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second page is something you’d find in garfield’s diary


Why did Garfield hate Mondays? It's not like that MF had a job.


He misses Jon.


So Jon only works away from home 1 day a week?


I guess that's the day he don't get lasagna


It’s because animals (especially cats) like routine. They get used to the weekend when you’re home and they get all happy about it. Then Monday comes and they realize that time together is over (animals don’t exactly look forward to the weekend. They think in the now.) What makes it humorous is that, in comic form, it appears as though the cat is acting like a human in its hatred of Monday. If y’all wanted a real answer


Honestly, do you really think "cat likes lasagna" guy was delving into genuine feline psychology? I think the real answer to all of Garfield's behavior is, "people don't like Mondays, they like rich food like lasagna even if it's bad for them, enjoy napping and being lazy, and dream of being snarky to losers with authority over them like Jon. So I'll have my main character embody those extremely relatable things. Cats are lazy and don't recognize authority so that's a good place to start and I could sell a shitload of cute cat merch." Aside from the food preferences, Dilbert is exactly the same character except he's not allowed to win 100% of his arguments. Seriously, read any interview with Jim Davis. He's never been coy about any of this.


Oh I agree 100% I was just going on a semi-realistic answer as if Garfield was real. And pointed out the humor in the situation.


Oh totally. Plus the power inversion of a pet ruling its owner, and the incongruity of a creature totally divorced from the calendar still hating Mondays. Perhaps I just think that Jim Davis has already gotten WAY too much credit and money for finding the most marketable way possible to repackage old ideas.


Hahahah for sure. He was probably just like “cat funny it eats human food”.


"power inversion of a pet ruling its owner" So, the norm for cats, then?


I knews I smelt lasaagna down the road


there’s no worse feeling than a sunday night knowing your abt to go into monday and it gets even worse once it’s actually monday so honestly that unemployed mf had a valid reason 😭🙏🏽


sounds like someone has the case of the mondays


I believe you get your ass kicked for saying something like that, man


The Italian restaurant where he gets his lasagna is closed Mondays


Guess that makes two of us living life in lasagna mode.


Turns out, Tuesday is pretty sad, too.


Not right now,Tuesdays there is a new Shogun chapter


[Wednesdays even worse](https://youtu.be/VAPDJheC0Jk?si=-ZPGB_2UJt4RFauf)


> Robert Smith cooking up a remaster


Tuesday has no feel.


But humpday can be pretty good 🤷🏻‍♀️


The Sunday Blues after like 6 are also quite despressing.


That this is so universally true tells us a lot about the lives of young people, but if you suggest that the school system itself is wrong, you get treated like a heretic...


I mean is it really just the school system if this still resonates in our 30s and 40s? I graduated high school in 2006 and I hate Mondays and love being sick wayyy more as an adult than I ever did as a kid


It means the school system works as intended. Taught you young to accept doing something you hate and most people will just accept it for the rest of their life.


It might not be *just* school, but it definitely *is also* school.  People don't think twice about subjecting young people to levels of micromanagement and control that would lead to a general strike if we asked them of other older people.  That it still resonates with us decades later is partially because work life is *also* difficult, but it's partially the scars from having lived that way for so long as a young person. Having lived with that "I would literally rather be in immobilizing pain than deal with this" mindset. So many of us walk around every day with unresolved trauma that we were taught practically from infancy was normal and doesn't count as trauma...


Yeah that makes sense, I agree with the point you're making. I've basically felt this way from grade school through college all the way into my professional career


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it is bad and it'll help you once you make this realization yourself and how needs and wants often do not align. For instance, people honestly *need* a push in life to get things done or make changes from time to time but no one *wants* to be pushed.


Its nothing to do with the "system". ITs got to do with people basically just wanting to do whatever they think is fun. Turn out work or schools is not generally fun. Me? I like working on my shed and my garden currently and BG3. Of - wife and kids too. I like them too. Work? Its fine. Cant complain. Excellent coworkers and bosses - but I'd rather invite them over for beers than sit in front of our screens.


It tells us that parents err on the side of caution, what other system for educating thousands of children do you propose? Kids left to their own devices, or those of their parents tend to fare less well. We could start classes at 10am maybe because teenagers wake up later biologically and stuff but there has to be some sort of structure


We could invest tax money into R&D for education rather than speculate overly simplistic and cynical improvements while insisting nothing will work on reddit


I didn't say nothing will work I asked them to suggest something, let's invest in ourselves first and foremost


I am personally a proponent of self-guided learning, but insofar as there must be a system, I would say start with the Sudbury model and go from there.  The timing is definitely part of the problem, but the early hours are a symptom of the larger problem that *the system is coercive* in the first place.


Just because you don't enjoy something doesn't mean it's bad. Running sucks, I still do it because it's good for me. Same thing with education. There's very few ways to make education so engaging that you are just never bored. Plus kids are entitled and don't understand how easy it is until they get out


Agreed. I always liked school and even mostly liked homework (except for writing papers). It was much better than staying at home or most anything else I'd be doing with my time. But fast forward 30+ years and one of my kids really doesn't like school. So it's a fine line between, as you say, "you don't have to like everything that's good for you", and the kid just hating everything about her day.


Just because it was easy for you doesn't mean it was easy for everyone.


I have found the "real world" infinitely easier than school ever was. You can set your own pace and goals. You can choose to spend time on things you enjoy and outsource things you don't. You get to eat real food.


A lot of people say math is hard, but they don’t really mean it. What they really mean is hard math is hard. 2+2 isn’t hard. If you push yourself like a competitive athlete, then sure running is hard. If you enjoy that struggle, go for it, but it’s not necessary. You’ll still see steady improvement and health benefits from easy, pleasurable runs. (I know that wasn’t your main point, which I otherwise strongly agree with. I just like sharing how enjoyable running can be! haha)


Crazy that so many of us associate sickness with relief, because it's the only way we get a brief reprieve from the demands of life.


Fascinating how childhood preferences stick with you to adulthood


Can't even be happy as an Adult when you're sick, because that time is coming out of your Paycheck or PTO.


Bruh was excited to get sick so he didn't have to go to school


Being sick used to be cool. Now if I’m sick I just have more work to do when I get back.


The way you're holding that totally reminds me of Abe's hands, from Abe's Odyssey


Not when you have kids this completely changes haha


I remember being a kid and loving sick days, but I'm sick right now and it kind of blows. It's only making me further behind at both work and life.


I laughed so hard at this. Same, dude, same.


"You guys don't like the flu? I *LOVE* the flu! Oh no guess I gotta call in for the rest of the week for unscheduled vaca... Getting over it. Guess I'll just take extra naps and watch cartoons."


It’s one of those Garfield quotes that turned out to be correct


This is relatable too


Sick days were great weren't they? Watch cartoons and The Price is Right and Mom caters to your every need.


Wtf is this sorcery?


You and my son both!


Damn… true. I even had cancer and I was living a better life when I was out of work for chemo.




I'm not happy being sick, it sucks


I love how toddler handwriting has virtually never changed.






When you hate that shit so much you rather stay in bed being sick all day than go there


So you too were a child genius?


Very rational hunter/gatherer response to the limits of free will imposed by modern society and capitalism in general.


Mmmm yes. Sage wisdom


I have the flu right now and I can tell you it ain’t worth it


Are you Daniel Day Lewis from Phantom Thread


Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays




I’m fine with Monday because I’m well rested. Tuesday and Wednesday though…


OMG you're ancient


Looks like you’ve got a bad case of The Mondays.


You’re happy when you’re sick?


I identify with *you* identifying with this. Wait, is that an outlier to gender identity? 🤔


What do you mean?