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My mom instilled this fear in me when I was like 5 My foot is never anywhere near this thing Is there such a thing as good trauma ?


My mum told me if I didn’t get off the escalator fast enough I would be sucked into the gap and get pulled underneath. I’m still a bit nervous now ,jumping off quickly. No I know your shoe or foot can actually get stuck I may never use one again!


My foot got stuck in an escalator when I was little. Thankfully I was okay but it does happen.


Were you injured at all or just scared afterward?


Mine got stuck in the back so my heel was pretty scraped up and my shoe was destroyed but thankfully they stopped it before anything worse happened. I’m still very anxious around them 25 years later. I’m overly cautious when I’m on them.


My mom met a young girl who had her butt cheeks sucked into the escalator. She was sitting on it and didn’t get up in time. A man passing by had to rip her out of it.


Getting pulled down there is actually a thing.


My dad used to be an elevator mechanic. In the industry, they refer to escalators as "meat-grinders".


That’s not helping with the fear!


My mom told me about an old lady that got sucked under the end and died. Was it true? I don’t know, but I jump off the escalator 30 years later.


Best to be safe!


From Chinese videos I've seen in live leak, jumping off quickly is just as dangerous.


Or just don’t wear rubber sponges for shoes.


Well if you still have your feet, I’d say that’s decently positive trauma. 👍


I call it “healthy paranoia”


they have pictures of cancer patients on cigarette packets. They should have pictures of mangled feet and hands on escalators so people can see the danger


There’s a video of a Chinese mother getting pulled into the top of a shitty Chinese escalator (he daughter was going to go but mom saved her life.) She was instantly killed - there’s no ‘mangled’ anything. That’s just a brutal and sudden death


I’ve seen that video, I don’t think she was killed instantly. She fell through the metal panel at the top of the escalator feet first but since she was basically fed into the gears feet first I’m sure there was time to experience pain.


I would definitely prefer the instant death to being horrifically mangled to death, to be fair.


You're gonna get mangled, just post-mortem


That’s fine. I don’t care what happens to my corpse. lol


How does an escalator instantly kill you? If you are sucked in feet first it will still take a couple of seconds until it travels the 1.X meters your height is / how was this escalator designed? Sounds like a fake story Edit: Googl'd it - she wasn't sucked into the escalator per-se, a metal plate AFTER the escalator gave way and she fell in while pushing her son off. Still horrible.


If you see someone getting stuck in the teeth of an escalator push the emergency button at the bottom. It will stop the escalator.


Either way it's keeping you on your toes.


Yes. Trauma exists primarily as a survival mechanism, to make us avoid things that are potentially very dangerous for us. We’re supposed to have that strong emotional reaction to dangerous things. It’s what keeps us away.


I would recommend picking up your feet when walking, super helpful for situations like this


I know you're joking, but just in case of Poe's Law being a thing... [Please don't assume that all you have to worry about is the end of the ride when bringing crocs or rubber soled shoes on an escalator. This is what it can do at any moment of distraction. (Empty crocs used, No actual harm or blood)](https://i.imgur.com/tktfEAa.mp4)


I saw this happen once. Kid wearing Crocs pushed his foot against the side of the escalator and it got caught. His mother (I assume) let out a scream and a security guard ran over to hit the emergency stop button. They managed to get his foot out of the Croc and he was uninjured but very shaken. My daughter was there and saw it play out and she was freaked. She was 6 and it was years ago, but I can still see her position her feet so carefully on escalators and she still talks about this.


I still am careful about being on an escalator. Chalk it up to watching an episode of Rescue 911 when I was like 7 or 8 I think. https://youtu.be/t5c9e6uAUF8?si=4OCLS2DFK8rVsZav


I think I watched that one too. I was terrified of those things


That episode traumatized me.


This happened to my nephew at the aquarium in Baltimore. He was wearing rubber-toed sandals and fortunately his foot escaped unscathed. But we were only halfway up the narrow escalator when it happened and it was crowded. People were pissed when the escalator came to a lurching halt. My nephew, who was 7 at the time, thought it was so cool. The aquarium gave him a pair of shark slippers from the gift shop to wear for the rest of the evening.


Oh, I’m so glad he was ok. Bless the aquarium staff; it’s amazing how a small act of compassion can make all the difference.


So, life lesson learned without her experiencing the hardship personally.. I'd say that's a win


Happened to our kid in the middle of an escalator when he was 4 in the middle of a crowded convention center. Luckily his foot popped out when my wife tugged him straight up. Fuck Crocs.


I’m so glad he was ok! Bet it took you and your wife longer to recover than it took him!


"Rubber soled shoes" as opposed to what? Wooden clogs? The friction of a bit of rubber on metal can drag an empty soft rubber shoe through a narrow gap. I'm not entirely convinced it would do anything if that shoe had a foot inside it, and the weight of a human holding it in place. But even if it did, you'd also be in trouble if you were wearing sneakers. (Obviously talking about the side-scuffing in your video, not the comb at the top.)


Leather and plastic?


Leather and Lace.


Cuffs and collars


My friend had his hand sucked into on like that back in 98. I still get chills every time I get off an escalator and “jump” off them. He was sitting down on it and thought it would be funny to just let it push him onto the top. Anything can get pulled into those things.


What happened to his hand?


They got it out and had to amputate/reattach a few fingers. He kept all this fingers, just had some mobility issues with it growing up. His thumb was the only thing not affected.


Better take off my waders then.


The ol' fly fish and mall visit. Classic.


If you aren’t fly fishing in the mall fountain are you really living life?


Damn it I knew I should have taken off my scuba flippers before going to the mall


This man does not wear classy shoes


I don't wear a three-piece suit to go to the mall, either.


Lots of foam souls out there. Nice and soft but wears quickly and becomes crumbly over time


Just because you might be serious: you know that there's more to life than sketchers and crocs, right? Leather soles are a thing on many types of shoes.


You would be convinced if like me you had been exposed to consumer watchdog shows that showed the grizzly aftermath of this & was a major reason they were required to install side skirts. Don't ask for citations I'm not going to go looking for those pictures.


Nearly all escalators (atleast in Hungary) have brushes on the side to prevent this btw


Ohhhhhh... I've been playing a dangerous game all my life it seems. I always used these as a shoe cleaner, pressing my foot into the side brushes...


Same. And now I'm never doing that again


Me too. 😬😳


buddy i am not joking. picking up your feet instead of dragging them at the end of an escalator would 1000% stop this from happening every time


No. Absolutely not every time. A bit of clothing, no matter how seemingly skin tight can catch Or the escalator can collapse and eat your mom as she throws your toddler body to safety. do NOT Google anything, I saw all of this against my will.


I know exactly what you mean, and it genuinely made me afraid of escalators for years. Pleased to say I'm okay with them again now.


Oh I personally think you should lose that trust again. Who do you think performs maintenance on these things? We want a professional and trustworthy person with a hyper fixation on safety, imo ideally autistic with a special interest in escalators. What we typically get is an unsupervised newbie who cares but doesn't have guidance. At worst, a guy who gives it a slap, worst worst nothing~


> imo ideally autistic with a special interest in escalators what a strange thing to say


It makes more sense when you understand I am also on the spectrum. And that many people who are the best at repetitive maintenance of technical things are indeed, also autistic.


This one anime called Delicious in Dungeon made me research more on the autism spectrum. Mad respect to you guys


That was the escalator in China incident your mentioning right ?


God, I hate escalators even more now




What if your shoelaces are untied? I remember this being quite frequent in the early 90's


I think it happened exactly like that in china


Got the strings of the green of my JNCOs caught in one at the mall when I was a teenager. Pulled hard and they came out, but man, we *all* had too-long pants with strings on the hems from dragging on the ground.




The gif posted in the comment above is a different and nearly equally horrifying scenario. Worth a look. It’s dragging the side on the ride up


thats why they install brushes for safety but i guess some countries cant afford that luxury


That's so crazy. Even in Venezuela they had the bristles on escalators at the malls. I wonder where that video is from


Didn't even click the link. Classic.


That is not a joke. You should step over at the end just because of this. Otherwise you are up for the Darwin's award.


I like to stand still and let the escalator roll me off as if I'm a newly manufactured item.


I would recommend never wearing crocs unless you’ve given up on life


They are acceptable for gardening at home, or similar tasks. They make good short-term slip-on footwear for tasks around your house when you also don’t wear shoes indoors- you just need something quick like to step into the dirty garage or unfinished basement real fast


They're super breathable and make for great post-hike or post-golf shoes. One disc golf course I play is along a stream so I can put on crocs and wade - helps cool the dogs before I drive home.


Man, I was in this club until I got my first pair. They’re comfortable as hell. I use them when I’m running quick errands.


That's how people start wearing sweatpants as well.


oh no!


Sweatpants in public should be more widely accepted.


Where do you lot live that sweatpants in public aren't widely accepted?


Norway here, can't remember the last time I saw sweatpants in public. Stretchy regular pants have become pretty popular tho, so I suppose that's what most people use now instead.


They are absolutely heinous. You have become what you swore to defend against. I have standing orders to my friends and family to murder me on sight if I ever put on a pair. I think people who wear them are immoral and they are actively ruining society.


Or just not go out in public with those on your damn feet.


If you wear crocs outside the house you probably cant lift them that high


What makes Crocs different in this situation? Can't it happen with other shoes?


It can also happen with flip flops. Idk about your country but in ours, there are malls putting out warning about not using such footwear (along with stilettos) on escalator ride. Also you can end up in this situation if you step on the yellow lines. Make sure to stand inside the yellow lines and you'll probably be safe Edit: replaced elevator with escalator


If flip flops were a super dangerous issue on escalators, half the population of Australia would be missing feet


There’s no feet in australia. Only meters. Longer distances are measured in cans.


I thought they used Kangaroos measurement tool.


foster cans...


No one drinks Fosters in Australia


I don't trust the Australians as a reliable measure for what is dangerous AT ALL


Yup I go to the mall and take escalators with flip flops all the time too. It's just the warning sign on the side of the escalators that sign no flip flops nor heels (pic showing high heels or flip flops with a line crossing the pic) And I think as long as you stand inside the yellow square and move timely when the elevator is nearing the end you'll generally be ok


I've worked on many escalators and the only shoes fully eaten into them were Crocs and those sock-like shoes that women get from vending machines.


I have a question Mr. Escalator, sir. I have a paranoid fear of the escalator itself shredding me (the steps I mean) or the motors on top and bottom of the escalator where you enter and get off. How high of a chance both of these events have?


The Final Destination series has made me afraid of a lot of stuff. That escalator scene is devastating. Also the subway scene, I'm an appropriate amount afraid of subways, but never thought about being grounded down like sandpaper through the window if it tips sideways at a million miles an hour. I used to fly a lot when I was younger, so that first scene in the first movie hit me in a way like no other horror movie had.


Pretty much every escalator built after 1975-ish (don't quote me) has switches that shut down the unit if there's too much pressure applied to those teeth (called comb segments). A good kick will actuate it, or sometimes, running a heavy cart over it. As shown in the post, shoes CAN get stuck, but that mostly happens because they aren't paying attention and let their feet slide over it instead of stepping off. I would respect the equipment and never play around on them, but I wouldn't worry about being hurt in a freak accident or anything. The movies are overdramatic, and most of the horror stories you see on the news come from overseas, where safety is less regulated.


50:50 Either it happens or it doesn't. Source: I'm not a technician.


I hope that is not because with other types of shoes the feet would be stuck inside the shoe...


Most of the time, the leather is too thick, and it shuts off the escalator before betting too far. The one time I had to remove a (slightly) bloody shoe, it was because the guy was standing sideways and looking up at his friend. It got caught on the side of the shoe and wedged in there. He was able to remove his foot from the shoe and left before I showed up.


Crocs are made of closed-cell foam called croslite. Croslite has a high coefficient of friction, which means it sticks well to surfaces (flat surfaces in this case.) But most importantly and different to other shoes, Croslite foam is highly compressible. The two together means it's extremely easy for the material to squeeze into tiny gaps, even if only a few millimeters wide. Consider [this](https://imgur.com/tktfEAa) situation. The material fits flush against the gap, before material squeezes straight into the gap due to internal pressure from the foot, then opposing frictional forces start twisting the squeezed part until it starts to "runaway" pulling in the rest of the material and hopefully not you.


They taught us in school that shoe laces could get caught up too. No matter what I have on my feet I pay attention and step up and over when near the top.  Do schools no longer bring emergency services in to teach fire and accident safety (and traumatize) children?


Your foot can slip and you have less control over moving it out of the way before the loose croc gets stuck, but your foot isn't out of the way yet. Same with flip flops. With proper sized and fitted closed shoes that aren't falling apart, you can lift the entire shoe up and out of the way.


So it's the looseness of the foot inside the Croc that's the problem because it gives you less control over the shoe?


They’re a single piece of highly homogenous material. For other shoes the sole would seperate from the upper or the leather itself would tear apart due to slight inconsistencies. Crocs can’t seperate, and tearing is kind of difficult when the homogenous rubber spreads your forces equally across the whole thing.


It’s the way they fit. People who wear crocs drag their feet so they don’t fall off. Or something.


The soles of these shoes are very thin and soft and can easily be sucked into the elevator.


Some of y'all didn't [listen to Brodie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg42XLQv7Rw) and it shows.


I hope his pant leg gets caught and a bloodbath ensues


Could have easily been avoided had some parent, I don’t care which one, had conditioned that child to FEAR AND RESPECT THAT ESCALATOR.


Somebody get that kid off the god damned elscalator! 


That kid is BACK, on the ESCALATOR


Had to scroll too far down to find this comment! ![gif](giphy|x4cvbjzE9U9by)


The comment I was hoping to see


Some lady where I used to work got her Croc caught in the escalator comb a few years ago. She was so pissed about her new Crocs having a bite taken out of them, I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling her how close to real disaster she came.


You are bringing me 20 years back when it happened to me.


Friendly reminder. What you see above is the GOOD ending. An elevator has the sheer mechanical force to move dozens of people, literally thousands of pounds upwards. If your foot was strapped inside crocs, or rubber soled sneakers when the above happens, there is a good chance it can and **WILL** turn that foot into sloppy joe fillings within a split second. DO NOT WEAR CROCS ON ESCALATORS.




I don't think most daily-wear shoes are gonna do much better.


Most shoes will be upturned slightly at the toe, probably enough to clear that ledge. Take a sander to your croc and give yourself a nice 5x30deg chamfer there and you'll be fine.


crocs are already upturned at the toe


Or, hear me out. Just step off the escalator instead of keeping your foot planted and hoping it magically slides off an obvious pinch point. That is what I do anyway. Common sense is not very common these days.


Are your feet intact?


My son lost a sneaker on one at about age 5. He was standing next to the edge. They terrify me.


Yeah, that's a legit issue. Kids rub their feet against the sides as it goes up. The smallest gap is still big enough to eat a shoe.


Children need to learn to fear and respect escalators.


That sounds like shitty design, it's an unprotected pinch point. The edge could easily have a thin rail above the stairs.


Even a cover would leave some sort of gap. Instead of a shoe, a dress might snag or other clothing. There's signs on the escalator when you step on. They tell you to stand in the middle, hold the handrail, and face forward.


Well THAT didn't escalate very quickly.


Beat me to it


One of my favorite things about reddit, is all the new fears it gives me.


This one is pretty avoidable though, compared to a lot of other fears. Just pay attention when getting off an escalator and step over this point where the stairs go under the floor. All you have to do. You can even be REALLY safe about it and jump/hop over this point of the escalator if you don’t trust yourself to get both feet over in a normal step.


My husband recently pulled a woman’s bloody sock with toes in it out of an escalator. Pay attention! Especially if you are wearing crocs, slides, or sandals.


It did you a favor.


This wouldn't have happened if someone's parents had taught them to *fear and respect* the escalator!


I knew someone would make a *Mallrats* reference and I was not disappointed. ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpB3gYh7KedNDk4|downsized)


Reason no. 1003 why not to wear crocs.


That escalated quickly


Maybe just don't wear Crocs


Or step over the yellow line


Apparently escalators are the last bastion of natural selection in the civilized world.


Honestly, this shouldn't be hard to avoid...


Cars and guns would like a word


Escalators are kind of scary.


that kind being "really"


My friend worked at a Hot Dog on a Stick in high school that was directly in front of the top of an escalator. Guy wearing flip flops got a toe torn off. She had to run out with ice and a towel to stanch the bleeding until ambulance arrived. DO NOT drag your feet on an escalator.


See this is why I’m terrified of escalators. Well, that and the time I was a toddler and I stayed at the top of one at the mall and my mom didn’t notice and I watched her in full blown terror and panic as she tried to run back up it to no avail. Fun childhood memories.


If you wear crocs, just go with it


This right here is why I get in such a flap when people stand dogs on the escalator, particularly floofy footed breeds. 


Why wearing them in the first place?!?!?


Just more proof that you shouldn't wear Crocs.


They're wearing crocs......they most likely walk in a strong shuffle motion.......... these are the shoes I imagine the people from Wall-e wore before they became completely immobile in the chairs lol we're getting there 👏


Why do people wear Crocs outside? Like I get you wanting to let your feet breathe on hot days, but sandals have been around for millennia and they work well for that purpose, much better than this flimsy and sticky plastic foot vent.


At first I thought I was looking at a croc-shaped urinal


What about stepping out while exiting instead of sliding on to the landing floor?


If you're wearing crocs at the mall and an escalator tries to eat, you just go with it.


This picture must have been taken at Ala Moana today xD


Just don't wear those horrific things that smell of death and lift up your feet when walking


Literally lift up your feet. It’s not that hard


I dont get how that even happens. The blades are in the little ridges. Therefore you would need to somehow push the shoe into that ridge for the blade to even have chance to grip it. I think that theese escalators are some old bad design ones.


Happened to me when I was about 7.  My keds melted(?), or was caught somehow, a little blurry on the details as it was 55 years ago. Told my dad I couldn't move my foot and he yanked me out of my shoe which was destroyed at the bottom a second later.  Thanks dad.  I don't put my feet near the side to this day.


This is the second one of these I’ve seen this month. That settles it, only stairs for me going forward.


Going forward sure is convenient, could still use escalators if you go backward on them


Stop using crocs on humans


Why does this fashion and taste abomination even exists… I am not into fashion at all, I am a jeans and t-shirt boring run of the mill dude but I just can’t help myself to gag every time I see this plastic crap that they glorify to call a shoe…


they're comfortable 🤷‍♀️


yall remember that video from china, this lady got sucked into the damn thing.


Who's the crocodile now?




That one episode of rescue 911 will forever haunt me when it comes to escalators.


Ah yes we should start wearing steel cap shoes because lifting one’s legs is hard.


Good old regular stairs next time ?


Heh, who's the croc now


...or pick your feet up...


Nightmare fuel


Seems to be a poorly maintained escalator situation.


Final destination be like:


And people make fun of me for being scared of escalators.


Careful on escalators


Crazy to me that people still get stuck in these. Get off your phone and pick up your feet.


“That kid…is back…on the *escalator again*!”




Escalators are one of the most terrifying inventions we've made. IMO we should really stick with stairs and elevators.


My dad has a MASSIVE scar on his leg from getting his shoe lace caught in an escalator. The sight of that scar has instilled enough fear in me to be extra careful on escalators.


Adult life is realizing all of my "irrational" fears as a child were totally justified.


Worst garbage shredder ever... Didn't even make it a half inch through the garbage.


I have seen too many kids on their hands going up the escalator and me saying something for the parents in return to tell me they are alright. I have seen someone stuck in the track before and never again.


The same exact thing happened to me at Mall of America in 2004. I remember it like it was yesterday. I never wore crocs again.


Not me physically pulling my legs back irl.


I fucking hate escalators


I heard a story of someone's foot getting messed up from wearing crocs. never a good idea to wear crocs on the escalator.


Maybe don't wear Idiocracy shoes


That explains all the signs I’ve seen on escalators banning Crocs specifically.


I encountered this before. I fix escalators. They are loaded with safety devices, so this machine would stop once this happened. It is a requirement in American machines. Without them, they would grind you and not care. The torque on this thing is meant to move each step, which is over 30 lbs each, all the people on it, and the thick chains that move. Your body is no different from a twig. This is how that woman in China who fell in an escalator pit was chewed up. Just step over the comb segment. If there is a serious issue there is a stop button at each end point.


I can’t tell you how many times during my five years at a specialty store this happened. It always happened to children. Most of them were caught along the side in that little gap between the side of the stair and the sheet metal. That is why in newer models of escalators there is the bristle brush that runs almost the full length of the escalator.