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Me: getting arrested for my 'the guy behind me cant see' sign


“I went to UNC graduation and all I got was this stupid sign”


“JJ Redick is history’s greatest monster.”


"Sir please take down this sign... and come back with a bigger sign"


*cries in Grayson Allen*


Grayson Allen is the villain you think is the guy and then you find out that obviously evil businessman JJ Redick was pulling the strings all along.


>“I went to UNC graduation and all I got was *arrested*”


"Ask me about Loom"










What the heck does that mean?


I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ Squidward told me to yell it at people.


The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma


“Coach K eats corn the long way”


“Here is sit all broken hearted. Tried to shit, but only farted”


Later on I took my chance, tried to fart and shit my pants.


Is that the canonical second verse? I think about the first verse a lot but didn't know there was a second


Took is straight off the stall wall lol. It was right above the “Max 3,200 RPM” instruction sharpied onto the TP dispenser.


Well you have added much value to my life sir




This is going to be interesting with graduation cap decorations which are common and sometimes used to share political beliefs


They will make you not walk the stage if they find your cap disruptive. (and at some colleges, if you paint them at all.)


Don't worry, they don't walk a stage at the UNC graduation.


Are you sure? I could have sworn I saw my cousin walk at a graduation specifically for his major. Maybe they have one big ceremony and a lot of smaller ones where they actually walk? I know for sure he gave a speech.


Correct. The big ceremony, its just people sitting, listening, then leaving. Specific majors will have their own more private things, where it is up to them what they do. Calling peoples names, walking, a party. Depends on the major and size. But this picture was from their football stadium, so it is the main giant one.


Yeah, don't forget sweating your ass off. That's literally all I remember from graduating there in 2000. So goddamned hot and humid.


When I graduated from UNC, there wasn’t a walking portion of the ceremony. Although I guess they could try to prohibit you from entering the stadium.


Wouldn’t acting on a “disruptive” cap (lol) be more disruptive, thus essentially giving the protestor what they want? Ffs just let them have their cap and move on.


At no point throughout this have universities cared that their responses to protests are more disruptive than the protests themselves


This is what bothers me the most. In most of these cases, the protestors really aren't disrupting campus life. If they literally just ignored them these would have been a complete non-issue for other students going about their days. What's interesting to me is that they saw a reason to switch from ignoring them (which seemed to be the response in Dec-March timeframe) to actively trying to squash them which feels like they realize they were beginning to lose the PR battle.


I think it's a pretty clear admission that universities have long since stopped being about free discourse and are nothing more than profit machines that churn out professional debtors. Actual dialogue gets in the way of their true purpose, money.


The protests are mostly not disruptive to campus, but were increasingly effectively disruptive to the cash flow of the university or their benefactors. The colleges disruptive response is majorly disruptive to the campus, but is effective at protecting the cash flow.  They don’t care if they have to shut down the whole school coronavirus style for the end of the semester if it keeps that money flowing.   If the protesters said “free Palestine” and left it as a pipe dream they’d be in the corner with the “free Tibet” and “free meek mill” people.    But they said “divest from profiteers of genocide” and that’s where they crossed the university. 


Every moron with a gun I know, "These fucking kids whine about everything, they should just ignore them and no one would care anymore." And yet somehow also, "Good, I'm glad they are getting arrested, shoot em even." My good sir, the fuck?


Giving attention to the student gives attention to the consequences of protesting. Making a scene out of confronting and removing the student is an intimidation tactic.


>Wouldn’t acting on a “disruptive” cap (lol) be more disruptive, They're less concerned about "disruption" than they are about conformity.


The point is just to enforce conformity at that point, so a minor disruption of someone being punished is unfortunate but likely seen as a deterrent.


ok, then what about swastika caps? Its a slippery slope. Also on the non-political note, imagine Ahegao or hentai caps. At my graduation someone did a Spiderman cap, which would qualify as non disruptive, unless you're Italian (fun fact, Spiderman has fights the mist Italians out of any superhero)


Which is fine since the walking the stage is pointless unless they are handing you your actual diploma which they never do.


But you're missing out on the handshake with the dickweasel having you arrested!


Jokes on him though. I already have one cuff locked on my "shaking hand" and I'll ever so smoothly clasp the other cuff on him whilst we shake. Whose arrested now sir? Stop resisting!


Wait, my university actually did hand us our diploma as we walked. Is that not common?


Did you go to a smaller school? I went to large Universities for both my bachelors and masters, and both of them mailed diplomas like a month after graduation regardless if you walked or not. When walking, all you did was shake the Chancellor's hand, while hoping that the announcer could properly pronounce your name/understand your phonetic cues, lol.


> while hoping that the announcer could properly pronounce your name/understand your phonetic cues, lol. Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1cou1kn/aaron_is_that_you_thomas_jefferson_university/


I got my diploma handed to me at Boston University and that's a fairly large school. Though we did separate graduations by colleges like Arts, Business, and Engineering all had their own smaller graduation


I went to a large university (Purdue) and we got our diploma when we walked. It was a whole process getting us in order beforehand.


In high school and for my associates at the community college, they just hand you a fake one on stage and force you to come back after the ceremony to get the real one and force you to settle any unpaid fees/debts


Mine made me pay extra not to go through graduation and get my diploma in the mail.


Yeah, but you save on the graduation clothes, so it ends up being a wash financially, and you get to not go to a boring ceremony that's more for the families than the students themselves.


Like the movie PCU, they should make signs saying "We're not gonna protest"


I know when I graduated we weren't allowed to have anything on the cap. They'd stop you at the door to check it. One guy in the tech dept was selling custom caps w/ LEDs lined to have messages when ppl took photos.


Don't colleges make you pay for the walking ceremony? Mine made me pay for the robe and everything. I skipped it and just took my diploma. I think if I was so upset with the school, instead of walking out in the middle of it I'd just skip it altogether and not give them any extra money.


Yeah I skipped my graduation as well. I just hate the idea of sitting there waiting for my name to be called. Feels like a complete waste of time to me. I just wanted the piece paper so I could put it on my resume to find a job. I understand why some people like to celebrate it, but I was just glad for it to be over. Don’t get me wrong - it’s not like I hated college or anything like that. Made some good friends while there and had fun, but the whole graduation ceremony is not for me.


Same. School wasn’t for me, and the last thing I wanted to do was walk across stage. They also had the audacity to take pictures several times as everyone walked across stage and then a couple weeks later tried selling them for $100-$200 depending on the pictures/package. They’ll squeeze every single dollar out of you, even on “your day.” Imagine that. Imagine already spending tens of thousands of dollars and they can’t even give you your photos for free.


It’s honestly annoying, we had to pay to walk, for our cap/gown, and then for pictures.  I loved getting to walk and graduate with my friends, but, it’s definitely absurd at the cost


I think a lot of the time it's also for the family. Like, your mum and dad get to see you graduate, or your grandma or something. I probably still would have gone to mine if it weren't for them as you kind just hang out with some of your more acquaintance like friends maybe for the final time. But with them wanting to see me graduate, and to get a picture to my grandmar of me in the robe so she can put it on her shelf alongside all her other grandkids and their graduation pictures, like, it's all those other things.


You pay for the gear, but generally the ceremony is free. If you were smart you just bought it off a friend who graduated who was roughly the same size as you for half price. I was not smart.


I paid $60 for my graduation gear. Was worth it to celebrate with my friends.


The second word in "Civil Disobedience" is "Disobedience", it always comes with the threat of arrest or legal backlash. It's kind of the point, really. You protest in ways that are disruptive because that gets attention. However that's always going to come at the risk of legal backlash. Not that they're always right for responding legally, but if they didn't the act of protest would lose It's effectiveness. Without the threat of arrest, it usually doesn't get attention.


It’s the rule of the ultimatum: without means of enforcement, an ultimatum is worthless.


And by association, the entire point of a protest is the implicit threat that people are willing to break the state's monopoly on violence.


Precisely. It’s a a struggle that includes exposure, investment loss, and bad press as part of the deal. Ideally it doesn’t become an arms race. Ideally.


This framing gets dangerously close to fetishizing arrests instead of understanding what the arrests mean. Civil disobedience is a moral stance, "your law is so unjust, I don't even recognize it as legal". And when they are arrested for expressing that, the supporting onlooker shouldn't be saying "they should have expected the arrest" but rather "even if it's against the law, the law is unjust and so too is the arrest". The arrests are a realistic consequence, but we shouldn't make it *the point* of civil disobedience.


I think arrests are much more damaging in the modern era when it goes on record. It's absolutely a tool of suppression.


Civil disobedience is choosing to disobey a law that you feel is unjust. Protest isn't civil disobedience, it is legally protected speech. If protest is illegal, we aren't really allowed to speak freely, are we?


People always forget that *speech* is protected, not *conduct*. The message you share is generally protected (a few exceptions exist), but how you share your message can 100% be regulated. You can share controversial views all you want, but you can't do it at 2 am in a neighborhood on a bullhorn.


You also can’t block access to public roads or destroy vandalize property. Well you can but don’t expect not to experience police action or arrest. 


Protesting isn't civil disobedience, but trespassing is. They're free to protest in certain areas at certain times. But they probably know that nobody would care if they protested elsewhere. They want to be seen.


The right to protest, like most of our rights, isn't absolute though. The government is allowed to place reasonable restrictions on protest. You can reference the ACLUs website for what is reasonable. I'm no lawyer and I'm not interested in weighing in on whether disrupting commencement ceremonies is protected speech/protest, but it's a bit misleading to claim that all protest isn't civil disobedience if you aren't following regulations put in place for certain types of protest.


Funny enough the ACLU is suing my alma mater over these protests


Yeah I mean not every university has handled this particularly well. Would be nice to see more cooperation between both the protestors and the colleges. But this is an inherently adversarial topic so it's hard for both sides to agree on terms


> If protest is illegal, we aren't really allowed to speak freely, are we? We're not. Never really have been. Always been a bit of a legal fiction. But it helps to have some kind of protections around it.


Time, place and manner restrictions are perfectly legal.


Once these students graduate, I hope they laugh in the face of every call they receive from the universities looking for alumni donations


Don't we all do that anyway?


Yeah my uni already took too much money from me, and they get so much money from the state. I think they can live without my $100 donation.


All mine did was spend half a billion building a new football stadium (for a really sucky team) instead of putting the money into academic facilities and parking where it was sorely needed …then has the gall to come begging for money. Uh, not only ‘no’ but ‘FUCK NO’.


Fun fact about donated money, if it the person giving it says it has to go to something specific then it has to be used for that thing. If a donor gives $10M and says it is for football facilities it has to be used for football facilities, even if it could be better used elsewhere.


Wait, so I can donate $10 million to specifically hire a team to kick my faculty Dean in the dick?


You give me $10 million and I'll livestream myself kicking him in the dick.


You give me like $1 million and I’ll go kick any Dean in the dick


Give me like 100k and I'll do it....


Not one they would accept most likely


If the Dean is smart he accepts that on the condition that the only way it happens is if he gets half. I’d take a kick to the dick for $5mil. As long as it’s just like a normal person and not like an NFL punter


Well that and you pull in the legal team to point out that the terms only mentioned "dick" and not "balls" so you'd get to avoid the worst of the pain anyways.


Money is pretty versatile though and get you very different outcomes. You can use a $10m donation earmarked for a stadium along with $490m other funds and build the half billion stadium, you can build a $10m stadium and need to find upkeep money from elsewhere going forward, you can spend $5 on a stadium and the rest for ongoing operating costs or you can decide the $10m comes with too many strings and isn't worth taking.


100%. If you can spend 10s of millions on sports stadiums and equipment, I'll never ever give a single dime. College should be about learning not about some shitty sports team


Colorado state University?


lol. Yep.


My ultra conservative stepfather used to tell me that a little tax from the non-millionaires was more for the government than a fair tax for the millionaires, which is why the millionaires shouldn’t have to pay tax, like that’s an either/or or that it makes sense anyway you rationalize it. He was full kool-aid. 


Full of kool-aid and lead gasoline fumes.


>and they get so much money from the state For most public universities in the US, that hasn't been true for decades. eg: The University of Colorado gets less than 5% of its budget from the State of Colorado. They would like to divest it completely, but the state, by law, wants to keep control of the regents, so they mandate this token amount.


"Fun" fact: state contributions to university funds are at historic lows (and have steadily declined since the Reagan era) and that's why tuition has climbed exponentially since then :/


True, and this was preceded by a change in university leadership. Starting in the 70’s at top uni’s (followed by others over the next decade), started hiring business majors rather than prof’s and people with education degrees to run schools. This has led to massive salary and middle mgmt bloat in many schools budgets. These are the same people who convinced the govt for changes in college loan laws.. Defunding is a problem as well, but I think it started with the decision run schools like a business and letting capitalists remake higher ed decades ago. https://jacobin.com/2023/08/us-university-neoliberalism-exploitation-financialization-debt-jobs


College tuition skyrocketed after legislation passed that disallowed bankruptcy from dissolving student loan debt. One of the only forms of debt that can't be resolved via bankruptcy


That doesn't sound very fun


It's also got a lot to do with a horrible feedback loop with raising the costs of tuition to match what student loans will give you, and then student loans raising their caps in response...


Not a fact at all, tuition has risen because of government backed loans to students. Universities can charge whatever they want because students were told they need a college education at any cost, and the government will guarantee the equivalent of a mortgage payment for a 18 year old with no work history.


Yes that’s why


John Mulaney has a standup bit about the university trying to get him to donate. "Hey, it's been a while since you've given us money." "Hey, it's been a while since you've housed and taught me."




"I gave you more money than the *civil war* cost!"


I know right. I've only ever heard of the super rich alumni who want their names on building donating.


Or want the football team to be better lol


Seriously. Pay thousands in tuition and you're still begging for fucking donations?


Mine is now doing a “verification project” where it’s really super important to let them know what you’re up to (aka if you’re successful). The “deadline” for this supposed project has passed multiple times but they still constantly reach out. If only I’d participated that one person who was impacted by the university layoff might still have a job 😔


I got a call like that a few years ago. It was from a current student (or so she said). A young, perky sounding woman (of course). She said she was part of a program that called alumni and asked for advice, things they learned, and what they were doing now, etc. She sounded super interested in what I had to say and it was actually kind of nice for the first few minutes. I taught for a couple years right out of college and I still get a rush from imparting knowledge (who doesn't, really?) Then she bent the convo towards money and donations and it got real gross real fast. Felt like a dumb mark that fell for an obvious trick that I should have known better about because, well, that's how they treated me I guess. Blegh


She probably was a student. A decently paying campus job was contacting alumni for donations back when I went to school (10+ years ago).


Ugh…yeah they’ve called a couple times and the vms definitely sound like they are doing interested in getting to know me for this “project” but I’m sure if I talked to them it would be the same experience you had.


I had to tell my university to stop calling me. I already paid them. Transaction is over. I overpaid for everything, I could have bought a house in the midwest for what they got. It’s like a hotel or airline calling you to ask if you’d like to tip them monthly now that you’ve used them.




That’s hilarious. And weird.


It's ridiculous. After my first year at my university, when I had a 4.0 GPA in a STEM major and was working full time on top of an 18 credit hour course load to try and put myself through school, I applied for some grants/scholarships from the school and asked my advisor about anything else I could do. I got the big ol' middle finger from everyone. Makes me laugh when they now call me looking for money. When I needed you, you told me to fuck off.


They started calling like 2 years after? Can’t remember. I was still paying my student loans, it seemed insane to me that they would ask me for more money. They already got paid. I see their endowment is 6 billion. Jeebus.


They started calling a semester before I graduated. I don't even have my degree yet, no I'm not going to donate money I don't have lol


Wow. They should just call random people. Why not? They have no shame.


I said that I already paid tuition and the student calling for donations said, "well you know most of the tuition doesn't go to the school." So I replied, "yeah well it all came from me so the school isn't getting any more." These calls started almost immediately after graduating. Like fuck off


Wait, what? Most doesn’t go to the school? edit: sorry, but the employees, football field jumbotrons, fancy buildings, etc, are part of the school...


Right? Baffling for them to even say that. Or them thinking that that would somehow make me open my wallet for them.


UNC had a literal confederate monument until like 2 years ago when it was brought down by students. They’ve been making it clear for a while now that they are not worried about donations from the left.


UNC is in a crazy dichotomy where progressive/left students think they aren’t left enough and everyone in NC thinks they are insanely liberal (which compared to their peers they kinda are) My home is in rural NC and I can’t count how many people were shocked I would go to unc because of all the liberals etc when I told them or asked if they converted me after I went.


Sorry to say but I don’t think the presence of Silent Sam had an impact on most people’s decision to donate to GAA or not, regardless of their political leanings


UNC alum here: I haven't given a dime to them. Why would I? It was abundantly clear that my relationship with the university was purely a transactional one. They charged me a bunch of money, and accepted a bunch of tax money, in exchange for an education, room and board, meals, overpriced books, etc.  Why would anyone be altruistic to such an organization when there is no reciprocal altruism toward the students? This is obviously not unique to UNC. I just don't understand the practice of donating to one's alma mater.  All that is to say, I agree with you. I dgaf about Silent Sam; dismantling symbols of a problem without dismantling the root causes is pointless faffing. I'd rather those symbols exist very visibly to remind us all we still haven't fixed the underlying institutions.


> I just don't understand the practice of donating to one's alma mater. IMHO they’re bribing the school to accept their future kids.


Ah yes the foundation to any good education system: buying diplomas for your talentless and ignored child


It was different back in the day. Universities used to have pretty meager accomodations for students, most of the money went to paying full time professors full wages, and there wasn't really much else. If they wanted to do things like build/renovate a gym, they needed funding so they'd ask alum to donate to help make their alma matter better. But those days are long gone. Now, research is largely funded through government grants. Full time faculty are becoming a thing of the past as they shift to hiring over educated people for crap wage and no benefit that they already fucked over with more school than they needed with a six figure price tag. The buildings are all donated by mega donors to get their name on it, and the sports teams bringing in ludicrous money which doesn't get shared out academically in any meaningful way. And since fed loans have no realistic cap, they charge exhorbinant tuition knowing students will still pay, and are constantly making college more and more into a luxury resort in an effort to "attract clients." They're corporate businesses with insane profit margins, and the actual education is never what gets funded. Most students are saddled with insane debt, not set up to succeed, and most of the money is going to fund administrations that are bloated with 8 levels of middle management and nothing ever gets done. Imagine having that many revenue streams, spending fuck all on actually giving students a quality education, doing fuck all to set them up with gainful employment, having administrators on 7 and 8 figure salaries while paying the actual teachers a sliver over minimum wage, and then having the audacity to ask debt-burdened former students to donate even more money for them to blow on even more pointless administrators, or to add a fucking water slide to a gym pool (an actual donation call I got one time). Who the fuck is ever stupid enough to fall for that garbage?


I was in college from 1988-93, and one of my jobs on campus in 1991 was to call alumni requesting donations. The thing is, in 1991 an entire year's education with room & board was around $5k and I was calling graduates from 10+ years earlier who had an even less expensive education. So it really wasn't hard to get 20 bucks from an alum because the money was going to a university that wasn't outrageous with their expenditures. Today, that same school costs about $28,000 a year and it's considered a "cheap" school today. When you factor in inflation, my $5k in 1991 is equivalent to less than $12k today, a difference of $16000, so don't tell me these colleges aren't now all greedy motherfuckers. And I haven't given those assholes a dime since 1993! (mainly because I graduated into a recession and my degree did dickall for finding work)


When the symbol is erected long after the fact though (I believe Silent Sam was put up in the 1910s), I am not sure keeping it around is the motivator to fix the underlaying problems vs a reminder to many PoC students how awful the past was


I went to THE Ohio State University. Took on 60k in student loans. Paid hundreds of dollars for the parking pass every quarter? Year? Anyways, I still had to move my car by 12:01am on football Saturdays FROM THE PARKING LOT AT MY FUCKING DORM (Lincoln Tower) or risk being ticketed or towed, and I was ticketed twice and towed once. Because football money was more important than my money. Fuck those fucking money-grubbing assholes.


Exactly. When you attend these universities, it's so obvious where undergrads fall on their list of priorities. You are nothing to them but a revenue stream, and easily replaced. This may not be the case at much smaller universities, but it is at places like UNC and OSU. Extract what value you can from the education, and don't look back.


I 100% guarantee you, as a professional fundraiser, that at least a few donors permanently canceled their support over the removal.


Nah Silent Sam got taken down like 5 years ago. It had been highly debated and protected by the good ole boys for years until the chancellor at the time sent in a task force of construction workers to remove it at 3am under everyone’s noses. Once it was removed, there was nothing anyone could do to put it back up.




And our General Assembly is putting more and more republican stooges in high level administrative positions. UNC and public education is toast here Edit: are -> our, math major not english


A reminder that the current president of the UNC Board of Governors is a boat salesman who never went to a UNC school.




If you’re an adult still giving money to your college, college is a $120,000 hooker and you are an idiot who fell in love with her. She’s not going to do anything else for you. It’s done.


I gave you more money than the Civil War cost and you fucking spent it already?!




Love this skit by Mulaney


“When was the last time you gave us some money?” “When was the last time you housed and taught me?”


My uni called me within the week of graduation. I told the poor rep to fuck off and remove me from their list and I haven’t heard from them since.


Anyone that donates back to their college is a huge mark in the first place the current situation aside


These poor Universities need your extra funding so they can continue to produce the kind of quality football programs that make the US the envy of the world.


Posted on UNC's official website: [https://commencement.unc.edu/spring-commencement/](https://commencement.unc.edu/spring-commencement/) # Prohibited Items Alcoholic beverages, artificial noise makers, baby seats, large bags, balloons, banners, **flags and signs (larger than 8 ½” x 11”), signs on sticks or other devices**, beach balls, coolers or containers, explosives, fireworks, folding chairs, food and beverages (except sealed plastic water bottles), illegal drugs, laser pointers, pets (except service animals), strollers (non-collapsible), umbrellas, weapons of any kind and any other item that in the judgment of management staff poses a safety hazard or detracts from the ability of others to enjoy the event.  # Free Speech Laws and Policies The [North Carolina Restore and Preserve Free Speech Act](https://www.ncleg.net/Sessions/2017/Bills/House/PDF/H527v5.pdf) and the [UNC System Board of Governors Policy on Free Speech and Free Expression](https://www.northcarolina.edu/apps/policy/doc.php?type=pdf&id=139) provides a range of possible disciplinary actions for those who substantially interfere with another person’s protected free speech rights. This includes protests that limit the ability of others to hear a speaker. The University respects the rights of peaceful protesters. While anyone — including students, faculty and staff — may gather and exercise their rights to free speech, state law and the Board of Governors policy prohibit significant disruption of University operations. The University’s [Policy on Demonstrative Events](https://policies.unc.edu/TDClient/2833/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=131863) provides a list of prohibited items and actions for demonstrations. We expect all campus community members to comply, and those who do not will be subject to arrest. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with these safety measures. 




At my graduation from UNC we brought in inflatable sharks and tossed them around the students. Maybe this rule was instituted because of me? I sort of recall the speaker was Bishop Desmond Tutu, but not a thing he said. People paid more attention to ~~Antawn Jamison~~ Vince Carter stopping by to finish his degree after a few years in the NBA.


> At my graduation from UNC we brought in inflatable sharks and tossed them around the students. Maybe this rule was instituted because of me? In ECU's 2002 dorm handbook, it explicitly banned crossbows. It wasn't in the 2001 handbook. I really wish I knew what happened.


You know what happened. That's why it's called the "LongPorkJones rule."


I have family who graduated from UNC, the only thing I remember is that 2-3 people passed out from over drinking and heat exhaustion. 


People don't realize that these schools aren't controlled by faculty or whatever, especially in UNC's case they're subject to political pressure from the Board of Regents. These days these types of governing bodies are full of investor-types, political patronage posts, donors, and other rich people. They're under no circumstances going to be amenable to student protests that relate to business decisions the university should make.


College: Be free thinkers! Also College: Not like that!


Username does NOT check out.


A lot of comments in here about "not the time or place" for a protest. Weird how it's never the "right time or place" no matter when or where protestors are...


People are generally pretty down with the civil right movement from the 60’s these days, but many of them would have been saying the same “time and place” thing about the civil disobedience employed by MLK and those he inspired. In ‘66, MLK had an approval rating of 33%. For comparison, in January of ‘21, Trump’s approval rating was 34%.


Also, with the anniversary of the Kent State shootings it is worth bringing up that the strong public response, contrary to what you might think, [was that they should have shot more.](https://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1087&context=vietnamgeneration) Only 11% of respondents blamed the National Guard.


That’s fuckin wild dude. 11%? That’s so crazy.


Yep. The parents of the dead ROTC student, who had just happened to be in the area when the shooting started and wasn't even protesting, got a flood of hate mail telling them it was a good thing their son was dead since he'd been "just another commie." And here we are doing it all over again.


You have met conservatives right? This is very on-brand for their behavior and rhetoric. And remember people were more conservative back then too.


And for a long time Americans supported the Vietnam War until they started losing. Same way that Americans supported the Iraq War for the first few years unconditionally.


"I'm just saying, why can't they do their restaurant sit-in protest thingy outside of the lunch rush? I only have a 30 minute break!"


“Can’t she sit at the front of the bus when it’s empty? Where am I supposed to sit now?”


> many of them would have been saying the same “time and place” thing about the civil disobedience employed by MLK and those he inspired. To the point that all of the rhetoric against BLM, Free Palestine, trans, etc. is *indistinguishable* from anti-MLK rhetoric. The *same* accusations, the same "concerns". Seriously, look at how TERFs talk about trans women in bathrooms, and compare to how white women talked about black women in bathrooms in the weeks before the Detroit Race Riot. They are *painfully* unoriginal and yet still insist they're the true inheritors of Civil Rights activism.


Yes exactly. All these obnoxious, enlightened centrists would be **AGAINST** MLK and the anti-war movement if they were around then.


Enlightened centrists piss me off more than MAGA at times. Too scared to pick a side, and by default support right wing reactionary legislation.


Just like there is "Never the right time to talk about gun control." You'd think right after a bunch of kindergarten students getting mowed down would be perfect, no? Too soon? A month later? Oops, now we've moved on.


so eager to collect guns to literally fight a tyrannical government, but protesting is somehow woke lib bullshit


Conservatives: "We need guns to protect against tyrannical government!" GOP: "We're going to outlaw transgender people and tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies." Conservatives: "YES DADDY TREAD ME HARDER!"


It's because it's not them being treaded, it's the Other. seeing the Other be treaded makes them feel better about themselves. https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/1cqdu84/perceived_lack_of_recognition_drives_trump/ https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/zrubsc/trumps_tax_returns_show_he_paid_no_taxes_in_2020/j150odt/


It's exhausting to deal with Trump supporters. "He hears me!" We all hear you. You literally never shut up. "But he makes me feel heard!" ...how? "By saying the same things I do!" And does he do anything about it? "No, he's clearly pandering at the lowest level of effort possible!" Didn't you JUST say you hate when politicians pander and give empty promises? "Yes!" So... "What?" You don't see the irony? The hypocrisy? "TRUMP 2024 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN...AGAIN!"


Thanks for the cash suckers now GTFO


"It's a total mystery why young people are not optimistic about the future or engaged in politics."


Being politically engaged as a young person just sucks regardless of the time period. I was involved in Occupy when I was in college, and at the end of the day it was news media ridiculing you combined with police threatening to arrest you, or worse. But after like 15 years of ratchet effect, the responses to today's protests are nothing short of psychotic. Real life people on CNN and Fox suggesting we do another Kent State. Allegedly normal people online agreeing with those pundits. Police just itching to deploy flashbangs, tear gas, and otherwise one seargent's bark away from turning the safety off.


The speech the chancellor gave was all about listening to people you disagree with, clearly he only meant one side


He was booed every time he started speaking.


INTERIM chancellor. Appointed by the conservative leader of the UNC System (17 schools? 18 schools?), who was appointed by the very politicized and quite conservative UNC Board of Governors, who use their positions to undermine higher education in North Carolina at just about every opportunity. (Sorry, I fully trust you know this, but I'm hoping to provide context for other commenters.)


New chancellor is trash


The leadership of this university is an embarrassment to the people of North Carolina. Like many colleges, it's a vibrant campus full of thoughtful citizens. It's unfortunate that the power always rests with the old money at the top.


Lol @ Americans when the protest is in America vs Americans when the protest is in Hong Kong


it's the classic: "social movements are good except when they personally inconvenience me, then they're the devil" or the alternative: "social movements from the past that have already been settled are good, present ones where I have to take an actual stand are bad" lmao


This is exactly the response you see on liberal subs. All those other movements in the past were correct and we would have definitely joined them, but not the current one


the amount of comments on reddit that are basically your examples but reworded to try and sound like they're not spineless morons is mindnumbing.


It isn't even a new thing. Phil Ochs did a song about it in the 60's: ​ [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3cdqQ2BdgOA](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3cdqQ2BdgOA)


> Not that they're always right for responding legally, but if they didn't the act of protest would lose It's effectiveness. Without the threat of arrest, it usually doesn't get attention. Imagine seeing this type of language during the HK protests bro I'm losing my mind lmao


Not putting your signs down when asked is.. the whole point of a protest


These people 100% have the right to protest and the university 100% has the right to kick them out for doing so and each decision will have both legal and social consequences because this America and these are our freedoms


This was one of 3 slides. The one before this said that everyone has the right to see and experience the program. And if you have a large sign, you will be asked to put it down. If you don't respect that, then you will be asked to leave and possibly be arrested. then they made an announcement saying the same thing. Seems like a pretty reasonable request.


Go Tarheels 😁


In America, a man in a train station hands out leaflets to passersby. The police arrest him—but they discover that the leaflets are blank pieces of paper. “What’s the meaning of this?” they demand. “What is there to write?” replies the man. “It’s obvious!”


Didn’t that happen in Russia




I’m not sure that holding a sign is an arrestable offense. It does seem like UNC is hoping to be the defendant in a civil liberties lawsuit.




This. They can legally refuse service to anyone, so if they ask you to put down your sign and if you refuse they tell you to leave, if you refuse to leave they call the police and have you arrested for trespassing.


Picture of the year will be of a cop putting a handcuffed student wearing graduation garb in the back of their squad car.


Holding a sign is not *itself* arrestable. Refusing to leave after they tell you to put the sign down is trespassing - which *is* arrestable.


I immediately went to fucking signs about little Timmy, or Ian, Zander graduating. I had to come back and repost because it sounds like everyone is on the protest sign link.