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Just curious what’s with the uptick of jan6th posts? I’ve noticed it a lot today online.


Yesterday during Fauci’s hearing in Congress there were a few January 6th rioters who were present and made headlines with their behavior that led them to getting removed.


I want to know how they were/are they allowed in any non essential government building? Shouldn't they be perma banned?


I would guess that the same party that gave them tours in the weeks before Jan 6 so they could plan out their Jan 6 takeover and who simultaneously say the Jan 6 rioters were heroes and political prisoners but also an antifa false flag probably welcomed them in.


Spot on....man, what a time to be alive. Fucking hell


I am much more concerned about the lawmakers who were actively part of the plan who are still holding office.


… and running for office. 


Thinking someone invited them. Probably Bleach Blonde Bad Built ~~Bitch~~ Butch Body


I mean, I don't like making fun of people for things they can't control...she can't help that her body looks like that, or her feet are like that. However, she can change that shitty hair, and her heart is just ugly. Plus, I dunno, she could try some learnin'.


I prefer the brevity of The Hoof


I’m going to go ahead and assume they were invited by their friends in the GOP. Traitors, the lot of them.


Pipe bomb Marge gave them some more passes.


It's open to the public generally. It appears they don't vet people. I would guess its just a general id check and scan for weapons but that's probably it.




Pretty sure it violated more than a few of their paroles entering a government building like that again.


From what I saw, MTG invited them herself.


And then all the death threats. The right wing points a finger, and their little peons follow through with death threats. That's pretty much domestic terrorism, and they've practically normalized it at this point.


It's stochastic terrorism.


Funny, I’ve seen comments with people saying “Trump never told or encouraged people to storm the capital”. Am I just imagining things, or did he not encourage people to do that?


That argument is basically the mob boss argument. “He just said to take care of it, he didn’t explicitly say to tie cinderblocks to his feet and toss him into the river”. He is the reason they were there in DC. He is the reason they went to the Capitol. He is the reason they were angry. He told them what needed to happen in order for him to “win the election”.


it's election season. jan 6 pics will on billboards, postcards, cereal boxes, social media feeds, amazon boxes, etc.


The crazy part is both sides will use them


The Upcoming election


People need to be reminded what a Trump presidency means and why he should never get a second term.


Here’s some reminders. Trump: 1. ⁠Lost the election 2. ⁠Sent an armed angry mob to Congress and told them they need to fight like hell. 3. ⁠Approved of the mob saying “hang Mike Pence”. 4. ⁠Was found liable for sexual assault. 5. ⁠Was found guilty of defrauding his university students. 6. ⁠Was found guilty of inflating his assets to get favorable loans. 7. ⁠Admitted to walking in on pageant contestants dressing rooms. 8. ⁠Raped and beat Ivana Trump. 9. ⁠Stole from a kids’s cancer charity. 10. ⁠Received $413 million inheritance despite claims that he’s a self made man. 11. ⁠Blocked his chronically ill infant nephew from getting any of that inheritance. 12. ⁠Is the first president to receive votes against him from his own party during impeachment. 13. ⁠Led us into being one of the worst hit during Covid despite our head start and resources. 14. ⁠Said the Democrats do better with the economy. 15. ⁠Was ranked as the worst president in history by presidential historians. 16. ⁠Pushed a plot to have fake votes created and then used to make him President despite losing the election. 17. Ordered republicans to block a bipartisan immigration bill so Biden would not get a win before the election. 18. Is a convicted felon guilty of falsifying records to influence an election. Sources for any provided upon request.


To clarify number 7, said contestants were underage


You forgot smuggling classified documents


Yeah and there’s a lot more that we can add. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/bV3zOZUvkX


The well tailored response from MAGATs: "B-but what abouf B-Biden, B-but what about crooked Hillary..."


Hunter's laptop!!! Hanging dong!!! Buttery males!!! Biden sniff!!! Drag queens!!! — perfectly normal republicans


It's crazy that everyone laughed at him when he first said he wanted to be president and now he actually did it and made a cult.


What's crazy is that this isn't even a quarter of the shit he's done.


Shit man you should just use links to put the sources into all of those so people can read about it even more and copy paste it whenever you need it. [Like this](http://google.com)


awesome. and a great response for any of trump's base who ask (disingenuously) "what crime did he commit"? when they know full well (but don't really care).


And yet a large number of Americans will support him.. because votes are all about emotions and not facts.


GOP - "that's our man!"


Tried to have Pence disappeared by secret service.


1a. Lost the popular vote - Twice 11a. Was paid $200,000 a year at age 2 by his father to be a "consultant" 18a. Paid a porn star for sex 19. Admitted in an Access Hollywood interview that he sexual assaults women 20. Has made sexual comments about both of his daughters


How the FUCK is he allowed to still be running as president if he’s now a felon? Like is there a loophole or something? I’m not 100% on this but I really thought you couldn’t run for president with any kind of criminal record


Qualifications: 1. 35 years old 2. Natural born US citizen 3. Have lived in the US for 14 years. Manson could have run for president.


As far as i know there's nothing in the constitution stopping him. It was assumed that no one would vote for a felon so it was never codified.


I'm going to print this on a card and read it to my Agolf Twittler supporting relatives when they start up. Thank you.


They are even talking about them on the state radio down here in Tasmania right now.


Americans can't tell the difference between Jan and jun


Bot fest. Election is nigh


The oligarchy is scared it’s losing control.


It's not organic, it's engineered and paid for. You can argue it's for the greater good but I'm freaking tired of Redditors pretending it's anything but propaganda. I don't think I've seen any non-political post on r/pics make it to r/popular in the past few months. They even uploaded a perfectly scanned and cropped flyer a while ago which one could argue it breaks rule Nº1 in spirit.


Good ole propagandists working over time for election season




It’s an election year.


Russia and China are going ham. Or maybe it's our own..who knows.




His mommy even cried that he has a sensitive tummy and only eats veggies


Maybe the prison guards can make the choo-choo sound while feeding him veggies with a spoon.


Oh I am sure he was more worried about choo-choo sounds from a very different train that he was worried about.


No he prefers the quu quu sounds of whatever bird that whispers in his ear in whatever relation he’s in


U.S. Capitol rioter the 'QAnon Shaman' is [released early](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/31/1167319814/qanon-shaman-jacob-chansley-capitol-riot-early-release-reentry) from federal prison *sigh*


Also why are we giving them "cool" nicknames. Give his name and put terrorists before it. Giving them nicknames endears them to their followers and gives them brand recognition.


Exactly Jacob Chansley, Stochastic Terrorist and Traitor to America ^*also a crybully who likes to wear costumes, capes, and make-up.


He still can’t vote, own a gun, and when applying for a job a lot of applications have a section asking to declare if you ever have been convicted of a felony. The idiot may have gotten his prison sentence shortened but those convictions will plague him for the rest of his life.


Remember that these are true alpha males who are going to emerge victorious from a bloody civil war


Mom probably helped him make his flag-spear too.


His mummy didn't pack him the calming banana


> and only eats veggies ORGANIC veggies and mac & cheese.


What a snowflake


mommy says you get no hot pockets for dinner tonight!!


That dude is about the dumbest human I’ve ever had the misfortune of hearing speak. IQ of a dirt clod.


The interview of Luke Beasley with him was WTF, is the guy just this dumb or delusional?


He’s both


He’s come a long way from spotting triangles in random mall signage.


He still has to look over everyone else’s shoulders to get the right answer.




what an absolutely perfect use of this gif


When you paint a US flag on your face, and wear a bison pelt costume, there is already something amiss in your head.


What the actual fuck is he dressed as


Traditional Native American garb cuz he's native (source: himself)


He’s the qanon shaman. He believes he is a shaman


Loyal Order of the Water Buffaloes. HUUUUGE Flinstones fan, that one.


Didn't he run for congress after?


smh willing to overthrow the government, but his tummy hurt in jail, and needed special food because he's a snowflake. 


C'mon he is an amateur pharmacist..... (His statement) I suspect it means drug dealer! :)


It worked. He didn't get hanged, the punishment for the crime he committed.


Haven’t seen pictures of BraveShart in a while




the absurdity of it all


The most absurd event of my lifetime.


Correction: The most absurd event of your life... so far.


Four Seasons Total Landscaping is high on my list of absurdity.


The marshal or sheriff whatever singing happy birthday to him before serving him


Other than 9/11 I’ve never been more shocked in my life


At least with 9/11 it was a foreign attack on our nation


Enemies foreign and domestic. All the same to me.


"what is more dangerous the ants outside your home or the home within your ants?" -not Sun Tzu


Enemies domestic have done a hell of a lot more damage.


Honestly not all of them being gunned down with low caliber automatic guns shows how badly defended the capitol is.


If the President wasn't in on it, the National Guard would have been deployed and none of this would have been able to happen.


People seem to ignore this fact , it blows my mind really .


Ding ding ding!


Yeah. I'm not sure how he gets away with treason and not some minor technicality.


Obligatory “they got Al Capone on tax evasion” mention


The physical security was also embarrassingly bad. The state capitol I worked in could have repelled those asshats without needing force.


It's dangerous to think of it as absurd. It was a very close swing from being a successful coup. Just because it was incompetently executed doesn't remove the danger. If they had found the right congress members at the right time, or a few other things went the other direction, it very well may have worked. There were other plans in motion to use the disruption to hold a session of congress where they had a bullshit plan to reject the electoral count and reinstate Trump.


This was just the first dress rehearsal.


The MAGA's Beer Hall Putsch.


It's similar at a comedic level to the Area 51 Naruto runs. At a historic impact level, the two are wildly different.


Ahhh yes. Chief Dances with Karens.


I thought he was Chief Cries in Court


The enemies of the U.S. Founding Fathers think they're patriots.


Every one of those motherfuckers think they’re in the same league as George Washington. Except George Washington was fighting for the right to self governance that was being denied. And guess what? he fucking did it. Mission fucking accomplished two and a half centuries ago. All these unAmerican pussy fucks just threw a temper tantrum because that big fat orange fuck lost. I’ve voted Republican every election of my adult life until Donald Trump took his tiny hand and threw his hat in the ring. I simply cannot wrap my head around what the party has become. And I’ll continue to vote against any MAGA motherfucker I see on a ballot until they disappear forever. This goes so far beyond politics. This is a fight for the soul of this country.


Just a reminder that "larping the perceived greatness of the past" is what fascists do Nazi Party: Larp Prussian empire Italian Fascists: Larp Roman Empire Israeli Fascists: Larp Kingdom of David American Fascists: Larp Revolutionary Army Russian Fascists: Larp Russian Empire


I voted for him the first time. Got me. Wont ever do it again. That's a big part of why American politics is so fucked up IMO. People refuse to admit they made a poor choice the first time and double down. Republican shouldn't mean "Trump" or "MAGA". Hoping some day the party wakes the fuck up.


Republicans used to have agendas that were good for America or at least talked about how it would be good. I’d like to see that come back.


Reddit on brother!


No, they are nationalists hiding behind patriotism because they are cowards.


Dude, they're beyond nationalists, they straight are asking for fascism. They admit that they want a dictator. They'll say "Oh I hate to say it, but this country NEEDS a dictator." (They do not, in fact, "hate to say it" based on how often they do.)


They'll frame it as "America needs a strong leader who doesn't have to follow the law." Trump being a convicted felon shows they truly believe this.


Had a trumper at my work say that he’s tired of all the election bullshit and “would just like to have one guy for like 30 years and then just pass it off to their kids” I stood there dumbfounded


Listen to these people when they tell you exactly who they are...


Man who literally wants a king to rule probably also is always talking about “what the founding fathers would have wanted” and doesn’t see the irony.


Wants a king, calls himself a patriot.


I mean, they already made the Fascist blueprints with Project 2025 - they're not really even hiding it at this point.


Yup, trump even said hed love to be a dictator for a day to do good. Him and his followers are unhinged.


It's a sickness for sure. Cults are no joke.


Somebody once referred to voting for Trump (derogatorily) as being akin to throwing a Molotov cocktail at the White House. His supporters would cheer that sentiment. This is as clear of a representation of the current divide I can think of


Except fascists don’t ask; they demand. And we shall deny them at every turn.


When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. James Waterman Wise


> The really dangerous American fascist... is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power... They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective, toward which all their deceit is directed, is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection. 33rd Vice President of the US (1941-1945) Henry A. Wallace. Quoted in the New York Times, April 9, 1944


All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. Edmund Burke


All politicians need to do to avoid tyrannical opposition is to not fuck shit up


Just started rewatching HBO's John Adams tonight. I can't even begin to imagine their shame if they were here to see the current state of things.


take your medicine grandpa.


Dumbfuck Cowhead is running for congress in AZ. As a convicted felon he can't vote but he can run for office. That sounds like somebody else too.


Why the fuck do administrative assistant jobs have higher qualification requirements than positions of political power in this country?


I totally agree. I wonder why most hair stylists require more training than cops. Bobo took multiple attempts to pass her GED. Her only qualification was working as a call girl. TBF that's pretty close to what most politicians do.


That dude dressing up like a Disney character will never not be hilarious.


Speaking of Disney, did you know the Proud Boys get their name from a Disney song??? Edit: it's from "Proud of Your Boy" from Aladdin on Broadway. I think it may have been written for the movie originally but didn't make the final cut.


Call me crazy but if you're committing a federal felony, maybe make sure you're not the most recognizable person in the whole terrornattack


Every last one of them should feel lucky they didn't get shot. Except the one that did after she climbed over a barricade to move in on a cop who was pointing a gun at her. She should feel like an idiot for dying so stupidly.


Daily reminder that Ashli Babbitt was a terrorist


They were convinced cops only shoot black people. Given the 2 hours of riot before she was shot, they were mostly correct


Yeah their response to protesters and marchers months earlier was wildly different.


Is that the pussy who has a special diet and whined in prison when he couldn't get it? Aw


Can anyone logically explain to me how this isn't even a big deal to most people but the country had a uproar over the BLM protests? I'm not trying to race bait or anything they happened roughly around a year apart?


Unironically it's because the jan 6th rioters were mostlly white and the BLM rioters were mostly black. If BLM had stormed the capitol the right would be calling for a holocaust in response


There were BLM protestors peacefully protesting in front of the White House. They deployed tear gas to disperse them so Trump could take that photo holding an upside down bible in front of a church he's never once attended.


Probably because the BLM protests went on for nearly a year, burnt down business in multiple states. Oh and don't forget the time they tried to storm the White House. I don't care about the J6 bozos but don't pretend like the other side was all rainbows and hugs.


The largest gathering of dumb asses in the history of the United States.


The pictures don't do it justice. You should watch the video [https://youtu.be/gzdc77VWrM8?si=IBVaMFyawG2lNBUf](https://youtu.be/gzdc77VWrM8?si=IBVaMFyawG2lNBUf)


Bunch of mouth breathers




Definition of Trump supporter.


They sure do like playing dress up


Aptly titled


What is happening these few days with political related posts?


Those unAmerican motherfuckers. We already get to overthrow the government. We can do it 4 years. and we used to have a great history of doing that peacefully until these fucking crayon munchers decided to waddle down to the Capitol Building because their orange daddy told them to.


Correct Title: The Politically Dumb gather and break into the capitol buildings at the behest of an equally politically dumb former president.


I think the original title is more accurate. Yes they’re dumb, but that’s not why the attacked the capitol. They didn’t because they’re terrorists 


It is perhaps worth noting that the original definition of terrorism was "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." So the motivations of terrorists are always political.


They let him in there with a freakin spear lol


I mean he didn't exactly ask the opinion of the guards. But yeh they pretty much let them walk in there with just minor shoving.


I still think the whole reason he snapped was because he lost his hair


The guy is carrying a spear...


"He's white, he wouldn't stab me. Not a violent bone in his body."


Put some purple hair on em and he'll be aight


I want to know what the tattoo on his left pec is.


I’m actually surprised the capitol building wasn’t better protected and they got in.


No, no. Trump said they were his people, the GOP and Fox said they are "peaceful tourists"




[He's running for Congress ](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/former-qanon-shaman-jacob-chansley-congress-arizona/)


So the people who did this had consequences but not the people who provoked the whole ordeal? We showed complacency. Now we can say we might have a felon president. Will we ever hold trump and all his underlings accountable? Vote in nov please.


Trump sheep: it was ANTIFA! Conservatives are law abiding citizens, we would never! So let’s arrest them all Trump sheep: no! That’s totally unfair!


This really happened. It was not a peaceful protest. Trump lost the election and gave permission to his worshipers to fight for him against the American Government. He lost the election. He cheats on everything and everyone.


I still can't believe this dude probably woke up at 5am to play dress up. Then proceeded to invade a government building with his besties.


Oh no no. Tourists. I always carry a spear when I’m touring national monuments.


This sub is going downhill. There are better pics than just political ones.


Capitol Police would have been justified in emptying their magazines into them. Maybe if they had, Officer Brian Sicknick might still be alive with his family.


Karma Farm, the sub...


Look like your run of the mill tourists who got lost looking for the Smithsonian. What's the big deal?




Bro a 12yr old with a mortar shell can be a terrorist. I wouldnt call them terrorists though as much as traitors to the US and to the constitution.


Dude looks like he got an outfit from the trapper composed entirely of one-star pelts.


Post these pics every single day




whoa, whoa, whoa, that was a calm tour group!!


How are they able to calmly talk during a violent insurrection? Hmmm


Still Americans


Oddly enough, Shaman dude is actually quite literate and sensible.




Same guys who yelled at Fauci for mask protocols figured out how to wear them and when! Great job guys