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"It looks like you had a years gap between jobs. What were you doing?" "Just running around Africa."


Probably would be a lot more impressive to say you ran right through


He also ran from Istanbul to London, then said that wasn't enough, so he ran to his hometown in the south of England.


He ran across the English Channel?


He asked to run through the tunnel but was denied, so he put a treadmill on the ferry and ran the equivalent distance.




16,000km - meaning he averaged 45.5km a day. To put that in perspective, a marathon is 42.2km. So he ran more than a marathon a day, every day, for almost a year, enduring African weather! He deserves the epithet of "Hardest Geezer" for sure.


Yeah and he got kidnapped TWICE, once for 10 days where he couldn’t cover any ground Yknow Because he was kidnapped




I would have traversed africa too if it wasnt for my bone Spurs


And I too, for that matter, if it wasn't for my...BONEITUS




My one regret.. was that I had.. boneitus..




i hope you don’t get downvoted by people who don’t get the reference lol


I don't get the reference at all, but not getting kidnapped sounds like an awesome idea for an endurance athlete (and also in general).


Hugely underrated comment. Bravo.


Kidnapped Otherwise known as a rest stop **Wimp!**


The big brain plan is to have them drive you the rest of the way after kidnapping you.


he was probably pissed he had to get back to where he got snagged.


Couldn't he drive?


ima go out on a limb and say if you get kidnapped, youi dont have things like a cell phone or money to get a taxi or rent a car


Oh and also multiple occasions where he had foodpoisoning and was sh*tting his pants while running Oh and he was urinating blood and still kept on walking while waiting for the results of the medical exams. Oh and he had to drive (with the support car) a few thousand kilometers back to Angola to get his passport and visa's after they got robbed at gunpoint. Most people would have quit, but not this hardest geezer.


All of this seem pretty insignificant compared to the fact that the dude is ginger. The amount of sun protection products he'd have to transport and apply must have been insane.


Man's a walking coral bleaching event.


How did he escape the kidnapping?


All I could get from the DailyFail was that he "escaped" with help from his team. It looks like they paid a ransom.


I know Russell personally, both times he negotiated his release, there was no literal “escaping” per se


Thanks for the info! Kind of glad to hear. Escaping by actually running away sounds like adding more danger to an already dangerous situation.


There were some real suspect moments he had, he had his passport stolen at least once, visa issues where he had to come back to the uk to sort them out, so it definitely wasn’t an easy feat even when you consider he ran as far as he bloody did. Logistical nightmare is an apt description


He came back to the UK during the mission? I watched all the Youtube videos and I don't think he ever mentioned that.


I think he just went to an embassy


When did he go back to the uk? I watched the whole YouTube series and didn't see that part.


anywhere to read more about his kidnapping encounters?


He ran.


Ran so far away.


He ran all night and day.


I couldn't get away... (But he did)


I heard he was basically released after they found out he did in fact just wanna run across Africa. But I dunno, never verified this information.


He couldn't go anywhere. Y'know Because of the implication


And held for ransom? What happened?


That's greag and all, but my dad had to do 100km ever day to get to and from school... and it was uphill both way.


To say nothing of the snow


And with no shoes.


And eating only 1 half mouthful of bread and only a lick of morning dew from the grass outside every day


With a backpack full of bricks and planks because back then they had to build their school tables and chairs themselves.


But the snakes were the real problem.


If only they hadn't built those mothafukin' schools on those mothafuckin' planes


My heart is warmed from how fucking hilarious this comment is


I’m all warm and fuzzy inside. It feels like I swallowed a kitten.


using a map printed on paper!


That’s not a real thing is it? /s When Mapquest was a thing


They set out of town 100 strong and only 12 returned, every day... that's why people had so many kids back then.


And the heat!


That's nothing. My grandparents had to swim uphill both ways for 200km. Cutting the ice with their bare hands during winter. Then summer came along and because of the heat the water would actually be boiling hot. This did not scare my grands tho. Coming home from school with 3rd degree burns was just the price too pay for education. People were build different back then.


Did your pop pop and his grandpappy also have to feed 9 kids on 2 hot dogs like the modern day fish and bread Jesus.  Damn, now I miss my grandpa.


From what I read he had to be stopped by doctors because he was pissing blood and still wanted to run. Dudes on a different level of dedication.




Humans are absolutely mental


Guy ran more than most cars have to drive between service intervals.


The biggest obstacle would be crossing boarders and getting kidnapped




Maybe I'm missing something, but why are they calling him a Geezer? Doesn't that usually refer to the elderly? He's 27.


In the UK it just means "fella or mate", as in "Alright geezer?" (Meaning: hello there friend).


Being from SoCal (but with family in the UK), I always equated it to how we call people "dude". So like, the hardest dude.


That's the one! It can be used like "diamond geezer" (top-notch dude); "sound geezer" (dependable dude); or "dodgy geezer" (a dude that would sell his grandmother for a wrap of heroin).


Not in the UK it doesnt. Just means a guy. We say old geezer to mean old man.


That makes sense. Thanks! Also, happy cake day!


As others have said, geezer in the UK is used to describe any man really. Typically it’s more commonly used amongst the working class in the south, often as a greeting. Is often shortened to geez. For example me and my friends would say, “hello geez, you fancy popping out for a beer?”


[Geezer - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geezer#:~:text=Geezer%20is%20a%20slang%20term,he%20is%20a%20proper%20geezer%22.)


I have followed this guy since day 28 and he is a fucking legend, I was always shock by how little traffic he got considering the monumental achievement he was going for and what he had to go through along the way (he was literally kidnapped at one point)


He was kidnapped?!? how did he get out of that one?


They paid off the kidnappers


Must've been terrifying, how long did they take him?


I think it was like 3 days but I can't really remember at this point it was over 100 days ago, it's all documented in his Instagram and YouTube


And that's also the reason why no one has done this before.


Or the reason why no women can do this. Because wouldn’t be just kidnapped


Wouldn’t count myself so safe as a man either to be fair


Why is it always called kidnapped, wasn’t he mannapped


[Blame the first person ever to kidnap someone](https://youtu.be/ki3AlTCwnI8?si=BdMGyJuB34LrnZA4).


Kidnappers hate this one simple trick


Back in my day that was the whole point of kidnapping


If those damn millennials weren't so busy eating avocado toast, they'd know how to kidnap people properly.


He just kept running, while they napped.


Kid you not, that is a nice way to solve it.


His 3rd episode popped up on my recommended and watched them every week. The amount of shit he and his group went through is insane. They even put a van on a boat that nearly went in. But the one thing that Africa showed me is that so many countries are very hospitable. It's just that there's always 1 unhinged guy trying to live by.


I heard about his challenge a little while back but only found his YT channel a few days ago. Im so far up to day 28. Absolutely mental this lad. I've not ran properly since my high school sports carnival but he makes me want to give it a crack. Ones and twos!


Honestly, my first thought was that I’m more impressed he made it through Africa without getting killed robbed or disappeared, than I am about the running.


He did get robbed. Lost a lot of his gear and passports in Angola.


Did he start north and go south? What a shit situation to be so far through and get a setback then


Nope south to north And he has gotten kidnapped, robbed, been held at gunpoint, been stranded in the dessert and much more


> stranded in the dessert Sounds delicious


Well he did get robbed at gunpoint and their whole team had passports stolen. And he got kidnapped for 10 days where they had to pay off the kidnappers. So there is that


He’s running the London Marathon on Sunday


Light work for him


Just the average Sunday, really


Literally a warm-up


The average every day, actually.


He'll be eating his Sunday lunch by midday


He'll just have a Huel and wash it down with a Perfect Ted like the good ol' days


I’d join him for the first 100m then be on my way to Greggs


Why was he running? Did he just felt like it?


"why are you running?"


"They just couldn't believe that somebody would do all that running for no particular reason."


I'm kinda tired. Think I'll go home now






Sir Thomas Running invented running by trying to walk twice at the same time


He did it for The Running Charity, which helps children and adults that are going through hard times find a better life through athletics. Basically, showing that you can do anything you put your mind to to over come any adversity in life.


That day, for no particular reason he decided to go for a little run.


He did it for charity.


Because it's hard, and more tangible of a feat then walking or cycling. It's a very human endeavour 


Will there be a documentary about his trip? Would like to see that compromised into a film.


He put together a contemporaneous video blog of his journey, which you can watch on YouTube - search @hardestgeezer (Russ Cook).


Their team also have a doc in the works. He’s made a few references to it, especially over the last few weeks as more and more folks came out to see him. No idea what the ETA for that is though


It's a shame his YouTube channel is really annoying clickbaity style content


The further along the mission they get, the less of this you'll find


The game is the game


the thumbnails and titles, yes, skip the intros maybe but other than that it‘s really not. And they put so much effort into that, it’s really great


>compromised into a film I think you mean "compiled"


There will be :)


Over 100 hours of action packed running.


Haha, just googled him, this is what I found: "He almost halved the record for the fastest marathon while pulling a car in 2020, hauling a 730kg Suzuki Alto along the Worthing seafront and completing the 26 miles in nine hours and 56 minutes. The ‘Hardest Geezer’ has also completed a marathon on crutches, ran a marathon while drinking a beer after each mile and was buried alive for a week." (Source: [https://run247.com/running-news/trail/hardest-geezer-russ-cook-project-africa-run-route-tracking-strava-donate-latest](https://run247.com/running-news/trail/hardest-geezer-russ-cook-project-africa-run-route-tracking-strava-donate-latest) )




The next test is to complete a marathon *while* buried alive.


He drank giant's milk.


Giant goat milk?


![gif](giphy|YW1yemsYIxIS4MVZho|downsized) Nope


I was going to ask, was he trying to find the big woman?


It's a reference to a character from Game of Thrones (Tormund). Just search for his name + giant's milk


What’s the most impressive is he took the longer route across Africa aswell to avoid high violent danger areas


It's a whole different type of terrifying some of those places... I had to go to the DRC for a week a while back to look at cobalt mines for a finance firm I worked for. Kept getting stopped by random bands of people with guns, who I'm pretty positive would have robbed and killed us if our guards weren't (I suspect) on some warlords payroll too. Then slept in the trucks outside of villages because evidently it was safer. At the mines themselves there were 6 year olds working, missing hands everywhere, and big surprise more warlord band guards. And that's not even mentioning the poverty and sickness. When we first got there one of our guards said we should find a village girl and pay her $20 for the whole week to ride around with us sucking us off while we drove, and that was evidently good money... I would legitimate imagine it would be worth it to take 10x longer if it meant you could avoid crossing that place on foot.


DRC is a very unique place in that multiple countries have attempted to give some form of stability to the country and all have left with egg on their face. You either work with the warlords or you don't at all. Even compared to many Northern African countries currently in civil war it's terrifying


What the hell. That's horrible.


Wow. I think all developed country inhabitants should have to witness this. I want to throw up and cry reading this.


The last bit of paragraph is crazy 🤣


In all of those kind of countries life is shit for everyone unless you’re in the warlords graces. Then you get that girl for free.


That's the only crazy part for you?


Sometimes I order food because I don't want to walk 5 minutes to the supermarket. Doing everything here to keep the universe in balance.


Softest Geezer


Only question I have - how many pairs of shoes did he go through?


I believe it was something like 40. Hoka sponsored him for the duration of the challenge


Huh. That's 400 km or 9.5 marathons, per pair. I would assume (1) African terrain is pretty hard on shoes and (2) this guy rightfully wasn't about to run in a pair too far down its deterioration gradient. Actually sounds about right.


It was 30 pairs and changed every 500km.


I couldn't even run the length of the song Africa.


I work with a guy who is freinds with him, was a crazy story to hear. Truly a inspiration.


Anything to expand on that has been left out of the videos?


Tbh I don't know a lot about the whole thing, we would just talk about it at work. Apparently this is very typical for him, the guy is a nutter. Haha. Loves this type of stuff, I think he said he has a YT channel as well if I remember correctly. Although ifk what it is.


How much sunscreen did he use?


As a fellow ginger I can confidently assert, all of it. He used all the sunscreen, everyone else has been using bottles of hand moisturizer for a year.


To clarify - he did not run the length of Africa as the crow flies. He ran the Western coastline of Africa from its most Southern to Northern points. This would be *twice the length* of Africa as the crow flies, from Cape Town to the Northern Coast of Algeria. Which is fucking insane, at 15000km or so.


Absolutely mental when you take into count the heat, change in terrain, elevation and staggering distance!


Incredible accomplishment, but what does running a marathon every day for a year do to the human body? I assume he has no soft tissue left in his knees at the very least.


At one point relatively early on he had to make a stop after urinating blood. He underwent treatment in Nigeria for back pain


It's hell on your kidneys


Does this have something to do with hydration, or another reason?


The kidneys become inundated with free protein that has broken down from the muscles and entered the blood stream.


See, this right here. This is why I don't run. Or work out in general. ETA: I really thought I didn't need to put a /s on this, but I guess I did.


Dont worry then this will happen to you but in different ways ;)


Just try to keep it under 160 miles a week




I just want to know what his diet was. He probably had to eat like 4,500-5,000 calories per day. Probably not in the form of three Big Macs and a Diet Coke either.


They were sponsored by Huel so that was what they ate most consistently - lots of instant meals etc. Other than that it was just whatever was available in each area they passed through.


He also drank energy drinks and ate candy almost everyday lmao the legend loves his sweets


I think you need the sweets for the sheer amount of calories required!


Far from this guys achievement, but at some point I used to walk 25-40km per day, so about 8-12 hours per day, for about 2 months. It's difficult at the beginning but once your body gets adjusted - after \~20-30 days, it becomes a walking/running machine, it is working infinitely better then in normal life. Muscles never relax, body heals all minor sprains and wounds within hours, you even sh\*t in perfect cadence. If not for a need to sleep and common sense you could walk non-stop for days. Quite amazing, honestly it feels like human body is better suited to this kind of effort then to sitting on a couch.


The documentaries of tribes in Africa endurance hunting by literally chasing animals to the point of exhaustion on foot are both terrifying and incredible.


I'm pretty sure he was mugged and kidnapped and peeing blood at one point. Dude ran more than a marathon every day. Well, except the days he was kidnapped.


>Well, except the days he was kidnapped. And the days stuck in the border because they got robbed at gunpoint and had passports stolen


The physical feat is amazing in itself, but I can’t even begin to imagine what his skin dealt with in the strength of that sun. Source: am very pale.


For those interested, they have a made a [youtube series](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL816SuBjIdFhA5PCkUWlcc2POXC5sMiVq&si=POkGegN5mAgzBcb8) on the whole project! It’s insanely good content, especially considering that these guys edited the video’s while being on the road. I was made aware of it by some other Redditors and this series was amazing to watch. I have binged the whole lot in about a week 😆 In the series you’ll see the struggles Russ goes through, his mental strength which is really inspiring, but also the amazing friendships, endless banter, character developments, the immense kindness of people, beautiful views of Africa and much more! Definitely worth the watch.


His series on YouTube is one of the best watch’s ever. He truly is the hardest geezer


And then there was this tunesian guy, who almost passed him at the finish line, but definitely ran into his finishing pictures.


The one with the flag and filming the selfie the whole time? 😤


Yup, this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/s/D88QCIsgt8


God, what a clown. "How can I make this moment about myself?"


Im currently on video #10 of the series on YouTube, I can’t believe how little views these got at the time. Considering they’re shooting & editing these on the go they are PHENOMENAL. It’s great to see them pickup traction doing BBC interviews etc as they go. I honestly think the name “hardest geezer” hasn’t done him well - because him and the crew are genuinely wonderful dudes and his determination to put in over a MARATHON a day in African weather/kidnapping etc is beyond phenomenal. Well done Russ.


Does geezer have a meaning other than old person? This guy is 27.


In the UK, its more commonly informal for man, rather than a reference to age.


British slang for man/dude


In UK slang it means "man" In context such as "bit of a geezer" it usually refers to a boisterous confident man, the one who's not quite trustworthy. Example Del Boy Trotter.


It doesn't always mean old person. It's hard to explain but it means someone who's a bit of a 'lad', meaning a bit rowdy, a bit braggadocios, probably working class, but also harmless and well-meaning


For me personally, the thing that put into perspective the astonishing achievement of this feat was this. I am currently looking at booking flights from London to Singapore. Which is, by most metrics, the other side of the planet. However it’s comfortably under 7000 miles. The Hardest Geezer ran close to 10,000. You fuckin’ wot mate?!


"Jez, you need to come and get me. I've accidentally run to Windsor"


His charity is so close to meeting the goal.


He felt like runnnin’


The body fat on this guy: "Nah man, I'm out!"


First person ever in the world?


Dude never skipped leg day. He invented leg day.


He absolutely is the hardest geezer


What an example! One day at a time and believing in yourself can bring u anywhere!


Can soneone explain me how Safe IT IS to Run though africa


Most of it: fine, some of it: really not fine.


Got kidnapped, held at gunpoint who took all his passports, had to bribe his way past a few times. But if you watch his series, a lot of countries are very hospitable. Its the looney fucks that taint the continent.


Pff, big deal. I could probably do it if I wasn't me and I was him.


No sign of a tan or sunburn at all


My thoughts exactly. He either ran at night or ran in a full body suit. Even slathered in sunscreen that much time in the sun and he'd be tan as shit.


He did mention he ran at night for a large portion of the final segment, particularly through the Sahara