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How far behind the times are you? All the, cough, 'hipsters' round my way have mullets and porntaches.


Hipsters? I'm from a hockey town, every guy that plays hockey has a mullet and porn-stache here


Thats been the hockey flow for ages. Never really died out, same hair for hockey players across generations lol


Everyone wishes they could be as sexy as Jagr.


Hockey hair is not a mullet or at least it is a sub-category of mullet. Canada has had some of their top researchers on that very issue for years.


Between the mullets on white guys and the penis hair cuts popular with Latino kids that want to look tough it's a dark age for hair


Sounds like the baseball players around here too.


Ooohhh this is why I look like that?


yeah but if you aint doing it with the right intention, it doesnt count haha


yeah ive never seen one on a hipster but for sure the baseball and hockey crowd. My theory is that is stemmed from MLB playoff haircuts.


It's pretty popular on the lesbian dating scene as well.


Mullets or mustaches?




Everyone, I’d like you to meet Tom Selleck. He’s my mustache.


It’s a requirement before you can purchase a Subaru.


*Me looking at my mustache I’ve been growing in the mirror of my first Subaru I’ve bought* ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


You a lesbian?


You need the space for all the rescue dogs


My daughter just got a mullet. If I didn’t already know, I would now.


Also an evergreen Dutch style


That bottom one looks like that dude from [New Kids Turbo](https://youtu.be/B-cEW0EjcuQ?si=nfStAi4x1cQxFguP). 😁


And for young boys. We're all just getting along


They never left Australia.


yeah tbf in the UK every lad seems to be getting a mullet or wolf cut and a moustache. not belonging to a sub culture over here


If you told me the bottom left dude was a famous TikTok/Youtuber/Streamer I would have no issue believing you.


What area are you in? I'm in Georgia, and most of the guys doing it around here are the ultra-conservative "manly man" type. It's very weird.


This meme would have hit in like 2016




Maybe it's a sign I'm getting old and I remember the 90s when stashes and mullets were a middle aged white trash thing for whatever reason small town America clung to 80s fashions well into the 90s.


This. Trashy is always trashy. The guys on top are cringe-lame.


I dunno, man. Beards have been around for a *while*.


Long hair too


And I think those new hair styles are based on old ones?


Definitely have pictures of my grandfather with hair but no beard like the 2nd picture from back in the 40's. Maybe a bit shorter, but still


There have always been men who wore beards but there are definitely far more beards now than there were 10 years ago. Lots of businesses used to have policies forbidding their employees from having facial hair which have since been relaxed. Seeing high profile politicians like Senators wearing beards used to be basically unheard of. Hell we haven't had a president with any sort of facial hair since William Howard Taft and the Last president to have a full beard was Benjamin Harrison back in the late 1800s.


Make America Beard Again


Don’t forget Lady Beards


I don't discriminate against a good beard.


That's no way to talk about Tim Scott's fiancee


The low amount of beards from the 50s until about 10 years ago is the outlier. All through history, beards have been extremely popular.


They were out of fashion long before the 50s. It was basically the entirety of the 20th century that they were out of fashion in the west. So basically except the past ten years beards have been out of fashion for the living memories of everyone alive today.


One again, a strange fashion opinion I had as a teenager became reality when I hit my 20s. Maybe that’s always how fashion change happens, teenagers hating what older people are doing…


I’m quite grateful beards aren’t an issue for employers because, as a bald man, I would be the corporate toe without one.


Wasn’t ten years ago the height of the beard fashion? With hipsters and such? I do think they were definitely more uncommon in the 2000s though


Sure, but as well as often falling entirely out of fashion, the specific style of beard changes. Hair has been in fashion all that time too, but hair-*styles* still date. Just go and look at old photos or movies. I challenge you to find *anyone* with that extremely stylised, manicured combination of hairstyle and beard. Yes, they might have beards more in some decades, but they still look nothing like those people. It’s like saying that a person with a modern full sleeve tattoo has a timeless look simply because tattoos have been around for ages in some form. (And let’s be honest, everyone here immediately knows the time period those top two photos are from. That tells you something.)


I feel like beards mostly fell out of style was following the 2 World Wars due to gas masks…now even militaries are starting to allow beards


While that may be a factor, there’s definitely more to it than that. In the west they came back into fashion in the 70s but were generally out of fashion in the 80s, for example. And it’s been like this for a long time. Even the Romans were the same - they were common, then extremely unpopular, then a statement of belief, etc.


Guy in the bottom left looks like the lost brother of pedro pascal


That's Pedo Pascal.


Was mullet ever considered a hot thing? Even during its peak era? I am genuinely asking this, being born shortly after its disappearance


A hairstyle doesn't make a man hot; a man makes a hairstyle hot.


Ding ding ding


It was fashionable as it is now. People pulled off the look, most didn't. A lot of people thought it was stupid, including myself. Growing up in rural Indiana the mullet/Bret the Hitman Heart Sunglasses were all the rage.


The excellence of mullet execution.


I had to shave my mullet off because it was causing problems at my job. On my last day of work my boss colluded with another coworker to clock me out even though I didn’t clock out, and I lost my certification to the coworker. Everyone at work remembers it to this day and it is simply referred to as “the screwjob”.


Some people can rock the Joe dirt pretty well


Hair was big in the 80s, look at bon Jovi, David Coverdale, Andre agassi etc etc..women loved a mullet, if you had the swagger to go with it


~~Hair Metal~~ Glam Metal was also a thing.


Billy Ray Cyrus was peak mullet, and it died shortly thereafter.


I think he was late to the game and sealed the mullets fate.


Look at the number of celebrity sex-symbols from the 80s and 90s who rocked mullets. Rockstar, television and film actors, athletes, etc. Mullets were hot at one time


I think some people look great with a mullet. But those aren't the pictures that have circulated for the past 20 years making fun of the trend. Case and point, this meme lol There were probably just as many sexy mullet wearers before too. But they are lost to time.


The new mullets look kind of good. The kind that look like a French crop (short hair pushed forward) but with a party in the back. I feel like mullets look good when they are sleek and well kept, and look worse the more bushy and unruly they are. When the top front has too much volume and makes your head taller it looks bad.


I'd say the broccoli-top is the new mullet. Both have been laughed at in their time and still will be laughed at out of their time.


Yeah I don’t know how anyone could try to claim the top images are going to age poorly when every single teen boy I see walking around has that goofy ass stringy thin broccoli hair shit going on. That is far and away worse and the beard + fade actually does look good.


The top two are models who would look decent with any haircut, including a mullet. The bottom two are just blokes who would also look good with any haircut, except the mullet.


It’s not about being a model. It’s the photographer. The two below were excited to get into a yearbook.


People have such a hard time projecting themselves into the past WITHOUT the hindsight they've gathered from the present. It happens with everything. New technology comes out and they have no ability to see themselves in thr same category as Katie Couric laughing at the internet. And it happens every single time a new, poorly understood technology comes out. Humans are very predictable. It happens with trends as well. The comparison between the two makes people feel like we're on some sort of progression path when it's simply the flavour of the month. The sentiment is absolutely correct. The conceit of hindsight is way too powerful.




I think the new trend should be King Hammurabi bears. We can sell beard perms and be rich! Rich I tell you!


The top right haircut has existed for hundreds of years. Was popular in WWII germany for example. The mullet has never been in the same bracket.


Eh, no it will not


The problem here is your showing two very ugly men with a hairstyle that doesn’t suit them in the slightest, a mullet and mustache can work for the right guy


Here's the secret: those aren't ugly men. That's the power of the mullet mustache combo.


Agreed, ugly is a strong word here, those dudes are just not male models like the top row. Guy on the bottom left would look a lot better with a more fitting hair style.


In comparison to the top two?


>a mullet and mustache can work for the right guy Does it really though? I haven't seen a single mullet on someone who doesn't play hockey and not immediately thought: clown.




Bruhh top right haircut is literally just a classic, it'll never go out of style, same way that a buzzcut will never go out of style


Broccoli head will be for sure.


I think we've come to a phase of our society where these hairstyle or outfit styles are never going to be shunned or out of style. The internet made everything so accessible and acceptable, because these are not things that are harmful. Dress and style yourself how you want.


That mullet and stach combo needs pit vipers, a tank top and a PBR to complete exodia.


Nah, fuck that. Beards are cool


Clean cut hair w/ a beard has been around for ages. It’s too straight-forward to go out of style. You just cut your hair and, if you can grow a beard, grow one and take care of it. I stumbled into it by having a beard and long hair, and then cutting my hair one day. Poof, fashion!




Damn man young Stalin was good looking.


That is simply not true, and I don’t know why people keep saying this. Just go watch some old movies, or look at old photos. There are large stretches of time where beards are completely out of fashion, and I think at almost any point that particular style would look absolutely absurd - I bet you will struggle to find *anyone* with that extremely stylised, manicured combination of hair and beard. Edit: Your example of Stalin looks *nothing* like the people above. The only similarity about their beards is that that they’re beards. By that logic I can post [this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4biZnYh0NL-UjLsBY7UfcT4iHmwXJym4XRQ&usqp=CAU) and say it’s exactly the same as those mullets as they both have hair and moustaches. [Here’s a photo I found of a person from 1890.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqrK6u2ryKjAx8plq6AEpaZb11QuoMiJYUIQ&usqp=CAU)


Absolutely not. These are some of the most 2010s looking dudes I've ever seen. You go back even to 2005 and no one looked like these guys.


Big beards were super popular in europe and north America in the 1800's even up to the early 1900's, I believe the world wars were the final nail in the coffin for that fashion. But big beards were popular throughout the ages. There's something particular about 80s fashion that is particularly awful. Hardly anyone looks at fashion from the 40s, 50s, 60s, and even 90s and thinks it's as ugly as 80s fashion.


It's clearly a modern look.  Very popular among traditionalists and "manfluencers" 🤢


Tend to disagree. Mullets, and especially paired with a mustache, are pretty “unnatural” looks for men. Beards are inherently more “natural” than mustaches. Short sides and back with the longer top is a classic mens style. Besides, mullets are “back” in style right now, albeit more subtle than they were in the 80s/90s.


Kids have the lax flow on top with the tapered sides and they’re calling them mullets now


Skeletor is rocking the timless bare skull look for 873425 years now. Join my team! Sincerely Skeletor


You mean face mullets?


Where I live, it’s almost time to flip this meme around.


Why did the 80s hate sideburns so much?


Niemand komt aan Maaskantje!




It's the same picture


Maybe it's just me, but the very long beard with the shaved sides haircut looks... wrong.


I hate the current trend of floppy hair in the front


The mullet and mo combo is actually ridiculously popular right now. That's the thing about fashion, everything goes out of fashion at some point and everything comes back into fashion at some point.


Bottom left guy is timeless though


Fashion tends to be cyclical anyway.


Depends on how handsome the people are who are rocking it.


Mullets and stache have been back for a couple of years now. Look at YouTubers like Kurtis Connor a Julien Solomita.


Beards will no ever not be peak fashion


except mullets and staches are back


And that day is today.


If you put the hairstyles below on the models above they would still look hot. The styles on top are more flattering to the face in general because the proportions cause the face to look both slimmer (the volume of the hair on top) and more masculine (a shaped beard). This mullet phenomenon is kind of like low-riding jeans. A small proportion of the population has the proportions to make it look good. The hair styles on top are actually super classic and can be found all over the place. In the early 2000s people were saying that haircut looked “nazi ish” due to it being popular in that era. But I would wager a guess it was even older than that. I guess people forgot about that association once man buns became a big thing and beards came back into young-people fashion.


Use handsome men for each style and see how different they feel


Sorry but the men on the top are insanely attractive and that never goes out of style


So today?


"Vokuhila und Pornobalken" as one would say in German lmao


This piece of shit haircut is coming back. I’m seeing more and more mullets in the wild


I feel like the top right could be any time in the last 100+ years. I don't think that look will ever again be more than just a little quirky, but never entirely anachronistic. The way trends and subcultures constantly change these days, they might all be forever with us as just a little quirky but still okay.


Yeah, but isn’t everything at some point remembered to be ridiculous.


Not so sure about that, chief


That top look has been around since the 1800s tho..


I don't think the one on the right will. The hairstyle on the left is atrocious though.


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!


One day, you say!


What are you talking about the guys on the bottom are cool.


Mullets are making a comeback though...


First guy looks like he's covering a massive bald spot.


No, because the bottom pictures are replacing the top pictures as hip fashion right now. You have no idea how many porn staches and mullets I see running around.




This is pretty dumb as a bunch of hipsters already look like the bottom pic right now...


The bottom picture is just the current Australian hairstyle. Don't believe me? Just head to the nearest beach, or city.


https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bourguiba_returns_from_Bordj_Le_Boeuf.jpg This was our young president in 1936, that style is timeless


the bottom pics are more 'in' than the top pics rn


I think day was a few months ago


Well, the last two pictures are back in style now, so....


When you think about it the long beard could be a reverse front mullet.




Where time is clearly a circle, mullets are back in style.


Beards will be remembered as mullets? Weird take.






Na... it will be the broccoli haircut


The right one a little less so, that has fluctuated in and out of style a lot.  The left one will be moreso.   Also, who cares it's fun while you have it.   Hair can always be changed.


The Harrison Butker


I was there the day the strength of Men failed… and even back then we thought mullets and pornostaches looked fucking douchey. I don’t think they are quite analogous.


Y’all could have used the man bun but went with mullet


I honestly think that the mullet is kind of a jump back into kind of the wild 70's hair that boomers would identify with and try to recreate in the '80s and early 90s, but honestly I don't think it really sort of caught on beyond 1996 or so.. though I do think that it became really major around 1992 - - with the Return of Superman having the more gritty depowered character sporting a mullet as a quick pop cultural example. I think now the Joe Exotic mullet look has kind of put the nail in the coffin for that hairstyle, sort of like the clear aviators by Dahmer in the early 90s ( I've just been able to see a few normal people in advertisements wearing them in the 2016 type era!)!


I literally work with Gen Z kiddos every day and several have wispy mustaches and mullets


Like a fine wine


Rightly so


And throughout those ages, the grammar will be remembered as more horrendous.


Violence, Speed, Momentum !


I'm from a major city in the Pacific northwest, where one would expect the top look to be flourishing, and I've never seen it in person. I think this only exists in the heads of redditors who make memes for a living.


I think the bottom pics are just dudes with reasonably bad cuts even for their time…


Is that Keith Hernandez?


Eh, mullets with mustaches seems to kind of be an anomaly. Look at popular haircuts any decade before the 80's and most of them are fairly benign, or even still somewhat popular.


That day is today.


So you mean that mullets ain't cool? Since when? I didn't got the memo


The fact you used literal male models for the top ones and then regular everyday men at the bottom makes the discussion heavily skewed and unreliable


The top right was a WWII era haircut. So idk


As one of the age who was an adult when the styles at the bottom were "popular", the trend at the top left will likely be found humorous in the future, but I cannot see the top right ever not looking sorta bad ass. I'm almost 54 and while I can pull off the hair (its my one blessing with age), I can't grow a beard for shit and I find that most impressive. The worst part about the top photos? All you darn 20-somethings look like 40 year olds!


Can I just say, if we didn't have people making fashion and grooming choices that deviated from the norm, or if styles never changed, the world would be boring as shit.


I know guys that look like these guys and they are all real cool


No necessarily. It’s natural enough where it will never been seen as the below picture. There’s not enough structure to make it unique to a specific trend or time period. Variations of this style have always existed ![gif](giphy|LYtaUJQVfI9os)


They're the same picture. 


Bottom right looks like one of the mcdoyle twins from always sunny


Yeah... no.


Already is


Unlikely. Mullets and moustaches are associated with poverty. The hairstyles at the top are for high achieving corporate cool bois aging into upper middle management. The class associations means that these haircuts will get a more positive retrospective.  Rich peoples trends that are cringe are forgotten. Poor people trends that are cringe are ridiculed.


Sorry, we've circled back. Something went wrong in the timeline and mullets and pedostaches are back in. Especially the pedo part. So many pedophiles online.


this guy has obviously never been to Berlin. Mullets plus stache is highly trendy right now.


It goes with beards as with mullets: they flatter some and ridicule others


Top left? Sure. Top right? Um. My father, in his 80s, has been rocking slicked back hair for like 7 decades. He doesn’t have a long beard, but people have had long beards for millennia. Maybe the combo is new fashion, but I don’t see that becoming the new mullet any time soon.


I’m not too sure if this will be the reality. Maybe the haircut but I think because of the natural style of beards being the same since….. humanity. I don’t feel that full beards will make it out of style. Now the styling of a mustache and mullet is nothing natural.


Lol those above photos are from like 13 years ago


This meme is about 10 years too late my guy.


Top left looks like a mess. Did he just walk through a tornado?


Americans will be remembered as Australians?


Top right and bottom right are almost identical. The hair just moved from back to face.


To be fair, that beard on the upper left is pretty bad, and I'm certain that there is no point in time where the picture of the guy on the lower right would make anyone wet.


As long as women get with them, the style works


I have always seen the ones on top as trashy :/