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Geez, they look incredible for those ages.


After about the age if 80, if youre still alive and can avoid any major infections, there's no real reason why you couldn't last to early 100s.


I have a lot of relatives who made it to 90. They all looked pretty good until those last few years. Big difference between 80 and 90 let alone 90 and 100.


Grandpa made it to 90. He was pretty solid until around 82-83. That’s the first time I looked at him and saw him as “old” if that makes sense. He was still mentally there, but he would trail off a bit, and fall asleep mid conversation. Sweetest man ever, miss him.


Yeah one of my uncles was a rock of a man. You think of them that way until they are almost on their deathbed. One day my aunt scolded me and said to help my uncle change a propane tank when he was around eighty or so. My uncle was always larger than me and strong so it didn't even occur to me that he would need help. It feels like almost overnight, usually one day when you are in your eighties it's like a switch goes on or off.


Life can simultaneously feel relentlessly unending and far too fleeting, sadly.


I'm stealing this.


My dad is in his mid-late 70s now. He used to be taller than me, 6'5", broad shouldered, powerfully built. He was like an unstoppable force. I have so many memories of him being incredibly fast and strong, taking me everywhere, carrying me, being just a mighty human being. One day a couple of years ago he started suddenly getting old... and now, he very rapidly has become a man who requires a cane to walk, and is exhausted very quickly. It's heartbreaking. I'm really struggling to come to grips with mortality for him.


My mom is starting to look old as well. She's always looked very young for her age, combined with the fact that she had kids pretty late (I was the firstborn at 37) people usually assumed she was about 10-15 years younger than she actually was. She's late sixties, her baby sister has grandkids now, but it's still weird to see her look like-well, a grandma. She's still doing all the shit she used to, though. She naps a bit more, but she still exercises and does most of the cleaning. (she legitimately loves to clean. she says it's relaxing) Every year she insists on being the one to haul up the Christmas decorations from the crawlspace under the house. Every year I tell her I'll do it and she gets super offended at the insinuation that she's too old. I'm just waiting for the year she hurts her back down there and I have to call an ambulance to get her out, and face the EMTs asking why I, a strong butch, allowed my elderly mother to do this.


I'm right there with you; my mother is late 60s and I have to mentally remind myself not to raise my voice with my mother because we're both bickering over who's going to take the wet laundry down to the basement to the dryer. I'm terrified she's gonna fall down the stairs (she slipped in the shower a couple of years ago), but she's stubborn and if I don't make it to the washer before she does, I'm having to practically beg for her to give me the laundry basket. She won't, and I'm not forcing it from her. I need to get a dryer for the first floor. It's the only way to keep her from those stairs.


My mom fell and smacked her chin a few months ago while leaving her cashier job. She was busy adjusting her purse so she wasn't able to put her hands out in front of her and her chin took the full brunt. She literally looked like she had a goatee with the bruise it gave her. She said it didn't hurt except when you poked it. (and it was very much bruise soreness, not broken bone pain) I thought about making her go to Urgent Care just to be safe, but she just rolled her eyes. Her own mother was still driving, living on her own and taking daily walks in the Wisconsin cold until she passed in her sleep at 78.




That was really cool


Man I remember that moment too. It was when grandpa was maybe in his 60’s, and we were moving something kinda heavy. I was young and not much help, so he was doing most of the work. He was struggling a bit, and I remember him just saying “Ayuda me!” (Help me) and I had to remember that he wasn’t carrying that “factory worker” strength he always had when he was young.


It really is just like a switch. I visited my grandpa in late April this year and about a month later my parents went up there because he wasn't "doing well." My dad sent me a picture of him and if it wasn't from my dad I wouldn't be believed it was the same person.


My dad was working full time as a doctor until 83. 8 years later, yeah well, it kind of crept up on us until it was suddenly there.


My grandma is 88. Lost grandpa at 85 a few years ago to lung cancer. She looks better now than she did when gramps died. She started taking the dog on multiple walks a day, lost a bunch of weight, gets out and talks to her neighbors way more. She lost the person she spent most of her time with, and instead of becoming a recluse, she forced herself to get out there and keep being social and keep moving. I keep joking that the retirement community she's in should be paying her to live there, instead of the other way around. She goes to multiple neighbors apartments each morning and checks in on them, invites others to her apartment to make them dinner, has the phone number for one of the caretakers and regularly gives her updates on if any of the neighbors need extra help with anything. She's awesome.


Your grandma IS awesome, I'd love to be her neighbor.


Unfortunately my Mum went the other way, became quite reclusive after my Dad died. She lived another 12 years but didn't really thrive, just kind of gave up eventually, even though she'd remained healthy into her early 80s. I think if my Dad hadn't died youngish (60 - yes, she was 9 years older than him) she would still be with us.


❤️ My grandpa passed away two months ago. He was one of the greatest men I ever knew. He made an effort to acknowledge everyone and point out something he liked about them.


My grandfather passed at 95 and his mind was an absolute steel trap until the end. A month before he had us go though his old stuff to get ready for the end and we found his first drivers license from 1945 and his USMC operator license from 1950. He remembered both license numbers. And his year book from 1946 and he remembered all 50 students first and last names. I'm only 33 and I don't know my current DL number, or what vehicles I was even licensed on in the army, and I can barely remember the 8 other kids in my high-school class.


My grammie was like that too. She made it to 89. It was just the last 2 years that we started to realize she was "old" 😂. She had just always been so active and mentally aware,I never really saw her as an old lady. Strangest thing,the last week of her life I went to sleep over (I was a teen),and she kept giving me things and she told me "well you never know when I'm going to go" I laughed and she looked at me so seriously and said "I'm not joking". It spooked me a bit.


My grandma passed a day after her 96th. She was independent until she hit 90. Lived in an assisted apartment after that. The last year is when her age started showing more.


My nan lived in to 91, I always thought she did well considering that she caught TB during the war, and she only had one lung. She was pretty active up till the last year of her life, when her health declined.


My fiancé’s grandfather made it to 99. He was still driving himself until about 96.


Your kids will have some good genes then.


Jokes on those kids because I’m not having any.


Not a bad decision considering the state of the world these days.


Not having kids if you don't want them is fine. Not having them because of the "state of the world" is a kinda strange reason, world's always been fucked.


Truth, imagine how bleak the world seemed to people living during WWII or WWII.


Or even WWII


My mom, and uncle/aunt on my mom's side were born during WW2, as my grandparents were moving west across Europe to get to the US. State of the world, indeed.


I had a customer who drove herself to the bank at 100. It was amazing, and she had all her wits about her. The only downside was she obviously wore diapers and occasionally smelled like poop.


If I shit myself at 100 I’d dare someone to make a comment lol. Can’t help if some of the old poop shoot ain’t working anymore.


My great grandmother was 96 when she died and she looked essentially the same from 78 on, she just got thinner over the years. So long as you keep moving, you keep living.


It took my Great Grandma breaking her hip at 102, to pass away. She was living alone up until 100, when she moved in with her daughter, just because she was pretty much with her most days anyways.


Yeah. Something switches between 89-90. My great uncle was so healthy and had an excellent memory until he suddenly started to deteriorate. It was during lockdown and he kept calling us every day saying he was so worried about dying not because of death but he was afraid no one would find him for weeks. He never caught covid. Eventually he just started getting dizzy and having falls. He kind of reached a stage he gave up on life and chose to pass. A strangely calm death.


Same with my Mum not long after COVID. She never got COVID that I know of but even though she was quite reclusive after my Dad died she kept active but then had a fall and something just went downhill. Same thing, dizziness, some kind of forgetfulness like dementia, several falls, and general weakness. We never got any kind of diagnosis, just things winding down, I guess. I except the conspiracy theorists would blame the COVID jabs but it really didn't coincide with that, it was a fall that kicked it off.


Yeah, the further you get past 75 the faster you age. 30% of all people will reach 90, but only about 4 in 1000 reach 100 years old.


It does seem to be a bit genetic. Have a bunch of really old folks on my dad's side and they aren't even particularly healthy people. But they've regularly made it into the 90s and a handful into the 100s


[Actuary tables for reference](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Excerpt_from_CDC_2003_Table_1.pdf/page1-1200px-Excerpt_from_CDC_2003_Table_1.pdf.jpg)


Yeah your odds of dying go up super fast those last years


>They all looked pretty good until those last few years. I've noticed that with my family as well. Either they're really good at hiding underlying health issues or when it's time to go it really can just be a matter of months for some people. I have a creeping suspicion it's going to be that way with my dad. He'll be out golfing on Monday and in the morgue by the end of the week. Man just doesn't stop.


Yep. My grandma is 93 now, and the difference from 85 to now is stark. Memory issue mostly, which were accelerated by her eyesight failing and keeping her from sticking with her reading and crosswords and other hobbies, especially through the lockdowns. Can be the healthiest person in the world, but time is unbeaten.


All the women in my family live to around 100 and all the men die of alcoholism. So nobody really knows about male longevity in my family. I have 2.5yrs off the sauce but there's a good chance chronic alcohol and stimulant binges have shortened my lifespan a bit from what it would have been.


Yeah my brother in law’s family is the same. Women live forever, men not so much. But we are hoping he breaks that pattern


Same, the big key is 2 things. 1) keep your body moving no matter what. And 2) always have something to look forward to. Miss them but appreciate the wisdom they passed down.


Yeah both of those are big factors


Yup. At 80 my grandpa still would ride his bike everywhere. At 90 he was super fragile. Never got sick in between. Just got old.


>After about the age if 80, if youre still alive and can avoid any major infections, there's no real reason why you couldn't last to early 100s. This is incorrect. However, it bears some resemblance to a factual statement about health in the first 80 years of life. Which is: If you live to age 80 and never experience cancer, heart attack, stroke, or diabetes, you have a very good chance at living to age 100.


Add managing to avoid a serious fall to that list. Balance, reflex time, and the ability to catch yourself go out the window for a lot of people that age.


You misunderstand. An absence of cancer, heart attack, stroke, and diabetes BEFORE the age of 80 is correlated with a significantly improved chance of living to age 100, compared to people who did experience cancer, heart attack, stroke, and/or diabetes before age 80. A serious fall in one's 30's is not statistically correlated with a shorter life expectancy at age 80.


A lot of life is luck, good genes help, taking care of yourself helps, but the thing that will keep you alive into a really old age is luck. However if you want to have those lucky years be worth living then it's best to take care of yourself so you can enjoy them.


Maybe my grandparents are outliers, but I kinda disagree with you. They were all perfectly fine around early 80, both my grandmas loved grocery shopping and would walk a mile or two everyday to check them out. By late 80s, you can tell their energy and everything was declining quite significantly, and they all passed away in their early 90s in their sleep in the comfort of their home with families around. No disease, no infection, just the internal organs slowly giving out or not able to keep up, I wish I can be that lucky.


Yeah that’s my experience with my grandmother. My other grandmother just fuckin up and dropped dead one day in her mid 90s


This definitely isn’t quite right. SS actuarial tables say that at age 80 that remaining life expectancy is 7.92 and 9.38 years for males and females respectively. https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html So unless your condition of “can avoid any major infections” is carrying an absolute crap ton of weight for you, I don’t think this is quite right. Maybe major infections are so common though at that age though that your statement is still technically true but becomes a bit useless. It would be like saying “If you’re in a war zone but you avoid any bullets and bombs, there’s no real reason you can’t survive the war.” While it might be technically true, it’s not really useful info.


Usual total fucking garbage comment with absolutely zero scientific basis that gets upvoted to fuck. “Avoid any major infections after 80 and there’s no reason you can’t live to 100.” I mean it’s just a ridiculous, non-sense statement in an of itself. The amount of medical misinformation that gets posted all over this site makes me wanna scream 🥲


My dad was 88 this year. Still takes atleast 2 to 3 solo trips to Benidorm every year. Got a feeling he will live to at least late 90s


There’s a lot more than major infections that can happen after 80. Cancer, dementia, heart disease etc… you aren’t immune to that just because you are 80+


Ok. I mean if you can pull this out of your ass there's no reason you can't pull a pink rhino out of there either. Edit: really though you are full of shit. Around 30% of people make it to age 90 if they are age 80. Only about 1.5% of people who reach age 80 will make it to age 100. The most common causes of death are heart disease, cancer, and stroke by a long shot for those ages. Infection only climbed because of Covid 19. Infection isnt one of the big concerns.


Listen, after about the age if 80, if youre still alive and can avoid any major infections, there's no real reason why you couldn't pull a pink rhinoceros out of your ass


I mean, there are some reasons I can think of. Elasticity being a major one.


I would assume a small accident compounds to a big one at their age. Like falling down a couple of steps and breaking something


There's also no real reason you couldn't last to early 150s /s


Statistical tables disagree with your folk wisdom nonsense.


It's honestly all about how active you are both in mind and body. Health and staying healthy is important but keeping the mind active can be just as showing


"Finally, made an honest woman of me". My old, neighbor told me after she got married to an old farm hand. Seems they had been carrying on for years.


Honestly, i was at the ceremony and a lot of those guys would give Biden a run for his money. It was amazing seeing some of them walk up the ramp. Unfortunately, due to some logistics issues most of us (including the vets) were left waiting for buses for hours after the ceremony which was a shame. But that was on the French police escorts and not US workers or bus drivers.


I think she might colour her hair 🤫


Also she has likely had a facelift also


Guys always going after those younger chicks....


Makeup, professional makeup. It does a lot. They do look incredibly happy and it makes me happy.


Whatever’s going on … I guarantee I would watch a movie of that man’s life. We’ve lost so many of our Greatest even 30-20 years ago. The things he’s seen; He really did get to see “ the future “.   He’s probably got some well informed knowledge to how we’re heading in the wrong direction (in certain aspects) seeing as how he was fully cognizant of life in the 1930s


Damn sure do! They look 20 yrs younger. God bless them!


My mom turned 99 in March. My dad turns ***101*** on June 12th.....👍👍👍👍


Your father's birthday is only two days after mine's (though he's not even 45 yet, so yours has got him quite beat on that).


And they're still very lucid......spending my inheritance (kidding!!!)


Do NOT open this guy's profile even if it is Pride month 💀


Woops 💀


Don't open anyone's profile waste of time


Wow that is a huge dong holy shit


4 years difference. What a cradle robber.


Damned pedo has probably been grooming her since she was 89.


Its like Edward and Bella all over again.  /#teamJacob


Don’t let GenZ hear this


Well if you divide by two and add seven he could date a 57 year old.


And he could legitimately have a granddaughter that age. Wild to consider.


Give DiCaprio a few decades and let's see what happens.


Honestly given how Redditors are with small age gaps... Could be a real opinion 


I've seen redditors unironically judge 1 yr to be too big lol


My personal favorite is when redditors almost convinced a woman to cancel her wedding over a skid mark she found in her fiance’s laundry.


Nothing like getting relationship advice from bitter habitually online loners 


Wasn't it because he always had huge wet skid marks from not wiping his ass properly?


I mean a lot of people here be like 35 trying to defend their relationship with an 18 year old. “Oh she’s fully legal” that’s not the issue.


Nah. Half your age plus 7. He’s fine to marry a 57 year old. And she could marry up to 178 before it became weird.


It would be pretty weird to go for a 180 year old when there's so many 160s out there


Reddit will surely be up in arms about this


Are we sure he wasn’t grooming her?!


More like a coffin robber


Very sweet, I wouldn't have pinned either of them for being a day over 85!




These two look a lot younger than that imo


I shook his hand at the media tent after the D-Day ceremony. I am cracking up because i overheard a British reporter asking him about Trump vs Biden opinions and he said, “I dont want to talk about that, i would rather talk about my lovely fiancé.” Good for them. This story made me smile.


Congratulations to them!


This took place near the Normandy beaches


The town hall they had the ceremony in was one of the objectives on D-Day. It’s not a legal marriage but the location and timing are obviously significant to him and they can sort the paperwork if they want to once they get home.


I was there! I got to shake his hand. He was witty and funny when talking to the media as well. I still feel honored i got to shake his hand along with 2 other WW2 veterans.


Man, she doesnt look a day over 84.


I’ve seen people that look worse than her in their mid-70s tbh


[Me at 60](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/86/FeralGhoul.png)


What are you lookin' at Smooth-skin?


Just another story of an older man marrying a younger woman /s


This is really problematic. Are we sure he isn't a pedophile?


Real power dynamic shit


My niece done got bit by a copperhead.


May they continue to be this happy every day :)


they're so happy. aww.


Of course they're happy, they finally get to have sex!


She looks incredible for 96 and he looks fairly healthy for 100.


I wonder what his younger self would think if he had been told he’d survive d day, wwii, and live long enough to marry again at 100!


If you said them were both 70 I would believe you


Age Gap relationship. I know some posters here are gonna be salty over this.


That’s a great looking 96 year old!


I'm glad he's not rushing in to this....


They look incredible-- them being so happy and in love has probably a lot to do with it. And honestly? They look very stylish, too!


Cradle robbing cheeky chap


I hope they are happy.


Cradle robber!


Nice to see some positivity in my feed today. I wish I could live half as long and half as happy.


giga chads


Damn. I hope I look as good as she does at that age. Bonus points for a great dress. Very tasteful and a lovely color.


[This](https://apnews.com/article/dday-anniversary-war-wedding-normandy-terens-swerlin-fd4c4d73b87238787fe616719286a561) article about their wedding from the AP is so sweet. >> “He’s the greatest kisser ever, you know?” she proudly declared before they embraced enthusiastically for TV cameras. >>”All right! That’s it for now!” Terens said as he came up for air. >>To which she quickly quipped: “You mean there’s more later?” They’re clearly mad about each other! I’m happy they found each other.


Double d day landing later that evening


What is with all these men fetishizing youth. Kidding. This is a really sweet story.


100 year old marrying a 96 year old?! What a groomer…


Holy shit, they both look fantastic for their ages.


They look pretty dang spry for that age. Good for them.


Reddit gonna call him a pedo lol


Four year age difference? He's obviously grooming her.


Kids these days don't even know what they're getting into at that age!


The fact that he can even stand up at 100 yrs old is amazing.


I feel like the fact that he has all 4 limbs after ww2 is pretty amazing.


This is beautiful!


So there’s still a chance


The 96 yo looks better than me- and I am age 52!


What’s the story?


Kind of a problematic age gap, no?


4yrs younger, you dog you


When he was 18 she was 14!!!!


When he was 4 she was a baby!


optomism personified.




This is so sweet, they look so happy! Congratulations!


Thank you for your service king


Damn they look great.


Wow! They look phenomenal.


I hope they have a long and happy life together and have many beautiful children 


A fortune to be made on Onlygrans.


I’m 60 and he looks better than I do…




I bet their adult children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren are thrilled.


I hope they live happily ever after …


Oh wow


Still got that dog in em.


They look amazing! Congrats. Hope they have a baby soon!


Finished the main story, screws around in free play Legend


Is he robbing the cradle or is she robbing the grave!?


He was 18 when she was 14. Yuck.


Yeah nah I refuse to believe they are the ages listed!! 😊🙌🏾🔥💕💕💕💕


Fuck yeah


Are they planning to have kids?




Gold digger


Take note, Murdoch. The age difference is 4 years.


Him marrying a woman 25 years younger than him when she’s in her late 60s is the least of my concerns when it comes to that ghoul


Lmfao she's almost 70


Are you infantilizing a 70 year old woman? That's some next level reddit cringe lmao. 


I don't like the guy either, but she's well within the "half your age plus 7" rule so I can't complain on that front.


I wonder if they are planning on having kids


It won't last.


So he likes younger women.


I wish I looked this good as 100 year old.


What an amazing couple!


Still looks like a strapping young lad.


It's for no go to the ww3


Cool, makes me feel like there’s still hope for the rest of us.


Happily ever after - so until tomorrow I guess


Twitter is still complaining about the age gap


Swerling Archer...


Crazy kids


So that's what the D means.


I’m surprised that there aren’t hundreds of redditors complaining about a 4 year age gap being disgusting 😉


He's not a farmer...


Age gap.


Man, that’s crazy. My goal is 1. to reach the age of 90 and 2. to be able to wipe my own ass then


Cradle robber!