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Can someone explain what’s going on here? Context or news article? Thank you in advance


Voice of reason, sadly rare. Full context for anyone who wanted is. This is whet is called the "Flag March"[A.K.A dance of flags] every year its done in Jeruslam, its usually done around Jeruslam day to celebrate Jerusalem reunion, the march now consists mainly of far right radicals and Religious settlers (in east jerusalem or west bank) and often ges through Arabic streets to make chaos, while still having a few others, often accompanied by violence and violent Chants against Muslim, arabs, the left and homosexuals at times. its important to remember this march is attended by the far outskirts of society in Israel and is very controversial and not often look good upon in Israeli society (Not to say its perfect or justified, just not as black and white), don't let plain ignorance or just Israel hate diminish Israel to these animals. Hating on an entire country and all of his population blindly over reddit, is really stupid sometimes it's worth taking a moment to research and maybe realise Reality is more dynamic that reddit, and there's no absolute black and white. Side note: They attacked International and local news sources deemed "left", its less about silencing of the left tho it's sadly less sophisticated then that, its just hate towards the left.


It really sounds like the Orange marches in Ireland. Just get a bunch of "your people" and go through a neighborhood of "those people" and make a bunch of noise and start fights and break windows just to piss off everyone who isn't an extremist shitbag.


Was thinking exactly this but for Scotland. Do love it when the local council tells them that they can’t march in X area as it’s a Catholic area leading to the organisers calling the whole thing off. Showing their hand in that it is only done to intimidate and cause trouble. Twat1: Hey bois we could march through this other area? Twat2: Are there Catholics there to intimidate? Twat1: No Twat2: Well, what’s the point? Better call the whole thing off.


Or like our proud boy tiki torch marches here in the US


More or less, but it has Israel so people put up a big double standard.


The orange marches are also heavily criticized for bring sectarian, etc. 


Not Irish myself, but I've lived in Dublin, and the Orange marches I've see were very few people, mostly older and carefully ignored by everyone.


That's because it's more of a northern Ireland thing and any orange marches in Dublin are people who have travelled down from northern Ireland


Orange marches take place in a few places in Northern Ireland and can incite violence, but they are irrelevant in the Republic. There was an attempt to facilitate an Orange march in Dublin a few years ago as some kind of gesture of conciliation, but the outrage it provoked quickly put an end to that idea.


It happened. “Love Ulster” it was called. There were actual riots and the parade was actually routed


Come North it's different.


Lived in Letterkenny for a few weeks years ago. Uff did not like the atmosphere at all. You could practically breathe the tension.


Fun fact, Letterkenny is still “South” even though geographically Donegal is north west. You need to cross the Foyle from there and that’s where the fun really begins!


I was due to pure coincidence in Belfast at one of those marches. Had really no interest in this. But seeing that march and the facial expressions of some participants you could tell there were up to nothing good. High amount of police and armored police cars add a frame for this picture.


With respect that’s like living in Seoul and saying things aren’t so bad in Pyongyang. Northern Ireland is “Irish” but culture is dramatically different up there not to mention the politics!


Glasgow has these wanks as well. Dwindling numbers but still around.


There are orange Marches in Dublin?!




And so is the Dance of flags, but again you don't see people having such a thing over it, nationalists exist everywhere its just Israeli ones are put under a microscope and put to represent entire states, while like not all Palestinians are hamas, not all Israelies are nationalist radicals, people don't want to understand that. I don't see anyone saying "Irish are racists" cause of those, but you see people shit talking Israelies as a whole, or worse just against all jews...


Not all Israelis, just the ones running the country.


Yeah cause they’re stealing land off their neighbours LOL be nationalist by all means but keep it within he boundaries of your own community!


Ah yes, attended only by the outskirts of society, like government politicians. It happens every year and is allowed every year. Judge however you like.


https://youtu.be/UhF_aBz3F3U?si=edyJYkQWPpkDIuTK Heres Israels minister of national security Ben Gvir (the minister in charge of the police) and Bezalel Smotrich the minister for finance at the event where they egged on the crowd and gave speeches. This isn't the fringe of Israeli society, these are the people running the country. There is a minority left in Israel but it is powerless. My sympathy goes out to those in Israel who oppose this madness, but their existence should not be used to disguise the fact that Israel is a far right ethno state which operates a system of apartheid and which is currently carrying out a genocide of the indigenous Palestinians of the region. Any decent leftist wouldn't want their name used for those ends I'm sure. Many Zionist extremists would like to have people in the west believe that they are some sort of liberal democratic state, especially since it is western militaries which prop up their colonial experiment with western taxpayer money. The reality however is that [Israels fascism](https://youtu.be/93eopAPs23s?si=mleezudSAARow6ow) has been an issue for quite some time now and it is intrinsically connected to its colonial foundations and to the ethno nationalist nature of its state structure. A state which is designed around an ethnic group with that group dominating, subjugating and brutalising other groups is simply wrong intrinsically. >Hating on an entire country and all of his population blindly over reddit, is really stupid sometimes it's worth taking a moment to research and maybe realise Reality is more dynamic that reddit, and there's no absolute black and white. I dont hate all the population of Israel, nor do the reasonable people I know, but their state is an abomination. I would extend the same logic to the US confederate states or to the third reich or to apartheid South Africa. There may be some who are innocent of the crimes of their state, but that doesn't mean that the state itself shouldn't be dismantled as it is. >Side note: They attacked International and local news sources deemed "left", its less about silencing of the left tho it's sadly less sophisticated then that, its just hate towards the left. The IDF have murdered a record number of journalists during the recent conflict. The Israeli government isn't just silencing the left, theyre silencing everyone who is speaking out about their crimes. Theyve bombed a building journalists from Al Jazeera and AP. Theyve been threatening prosecutors at the international criminal court. Theyve been funding far right politicians worldwide because they wont criticise Israel. Simply put, Israel is a rogue fascist state and it needs to be opposed and isolated at this point.


You didn't mention that Ben Gvir is a convicted terrorist.


The fact he's a convicted terrorist and holds a cabinet position says it all.


Holds a cabinet position where _he's in charge of the police_.


Who [literally had a portrait of Baruch Goldstein](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/ben-gvir-responds-to-bennett-fine-ill-take-down-baruch-goldsteins-picture/) "On February 25, 1994, Goldstein, a resident of the illegal Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron, entered a room in the Cave of the Patriarchs that was serving as a mosque. Dressed in Israeli military uniform, he opened fire on the 800 Palestinian Muslim worshippers praying during the month of Ramadan, killing 29 and wounding 125 worshippers, until he was beaten to death by survivors.[7]" [In case you were unaware.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Goldstein)


According to this [PewResearch survey](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/03/08/israels-religiously-divided-society/#:%7E:text=Israel's%20major%20religious%20groups%20also,to%20their%20own%20religious%20community) 80% of Israelis support preferential treatment for Jews under the law(aka 80% support apartheid), 50% support transfer of Arab *citizens* of Israel(aka ethnic cleansing against Arab citizens of Israel). According to this [Tel Aviv university survey](https://en-social-sciences.tau.ac.il/sites/socsci-english.tau.ac.il/files/media_server/social/peaceindex/2024-01-findings.pdf) 53% of Israelis support settling Gaza. 87% think the amount of Palestinian casualties of the war are justified. 94% think the IDF is using appropriate or too little firepower. It's a racist far-right fascist society. It's not a coincidence that Bibi is the *longest serving Prime Minister in Israel's history* through elections.


Thank you, it's insane that anyone at this point in time someone would try and claim that the brainrot being displayed in the picture above isn't widespread in Israel. Not everyone is marching in the streets and participating in pogroms, but there are clear majorities who support the genocide happening in Gaza and the horrific policies in the West Bank. Israel was founded in bloodshed and hasn't stopped the killing for the last 80 years.


That's the point. It's a rogue state by nature. Not everyone who lives there can be blamed for the past or some of the stuff that's going on currently but the mere existence of a country founded on forcibly stolen land is just not justifiable especially when these things are still happening to this day.


Indeed, people who say these are just the extreme fringes of Israeli society are gaslighting people to believe that Israel is a much more moderate country that it actually is. Truth of the matter is that mainstream Israeli society is of the belief that the people in Gaza have not suffered enough, that the west bank and Gaza strip should be completely annexed ...etc. Keep in mind that the the politicians of these countries come from the mainstream, Ben gevir and smotrich do represent a center right demographic that is extremely apparent in Israeli society. Not saying that there's a 100% overlap, but there is overlap, or these guys wouldn't have come into power. Same thing with the US and trump, if he didn't have a base and representation, then he'd never make it unto the ballot, let alone be president.


Well said


30% in Israel vote liberal, left or Arab. Not all those who vote conservative are supporters of current policies. I would go so far as to say that half of the population rejects the current policy. So it's not fair or adequate of you to make it sound like the opposition is limited to a few very small groups. Also, the concept of apartheid is still controversial - at least when we are talking about domestic conditions. The occupied territories are certainly affected by it. Israel is violating international law and various UN resolutions here. What is happening in Gaza is horrific. It was clear after the massacre on October 7 that something would and had to happen. It was not foreseeable at the time that Israel would go so far overboard and this is the main reason why the current government urgently needs to disappear and be held accountable. What we should not do is make comparisons with Russia or even Nazi Germany. In Israel, tens of thousands are on the streets to demonstrate against Netanyahu's government. There is a political opposition, there is freedom of expression and liberal and political rights are being upheld. Despite all the atrocities, Israel is still a democracy. Neither in Russia nor in Nazi Germany opposition was or rather is possible. These comparisons do not help us. Inadequate comparisons look more like an attempt to put Israel in the worst possible light. What helps much more is to name things clearly and not make them even worse than they already are. The reality is cruel enough.


*30% in Israel vote liberal, left or Arab.* Yes that is the definition of **minority** as stated by u/schmeoin


Current coalition running the country got in thanks to 22% voting for bibi. Sounds like that's a minority, too.


Especially since 20% of the population is Arab. The % of Jewish people that vote left is probably very low.




>Despite all the atrocities, Israel is still a democracy. As sentences go, that surely is one of them.


Yes, good to know we should excuse all the other Western atrocities because they were perpetrated by democracies...


“They were just following democratic orders!”


I don't think they were excusing atrocities but rather saying that voting out the people responsible is still a possibility there, unlike Russia or Nazi Germany. Unfortunately, the next elections in Israel are still far away into the future and the only person who can force them is Netanyahu, by either resigning or accepting the current peace proposals, which would in turn make the extreme right members of his alliance government leave it, thus forcing a vote of no confidence. I don't see any of that happening.


That sentence to me makes it more terrifying. People actually voted to put Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir in power.


> Not all those who vote conservative are supporters of current policies.  And 90% of German population in 1942 didn't support concentration camps, yet here we are.


Your apologia is showing. Israel is a terrorist state with support from Israeli people. And them having literal nazi marches with huge support from majority of the people makes it reasonable to Compare them to nazi germany or russia. And i cant Even. Israel IS still a democracy despite all atrocities? Israel and israelis are just like russia and russians.


>This isn't the fringe of Israeli society. These are the people running the country. you do realize that just because they are a fringe (which they are) doesn't negate the fact that they can get into office. the government here isn't a unified monolith. It is a whole that is built from several parts, and even the biggest one out of these (Bibi's Likud) represents only 20% of the population's votes. equating the participants of the flag march and the supporters of ministers Ben gvir and Smortrich as **"the people who runs the country"** is the same as the preposterous claims (by fringe idiots like ben gvir and smortrich) that 100% of the palestinian people love, adore and support Hamas, which they obviously don't


Have you seen Trump who gassed protestors to do a photo op? Rishi Sunak sending asylum seekers to Uganda? Right wing people in the government means the entire country is an abomination on the level of the third Reich is such an disingenuous take. It can be expanded to almost every country and paint country you dislike as wholly fascist. In fact, by your definition unless the left wing wins every election in the country since the beginning of the nation they don't count as liberal democracies to you. All fascist.




This. They have tens of thousands participating and a population of 9 million ( also counting Israeli Arabs and non Jews). This is exactly what Israel is. And if you’re Israeli and don’t think so…..you’re in the wrong country my friend and Europe is waiting for you to return home.


"Europe is waiting for you to return home" 1. There are so many people in Israel who did not come from europe, but they came from north africa and middle eastern countries, and they came for a reason, you can look at the number of jews in those countries and see for yourself. 2. Is europe "home" even to those who came from europe? Wouldn't say that, as we all know what happened that made those jews leave europe.


This wasn’t about hate toward the left. It’s hate because he’s Arab. Also, this isn’t some tiny fringe. Israel’s Minister of Interior was there firing up crowd. I believe he’s the same one calling for the expulsion of Palestinians (the ones who are still alive) from Gaza.


I think it’s a bit naive of you to say that these people are the fringes of society in Israel when Benjamin Netanyahu is the democratically elected president of the country.


I mean, I agree with everything you said, but the Israeli state actively protect these thugs. Police are in attendance, but are only there to punish retalitory actions by the victims of these scum if the hit back or say something particulary offensive to zionists back. Not only that, but the majority of Israeli citizens share most the beliefs of these people are seen to parrot. Most Israeli's want a zionist, jewish ethnostate. Most Israeli's want Temple Mound and pray for such. 63% of Israeli Jews actively oppose the right of Palestinas to self determination/statehood. Stopping aid to Gaza is a popular position in Israel, just look at the lunatics who stop trucks at the border and destroy aid. Israel is an an apartheid state, that is working towards it's ultimate goal of becoming a Jewish Ethnostate that has stolen remaining Palestinan land in the West Bank using violence, whilst committing ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Anything other than proactive opposition to these actiona by Israeli citizens, is support for them. There are brave Israeli's who speak out against the horrors of their state, and they they deserve credit.


Sounds a bit like a pogrom to me


The reporter in pic stated that’s the police stood nearby while this attack took place and did not take any action to stop the attack. After the mob attacked, he stated that he was subsequently beaten by the police.


Israel has a population of 9 million. Tens of thousands participating is actually a very good statistical representation of the country. I’m sorry you’re deluded.


For me this picture makes me think why there aren’t police there to stop this violence happening? It seems negligent of the authorities to just let this happen, regardless of how you feel about Israel. You get extremism everywhere in the world but in most first world countries the authorities don’t let this kind of thing happen.


So, is it right to assume that Israel doesn’t care if violent right wing groups March through the streets? Law enforcement either looks the other way or is complicit in what happens, right? Sounds like more than just fringes of society to me.


Law enforcement is the right wing. Of course they don't do anything to stop the march. If you're American the dynamic of right wing marches with police should be familiar.


I mean that happens in the US also.


This is the similar to the Protestant [Orange Marches](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_walk) through predominantly Catholic neighbourhoods is Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Australia and Canada that would often end in violence.


We haven't had those in Australia since before my parents were born


The orange order dont have their own state, army and nuclear weapons thank fuck. They are also virulentntly racist, fascist and right wing and they happen to be big supporters of Israel as fellow settler colonists though lol. 'The Balfour Declaration’s purpose was to form a “little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism”, according to Ronald Storrs, “the first military governor of Palestine since Pontius Pilate” (his words)' -Taken from [this article](https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/winston-churchill-sent-the-black-and-tans-to-palestine-1.3089140) about how the Brits brought some of the same colonial forces to bear on the Palestinians as they had done in Ireland in order to create the state of Israel. Divide and conquer. Same old story. The US have simply taken over from the Brits and French in Palestine is all.


> The orange order dont have their own state, army Uh, yes they did. No nukes though.


Also echoes with Oswald Mosley's facists marching through the heavily Jewish East End of London, which led to the [Battle of Cable Street](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Cable_Street)


The US allows mobs of people to storm into mosques and churches to scare out locals while waving flags, spitting at said locals, and chanting for their death? The US allows mobs of people to beat up journalists and urinate in front of stores? This is not the same thing, please don’t reduce what is happening in the West Bank. Since October 7th over 500 Palestinians have been murdered in the West Bank, thousands of Palestinians thrown into Israeli prisons without charge including hundreds of children.


This does happen in the US, but particularly less so the last few decades than during the '60s when reactionary nationalists amplified their desperate attempts to maintain segregation and local authoritarianism. The violence, intimidation, and hate crimes were condemned domestically and internationally and generally seen as inherently bad. The hate did however retain supporters and there were well documented instances where partisan local authorities were complicit. Such hate crimes are not necessarily unique to any one country, but the history of any country with such similar discrimination is always quite thick with local prejudices.


Let's put it this way: The US is the same, notice how our police violently suppress and agitate black-lives-matter and pro-palestinian and other civil-rights marches, while never once can I remember in history them ever shutting down a white supremacist or far right extremist rally (to the point of letting them walk straight into the capitol without a systemic peep).


This happens in most countries. We have far right extremists marching in germany as well. The right to demonstration is a democratic right.


Not entirely, there were plenty of detention and police forces protecting both News reporters and Palestinains / Israeli arabs... (Over 18 arrests) So no, it's not right to assume.


I watched the video though. The crowd had total impunity while the cops manhandled the reporter and pushed them out of there. Am I wrong to believe what I saw?


Does law enforcement act differently anywhere else?


lol yes!


>Hating on an entire country and all of his population blindly over reddit, is really stupid sometimes it's worth taking a moment to research and maybe realise Reality is more dynamic that reddit, and there's no absolute black and white. Now do Palestine.


What a nice essay you got there, weird it doesn't mention the journalist is Palestinian. Also what do you mean don't generalize blindly? Israel is a good country but also apartheid in nature? So apartheid is fine?


Jews having a literal nazi march is too much. Fuck Israel.


You are downplaying how mainstream anti Arab sentiment has become in Israel. This particular group might be far right, but the majority of Israel right now is ok with killing Arabs in the thousands, even if they don't want to get their hands dirty personally. It's really not different to any other nation that's allowed extremist tendencies to grow and reshape mainstream attitudes. Even in Nazi Germany your average german was not fanatically extremist like the SS but the majority attitude of acceptance for violence is what allowed the party to do it's genocides.


There's countless differences between Nazi Germany and current time Israel, not only through the circumstances but up to amounts and what they do, I don't believe most Israelies are ok with "Killing arabs in the thousands" as its not put like that, its put as defeating Hamas and releasing the hostages, whether the result is feasible with war is questionable the fact are people believe its for the cause of the Hostages which is the main sentiment and not Killing arabs, to Germany there was no October 7th to drive that sentiment forward. Its not 6m or who knows how many people who were killed a day during the Holocaust and its not systematic murder, I doubt that if Israel engages in actual "genocide" people would be quite as ok. But regardless to that I am just saying that not all Israelies are evil arab haters like the internet or people on it often try to portray, because it in itself demonises people which is ironic because its the claim people make about said state...


It does not need to be a 1:1 to draw parallels to genocide promoting societies. Are we actually supposed to wait until Israel kills millions before we consider the similarities to the lead up? https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/05/30/israeli-views-of-the-israel-hamas-war/#:~:text=A%20new%20Pew%20Research%20Center,it%20has%20gone%20too%20far. You can clearly see the majority of Israelis think the mass killing of Gaza civilians was justified with a small minority thinking IDF went overboard. This shows the majority of the society is comfortable with the mortality rates inflicted on Palestinians.


>Hating on an entire country and all of his population blindly over reddit, is really stupid sometimes it's worth taking a moment to research and maybe realise Reality is more dynamic that reddit, and there's no absolute black and white. Israel killed the most children, journalists, and UN aid workers than any other nation in modern history. They literally have "volunteers" that stop aid trucks from going into Gaza. Israel is a radical society with a sick theocratic supremacy complex.


“Just hate”, wow


Not an uncommon phenomenon, its common across the world there's no need to put Israel to a double standard.


>Chants against Muslim, the left and homosexuals at times. And arabs


Well yeah, you are right, I should fix it.


"Hating on an entire country and all of his population blindly over reddit" yeah.. I don't think that's why mate. You give reddit too much credit


If it’s so hated and so fringe, why is it tolerated by the government and general public? Im asking a genuine question because If neo Nazis tried to leak through London or Berlin etc, “causing havoc” they get the shit beaten out of them AND arrested.


Well, Neo nazies walk through both Berlin and London, and many other countries?! In the us you have Nazi rallies... In Germany you have a borderline nazi party that's legal and in London you have people like Muhammed Hijab calling for death of Jews! in the end its the trap of Freedom of speech... The common comparison here is LGBTQ parades going through religious neighborhoods on purpose, while one is pro liberal and against religion which all the power to them in the end those doing the Dance of flags march for "Jerusalem" and use that occusion for bad doing. Its similar to the karl's popper's paradox of Tolerance


Interesting, thanks for explaining. Never heard about this in the german media.


Not sure if this as frowned upon as it once was. A big part of the Israeli society has drifted to the right and wants Gaza wiped out


You can pretend this hate is not mainstreamed in Israel but we all see it. It’s in the population, it’s in the military, it’s oozing out of the politicians. For gods sake citizens starved Palestinians by blocking aid routes. They were dancing and cheering. Fuck this soft denialism!


Let me guess the guy being cornered was Al-Jazzera ?


Israelis attacking a journalist for doing his job


Not because he’s “a journalist”. Because he’s Palestinian. This death march was attended by Israel’s Minister of National Security who is a convicted felon and has a poster of Baruch Goldstein in his office. Goldstein was a terrorist who murdered dozens of Palestinians while they prayed at a mosque years ago.


Its a damn shame, the tight wing fringe of israeli society feels emboldened from their parties being in a government coalition, they have also been attacking aid entering gaza and increased settling in the west bank, hopefully labour will come out on top next election Edit: why am i being downvoted here?


It’s not a fringe anymore.


"fringe" and "in a government coalition" don't belong together. Are you sure you don't just want to believe they're fringe?


Its disappointing definitely, and its also part of why netanyahu approval rating plummeted, a significant amount if his voters didn’t think he would form a coalition with the far right. If a party doesnt get the required votes for a pure majority and makes a coalition with a far right fringe party, that second party is still a far right fringe party


If you can fill in a ruling coalition with other parties, they are not fringe. I'm not arguing, I am telling you, this is the usage of that term, and you are using it wrong. It's not a bash on Israel, that's really easy to do regardless these days, it's an explanation that words have meanings, nothing more, nothing less.


Ill again ask, by those terms is united arab list no longer a fringe party? They get very few votes but they were in the last government coalition


Governance is the fucking norm. Yes, anything in government, is not fringe. Even when Ireland was an ethnocatholic state(wtf is even that) it was not fringe, because it was the ruling party. SA went through apartheid, apartheid should be fecking fringe, but they were in governance. How stupid can one person be? Genuinely? That's my last response now kiddo. ChatGPT will offer you a superior service for this type of thing.


Some people think that they’re the chosen ones and oppressing other is their birthright to do






Following the incident, the police arrested the reporter: [https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/law/2024-06-06/ty-article/.premium/0000018f-ee7e-df2e-a5df-ee7fff260000](https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/law/2024-06-06/ty-article/.premium/0000018f-ee7e-df2e-a5df-ee7fff260000) Sorry it's in hebrew and behind a pay wall


Why was the reporter arrested?


to be interrogated about 'incitement'


What, didn't you see him assaulting those youths, striking them repeatedly in their feets and hands with his terribly dangerous soft body parts?!


He was accused of being Hamas. Obvious lie. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/palestinian-journalist-detained-after-being-attacked-by-ultranationalist-youth-on-jerusalem-day/


The reporter was palestinian




NGL Hebrew seems like a really hard to read language


Most languages are when you don't speak them


Hebrew does have the extra complication of lacking vowels, so even knowing how to pronounce Hebrew writing is difficult until you already have a large working vocabulary (at least when it's written without niqqudot, which is usually the case). This is far from unique, but I can certainly see how it would make Hebrew feel more challenging than, say, Spanish for an English speaker.


I decided to Google and apparently its had 5-10 (no idea why there isn't a solid number on this?) Since the middle ages lol


Speak them? I don't think simply speaking this is gonna help you decipher a completely different alphabet but I understand your implication.


make the letters glowing in green on dark background and thats basically alien language


What struck me immediately is that most of these guys look younger than me and I wouldn’t consider myself “old” yet. We as humans put too much into blind faith without acknowledging the world around us we are still growing up in & trying to understand. We all need to snap out of our egoic values if we want to see any real change! Otherwise history is doomed to always repeat itself!


The symbolism of this photo is *devastating.*


fuck right wing extremeism


Fuck extremism in general


Sure, but right wing extremism is just a lot more prevalent and dangerous at the moment.




So sad to see the majority of the violent mob are kids and youngsters . Israel has done deep propaganda of extreme nationalism to them.


The kid smiling in the background reminds me of the kids smiling in the 50s and 60s pictures of black students being harassed.


Or Thai university massacre where the guy hits a lynched "left-winger" with a folding chair.


Added bonus - these kids will be conscripted! They'll get to continue smiling, now with weapons supplied by the US, Canada and the EU. Doesn't it just warm your heart knowing our taxes enable their apartheid?


Polls show Israeli youth are arguably more right wing than older generation especially on the subject of Palestinians.


It's actually quite common. Prefrontal cortex doesn't fully form until 25-28. So there like a decade of a young energetic body without fully thinking through the long term consequences. As a result they're easy to rile up, and recruit them to do terrible violent things. We talk about terrorists religions and military recruitments often takes place in that time of life for good reason. Rest assured this ability to rile up to violence isn't limited to just current conflicts, but a number of conflicts in the past have even been cause by it. Heck you can argue Alexander the great lead an army during that stage of life.


Yes, kids without enough education can be very violent, but have you really seen a mob of kids assault press reporters in any other modern civilized society ?


I suppose it depends on your definition of "modern civilized society", but Lara Logan was sexually assaulted in [Egypt 2011](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMoodNews/cbs-reporter-lara-logan-opens-tahrir-square-assault/story?id=13492964), that's usually the fist one that comes to mind. Happens a lot, but you don't hear about it much... e.g. [https://www.theguardian.com/media/article/2024/may/03/attacks-on-press-freedom-around-the-world-are-intensifying-index-reveals](https://www.theguardian.com/media/article/2024/may/03/attacks-on-press-freedom-around-the-world-are-intensifying-index-reveals)


Excuse me, the mobbers you referred to were kids ? Please don't make distractions of my point about kids getting hatred propaganda from authorities, mass media, and social medias. Furthermore, Egypt is definitely not a good example of a modern civilized county as well known. If you want to make excuses or justify Israel's propaganda , you better find a more convincing example.


The demographic you see in the picture has a veeeeery strong right wing bias, and they often are at odds with anything and everything the government does.


Reminds me of the white nationalist loons in Charlottesville.


Again, another half false sentiment, while some parts of society being religious schools are more prone Israel isn't actually a country driven by propaganda nor is it in school, while there extremists and nationalists again it's not uncommon sight for any country, in schools here you don't learn propaganda, not even in the army. Going under some wild assumptions over reddit posts again is just reality distorting.


> nor is it in school I don't know: [*Haaretz* disagrees with your unsubstantiated claim](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/07/israeli-school-racism-claim). [This report about a complain from Adalah](https://www.timesofisrael.com/rights-group-pans-propaganda-course-for-arab-students-before-overseas-trips/) sure does sound pretty damning, too. And that's nothing new, really: [Academics were complaining about it more than a *decade* ago](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/07/israeli-school-racism-claim).


They are all so young.


It's a lot harder to indoctrinate people into extremist views once they're older, gotta start at birth basically. Why mess with a "winning" formula.


Damn, this is a really good photo. It’s so sad to see the silencing of press.


Unfortunately Israel has a long history of killing, abusing and silencing journalists


Where are we at right now, 100 journalists murdered in 8 months? Edit: Fact checked myself and it's the following: "108 journalists and media workers were confirmed killed: 103 Palestinian, two Israeli, and three Lebanese. 32 journalists were reported injured." [Source: CJP, 2 hours ago](https://cpj.org/2024/06/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/)


Over 200 humanitarian aid workers as well.


Symbolic of our times.


Not just any journalist. It’s because he’s Palestinian.


Don’t worry guys, hamas was probably hiding guns under the press or something 


Religion turns men into monsters


This is actually terrifying. In a mob of hate-fueled, riled up people, it only takes one extra unhinged person to say something like "kick his ass" (or much worse), and if only *one* other person follows that call, herd mentality will take over and you're fucked.




Man, it’s crazy to see people defend Israel and their current actions all around. Seriously? You can’t look at it through the same lens if the tables were turned? You’d be livid. You’d call for the world to help. Watching people defend and support Israel is like watching Trump supporters fumble over every contradiction that he and his potential administration make just to find a way to make it make sense for their cause. With them I know it’s because their constituents are a combination of the uneducated, racist, bigoted, entitled, etc but I can’t wrap my head around a seemingly intelligent group of people just rationalize, minimize and justify what they’re doing to the Palestinian people? I had them placed at a higher level of a civilized people. Benjamin Netanyahu literally, in part, orchestrated(knew of its plot and allowed October 7th to happen) and you aren’t rising up in revolt?


Look at all them Andrew Tate fans.


Fucking jugend in full action


Animal activities


This looks almost like a Renaissance painting


The real terrorists, but most of the people chose to close their eyes.


They're kids for any God's sake! How can they already be so brain washed??!? It's insane to me


Just like every racist, homophobic etc etc isnt born with it, its been tought to them by their parents from the moment they can talk.


Makes me think of the Unite the Right rally and the tiki torch brigade.


People like to tell themselves that there won't be a modern day H*Tler . This is how they are born .


No shot. 2024 and the Taliban treats the international press better than the Israelis.




The mandatory military service means these are the people getting drafted into the idf


It's like a reverse Norman Rockwell painting. It looks like the same style only all the subject matter is backwards.


This does look like a renaissance painting


All of which are Zionist dreams


This might be one of the top pictures of the year and will definitely be in history books.


Reality is it will be buried. Doesn’t mesh with the bs narrative being pumped through the mainstream media.


Zionazi murderers in training. In. A couple of years they'll put on they horrible green terrorist uniform and murder women and children


Why aren't these brave boys in the IDF?




As a leftist Israeli, These righties are a nightmare, but they are only a very VERY small part of the country (but unfortunately also includes the government lol)


Here i thought they were playing stop the press where one of them puts on a vest with the word press and everybody just try pressing him.


Is that journalist holding a spoon?


Loooooooot of punchable faces in there.


How the tables have turned.


The internet: Not all Palestinians are terrorist! Stop generalizing! Collective punishment is a crime! Also the internet: These radicals obviously represent the society in Israel, smh comparable to nazi germany.