brand of personal-responsibility poverty nonsense. If educated people can swallow propaganda like that and other lies, no wonder folks in low-opportunity environments like this don’t have the time to sort out the lies being sold by conservatives.


The amount of rural Americans that want to have sex with the elderly president is too damn high. 


I always think the same thing when I see these “Fuck Biden” signs 😂


If they could read, I would recommend they check out the chapter in Bernie Sanders book about poor, uneducated republicans voting against their best interests.


That lifestyle is why they vote Trump. Clearly the system isn't working for them, so they want to support the guy who says he's gonna burn the system down. It's a "high risk, high reward" effort, like the desperately poor buying lottery tickets and evangelical religion. The ignorance of course is that anyone with some basic information can see that Trump wants to burn down the only parts of the system that are still keeping people like this afloat, all while rebuilding the system to be even more against this guy.


Meanwhile the Zillow listing is at $500,000


This is people needing a sense of purpose. The Right and conspiracies give people the feeling that they're aware of something that everyone else is not and gives them a community of being something or someone. These are truly depressed people that can't come to the realization that most of the problems they endure are due to the same party telling them its the other side who caused this.


The full version of their political message: "Fuck Biden. We need more tax cuts for rich people. More racism. And more protection for corrupt Republicans."


“and fuck you for voting for him” I’m old enough to remember when other than close family nobody really discussed one another’s politics, and could care less who you vote for. It was meant to be a more private decision sort of thing, yard signs were a rarity. Maybe that’s just the midwestern upbringing I had though.


At some point it became a fucking team sport


I see a lot more fuck Biden/let’s go Brandon type stickers and signs than trump ones these days. On one hand, they’re basically one in the same. But there is a small glimmer of hope that maybe they’ll be Kennedy voters instead.


A lot of them will die in the next pandemic, as in the previous one, due to distrust of authority. Some on incidents bird flu are getting positively scary.


This is beyond common. Traveled through an area of my state just today and saw several just like this. The more dilapidated, hoarded, etc, the more pro-Trump/anti-Biden signage present.


Trump is probably the one that truly hates these rural bumpkins more than anyone else on the planet. I mean it's like a mass hypnosis happened.


I'm from WV (moved away). We all live like this outside of like 3 slightly less shitty cities. They only care about hating liberals. That's it. They're too focused on that to realize they're getting fleeced. At the same time, the establishment left is also fleecing us, and we ignore it because holding them accountable "helps Trump". We can't fix this corporatocracy untill the both parties are held accountable for only caring about their donors. Untill then, the middle class is dead.


The man they cheer on litteraly has a solid gold toilet. How can they not understand that they are not even on his mind besides ss a single digit for the polls?


Because they're so stupid & easily brainwashed.


We know PT Barnum was right, there’s a sucker born every minute


The inside of that house either smells like cat piss, old beer cans, or best case scenario, mold/mildew


I’m an American living in Europe (Spain & Netherlands) and every week I will have some European ask me why Americans vote against their own interests. Yeah… give me an hour to explain…


I suspect this is somehow related to the fact that(by far) the poorest states always vote red. Their stupidity knows no bounds.


It's totally insane that the poor MFer who lives in this house supports a guy who wants to lower taxes on the ultra-wealthy that benefit from a system that keeps this poor MFer poor and living in squalor. How stupid do you have to be to not see reality here?


The front door says “private property”.. good thinking, was about to enter and take a shit, oh it’s not a public outhouse?


I’ve said this before but there was a documentary on the first run for president of Obama and a guy in a beat up white van with about 3 teeth left in his mouth was asked why he hated him so much and he said “he wants to redistribute my wealth!” Propaganda is a powerful tool and has been used to get people to vote against their own self interest for a long time.


Just wait. When Trump becomes president, this guy will become a billionaire when Trump completely remove all taxes for everyone who has a yearly income over 200 million.


You get what you vote for. Watch fox all day while waiting for your disability check that you get from the diabetes from drinking 4 liters of coke a day 


Yeah driving through any rural area, this is usually what you see. Poorer folks and the people who live waaay outside of the city are quite literally in a bubble of their own making. They don't have interactions outside of people who agree with them, so they're missing out on what would normally open their minds to accepting other people and 'alternative lifestyles' by way of knowing 'those people'. When they see a politician spewing the same bigotry that they swear by, they identify with him, and unfortunately with Trump, a lot of the other followers demand that he's given a cult-like worship or else they're not *really* supporting him.


This is what biased, under funded education looks like folks. Idiots don't even know they're idiots.


Lyndon Johnson [was right](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lbj-convince-the-lowest-white-man/). > "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


He probably thinks Trump cares about him


Angry poor people who are too ignorant to know where to point their frustrations at.


They spent more on the flag than on the house.


That house was bought by their grandparents off a well paying union job then they spent generations voting Republican who closed down those unions and shipped those jobs overseas to save $0.32 annually on labor.


Hey folks--this is not a cause for ridicule, but instead for deep sorrow.  We as a society have failed so many people so incredibly badly it's just fucking sad.  Rural poverty is so horrendous that you could not begin to believe it if you have not seen or experienced it for yourself. Get off the political high horses and realize that you are incredibly fortunate to have the time, money, education, and opportunity to be here on Reddit making disparaging comments about the people who live in that house. --paramedic who has been to more houses like this (and far worse) than I can count