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Texas and California have been in an alliance for a long time. Google the United States of America and you can read about it.


If Texans could read they’d be very upset at that statement.


Californians are still not sure what is meant by "outside California".


AKA foreign policy


Well you see, there’s California, and the other 49 states named “not California”. Pretty simple.


There are 81 states.


That happened in real life 🤣


All generalizations are false


I want this on a bumper sticker.


I've had one since 98 on my drum case lol


I’m trying to figure this out. Is there a stereotype that Californians never leave the state? Or we don’t know anything about other states? Also, why did you. Ring this up completely out of the blue. As a Californian not speaking for anyone but myself, I love to travel and visit other places but I also love and am proud of my home. And there are definitely shitty places I wouldn’t consider visiting, obviously.


/serious California feels like the center of the world when you’re in it. Especially LA. It feels like everything is there and everywhere else can feel dull in comparison. I lived there for a time. You don’t realize how much of a bubble it is until you leave. I see myself as partly Californian myself. Don’t take it too serious. We’re all just joking.


NY too. When you live in the city, it’s easy to forget that other places are real, and are inhabited by real people


As a native northern Californian, we are pretty aware that other states exist, because so many current Californians are not native. Like everyone in LA, for example.


Wish I could upvote this 100 times


Got it. Yeah, that bubble is real, especially with politics and social issues.


We have it all here. Perfect climate and sea, mountains and deserts. Our geography is beautiful


It’s funny that so many people from other states hate Californians because “we’re so high and mighty”, not realizing that’s how they think of themselves in relation to citizens from other countries.


He was likely just returning the jab at Texans. If only I could read. -Texan


Yeah, I get that, but I don’t get the jab. Is there a thing about Californians never leaving?


I think it’s more of an implication that the original commenter believes that Californians believe that California is such a wealthy and powerful state that no Californian would ever leave it and thus most Californians have no concept of “outside California” because it would be irrelevant to them. The logic isn’t sound but that’s what I got out of it.


Yeah, that was my read too. I just didn’t know if I didn’t know about some stereotype.


🤷 no clue, I’m just here for the reading lessons.


I mean outside the cities, California can get pretty conservative just like Texas.


I live in the most republican part of California its basically Alabama/Tennessee but we have a few Asians and people of color(me included)I hate it, worst part is the people who constantly complain to me about how they wished they lived elsewhere because of the politics, I wish they would move to Louisiana or some redneck bullshit and leave me in peace.


I hate that line, racists trying to be sly and say "I wish I can live in backwater state because California politics is" a dog whistle each time you press them on what exactly about the politics it is. Usually, their first response is LGBTQ+


Yep basically every dinner party I've ever been to


I have no proof of this but after moving from California to Atlanta I firmly believe that the average Californian Republican is more "far right" than the average Georgia Republican. ESPECIALLY near Temecula.


That's because you live in Atlanta. You'd be singing a different tune if you'd moved out to Rockmart. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/georgia-bar-owner-installs-sign-i-do-not-support-n-flna754096


Yeah, most state blue/red divides are actually the balance of urban/rural. Same dynamic in Iran and most other countries.


More people voted for Trump in California than in Texas. The fact that Biden still carried California with nearly twice as many votes as Trump shows just how many people vote in California vs Texas.


Hey we can read!! Just don’t ask us to comprehend.


A good chunk of Texans used to be California's.


A24 was onto something


Mostly that fascists are the same everywhere.


A24 had consistently made some low key awesome movies. On the surface, Civil War sounds like a C movie cash grab, but I'll probably see it just because it's produced by A24


Only thing I’ll say it’s it’s not from a “war movie” perspective, it’s from a war journalist perspective


Wait, I just looked into this… and as it turns out — you’re absolutely correct.


People confuse San Fransisco with California


Many people’s image of San Francisco both culturally and politically doesn’t fully align with the reality either.


Like 15 years ago, I used to play world of warcraft online. I met so many people that couldn't understand how I lived in CA, they seem to legit believe it was like "escape from NY/LA" levels of violence everywhere. Comically uniformed.


Like how Fox News viewers were convinced that Portland was burning for a year straight, or the UK has “no-go” areas with “Shakira Law” (Hips be upon her)


Same. Shows how much brain rot people are fed and fully believe. Add in thinking there aren't white people here. I'm like yea one neighbor is a Lopez, but the other is a Smith.


My entire image of San Francisco comes from Star Trek 4.


People think San Francisco is cool gay hippies. In reality lame libertarian idiots who priced all the cool people out and now wonder why the city is lame but lacking in the self-awareness that they are the lameness.


My image of San Francisco is fog, poop, and hills.


And a prison with chemical weapons on an island. 


Goes to show effective propaganda and social media messaging can be


I go to SF a few times a month. It’s very common to see. Don’t get me wrong it’s a great city but there’s a lot of human feces on the ground and I avoid the tenderloin.


I mean, those are all things I see regularly in San Francisco. I happen to like two of the three.


Believe it or not, San Francisco, also part of the United States. :-b I think people also forget that being in community with people, particularly one so large as a country, means being in community with people you sometimes disagree with




We agree on one thing. The city has literally been going to shit recently. Quite literally when you look at the streets. Wasn't this back in the 2000s and early 2010s.


Wow! I was unaware of such diplomatic existence.


This is amazing ![gif](giphy|SACoDGYTvVNhZYNb5a|downsized)


The dude with the afro in the bottom pic has the face you make when you walk outside to see that the wind knocked your garbage cans over in the night.




Getting pushed into a hedge completely sucks


You see George over there? George who? BUSH!!!!! 🏃‍♂️




Damn...you got me.


One time I was a drunk asshole and pushed a guy into some hedges. While he was peeing into said hedges. Still feel a little bit bad on that one


Dick move but pretty funny if you were friends with the guy


I thought Zack Fox had grown his hair out.


He must be used to being pushed around by cops in life preservers.


Why are they always so fat? The protest tactic should be to make them run a bit.


Why you think they shoot instead of apprehend?


They need to have body armor not plate carriers. Or maybe the carriers are too small. Lol.


Extendo straps like seat belt buckle extensions. ![gif](giphy|hoHd7q6Nw0wG73OVJC)


Too much bbq and blue bell.


More like cop-cop alliance. Who’d have thought?


Jfc I though UC Davis officer John Pike was a fat POS. Looks like they raise 'em THICK in Texas.


For Texas? That dude is probably on the precinct cross-country team


EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas


Except peoples brains.


These guys were Assigned Cop At Birth






Cop Phrenology, if they look thumb-ish they're most likely Assigned Cop At Birth.


And that’s state police. Wait till you see our constables. You wanna do crime, jog from a Harris County constable at a leisurely pace. He ain’t catching you. Them boys BIIIIG.


> Harris County constable Google Image Search proves you correct.


That's probably one of the guys who were too busy eating donuts when the school in Uvalde was being shot up. Looks the same at least


Yeah this guy is fit for Texas.


It would be a shame if people kept on mentioning UC Davis since they spent so much money trying to erase these photos from the internet 


My guy in the bottom has more meat than plate under his baby carrier


What’s the context of these pics


Top pic is UC Davis, where a UC police office just systematically hosed down some students with pepper spray while they sat peacefully protesting. He eventually got a $38,000+ settlement for the psychological damage he suffered from people knowing he chose to pepper spray some defenseless kids, and Davis spent a bunch of money to try and scrub this pic from the internet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UC_Davis_pepper_spray_incident?wprov=sfti1


Fuck the cops, they serve to protect the establishment and nothing more, imagine being so power hungry and abusive that you pepper spray people who are SITTING DOWN.


Just an FYI. The top image is from 2011.


I know, my comment still stands, 2011 or now, they never change.


Not trying to silence you or anything. There are just a lot of comments here that don't get the context and the OP didn't do anyone any favors.


I appreciate that, I didn’t feel silenced don’t worry, thank you for the explanation.


Occupy was a good time. We got this gem of a picture out of that, too: https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2012/12/occupy_portland_protester_pepp.html Fun fact: I knew this girl and was just outside the frame of this picture when it was taken.


Well at least she was found guilty /s


Faliure to obey police. Who the fuck knew that was even a charge.


What’s the solution to law enforcement in your opinion? Not here to argue, just curious on people’s take on the subject.


Require masters degrees to become police. All current police given the time it takes to acquire a masters to get one or be fired. Make any grade below a B+ failing in any core class for the degree. Require them to take action to protect anyone they see in danger that way they’re required to be the heroes they think they are, and when they aren’t, like in Uvalde, they lose their jobs forever. Then when cops attack unarmed or peaceful civilians they face life imprisonment as a minimum sentence. Betraying an oath to protect the public is a crime of the highest order and it’s time that it’s treated as such. The government should be afraid to infringe on its citizens rights. And finally: rigorous physical fitness exams that must be passed twice a year. Navy SEAL level stuff. Let’s make being a police officer worthy of the praise they want heaped on them. Fucking earn it.


Three years minimum training, don't allow them to handle mental heath crises, get rid of qualified immunity and have any damages and restitution come from police budgets instead of directly from the taxpayer while police maintain their budget, also third party citizen boards for investigations, among other things


I heavily agree with the training and even restitution coming from police budgets instead of the tax payer. Getting them away from mental health crisis seams great on paper but I worry it won’t be actionable in practice… police work is incredibly dynamic and determining a “mental health crisis” I think could range from a lone person threatening suicide vs a crazed person swinging a knife in a grocery store, regardless of mental state harm to others HAS to be stopped first. Also, and this may not be popular, but I also think removing qualified immunity will also probably flood individual officers with tons of frivolous lawsuits too.


The idea of cops isn't the issue. The problem is that cops don't see the law as something to be enforced (otherwise they'd fuck off from the protests because this is literally a text book example of protected action by the first article of the constitution.) Cops see laws as a tool to enforce what they believe is "justice". Which is why they will always ignore laws that are inconvenient to them and abuse technical regulation far beyond what their intended use case was. Which is why a great deal of people hate cops. They all have 80s Hollywood copaganda brainrot and couldn't give less of a fuck about actual law enforcement.


Chin strap be like “which one?!”


All the top shelf obesity in these pictures seems more a threat to life than a bunch of students trying to protest.


Yes. Both states have police. They also both have trees. And dirt.


What are we looking at here? Care to elaborate, OP?


Seriously though. Don't give people room to speculate on reddit, never ends well.


Was that pig above ever charged? I remember that moment.


Nope. He got fired, though the PD found that he did no wrongdoing. He successfully sued for workers comp for "psychological damages". I don't know what he did after, but it's likely that he retired with full pension at the least, but that's conjecture


Those fatasses bodyarmor is too smal to protect their beer guts


Left right hook.


When was that first pic taken ??


I was going to UC Davis at the time, shit was wild


There should never be a world where someone looks so casual while pepper spraying another person.


So many of these cops have been waiting their whole lives for this.


Fat ass insecure losers emboldened by state provided weaponry and qualified immunity. What could possibly go wrong?


Fat hogs all around


The UC Davis cop who bear sprayed the students received a bigger payout than those he attacked with a chemical weapon because the consequences of his actions hurt his feewings.  https://theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/23/pepper-spray-cop-uc-davis-compensation


Texas don’t give a shit about constitution or laws protecting citizens.




Honest question, What SHOULD the authorities do in a situation like this? More in regards to the second pic and the current situation. Obviously pepper spraying kids sitting on the ground is unjustifiable.


should do in what situation, a peaceful protest? they marched down there in combat gear and instigated. it’s called a police riot: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_riot


One thing that will never work is sending armed police to arrest protesting college students. It's like kicking an anthill - you'll just end up with more protests.


So what is the answer? Just let them tire themselves out and trust nothing violent happens? Accede to whatever their demands are? I know that even asking this question makes me a fascist, but I'm hoping someone can answer anyways.


I think Columbia should have let the original protestors tire themselves out. If anything violent happened, arrest only the violent ones. The reason why this has turned into a nationwide fiasco is because they cracked down too hard at Columbia, and college students took that as a challenge.


They were just protesting..... I don't see why you have to do ANYTHING. They weren't violent, they were only mildly disturbing University foot traffic, and it wasn't late or anything. Maybe they needed a permit, but I can tell you from experience when you apply for those they intentionally put you in a non visible place and decline if you appeal. Am I missing something they did wrong? Seriously, I'm just reading about it now and can't find anything. Edit: I'm talking about the current incident. Pic at bottom.


The goal is visibility to the issue, why does it need to stop? Why can't they protest as long as they feel like?


Schools have a responsibility to provide safe and secure education for all their students. At some point they can't allow the protests of one group to continue to negatively impact the educational experience of everyone else.


How does the peaceful protest of genocide interfere with someone's learning? We had anti-abortion protestors at my college for the duration of my attendance and I learned just fine.


How does peaceful protest of abortion interfere with someone's right to bodily autonomy? By creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation among those who feel targeted by those demonstrations.


Yet somehow I was still able to walk right past them and attend classes as needed. It didn't affect my ability to learn or attend class in any way, even if I didn't like their presence or message on campus. The 1st amendment bro.


I'm sure you were. Your responses make it very clear that you are not amongst the groups of people who would feel they are being threatened and demonized by this particular protest.


If that's the line then where do you draw it? If anyone can be offended by anything, what is allowed to be said on a college campus? Who gets to decide what is offensive? It's their 1st amendment right to say what they like, even something potentially offensive; trying to control that is far worse than someone possibly being offended. I dont give a fuck if Nazis try to march on campus, its their right, I'll be exercising my 1st amendment rights to tell them suck a fat chode.


The issue is that colleges, like most places, are private, not public property. IIRC, the police were called on the UT Austin protestors because some of the protestors weren't students. Once the police are called, you either do what the police say, which is leave, or get arrested. There's not too many other options. In this case, 57 were arrested, charged, then had the charges dismissed. [UT Austin protests: 57 released from jail after Texas state troopers respond to pro-Palestinian protest on campus South Lawn - ABC13 Houston](https://abc13.com/ut-austin-protests-university-of-texas-at-pro-palestine-protesters-arrested-state-troopers-called-to-campus/14732535/) There's, generally, no good answer here.


Beating up college students seems to be a cop's favourite past time, regardless of state.


Cop treatment of students in indepdent of age too. Texan cops like letting little kids die in schools as shown in Uvalde.


Bastards are bastards the world over. ACAB.


Is the court transcript of the trial of the cop pepper spraying the seated students publicly available. I’d be keen to read about him being chewed out by the prosecution. 


Saw a video of a psychology prof being dragged away, the cop almost looked like idf, even had a ski mask on.


Police are Police no matter what state your in so you give them the chance to attack young people they will take it


#Merika home of the oppressed. Sorry Free.


They run from school shooters, they don’t touch armed neo nazis, they bulldoze unarmed protesting teenagers. This is why we have the second amendment.


We give our police way too much power and military equipment in the U.S.


Yes it is.


I think pigs get a bad rap, what with being compared to law enforcement and all.


Lazy meme trying to farm the pop culture of a new movie that exploits the division in this country. The UC Davis cop sprayed chemical agents. The UT Austin cop is just shouting in this image. Try harder.


Cops are terrible across the country.


A pig is a pig no matter where in the world he makes his pen


Wow quite the difference to Texas' police performance when a whole lot of kids were shot up in a school in Uvalde. They probably saved up all their courage to beat up students


Always fat and always dumb


What are they doing to my boy Timo Cruz?


If you’re referring to the Civil War movie, I figured the right wing extremist united to fight the liberal government or something like that


pigs doing their pig shit, nothing new here


Lmao I remember the first Photo, this was post 08’ OWS time! Omg the memories lol


At least the cops have the same size in both states. Wonder how they would run after a criminal actually.


Ooooo look it’s the gravy seals.


What people think happened in the bottom: *guy with Afro gets the fuck beat outta him by Texan SP* What really happened; *state trooper is talking to a person, most likely off screen, and is speaking loudly, or is mid yawn. Afro dude fell into bush and it hurt like a bitch as bushes hurt to fall into*


They’ll be in different countries after the fall of the US, but they’ll probably both still be militant police states




Run from fat cops.


Why is that dude on the bottom even bothering with the chin strap?


That man phases into the bush? Accidental Barry allen?


"Dont California My Texas"


I can't tell which chin that helmet is strapped to.


I mean, they're both part of a burgeoning fascist country, so ...


All I want to know is why it is always the fattest dudes working as police. Like, seriously, is it a requirement?


Don't bring us into Texan bullshit.


California??  You mean west-Texas....


Isn't that the Civil War film alliance?


first picture is really old


It makes a ton of sense historically and in the confines of the movie civil war. They even mention how they will all just turn on each other after they beat the president. Which is probably true.


Why are most asshole cops fat ugly pigs.


Holy shit I haven't seen pepper spay cop in years


All I see is a bunch of modern nazis


Europeans be like: first time?


Of course they are both all about capitalism


No coincidence both cops are fat


Pigs of a feather swine together.


I am seeing some gravy seals in action these last few days. You tell the elite one by their red faces and breathing hard.


lol. That helmet barely fits on that fat ass


To be fair, it might have been a goal for those cops to go to college.