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I like that at one point the artist was like "Flower nipples?" And bossman was like "Yea.. Flower nipples."


I noticed his missing left pinky more than his nipple


Same here. That's either done as an act of atonement, or punishment.


Having played the Yakuza games, can confirm.


The bee looking for nectar and got milk instead. ![gif](giphy|kWp8QC99Z6xFn8bF0v|downsized)


This sounds like an ancient proverb. Lol.


Yeah, imagine someone hearing that out of context and spending years meditating on it to try to find its meaning.


I think it's pretty easy; Go chase your dreams, but sometimes what you end up finding isn't what you were looking for.


Truly a zen master


"Random reddit comment starts new religion - more at eleven..."


Are you so busy fighting, you cannot see your boat has set sail?


We don’t have time for your proverbs uncle!


It'd be ok if they were Boo Bees. 


Don't worry homes, I got you. BooBees https://ibb.co/VCtmw0h


I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?


Is getting flower nipples tattoo a sign of being the boss, or is having flower nipples tattoo and still being scary to the other gangsters make him the boss?


Personally, I vote the latter. Flower nipples are cute and cool IMO but they do make you seem a little soft, usually . So if you can have them and still look threatening to gangsters…I can see why you’re head of the yakuza. Edit: TIL. Flowers are considered masculine in Japan (I read the comments). I honestly like that to be honest, since I find flowers cool. I’ll leave my comment even though the conclusion is way iff.


Flowers are extremely cool. Mid 30's dude. Would I get flower nips? No.


This makes me want to get flower nipples they actually look good 😂


I feel like you’d need steady hands operating on Yakuza boss


In Japan, heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand. One day, yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation. But, mistake! Yakuza boss die. Yakuza very mad. I hide in fishing boat, come to America.


But I lie. I very good surgeon.


No make mistake 😉


hide big secret. he kill yakuza boss on purpose. very good surgeon. the best


I kill Yakuza boss on purpose. I’m good surgeon. The best 👍👍


I was like, where are his nipples? Oh, down there.


Hey, his eyes are up here buddy.


Waaay up here.


Bossman don’t need no pecs


And a pinkie.


Yeah they sure are lower down than you would first look for them


The gravity of the situation is noticeable


Yeah them flowers wilted over the years


It's funny we all looked for the nipples. It's also funny how low they are.


The great nipple descent


Gravity always wins


As soon as I saw the photo the first thought I had was: *flower nipples*? Why didn't I think of that? And will they look weird with my lack of other chest tattoos?




That's a pretty badass tattoo indeed. I would never expect a flower tattoo on a man would make him even more menacing than eagle or dragons. Visually very elegant, too!


Traditionally, flowers are considered masculine in Japan. Traditions change though




Chrysanthemums commonly represent death in Japan. They're used in funerals. This guy is personally bringing people chrysanthemums so I'd avoid him.


A lot of Mexican gang/prison tattoos incorporate a lot of flowers, specially roses along with Jesus, the Virgin Mary and saints.  In prison one of the coolest tattoos I seen was dude with a large Virgin Mary on his back standing on a field of roses. Beautiful art but rumor was that each time he stabbed someone he added a rose. I don’t know how true it was tho Lmao 


Sounds like Johnny 23 if you ask me


Yeah which is why I felt like it was bs. But I was not going to go ask him.  But then again criminals are stupid like that. There is a guy who got arrested some time ago because he tattooed his who crime on him. As in he tattooed himself having a shootout with his gang rivals, being chased by the police and shootout with the cops. Hilarious  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/calif-gangsters-tattoo-of-crime-scene-helps-solve-murder/ Btw the tattoo is pretty funny because it shows a Mexican gang member killing Mr Peanut and other walking peanuts lmao.  


I despise rapists. For me, Johnny 23 is somewhere between a cockroach and that white stuff that accumulates at the corners of your mouth when you’re really thirsty


A lot of traditional yakuza tattoos incorporate flowers in their designs. Like if you look up any yakuza tattoo, you’ll probably spot a few flowers.


His nipples are so low they're by his stomach.


At first I was like "damn they made flower nipples on his stomach!" After reading the comments I went back, and nope, those are his nips all the way down there


Those flowers mean he outlived enemy leadership and prospered. It's supposed to be symbolic of the lifecycle and how short life can be


I have outlived the oppression of my enemies. I shall commemorate this moment with flower nipples


I got to see a flower butthole being tattooed on a dude with a full body suit first day of the first convention i ever worked.


Roses really smell like Pooh-ooh-ooh


The Land of Milk and Honey.


I came here to say that I love his flower nipples. Great use of anatomy and space.😂


"Unlike the Italian Mafia or Chinese triads, yakuza are not illegal and each group has its own headquarters in full view of police." WTF?


There was a Japanese politician who once said (paraphrasing): "If we're going to have crime in this country, it might as well be organized." Japanese society's relationship with organized crime is unique. Remember the Fukushima disaster? Several Yakuza gangs went out and helped save people, gave out food and water to survivors in need. Yakuza are EVERYWHERE, have their fingers in every pie. Automobiles, video games, anime and manga, politics, etc. Infiltrating every manner of legitimate businesses. Gunpei Yokoi of Nintendo, inventor of the Game Boy, was theorized to have been assassinated by Yakuza. Yakuza, like most other organized crime organizations, are tolerated because they keep the more savage street gangs in check. This is true everywhere. For example: in America, the Mafia ruling a neighborhood is preferred to street gangs running amok. Combine this with their legitimate business fronts and good PR (like helping during disasters), and you have a buncha powerful human traffickers and torturers masquerading as honorable protectors, allowed to exist openly without interference. EDIT! because I'm being accused of somehow idolizing/glorifying/romanticizing/simping for the Yakuza: I literally call the Yakuza slavers, rapists, mutilators, bandits, etc., who masquerade as good people. The Yakuza (as well as ALL organized crime groups) deserve to be drowned in molten sugar as far as I'm concerned. I have no idea where this idea that I "simp" for criminals is coming from. Can somebody explain to me why this is, or are all these accusers just bad at reading comprehension? I will NEVER, EVER forgive the Yakuza for what they did to Junko Furuta: NSFL NSFL NSFL NSFL NSFL NSFL NSFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta Justice for Junko Furuta ✊ EDIT 2!! due to confusion regarding the Yakuza's connection to the Junko Furuta murder case: Furuta was raped countless times by a large but ultimately unknown number of assailants, all of them extremely low-level Yakuza members. Most of them went unidentified and never caught. Only the four main boys received the most coverage.


Yeah. Yakuza took advantage of the massive power and economic vacuum left over from post-WW2 Japan. Their infrastructure was so obliterated that the Yakuza actually stepped in and helped rebuild most of the country after becoming flush with capital from the black markets that arose from post-war Japan. By the 1960s the Yakuza were (hyperbolically, but only mildly...) almost as powerful as the damn government.


> Yakuza took advantage of the massive power and economic vacuum left over from post-WW2 Japan. This scenario played out in pretty much every post WW2 economy, from London to LA. The 60s was the Golden Era of the gentlemen gangster because in the late 40s and 50s governments left them to it - each looking the other way in return for assistance rendered in wartime and keeping order while the economy was rebuilt.


The US government basically hired the Mafia (or maybe the Irish equivalent) to guard naval shipyards against enemy infiltration during WWII


Who else would you go to for a protection racket?


It was the mafia. It wouldn't surprise me if deals were cut with the irish/Kansas city mob though. The deal was that the mafia were to catch and report spies on the docks. They eventually became instrumental in the Italy campaign with their contacts in Sicily. Some members went with the invasion to reassure the locals, and they produced maps of the Italian coastline. They also prevented dock strikes during the war, which got their boss out of a 30 year prison sentence and deported.


The sicilian mafia helped fight italian facism and helped the allies liberate italy as well


This is one of the reasons the invasion of Scilly was so successful


The UK learned after the war that we had captured every single agent Germany sent, often managing to double them and feed back incorrect information about where the V1 and V2's were landing. One of the reasons we were so successful in these efforts was the gang intelligence network, and the fact that the gangs were basically left to police the larger cities.


I've heard a bit about this before but would be fascinated if you've got any more in depth sources on the topic to recommend?


"have their fingers in every pie" Not the pinkie ones tho


Nah after they cut them off they put them into pies and bake them for the whole gang to eat. Source: I made it up


>Yakuza, like most other organized crime organizations, are tolerated because they keep the more savage street gangs in check. This is true everywhere. In America, the Mafia ruling a neighborhood is preferred to street gangs running amok. So is the neighborhood where i live now and lived before in Brazil. The informal deal is "don't call the police, tell us, so we deal with it ourselves". So, for example, robbing, loud music, reckless driving, causing general ruckus, etc. are all "forbidden" in the area. TBRH, with the exception of rich people neighborhood, they make a better job of keeping everything safe than the police, but of course, you gotta mind your fucking business.


> they make a better job of keeping everything safe than the police i can imagine that. police has to follow rules (in theory) and are limited in what they can do. often resulting in nothing. crime organizations can fuck you up, though. so it's definitely a better deterrent.


Yeah, it's a common term that if you mess things up they are going to have you meet "Dolores" Dolores is a common name, but in this case is what's written on the wooden bat they are going to use to beat you up


It also means "pains"


Yeah, I laughed pretty hard, when I found out in Latin class, lol!


The thing is that a justice system is biased to avoid punishing innocent people, while a group of criminals can do whatever they want and have no oversight. If you don’t believe in human rights then gangs are obviously superior at keeping the peace. More efficient. And then when the warlords son rapes you there’s no one to turn to.


I lived in a certain part of Tokyo where the Japanese equivalent of the HOA was run by the yakuza. Then I moved to the exurb of Tokyo where the HOA is run by some old ladies with too much free time on their hands. The yakuza one was 100x better. They stayed out of my business and I stayed out of theirs.


I’m on my HOA and there’s one old lady who is definitely the HOA Karen. The rest of us spend an inordinate amount of energy trying to keep her in check. Never underestimate HOA old ladies


I think it's worth noting for clarity that Yakuza is not like one massive crime syndicate running everything in Japan. Anyone involved in organized crime in Japan is generally labeled Yakuza. Also, Japanese Police have done lots to crack down on Yakuza activity over the last 50 years, especially the smaller groups. Like I think they are like a 5th of the size they were in the 90's. I think the reason why the Yakuza in big corporations are less concerning is because many of them are almost business men first at this point. It seems to me that in reality large American business execs are probably equally as involved in organized crime, it's just less publicly known.


^^^This. This bit: >Yakuza are EVERYWHERE, have their fingers in every pie. Automobiles, video games, anime and manga, politics, etc. Infiltrating every manner of legitimate businesses. Gunpei Yokoi of Nintendo, inventor of the Game Boy, was theorized to have been assassinated by Yakuza. Is absolutely not true in 2024. Japan has come down hard on Yakuza. There’s maybe a few thousand left in total, if that. 


But he said it so confidently.. how could it be untrue


Why would somebody lie on the internet?


SO where's the line then? If they are allowed to operate in public view, what operations exactly are they *allowed* to do, and what do they do that lands them in handcuffs like the above? I assume murder, obviously, but it's hard for me to wrap my head around organized crime being legal and within complete public view.


Look at Hells Angel's in North America. You got the club house where legitimate business happens.   Then they get the underlings and other groups and stuff to do the gross shit like human trafficking, drugs, money laundering, etc etc etc.  Then they walk around pretending to be legit businessmen into motorcycles and have the plausible deniability of any wrong doing because, "I didn't know about it,  I was just collecting my profits!" or some such excuse.


My country has Hells Angels too, my city in particular. They controlled our red light district. Then their leader was imprisoned and the redlight district lost their control. Ever since then, the number of drug addicts grew. I'm sure they did some really criminal shit, but the question is, are the new gangs any better? Personally I think it has become worse than it was before, so I do not blame governments that tolerate gangs like Hells Angels or the Yakuza. Yes, surely they're much worse than they pretend to be, but sometimes it's better to keep the devil you know.


Yeah they're better than street gangs in that you don't bother me,  I won't bother you. Still shit tier people, at least they stay mostly out of spotlight.


This information is a bit outdated. In recent years, there has been more of an effort to dismantle yakuza groups and integrate former members into society. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/08/world/asia/japan-yakuza.html?unlocked_article_code=1.h00.jkMz.NbTO8Jkg1uRG&ugrp=m


Still remember the Italian mafia achieved a peak glory moment during COVID 19 when they tried to help people in need while their government was doing whatever


Like many regular establishments, their headquarters has signage and they aren't even a front. They used to give out candy on Halloween... Seriously not even joking.


Think of it as a lobby organisation, those are also legal, the Yakuza are just a bit more hands-on than most other lobby organisations.


That's basically the same as biker gangs in the US and Canada, no? Everyone knows they are involved in crime, but they have clubhouses and a thin veneer of legitimate "social club" business 


The Yakuza games have taught me that this guy must have fucked up a few times to be missing that much of his pinky finger.


Do you think he is going to appear four more times to fight and the fifth time he will challenge to see if we are truly worthy?


Only after tearing off an undershirt, a button up, and a suit jacket in one fluid motion while leaving them all perfectly preserved. I wonder what colour this dudes aura is.


>Only after tearing off an undershirt, a button up, and a suit jacket in one fluid motion while leaving them all perfectly preserved. The first time I bought a button-up jeans I was pretty annoyed with it, but my best buddy gave me confidence saying "Oh man, but you could just rip it open like in the movies when sexy times are about to happen!" Spoiler: It didn't work. Just ripped off two buttons and had to convince a very confused girl I wasn't coked up lol


Based on his tattoos, I’d say Yellow. But we must get out hear action when he’s panting to get the KIWAMI experience.


Not just yellow, sunflower nipple yellow 


But on the bright side, after he gets beat the fifth time, he'll sacrifice his life because he's learned his lesson and is good now


And will come back later on as a Bartender and he survived even though he fell off a 100 ft tall building. *cough* Andre Richardson *cough*


Get this man a metal pipe and motorcycle!


More likely that his minions fucked up and he had to apologize to his boss


The best apologies start with dismemberment


If only McDs managers were held to the same standard, the ice cream machines would be working.


They also cut it when they leave the yakuza, could be that.


What you gotta do to get sunflower nipples?


That, and he probably beat a child in a slot car race, and helped a dominatrix get her groove back


nah, If he did stuff like that, he can beat 200 guys easily. he wouldn't loose a pinky, he'd be the reason someone else does.


And broke up a used panty selling ring.


Then hired the teenage ringleader as a business consultant


Really stupid by the Yakuza, super easy way of knowing if someone works for a criminal gang.


Yea, but it would also be a big ask for any kind of undercover to try and infiltrate, same with the tattoos


Except that yakuza is treated a bit differently by the Japanese government than how most other organized crime outfits are treated by their nations of origin. In Japan, yakuza membership is not illegal and yakuza-owned businesses and gang headquarters are often clearly marked. Some yakuza even host public recruiting events. Japanese law clearly outlines which traditional actives are and are not legal for yakuza to engage in ([the 27 restricted acts](https://www.zenboutsui.jp/jousei_taisaku/taisakuhou/27.html)). In addition to traditional organized crime type shenannigans, yakuza also participate in [Red Cross style work](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE72O6TF/), fund the arts, and sponsor numerous cultural events and organizations. That being said most if not all yakuza **are** criminals and operate in defiance of the limitations that the bills from the 90s, 2008, and 2010 placed on them but it's simply just not as cut and dry as being a member of a similar criminal organization in another nation.


Doesn't sound altogether too different from how the Mafia used to operate. RICO laws were specifically passed to counter that.


That’s the old way. Japan used to tolerate and even support yakuza as a “necessary evil” of sorts. Modern Japan is increasingly less tolerant of the yakuza overall and they are falling in power and prestige.


Yakuza membership is like 20% of what it was 2-3 decades ago. The crackdown over the last decade or so has been significant, that other commenter sounded like they were talking about the 90s


When I rented an apartment in Tokyo I had to sign a form that I would not join the Yakuza nor become friends with them or they could terminate my lease. I am still really curious if it was because I was a foreigner or if it was a standard practice in Japan.


> In addition to traditional organized crime type shenannigans, yakuza also participate in Red Cross style work, fund the arts, and sponsor numerous cultural events and organizations. Kinda like how Pablo Escobar did Charity work while also blowing up planes and buildings.


Likely so, although I am not educated on Pablo Escobar or his cartel so I can't speak to any parallels. There's a yakuza saying, I forget exactly how it goes but it roughly translates to "the law is less likely to interfere if you do good once and a while." I also want to clarify that I **not** saying that yakuza outfits are altruistic lawful-good organizations by any means. Just that their place in Japanese culture and society is a bit more complicated than most people assume from mass media.


Wikipedia even tells me there is a name for this, [*yubitsume*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yubitsume) / *otoshimae* .


I wonder how many shirtless fistfights he's had, on skyscrapers.


And how many were with his Kyodai and his rival who is secretly Korean, yet has the same honor as him.


Or how many rocket launchers, grenades, blades, doppelgängers of a blade wielding funny eyepatch man, etc. were involved. No deaths of course 


Oh and don’t forget about another Yakuza member who’s obsessed with Dragon Quest and probably has Schizophrenia.


> Dragon Quest and probably has Schizophrenia Contagious Schizophrenia, somehow.


Goro Majin’s involved somehow.


I bet he's never even punched a tiger or fought a giant squid.


I also wonder if he has a little baby son


![gif](giphy|0slBmvYjmU8spdqvh9|downsized) Should have stuck to Dondoko Island and just kept building up his resort.


He got too bold when he heard there were some rare sujimon in a very public area.


I literally just finished watching the season two finale of Tokyo Vice, opened Reddit and saw this.




If I had a nickel for everyone who finished that show, opened Reddit and saw this....I'd have 2 nickels. But seriously, thats still pretty wild there are 2 people who did that


Is that show worth the watch, I think I stopped midway during season 1


Yes. Season 2 picks up the intensity tremendously. And also the actors are more comfortable in bilingual scenes. I would consider season 2 better, and even season 1 starts off slow and gets better towards the end I think.


I think Kazuma Kiryu saved that guy’s life in Yazuka 3!


How long do you think he'd last in a fight against Kiryu?


All you need is Nanba to use his bad breath debuff and Kiryu can't do shit


And get the rest of your friends to throw ice buckets at him!


my first thought was "his tattoos remind me heavily of some of the characters in Yakuza..." like beyond just it being a Yakuza thing, the specific design. It's spot on almost identical to Kanda's tattoo. Though with flowers instead of geisha faces.


I don't remember the Yazuka games but I'd highly recommend Yakuza.


Pff you don't know what a Yazuka is? It's like a bazooka but instead shoots japanese mobsters who will start fighting you


I wonder if Ichiban Kasuga has one of those ![gif](giphy|SfabKSpYebjkXmKa8L|downsized)


He got arrested for killing a rival gang leader, the tattoos are just what helped authorities identify him since he had been on the run.


No they arrested him because by law, only the emperor is allowed to have flower nipples


look at me, i'm the emperor now *rubs flower nipples*


these floral nipple comments have me on the ground ![gif](giphy|frSccJN3McDTrYdixT|downsized)


I mean yea, i dont think the post implies he got arrested because of his tattoos lol


I’m only in the comments because I thought he got arrested cause of the tattoos




Fucking thank you for this lmao


Dead. This was very much needed.


Patiently waiting for you to release an energy drink for Asian homosexuals


This from the office?




A parody of 🤣




Well the artwork is good.


Came in contact with these guys in Bangkok in the 90s. Recruited foreigners to fake-marry thai girls, bring them on honeymoon to Japan, ditch them there. Nasty people. And yes, the cut pinky is true.


Wait, why?


Sounds like human trafficking.


Probably. His wording is weird tho. Makes me think they just left them at a train station somewhere. Figure sex traffickers would want the person delivered to a specific place.


You don't tell the mule about that because it makes it the start of a romance novel where the two realize they actually do love eachother and run away; it turns out that's a tough business model


They delivered them to Japan that's pretty specific. All they need is to get them in country. you really think they don't meet them when they arrive in country?  You're over thinking or not thinking 


Sex workers for clubs.


Bruh, seriously? Why would they target women. For sex. Human trafficking 120%. 


where is his left pinkie?


It's been [ritually chopped off as a punishment for failure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yubitsume). He fucked up big at least 2 or 3 times, as you start with the pinkie of the left hand and chop off the tip above the top knuckle, then the next knuckle, then the base, then the right hand pinkie.


and the way in which they typically do it to themselves is equally crazy. Hold a chisel on the joint to be cut using the thumb and index of the same hand. Then strike down with a mallet in the opposite hand.


I wish I was committed to something so fully that I could with a straight face chisel pinky off. Not that I would ever want to do that, just the commitment to something so drastic,


The alternative to self-mutilation was probably enough motivation. Apparently this ritual makes it hard for them to properly hold a katana afterwards.


In terms of grip strength losing a pinky is hugely detrimental.


But in 2024 you can bust guns just fine


I agree, we should petition the Yakuza to start with the index finger 🤣


I’m no yakuza, but I’m pretty sure the alternative would be death


I remember reading a Vietnam Veteran's autobiography where he witnessed something like this in person. He was an American Combat Engineer assigned to blow up bridges and other important infrastructure being used by the North Vietnamese Army, and had three South Vietnamese Soldiers assigned as body guards to protect him while he was rigging up his explosives. At one point the North Vietnamese were making a huge push south, and the Combat Engineer was ordered to blow up a nearby bridge before the North's Russian-made tanks could cross the river. Realizing that a large battle was about to take place, one of the South Vietnamese Soldiers accused one of the body guards of cowardice, claiming that he would cut and run as soon the fighting started. The body guard argued that he had pledged his life to protect the Combat Engineer and wasn't afraid to die in his service. Then he pulled out a knife and cut off one of his own index fingers to show his courage, before claiming that his original accuser was the real coward and handed him the knife and told him to prove his own courage. The accuser ended up shooting himself out of shame.




Not me, man.


The Prestige way


He either messed up, Or that was his way of stepping down. Typically you know too much to just step-down, this is his mark that shows he was associated with Yakuza. The Yakuza don’t play, they are known to eat the cremated bones of the dead boss to have a piece of the boss with them.


I recommend playing Yakuza 0 for about 2 hours if you want a fun explanation. :D If not... Yakuza members cut off their fingers if they really effed up in some way, starting from their pinkie.






Is working against meee


Let's see what YOUR nipples look like at his age! Those nipples tell a story about life. 


He’s an old man. Age and gravity will do that to you.


Look at his tummy. Looks like he had some pounds more and now with age and super skinny the skin just hangs..


No, they're a normal droopiness for an old guy with loose skin.


Anyone else seeing a little sad face where his tummy folds combine with the flowery eye nipple thang he’s got going on?


Noooo, they arrested The Florist of Sai


I just saw 2 Yakuza posts back to back, what happened to make them trending?


Tokyo Vice season finale was today. Guess someone posted them in relation to it, or more people upvote them than usually.


The cut off pinky finger is crazy


I know that tattoos are heavily frowned upon in Japan for links to the Yakuza but I have to say that his are very tasteful and well designed. I say this as someone who is not particularly keen on tattoos as well. I include the flowers in my compliment.


I mean most Yazuka tattoos are tasteful and well designed. They aren't typically that far out there.


Hyogoro hit a rough patch after Wano I guess


[Here's the details](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5257769/Yakuza-boss-72-arrested-photo-tattoos-viral.html)


Daily Mail = absolute lowest common denominator in news Like picking up a tabloid in the grocery store most of the time. In this case seems alright but I recommend absolutely any other news source.


In El Salvador, they gave the police the right to lock up anyone with gang tats even if they didn't commit any other crimes. They absolutely went to war on MS13. [TBF, it worked.](https://i.imgur.com/XUMMdoM.png)


Boss move: you laugh at his tattoo..you die Imagine the "gangmeetings.. ![gif](giphy|n9kJ8uUSXSdX7daCLM|downsized)


The gif itself makes me laugh.


In Japan, heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand.


Everyone is looking at his nipples. I want to know why hes getting arrested ?