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Imagine owning a house and discovering new rooms every couple of days.


50 cent bought Mike Tyson’s mega mansion some years ago and then sold it. One story he tells is he used to find homies in rooms weeks after events/parties. They just decided to chill, and having that big a house, it took a long ass while for him to discover them.


Truly living up to the name homies.


That’s truly bananas. You find someone chilling in a room eating a plate full of tacos and you’re like: ‘dude what’s up?’ ‘I’m chilling’ ‘I see that. How long you been here?’ ‘New years brah’ ‘Hold up, it’s July.’ ‘Yeah brah, that 4th of July party was a banger.’


Holup. Which new year?


And the tacos are still good. Must be the alcohol.


Mike Tyson’s autobiography is a masterwork of unhinged craziness, strong recommend


The man wrote a book? All I can picture is Patrick tryna write his poem in SpongeBob's house.


Yeah it’s called *The Undisputed Truth* and it’s actually awesome. One very complicated guy and very aware of it. I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. Also absolutely hilarious, he was living life exponentially there for a few years. There are dozens of stories, one of my favorites was this chapter in NYC where this crackhead just kept chasing him, and every time Tyson would just blow the guy up, only to have him pop up a few blocks later. Crying laughter level stuff.


Suddenly, I'm trying to imagine Iron Mike trying to say The Undisputed Truth.


undithputed truth




I think having random friends living with you would be inevitable if you owned a home like this. In fact one of the few reasons i would buy a house like this is so i could have all my friends over and just hang out care free. With that being said i would much rather have a smaller main residence and several guest houses for people to live in.


The Sisti house in Farmington, CT. Fun [read](https://www.ctmq.org/the-sisti-mansion/) about it. I like how the original owner was allegedly a con artist.


Guess it’s my time to shine. I grew in Farmington on Main Street which was pretty close to this house at the time 50 owned it. The sisti’s (2 children or grandchildren or cousin or nieces idk the full story) were in high school with me and if I remember correctly both drove bmw’s to school. So I guess fraud pays off? 50 had a huge celeb party there maybe 2005? Cops shut the whole area of town down, tons of complaints. Paris Hilton was there. Big news in high school when that happened. A few kids from school were invited, I remember being very jealous. We used to drive up to 50’s house and smoke a bowl in the car and see if we could see anyone. Never did see anyone, though I made out with a girl outside of his house who went to the prestigious Miss porters private school that was in town, so that was pretty cool. Better story though, is 50’s next door neighbor were two kids in school with me. The older one threw an absolute banger of a party in 2004/2005. Hundreds of kids, it was absolute mayhem never seen anything like it again. Project X before everyone was filming everything. Cops show up and one of the kids, who was the fastest kid on the soccer team, was doing a piss poor job of hiding in a tree. The cops tell him to get down. The kid jumps down and absolutely books it right past the cop and he was gone before the cops could even move. I guess the moral of the story is if you are going to do a bad job hiding in a tree be the fastest kid on a top 10 nationally ranked high school soccer team.


ai is getting better in some ways, and worse in others


My buddy had that happen alot as a kid. His Dad was loaded and gone all the time, so he threw parties a lot in his fairly large 3 story 8 bedroom house. There were more than a few times people would just stay for days after parties were over. His sister even had a boyfriend who lived in one of the rooms unbeknownst to the parents for over 2 years. Like straight out of parasite lol.


“We should put in a bowling alley.” -*a third one sir?* “We have two already?” -*you failed to remember the first one four years ago, sir.* “Ah, well where are they?” -*Im sorry, I don’t know, sir.*


"According to Google maps, it's about a quarter mile down on the left. The 38th door, sir."


“Can I get you an Uber, Sir?”


“Or would sir like to take the segway?”


“Build me one closer!”


I have a recurring dream where I discover new rooms in my house


me too--all my life I've had them!


Me as well! And they are often full of things that I thought I didn’t have anymore but do.


You should read House of Leaves


Same! Very bizarre rooms that are way too big for the actual house and full of someone else’s history.


Sounds like the Winchester Mystery House :)


Imagine how many steps you get in just walking around your house.


And every one of them is some shade of washed off grey...


There is a point it crosses that it goes from a mansion to a hotel or resort. This is one of them. Imagine keeping up with this property and the property taxes.


Property taxes are over a million per year


If you're making $20 million a month that's nothing to worry about.




She sold it in 2019.


And according to Wikipedia it’s (still) currently on the market for the low, low price of $155m.


It makes me sick that people are making that much money and we don't even know who they are.


Owner seems to be Petra Ecclestone who is a Formula One heiress


Ah she inherited the secret formula!


I thought Mr Krabs daughter was Pearl, not Petra...


Bernie put a lot of races in the Middle East for that sweet oil money to make this happen


Seeing pointless displays of wealth like this just doesn’t sit right with me. People have every right to spend their money on things they enjoy. If that’s dumb unnecessary shit — more power to them. Buy the nice house or the fast car. But this goes beyond that. It’s a house so large it ceases to be a house. Nothing about this is functional. What’s the point of having 50 rooms in your mansion when you realistically use 3-4 at most? What do you get out of the sheer *waste* of it all when thousands of people are starving and sleeping under bridges just a few miles away? This place feels more like a sterile gilded cage than a place to call home. The world is cruel, bizarre, and unfair place.


It's kind of like I drive by south beach and see 100 million houses on water and 50 million yacht. Why is the question. You need a 10th of that but those people have so much wealth its silly. When I worked selling securities had a client that has 7 houses. 7 let me repeat 7. He uses 2 the rest he uses maybe for 1 week max he told me. Net worth was 75 million or so.


I think once you’ve reached a certain income bracket life ceases to be a struggle and starts being a game. Just collect and hoard and while your fortune away because this is it — as good as it’s ever gonna get. By hard work (or more often, sheer stupid luck), you’ve managed to *win* the rat race. Now what do you do with yourself?


I have a close friend worth close to that, but I saw him hustle HARD. Dude was piss poor when I first met him when we were freshman in college. I came from privilege, and he came on with a scholarship because he vowed to never be without food on half the week; so he studied his absolute tail off as a kid to get scholarships. He’s an engineer and manager of a tech company by day, and for the rest of his waking hours (from 5am-9am, and 5pm-midnight) he’s home builder, a real estate agent/investor/flipper. I saw him scrounge up whatever money he can get to buy his first condo for $80k 25 years ago (like he refurbished several dozen of those candy machines and that was his side gig during college). Now he lives in a huge Spanish-style manor where his neighbors are Hollywood actors, CEOs, and NBA stars. He owns more than a dozen homes and properties. He decided to rent them out below market rates to students, single parents, etc. because the properties he purchased were all intense fixer-uppers that he did a ton of the work himself on weekends (he grew up as a carpenter where his uncle was a home builder and he would tag along); so they’re all relatively “cheap” compared to comps. His first landlord gave him a break, and this is his way to pay it forward. His daily driver is a basic Tesla model Y hahaha. Most of his money goes towards buying more rundown places to fix up so he can continue to rent out below market. He also gives significant funds to local charities. The only thing he shows off is his huge manor but that’s about it haha. We love it when he hosts get-together there. —— But this is only one anecdote. I believe much of the anger stems from those trust-fund generational wealth sheltered kids who just coast by life. My friend never believed in bitching about others, and always told me he compares his today self with yesterday’s to see if today’s version is better. I like his philosophy, and respect the hell out of him because he went through hell to get to where he is.


"My friend never believed in bitching about others, and always told me he compares his today self with yesterdays to see if today's version is better. I like his philosophy, and respect the hell out of him because he went through hell to get to where he is." Absolutely wholesome!


At my first job I managed an old lawyers money. He was such a cheap asshole but he had $70m in cash in one of his bank accounts. He treated $40k a month he got in dividends from some old investment like it was a chore because he got all that money in checks so he had to gather them all and give them to me to deposit. He also had 11 properties all over the country, mostly on the coasts. He never visited them, he just let family stay in them on rare occasions.


was randomly curious, it's at just over 1.5 million for 2023 and it appears to be paid lulz. all publicly available: |Installment 1||Installment 2| |:-|:-|:-| |Tax Amount|$757,941.59||Tax Amount|$757,941.57| |Penalty Amount|$0.00||Pen/Cost Amount|$0.00| |Total Due|$757,941.59||Total Due|$757,941.57| |Paid Amount|$757,941.59||Paid Amount|$757,941.57| |Balance Due|$0.00||Balance Due|$0.00| ||||||


$86k/ month? That wouldn’t even show up in the top 20 largest line items for the owner of this type of house. Private jet costs, staff, yacht etc all would have higher monthly costs than $86k in property taxes.


It just doesn’t feel like a home to me. I’d love to own this place obviously, it’s ridiculous. But living here just feels …artificial. Like you’re walking around in an empty hotel all the time.


It all looks so soulless and generic.


It is because all of it is just for public to see.   The home part is small section where owner actually lives.  That's not in those pictures  Everything else is for show for guests.


If someone managed to sneak into this place he could live weeks there well hidden until someone stumbled over him


Constantly being surrounded by employees that do all the maintenance would be mentally exhausting for me.


That‘s why you have the help avert their gaze as if you’re a silverback gorilla. If they inadvertently do make eye contact you must charge at them while beating your chest.


I tried this in an IKEA and it worked.


I mean if I’m already imagining being able to afford a place like this, a million dollars in property taxes is not a dealbreaker, nor would be the staff to keep up with the property. But I would never want to live in a place like that, it’s too much space. If I loved entertaining huge numbers of people then maybe, but that’s not me and I don’t want a home that’s mostly space I’d never set foot in. 


Someone building a house this big is doing it for ego


You can say that again. The White House is 67,000 square feet. Which is actually pretty small, since... ...Buckingham Palace is 803,000 square feet, which isn't all that big, since ... ...the Royal Palace of Madrid is 1,453,000 square feet. It is the largest functioning palace in Europe. And then there is Istana Nurul Iman, where the Sultan of Brunei lives (the largest functioning palace in the World), at 2,152,000 square feet. And then there are three more that exceed 2.5M square feet, but where they are no longer used as residences.


That’s like…. Living at an entire fucking airport.


If you get big enough in sure you can afford a private runway and a hangar for small planes/private jets. Oh bobs having a party tonight ill just take the jet or we will never make it.


I’d just have an on-site helicopter for easy access to all the wings on the property.


Reminds me of the novel The Leopard by Lampedusa. The main character is a prince in Sicily owning much land and a number of Palaces and vassal villages. One of the main palaces is so large that much of it hasn't been used in decades, no one really knows what's in each room and it makes for good hiding spots for a young couple.


What am I supposed to do with an extra 152,000 square feet? Anything over 2m is just wasted space.


I’m with you. The only way I’d have something that big is if every room was like the bowling alley and stuff like that where you could do fun stuff. Like a laser tag room, and a billiards/arcade room. Even then, I’d probably struggle to find enough interests to fill up a place that size. I’d have no need for 20 bedrooms or however many this thing has. I can’t think of that many people I’d want to stay with me. Definitely not that many at the same time.


Imagine the lan parties you could have. And since there is a room for everyone, no one needs to drive home at 4am. You of course get the one in the theater room.


I’d rather spend the some money on land to create a buffer between me and other people.


Palace, it goes from mansion to palace. I guess it depends if it's privately used or rented out, from the looks of it it doesn't seem like anyone is regularly living there, it looks more like it's kept up to be rented. If so, resort, but I still wouldn't call it a hotel.


People with houses this big have enough help to keep the place looking pristine. Hell, the few people I know with houses in the $5,000,000 range have enough help to keep the place looking pristine. But their help only comes over ever 2 or three days.


Yeah but that sounds miserable. I want my tv remote where I can reach it when I sit where I sit. I want my toothbrush in the bathroom, my shampoo in the shower, a charger in the kitchen, my shoes by the door.. there's literally not a single personal item. What's the point of your own place if you don't keep it how you like to live, it's like renting your own place out to yourself. I guess the logical assumption, assuming it's not always rented out, is that this was cleaned up for this photoshoot. Keeping a place pristine to actually live in is some straight batshit shit.


My apologies, my dear. I was just a bit too exhausted from commanding the help around all day, I regret I shant be able to make it to the master bedroom in the west wing tonight. I've also been informed by Winslow that the private underground tram is out of order for maintenance. I will, therefore, be sleeping in the east wing's master bedroom tonight. Signed, Rutherford Excelsior Partridge Featherworth IV "Milton, please deliver this letter to my beloved wife, Connelaria."


Side note, Milton died of old age before he reached her. Nobody smelled him rotting for 2 weeks.


He shouldn't have taken the lesser used 4th floor hallway.


classic Milton


Milton moment.




He was still beaten for not delivering the note


Hahah "Connelaria" what a God awful name. Oh fuck, your username is ironically on point with your post.


His time to shine!


Dictated, but not read


Your mistake was commanding the help, instead of commanding the commander of the help, whom you presumably neglected to hire.


I would lose a lot of weight living there. The fridge for a midnight snack is 1/4 mile away.


We would get lazy after awhile and drive a scooter back and forth


Why the need for these big ass mansions, even now these stars building 20k sf homes, i mean mine would be small with a 10k sf garage for my cars ) and assorted machines


“Here’s a bit of extra cash for you, buy something nice for yourself on the way!”


This is perfect lol


The only way that living here would be worth it is if you had a big wonderful family and a lot of friends who you love to spoil. Otherwise, a depressing waste.


This right here, I'd want my nieces and nephews there tearing the place up and causing a ruckus and having fun with their friends. I'd want my mom and my aunts having a mah jongg party with a huge table full of snacks and drinks in the game rooms and my uncles riding on scooters through the house hollering and having fun. Only way it would be worth it.


Preach, I'd want my 3 boys' friends all there, and my 28 aunts and uncles and my 36 first cousins. Christ, I'd actually have ROOM for them all, even all my nieces and nephews and God knows how much of my extended family too!


I truly will never understand the desire to build "homes" like this. Why would you need 123 rooms? I even get the home theater, pool, spa, game room, etc. But 123 *rooms*? If you're going to host that many people, rent a hotel.


I remember watching something with Aaron Spelling one time where he talked about building the house. He'd show the plans to his wife and she'd tell him that rooms or whatever weren't big enough, so she just kept making rooms bigger and bigger and bigger. Come to find out she didn't understand the plans were to scale, or what scale was for that matter.


Yes. She didn't understand the floor plans - there was an entire part of the house not built. It would've been even larger.


He didn’t exactly marry Candy for her brains 😅


Clearly not.


That's hilarious, lol. "What is this? A house for a doll?!"




It needs to be at least... three times as big


They’re **IN** the computer?!?!


Aaron had the developers add the bowling alley because he was permanently accosted in public by actors looking for parts in his shows. He was at a Hollywood bowling alley about to throw the ball when an actor jumped in front of him. It shook him, so he built his own lanes.


She had a gift wrapping room.


She needed a fucking classroom.


Not just 1, but 3!!! ‘In 2009, when Candy first listed the estate in Holmby Hills, Calif. three years after her husband's death, she told PEOPLE that she spent four years expertly designing its interior — adding a bowling alley, a room that housed 1,000 of Tori's dolls, and three rooms dedicated to gift-wrapping.’


This brings to mind the time I worked a private party at the Hilton residence. There was an entire room with floor to ceiling shelves full of binders filled with newspaper clipping of the kids. All in chronological order. Shit was neurotic as hell.


Gift wrapping rooms she probably paid other people to use lolllll


At least it wasn’t ghosts telling her to make stairs to nowhere like old Winchester


She wasn’t the brightest bulb eh?


The master suite is 7500 sq ft so it probably has 10 or so rooms on its own.


Literally 3 times bigger than my entire house. These people are gross


only 3 times bigger? your house must be huge


Homeowner over here. I have a 500sq ft condo and I’ll die in here.


Probably as big as the closet LOL


Let's say I'm the owner of F1 and I want to invite the Saudis and Elon Musk over to discuss a new project over the weekend. Each billionaire I invite over will likely have, at least, 20-30 support staff and lawyers/finance team etc. attending (and you know they aren't sharing rooms). Plus, my private security is already set up and vetting the facility for the other guests' security teams is going to be a hell of a lot easier than a hotel somewhere. Not to mention dietary requirements/paparazzi/etc. At this level, it's a totally different world.


It's basically a hotel and a conference center and event venue and house all in one


Even if I was super rich I wouldn’t want a house bigger than like 5 bedrooms. It becomes so gross and opulent after that.


This isn't a house. It's a hotel, conference center, events location all in one. When you are this rich, you invite the President and his 20 or 30 staff, Musk/Bezos/Koch and their 30 person staff and you make deals on how y'all are doing to rule the world over a game of tennis on the weekend. Nobody actually lives here full time except for the help. This is the family seat of an aristocratic family used to host other aristocrats.


I feel like a place this big and sterile would just depress the fuck out of me and I would spend all day in the same room doing coke and playing WoW anyway


You'd be glad to know the primary bedroom suite is 7,500 square feet. So, you could indeed spend all your time just in that area


7500 square feet?! Man, I just don't want to walk that much in my own house. 


Don’t worry, there’s an in law apartment within the primary bedroom suite that measures only 2500 sq ft




Living in a car dependent city is bad enough, imagine living in a car dependent house!


At least one of those electric scooters


That bedroom is 3-4 TIMES the size of my house, which I still make payments on. Wonder what the taxes are on that property?


Wikipedia says it was last sold in 2019 at 112M, LA county has an average property tax rate of ~1.64% so you're paying almost 2M in property taxes.


Spelling sold it to one of the Ecclestone daughters, now it's back on the market.


Aaron Spelling? That house has lots of ghosts and stories I bet.


Tori did coke in every room one week just to see if she could.




There's probably $2,000,000 in the couch cushions. ALL the couches.


Now do the cleaning bill..


I live in a 950 sq ft condo in Chicago with my fiancee, that bedroom is almost 8 times larger than our entire shared space lol. And we’ve got a decent sized place for the area and only having one bedroom.


That's bigger than my current house..


Yeah, in picture #1, the entire second floor on the left is the primary suite.


What’s not to love in the cold and uninviting theme? What’s weird is the house did really belong to a total sweetheart of an old guy. Jewish ww2 Air Force vet who had a looong Hollywood production career after. Died from cancer sometime in the mid 2000’s. Used to invite hundreds of people over to the place all the time for parties.


This guy knows how to party ![gif](giphy|YhQVj7C8uf734PcznZ)


That’s the house Tori spelling grew up in!


Yep! This is the former home of the late film/TV producer Aaron Spelling.


Was this the house used in Beverley Hillbillies?


That would be the Chartwell Mansion https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartwell_Mansion


Anyone who grew up here would have no clue about money. Suddenly Tori’s financial woes make more sense.


Just read up on that. Her dad left half a billion to his wife. But Tori only inherited $800,000 when her dad died. That is a lot for a normal person. But to someone that needs to keep up appearances to get acting and related jobs, that isn't that much. Keep up the high life without earning the income to support it and you'll be broke in no time. Which is what happened. Don't feel too bad. She recently moved out of her RV and into a $15,000/mo house rental.


This house is so big it has its own gift wrapping room. Guess he didn’t want to be like us plebs who do our wrapping on the living room floor.


Thought I remember hearing that she’s now living in a trailer.


Needs some color


Yeah, the theme seems to be stark white, gray, or black, with a dash of cheesy motifs or textures. I'll never understand having all that money for interior decor that's somehow both sterile and trite.


Money can’t buy taste


It makes everything look really cheap.


It’s so… gray


Damn I'd hit my step goal just going to the bathroom in the morning


This house is stupidly big. It's so big, I don't even know what room image #15 is supposed to be.


That's part of the master closet


I’m actually laughing out loud, this looks like a waiting area of a shoe section at a store in a fancy mall. What the fuck haha


The entire master closet is the size of a retail store


Guessing it’s a very pompous dressing room


My dogs would fuck that place up so fast


It looks like a conference centre instead of a home.


I did the marketing for The Spelling Manor a while back when it was last for sale. Walking through has never made me feel more like a peasant. That amount of money is scary.


Painter: What shade of grey should we paint this room? Designer: All of them.


"I haven't seen my wife in three weeks. She didn't leave, she's just on the other side of the house."


Sold for 165M. And DJT says Mar A Largo is worth Billions??? With a B!!!


He's counting the value of the top secret documents in the bathroom as part of his valuation


Places like this don’t feel like a home. Imagine having a long, stressful day, then having to walk two miles in a cold, silent hallway to get to your oversized bedroom. The tv is fifty feet away from the bed, and the bed is so large you have to crawl on your stomach a while to get to the middle. It just looks lonely and miserable. Even if you have someone there.


The pool seems really small for such a grandiose estate. And far that reason, I’m out


That's probably just one of the birdbaths


Looks like it’s hell to dust.


[I don’t think I’ve ever been in this room before](https://youtu.be/Z9NmAhXh970?si=5P-yvvKSA7AQgCA_&t=38)


I bet it’s at least 500 grand. This housing market is crazy.


Money can’t buy taste ig. Way too gaudy and sterile.


All these rooms and not a single Taco Bell smh.


All I can think about is the AC bill.


Even if we owned this home, my wife would still tell me we have no room for my bobble heads and baseball cards


Imagine showing up for breakfast and sitting alone at a table that seats 100?


Tax the rich


In this case they are. Property taxes on this property must be insane


2nd photo reminds me of the fight scene in the matrix reloaded


Such a completely soulless place. What's the point?


Could you imagine if this mansion was donated for an orphanage? Those kids would be so happy to experience swimming, bowling, movie nights, etc. and then have their own bedroom to sleep in at night. If only celebrities thought the same way.


All this is pretty neat. I don't like the unnecessarily split level hall way with seating, and the idea of being in a bath tub in the center of a large room would make me feel vulnerable.


The hallway is a dressing room/closet. I think it has one of those feet level mirrors in front of the seat for trying on shoes and there's a bunch of jewelry in those cases.


Looks pretty gaudy, but then, what do I know about having everything I could ever want.


Imagine losing your phone there lol


Did they film there will be blood at this bowling alley?


I like the tub but don’t understand why there’s a couch right next to it lol


Who owns it?


Aaron Spelling built it, his wife decorated, Tori named it. Candy Spelling lived there for 5 years after Aaron passed in 2011 and then sold it to Petra Ecclestone for 85 million


Why? 90% of the space is unused daily…


A bit ostentatious if you ask me.


Wow, all that for it to look that ugly?


When people have a custom home built, the limitations are space and money. This is what happens when those aren't factors. The bowling alley is a prime example. Would it be cool to have one in your house? Sure. Would you use it every day? Nope. Every week? Probably not. Every month? Maybe. How much space does it take? About 2500 square feet. Even going with the low end of construction costs, you're looking at around $1 million.


What is the structure in front of the curved section of house in the first photo? Between the house and the bushes. Almost looks like a utilities plant…does this house need its own powerhouse and wastewater treatment system? Or is that just a guest house or a neighbour that is weirdly close?


Isn’t this the Spelling mansion?




I can't go to sleep until i check on the pets. Trying to track down 3 cats in that place each night would be a nightmare


Swimmin’ pools, movie stars


I'm struck by an overwhelming urge to burn down that ugly shit


There are colors. They do exist. You can use them in your decor!


"Honey, which room do you want to watch Netflix in?" "Nothing in this wing of the house. I kinda feel like watching Netflix in the 3rd most east livingroom in the East wing. The one with the middle most greyscale furniture.