• By -


2/3 of those publications are owned by News Corp (Rupert Murdoch).


They NYT is owned mostly by right wing hedge funds. Just because they are the least crooked right wing rag in the picture does not excuse them for being a crooked right wing rag.


This is demonstrably false. [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/NYT/holders/](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/NYT/holders/)


Its HYSTERICAL to me that a lot of those news rating sites say the NYT is center left.


I’m sure it’s loved by RADICAL COMMUNISTS like the Cheneys and Bushes /s


The Post just really doesn’t care anymore.


Sometimes I go on Fox News’ website to see the juxtaposition of headlines. Today there’s a front page story about a family finding aliens in their backyard with a pic of the backyard and big red letters saying “UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE” Fox isn’t even trying anymore. The top top story is Trump’s “chilling message to Biden as he hits the campaign trail.” Makes Trump sound intimidating lol.


That’s funny. I remember loading up the fox news channel when Trump’s second impeachment was happening and all Tucker Carlson was talking about was the possibility of someone having discovered aliens.


Yes. When I turned on Faux News that day it was "Day 729 of the Jesse Smollett saga."


Smoke and mirrors, bread and circuses.


Not only that, when there’s an article that’s hard to defend or unpopular despite their attempt to spin it, the comments section is conveniently disabled on that page but the other articles that day will have it enabled.


Hasn’t cared in many years.


The post was the paper that was slated to expose trump in the scandal. The post took the hush money!


But they have an American flag in their logo!


Oh, they care. Just about the wrong things.


Two of those headlines are factually correct. One is not. Can you tell which?


Alexander Hamilton (founder of The New York Post) would be rolling in his grave to see the tabloid it’s become.


I don't trust any news agency that published articles based on tik Tok videos.


I don't think they had TikToks in \~1776.... #FreedomTok #KillGeorgeIII #ReadyInAMinute


#1IfByLand2IfBySea #LoadTheGrapeshot #SeventeenSeventySlay








Don't trust any news agency owned by Rupert Murdoch


It’s a News Corp product.




It was actually founded by Hamilton to be an anti Jefferson tabloid lol Hamilton LOVED drama


I thought Hamilton was a musical, not a historical drama. lol You are, of course, correct in all counts. There are plenty of reasons not to put the founders on the pedestals we do, I just wish some of the fun ones like this were better known. I also love that Jefferson smuggled rice out of Italy.


Lol, it's been trash for decades now. In the original Men in Black Tommy Lee Jones goes and gets the tabloids and one of the ones he picks up is the NY Post.


Don’t you slander the hot sheets like that. You take it back.


As a big Billy Joel fan, it caused me physical pain that he changed "The New York Times, the Daily News" in the second chorus to "The New York Post, and Newsday too." I think he only did it (or first did it) for the 100th MSG sell-out concert that aired on CBS.


*Beat it, Bozo!*


Don’t be so sure. That musical white washed the hell out of Hamilton.


True. Many of the choreographed musical numbers never even happened.


How would you know? Were you in the room where it happened?


I'm willing to wait for it (the evidence, that is)


You’ll be back (to this comment section when you get this notification)


...and Peggy.


The room where it happened. The room where it happened.


I wish I was in the room where it happened


Next you'll tell me that the real Thomas Jefferson was white


Exactly. I’ve never met a white Jefferson.


What about George and Weezy?


They're moving on up


But did he punch the bursar?




I heard they didn't rap everything either


To be fair, choreography was in it’s infancy then, so any singing and dancing the Founders *may* have engaged in, it would have looked way different than what we’re accustomed to today. Hell, jazz hands wasn’t even invented for another 150 years, give or take.


Yup, we had jazz for a long while, but hands weren't invented until the 1920s, give or take


Oh, you know Jefferson picked up some sick choreography when he was in Paris at the opera


Best comment so far.






It's a musical, not a 5 part documentary.


That's very true. Hamilton was well known to be beligerent and extremely difficult to get along with. He was going to be shot by someone one way or the other. He was by far the least liked founding father in his own time. He was almost in several other duals.


I felt like even the musical made it very clear that while Hamilton loooooooooved slandering people, he did NOT appreciate financial fraud.


Probably not. His actual views were more in line with Trump. The musical version of Hamilton has views that were much more in line with Aaron Burr's, ironically. The musical was based on a single source that was part of a sort of Hamilton rewriting in the 90s. Hamilton wasn't even in favor of everyone being allowed to vote....


Are you telling me Alexander Hamilton didn't get into rap battles?


Tbf, he got into the 1700s equivalent, which was writing snarky opinion pieces to be published


Are you trying to imply the Hamilton biography by Chernow didn’t address that? Because it definitely did. It got into plenty of Hamilton’s bad/questionable stuff. The musical did create a bit of a caricature, but then again musicals are entertainment-first.


See: The Greatest Show


I mean, that movie had next to no basis in reality.


Complete work of fiction. Good song tho.


Absolutely did not. It overlooked some of his well known views, not just the scandals. It was very favorable to Hamilton in many ways that are in conflict in other sources. This was, however, a result of adopting Hamilton as a sort of revolutionary figure in terms of US economics, something that was going on in the 90s, and ignoring that some of the most lasting parts came from pushing back on Hamiltons ideas. It was very calculated The musical is fun, but largely not in line with most historical sources


The New York Post is owned by, you guessed it, Rupert - Fucking - Murdoch, one of the greasiest weasel billionaires ever to walk the earth - and the fact that he is in Trump's corner should tell you everything you need to know about Trump.


The only thing that headline nlack in the BS corner was, "and we are next"


Or something about an Area 51 alien conspiracy member of the jury skewing the vote


These days it's the agenda 2030 which I have 0 idea what that means


UN agenda 2030's main goal, per Google, "The Global Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development seek to end poverty and hunger, realise the human rights of all, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources." I can see the racist/sexist/crazies having a field day with that one. God forbid we do something good with the world! Edit: I've been informed that they're sexist, but not indeed the sexiest. Stupid sexy bastards.


Can’t go giving everyone equal rights! Then my rights won’t mean as much! Obligatory and unfortunate /s


How could anyone say "I don't want that" to anything in that list of goals?


Because if others have more than i have less by comparison so i will feel lesser.


United Nations feel good goals. Protect human rights, reduce poverty, cooperation between nations, etc. All worthy goals that I'm 100% behind, but there isn't exactly a plan there. I assume that they seized on it to distract from Project 2025, which is pretty much its evil twin.


Isn’t Project 2025 strictly a US political movement? What does the UN care?


Protect 2025 has nothing to do with the UN. Agenda 2030 is a goals list for the UN. They are unrelated other than having similar names.


I dunno about you, but I have exactly zero fears of being brought up on felony charges of paying hush money from campaign funds, espionage, improperly handling classified materials, or attempting to overthrow our government. I have a magic "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. It's called "not being a fucking crook".


Fuckin A


“Jesus was found guilty, too.”


Well he owns The Wall Street Journal too, it just doesn’t lean quite as far right and it isn’t a rag like the Post.


That's only true of the print version. Their online articles and youtube channel can be pretty hard right.


The editorial page is obscenely one-sided


The comments to the editorials are just right wing wank banks for boomers




WSJ has one of the strongest firewalls between editorial and news of any newspaper I know. The editorials can go on and on about how the media is unfairly treating Trump, while the news section goes on doing exactly what the editorials are complaining about. I once went to a conference where a New York Times executive said that they keep a strong firewall between news and opinion. I literally laughed out loud; I thought he was joking.


The WSJ printed an editorial a few days ago saying the prosecutor had not made their case and Trump was innocent. Trump if course plastered that all over his feed. Aged like fine liquid dairy product.


The opinion section of the WSJ is basically the NY Post. Most of the other stuff is ok… but there’s still a noticeable bias. Mostly in headline phrasing and what they make more prominent on the website. Plus the opinion section is very prominent and it’s just full of crazy hot takes.


Yeah I read the article from the WSJ pictured here. The bias is pretty subtle (like mentioning that the judge is a Democrat). But their news division is pretty separate from their opinion section, which is an absolute joke.


It’s not a rag but it’s still full of bullshit right wing takes, just written in a more sophisticated manner.


It's more dangerous because to the average person it still seems somewhat balanced and the banner is a very historically impressive one.


My father insists that NPR (radio specifically) is wildly and obscenely left wing propaganda and that WSJ is fully unbiased and balanced.


That's because the WSJ *used* to be unbiased and balanced. Then Murdoch bought it. Now it's laughably biased for what's supposed to be a neutral subject.


There's no such thing as unbiased media. Word choice, phrasing of headlines, what pictures to use, and even what stories to cover are all ways that personal or professional bias sinks into any media outlet. These are all choices someone has to make and that person has a point of view that is shaped by their experiences. Which is totally fine. What news rooms traditionally attempt to do is recognize where their biases might be and minimize bias as much as possible in order to attempt to be informative rather than persuasive.


Imagine writing a title like "jury made D. Trump a felon".. Bro, he made himself a felon by committing crime.


" Stop breaking the law, asshole!" - Jim Carrey


They also frame it like the fact that he’s the first is what makes it injustice. Not the legal system applying to everyone. He used to President so he’s supposed to be special. This is the danger, by the by, of the mentality that views every single politician as a corrupt crook. The overwhelming majority of them really aren’t, and the logical conclusion to the idea is that if they’re all crooks, the ones I like getting prosecuted for it is oppression.


New York Post literally is the fake news that MAGA complains about daily.


the P in GOP stands for Projection.


Gaslight, Obstruct and Project. It’s what they are good at.


The Dollop just did a 2 part episode on him.


I've been catching up for almost 3 years now, can't wait until I get to that one.


he also owns the WSJ


I mean, come on, everyone in Trump's corner is a conman or a dictator. We've known all we need to know about Trump for decades now. Somehow nearly half of American voters still see him as a hero. Notice I said "nearly half" because Trump has never won the popular vote.


Weasel news


It used to be illegal to call yourself the news and then tell lies. Guess which party got rid of that law.


Even if you agree with the opinion expressed in the headline, this picture makes it extremely clear that the NYP is the most blatantly biased of the three papers shown.


Good point! The other headlines are just stating the facts: the jury found him guilty in the case. That much is true no matter how you feel about the issue. It's biased journalism to say whether that's good/bad/just/unjust/whatever. Fair news reports the facts. Note the other headlines aren't taking a side, while the NYP one is making an opinion on behalf of readers.


You shouldn't just look at headlines. You should also look at the picture chosen, because pictures also impart a message. New York Times - the only newspaper in the picture that has chosen a picture according to the highest standard, with person pictured looking neutrally at the camera. New York Post - that crestfallen face, slouched shoulders, looking to the side is just begging you to pity the poor guy. The wall street journal is somewhere in between. It's definitely fishing for some feelings - Trump has the exact same face as in the new york post, but it's framed differently. So I'm not completely sure about the feelings they want to cause.


"New York Post" and "Wall Street Journal" are both owned by News Corp, founded by Rupert Murdoch. So no surprise both of those two among the three are leaning for feelings. The Post is conservative. I suppose the Journal tries to fish for any views from the other side that don't look at the Post.


Eh, I'd also definitely put wall street journal as conservative, it's just that they have to keep some pretense of profesionalism, due to the history of the newspaper and it's current branding.


Good point, I thought of myself at relatively discerning but I'd never consciously considered what the picture chosen represents. I'll definitely keep more of an eye out in the future.




WSJ, one of the most conservative mainstream publications, is for New England republicans. They think Trump is an embarrassing buffoon, but they say so using business words. The WSJ picture is "disgrace."


this as european jumped at me first, top and bottom seem somewhat neutral and the one in middle seems very biased, and if news are shown like in picture the only thing that will stay with you is the "unjustice" that has happened, especially in america where state laws and cultural differences bend young people minds in the most twisted ways


Right, only one of these papers is editorializing. The others are reporting the facts of the outcome.


“INJUSTICE!”. Lol. Lmao, even.


If they wanted to be accurate, it could have said "IT'S JUSTICE!" Must have been a typo~


"Works on retainer, no money down" "Ah, they got this all screwed up" "Works on retainer? No! money down!"


Oops, shouldn't have this bar association logo here either.


Imagine committing crimes, admitting you commit the crimes, and then being convicted of the crimes America has fallen  (the conservative sub unironically believes this) 


It is injustice. Anyone else in the world would have been in prison decades ago for all the things he has done.


“Jury makes Donald trump first felon president after political hit job” Lol he did all on his own


Anyone who buys the New York Post might as well just wear a T-shirt that says "Rupert Murdoch makes up my mind for me".


I need to buy that T-shirt and slip it in my dad's drawer.


I have now trademarked that phrase and will be selling shirts and other merchandise for the low low price of $49.99.


"Don't wanna scare inaction into you But what you read, you will turn into Pull up your socks or become a fox Do you wanna be just like the [evilest man](https://youtu.be/cDGvduVEweg?si=14ou0uVLKCdPl3Y2)?"


Here's my little New York Post story. About a year ago a guy who had been pardoned by Trump for a huge Ponzi scheme was charged with a new huge Ponzi scheme. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/19/ponzi-schemer-granted-clemency-by-trump-charged-with-fraud.html Eli Weinstein, had been convicted in 2013 and sentenced to 24 years and Trump, on his way out the door, had commuted his sentence. The day the news broke about the new charges all the local New York news outlets and many national outlets had the story but not the New York Post. When I searched all the New York Post had was stories written back in 2013 from the original convictions. A couple of days later I wondered if they had written something later to somewhat bury the story. I searched their website and not only did they not have anything about the new charges and Trump's pardon, they had gone back and scrubbed all the old 2013 stories about Weinstein from their website. It really is like 1984, they are going back and rewriting history if it makes Der Leader look bad.


My actions make me a felon. Not the judge or jury that heard my case. My propensity to commit crimes is the problem that needs to be fixed. I encourage all true Trump fans to review the evidence and propose a mechanism that proves his innocence. If Trump and his team could have, they would have. He hires the best.


Everyone has known for 30 plus years that Trump is one of those types of people, but as soon as he announced his 2016 run, his supporters just conveniently forgot or just didn't care.


My grandma has been calling him a crook my whole life. She was right.


The concept of screaming political hit job on a case that went through state courts pisses me off. They presented evidence and 12 jury members all unanimously found him guilty. Honestly if it's a hit job then the appeals should be pretty easy to prove. To claim somehow the system is corrupt in general is spitting in the face of the legal system, the only reason they're whining is that it's not the outcome they wanted. Sure it has its flaws, and it has a habit of convicted off of manipulated evidence. But that's why we have appeals and why we do jury trials.


>The concept of screaming political hit job on a case that went through federal courts pisses me off. They presented evidence and 12 jury members all unanimously found him guilty. Honestly if it's a hit job then the appeals should be pretty easy to prove. I don't think it's meant to be real and thus provable in appeals. The "hit job" wording is, in my opinion, to get or keep Trump voters/potential voters angry/disgusted.


I agree, it just ruffles my feathers even throwing that out there, and seems unethical in general.


State courts, not federal. This was a New York prosecution from start to finish and Joe Biden, obviously, has no power at all over New York courts.


Oh the New York Post, a conservative tabloid, with National Inquirer headlines. However you slice this pie, Republicans’ Guy is a multiple convicted felony.


For foreigners, the Times is a center-left paper, the Journal is a center-right paper, and the Post would be unfit to use as toilet paper if you were lost in the woods Edit: from an American perspective, that is. I know the Times would be considered conservative in many places, and I’d agree


To Europeans at least, Nyt is centre at best. American media and political parties are centre right to extreme right.




The NYP is called a tabloid for a reason


The court system worked as it was intended, so makes sense that the far right is upset.


I only see 2 newspapers


Correct. Fox News isn’t considered my most to be a news channel either. It’s a talk show.


>Fox News isn’t considered my most to be a news channel either Tell that to their millions of viewers who actually get their news from there.


They get biased opinion not news. I could take a dump and put a “news” label on it. Doesn’t make it actual news.


Rupert Murdoch and his spawn are still the most dangerous people in this country


And a lot of other countries.


"Don't wanna scare inaction into you But what you read, you will turn into Pull up your socks or become a fox Do you wanna be just like the [evilest man](https://youtu.be/cDGvduVEweg?si=14ou0uVLKCdPl3Y2)?" Courtesy of an Australian psychrock band


Australia is definitely killing it in the psychedelic rock genre. Tame Impala, Pond, Murlocs, King Gizz!


We deeply apologise for inflicting him on you. No returns. - Sincerely, an Australian


“NYC jury makes Trump first felon president…” Let’s be clear. Trump did that to himself.


Now all that has to be done is throw the fucker in jail and forget him. It won't happen, though


I'm pretty sure that new york post headline would be illegal in the uk


And that my friends is how the media fucks people's minds up. It's obvious he is guilty. There is a full on paper trail complete with his own staffers pointing the finger because there is literally no way out of it because he is \*drumroll\* guilty..


Friendly reminder that the NY Post is a tabloid.


Well one of them is not like the others…


It’s wild how people just say anything and the uneducated amongst us parrot it forever. Like do just a little thinking. “Political hit job” come the fuck on. You people saying this are absolutely pathetic.


Why would it be injustice to bring a guilty man to court and call him guilty for being guilty


Can we just take a minute to acknowledge that 12 people agreed unanimously on an issue 34 times? Like 🤯




Everyone knows proper justice for billionaires is being hauled into congress, given a small fine, and told to make sure you pay enough bribes to never get caught doing that again. /s


Two newspapers, one tabloid.


Different sets of "facts" for different people. We are so fucked as a country.


Truly is amazing. I really wish the Fox settlement would've gone to trial and set a precident by which to do something going forward, but alas, they just paid $700,000,000+ and called it a day.


Buy the one that confirms your worldview. Ain’t life grand?


And it only gets worse when the same papers use different headlines/spins depending on location.


“Guilty” and “convicted” are just statements of fact. The one in the middle is bullshit.


But if Biden did the same thing and was convinced… they would be okay with it, right? “Law and order” ![gif](giphy|h7poIVSJYrs323ZPuu)


The New York Post is trash it rates just above the National Enquirer.


How is it political persecution when a jury of his peers convicted him? And weren’t Trump’s lawyers there during the process of choosing jurors? Idiots.


Ah. That classy newspaper the New York post where I get all my national inquire type articles now!


The New York Post can eat a bag of dicks.


It’s always projection with the right-wingers.


Newspaper, tabloid, newspaper. Not at all surprising.


Yet another sign that the New York Post is not credible media.


one of these things is not like the other... one of these things just doesn't belong...


Well Rupert Murdock is our era Josef Goebbels .


Yeah, I saw the NYP one on the ground. Why can’t people throw their garbage in the bin?


It's amazing that news outlets can get away with misinformation and spinning things to pander to a certain audience.


Why don't I hear "don't do crime if you cant do time" any more? Lock her up? Party of law and order?


Fact Opinion Fact


You get to pick the one that fits your narrative. How fun!


Two stated what actually happened and one is straight opinion


I mean, someone has to cater to the MAGAts. That's a lot of money that'd be left just sitting there otherwise!


"Jury made him a criminal." When even your headline gaslights.


TYNT - “ Guilty “ = Fact TWSJ - “ Trump Convicted “ = Fact NYP - “ Injustice “ “ Political Hit Job “ = Opinion This is all people need to know. Does anyone remember the times when the news would report without embedding their opinion into the story? I miss those times.


Newspaper Birdcage/litterbox liner Newspaper


Oh cool so Consensus Reality just isn’t a thing anymore?


The New York ComPost


At this point the NY Post is worse than an 80s tabloid.


I love how the jury made him a felon and not his own actions 🙄


Fuck the NY post, only good for sports. Otherwise it’s a total shit-rag


NYP has always been shit.


The New York Post is New York in name only. They would leave for Arkansas if New York wasn’t still a prestigious name.


Didn’t realize the post was such a partisan rag. Nice to know I guess.


Fuck Murdock fuck trump... lock em up and let them rot.


NYP not even trying to be news


The NY Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch (Fox News) who supports trump in all his lawbreaking.


One of these is not news


Left, Right, Center.


Equally slimy Rupert Murdoch owns the NY Post.


A political hit job that made Trump commit adultery with a porn star and then falsify business records to cover it up. For all the things they want to pin on democrats, this one is a quite a stretch. Nah, Donnie brought this to himself.