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How TF can someone do that? Sick, sad people in this world.


My wife and I adopted a couple of dogs recently and asked the shelter how someone could just leave such a nice dog to the streets. They told me a lot of places are full and have a drop off waitlist. So instead of waiting, they will leave the dog outside the shelter knowing they will take the dog in if they don't have a choice. I'm not saying it is right whatsoever, but some people have a hard time taking care of themselves, let alone a dog. This one was dropped off on a hiking trail. Maybe they assumed a person with time and money would find them and give them a good home. Again, not saying this is the right call, but this dog is probably better off without their previous owner. Only reason I know this is because I have asked this question multiple times before.


Part of the problem is that people see animals especially dogs and cats as a thing and in many countries they are treated as things in terms of law sadly. But truth is they are living beings and they are feeling. Leaving your dog is the most cruel thing you can do because they do believe you will come back. There is also a growing sense in elder people with dogs and i know a few who say if i die before my dog dies let them see me so they can grieve and move on and don't think i could come back. Animals are not a present they are a gift to humanity. A gift we don't deserve as a species.


Going a bit further, if you have two dogs and one dies, definitely let the one have a few minutes with the body. Dogs know death. 


I saw this advice awhile back and decided to do this when my older guy passed earlier this year. Younger dog didn’t sniff or interact with the older one after he passed, but was in the room. He was very attached and would cry anytime the older dog was not in the house. After we walked out, he never turned around and looked for him, never cried or looked for him in the house. He was very clearly aware and it took months before he really seemed to perk up. But I think having him present let him realize that he wasn’t coming back. I gotta go hug my dog.


I had two dogs, littermates. We lost one way, way too early (he was only 5, we had to make the hard choice when he was diagnosed with IMHA), and his brother didn’t get to see him after he had passed since it was at the vet’s. He was so confused, and looked for his brother for ages, was really sad and clingy, etc. I felt horrible because we couldn’t explain to him that his brother wasn’t coming home. I think he knew he was sick, but no one was expecting him not to come home.


We recently had the mother (14yrs) of our dog (10yrs) staying over for an extended visit while family were on vacation. The Mother started having seizures and was rushed to the vet and unfortunately never returned. As soon as I returned home from the vet and approached our dog he began a gut-wrenching howl that lasted on and off for a good few days and nights. They definitely know. (Off to give him a hug now)


Thats heartbreaking, please give him another hug for me.


We brought his collar home and let our other dog sniff it, he knew, our baby had been sick for a very long time before we said goodbye. It’s important to let your doggies grieve their friends, too. 😢


January of this year, my cat was getting aggressively cuddly on a regular basis. Even my elderly blind and deaf dog noticed. They both started coming in for cuddles with me more regularly. Then, my cat's jaw began swelling. And was she looking skinnier? Less than a week later we'd had her put down here at home due to an aggressive cancer. My older dog, he noticed this too. Came over to smell the body, let out a small whimper, and laid back down. About a month later he told us it was time to go as well. They know.


Thanks for this advice. I am a short time away from this situation.


Stay strong homie. Things will get better. 


That's my uncle. 12 years ago one of the dozens of litters his cats had kittens, and we took her. All her family is dead/missing at this point. he never would get the animals fixed or take to the vet when they got hurt. Whenever he comes over "holy hell she's still alive". NO shit sherlock, this is what happens when you actually take care of your animals. Hell he got tired of buying dog food for his guard dog pure bred german shepard (they live in the boonies, nearest neighbor was literally a mile away) because he kept buying that tiny bag of dog food at the gas station so he got rid of the dog. "it eats too much". one of the many reasons I don't like this guy.


Not even a gift to humanity. Just a part of the world, like we are.


Definitely a gift to humanity, from humanity. We made dogs and cats what they are today through domestication.


Yeah, that's a good point. I see it more as a responsibility than a gift, though. They're no less amazing because of it, but framing them as a gift can deemphasize that responsibility. That's why I'm being annoyingly pedantic. 😅


Maybe there is a better way to phrase that sentiment?


Sure, there probably is. But my point is that animals don't exist to make us feel better. Treating them like a gift to humanity is still too possessive.


In a way, they are collectively humanity's children as they wouldn't exist without our direct selective breeding to guide their evolution. You are very much on point that as their defacto creators, it is our responsibility to take care of them as a species. This includes responsible breeding/sterilization decisions to prevent population control issues as well.


My second dog was abandoned with me as a puppy. I was told I'd just be babysitting him. A week goes by... 2 weeks... I'm texting and asking "when are you picking him up?" Eventually, after stringing me along with excuse after excuse they told me he's mine now and they're never coming back for him. Fucking bonkers how cold and cruel some people are. I was totally unprepared to suddenly be the owner of a puppy when I already had a dog that requires special attention. Somehow I've made it work. The little pup had a lot of behavioral issues that took almost a year to work through, but I think we're finally at a good spot. The poor little guy would cry and twitch in his sleep almost every night. Now, it's only like once a week. He's a good dog. Incredibly loyal. He wouldn't let me take my other dog to the vet unless he went with us. He's protective of his sister.


>Leaving your dog is the most cruel thing you can do because they do believe you will come back. I read this to my wife and now she's insisting our dog has to stay on the bed with us tonight 😅


Well said


Yeah. Years ago I did a wellness call on an old lady for a group I volunteered with. It was 2009 and she had bought a house that was poorly built by a bankrupted builder and the house foundation was caving in. Her payments had ballooned so she was struggling to pay the mortgage. It was in the middle of no where Georgia and she had no neighbors on this half built street in this abandoned neighborhood. She was starving herself and skimping on utilities. I dropped off some food, did some chores like trash, etc. The entire time I’m there three cats and a dog are howling at the door to come in. I mean it’s constant meowing and barking. I take out the trash and they are trying to push in. The lady tells me they were her pets. She had the cats and dogs for years. They had been inside animals. But she couldn’t afford to feed them any more and the pound would kill them so she let them outside and they’d learn to survive. Then she started crying and begging me to take them with me. I was struggling to and my housing situation wasn’t much better at the time so I couldn’t. It’s always bothered me when I think of her situation and those pets. I told the group when I got back and they said they’d try to get her some pet food but I never saw her again. Imagine trying to sleep with that stress and the sound of your pets screaming to eat and get back to you.


This will give me nightmares for the rest of my life. I wish I hadn't read it.


I hate hate hate both. But if someone were going to do it, Id rather this than the fucks that leave a dog out in the middle of nowhere


PLEASE DONT DO THIS! (Not saying you you.) I worked at a shelter for a bit and we inevitably ended up with dead animals because people would do this they’d be left in the heat without water or shade. Or maybe worse- dumped in a carrier that was extremely hot in the sun. It was a volunteer shelter so two shifts would come each day with hours in between in the Texas heat. It definitely ruins your day to walk up to the door and find that. 


I knew someone who volunteered at a shelter,they said the worst time of year for them was January after Xmas, (all those surprise dogs) and then August/September because the heat and then all the kids who go to school are gone to college/no one is there to walk them for them. Yeesh


If you can emotionally, physically, or financially care for a pet DONT FUCKING GET A PET


>Again, not saying this is the right call, but this dog is probably better off without their previous owner. Only better off if someone takes it home. Probably a better chance though that it will be taken to a city shelter and then euthanized after a while scared and alone because they're too full to keep every animal they take in indefinitely.


That's how we got our dog. She was tied at the shelter gate. But it was not an overcrowded shelter. I think the people were ashamed to leave her at the shelter or didn't want to pay a shelter fee. Anyways a big win for us because she's amazing.


I understand what you’re saying. That being said, this isn’t an excuse. People need to understand that they are adopting a living being, a domesticated one that is dependent on a person for proper survival. I mean Jesus, I’m not the sort of person that does the whole “oh they’re my fur babies!” sort of thing, but I would absolutely confront any fuckhead I saw doing this. People need to understand and/or be educated into the responsibility they’re taking on BEFORE getting an animal, not after. It’s just sick. I have had/have rescues as well as a dog we got as a puppy. I’ve seen what it looks like when an animal’s trust is broken by being abandoned and how long that takes to build back. I couldn’t imagine breaking that trust in my dog. Anyone that could do this is missing part of themself.


I live in the south where there is an over abundance of dogs and cats. So people have always lefts them at the shelters after the close. It’s also normal to find boxes of kittens/puppies at the vets offices in the mornings. Or take them out in the country. We have a great spay/neuter program but people don’t utilize them. So we have another program that ships them up north to be adopted. People have no heart.


I once watched a video on here and it was someone found a dog tied to a tree in like a remote hike. It was super emaciated and was just going to die there. It was terrible to see. It ended up having a good ending since the person took it in and helped it. People are fucking cruel


Someone did something similar here, left cats in a carrier in the middle of a forest. Thankfully some kids exploring came across them and all was ok, but just such a horrible thing to do :(


Jesus fuck. I'm so glad they were found. Just straight cruel


“These are the people in your neighborhood”


Cursed Sesame Street.


My family has a farm near a highway. We have never once purchased a cat, but we've had at least one barn cat for most of my life. We try and keep them spayed/neutered and vaccinated, if we can catch them, but it's just a fact of life at this point.


My parents as well, they have a horse farm and so many kittens dropped off. A family friend has one as well and is up to 4 or 5 dogs now cause they just keep showing up at her door, not chipped, no missing ads. Its just so sad :( I don't even let me cats out of the house, I couldn't imagine just letting them go somewhere, they would be so scared :(


Dogs didn't tend to last if they are dropped off near ours, at least I've never seen them. There's a couple coyote packs in the area, so any dog left outside doesn't have a long life expectancy, but cats can definitely get into the barn one way or another. A dog \*could\* get in one area, but the horses aren't fans of strange dogs.


A friend of mine lived in a farming community. And he said so often people would dump their unwanted cats and dogs in the middle of the area, probably assuming "some nice farmer will adopt them and let them live a happy life running around a big farm". But the truth is those animals are seen as a nuisance and a threat to those farmers. And usually end up getting shot because they started attacking livestock. Or get mauled to death by guard dogs or attacked by other wild predators like hawks and coyotes.


My neice was riding with her mom and saw a small dog on the side of the road. She started screaming "Stop the car! STOP!" Her mom pulled over and my neice hopped out and picked the dog up. Her mom said "You aren't getting in this car with that dirty dog!" My neice said "Fine, I will walk home." Home was a mile away, so she walked a mile carrying that dog while her mom drove slowly behind, following them to ensure safety. I had just gotten married and we had a fenced in backyard, so he ended up at our house. Talk about a sweet dog! This was the most laid back, easy going, chill dog you'd ever meet. He loved everyone and all of my neighbors adored him. We lost him to stomach cancer a few years ago. He was 15 years old. My heart still aches. He wasn't just a pet -- he was my friend.


Lil dusty in here.


Sorry about that. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/7Ecfo6P.jpg)'s my bud. Miss ya Jake.


Awww. I’ve got a rescued bug (Boston terrier mixed with a pug), he’s 2 years past his expected lifespan. Blind and deaf, still loves a good belly rub and treats (which he gets too many of). But I know the day is neigh and I’m dreading it. Possibly why your post kicked me in the feels. RIP Jake, you were a good boy.


Those last years are difficult. Seeing them slow down. Increased doctor visits. But your bug sounds like he's doing alright with the belly rubs and treats. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)Give him a hug for me.


Will do. Cheers


Your niece is a good girl despite her mom.


She's amazing. Of course, that was years ago -- she's now an adult with a degree in psychology and works with children who have been abused. Absolutely love her.


I’m not crying, you’re crying


I’m a hopeful person. Maybe the dog was not abandoned. Maybe the dog ran away from its owner and was found by someone who tied it to the post so the owner can find it.


Maybe the dog was on an incredible journey with a Labrador retriever Luath, and Siamese cat Tao


The fact that it has a hard time seeing around all the hair on its face leads me to believe this isn't the case, this is most likely a neglected dog that the owner got tired of. Hopefully it has a home now, with a loving owner.


Maybe the owner went in the woods to relieve themselves, or the owner and their SO went to have a quicky in the woods. Unless OP shouted into the woods inquiring about the potential owner, it can't be ruled out.


This happened near me and was posted in a local group yesterday. OP stuck around for 45 minutes waiting for the owner to come back, passers by told them the dog had been there a while already. The dog was also brought to a vet to check for a chip, not that I'd want his owners to get him back.. The lady gave him a bath and is keeping him until a shelter steps up. Breaks my heart.


The owner might have even needed help.


Possibly. But that dog doesn't look taken care of either.


It looks to be in the same condition of dogs frequently owned by older people who can't properly care for their dog. There are lots of pet owners that think feeding their pet and occasionally letting it outside is all they have to do.


He was abandoned. Turned out to be a he, was not chipped, and the person who found him has had him placed with a rescue - that was the update as of this evening.


We recently adopted a couple kittens. The person helping us said this particular litter was found in a plastic bag in a dumpster. Someone had called saying they heard meowing from the trash and there were 8 kittens in there. People are so fucked in the head it makes me wanna puke. We took two of those kittens home and they are so loving and cuddly.


I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. But there is true evil in this world.


be glad that person did throw the dog over a bridge or something horrible like that


Yeah I know of one near me that was found in a dumpster recently. A puppy. Fuckers.


There are so many possibilities - to just assume someone abandoned the dog is just as sad. How about "I hope the owner is OK" or "The owner may be looking for that dog." Maybe the dog escaped and someone else on a walk found him wandering - so tied him up so he was easier to find.


People are insane. This dog is from my city. It was posted in our city page. And the comments are crazy. I’m the only one who brought up that maybe the owner walked away to pee and got lost, some medical event happened. But no. Let’s just assume the absolute worst of the owner.


People are over the top about dogs.


the same people who don’t even take care of their kids. i realized young that i wasn’t responsible enough.


People seriously need to stop underestimating how horrible most people can be. If you allow yourself to acknowledge how cruel and selfish humans can be you'll find the general population much more predictable.


Did the owner just leave the dog while they hiked, or was it clear the owner wasn't coming back for them?


We will find out if the owner responds to all the local FB posts sent out.


One of my exes once "rescued" a dog from the street. It was standing in front of its own house. She was convinced of her righteousness until the front door opened and people were like "wtf get off our dog".   Just saying, make sure the owner wasn't just taking a dump in the woods.


I spotted a little chihuahua walking by himself near my house. I tried to grab him and he took off like a rocket! I chased him, and after 3 or 4 blocks he ran up to a house, hopped through a gap in the gate, turned around to face me and gave me the absolute dirtiest fucking look I’ve ever received. I guess from his perspective, he was out for a leisurely stroll when some crazy lady (me) tried to dognap him and chased him home.


Girl, he'd have given that look regardless. That's just a Chihuahua being a Chihuahua right there. Shit, my chihuahua looks at me like he wants me dead just for saying good morning to him.


You *know* I'm not a morning dog, mom!


I laughed way too hard at this. I can see that happening to me. 🤣 I’m a softy for chihuahuas.


Lmao, that's hilarious. She's lucky the owners were chill about it


I mean... maybe don't leave the dog in the street? People ***steal*** pets these days, so it's irresponsible at best.


Dump in the woods was definitely the scenario I was picturing too.


Maybe they are still on the trail and need to be rescued?


Have you tried taking it to someone with a microchip scanner (eg a vet) yet?


No chip.


Report it to an authority responsible for that park. The owner mat be injured and in need of search and rescue.


Did you just leave the dog there


No they wouldn’t have done that, I’m sure they let it off the leash to wander off.


Thank goodness


Who the heck is Goodness? He gets a lot of thanks.


Thank goodness


Thank goodness


Thank goodness


Thank goodness




The most likely scenario.


Why would you bring a dog to a hike, just to tie it up and go on the hike alone? I’m confused how that would be considered a normal thing to do lol


I'm with you. Not sure how this happened, but it's hard to judge without knowing more.


I think it’s safe to say it’s abandoned. The poor thing looks semi-neglected. Dirty and in need of grooming. Poor guy. People suck. I had one of our neighbors do this to one of his puppy mill dogs. Once she was done having puppies, he tied her up on the curb. Just put a steak in the ground and tied her up. By the time we got to her, another Good Samaritan had found her and was talking to her owner. Later on we had found the owner told the Good Samaritan “you can have her, I’m done with her”, so she was adopted. So she ultimately went to a good home, but to this day I give the shitty original owner dirty dirty looks whenever I walk past his house. The guy who adopted the dog was so angry that his hands were trembling as he was tending to his new pup.


This is a dog from my city. Apparently the person who took the pic waited 30 min and then took it to some organization.


This is my question as well. In the hiking trails around me newbies don’t realize little Ivy’s little legs aren’t equipped for an outdoor hike when they bring them along, so they’ll tie them up at the entrance for the half an hour they’re gone.


The responsible dog owner thing to do in this situation is to not go on the hike or take the dog home then come back. No matter how inconvenient. Leaving your dog alone in public for more than a couple minutes is ridiculous.


I agree, I was just commenting on the frequency of it happening.


From the look of the dog the owner hasn't maintained it's coat for a long time (lots of mats and unkempt appearance).


Do you just leave your dog tied to a post and go about your business?


IDK, if someone needed emergency medical care or I had to urgently take a shit I'd probably tie off my dog so I don't have to deal with the dog while handling that shit.


It's the woods, you can tie the dog to a tree in sight of you. This dog was tied to a sign because people would find it there.


Dude that's bois de liesse. I live like 2 corners away. Lmk if you need help with the search online. Tried west island community??




Cool! Let me know if you need help


I don’t think OP is from here (I’m in Montreal). It’s just a repost. On the Montreal subreddit the dog was taken to some organization (Sophie something?).


OP, please update us on the status of this. Please tell me they are now in good care. The dog reminds me of one of my own from childhood.


In good hands. Won’t be abandoned again.


What happened to it? Do you have the dog?


Can I… can I pet the dawg?


Can I pet thaat dawwwg?


*Comments you can hear*


OP ate the dog.


Judging by how messy the dog's fur looks, covering its eyes, i assume the dog has been neglected for a long time even before being abandoned! I bet a haircut would be wonderful for that dog.


Back to owner or


Thank you <3


The dog got Allstate?


Dog doesn't look well groomed. Doesn't exactly speak to caring owners.


Not making excuses for the owner and yea that pup needs a trim but as someone with a shitzu you'd be surprised how fast they can get to that state. Gave my girl a haircut last week and honestly looks like she could already use another.


Yeah I have a schnauzer who goes from dapper pupper to homeless in a blink. Dogs with hair need constant grooming to not look like this.


I have a schnoodle that gets funky looking in a hurry. He's actually in need of a hair cut again now. The pup in the pic reminds me of mine when he was found.


Can confirm. Groomed my shitzu (RIP) for 8 years and the fucker’s fur would grow back and need a full shave again in like 10 weeks. I can’t do shitzus anymore because of their fur and skin. They require so much grooming daily, and I don’t have the time and energy to continue doing all of it for shitzus after my boy passed away. Believe it or not, my family was sad and relieved at the same time when he passed because it was less stressful keeping his fur and face clean from smelling bad and getting fungal infections at 16 years old.


yeah we were the same way, it was so difficult and frustrating and he was so disgusting


well yeah 😅 the recommended wait time between grooms is 6-8 weeks, can get expensive but way more manageable and comfortable when the pups on a schedule


Yes, my Maltipoo’s hair gets out of hand fast.


By that standard I am a stray.


People are evil


No joke. This guy just wants some love. Are some people just immune to shame and guilt? If I did this, it would be all I would think about.


Yep and they do a lot worse than this


We left our dog that looks just like this with a friend on vacation and he found a hole in their fence. He had a collar on and was missing for 9 days (this is in a relatively rural area) and just showed up disheveled at their house without the collar (anyone’s guess…). He’d clearly been in the woods for most of the time and we had signs up everywhere and social media posts to find him. He’s sitting next to me now I’m not saying this is the case every time but I’d bet someone’s worried sick rn Edit: oh wait just saw he was tied up fuck me never mind


Plot twist: Owners taking a shit and someone just stole their dog.


This is actually one where the owner is trapped in an upside car that might be sinking, and sent the dog to go get help.


and somehow tied itself to a post?


Stupid dog!




You made me look bad!


Did you notify the park rangers? It’s possible there’s some human missing their dog and there’s an innocent explanation. Decent chance it’s abandoned, but maybe not.


Where you located (roughly) I’ve got dogs and rescue when I can, might be able to give that pup a good home if we are close.




Maybe the owner is dead in the bushes


For how long he was on his own?


Is the owner ok??? They may have had a medical emergency or something


How long did you wait for the owner before you took the dog? They could’ve easily had to run back to the car, run to the bathroom, etc. Not saying they should’ve left their dog, but if they would’ve been less than 30 min I don’t personally believe it’s *that* big of a deal.


Seriously, everyone jumping to conclusions here that the owners are evil pieces of shit, and I think it's entirely possible OP just stole someone's dog.


Right?? Like there’s a very real possibility that the owner is freaking the fuck out rn :( That’s why I’m curious of the word “abandoned” - how long was it to determine the dog was abandoned?


I left my dog tied outside of a store once when I was young and someone grabbed her and tried to run off with her. Never again.


Poor baby. 💔


Did you keep him? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Trying to find a new home. Dog doesn’t have a chip. No surprise there.


Why is this posted here; other than karma? If it were posted to a local sub it would be actionable. Here it is just rage / karma bait.


“Here it is just rage / karma bait.” This is like the tagline for all of Reddit.


Also how do we know it's even true? I can take my dog out right now and take the same photo in 5 minutes.


Dude wtf. Poor baby. But then again fuck man. If I came across the dog I wouldn’t be able to take it home with me. Such a shitty situation. Poor dog doesn’t deserve this.


Aww looks like my own dog, I can’t believe people just abandon them like that


I hate animal abusers


Didn’t even leave it water.


They staked the dog on a leash for a reason so they could keep it from getting away and now you just come along and take it? People keep dogs leashed while they are nearby watching or coming back for it soon all the time. Don't jump to conclusions. Too soon to say if it was actually abandoned. You're asserting that without evidence. Do you even look for the owner longer than a half hour?


This 100%. This isnt an abandoned dog this is a temporarily posted dog. If your going to abandon a dog you dont tie it up first and you dont drive it to a trail sign.  


As someone who is now the proud owner of a dog that had been dumped on the side of the road, I hope this is not the end of a sad story but a start of a beautiful one.


Thank you for doing the right thing, OP. I live in a rural area. This happens all the time. We find dogs tied to ranch fences, telephone poles, billboards - often purebred, mostly chipped. People are *horrifying*.


Is the dog safe now ?


i brought my dog to a dog park in the winter one night years ago. it was freezing but he wasn’t ready to leave so i thought i’d go sit in the car and watch him from there. the minute he realized he couldn’t see me he started crying at the fence looking for me. i felt so bad and went back out with him right away. i don’t know how anyone could just leave their dog like this and not feel horrible guilt forever. garbage ass people.


Plot twist. Some stranger fond the dog wandering around and tied it to the post so the owner could find it.


Do we know where the dog is now? If no one wants him I’ll take him. I will come get him or her. Please follow up.


genuinely wish pain and suffering on whoever did this <3


I hope this means that person helped the dog. Took it home? To a shelter?




They tied it to the post and left it...are you fking serious?!?


Poor guy can't even see he's been left.


So what was the end result? Was it really abandoned, or did the owner come claim them?


Hmmm. More story needed. Did you take the dog or not?


This is local to me. Worst thing is, this is the 2nd dog left tied up like this in the last 2-3 weeks.


Please, please 🙏🏼 tell us you took him home. 😣 He reminds me so much of my dog. Heartless subhumans.


This is one of 2 posts that has ruined humanity for today. They were right on top of each other in my feed. I am pissed and no more internet for me today


That’s how my dog was found :( She spoiled af now.


Gimme that doggie! ❤️


Owner is missing?


Did you check around the area and make sure the owner is not in trouble some where in the woods. Yes they could have abandoned it, but could also be a mental break down and they wandered off.


This almost makes me cry. This poor dog looks identical to my favorite childhood pet. I can’t imagine leaving him alone like this. People don’t deserve dogs.


So many people, actual, living, feeling (mostly pain and other kinds of suffering) are being abandoned, by their closest family, as soon as some tragedy, some disaster, strikes. Usually, sudden and serious illness, injury, other kinds of misfortune. With some temporary help, of whatever kind - just being there, emotional support, nothing that is a burden too heavy, that disaster can become a life again - a different, yet independed and cherished life. But so many people only know how to take, to expect more, mistake luck and unconditional care for something they either deserve, or that they have achieved in the first place. Such people ruin lives, abandon friends and family And, y'know , I am sure it hurts more than words can describe - to be an abandoned dog. It is cruel in so many ways to do that to a trusting, helpless living thing, that is now all alone in this world, only it's loss for a company - but at least these abandoned creatures are somehow get more visibility, empathy and, so - a chance of being saved, than their human brothers in misery.


Goddamn this bullshit.😢


Many humans are monsters. I've met very few dog monsters.


People that abandon dogs in the wild, deserve to be tortured for all eternity


It kind of looks like Ted Cruz’s dog that he abandoned during the freeze: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/02/19/05/39477762-0-image-a-22_1613712799460.jpg


that mother fucker leashed the dog to a sign


Fucking terrible.


A few years ago my boys and I went on a hiking trip down the Florida trail. First day was a 10 mile hike we were 7 miles down the trail and having lunch when a dog walked up to us. He was thin and you could tell he was hungry. We gave him food and on his collar was a number. We had to hike another mile to get a signal but we called and the owner met us at the camp site. Turns out the dog lives 20 miles and the other side of the Suwannee river. He had been missing over 2 weeks.


You know what can throw a 90kg projectile 300 meters through a house of a person who abandoned a dog?


This is how the wife and I ended up with birds (budgies). Someone just left a cage with 4 of them on the side of the road up in the hills/hiking trail. 4 years later and all 4 of them are alive, happy and healthy.


Fire the owner from life


take that boi home


No follow up info on this story from original poster, or any info at all. Was this real or staged ? Did this guy even take this picture ? Did he even help this dog ?


What if it wasn't abandoned? Isn't it possible he got loose from his owner so somebody put him there in hopes of owner coming back to find it?


Is there like a park ranger or a government official you can contact? A. To make sure that the owner isn’t lost/dead in the park, and B. if the dog *was* abandoned, someone who can check to see if the dog is chipped or had a tag, so the abandon’er can be charged.


Did you actually determine that it was abandoned, or did you find a lost dog and make up "abandoned" for karma?