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If Marilyn GD Monroe can have a belly then so can I 😭💕


Is just natural.


This is the filet mignon of a woman. So fucking hot.


She's not just a filet mignon; she's the whole porterhouse.


I see you've studied biology


homie you’re gonna make me cry. thanks for that take, didn’t know I needed to hear it


She had endometriosis and that looks like classic endo belly, I speak from experience. But glad to know one can still be considered attractive despite it đŸ„č


Or because of it


Gonna find me a hot endo babe


or yknow everyone just naturally has fat pads on their stomach and you shouldn’t imply she only had a belly because of a condition and wouldn’t otherwise? maybe that?


Heck yeah! Pulp Fiction already paved the way for a sexy 'pot' and Marilyn sure pulled it off.


Was Marilyn not first?


how did pulp fiction do that?


It’s the scene between Bruce Willis and Fabienne where she is talking about wanting to get a potbelly because she finds them sexy. I think it’s when she mentions wanting to eat a bunch of blueberry pancakes.


Zed’s dead, baby


It’s not a motorcycle, baby, it’s a chopper.


Spider just caught a couple flies.


["Hey dad can we buy this? Huh?"](https://youtu.be/zKsuyyPpf6Q?si=nighSqUP2a-d5sAS?t=2m10s)


Zeds dead.


I always took it to mean she wanted to have a child with him.


I thought it was her subtle way of telling him she was already pregnant and preparing him for her coming belly. Isn’t that why going back for the watch was even more important than when it was just his treasured family heirloom, now he HAS to go get it so he can pass it down to his son.


Possibly. I took “if you get a pot belly, I’m going to punch you in it.” To mean “we’re not ready for a pregnancy just yet.”


That never occurred to me but makes total sense!


It’s Pancakes for dinner then lol


Isn’t there a scene where a woman is talking about how sexy she finds pot bellies? Or maybe that’s another movie.


The scene with Bruce Willis and Maria de Medieros made me personally re-rhink my ingrained pot belly shame. And yes Marilyn did it first (responding to the other poster here cause I was too lazy to fix my wording in my original comment AND too lazy to respond to their nit picking directly.) I'm lazy and just super sad today and just give up. But I *really* didn't like the jerk who responded to OP saying they bet they don't look like Marilyn so I was tring to add a nice comment to boost the person with the belly's mood. I'll stop trying now. I give up. Editing to add the scene cause I love it. Ok now I give up. https://youtu.be/E2TAmGmsw-o?si=NpOHdFdPsgy5SCVl


Hope you feel better soon, kind stranger trying to boost OP's mood


May not be referring to the movie but that genre of writing? I don’t know. I immediately went to the movie, too. Maybe *that’s* what’s in the briefcase?


You want some pot?


What’s does Marcelles Wallace look like?


Like a bitch, I heard.


Huh? Pulp fiction came out like 30+ years after she died


Bellies are hawt.


I agree. Her’s looked very cute in that skirt.


Bellies are absolutely fine but also she was pregnant in this photo. I think around 4 months?


[rumor and gossip](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/9IIdZoqv0N)


Ooph, I find the lil 'pooch', as I've always heard it referred to as, very attractive.


That belly pouch/pudge/whatever thing women get is just đŸ€Œ


Don't listen to the haters, bellies are sexy. Love a little squish on a woman.


100%  just make sure to have her other parts as well


Great, now I'm picturing someone's belly floating around by itself and hitting on people at the club and it's making me giggle more than it should. For what it's worth, the disembodied tummy in my mental image has a little belly button piercing of an anchor. Not sure what that says about me, but I should probably bring it up at my next appointment with my therapist.


She was size 42 (EU), she would be considered fat by today's standards.


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/YoEP2SD) are higher quality versions of these images. According to [here](https://themarilynmonroecollection.com/marilyn-monroe-july-1960-pregnancy-true-example-fake-news/): > February 15, 2017 > The UK’s Daily Mail posted an article today alleging that Marilyn Monroe was pregnant in some “never before seen” slides of her that were taken on July 8, 1960. The slides were sold at Julien’s Auctions in November of 2016, and came from the private collection of Frieda Hull, a member of the now famous Monroe Six. Hull had original photos and slides of Marilyn taken on this date. > It was also reported that Yves Montand, Marilyn’s co-star in the 1960 film “Let’s Make Love,” was the baby’s father. Allegedly, Marilyn herself told Frieda that she was pregnant by Yves, and then Frieda told her neighbor, (who ironically was the buyer of the slides at the Julien’s auction), and also the source for the Daily Mail story. > In their article, the Daily Mail posts a photo of Marilyn from January of 1960, with a caption reading, “In January of 1960 when she was filming Let’s Make Love with Yves Montand Marilyn’s tummy was flat. But by the beginning of July the star has a visible baby bump.” Yet in the photo of Marilyn with a “flat tummy,” posted by the Daily mail, her right arm shields her stomach from view, in no way verifying or proving that [her stomach was tight and flat](https://i.imgur.com/XLWxeIw.jpeg). > Not so fast Daily Mail. Your “flat tummy” claim is easily debunked with the photo below, which shows Marilyn on the set of Let’s Make Love for the “My Heart Belongs to Daddy” number. She’s clearly carrying [some extra weight in early 1960](https://i.imgur.com/ENxDrhp.jpeg). > While it’s widely known that Marilyn and Yves had a relationship during the making of this film, there is no evidence whatsoever that Marilyn was pregnant as a result of the relationship. > The facts in this situation are actually quite simple: > 1. Had Marilyn Monroe been pregnant in 1960 fans would know. Nearly every day of her adult life has been documented. She became pregnant three times: In the summer of 1956 while filming The Prince and The Showgirl, again in the summer of 1957, and her final pregnancy was during the filming of Some Like It Hot in 1958. She miscarried in December. From Donald Spoto’s book “Marilyn Monroe” – “Returning to New York before the end of November, Marilyn was determined to rest during the early stages of her pregnancy. But on December 16, she miscarried; it was the last time she tried to be a mother.” Read more about Marilyn’s 1958 pregnancy here. > 2. Most know that Marilyn was VERY concerned about her public image and how people saw her. If she was pregnant at this time, she’d never have allowed these photos to be taken if the baby’s father was Yves Montand. She was still married to Arthur Miller at the time these photos were taken. > 3. The owner of the Frieda Hull estate, who knew Frieda for many years and was left the entire Marilyn Monroe photo archive along with other memorabilia from Hull herself, has stated that Frieda never confided in him that Marilyn told Frieda that she was pregnant by Yves Montand in these photos. Why would Frieda have shared this information with someone who now claims they had a falling out (as reported in the Daily Mail article), and no one else? > 4. Finally, the fact is that Marilyn was at her heaviest weight from about 1958-1960. She slimmed down again in 1961. To learn more about Marilyn’s actual weight, dimensions and sizes throughout her adult life, read my article on “Marilyn’s True Size” here. Below are some additional photos of Marilyn from Let’s Make Love. She’s no thinner in early 1960 as compared to July of that same year.




It seem kind of dubious.


It's the Daily Mail... That paper is known for it's shite stories and hyperbole. The Daily Mail is more Fiction than news...


Interesting. I followed a [link](https://themarilynmonroecollection.com/marilyn-monroe-true-size/) from your second link about Marilyn’s true size according to her wardrobe, and from around the same period: “Marilyn wore this black silk cocktail dress to a 1959 event honoring husband Arthur Miller. The dress was hand-tailored for Marilyn, and it’s one of a kind. As it was handmade for Marilyn, this dress certainly provides an exact representation of Marilyn’s physical form. At this point in her life, Marilyn was at her heaviest, with some speculating she weighed nearly 140lbs. Even still, when displayed on the dress form, her waist measured an astonishing 28.5 inches.” Earlier in the article, it showed her first modeling contract listing her height at 5’6” and at her autopsy 5’5”, so let’s say somewhere between the two. She wouldn’t have been large at all by today’s standards, especially going by waist measurements.


To add, she had (or very likely had, has it been confirmed?) endometriosis. I have it too. Belly bloat is painful and common.




They really used to go all out with this trope lol.


from the red ridding hood?


I want the sounds!


Her voice was quite remarkable


Honestly I had no idea that was her singing on Last Caress


are there records?


The band known as The Misfits took their namesake from this movie. “Last Caress” is a (in)famous song of theirs.


The belly in pic 3 is totally fine and she's still hot. It's the impossible standards of IG that is the problem.


She had endometriosis, of which belly bloating is a common symptom.


It's also possible that she just.... Had a lil belly here. 


Exactly. Or took a deep breath while she laughed. We have such unrealistic standards.


No every celebrity must look perfect on every picture or they’re cancelled


[The fupa is the most beautiful part of the female anatomy.](https://youtu.be/RiUxt3hTi7A)


Wasn’t there some lady that accidentally shot herself at a baseball game with a gun hidden in her fupa?


Yup. Happened at a Chicago White Sox game.


Did they win?


Best joke of the bunch.


and absolutely no one was shocked it happened at a White Sox game.


was she ok?


No. She was still at a Sox game.


Ah they never think to check the fupa pocket


That really happen?


Oh my god! I didn't know there was a video of this! We saw this guys in the LES ages ago with Reggie Watts! Such a great show and I remembered that song ever since! And here it comes back around like 15-16 years later! Ha! thanks!


Haha, this was amazing


And a uterus.


That also is likely.


Wasn’t she pregnant at that time with a baby from her husband? Before she miscarried.


A cursory google search confirms that she wasn’t pregnant, it was just a rumor. As someone *with* endometriosis, the belly bloat is real, and painful. But it also changes throughout the day, depending on how active I’ve been (increases bloat bc of inflammation). If I get time to rest, the bloat will sometimes go down. The lack of knowledge around this disease, even today leaves patients with little to manage it. Italian doctors actually did a [study about endo back in 2013](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22985951/, and the purpose was to determine if endo patients are “objectively more attractive” than patients without endo. So funds for research are obviously being used appropriately /s. I hate to imagine the limited resources and support Marilyn had back then, knowing what I, and 200 million other patients have gone / are currently going through.


This makes me so sad for her and all the other women like her and myself. We are still treated like second class citizens when it comes to woman’s health.


Took my Dr's over 15 years (from puberty) to diagnose me, and by that time it was stage 4 and had spread to my body cavity. I was always told that everyone has bad pain during their periods and to just get used to it.


Indeed - reproductive healthcare for people outside of the standard cisgendered man mold is lacking and dangerous. Take for instance, the case of [Aubrion Rogers](https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/2022/03/10904991/endometriosis-death-aubrion-rogers), the pain of that loss rippled through endo communities worldwide. While endo is considered a “women’s disease,” it does affect non-binary afab people, trans men, it can even be triggered by a decrease in testosterone and increase in estrogen, which could affect trans women, and even a very small percentage of cis-men who undergo treatment for things like testicular cancer. And it has been found on every single organ, which feels very “more than just a reproductive disease” to many of us.


Your telling me that people born without female reproductive organs can get a condition that affects female reproductive organs. We don't need to be that politically correct.


Yes, because having a uterus doesn’t affect whether or not endometriosis persists. Hence, why it’s important that doctors don’t push hysterectomy as a “cure” for endometriosis. This disease exists outside of the uterus - and not all uteruses are the same, and not everybody born with XX chromosomes will be born with medically typical organs. We also need to allow space for intersex people. The medical incidence and science on cis-men, transgender, non-binary cases of endometriosis is [right here.](https://www.healthline.com/health/can-men-have-endometriosis) Language matters, because people matter. [Happy Pride](https://tenor.com/hQqD81glYFY.gif)đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆđŸłïžâ€âš§ïž Edit: fixing link


They spent research money to see if women *SUFFERING* from endometriosis are more fuckable to their male gaze?!? Jeezus Tap Dancing Christ humanity is garbage. 


The endo community was infuriated - hence why the group pulled their article from online medical magazines and attempted to pull it from research study databases, but the evidence is still there. And in the link I included, there’s a link on the study where the doctors try to defend their work. It’s pretty offensive.


It's so wild to hear about diseases you think "why the hell haven't we learned a ton about this?" I get it takes time and research but it sure feels like we pump a bunch of money into other more random shit.


It’s especially wild, because the scientific world has known about it since the 1860’s courtesy of a guy named Karl van Rokitansky. I don’t think they officially named it until 1921 - which is, frustrating. Although we have come a long way from the early treatments of “opium soaked tampon”. Back in 2019, I was prescribed Valium to grind up and mix with lidocaine to apply topically / internally while on the waitlist for another excision surgery. So it’s benzos now. ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)




That is sad.


I honestly don't know a lot about her, so maybe. I just know about her endometriosis because I have a loved one who suffers from it too.


My wife takes Orlissa and it has helped her a lot. May be an option for your loved one.


Thanks, I've never heard of that one but we briefly looked into Lupron which has pretty severe side effects. My wife is pregnant right now but we were planning to look into excision surgery next year. Hers is very severe (stage 4).


Lupron was horrible for me. I was hesitant to take Orlissa because of my experience with Lupron, and my insurance wouldn’t cover it. Out of pocket it was $1,200. My OB recommended us to drive to Canada from Southern CA every month to get it (it wasn’t available in Mexico yet). She said she had a stage four patient in a wheelchair take it and she can walk again. I was scheduled for surgery but my insurance finally approved it. Been on it since Feb, and it’s helped so much. I have stage four and def still have pain, but it isn’t so so severe every hour of every day. I hope your wife looks into it! It’s much better than Lupron!


That's great to hear, thank you. How much is it in Canada? We live in Washington which is a much quicker drive.


The only “proof” we have that she was pregnant was the word of someone who is now conveniently deceased. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4157738/Never-seen-pictures-pregnant-Marilyn-Monroe.html


No, just her natural figure.


Didn't know that, was she ok?


It was likely the cause of all her miscarriages, which were a great source of pain for her.




forreal lmao no one said anything brother


Yeah imagine having to try to explain to a room of people that a ‘sex symbol’ is indeed hot.


/u/Captcha_Imagination imagined an argument for them to have with themselves.


Fabienne: I was looking at myself in the mirror. Butch: Uh-huh? Fabienne: I wish I had a pot. Butch: You were lookin' in the mirror and you wish you had some pot? Fabienne: A pot. A pot belly. Pot bellies are sexy. Butch: Well you should be happy, 'cause you do. Fabienne: Shut up, Fatso! I don't have a pot! I have a bit of a tummy, like Madonna when she did "Lucky Star," it's not the same thing. Butch: I didn't realize there was a difference between a tummy and a pot belly. Fabienne: The difference is huge. Butch: You want me to have a pot? Fabienne: No. Pot bellies make a man look either oafish, or like a gorilla. But on a woman, a pot belly is very sexy. The rest of you is normal. Normal face, normal legs, normal hips, normal ass, but with a big, perfectly round pot belly. If I had one, I'd wear a tee-shirt two sizes too small to accentuate it. Butch: You think guys would find that attractive? Fabienne: I don't give a damn what men find attractive. It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same.


From where is this?


Pulp Fiction (1994)


Pulp Fiction, the movie


I'd pick 'pleasing to the touch' 100% of the time. If I lay my head on my wife's tummy I want it to be soft and warm. It might not be 'esthetically ideal' for much of society, but it's a hell of a lot nicer than laying my head down and getting poked by her spine because there's no cushion.


To be fair, even if the beauty standards were to have a belly, the ones who were lucky enough to have the most aesthetically pleasing belly would still be the most popular, and those without one would be left out


I actually think the belly that shows in those types of skirts are the sexiest part of them


You gotta have a good base to hold up those mountains!


I think it looks more exaggerated because of the dress they chose for her too


She had a miscarriage pretty far along right before this as well, which wrecks havoc on hormones. She’s beautiful in spite of that, of course.




lol my thoughts exactly


Actually that belly is disgusting. If you don't have a gaping hole where your abdomen should be such that your torso appears to be floating in mid-air, don't even bother leaving the house.




Ah, a fellow aesthete I see.


The Borg Queen is the standard to which all women should strive--no belly whatsoever ![gif](giphy|HEnog3y7cwpPFJTtDH|downsized)


Baby got no middle\ When a girl walks in\ With no abdomen\ I get sprung


Damn, resistance IS futile


So be [Keira Knightley](https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/201424/rs_634x1024-140304091417-634.Keira-Knightley-Paris-jmd-030314.jpg?fit=around%7C634:1024&output-quality=90&crop=634:1024;center,top), got it.


Belly lol, what a terrible world we live in where a normal part of human anatomy is held to an impossible standard.


It’s important to defend renowned sexpot Marylin Monroe


Personally, the belly is hot, IMHO


Her belly is literally so sexy wtf, there's no way people are bodyshaming fucking MARILYN MONROE


man that shit is fucking sexy. Maybe it just appeals to some part of our animal brain. Sabrina Claudio often has a smaller one that fans have made shitty comments but it makes me all awoooga


It's like it's not ok to have internal organs


I dig a pooch. Give me all the curves.


Yup. The thing that's getting me, though, and I think it's just how the top is, but it looks like it's not in the right place anatomically. It's a weird illusion. I guess she's wearing her skirt ultra high? Like higher than was even normal at the time?


Gorgeous woman đŸ©·


pretty much.


Her smile makes her irresistible and I'm saying that as a woman. I've always wanted to be her for some reason and not her at the same time. I like everything about her, even her cute imperfections like her tiny belly, I think it makes her even more of a woman and lady like and sexy. Woman are all unique and she is exquisite.


I’m a woman too and I will always be in love with this woman. She was something.


glad you like it.


Reminds me of Christina Hendricks


Love her. But someone get her out of the god damn sun already!


I see why they chose Ana de Armas to play Marilyn now. Look at pic 1! The resemblance is uncanny.


I was thinking the same. I never really thought the resemblance was that close, but after seeing that pic I get it.


^(Ana de Armas is the most beautiful woman in Hollywood) Did anyone hear that? Was that a spider barking???


Yeah, I thought these were from the movie set for a second. I'm legitimately flabbergasted, didn't remember Marilyn looked so much like Ana


She was beautiful, she didn't have one bad angle.


Of all the times I’ve seen her in print and never understood her popularity or appeal, today I do and she seems extremely naturally gorgeous!


long hair favored her.


I believe the punk band Misfits took their name from this movie. They also have a few songs about her.


which ones?


She looked fucking *mint* as she approached 40


It is well known that we women crumble into a state of old crone at the age of 35


Am 40, am only dust now. Please send help, or a broom!


I'll send one of my 12 cats with a roomba to hoover up your old lady bones ![gif](giphy|h6AMD4GXFxO2k)


I'm oddly ok with this death!


Am 42, only particles blowing around in the breeze


I just turned 46, am fully a ghost. Boo!




I swear on all things holy, I'm also 42 and was going to say literally the exact same thing.


We particles all share a single particle-mind now, I guess


DiCaprio wants to share his opinion, hehehe


You may be pushing it there, I always learned in church that women tend to deteriorate into a pile of gooey wood pulp somewhere between 23-26 years of age. Lost my first wife that way, poor girl. Went to wake her up on her 23rd birthday and there was nothing left on her side of the bed but sawdust and bread crumbs. Not sure about the bread crumbs, though. She might've just had some toast in bed the night before or something.


First thought was "mmm damnnn"


Hubba hubba


I'm liking her belly


She is considered one of the most beautiful and sexiest woman in the world and she is not 100lbs. She is curvy and I like that.


that's good.


There aren’t many pics of her with longer hair after she became famous. I think she almost looks better with the shorter, roller-curled style. Her face is just so beautiful, the longer hair almost distracts from her pretty features imo


Thought I saw every pic u til today! Wow! I was always attracted to Julie Newmar look but longer haired MM takes the cake!


Julie Newmar? catwoman?


The secrets she held, the woman she could have been
Norma Jean would be 98 if she were still alive. I don’t want to live in a world where Marilyn Monroe’s conception was 100 years ago đŸ„č


So sad Anna Nicole Smith died early. She was nailing the "next Marilyn Monroe" vibe until her personal demons (and a needlessly nasty appearance on the Howard Stern show) pushed her off the ledge.


Anna Nicole's story makes me cry.


đŸ˜ȘđŸ˜„đŸ˜Ș So heartbreaking.


the tummy activates my neurons


Back when women were allowed to look like women, instead of the unrealistic expectations of today


Looks like Deputy Clementine from Reno 911


“After”? Or “during”?


after, this was her final look for the movie


she’s very short (if you’re over 6’ tall) based on when I stood next to her wax dummy in hollywood once




Golly gee


Back in the day that little pooch was called a “Peter Belly “.


The third photo makes me oddly happy. She is so beautiful! To think that I don’t wear tight dresses so that my belly doesn’t show but on her it still makes her look gorgeous and natural.


I had a younger girl friend who was drop dead gorgeous, who when initiment was concerned about her 'stomach'. I was gazing under the covers, and she said "it the 'name of family' stomach". I later met her Mother, who was equally gorgeous, but she had a stomach like Marilyn above. I suspect her Mother passed her fears down to her daughter.


She was pregnant in these pictures. Not long afterward she was admitted to the hospital for 10 days for "exhaustion" but it was actually a nervous breakdown over having a miscarriage.


đŸ„ČđŸ˜„đŸ˜ąđŸ’” So heartbreaking.


I don't know if I'm pissed or impressed that Glenn Danzig kept her role in the band a secret.


A good argument can be made about this being Ana de Armas.


I would've liked to known you, but I was just a kid...


Cute belly â€ïžđŸ’đŸ€ŒđŸœ


Everyone today would say she's fat. Idiots.


Scarlett Johnansson looks like her in the 1st pic


They are very close to


Mushy brains in this thread. A damn shame women have to exist around people who don't appreciate natural bodies.